path: root/sketch.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'sketch.py')
1 files changed, 161 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/sketch.py b/sketch.py
index edd866c..a1c2a07 100644
--- a/sketch.py
+++ b/sketch.py
@@ -10,38 +10,43 @@ class ValObj(EvalObj):
return "#<Value>"
class NumberObj(ValObj):
- def __str__():
+ def __str__(selfl):
return "#<Number>"
class IntObj(NumberObj):
def __init__(self, num):
self.val = int(num)
- def __str__():
+ def __str__(self):
return "#<Integer>"
class FloatObj(NumberObj):
def __init__(self, num):
self.val = float(num)
- def __str__():
+ def __str__(self):
return "#<Float>"
class StringObj(ValObj):
def __init__(self, string):
self.val = string
- def __str__():
+ def __str__(self):
return "#<String>"
-class ProcObj(ValObj):
- def __init__(self, env, prog):
- self.val = proc
+class OptObj(EvalObj):
+ pass
+class ProcObj(OptObj):
+ def __init__(self, prog, env = None):
+ self.prog = prog
+ self.env = env
- def __str__():
+ def __str__(self):
return "#<Procedure>"
class IdObj(SyntaxObj):
def __init__(self, string):
self.name = string
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "#<Identifier>"
def get_name():
return self.name
@@ -72,26 +77,31 @@ class Tokenizor():
self.data = ""
return self.tokenized.pop(0)
-class AST(EvalObj):
+class Node(object):
+ def __init__(self, syn_obj, sib = None, chd = None):
+ self.obj = syn_obj
+ self.sib = sib
+ self.chd = chd
+ self.typ = None # operator operand if-macro if-clause
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "#<AST Node>"
+ def print_(self):
+ print \
+ "======================" + "\n" + \
+ "Obj: " + str(self.obj) + "\n" + \
+ "Sib: " + str(self.sib) + "\n" + \
+ "Chd: " + str(self.chd) + "\n" + \
+ "======================"
- class Node(object):
- def __init__(self, syn_obj, sib = None, chd = None):
- self.obj = syn_obj
- self.sib = sib
- self.chd = chd
- def __str__(self):
- return \
- "Obj: " + str(self.obj) + " " + \
- "Sib: " + str(self.sib) + " " + \
- "Chd: " + str(self.chd)
+class AbsSynTree(EvalObj):
def to_node(self, obj):
- if isinstance(obj, self.Node): return obj
+ if isinstance(obj, Node): return obj
# else the obj is a string
- try: return self.Node(IntObj(obj))
- except ValueError:
- try: return self.Node(FloatObj(obj))
- except ValueError: return self.Node(IdObj(obj))
+ try: return Node(IntObj(obj))
+ except Exception:
+ try: return Node(FloatObj(obj))
+ except Exception: return Node(IdObj(obj))
def __init__(self, stream):
stack = list()
@@ -105,25 +115,35 @@ class AST(EvalObj):
while stack[-1] != '(':
lst = stack[-1:] + lst
del stack[-1]
- root = self.to_node(lst[0])
+ root = lst[0]
if len(lst) > 1:
- root.chd = self.to_node(lst[1])
+ root.chd = lst[1]
ref = root.chd
for i in lst[2:]:
- ref.sib = self.to_node(i)
+ ref.sib = i
ref = ref.sib
stack[-1] = root
- stack.append(token)
+ stack.append(self.to_node(token))
self.tree = stack
+def is_identifier(string):
+ return isinstance(string, IdObj)
+def is_val(node):
+ return node.chd is None
+def is_ret_addr(val):
+ return isinstance(val, Node)
class Environment(object):
def __init__(self):
self.binding = dict()
- def add_entry(id_obj, eval_obj):
- self.binding[id_obj] = eval_obj
