path: root/src/bin.rs
blob: 7d6b745e0ac83372ed83ea98571fcad955a1cb00 (plain) (tree)




















































































extern crate core;

use std::fs::File;
use std::sync::{Mutex, Condvar};
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::mem::transmute;
use std::process::exit;
use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};

extern crate sdl2;
#[macro_use] extern crate clap;

use clap::{Arg, App};

mod utils;
mod memory;
#[macro_use] mod mos6502;
mod ppu;
mod apu;
mod cartridge;
mod mapper;
mod controller;
mod disasm;

use mos6502::CPU;
use ppu::PPU;
use apu::APU;
use memory::{CPUMemory, PPUMemory};
use cartridge::{BankType, MirrorType, Cartridge};
use controller::{InputPoller, stdctl};

const RGB_COLORS: [u32; 64] = [
    0x666666, 0x002a88, 0x1412a7, 0x3b00a4, 0x5c007e, 0x6e0040, 0x6c0600, 0x561d00,
    0x333500, 0x0b4800, 0x005200, 0x004f08, 0x00404d, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000,
    0xadadad, 0x155fd9, 0x4240ff, 0x7527fe, 0xa01acc, 0xb71e7b, 0xb53120, 0x994e00,
    0x6b6d00, 0x388700, 0x0c9300, 0x008f32, 0x007c8d, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000,
    0xfffeff, 0x64b0ff, 0x9290ff, 0xc676ff, 0xf36aff, 0xfe6ecc, 0xfe8170, 0xea9e22,
    0xbcbe00, 0x88d800, 0x5ce430, 0x45e082, 0x48cdde, 0x4f4f4f, 0x000000, 0x000000,
    0xfffeff, 0xc0dfff, 0xd3d2ff, 0xe8c8ff, 0xfbc2ff, 0xfec4ea, 0xfeccc5, 0xf7d8a5,
    0xe4e594, 0xcfef96, 0xbdf4ab, 0xb3f3cc, 0xb5ebf2, 0xb8b8b8, 0x000000, 0x000000,

const PIX_WIDTH: u32 = 256;
const PIX_HEIGHT: u32 = 240;
const FB_PITCH: usize = PIX_WIDTH as usize * 3;
const FB_SIZE: usize = PIX_HEIGHT as usize * FB_PITCH;
const AUDIO_SAMPLES: u16 = 441;
const AUDIO_EXTRA_SAMPLES: u16 = 4410;

pub struct SimpleCart {
    chr_rom: Vec<u8>,
    prg_rom: Vec<u8>,
    sram: Vec<u8>,
    pub mirror_type: MirrorType

impl SimpleCart {
    pub fn new(chr_rom: Vec<u8>,
               prg_rom: Vec<u8>,
               sram: Vec<u8>,
               mirror_type: MirrorType) -> Self {
        SimpleCart{chr_rom, prg_rom, sram, mirror_type}

    fn load_vec(vec: &mut Vec<u8>, reader: &mut utils::Read) -> bool {
        let len = vec.len();
        match reader.read(vec) {
            Some(x) => x == len,
            None => false

    fn save_vec(vec: &Vec<u8>, writer: &mut utils::Write) -> bool {
        let len = vec.len();
        match writer.write(vec) {
            Some(x) => x == len,
            None => false

impl Cartridge for SimpleCart {
    fn get_size(&self, kind: BankType) -> usize {
        match kind {
            BankType::PrgRom => self.prg_rom.len(),
            BankType::ChrRom => self.chr_rom.len(),
            BankType::Sram => self.sram.len()
    fn get_bank<'a>(&self, base: usize, size: usize, kind: BankType) -> &'a [u8] {
        unsafe {
            &*((&(match kind {
                BankType::PrgRom => &self.prg_rom,
                BankType::ChrRom => &self.chr_rom,
                BankType::Sram => &self.sram,
            })[base..base + size]) as *const [u8])

