path: root/doc/cibic.tex
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+\documentclass[10pt, a4paper]{article}
+\usepackage{xeCJK, fontspec}
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+\usepackage{rotating, enumerate, minted, fancyvrb, longtable}
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+\title{\Large{CIBIC: C Implemented Bare and Ingenuous Compiler}}
+\author{\textsc{尹茂帆 Ted Yin}\\ \\\multicolumn{1}{p{.7\textwidth}}
+ {\centering\emph{F1224004 5120309051\\
+Shanghai Jiao Tong University ACM Class}}}
+ This report presents the design and features of a simple C compiler which
+ generates MIPS assembly code. Although not all the language requirements and
+ features are implemented according to the standard, it still supports major
+ C features, such as basic types (void, int, char), basic flow control syntax
+ (if, while-loop, for-loop), user-defined types (aka. typedef), functions,
+ pointers (including function pointers), struct/union (may be nested), etc.
+ Besides, it makes use of SSA (Single Static Assignment) form for the IR
+ (Intermediate Representation) and optimization. The whole compiler is
+ written in pure C, obeying C89/C99 standard. The report first introduces the
+ lexer and parser generation, then focuses on the data structures being used
+ in the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) and symbol tables, and makes a conclusion
+ on the supported syntactical features. Next, the report shows the
+ intermediate representation design and claims the techniques that have been
+ used in the project. Finally, various optimization techniques are presented
+ and discussed, some are accompanied with code snippets.
+\section{Lexer and Parser}
+CIBIC makes good use of existing lexer and parser generators. It uses Flex to
+generate lexer while using Bison as parser generator. Both generators read
+boilerplate text which contains C code fragments to be filled in the generated
+lexer/parser. The best practice, I suggest, is to avoid embedding too much
+concrete code in the boilerplate. Instead, we shall write well-designed
+functions in a separate file (``\texttt{ast.c}'' in CIBIC) and invoke functions
+in the boilerplate. The reason is that it is almost not practical nor
+convenient to debug the generated lexer or parser. Using the seperation method,
+we can set up breakpoints in the seperate file easily and debug on the fly. The
+declarations of all functions that may be invoked during parsing can be found
+It requires a little more effort to track the location of each token using
+Flex. Luckily, Flex provides with a macro called ``\texttt{YY\_USER\_ACTION}''
+to let the user do some extra actions after each token is read. So I maintained
+a global variable ``\texttt{yycolumn}'' to keep the current column, a global
+char array ``\texttt{linebuff}'' to buffer the text being read for error
+ \centering
+ \RecustomVerbatimEnvironment{Verbatim}{BVerbatim}{}
+ \begin{minted}{c}
+int yycolumn = 1;
+char linebuff[MAX_LINEBUFF], *lptr = linebuff;
+#define YY_USER_ACTION \
+ do { \
+ yylloc.first_line = yylloc.last_line = yylineno; \
+ yylloc.first_column = yycolumn; \
+ yylloc.last_column = yycolumn + yyleng - 1; \
+ yycolumn += yyleng; \
+ memmove(lptr, yytext, yyleng); \
+ lptr += yyleng; \
+ } while (0);
+ do { \
+ yycolumn = 1; \
+ lptr = linebuff; \
+ } while (0)
+\caption {Code Snippet to Track Down Location}
+\subsection{Friendly Error Report}
+CIBIC generates friendly and accurate error report. The corresponding line and
+column number are printed. Besides, if it is an syntax error, CIBIC will print
+the context where the error occurs just like clang.
+ \centering
+2:28: error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting ',' or ')'
+ int this_is_an_example(;
+ ^
+2:13: error: syntax error, unexpected identifier
+ typedef a
+ ^
+\caption {Some Error Report Examples}
+\section{Semantic Analysis and Implementation}
+The parsing process is also an AST (Abstrct Syntax Tree) construction process.
+By calling the corresponding functions, the generated parser creates tree nodes
+and merge them into subtrees. The major issue here is how to design a proper
+data structure to represent and maintain the AST. In CIBIC, all nodes in an AST
+are instances of struct ``CNode'' in figure \ref{fig:struct_cnode}.
