path: root/frozen_deps/ecdsa/util.py
blob: e77d61c60162ec601a487a818305abb54e37bb39 (plain) (tree)
































from __future__ import division

import os
import math
import binascii
import sys
from hashlib import sha256
from six import PY2, int2byte, b, next
from . import der
from ._compat import normalise_bytes

# RFC5480:
#   The "unrestricted" algorithm identifier is:
#     id-ecPublicKey OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
#       iso(1) member-body(2) us(840) ansi-X9-62(10045) keyType(2) 1 }

oid_ecPublicKey = (1, 2, 840, 10045, 2, 1)
encoded_oid_ecPublicKey = der.encode_oid(*oid_ecPublicKey)

# RFC5480:
# The ECDH algorithm uses the following object identifier:
#      id-ecDH OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
#        iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) schemes(1)
#        ecdh(12) }

oid_ecDH = (1, 3, 132, 1, 12)

# RFC5480:
# The ECMQV algorithm uses the following object identifier:
#      id-ecMQV OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {
#        iso(1) identified-organization(3) certicom(132) schemes(1)
#        ecmqv(13) }

oid_ecMQV = (1, 3, 132, 1, 13)

if sys.version_info >= (3,):

    def entropy_to_bits(ent_256):
        """Convert a bytestring to string of 0's and 1's"""
        return bin(int.from_bytes(ent_256, "big"))[2:].zfill(len(ent_256) * 8)


    def entropy_to_bits(ent_256):
        """Convert a bytestring to string of 0's and 1's"""
        return "".join(bin(ord(x))[2:].zfill(8) for x in ent_256)

if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
    # Can't add a method to a built-in type so we are stuck with this
    def bit_length(x):
        return len(bin(x)) - 2


    def bit_length(x):
        return x.bit_length() or 1

def orderlen(order):
    return (1 + len("%x" % order)) // 2  # bytes

def randrange(order, entropy=None):
    """Return a random integer k such that 1 <= k < order, uniformly
    distributed across that range. Worst case should be a mean of 2 loops at

    Note that this function is not declared to be forwards-compatible: we may
    change the behavior in future releases. The entropy= argument (which
    should get a callable that behaves like os.urandom) can be used to
    achieve stability within a given release (for repeatable unit tests), but
    should not be used as a long-term-compatible key generation algorithm.
    assert order > 1
    if entropy is None:
        entropy = os.urandom
    upper_2 = bit_length(order - 2)
    upper_256 = upper_2 // 8 + 1
    while True:  # I don't think this needs a counter with bit-wise randrange
        ent_256 = entropy(upper_256)
        ent_2 = entropy_to_bits(ent_256)
        rand_num = int(ent_2[:upper_2], base=2) + 1
        if 0 < rand_num < order:
            return rand_num

class PRNG:
    # this returns a callable which, when invoked with an integer N, will
    # return N pseudorandom bytes. Note: this is a short-term PRNG, meant
    # primarily for the needs of randrange_from_seed__trytryagain(), which
    # only needs to run it a few times per seed. It does not provide
    # protection against state compromise (forward security).
    def __init__(self, seed):
        self.generator = self.block_generator(seed)

    def __call__(self, numbytes):
        a = [next(self.generator) for i in range(numbytes)]

        if PY2:
            return "".join(a)
            return bytes(a)

    def block_generator(self, seed):
        counter = 0
        while True:
            for byte in sha256(
                ("prng-%d-%s" % (counter, seed)).encode()
                yield byte
            counter += 1

def randrange_from_seed__overshoot_modulo(seed, order):
    # hash the data, then turn the digest into a number in [1,order).
    # We use David-Sarah Hopwood's suggestion: turn it into a number that's
    # sufficiently larger than the group order, then modulo it down to fit.
    # This should give adequate (but not perfect) uniformity, and simple
    # code. There are other choices: try-try-again is the main one.
    base = PRNG(seed)(2 * orderlen(order))
    number = (int(binascii.hexlify(base), 16) % (order - 1)) + 1
    assert 1 <= number < order, (1, number, order)
    return number

def lsb_of_ones(numbits):
    return (1 << numbits) - 1

def bits_and_bytes(order):
    bits = int(math.log(order - 1, 2) + 1)
    bytes = bits // 8
    extrabits = bits % 8
    return bits, bytes, extrabits

# the following randrange_from_seed__METHOD() functions take an
# arbitrarily-sized secret seed and turn it into a number that obeys the same
# range limits as randrange() above. They are meant for deriving consistent
# signing keys from a secret rather than generating them randomly, for
# example a protocol in which three signing keys are derived from a master
# secret. You should use a uniformly-distributed unguessable seed with about
# curve.baselen bytes of entropy. To use one, do this:
#   seed = os.urandom(curve.baselen) # or other starting point
#   secexp = ecdsa.util.randrange_from_seed__trytryagain(sed, curve.order)
#   sk = SigningKey.from_secret_exponent(secexp, curve)

def randrange_from_seed__truncate_bytes(seed, order, hashmod=sha256):
    # hash the seed, then turn the digest into a number in [1,order), but
    # don't worry about trying to uniformly fill the range. This will lose,
    # on average, four bits of entropy.
    bits, _bytes, extrabits = bits_and_bytes(order)
    if extrabits:
        _bytes += 1
    base = hashmod(seed).digest()[:_bytes]
    base = "\x00" * (_bytes - len(base)) + base
    number = 1 + int(binascii.hexlify(base), 16)
    assert 1 <= number < order
    return number

def randrange_from_seed__truncate_bits(seed, order, hashmod=sha256):
    # like string_to_randrange_truncate_bytes, but only lose an average of
    # half a bit
    bits = int(math.log(order - 1, 2) + 1)
    maxbytes = (bits + 7) // 8
    base = hashmod(seed).digest()[:maxbytes]
    base = "\x00" * (maxbytes - len(base)) + base
    topbits = 8 * maxbytes - bits
    if topbits:
        base = int2byte(ord(base[0]) & lsb_of_ones(topbits)) + base[1:]
    number = 1 + int(binascii.hexlify(base), 16)
    assert 1 <= number