#ifndef TYPES_H
#define TYPES_H
#include "model.h"
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <gmpxx.h>
using std::list;
using std::string;
using std::map;
using std::vector;
using std::set;
const int CLS_OPT_OBJ = 1 << 3;
const int CLS_PROM_OBJ = 1 << 9;
const int CLS_SYM_OBJ = 1 << 2;
const int CLS_NUM_OBJ = 1 << 4;
const int CLS_BOOL_OBJ = 1 << 5;
const int CLS_CHAR_OBJ = 1 << 6;
const int CLS_STR_OBJ = 1 << 7;
const int CLS_VECT_OBJ = 1 << 8;
const int CLS_CONT_OBJ = 1 << 9;
const int CLS_ENVT_OBJ = 1 << 10;
static const int NUM_LVL_COMP = 0;
static const int NUM_LVL_REAL = 1;
static const int NUM_LVL_RAT = 2;
static const int NUM_LVL_INT = 3;
typedef set<EvalObj*> EvalObjAddrHash;
typedef vector<EvalObj*> EvalObjVec;
typedef map<string, EvalObj*> Str2EvalObj;
typedef EvalObj* (*BuiltinProc)(Pair *, const string &);
class PairReprCons;
/** @class Pair
* Pair construct, which can be used to represent a list, or further
* more, a syntax tree
* (car . cdr) in Scheme
class Pair : public EvalObj {/*{{{*/
EvalObj *car; /**< car (as in Scheme) */
EvalObj *cdr; /**< cdr (as in Scheme) */
Pair* next; /**< The next branch in effect */
Pair(EvalObj *car, EvalObj *cdr); /**< Create a Pair (car . cdr) */
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
/** @class EmptyList
* The empty list (special situation of a list)
class EmptyList: public Pair {/*{{{*/
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
class ReprCons {/*{{{*/
EvalObj *ori;
bool done;
string repr;
ReprCons(bool done, EvalObj *ori = NULL);
virtual EvalObj *next(const string &prev) = 0;
class ReprStr : public ReprCons {/*{{{*/
ReprStr(string repr);
EvalObj *next(const string &prev);
class PairReprCons : public ReprCons {/*{{{*/
int state;
EvalObj *ptr;
PairReprCons(Pair *ptr, EvalObj *ori);
EvalObj *next(const string &prev);
class VecObj;
class VectReprCons : public ReprCons {/*{{{*/
VecObj *ptr;
size_t idx;
VectReprCons(VecObj *ptr, EvalObj *ori);
EvalObj *next(const string &prev);
/** @class ParseBracket
* To indiate a left bracket when parsing, used in the parse_stack
class ParseBracket : public FrameObj {/*{{{*/
unsigned char btype; /**< The type of the bracket */
/** Construct a ParseBracket object */
ParseBracket(unsigned char btype);
/** @class UnspecObj
* The "unspecified" value returned by some builtin procedures
class UnspecObj: public EvalObj {/*{{{*/
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
/** @class SymObj
* Symbols
class SymObj: public EvalObj {/*{{{*/
string val;
SymObj(const string &);
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
// Everything is cons
class Environment;
class Continuation;
/** @class OptObj
* "Operators" in general sense
class OptObj: public EvalObj {/*{{{*/
* The function is called when an operation is needed.
* @param args The argument list (the first one is the opt itself)
* @param envt The current environment (may be modified)
* @param cont The current continuation (may be modified)
* @param top_ptr Pointing to the top of the stack (may be modified)
* @return New value for pc register
virtual Pair *call(Pair *args, Environment * &envt,
Continuation * &cont, FrameObj ** &top_ptr) = 0;
/** @class ProcObj
* User-defined procedures
class ProcObj: public OptObj {/*{{{*/
/** The procedure body, a list of expressions to be evaluated */
Pair *body;
/** The arguments: <list> | var1 ... | var1 var2 ... . varn */
EvalObj *params;
/** Pointer to the environment */
Environment *envt;
/** Conctructs a ProcObj */
ProcObj(Pair *body, Environment *envt, EvalObj *params);
Pair *call(Pair *args, Environment * &envt,
Continuation * &cont, FrameObj ** &top_ptr);
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
/** @class SpecialOptObj
* Special builtin syntax (`if`, `define`, `lambda`, etc.)