+ \centering
+ \texttt {
+ \begin{tabular}{|c|}
+ \hline
+ type \\
+ \footnotesize{describe syntax information e.g. expression or declarator} \\ \hline
+ rec: \\
+ \footnotesize{\textbf{union of intval / subtype / strval}} \\
+ \footnotesize{stores detailed information e.g. which kind of expression it is} \\ \hline
+ ext: \\
+ \footnotesize{\textbf{struct of type, var, autos, const\_val, is\_const, offset}} \\
+ \footnotesize{extended info, where annotation is made} \\ \hline
+ chd \\
+ \footnotesize{the left most child of the node} \\ \hline
+ next \\
+ \footnotesize{the next sibling} \\ \hline
+ loc \\
+ \footnotesize{\textbf{struct of row, col}} \\
+ \footnotesize{the location in the source code, for error report} \\ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ }
+ \caption{The Structure of a CNode instance}
+ \label{fig:struct_cnode}
+Since a node may have variable number of children, the most common and
+efficient approach is to implement a left-child right-sibling binary tree. The
+field ``\texttt{chd}'' points to the child and ``\texttt{next}'' points to the
+next sibling. This implementation is extremely flexible because we do not need
+to know the number of children in advance, which brings us the convenience of
+appending argument nodes to a function invocation node in the boilerplate.
+After construction of the AST, the tree will be traversed by calling mutually
+recursive functions declared in ``\texttt{semantics.h}''. The entry call is
+``\texttt{semantics\_check}'' which will set up the symbol tables and call
+``\texttt{semantics\_func}'' and ``\texttt{semantics\_decl}'' to analyze
+function definitions and global declarations. These functions will further
+invoke more basic functions such as ``\texttt{semantics\_comp}'' (handles
+compound statements) to fully check the semantics and gather variable typing
+The key data structures in the semantic checking are \textbf{symbol tables}.
+Symbol tables maintain variables and types in different scopes across different
+name spaces. When a variable is defined, the corresponding type specifer will
+be checked and binds to the variable. Also, when the scope ends, all variable
+bindings living within the scope will be removed from the table. Although they
+are removed from the table, the bindings are still referenced by some nodes on
+the AST, so that the AST becomes ``\textbf{annotated AST}''. In CIBIC, the
+variable reference is stored in ``\texttt{ext.var}'' field of
+``\texttt{CNode}'' and the type information of an subexpression is annotated at
+``\texttt{ext.type}''. Thus, in a word, symbol tables stores all symbols that
+are currently \textbf{visible}.
+In C language, there are four name spaces: for label names, tags, members of
+structures or unions and all other identifiers. Goto statments are not
+implemented in CIBIC, so there're actually three name spaces. Since each kind of
+structures or unios have its own name space for its fields, we treat them
+specially and create a new table for each of them. For tags and all other
+identifiers, we set up two global tables. Besides name spaces, scoping is also a
+very important concept in C. It seems to be an orthogonal concept to name
+Considering these two concepts, CIBIC implements a struct named
+``\texttt{CScope}'' to maintain all the information as shown in figure
+ \centering
+ \texttt {
+ \begin{tabular}{|c|}
+ \hline
+ lvl \\
+ \footnotesize{current nesting level of scopes, e.g. 0 for global scope} \\ \hline
+ func \\
+ \footnotesize{current function, helpful when analyzing a return statement} \\ \hline
+ inside\_loop \\
+ \footnotesize{if the scope is inside a loop, help full when analyzing a break statement} \\ \hline
+ top \\
+ \footnotesize{points to the top of the scope stack} \\ \hline
+ ids \\
+ \footnotesize{name space for all other variables} \\ \hline
+ tags \\
+ \footnotesize{name space for all tags (name of structs or unions)} \\ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ }
+ \caption{The Structure of a CScope instance}
+ \label{fig:struct_cscope}
+Note that ``\texttt{top}'' points to an instance of ``\texttt{CSNode}'' which
+has two fields ``\texttt{symlist}'' and ``\texttt{next}''. ``\texttt{symlist}''
+points to a list of symbols in the same scope while ``\texttt{next}'' links to
+the outer scope which is another instance of ``\texttt{CSNode}''. As for
+``\texttt{ids}'' and ``\texttt{tags}'', they are pointers to
+``\texttt{CTable}'',stores all the current symbols. As mentioned above, for
+each struct or union, there is also a pointer to ``\texttt{CTable}'' stores all
+field names. ``\texttt{CTable}'' is an open addressing hash table
+containing nodes of the type ``\texttt{CTNode}''. Inspired by \cite{grune12},
+the structure of each node is designed as in figure \ref{fig:struct_ctnode}.
