path: root/freezed_deps/ecdsa/ellipticcurve.py
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diff --git a/freezed_deps/ecdsa/ellipticcurve.py b/freezed_deps/ecdsa/ellipticcurve.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3420454..0000000
--- a/freezed_deps/ecdsa/ellipticcurve.py
+++ /dev/null
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-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Implementation of elliptic curves, for cryptographic applications.
-# This module doesn't provide any way to choose a random elliptic
-# curve, nor to verify that an elliptic curve was chosen randomly,
-# because one can simply use NIST's standard curves.
-# Notes from X9.62-1998 (draft):
-# Nomenclature:
-# - Q is a public key.
-# The "Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters" include:
-# - q is the "field size", which in our case equals p.
-# - p is a big prime.
-# - G is a point of prime order (
-# - n is the order of G (
-# Public-key validation (5.2.2):
-# - Verify that Q is not the point at infinity.
-# - Verify that X_Q and Y_Q are in [0,p-1].
-# - Verify that Q is on the curve.
-# - Verify that nQ is the point at infinity.
-# Signature generation (5.3):
-# - Pick random k from [1,n-1].
-# Signature checking (5.4.2):
-# - Verify that r and s are in [1,n-1].
-# Version of 2008.11.25.
-# Revision history:
-# 2005.12.31 - Initial version.
-# 2008.11.25 - Change CurveFp.is_on to contains_point.
-# Written in 2005 by Peter Pearson and placed in the public domain.
-from __future__ import division
- from gmpy2 import mpz
- GMPY = True
-except ImportError:
- try:
- from gmpy import mpz
- GMPY = True
- except ImportError:
- GMPY = False
-from six import python_2_unicode_compatible
-from . import numbertheory
-from ._rwlock import RWLock
-class CurveFp(object):
- """Elliptic Curve over the field of integers modulo a prime."""
- if GMPY:
- def __init__(self, p, a, b, h=None):
- """
- The curve of points satisfying y^2 = x^3 + a*x + b (mod p).
- h is an integer that is the cofactor of the elliptic curve domain
- parameters; it is the number of points satisfying the elliptic curve
- equation divided by the order of the base point. It is used for selection
- of efficient algorithm for public point verification.
- """
- self.__p = mpz(p)
- self.__a = mpz(a)
- self.__b = mpz(b)
- # h is not used in calculations and it can be None, so don't use
- # gmpy with it
- self.__h = h
- else:
- def __init__(self, p, a, b, h=None):
- """
- The curve of points satisfying y^2 = x^3 + a*x + b (mod p).
- h is an integer that is the cofactor of the elliptic curve domain
- parameters; it is the number of points satisfying the elliptic curve
- equation divided by the order of the base point. It is used for selection
- of efficient algorithm for public point verification.
- """
- self.__p = p
- self.__a = a
- self.__b = b
- self.__h = h
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, CurveFp):
- """Return True if the curves are identical, False otherwise."""
- return self.__p == other.__p \
- and self.__a == other.__a \
- and self.__b == other.__b
- return NotImplemented
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.__p, self.__a, self.__b))
- def p(self):
- return self.__p
- def a(self):
- return self.__a
- def b(self):
- return self.__b
- def cofactor(self):
- return self.__h
- def contains_point(self, x, y):
- """Is the point (x,y) on this curve?"""
- return (y * y - ((x * x + self.__a) * x + self.__b)) % self.__p == 0
- def __str__(self):
- return "CurveFp(p=%d, a=%d, b=%d, h=%d)" % (
- self.__p, self.__a, self.__b, self.__h)
-class PointJacobi(object):
- """
- Point on an elliptic curve. Uses Jacobi coordinates.
- In Jacobian coordinates, there are three parameters, X, Y and Z.
- They correspond to affine parameters 'x' and 'y' like so:
- x = X / Z²
- y = Y / Z³
- """
- def __init__(self, curve, x, y, z, order=None, generator=False):
- """
- Initialise a point that uses Jacobi representation internally.
