path: root/plugin/evm/export_tx_test.go
blob: 2af123fca3e3fe347c32b4bce56a548c631202b7 (plain) (tree)

// (c) 2019-2020, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
// See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.

package evm

import (


func TestExportTxVerifyNil(t *testing.T) {
	var exportTx UnsignedExportTx
	if err := exportTx.Verify(testXChainID, NewContext(), testTxFee, testAvaxAssetID); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("Verify should have failed due to nil transaction")

func TestExportTxVerify(t *testing.T) {
	var exportAmount uint64 = 10000000
	exportTx := &UnsignedExportTx{
		NetworkID:        testNetworkID,
		BlockchainID:     testCChainID,
		DestinationChain: testXChainID,
		Ins: []EVMInput{
				Address: testEthAddrs[0],
				Amount:  exportAmount,
				AssetID: testAvaxAssetID,
				Nonce:   0,
				Address: testEthAddrs[2],
				Amount:  exportAmount,
				AssetID: testAvaxAssetID,
				Nonce:   0,
		ExportedOutputs: []*avax.TransferableOutput{
				Asset: avax.Asset{ID: testAvaxAssetID},
				Out: &secp256k1fx.TransferOutput{
					Amt: exportAmount - testTxFee,
					OutputOwners: secp256k1fx.OutputOwners{
						Locktime:  0,
						Threshold: 1,
						Addrs:     []ids.ShortID{testShortIDAddrs[0]},
				Asset: avax.Asset{ID: testAvaxAssetID},
				Out: &secp256k1fx.TransferOutput{
					Amt: exportAmount, // only subtract fee from one output
					OutputOwners: secp256k1fx.OutputOwners{
						Locktime:  0,
						Threshold: 1,
						Addrs:     []ids.ShortID{testShortIDAddrs[1]},

	// Sort the inputs and outputs to ensure the transaction is canonical
	avax.SortTransferableOutputs(exportTx.ExportedOutputs, Codec)
	// Pass in a list of signers here with the appropriate length
	// to avoid causing a nil-pointer error in the helper method
	emptySigners := make([][]*crypto.PrivateKeySECP256K1R, 2)
	SortEVMInputsAndSigners(exportTx.Ins, emptySigners)

	ctx := NewContext()

	// Test Valid Export Tx
	if err := exportTx.Verify(testXChainID, ctx, testTxFee, testAvaxAssetID); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to verify valid ExportTx: %w", err)

	exportTx.syntacticallyVerified = false
	exportTx.NetworkID = testNetworkID + 1

	// Test Incorrect Network ID Errors
	if err := exportTx.Verify(testXChainID, ctx, testTxFee, testAvaxAssetID); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("ExportTx should have failed verification due to incorrect network ID")

	exportTx.syntacticallyVerified = false
	exportTx.NetworkID = testNetworkID
	exportTx.BlockchainID = nonExistentID
	// Test Incorrect Blockchain ID Errors
	if err := exportTx.Verify(testXChainID, ctx, testTxFee, testAvaxAssetID); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("ExportTx should have failed verification due to incorrect blockchain ID")

	exportTx.syntacticallyVerified = false
	exportTx.BlockchainID = testCChainID
	exportTx.DestinationChain = nonExistentID
	// Test Incorrect Destination Chain ID Errors
	if err := exportTx.Verify(testXChainID, ctx, testTxFee, testAvaxAssetID); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("ExportTx should have failed verification due to incorrect destination chain")

	exportTx.syntacticallyVerified = false
	exportTx.DestinationChain = testXChainID
	exportedOuts := exportTx.ExportedOutputs
	exportTx.ExportedOutputs = nil
	// Test No Exported Outputs Errors
	if err := exportTx.Verify(testXChainID, ctx, testTxFee, testAvaxAssetID); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("ExportTx should have failed verification due to no exported outputs")

	exportTx.syntacticallyVerified = false
	exportTx.ExportedOutputs = []*avax.TransferableOutput{exportedOuts[1], exportedOuts[0]}
	// Test Unsorted outputs Errors
	if err := exportTx.Verify(testXChainID, ctx, testTxFee, testAvaxAssetID); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("ExportTx should have failed verification due to no exported outputs")

	exportTx.syntacticallyVerified = false
	exportTx.ExportedOutputs = exportedOuts
	inputs := exportTx.Ins
	exportTx.Ins = nil
	// Test No Exported Outputs Errors
	if err := exportTx.Verify(testXChainID, ctx, testTxFee, testAvaxAssetID); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("ExportTx should have failed verification due to no inputs")

	exportTx.syntacticallyVerified = false
	exportTx.Ins = []EVMInput{inputs[1], inputs[0]}
	// Test unsorted EVM Inputs Errors
	if err := exportTx.Verify(testXChainID, ctx, testTxFee, testAvaxAssetID); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("ExportTx should have failed verification due to unsorted inputs")

	exportTx.syntacticallyVerified = false
	exportTx.Ins = []EVMInput{inputs[0], inputs[0]}
	// Test non-unique EVM Inputs Errors
	if err := exportTx.Verify(testXChainID, ctx, testTxFee, testAvaxAssetID); err == nil {
		t.Fatal("ExportTx should have failed verification due to non-unique inputs")