+ \centering
+ \texttt {
+ \begin{tabular}{|c|}
+ \hline
+ key \\
+ \footnotesize{char *} \\ \hline
+ val \\
+ \footnotesize{void *, in order to also be used in checking duplicate parameters, etc.} \\ \hline
+ next \\
+ \footnotesize{the next element which has the same hash value} \\ \hline
+ lvl \\
+ \footnotesize{scope level} \\ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ }
+ \caption{The Structure of a CTNode instance}
+ \label{fig:struct_ctnode}
+Thanks to the level information kept in each ``\texttt{CTNode}'', we do not
+have to establish a hash table for every scopes, which may be memory consuming.
+Instead, whenever a new scope begins, CIBIC simply pushes a new frame to scope
+stack. This is achieved by creating an instance of ``\texttt{CSNode}'', setting
+its ``\texttt{next}'' field to the ``\texttt{top}'' field of the
+``\texttt{CScope}'' then letting the ``\texttt{top}'' points to the new frame,
+finally increasing ``\texttt{lvl}'' by one. Whenever a new symbol is being
+added to ``\texttt{CScope}'', CIBIC adds the symbol to one of the tables
+``\texttt{ids}'' and ``\texttt{tags}'', then also appends the symbol to the
+``\texttt{symlist}'' of the top of the scope stack. The most elegant
+characteristics of open addressing hash tables is, for the same name appears in
+different scopes, the symbol defined at the inner most is always ahead of
+others in the chain of the table because it is the most recently added. So,
+for lookups, CIBIC just need to return the first node having the same name in
+the chain, which is very time-efficient. At last, when a scope ends, CIBIC
+scans the whole ``\texttt{symlist}'' of the top scope frame, and tries to remove
+these symbols from the table. Figure \ref{fig:nested_scope} presents the content
+of the scope stack when the analysis proceeds into the inner most declaration of
+a. Chains with hash code 0097 and 0098 in figure \ref{fig:scope_stack} reveal
+the underlying mechanism.
+% \centering
+ \begin{minipage}{0.35\textwidth}
+% \RecustomVerbatimEnvironment{Verbatim}{BVerbatim}{}
+ \begin{minted}{c}
+int main() {
+ int a, b;
+ if (a > 0)
+ {
+ int a, b;
+ if (a > 0)
+ {
+ int a, b;
+ }
+ }
+ \end{minted}
+ \caption {Nested Scope Example}
+ \label{fig:nested_scope}
+% \centering
+ \begin{minipage}{0.5\textwidth}
+ \begin{BVerbatim}
+ [0072]->[int@747e780:0]
+ [0097]->[a@7484ae0:3]->[a@7484890:2]->[a@7484580:1]
+ [0098]->[b@7484bb0:3]->[b@7484960:2]->[b@7484710:1]
+ [0108]->[printf@747f150:0]
+ [0188]->[scanf@747f640:0]
+ [0263]->[__print_string@7484010:0]
+ [0278]->[__print_char@7483fc0:0]
+ [0623]->[__print_int@747f8b0:0]
+ [0778]->[malloc@7484100:0]
+ [0827]->[void@747eee0:0]
+ [0856]->[main@7484530:0]
+ [0908]->[memcpy@7484060:0]
+ [0971]->[char@747e9f0:0]
+ \end{BVerbatim}
+ \caption {CIBIC Dump: Scope Stack}
+ \label{fig:scope_stack}
+\subsection{Type System}
+C has a small set of basic types. In CIBIC, basic types include \texttt{char},
+\texttt{int} and \texttt{void} (literally, \texttt{void} is not an actual
+type). However, C supports two powerful type aggregation: arrays and structures
+(unions), and also supports an indirect access tool: pointer. This makes the
+type system much more complex and usable in practice. CIBIC uses the concept
+``type tree'' to organize types. All basic types are the leaves of a type tree,
+while aggregate types and pointers are the intermediate nodes. Figure
+\ref{fig:type_tree} shows a typical type tree of a C struct.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{tree.png}
+ \caption{A Typical Type Tree}
+ \label{fig:type_tree}
+A type tree is good at preserving type hierarchy info which may be extremely
+useful in type checking. For example, when checking a expression \texttt{*a},
+compiler first check if the root of the type tree of a is a pointer. If not,
+error message will be printed and semantic checking fails. Otherwise, the type
+of the expression result is the subtree of the only child of the root. Also, a
+type tree enables us to implement complex type nesting, which will be discussed
+later on.