- :param CurveFp curve: curve on which the point resides
- :param int x: the X parameter of Jacobi representation (equal to x when
- converting from affine coordinates
- :param int y: the Y parameter of Jacobi representation (equal to y when
- converting from affine coordinates
- :param int z: the Z parameter of Jacobi representation (equal to 1 when
- converting from affine coordinates
- :param int order: the point order, must be non zero when using
- generator=True
- :param bool generator: the point provided is a curve generator, as
- such, it will be commonly used with scalar multiplication. This will
- cause to precompute multiplication table for it
- """
- self.__curve = curve
- # since it's generally better (faster) to use scaled points vs unscaled
- # ones, use writer-biased RWLock for locking:
- self._scale_lock = RWLock()
- if GMPY:
- self.__x = mpz(x)
- self.__y = mpz(y)
- self.__z = mpz(z)
- self.__order = order and mpz(order)
- else:
- self.__x = x
- self.__y = y
- self.__z = z
- self.__order = order
- self.__precompute = []
- if generator:
- assert order
- i = 1
- order *= 2
- doubler = PointJacobi(curve, x, y, z, order)
- order *= 2
- self.__precompute.append((doubler.x(), doubler.y()))
- while i < order:
- i *= 2
- doubler = doubler.double().scale()
- self.__precompute.append((doubler.x(), doubler.y()))
- def __eq__(self, other):
- """Compare two points with each-other."""
- try:
- self._scale_lock.reader_acquire()
- if other is INFINITY:
- return not self.__y or not self.__z
- x1, y1, z1 = self.__x, self.__y, self.__z
- finally:
- self._scale_lock.reader_release()
- if isinstance(other, Point):
- x2, y2, z2 = other.x(), other.y(), 1
- elif isinstance(other, PointJacobi):
- try:
- other._scale_lock.reader_acquire()
- x2, y2, z2 = other.__x, other.__y, other.__z
- finally:
- other._scale_lock.reader_release()
- else:
- return NotImplemented
- if self.__curve != other.curve():
- return False
- p = self.__curve.p()
- zz1 = z1 * z1 % p
- zz2 = z2 * z2 % p
- # compare the fractions by bringing them to the same denominator
- # depend on short-circuit to save 4 multiplications in case of inequality
- return (x1 * zz2 - x2 * zz1) % p == 0 and \
- (y1 * zz2 * z2 - y2 * zz1 * z1) % p == 0
- def order(self):
- """Return the order of the point.
- None if it is undefined.
- """
- return self.__order
- def curve(self):
- """Return curve over which the point is defined."""
- return self.__curve
- def x(self):
- """
- Return affine x coordinate.
- This method should be used only when the 'y' coordinate is not needed.
- It's computationally more efficient to use `to_affine()` and then
- call x() and y() on the returned instance. Or call `scale()`
- and then x() and y() on the returned instance.
- """
- try:
- self._scale_lock.reader_acquire()
- if self.__z == 1:
- return self.__x
- x = self.__x
- z = self.__z
- finally:
- self._scale_lock.reader_release()
- p = self.__curve.p()
- z = numbertheory.inverse_mod(z, p)
- return x * z**2 % p
- def y(self):
- """
- Return affine y coordinate.
- This method should be used only when the 'x' coordinate is not needed.
- It's computationally more efficient to use `to_affine()` and then
- call x() and y() on the returned instance. Or call `scale()`
- and then x() and y() on the returned instance.
- """
- try:
- self._scale_lock.reader_acquire()
- if self.__z == 1:
- return self.__y
- y = self.__y
- z = self.__z
- finally:
- self._scale_lock.reader_release()
- p = self.__curve.p()
- z = numbertheory.inverse_mod(z, p)
- return y * z**3 % p
- def scale(self):
- """
- Return point scaled so that z == 1.
- Modifies point in place, returns self.
- """
- try:
- self._scale_lock.reader_acquire()
- if self.__z == 1:
- return self
- finally:
- self._scale_lock.reader_release()
- try:
- self._scale_lock.writer_acquire()
- # scaling already scaled point is safe (as inverse of 1 is 1) and
- # quick so we don't need to optimise for the unlikely event when
- # two threads hit the lock at the same time
- p = self.__curve.p()
- z_inv = numbertheory.inverse_mod(self.__z, p)
- zz_inv = z_inv * z_inv % p
- self.__x = self.__x * zz_inv % p
- self.__y = self.__y * zz_inv * z_inv % p
- # we are setting the z last so that the check above will return true
- # only after all values were already updated
- self.__z = 1
- finally:
- self._scale_lock.writer_release()
- return self
- def to_affine(self):
- """Return point in affine form."""