- def get_obj(id_obj):
- return self.binding[id_obj]
+ def add_binding(self, name, eval_obj):
+ self.binding[name] = eval_obj
+ def get_obj(self, id_obj):
+ if is_identifier(id_obj):
+ return self.binding[id_obj.name]
+ else:
+ return id_obj
class Continuation(object):
def __init__(self, envt, pc, old_cont):
@@ -135,23 +155,116 @@ class Continuation(object):
def get_cont(self):
return self.cont
+def _builtin_plus(arg_list):
+ res = 0
+ for i in arg_list:
+ res += i.val
+ return IntObj(res)
+def _builtin_minus(arg_list):
+ res = arg_list[0].val
+ for i in arg_list[1:]:
+ res -= i.val
+ return IntObj(res)
+def _builtin_times(arg_list):
+ res = 1
+ for i in arg_list:
+ res *= i.val
+ return IntObj(res)
+def _builtin_div(arg_list):
+ res = arg_list[0].val
+ for i in arg_list[1:]:
+ res /= i.val
+ return IntObj(res)
+_default_mapping = {
+ "+" : _builtin_plus,
+ "-" : _builtin_minus,
+ "*" : _builtin_times,
+ "/" : _builtin_div}
class Evaluator(object):
+ def _add_builtin_routines(self, envt):
+ for sym in _default_mapping:
+ envt.add_binding(sym, _default_mapping[sym])
def __init__(self):
- self.envt = Environment()
- self.cont = None
- self.pc = None
- def run(self, prog):
- self.stack = list() # object stack
- self.flag = list() # call flag True for call False for value
- self.pc = prog # Set to the root
- self.top = 0 # Stack top
- while self.flag[0]: # Still need to evaluate
- pass
+ self.envt = Environment() # Top-level Env
+ self._add_builtin_routines(self.envt)
+ def run_expr(self, prog):
+ stack = [0] * 100 # Stack
+ pc = prog.tree[0] # Set to the root
+ cont = None
+ envt = self.envt
+ top = -1 # Stack top
+ def print_stack():
+ print '++++++++++STACK++++++++'
+ if len(stack) > 0:
+ for i in range(0, top + 1):
+ print stack[i]
+ print '----------STACK--------'
+ def push(pc, top):
+ ntop = top
+ if is_val(pc):
+ ntop += 1
+ stack[ntop] = envt.get_obj(pc.obj)
+ npc = pc.sib
+ print "first"
+ print "this val is: " + str(pc.obj)
+ else:
+ ntop += 1
+ stack[ntop] = pc # Return address
+ ntop += 1
+ stack[ntop] = envt.get_obj(pc.obj)
+ npc = pc.chd
+ print "second"
+ return (npc, ntop)
+ print " Pushing..."
+ print_stack()
+ (pc, top) = push(pc, top)
+ print_stack()
+ print " Done...\n"
+ while is_ret_addr(stack[0]): # Still need to evaluate
+ print "- Top: " + str(stack[top])
+ print "- Pc at: " + str(pc)
+ if pc is None:
+ print "Poping..."
+ arg_list = list()
+ while not is_ret_addr(stack[top]):
+ arg_list = [stack[top]] + arg_list
+ top -= 1
+ if is_identifier(arg_list[0]):
+ arg_list[0] = envt.get_obj(arg_list[0])
+ pc = stack[top].sib
+ stack[top] = arg_list[0](arg_list[1:])
+ print_stack()
+ print "RET to: "
+ if pc:
+ pc.print_()
+ if is_identifier(pc.obj):
+ print pc.obj.name
+ else:
+ print pc.obj.val
+ else: print "NULL"
+ else:
+ print " Pushing..."
+ print_stack()
+ (pc, top) = push(pc, top)
+ print_stack()
+ print " Done...\n"
+ return stack[0]
t = Tokenizor()
-t.feed("(lambda (x) (x * x))")
-a = AST(t)
-root = a.tree
-print root.__str__()
+t.feed("(+ (- (* 10 2) (+ x 4)) (+ 1 2) (/ 25 5))")
+#t.feed("((lambda (x) (x * x)) 2)")
+a = AbsSynTree(t)
+e = Evaluator()
+e.envt.add_binding("x", IntObj(100))
+print e.run_expr(a).val