+\subsection{\texttt{typedef} support}
+CIBIC has support for user-defined types, which are defined via the keyword
+``\texttt{typedef}''. However, ``\texttt{typedef}'' is notoriously difficult
+to deal with due to the ambiguity caused by the language design. For example,
+in ``\texttt{int A}'', A is a \textbf{variable} of integer type, but in
+``\texttt{A a}'', A is a user-defined \textbf{type}. The subtle semantic
+difference is caused by context. In former case, A is identified as a
+identifier token, while in latter case, identified as a type specifier. The
+meaning of a token should be made clear during lexical analysis which does not
+take in account of context. So the most direct and effective way to implement
+\texttt{typedef} is to hack the lexer and parser. CIBIC maintains a
+``\texttt{typedef\_stack}'' to denote current parsing status. When a parser has
+just read a type specifier, before it moves on, it invokes
+``\texttt{def\_enter(FORCE\_ID)}'' to notify ``\texttt{typedef\_stack}'' the
+subsequent string token must be an identifier instead of a type specifier. As
+for ``\texttt{typedef}'' statements, the parser will invoke
+``\texttt{def\_enter(IN\_TYPEDEF)}'' to record the newly defined typename by
+adding an entry to a hash table. As for the lexer, when a string token is being
+read, it invokes ``\texttt{is\_identifier}'' to make sure whether the string is
+an \texttt{IDENTIFIER} or a \texttt{USER\_TYPE}.
+Listing \ref{list:typedef} demonstrates a very subtle use of \texttt{typedef},
+which can be parsed perfectly by CIBIC.
+ \centering
+ \RecustomVerbatimEnvironment{Verbatim}{BVerbatim}{}
+ \begin{minted}{c}
+/* It's quite common to define a shorthand `I' for `struct I'. */
+typedef struct I I;
+/* Declaration of a function with parameter `a' of user-defined type `I'. */
+int incomp(I a);
+/* The definition of `I' is postponed. */
+struct I {
+ int i, j;
+/* Function definition of previous declared one. */
+int incomp(I a) {}
+/* Define `b' as an int type. */
+typedef int b;
+int main() {
+ /* Variable `b' is of type `b', an integer actually. */
+ I i;
+ b b;
+ incomp(i);
+\caption {\texttt{typedef} Example}
+\label {list:typedef}
+\subsection{Complex Declaration and Function Pointer}
+With the help of type tree, CIBIC supports complex type declaration and
+function pointers. The code below shows declaration with different semantics.
+The subsequent dump information shows the corresponding type trees. The
+hexidecimal value after ``\texttt{@}'' is the memory address of corresponding
+instance in the implementation. For example, local variable \texttt{a} is an
+instance of struct whose address is \texttt{735da40}, and \texttt{next} field
+of \texttt{struct A} also points to the type with the same address. In fact,
+the address of a struct type instance is regarded as its unique id in CIBIC.
+This guarantees that the type tree is correctly structured as shown in figure
+\ref{fig:type_tree}. It is also worth noting that three different delcarations
+of ``arrays'' have inherently different meaning. Also the code shows us a very
+complex declaration of a function \texttt{func}. It is a selector which returns
+one of the pointers to a function in its parameters.