- if not self.__y or not self.__z:
- return INFINITY
- self.scale()
- # after point is scaled, it's immutable, so no need to perform locking
- return Point(self.__curve, self.__x,
- self.__y, self.__order)
- @staticmethod
- def from_affine(point, generator=False):
- """Create from an affine point.
- :param bool generator: set to True to make the point to precalculate
- multiplication table - useful for public point when verifying many
- signatures (around 100 or so) or for generator points of a curve.
- """
- return PointJacobi(point.curve(), point.x(), point.y(), 1,
- point.order(), generator)
- # plese note that all the methods that use the equations from hyperelliptic
- # are formatted in a way to maximise performance.
- # Things that make code faster: multiplying instead of taking to the power
- # (`xx = x * x; xxxx = xx * xx % p` is faster than `xxxx = x**4 % p` and
- # `pow(x, 4, p)`),
- # multiple assignments at the same time (`x1, x2 = self.x1, self.x2` is
- # faster than `x1 = self.x1; x2 = self.x2`),
- # similarly, sometimes the `% p` is skipped if it makes the calculation
- # faster and the result of calculation is later reduced modulo `p`
- def _double_with_z_1(self, X1, Y1, p, a):
- """Add a point to itself with z == 1."""
- # after:
- # http://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian.html#doubling-mdbl-2007-bl
- XX, YY = X1 * X1 % p, Y1 * Y1 % p
- if not YY:
- return 0, 0, 1
- YYYY = YY * YY % p
- S = 2 * ((X1 + YY)**2 - XX - YYYY) % p
- M = 3 * XX + a
- T = (M * M - 2 * S) % p
- # X3 = T
- Y3 = (M * (S - T) - 8 * YYYY) % p
- Z3 = 2 * Y1 % p
- return T, Y3, Z3
- def _double(self, X1, Y1, Z1, p, a):
- """Add a point to itself, arbitrary z."""
- if Z1 == 1:
- return self._double_with_z_1(X1, Y1, p, a)
- if not Z1:
- return 0, 0, 1
- # after:
- # http://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian.html#doubling-dbl-2007-bl
- XX, YY = X1 * X1 % p, Y1 * Y1 % p
- if not YY:
- return 0, 0, 1
- YYYY = YY * YY % p
- ZZ = Z1 * Z1 % p
- S = 2 * ((X1 + YY)**2 - XX - YYYY) % p
- M = (3 * XX + a * ZZ * ZZ) % p
- T = (M * M - 2 * S) % p
- # X3 = T
- Y3 = (M * (S - T) - 8 * YYYY) % p
- Z3 = ((Y1 + Z1)**2 - YY - ZZ) % p
- return T, Y3, Z3
- def double(self):
- """Add a point to itself."""
