path: root/frozen_deps/ecdsa/eddsa.py
blob: 9769cfd8e63eb17d23d6bfa213d763d3fadb7cba (plain) (tree)

"""Implementation of Edwards Digital Signature Algorithm."""

import hashlib
from ._sha3 import shake_256
from . import ellipticcurve
from ._compat import (

# edwards25519, defined in RFC7748
_p = 2**255 - 19
_a = -1
_d = int(
_h = 8

_Gx = int(
_Gy = int(
_r = 2**252 + 0x14DEF9DEA2F79CD65812631A5CF5D3ED

def _sha512(data):
    return hashlib.new("sha512", compat26_str(data)).digest()

curve_ed25519 = ellipticcurve.CurveEdTw(_p, _a, _d, _h, _sha512)
generator_ed25519 = ellipticcurve.PointEdwards(
    curve_ed25519, _Gx, _Gy, 1, _Gx * _Gy % _p, _r, generator=True

# edwards448, defined in RFC7748
_p = 2**448 - 2**224 - 1
_a = 1
_d = -39081 % _p
_h = 4

_Gx = int(
_Gy = int(
_r = 2**446 - 0x8335DC163BB124B65129C96FDE933D8D723A70AADC873D6D54A7BB0D

def _shake256(data):
    return shake_256(data, 114)

curve_ed448 = ellipticcurve.CurveEdTw(_p, _a, _d, _h, _shake256)
generator_ed448 = ellipticcurve.PointEdwards(
    curve_ed448, _Gx, _Gy, 1, _Gx * _Gy % _p, _r, generator=True

class PublicKey(object):
    """Public key for the Edwards Digital Signature Algorithm."""

    def __init__(self, generator, public_key, public_point=None):
        self.generator = generator
        self.curve = generator.curve()
        self.__encoded = public_key
        # plus one for the sign bit and round up
        self.baselen = (bit_length(self.curve.p()) + 1 + 7) // 8
        if len(public_key) != self.baselen:
            raise ValueError(
                "Incorrect size of the public key, expected: {0} bytes".format(
        if public_point:
            self.__point = public_point
            self.__point = ellipticcurve.PointEdwards.from_bytes(
                self.curve, public_key

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, PublicKey):
            return (
                self.curve == other.curve and self.__encoded == other.__encoded
        return NotImplemented

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def point(self):
        return self.__point

    def point(self, other):
        if self.__point != other:
            raise ValueError("Can't change the coordinates of the point")
        self.__point = other

    def public_point(self):
        return self.__point

    def public_key(self):
        return self.__encoded

    def verify(self, data, signature):
        """Verify a Pure EdDSA signature over data."""
        data = compat26_str(data)
        if len(signature) != 2 * self.baselen:
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid signature length, expected: {0} bytes".format(
                    2 * self.baselen
        R = ellipticcurve.PointEdwards.from_bytes(
            self.curve, signature[: self.baselen]
        S = bytes_to_int(signature[self.baselen :], "little")
        if S >= self.generator.order():
            raise ValueError("Invalid signature")

        dom = bytearray()
        if self.curve == curve_ed448:
            dom = bytearray(b"SigEd448" + b"\x00\x00")

        k = bytes_to_int(
            self.curve.hash_func(dom + R.to_bytes() + self.__encoded + data),

        if self.generator * S != self.__point * k + R:
            raise ValueError("Invalid signature")

        return True

class PrivateKey(object):
    """Private key for the Edwards Digital Signature Algorithm."""

    def __init__(self, generator, private_key):
        self.generator = generator
        self.curve = generator.curve()
        # plus one for the sign bit and round up
        self.baselen = (bit_length(self.curve.p()) + 1 + 7) // 8
        if len(private_key) != self.baselen:
            raise ValueError(
                "Incorrect size of private key, expected: {0} bytes".format(
        self.__private_key = bytes(private_key)
        self.__h = bytearray(self.curve.hash_func(private_key))
        self.__public_key = None

        a = self.__h[: self.baselen]
        a = self._key_prune(a)
        scalar = bytes_to_int(a, "little")
        self.__s = scalar

    def private_key(self):
        return self.__private_key

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, PrivateKey):
            return (
                self.curve == other.curve
                and self.__private_key == other.__private_key
        return NotImplemented

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def _key_prune(self, key):
        # make sure the key is not in a small subgroup
        h = self.curve.cofactor()
        if h == 4:
            h_log = 2
        elif h == 8:
            h_log = 3
            raise ValueError("Only cofactor 4 and 8 curves supported")
        key[0] &= ~((1 << h_log) - 1)

        # ensure the highest bit is set but no higher
        l = bit_length(self.curve.p())
        if l % 8 == 0:
            key[-1] = 0
            key[-2] |= 0x80
            key[-1] = key[-1] & (1 << (l % 8)) - 1 | 1 << (l % 8) - 1
        return key

    def public_key(self):
        """Generate the public key based on the included private key"""
        if self.__public_key:
            return self.__public_key

        public_point = self.generator * self.__s

        self.__public_key = PublicKey(
            self.generator, public_point.to_bytes(), public_point

        return self.__public_key

    def sign(self, data):
        """Perform a Pure EdDSA signature over data."""
        data = compat26_str(data)
        A = self.public_key().public_key()

        prefix = self.__h[self.baselen :]

        dom = bytearray()
        if self.curve == curve_ed448:
            dom = bytearray(b"SigEd448" + b"\x00\x00")

        r = bytes_to_int(self.curve.hash_func(dom + prefix + data), "little")
        R = (self.generator * r).to_bytes()

        k = bytes_to_int(self.curve.hash_func(dom + R + A + data), "little")
        k %= self.generator.order()

        S = (r + k * self.__s) % self.generator.order()

        return R + int_to_bytes(S, self.baselen, "little")