    fn get_bank_mut<'a>(&mut self, base: usize, size: usize, kind: BankType) -> &'a mut [u8] {
        unsafe {
            &mut *((&mut (match kind {
                BankType::PrgRom => &mut self.prg_rom,
                BankType::ChrRom => &mut self.chr_rom,
                BankType::Sram => &mut self.sram,
            })[base..base + size]) as *mut [u8])

    fn get_mirror_type(&self) -> MirrorType {self.mirror_type}
    fn set_mirror_type(&mut self, mt: MirrorType) {self.mirror_type = mt}

    fn load(&mut self, reader: &mut utils::Read) -> bool {
        self.load_sram(reader) &&
        SimpleCart::load_vec(&mut self.chr_rom, reader) &&
        utils::load_prefix(&mut self.mirror_type, 0, reader)

    fn save(&self, writer: &mut utils::Write) -> bool {
        self.save_sram(writer) &&
        SimpleCart::save_vec(&self.chr_rom, writer) &&
        utils::save_prefix(&self.mirror_type, 0, writer)

    fn load_sram(&mut self, reader: &mut utils::Read) -> bool {
        SimpleCart::load_vec(&mut self.sram, reader)

    fn save_sram(&self, writer: &mut utils::Write) -> bool {
        SimpleCart::save_vec(&self.sram, writer)

struct FileIO(File);

impl utils::Read for FileIO {
    fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Option<usize> {
        match self.0.read(buf) {
            Ok(x) => Some(x),
            Err(_) => None

impl utils::Write for FileIO {
    fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
        match self.0.write(buf) {
            Ok(x) => Some(x),
            Err(_) => None

struct SDLEventPoller {
    events: RefCell<sdl2::EventPump>,
    p1_button_state: Cell<u8>,
    exit_flag: Cell<bool>,

fn keyboard_mapping(code: sdl2::keyboard::Keycode) -> u8 {
    use sdl2::keyboard::Keycode::*;
    match code {
        I => stdctl::UP,
        K => stdctl::DOWN,
        J => stdctl::LEFT,
        L => stdctl::RIGHT,
        Z => stdctl::A,
        X => stdctl::B,
        Return => stdctl::START,
        S => stdctl::SELECT,
        Up => stdctl::UP,
        Down => stdctl::DOWN,
        Left => stdctl::LEFT,
        Right => stdctl::RIGHT,
        _ => 0,

fn joystick_mapping(button: sdl2::controller::Button) -> u8 {
    use sdl2::controller::Button::*;
    match button {
        DPadUp => stdctl::UP,
        DPadDown => stdctl::DOWN,
        DPadLeft => stdctl::LEFT,
        DPadRight => stdctl::RIGHT,
        A => stdctl::A,
        B => stdctl::B,
        X => stdctl::A,
        Y => stdctl::B,
        Start => stdctl::START,
        _ => stdctl::SELECT

impl SDLEventPoller {
    fn new(_events: sdl2::EventPump) -> Self {
        SDLEventPoller {
            events: RefCell::new(_events),
            p1_button_state: Cell::new(0),
            exit_flag: Cell::new(false)

    fn is_exiting(&self) -> bool {

impl InputPoller for SDLEventPoller {
    fn poll(&self) -> u8 {
        use sdl2::keyboard::Keycode::Escape;
        use sdl2::event::Event;
        let mut ns = self.p1_button_state.get();
        for event in self.events.borrow_mut().poll_iter() {
            match event {
                Event::Quit {..} | Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(Escape), .. } => {
                Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(c), .. } =>
                    ns |= keyboard_mapping(c),
                Event::KeyUp { keycode: Some(c), .. } =>
                    ns &= !keyboard_mapping(c),
                Event::ControllerButtonDown { button, .. } =>
                    ns |= joystick_mapping(button),
                Event::ControllerButtonUp { button, .. } =>
                    ns &= !joystick_mapping(button),
                /* TODO: support axis motion
                Event::ControllerAxisMotion { axis: LeftX, value: val, .. } => {
                    let threshold = 10_000;
                        if val > threshold {
                        println!("{}", val);
                            ns |= stdctl::RIGHT;
                            ns &= !stdctl::LEFT;
                        } else if val < -threshold {
                        println!("{}", val);
                            ns |= stdctl::LEFT;
                            ns &= !stdctl::RIGHT;
                        } else {
                            ns &= !(stdctl::RIGHT | stdctl::LEFT);
                _ => ()