- if not self.__y:
- return INFINITY
- p, a = self.__curve.p(), self.__curve.a()
- try:
- self._scale_lock.reader_acquire()
- X1, Y1, Z1 = self.__x, self.__y, self.__z
- finally:
- self._scale_lock.reader_release()
- X3, Y3, Z3 = self._double(X1, Y1, Z1, p, a)
- if not Y3 or not Z3:
- return INFINITY
- return PointJacobi(self.__curve, X3, Y3, Z3, self.__order)
- def _add_with_z_1(self, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, p):
- """add points when both Z1 and Z2 equal 1"""
- # after:
- # http://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian.html#addition-mmadd-2007-bl
- H = X2 - X1
- HH = H * H
- I = 4 * HH % p
- J = H * I
- r = 2 * (Y2 - Y1)
- if not H and not r:
- return self._double_with_z_1(X1, Y1, p, self.__curve.a())
- V = X1 * I
- X3 = (r**2 - J - 2 * V) % p
- Y3 = (r * (V - X3) - 2 * Y1 * J) % p
- Z3 = 2 * H % p
- return X3, Y3, Z3
- def _add_with_z_eq(self, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, p):
- """add points when Z1 == Z2"""
- # after:
- # http://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian.html#addition-zadd-2007-m
- A = (X2 - X1)**2 % p
- B = X1 * A % p
- C = X2 * A
- D = (Y2 - Y1)**2 % p
- if not A and not D:
- return self._double(X1, Y1, Z1, p, self.__curve.a())
- X3 = (D - B - C) % p
- Y3 = ((Y2 - Y1) * (B - X3) - Y1 * (C - B)) % p
- Z3 = Z1 * (X2 - X1) % p
- return X3, Y3, Z3
- def _add_with_z2_1(self, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, p):
- """add points when Z2 == 1"""
- # after:
- # http://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian.html#addition-madd-2007-bl
- Z1Z1 = Z1 * Z1 % p
- U2, S2 = X2 * Z1Z1 % p, Y2 * Z1 * Z1Z1 % p
- H = (U2 - X1) % p
- HH = H * H % p
- I = 4 * HH % p
- J = H * I
- r = 2 * (S2 - Y1) % p
- if not r and not H:
- return self._double_with_z_1(X2, Y2, p, self.__curve.a())
- V = X1 * I
- X3 = (r * r - J - 2 * V) % p
- Y3 = (r * (V - X3) - 2 * Y1 * J) % p
- Z3 = ((Z1 + H)**2 - Z1Z1 - HH) % p
- return X3, Y3, Z3
- def _add_with_z_ne(self, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, p):
- """add points with arbitrary z"""
- # after:
- # http://hyperelliptic.org/EFD/g1p/auto-shortw-jacobian.html#addition-add-2007-bl
- Z1Z1 = Z1 * Z1 % p
- Z2Z2 = Z2 * Z2 % p
- U1 = X1 * Z2Z2 % p
- U2 = X2 * Z1Z1 % p
- S1 = Y1 * Z2 * Z2Z2 % p
- S2 = Y2 * Z1 * Z1Z1 % p
- H = U2 - U1
- I = 4 * H * H % p
- J = H * I % p
- r = 2 * (S2 - S1) % p
- if not H and not r:
- return self._double(X1, Y1, Z1, p, self.__curve.a())
- V = U1 * I
- X3 = (r * r - J - 2 * V) % p
- Y3 = (r * (V - X3) - 2 * S1 * J) % p
- Z3 = ((Z1 + Z2)**2 - Z1Z1 - Z2Z2) * H % p
- return X3, Y3, Z3
- def __radd__(self, other):
- """Add other to self."""
- return self + other
- def _add(self, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, p):
- """add two points, select fastest method."""
- if not Y1 or not Z1:
- return X2, Y2, Z2
- if not Y2 or not Z2:
- return X1, Y1, Z1
- if Z1 == Z2:
- if Z1 == 1:
- return self._add_with_z_1(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, p)
- return self._add_with_z_eq(X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, p)
- if Z1 == 1:
- return self._add_with_z2_1(X2, Y2, Z2, X1, Y1, p)
- if Z2 == 1:
- return self._add_with_z2_1(X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, p)
- return self._add_with_z_ne(X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, p)
- def __add__(self, other):
- """Add two points on elliptic curve."""
- if self == INFINITY:
- return other
- if other == INFINITY:
- return self
- if isinstance(other, Point):
- other = PointJacobi.from_affine(other)
- if self.__curve != other.__curve:
- raise ValueError("The other point is on different curve")
- p = self.__curve.p()
- try:
- self._scale_lock.reader_acquire()
- X1, Y1, Z1 = self.__x, self.__y, self.__z
- finally:
- self._scale_lock.reader_release()
- try:
- other._scale_lock.reader_acquire()
- X2, Y2, Z2 = other.__x, other.__y, other.__z
- finally:
- other._scale_lock.reader_release()
- X3, Y3, Z3 = self._add(X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, p)
- if not Y3 or not Z3:
- return INFINITY
- return PointJacobi(self.__curve, X3, Y3, Z3, self.__order)
- def __rmul__(self, other):
- """Multiply point by an integer."""