class SpecialOptObj: public OptObj {/*{{{*/
string name;
SpecialOptObj(string name);
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
/** @class BuiltinProcObj
* Wrapping class for builtin procedures (arithmetic operators, etc.)
class BuiltinProcObj: public OptObj {/*{{{*/
/** The function that tackle the inputs in effect */
BuiltinProc handler;
string name;
* Make a BuiltinProcObj which invokes proc when called
* @param proc the actual handler
* @param name the name of this built-in procedure
BuiltinProcObj(BuiltinProc proc, string name);
Pair *call(Pair *args, Environment * &envt,
Continuation * &cont, FrameObj ** &top_ptr);
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
/** @class BoolObj
* Booleans
class BoolObj: public EvalObj {/*{{{*/
bool val; /**< true for \#t, false for \#f */
BoolObj(bool); /**< Converts a C bool value to a BoolObj*/
bool is_true(); /**< Override EvalObj `is_true()` */
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
/** Try to construct an BoolObj object
* @return NULL if failed
static BoolObj *from_string(string repr);
/** @class NumObj
* The top level abstract of numbers
class NumObj: public EvalObj {/*{{{*/
/** True if the number is of exact value */
bool exactness;
/** The level of the specific number. The smaller the level
* is, the more generic that number is.
NumLvl level;
* Construct a general Numeric object
NumObj(NumLvl level, bool _exactness);
bool is_exact();
virtual NumObj *convert(NumObj *r) = 0;
virtual NumObj *add(NumObj *r) = 0;
virtual NumObj *sub(NumObj *r) = 0;
virtual NumObj *mul(NumObj *r) = 0;
virtual NumObj *div(NumObj *r) = 0;
virtual NumObj *abs();
virtual bool lt(NumObj *r);
virtual bool gt(NumObj *r);
virtual bool le(NumObj *r);
virtual bool ge(NumObj *r);
virtual bool eq(NumObj *r) = 0;
/** @class StrObj
* String support
class StrObj: public EvalObj {/*{{{*/
string str;
/** Construct a string object */
StrObj(string str);
/** Try to construct an StrObj object
* @return NULL if failed
static StrObj *from_string(string repr);
bool lt(StrObj *r);
bool gt(StrObj *r);
bool le(StrObj *r);
bool ge(StrObj *r);
bool eq(StrObj *r);
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
/** @class CharObj
* Character type support
class CharObj: public EvalObj {/*{{{*/
char ch;
/** Construct a string object */
CharObj(char ch);
/** Try to construct an CharObj object
* @return NULL if failed
static CharObj *from_string(string repr);
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
* @class VecObj
* Vector support (currently a wrapper of STL vector)
class VecObj: public EvalObj {/*{{{*/
EvalObjVec vec;
/** Construct a vector object */
size_t get_size();
EvalObj *get_obj(size_t idx);
/** Resize the vector */
void resize(size_t new_size);
/** Add a new element to the rear */
void push_back(EvalObj *new_elem);
/** Fill the vector with obj */
void fill(EvalObj *obj);
/** Replace an existing element in the vector */
void set(size_t idx, EvalObj *obj);
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
* @class PromObj
* Promise support (partial)
class PromObj: public EvalObj {/*{{{*/
Pair *entry;
EvalObj *mem;
PromObj(EvalObj *exp);
Pair *get_entry();
EvalObj *get_mem();
void feed_mem(EvalObj *res);
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
/** @class Environment
* The environment of current evaluation, i.e. the local variable binding
class Environment : public EvalObj{/*{{{*/
Environment *prev_envt; /**< Pointer to the upper-level environment */
Str2EvalObj binding; /**< Store all pairs of identifier and its
corresponding obj */
/** Create an runtime environment
* @param prev_envt the outer environment
Environment(Environment *prev_envt);
/** Add a binding entry which binds sym_obj to eval_obj
* @param def true to force the assignment
* @return when def is set to false, this return value is true iff. the
* assignment carried out successfully
bool add_binding(SymObj *sym_obj, EvalObj *eval_obj, bool def = true);
/** Extract the corresponding EvalObj if obj is a SymObj, or just
* simply return obj as it is
* @param obj the object as request
* */
EvalObj *get_obj(EvalObj *obj);
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
/** @class Continuation
* Save the registers and necessary information when a user-defined call is
* being made (Behave like a stack frame in C). When the call has accomplished,
* the system will restore all the registers according to the continuation.
class Continuation : public EvalObj {/*{{{*/
/** Linking the previous continuation on the chain */
Continuation *prev_cont;
Environment *envt; /**< The saved envt */
Pair *pc; /**< The saved pc */
/** Pointing to the current expression that is being evaluated.