+ \centering
+ \RecustomVerbatimEnvironment{Verbatim}{BVerbatim}{}
+ \begin{minted}[linenos=true,firstnumber=1]{c}
+struct A {
+ int x, y;
+ struct B {
+ int i, j;
+ } b;
+ struct A *next;
+/* a function that returns a pointer to function */
+int (*func(int flag, int (*f)(), int (*g)()))() {
+ if (flag) return f;
+ else return g;
+int main() {
+ struct A a;
+ /* the follow types are distinctly different */
+ int a0[10][20]; /* two-dimensional array */
+ int (*a1)[20]; /* a pointer to array */
+ int *a2[20]; /* an array of pointers */
+ int **a3; /* pointer to pointer */
+ /* pointer to a function */
+ int (*f)(), (*h)();
+ /* function declaration, not a variable */
+ int (*g(int ***e[10]))();
+ /* complex type casting is also supported */
+ f = (int (*)())(0x12345678);
+ f = func(1, f, main); /* f */
+ h = func(0, f, main); /* main */
+ /* 0 1 */
+ printf("%d %d\n", f == main, h == main);
+ \end{minted}
+ \caption {Complex Declaration Example}
+ \centering
+ \begin{BVerbatim}
+ {params:
+ [var@735fd60:flag :: [int]],
+ [var@735ff00:f :: [ptr]->
+ [func:{name:}{size:-1}
+ {params:}
+ {local:}]->[int]],
+ [var@7360080:g :: [ptr]->
+ [func:{name:}{size:-1}
+ {params:}
+ {local:}]->[int]]}
+ {local:}]->[ptr]->
+ [func:{name:}{size:-1}
+ {params:}
+ {local:}]->[int]
+ {params:}
+ {local:
+ [var@7360d70:h :: [ptr]->
+ [func:{name:}{size:-1}
+ {params:}
+ {local:}]->[int]],
+ [var@7360c00:f :: [ptr]->
+ [func:{name:}{size:-1}
+ {params:}
+ {local:}]->[int]],
+ [var@7360a00:a3 :: [ptr]->[ptr]->[int]],
+ [var@7360820:a2 :: [arr:{len:20}{size:80}]->[ptr]->[int]],
+ [var@7360640:a1 :: [ptr]->[arr:{len:20}{size:-1}]->[int]],
+ [var@7360460:a0 :: [arr:{len:10}{size:800}]->[arr:{len:20}{size:80}]->[int]],
+ [var@7360110:a ::
+ [struct@735da40:{name:A}{size:20}{fields:
+ [var@735d9b0:b ::
+ [struct@735b730:{name:B}{size:8}{fields:
+ [var@735d7d0:i :: [int]],
+ [var@735d8b0:j :: [int]]}]],
+ [var@735b5c0:x :: [int]],
+ [var@735b6a0:y :: [int]],
+ [var@735db50:next :: [ptr]->
+ [struct@735da40:{name:A}]]}]]}]->[int]
+ \end{BVerbatim}
+ \caption {CIBIC Dump: Complex Declaration}
+Accompanied by complex type declaration, complex type casting is also allowed in
+CIBIC. In the code above, an integer \texttt{0x12345678} is casted into a
+pointer to a function with empty parameter list returning an integer, and assign
+to function pointer f. Note that in order to deal with the form like
+``\texttt{(int (*)())}'', syntax description in ``\texttt{cibic.y}'' is rewritten
+according to the standard and made more general.
+Function pointers are easy to implement in MIPS assembly. But their declarations
+could be more complex and esoteric than we expect it to be. Although these
+constructions are rarely used, the compilers that support function pointer are
+supposted to understand them. For example, ``\texttt{int (*g(int
+***e[10]))();}'' declares a function g which takes an array of pointers as
+parameters and returns a function pointer. The code below demonstrates a
+non-typical use of function pointer. It can be compiled correctly by CIBIC. When
+x is non-zero, the program prints ``i'm f'' five times, otherwise, prints ``i'm
+g''. Note that we make use of the language feature of C that the empty parameter
+list means uncertain number of parameters, so that f and g can pass func itself
+to the invocation of func.