- return self * other
- def _mul_precompute(self, other):
- """Multiply point by integer with precomputation table."""
- X3, Y3, Z3, p = 0, 0, 1, self.__curve.p()
- _add = self._add
- for X2, Y2 in self.__precompute:
- if other % 2:
- if other % 4 >= 2:
- other = (other + 1)//2
- X3, Y3, Z3 = _add(X3, Y3, Z3, X2, -Y2, 1, p)
- else:
- other = (other - 1)//2
- X3, Y3, Z3 = _add(X3, Y3, Z3, X2, Y2, 1, p)
- else:
- other //= 2
- if not Y3 or not Z3:
- return INFINITY
- return PointJacobi(self.__curve, X3, Y3, Z3, self.__order)
- @staticmethod
- def _naf(mult):
- """Calculate non-adjacent form of number."""
- ret = []
- while mult:
- if mult % 2:
- nd = mult % 4
- if nd >= 2:
- nd = nd - 4
- ret += [nd]
- mult -= nd
- else:
- ret += [0]
- mult //= 2
- return ret
- def __mul__(self, other):
- """Multiply point by an integer."""
- if not self.__y or not other:
- return INFINITY
- if other == 1:
- return self
- if self.__order:
- # order*2 as a protection for Minerva
- other = other % (self.__order*2)
- if self.__precompute:
- return self._mul_precompute(other)
- self = self.scale()
- # once scaled, point is immutable, not need to lock
- X2, Y2 = self.__x, self.__y
- X3, Y3, Z3 = 0, 0, 1
- p, a = self.__curve.p(), self.__curve.a()
- _double = self._double
- _add = self._add
- # since adding points when at least one of them is scaled
- # is quicker, reverse the NAF order
- for i in reversed(self._naf(other)):
- X3, Y3, Z3 = _double(X3, Y3, Z3, p, a)
- if i < 0:
- X3, Y3, Z3 = _add(X3, Y3, Z3, X2, -Y2, 1, p)
- elif i > 0:
- X3, Y3, Z3 = _add(X3, Y3, Z3, X2, Y2, 1, p)
- if not Y3 or not Z3:
- return INFINITY
- return PointJacobi(self.__curve, X3, Y3, Z3, self.__order)
- @staticmethod
- def _leftmost_bit(x):
- """Return integer with the same magnitude as x but hamming weight of 1"""
- assert x > 0
- result = 1
- while result <= x:
- result = 2 * result
- return result // 2
- def mul_add(self, self_mul, other, other_mul):
- """
- Do two multiplications at the same time, add results.
- calculates self*self_mul + other*other_mul
- """
- if other is INFINITY or other_mul == 0:
- return self * self_mul
- if self_mul == 0:
- return other * other_mul
- if not isinstance(other, PointJacobi):
- other = PointJacobi.from_affine(other)
- # when the points have precomputed answers, then multiplying them alone
- # is faster (as it uses NAF)
- if self.__precompute and other.__precompute:
- return self * self_mul + other * other_mul
- if self.__order:
- self_mul = self_mul % self.__order
- other_mul = other_mul % self.__order
- i = self._leftmost_bit(max(self_mul, other_mul))*2
- X3, Y3, Z3 = 0, 0, 1
- p, a = self.__curve.p(), self.__curve.a()
- self = self.scale()
- # after scaling, point is immutable, no need for locking
- X1, Y1 = self.__x, self.__y
- other = other.scale()
- X2, Y2 = other.__x, other.__y
- both = (self + other).scale()
- X4, Y4 = both.__x, both.__y
- _double = self._double
- _add = self._add
- while i > 1:
- X3, Y3, Z3 = _double(X3, Y3, Z3, p, a)
- i = i // 2
- if self_mul & i and other_mul & i:
- X3, Y3, Z3 = _add(X3, Y3, Z3, X4, Y4, 1, p)
- elif self_mul & i:
- X3, Y3, Z3 = _add(X3, Y3, Z3, X1, Y1, 1, p)
- elif other_mul & i:
- X3, Y3, Z3 = _add(X3, Y3, Z3, X2, Y2, 1, p)
- if not Y3 or not Z3:
- return INFINITY
- return PointJacobi(self.__curve, X3, Y3, Z3, self.__order)
- def __neg__(self):
- """Return negated point."""
