path: root/README.rst
blob: b73c72ede3358a9d48990313dcba0d20eadca745 (plain) (tree)




:Author: Ted Yin ([email protected])

Execute whatever you want when MPD (Music Player Daemon) changes its state

What Is This?
I'd like to let a notification pop up whenever MPD is playing or paused.
However, disappointing enough, I failed to find any existing programs/scripts
to achieve this little but convenient functionality. Although there is
mpd-hiss_, it has quite a number of dependencies and is written in Python with
several separated files. I think such a simply little desire should not be as
complicated as this. Even though I love programming in Python, that project
still need to polished to be flexible and easy to deploy (But it is a good
project anyway). Being different from it, this project tends to lightweight and
simple but as extensible as it can, but in the end, should be simple. After
all, a simple task deserves a simple solution. Now the code is written in C in
a single file and highly portable. It uses "patterns" to generate a command
once MPD state is being changed and pipe it into a pre-selected shell. During
the execution, it consumes few resources and imposes little overhead.

How to Use?
First, compile it by invoking ``make``. The only executable file is
``mpd_trigger``. You could run ``./mpd_trigger -h`` to read the help. A typical
example is as follow (execute in bash):


    ./mpd_trigger -p 6600 -e "echo 'Hey, {title} is {state}!'"

Then play a song. Besides diagnostic outputs, you should find the output of
executing that ``echo`` command.

You may have noticed something like ``{title}`` which is actually a pattern
representing the title of the song is to be filed in that place.
``mpd_trigger`` currently support two kinds of patterns:

- Information patterns: ``{title}``, ``{artist}``, ``{album}``, ``{track}``,
  ``{state}``, ``{elapsed_time}``, ``total_time``, ``{elapsed_pct}``
- Conditional pattern: ``{str_to_check?stringa:stringb}`` which checks whether
  ``str_to_check`` is an empty string, if it is ``stringa`` is chosen,
  otherwise ``stringb``, note that the surrounding braces are removed.

For Mac OS X users, after installing a tool called ``terminal-notifier``, try
the following command:


    ./mpd_trigger -e 'terminal-notifier -title "{title}: {state} ({elapsed_pct}%)" -subtitle "{artist}" -message "{album} @ {track?{track}:unknown track}" -sender com.apple.iTunes'

Finally, it is worth mentioning that patterns can be nested, for example a part
of the pattern in last example ``{track?{track}:unkown track}`` makes use of such technique.

.. _mpd-hiss: https://github.com/ahihi/mpd-hiss