+ \centering
+ \RecustomVerbatimEnvironment{Verbatim}{BVerbatim}{}
+ \begin{minted}{c}
+typedef void (*Func_t)();
+void f(Func_t func, int step) {
+ if (!step) return;
+ printf("i'm f\n");
+ func(func, step - 1);
+/* void (*func)() has the same meaning as Func_t func */
+void g(void (*func)(), int step) {
+ if (!step) return;
+ printf("i'm g\n");
+ func(func, step - 1);
+int main() {
+ void (*func)(void (*ifunc)(), int step);
+ int x = 1;
+ if (x) func = f;
+ else func = g;
+ func(func, 5);
+ return 0;
+ \end{minted}
+ \caption {Self-reference function pointer}
+\section{Intermediate Representation}
+A good IR (intermediate representation) should be both easy to modify (or
+optimize) and convenient to be transformed into assembly. A typical bad design
+is to make up an IR that totally resembles assembly instructions. This does not
+make much sense because when IR almost looks like assembly, we actually do not
+need IR at all, even though this makes it easier to translate. Moreover, if IR
+to assembly is a ``one-to-one correspondence'', we can not benefit much from
+the IR in the optimization, even suffer from debugging since one semantically
+clear operation may be splitted into several confusing assembly-like IR
+In CIBIC, there are mainly three kinds of IR instructions: flow control,
+assignment and calculation. For example, \texttt{BEQ}, \texttt{BNE},
+\texttt{GOTO}, \texttt{RET}, and \texttt{CALL} are flow control instructions;
+\texttt{ARR}, \texttt{WARR}, \texttt{MOVE} are assignment instructions;
+\texttt{MUL}, \texttt{DIV}, \texttt{ADD}, \texttt{SUB}, etc. are calculation
+instructions. There are also a few special types of instructions, like
+\texttt{PUSH}, \texttt{LOAD}. \texttt{PUSH} indicates an argument is pushed to
+the stack. \texttt{LOAD} is just a ``pseudo-instruction'', it is only designed
+for helping the unification of SSA form because every variable needs to be
+defined somewhere. So local variables are parameters are first ``loaded'' at the
+beginning of a function. Therefore for some variables \texttt{LOAD} does not
+need to be translated into a de facto load instruction (for example, spilled
+variables). All kinds of instructions used in IR is shown in table.
+ \texttt {
+ \begin{longtable}{|r|c|c|c|l|}
+ OpCode & Dest. & Src. 1 & Src. 2 & Explanation \\ \hline
+ BEQ & block & cond & val & if (cond == val) goto block \\
+ BNE & block & cond & val & if (cond != val) goto block \\
+ GOTO & block & NULL & NULL & goto block \\
+ CALL & ret & func & NULL & ret = call func \\
+ RET & NULL & ret & NULL & return ret \\ \hline
+ PUSH & NULL & arg & NULL & push arg \\
+ LOAD & var & NULL & NULL & load var \\ \hline
+ ARR & var & arr & index & var = arr[index] \\
+ WARR & arr & var & index & arr[index] = var \\
+ MOVE & var1 & var2 & NULL & var1 = var2 \\ \hline
+ ADDR & var1 & var2 & NULL & var1 = addr var2 \\
+ MUL & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 * var2 \\
+ DIV & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 / var2 \\
+ MOD & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 \% var2 \\
+ ADD & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 + var2 \\
+ SUB & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 - var2 \\
+ SHL & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 << var2 \\
+ SHR & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 >> var2 \\
+ AND & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 \& var2 \\
+ XOR & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 \^{} var2 \\
+ OR & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 | var2 \\
+ NOR & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 nor var2 \\
+ EQ & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 == var2 \\
+ NE & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 != var2 \\
+ LT & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 < var2 \\
+ GT & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 > var2 \\
+ LE & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 <= var2 \\
+ GE & res & var1 & var2 & res = var1 >= var2 \\
+ NEG & res & var1 & NULL & res = -var1 \\
+ \end{longtable}
+ }
+Here are some remarks:
+ \item Because C standard requires shortcuit of ``\texttt{\&\&}'' and
+ ``\texttt{||}'' operator, they are transformed into branches, will not
+ be shown in the IR.
+ \item Multi-dimensional arrays require a little more care. In C, all arrays
+ are treated as one-dimensional array in the end. For instance,
+ \texttt{a[2][3][4]} (\texttt{a} is declared as \texttt{int a[5][5][5]})
+ is transformed into \texttt{*(a + 2 * 100 + 3 * 20 + 4 * 4)}, so its IR,
+ for example could be:
+ \texttt{
+ \begin{tabular}{l}
+ t5 = a\_0 + 200 \\
+ t3 = t5 + 60 \\
+ b\_1 = t3[16] \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ }
+\item Pointer dereference such as \texttt{a = *ptr} can be easily represented by
+ \texttt{a = ptr[0]}.