* When its value goes to empty_list, the call is accomplished.
Pair *proc_body;
/** Create a continuation */
Continuation(Environment *envt, Pair *pc, Continuation *prev_cont,
Pair *proc_body);
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
/** @class InexactNumObj
* Inexact number implementation (using doubles)
class InexactNumObj: public NumObj {/*{{{*/
InexactNumObj(NumLvl level);
/** @class CompNumObj
* Complex numbers
class CompNumObj: public InexactNumObj {/*{{{*/
double real, imag;
/** Construct a complex number */
CompNumObj(double _real, double _imag);
/** Try to construct an CompNumObj object
* @return NULL if failed
static CompNumObj *from_string(string repr);
/** Convert to a complex number from other numeric types */
CompNumObj *convert(NumObj* obj);
NumObj *add(NumObj *r);
NumObj *sub(NumObj *r);
NumObj *mul(NumObj *r);
NumObj *div(NumObj *r);
bool eq(NumObj *r);
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
/** @class RealNumObj
* Real numbers
class RealNumObj: public InexactNumObj {/*{{{*/
double real;
/** Construct a real number */
RealNumObj(double _real);
/** Try to construct an RealNumObj object
* @return NULL if failed
static RealNumObj *from_string(string repr);
/** Convert to a real number from other numeric types */
RealNumObj *convert(NumObj* obj);
NumObj *add(NumObj *r);
NumObj *sub(NumObj *r);
NumObj *mul(NumObj *r);
NumObj *div(NumObj *r);
NumObj *abs();
bool lt(NumObj *r);
bool gt(NumObj *r);
bool le(NumObj *r);
bool ge(NumObj *r);
bool eq(NumObj *r);
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
/** @class ExactNumObj
* Exact number implementation (using gmp)
class ExactNumObj: public NumObj {/*{{{*/
ExactNumObj(NumLvl level);
/** @class RatNumObj
* Rational numbers
class RatNumObj: public ExactNumObj {/*{{{*/
int a, b;
/** Construct a rational number */
RatNumObj(int _a, int _b);
mpq_class val;
RatNumObj(mpq_class val);
/** Try to construct an RatNumObj object
* @return NULL if failed
static RatNumObj *from_string(string repr);
/** Convert to a Rational number from other numeric types */
RatNumObj *convert(NumObj* obj);
NumObj *add(NumObj *r);
NumObj *sub(NumObj *r);
NumObj *mul(NumObj *r);
NumObj *div(NumObj *r);
NumObj *abs();
bool lt(NumObj *r);
bool gt(NumObj *r);
bool le(NumObj *r);
bool ge(NumObj *r);
bool eq(NumObj *r);
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
/** @class IntNumObj
* Integers
class IntNumObj: public ExactNumObj {/*{{{*/
int val;
/** Construct a integer */
IntNumObj(int val);
int get_i();
mpz_class val;
/** Construct a integer */
IntNumObj(mpz_class val);
int get_i();
/** Try to construct an IntNumObj object
* @return NULL if failed
static IntNumObj *from_string(string repr);
/** Convert to a integer from other numeric types */
IntNumObj *convert(NumObj* obj);
NumObj *add(NumObj *r);
NumObj *sub(NumObj *r);
NumObj *mul(NumObj *r);
NumObj *div(NumObj *r);
NumObj *abs();
NumObj *mod(NumObj *r);
NumObj *rem(NumObj *r);
NumObj *quo(NumObj *r);
NumObj *gcd(NumObj *r);
NumObj *lcm(NumObj *r);
bool lt(NumObj *r);
bool gt(NumObj *r);
bool le(NumObj *r);
bool ge(NumObj *r);
bool eq(NumObj *r);
ReprCons *get_repr_cons();
bool is_zero(double);