- try:
- self._scale_lock.reader_acquire()
- return PointJacobi(self.__curve, self.__x, -self.__y, self.__z,
- self.__order)
- finally:
- self._scale_lock.reader_release()
-class Point(object):
- """A point on an elliptic curve. Altering x and y is forbidding,
- but they can be read by the x() and y() methods."""
- def __init__(self, curve, x, y, order=None):
- """curve, x, y, order; order (optional) is the order of this point."""
- self.__curve = curve
- if GMPY:
- self.__x = x and mpz(x)
- self.__y = y and mpz(y)
- self.__order = order and mpz(order)
- else:
- self.__x = x
- self.__y = y
- self.__order = order
- # self.curve is allowed to be None only for INFINITY:
- if self.__curve:
- assert self.__curve.contains_point(x, y)
- # for curves with cofactor 1, all points that are on the curve are scalar
- # multiples of the base point, so performing multiplication is not
- # necessary to verify that. See Section of SEC 1 v2
- if curve and curve.cofactor() != 1 and order:
- assert self * order == INFINITY
- def __eq__(self, other):
- """Return True if the points are identical, False otherwise."""
- if isinstance(other, Point):
- return self.__curve == other.__curve \
- and self.__x == other.__x \
- and self.__y == other.__y
- return NotImplemented
- def __neg__(self):
- return Point(self.__curve, self.__x, self.__curve.p() - self.__y)
- def __add__(self, other):
- """Add one point to another point."""
- # X9.62 B.3:
- if not isinstance(other, Point):
- return NotImplemented
- if other == INFINITY:
- return self
- if self == INFINITY:
- return other
- assert self.__curve == other.__curve
- if self.__x == other.__x:
- if (self.__y + other.__y) % self.__curve.p() == 0:
- return INFINITY
- else:
- return self.double()
- p = self.__curve.p()
- l = ((other.__y - self.__y) * \
- numbertheory.inverse_mod(other.__x - self.__x, p)) % p
- x3 = (l * l - self.__x - other.__x) % p
- y3 = (l * (self.__x - x3) - self.__y) % p
- return Point(self.__curve, x3, y3)
- def __mul__(self, other):
- """Multiply a point by an integer."""
- def leftmost_bit(x):
- assert x > 0
- result = 1
- while result <= x:
- result = 2 * result
- return result // 2
- e = other
- if e == 0 or (self.__order and e % self.__order == 0):
- return INFINITY
- if self == INFINITY:
- return INFINITY
- if e < 0:
- return (-self) * (-e)
- # From X9.62 D.3.2:
- e3 = 3 * e
- negative_self = Point(self.__curve, self.__x, -self.__y, self.__order)
- i = leftmost_bit(e3) // 2
- result = self
- # print_("Multiplying %s by %d (e3 = %d):" % (self, other, e3))
- while i > 1:
- result = result.double()
- if (e3 & i) != 0 and (e & i) == 0:
- result = result + self
- if (e3 & i) == 0 and (e & i) != 0:
- result = result + negative_self
- # print_(". . . i = %d, result = %s" % ( i, result ))
- i = i // 2
- return result
- def __rmul__(self, other):
- """Multiply a point by an integer."""
- return self * other
- def __str__(self):
- if self == INFINITY:
- return "infinity"
- return "(%d,%d)" % (self.__x, self.__y)
- def double(self):
- """Return a new point that is twice the old."""
- if self == INFINITY:
- return INFINITY
- # X9.62 B.3:
- p = self.__curve.p()
- a = self.__curve.a()
- l = ((3 * self.__x * self.__x + a) * \
- numbertheory.inverse_mod(2 * self.__y, p)) % p
- x3 = (l * l - 2 * self.__x) % p
- y3 = (l * (self.__x - x3) - self.__y) % p
- return Point(self.__curve, x3, y3)
- def x(self):
- return self.__x
- def y(self):
- return self.__y
- def curve(self):
- return self.__curve
- def order(self):
- return self.__order
-# This one point is the Point At Infinity for all purposes:
-INFINITY = Point(None, None, None)