struct SDLWindow<'a> {
    canvas: sdl2::render::WindowCanvas,
    frame_buffer: [u8; FB_SIZE],
    texture: sdl2::render::Texture,
    copy_area: Option<sdl2::rect::Rect>,
    event: &'a SDLEventPoller

impl<'a> SDLWindow<'a> {
    fn new(video_subsystem: &sdl2::VideoSubsystem,
           event: &'a SDLEventPoller,
           pixel_scale: u32,
           full_screen: bool) -> Self {
        let mut actual_height = PIX_HEIGHT * pixel_scale;
        let actual_width = PIX_WIDTH * pixel_scale;
        let mut copy_area = None;
        if !full_screen {
            actual_height -= 16 * pixel_scale;
            copy_area = Some(sdl2::rect::Rect::new(0, 8, PIX_WIDTH, PIX_HEIGHT - 16));
        let window = video_subsystem.window("RuNES", actual_width, actual_height)
        let mut canvas = window.into_canvas()
        let texture_creator = canvas.texture_creator();
        canvas.set_draw_color(sdl2::pixels::Color::RGB(255, 255, 255));
        SDLWindow {
            frame_buffer: [0; FB_SIZE],
            texture: texture_creator.create_texture_streaming(
                        PIX_WIDTH, PIX_HEIGHT).unwrap(),

fn get_rgb(color: u8) -> (u8, u8, u8) {
    let c = RGB_COLORS[color as usize];
    ((c >> 16) as u8, ((c >> 8) & 0xff) as u8, (c & 0xff) as u8)

impl<'a> ppu::Screen for SDLWindow<'a> {
    fn put(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8, color: u8) {
        let (r, g, b) = get_rgb(color);
        let base = (y as usize * FB_PITCH) + x as usize * 3;
        self.frame_buffer[base] = r;
        self.frame_buffer[base + 1] = g;
        self.frame_buffer[base + 2] = b;

    fn render(&mut self) {
        self.texture.update(None, &self.frame_buffer, FB_PITCH).unwrap();

    fn frame(&mut self) {
        self.canvas.copy(&self.texture, self.copy_area, None).unwrap();

struct CircularBuffer {
    buffer: [i16; (AUDIO_ALL_SAMPLES + 1) as usize],
    head: usize,
    tail: usize

impl CircularBuffer {
    fn new() -> Self {
        CircularBuffer {
            buffer: [0; (AUDIO_ALL_SAMPLES + 1) as usize],
            head: 1,
            tail: 0

    fn enque(&mut self, sample: i16) {
        self.buffer[self.tail] = sample;
        self.tail += 1;
        if self.tail == self.buffer.len() {
            self.tail = 0

    fn deque(&mut self) -> i16 {
        let res = self.buffer[self.head];
        if self.head != self.tail {
            let mut h = self.head + 1;
            if h == self.buffer.len() {
                h = 0
            if h != self.tail {
                self.head = h
            } else {
                self.tail = self.head

struct AudioSync {
    time_barrier: Condvar,
    buffer: Mutex<(CircularBuffer, u16)>,

struct SDLAudio<'a>(&'a AudioSync);
struct SDLAudioPlayback<'a>(&'a AudioSync);

impl<'a> sdl2::audio::AudioCallback for SDLAudioPlayback<'a> {
    type Channel = i16;
    fn callback(&mut self, out: &mut[i16]) {
        let mut m = self.0.buffer.lock().unwrap();
            let b = &mut m.0;
            let l1 = (b.tail + b.buffer.len() - b.head) % b.buffer.len();
            print!("{} ", l1);
            for x in out.iter_mut() {
                *x = b.deque()
        //println!("{}", m.1);
        if m.1 >= AUDIO_SAMPLES {
            m.1 -= AUDIO_SAMPLES;
        } else {
            println!("audio frame skipping {}", m.1);
            m.1 = 0;

impl<'a> apu::Speaker for SDLAudio<'a> {
    fn queue(&mut self, sample: i16) {
        let mut m = self.0.buffer.lock().unwrap();
            let b = &mut m.0;
        m.1 += 1;
        while m.1 >= AUDIO_ALL_SAMPLES {
            m = self.0.time_barrier.wait(m).unwrap();