+\item Since structs and unions can not be entirely stored in a register, CIBIC
+ regard a instance of a struct or union as a pointer to it. Since the memory
+ offset of an attribute can be determined after semantics analysis, access to
+ a struct (or union) can be represented in the same way as array:
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{minipage}{0.3\textwidth}
+ \begin{minted}{c}
+struct A {
+ struct B {
+ int i, j;
+ } b;
+ int x, y;
+} a, a2;
+int main() {
+ struct B b;
+ a.b.i = 1;
+ a.b.j = 2;
+ a.x = 3;
+ a.y = 4;
+ a2.b = b;
+ a.b = a2.b;
+ \end{minted}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}{0.3\textwidth}
+ \begin{BVerbatim}
+t1 = a_0 + 8
+t1[4] = 1
+t4 = t1
+t4[0] = 2
+a_0[4] = 3
+a_0[0] = 4
+a2_0[8] = b_0
+t12 = a2_0 + 8
+a_0[8] = t12
+ \end{BVerbatim}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{center}
+ The only problem left is the ambiguity. If we regard a instance of a struct
+ as a pointer to it, how could we distinguish a struct copy assignment from
+ a struct pointer assignment? The answer is: this is not an ambiguity at
+ all, since all the type information of operands are preserved, we can
+ easily tell the difference by looking at type information. So actually, the
+ printed IR above does not contain all the information, it is just a human
+ readable form to easy our debug. The underlying type information is
+ preserved in IR data structure and passed to the translator so can be used
+ to guide the final translation. Of course, the code above does produce
+ correct result compiled by CIBIC.
+ \centering
+ \RecustomVerbatimEnvironment{Verbatim}{BVerbatim}{}
+ \begin{minted}{c}
+/* build SSA */
+/* optimization on SSA */
+/* out of SSA */
+ \end{minted}
+ \caption{Workflow of IR in CIBIC}
+ \label{list:workflow}
+\subsection{Single Static Assignment Form}
+CIBIC makes good use of SSA (Single Static Assignment) form. SSA form is a
+property of an IR, which says that each variable is assigned \textbf{exactly
+once}. The property can simplify the liveness analysis and optimization, since
+all variables are assigned only once so the ``define-use'' relationship is much
+clearer that the original IR.
+However, it is not trivial to convert an IR to SSA form, mainly because of the
+``merging issue''. In figure \ref{fig:phi_function}, the control flow branches
+at the \texttt{if} statement and merges again when getting out of if. The
+question is, should we use \texttt{x\_1} or \texttt{x\_2} in the \texttt{y = x
++ 1} statement? The answer is, it is only known at runtime. So a
+``phi-function'' \texttt{x\_3 = phi(x\_1, x\_2)} will be inserted at the merge
+point to wrap two possibilities. Unfortunately, not only does this
+circumstance appear in if statement, but also exist in loops. How do we know
+where we should add an phi-function for certain variable? The answer is we can
+just insert phi-functions at dominance frontiers in the control flow graph.
+There are several ways of computing dominance frontiers of a control flow
+graph. But they all first construct the dominator tree and then deduce the
+frontiers. Well-known algorithms for finding out the dominator tree are the
+straightforward iterative algorithm and Lengauer-Tarjan algorithm. The improved
+version on latter algorithm provides with a nearly linear time complexity $O(m
+\alpha(m, n))$. However, according to the research \cite{tarjan06} done by L.
+Georgiagids, R. F. Werneck, R. E. Tarjan et al, practical performance of
+iterative algorithm is acceptable and even better than sophisticated LT
+algorithm. CIBIC adopts a variant \cite{cooper01} of the original iterative
+algorithm. It is faster than LT algorithm on real programs and easy to
+ \centering
+ \begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{phi1.png}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}{0.4\textwidth}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{phi2.png}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \caption{Before and After Inserting Phi-function}
+ \label{fig:phi_function}
+\subsection{Register Allocation}
+CIBIC uses linear scan register allocation \cite{moe02} to allocate registers
+\emph{before translating out of SSA form}. This method is different from
+traditional one and can make use of lifetime holes and instruction weights to
+improve the quality of the allocation.
+To run the allocation algorithm, we shall first compute live intervals.
+Unfortunately, the pseudo-code provided in the paper \cite{moe02} does not take
+the loop cases into account. In another paper \cite{wimmer10}, I found the
+correct algorithm for coping with loops. Unfortunately, the pseudo-code in two
+papers are written in different forms and have different concepts in some
+details. So I learned from both of them and got my own algorithm (almost like
+the one in paper \cite{moe02}). Since the graph is traversed \textbf{only
+once}, the implementation is quite efficient (the traditional method for
+non-SSA IR requires iteration thus the time complexity is not guaranteed).