#[repr(C, packed)]
struct INesHeader {
    magic: [u8; 4],
    prg_rom_nbanks: u8,
    chr_rom_nbanks: u8,
    flags6: u8,
    flags7: u8,
    prg_ram_nbanks: u8,
    flags9: u8,
    flags10: u8,
    padding: [u8; 5]

fn print_cpu_trace(cpu: &CPU) {
    use disasm;
    let pc = cpu.get_pc();
    let mem = cpu.get_mem();
    let opcode = mem.read_without_tick(pc) as usize;
    let len = mos6502::INST_LENGTH[opcode];
    let mut code = vec![0; len as usize];
    for i in 0..len as u16 {
        code[i as usize] = mem.read_without_tick(pc + i);
    println!("0x{:04x} {} a:{:02x} x:{:02x} y:{:02x} s: {:02x} sp: {:02x}",
             pc, disasm::parse(opcode as u8, &code[1..]),
             cpu.get_a(), cpu.get_x(), cpu.get_y(),
             cpu.get_status(), cpu.get_sp());

fn main() {
    let matches =
            .author("Ted Yin <[email protected]>")
            .about("A Rust NES emulator")
                 .help("Set pixel scaling factor (3 by default)")
                 .help("Enable the entire PPU rendering area")
                 .help("iNES ROM file")
                 .help("Load from specified machine state file")
                 .help("Save to specified machine state file when exit")
                 .help("Load from specified sram file")
                 .help("Save to specified sram file when exit")
                 .help("Power up the emulator with initial state")

    let scale = std::cmp::min(8,
                        value_t!(matches, "scale", u32).unwrap_or(3)));
    let full = matches.is_present("full");

    let fname = matches.value_of("INPUT").unwrap();
    let load_state_name = matches.value_of("load");
    let save_state_name = matches.value_of("save");
    let save_sram_name = matches.value_of("save-sram");
    let load_sram_name = matches.value_of("load-sram");
    let default_state_name = fname.to_string() + ".runes";
    let default_sram_name = fname.to_string() + ".runes_sram";
    let no_state = matches.is_present("no-state");

    /* load and parse iNES file */
    let mut file = File::open(fname).unwrap();
    let mut rheader = [0; 16];
    file.read(&mut rheader[..]).unwrap();
    let header = unsafe{transmute::<[u8; 16], INesHeader>(rheader)};
    let mirror = match ((header.flags6 >> 2) & 2) | (header.flags6 & 1) {
        0 => MirrorType::Horizontal,
        1 => MirrorType::Vertical,
        2 => MirrorType::Single0,
        3 => MirrorType::Single1,
        _ => MirrorType::Four,
    let mapper_id = (header.flags7 & 0xf0) | (header.flags6 >> 4);
    if std::str::from_utf8(&header.magic).unwrap() != "NES\x1a" {
        println!("not an iNES file");
    println!("prg size:{}, chr size:{}, mirror type:{}, mapper:{}",
             mirror as u8,
    if header.flags6 & 0x04 == 0x04 {
        let mut trainer: [u8; 512] = [0; 512];
        file.read(&mut trainer[..]).unwrap();
        println!("skipping trainer");
    let prg_len = header.prg_rom_nbanks as usize * 0x4000;
    let mut chr_len = header.chr_rom_nbanks as usize * 0x2000;
    if chr_len == 0 {
        chr_len = 0x2000;

    let mut prg_rom = vec![0; prg_len];
    let mut chr_rom = vec![0; chr_len];
    let sram = vec![0; 0x2000];
    println!("read prg {}", file.read(&mut prg_rom[..]).unwrap());
    println!("read chr {}", file.read(&mut chr_rom[..]).unwrap());

    /* setup SDL */
    let sdl_context = sdl2::init().unwrap();
    let controller_subsystem = sdl_context.game_controller().unwrap();
    let video_subsystem = sdl_context.video().unwrap();
    let audio_subsystem = sdl_context.audio().unwrap();

    /* audio */
    let audio_sync = AudioSync { time_barrier: Condvar::new(),
                                 buffer: Mutex::new((CircularBuffer::new(), AUDIO_ALL_SAMPLES))};
    let mut spkr = SDLAudio(&audio_sync);
    let desired_spec = sdl2::audio::AudioSpecDesired {
        freq: Some(apu::AUDIO_SAMPLE_FREQ as i32),
        channels: Some(1),
        samples: Some(AUDIO_SAMPLES)
    let device = audio_subsystem.open_playback(None, &desired_spec, |_| {

    /* joysticks */
    let njoysticks = match controller_subsystem.num_joysticks() {
        Ok(n)  => n,
        Err(e) => {
            println!("can't enumerate joysticks: {}", e);
    println!("detected {} joysticks", njoysticks);
    let mut _sdl_joystick = None;
    for id in 0..njoysticks {
        if controller_subsystem.is_game_controller(id) {
            match controller_subsystem.open(id) {
                Ok(ctl) => {
                    println!("opened controller {}", ctl.name());
                    println!("controller mapping: {}", ctl.mapping());
                    _sdl_joystick = Some(ctl);
                Err(e) => println!("failed to open {}: {}", id, e)

    let event = SDLEventPoller::new(sdl_context.event_pump().unwrap());
    let mut win = SDLWindow::new(&video_subsystem, &event, scale, full);

    /* construct mapper from cartridge data */
    let cart = SimpleCart::new(chr_rom, prg_rom, sram, mirror);
    let mut m: Box<mapper::Mapper> = match mapper_id {
        0 | 2 => Box::new(mapper::Mapper2::new(cart)),
        1 => Box::new(mapper::Mapper1::new(cart)),
        4 => Box::new(mapper::Mapper4::new(cart)),
        _ => panic!("unsupported mapper {}", mapper_id)

    /* controller for player 1 */
    let p1ctl = stdctl::Joystick::new(&event);

    /* setup the emulated machine */
    let mapper = mapper::RefMapper::new(&mut (*m) as &mut mapper::Mapper);
    let mut cpu = CPU::new(CPUMemory::new(&mapper, Some(&p1ctl), None));
    let mut ppu = PPU::new(PPUMemory::new(&mapper), &mut win);
    let mut apu = APU::new(&mut spkr);
    let cpu_ptr = &mut cpu as *mut CPU;
    cpu.mem.bus.attach(cpu_ptr, &mut ppu, &mut apu);

    let load_state = !no_state && match match load_state_name {
        Some(s) => Some(File::open(s).unwrap()),
        None => match File::open(&default_state_name) {
            Ok(file) => Some(file),
            Err(_) => None
    } {
        Some(f) => {
            let mut file = FileIO(f);
            cpu.load(&mut file);
            ppu.load(&mut file);
            apu.load(&mut file);
            mapper.get_mut().load(&mut file);
        None => false

    if !load_state {
        if let Some(f) = match load_sram_name {
            Some(s) => Some(File::open(s).unwrap()),
            None => match File::open(&default_sram_name) {
                Ok(file) => Some(file),
                Err(_) => None
        } {
            let mut file = FileIO(f);
            mapper.get_mut().get_cart_mut().load_sram(&mut file);

    loop {
        /* consume the leftover cycles from the last instruction */
        while cpu.cycle > 0 {

        if event.is_exiting() {
                let mut file = FileIO(File::create(match save_state_name {
                    Some(s) => s.to_string(),
                    None => default_state_name
                cpu.save(&mut file);
                ppu.save(&mut file);
                apu.save(&mut file);
                mapper.save(&mut file);
                let mut file = FileIO(File::create(match save_sram_name {
                    Some(s) => s.to_string(),
                    None => default_sram_name
                mapper.get_cart().save_sram(&mut file);