+In linear scan algorithm described in paper \cite{moe02}, we should maintain
+four sets: unhandled, handled, active, inactive. However, for the
+implementation, we do not need to maintain handled set because once a variable
+is handled, we can just evict it from the current active or inactive set and
+there is no need to put it again into another handled set. Besides, the
+unhandled set can be implemented as a sorted array, because intervals are
+picked in increasing order of their start points. Therefore, in CIBIC, only
+active and inactive sets are maintained by double-linked lists with sentinel
+nodes. The double-linked design makes it easy to remove an interval from the
+set and the sentinel node helps us to move to another set conveniently. The
+algorithm also requires a pre-calculated weight of each interval (computed from
+the accesses to the interval) which helps to decide the spilled variable.
+\section{Performance and Optimization}
+\subsection{Compilation Speed}
+CIBIC compiles very fast for all the given source code and some additional test
+cases. It costs CIBIC 0.10 second to compile all 52 programs, while gcc spends
+1.90 seconds to complete in the same testing environment. Although the test may
+not be complete or fair (since gcc is a much more sophisticated compiler), the
+result does show a decent and promising compilation speed.
+\subsection{Compilation Quality}
+In the final examination, the performance of MIPS assembly generated by CIBIC
+surpasses the ones generated by most of my classmates' Java-implemented
+compilers. It is worth mentioning that all of those few compilers that produces
+better code are written in Java and none of them always generates better code
+than CIBIC. Also, in the circumstances where the code generated by CIBIC is not
+the best, the runtime difference between the best performance code and the one
+by CIBIC is small. Moreover, as far as I know, those compiler make use of (not
+fully implemented) inline optimization which may be very effective for some
+special code. However, CIBIC does not implement any form of inline optimization
+due to the limited time (To implement a decent inline optimization for an
+SSA-based and C-implemented compiler requires some extra work). Finally, I
+would like to argue that all test cases provided by teaching assistants may not
+be complete or convincing. The major design flaw is all functions are very
+short and only have one or two nested \texttt{if} statement or loops (except
+test case: ``superloop''). Therefore, the advantage of SSA (especially the
+advanced register allocation algorithm) is not shown very well.
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{all.png}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{all2.png}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{all3.png}
+The above figures show the ``normalized instruction'' for each compiler
+implementation with respect to different test cases. The ``normalized
+instruction'' is obtained by dividing the number of instructions by the best
+for the same test case, thus the lower, the better. There are 40 test cases
+taken into account. Some good implementations are picked out and bolded in the
+figures, while others are simply colored gray.
+Although CIBIC does not generate the best code in some test cases, the overall
+code quality is very good. Moreover, CIBIC has not implemented inline
+optimization yet. As I know, compilers that are presented in bolded lines in
+the second and the third figure all implement inline optimization, and before
+the optimization, their performance are not as good as CIBIC. Therefore CIBIC
+could do much more better.
+CIBIC implements the following optimizations:
+ \item constant propagation
+ \item dead code elimination
+ \item strength reduction
+ \item common subexpression elimination
+Unfortunately, these optimization do not seem to be very effective to the
+given test cases (although some may be effective to some specific test cases).
+However, the assembly level optimization does have a considerable effect. Some
+important techniques are:
+ \item reduce the use of \texttt{seq} and \texttt{sne} by fusing them with
+ subsequent \texttt{beq} or \texttt{bne}
+ \item reduce the load of immediates
+ \item fuse the short-circuit operators and subsequent branch together (on
+ the one hand it can reduce one or two extra jumps, on the other hand,
+ the dominance of CFG may change so that common subexpression
+ optimization can optimize more)
+We are not going to discuss optimization effectiveness in detail because all
+optimizations used by CIBIC are traditional. Instead, code snippets are
+presented and explained below to reveal \textbf{inappropriate naive
+implementation of some optimizations may be wrong}.
+Constant propagation could be safely applied if there were not any indirect
+modification to the propagated variable. Unfortunately, this is not always true.
+A typical indirection modification is via calling a function which modifies a
+global variable. Because of the function call, the modification is hidden from
+the compiler. Another common indirect modification is done via a pointer. A
+direct approach to get over these problem is to prevent the propagation over a