path: root/README.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'README.rst')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 2a40304..23158e2 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Salticidae: a Minimal C++ asynchronous network library.
+Salticidae: Minimal C++ asynchronous network library.
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg
@@ -67,135 +67,146 @@ Example (MsgNetwork layer)
.. code-block:: cpp
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <string>
- #include <functional>
- #include "salticidae/msg.h"
- #include "salticidae/event.h"
- #include "salticidae/network.h"
- #include "salticidae/stream.h"
- using salticidae::NetAddr;
- using salticidae::DataStream;
- using salticidae::MsgNetwork;
- using salticidae::htole;
- using salticidae::letoh;
- using std::placeholders::_1;
- using std::placeholders::_2;
- /** Hello Message. */
- struct MsgHello {
- static const uint8_t opcode = 0x0;
- DataStream serialized;
- std::string name;
- std::string text;
- /** Defines how to serialize the msg. */
- MsgHello(const std::string &name,
- const std::string &text) {
- serialized << htole((uint32_t)name.length());
- serialized << name << text;
- }
- /** Defines how to parse the msg. */
- MsgHello(DataStream &&s) {
- uint32_t len;
- s >> len;
- len = letoh(len);
- name = std::string((const char *)s.get_data_inplace(len), len);
- len = s.size();
- text = std::string((const char *)s.get_data_inplace(len), len);
- }
- };
- /** Acknowledgement Message. */
- struct MsgAck {
- static const uint8_t opcode = 0x1;
- DataStream serialized;
- MsgAck() {}
- MsgAck(DataStream &&s) {}
- };
- const uint8_t MsgHello::opcode;
- const uint8_t MsgAck::opcode;
- using MsgNetworkByteOp = MsgNetwork<uint8_t>;
- struct MyNet: public MsgNetworkByteOp {
- const std::string name;
- const NetAddr peer;
- MyNet(const salticidae::EventContext &ec,
- const std::string name,
- const NetAddr &peer):
- MsgNetwork<uint8_t>(ec, 10, 1.0, 4096),
- name(name),
- peer(peer) {
- /* message handler could be a bound method */
- reg_handler(salticidae::generic_bind(
- &MyNet::on_receive_hello, this, _1, _2));
- reg_conn_handler([this](ConnPool::Conn &conn, bool connected) {
- if (connected)
- {
- if (conn.get_mode() == ConnPool::Conn::ACTIVE)
- {
- printf("[%s] Connected, sending hello.\n",
- this->name.c_str());
- /* send the first message through this connection */
- send_msg(MsgHello(this->name, "Hello there!"),
- static_cast<Conn &>(conn));
- }
- else
- printf("[%s] Accepted, waiting for greetings.\n",
- this->name.c_str());
- }
- else
- {
- printf("[%s] Disconnected, retrying.\n", this->name.c_str());
- /* try to reconnect to the same address */
- connect(conn.get_addr());
- }
- });
- }
- void on_receive_hello(MsgHello &&msg, MyNet::Conn &conn) {
- printf("[%s] %s says %s\n",
- name.c_str(),
- msg.name.c_str(), msg.text.c_str());
- /* send acknowledgement */
- send_msg(MsgAck(), conn);
- }
- };
- void on_receive_ack(MsgAck &&msg, MyNet::Conn &conn) {
- auto net = static_cast<MyNet *>(conn.get_net());
- printf("[%s] the peer knows\n", net->name.c_str());
- }
- salticidae::EventContext ec;
- NetAddr alice_addr("");
- NetAddr bob_addr("");
- int main() {
- /* test two nodes */
- MyNet alice(ec, "Alice", bob_addr);
- MyNet bob(ec, "Bob", alice_addr);
- /* message handler could be a normal function */
- alice.reg_handler(on_receive_ack);
- bob.reg_handler(on_receive_ack);
- alice.start();
- bob.start();
- alice.listen(alice_addr);
- bob.listen(bob_addr);
- /* first attempt */
- alice.connect(bob_addr);
- bob.connect(alice_addr);
- ec.dispatch();
- return 0;
- }
+ #include <cstdio>
+ #include <string>
+ #include <functional>
+ #include "salticidae/msg.h"
+ #include "salticidae/event.h"
+ #include "salticidae/network.h"
+ #include "salticidae/stream.h"
+ using salticidae::NetAddr;
+ using salticidae::DataStream;
+ using salticidae::MsgNetwork;
+ using salticidae::htole;
+ using salticidae::letoh;
+ using std::placeholders::_1;
+ using std::placeholders::_2;
+ /** Hello Message. */
+ struct MsgHello {
+ static const uint8_t opcode = 0x0;
+ DataStream serialized;
+ std::string name;
+ std::string text;
+ /** Defines how to serialize the msg. */
+ MsgHello(const std::string &name,
+ const std::string &text) {
+ serialized << htole((uint32_t)name.length());
+ serialized << name << text;
+ }
+ /** Defines how to parse the msg. */
+ MsgHello(DataStream &&s) {
+ uint32_t len;
+ s >> len;
+ len = letoh(len);
+ name = std::string((const char *)s.get_data_inplace(len), len);
+ len = s.size();
+ text = std::string((const char *)s.get_data_inplace(len), len);
+ }
+ };
+ /** Acknowledgement Message. */
+ struct MsgAck {
+ static const uint8_t opcode = 0x1;
+ DataStream serialized;
+ MsgAck() {}
+ MsgAck(DataStream &&s) {}
+ };
+ const uint8_t MsgHello::opcode;
+ const uint8_t MsgAck::opcode;
+ using MsgNetworkByteOp = MsgNetwork<uint8_t>;
+ struct MyNet: public MsgNetworkByteOp {
+ const std::string name;
+ const NetAddr peer;
+ MyNet(const salticidae::EventContext &ec,
+ const std::string name,
+ const NetAddr &peer):
+ MsgNetwork<uint8_t>(ec, MsgNetwork::Config()),
+ name(name),
+ peer(peer) {
+ /* message handler could be a bound method */
+ reg_handler(
+ salticidae::generic_bind(&MyNet::on_receive_hello, this, _1, _2));
+ reg_conn_handler([this](const ConnPool::conn_t &conn, bool connected) {
+ if (connected)
+ {
+ if (conn->get_mode() == ConnPool::Conn::ACTIVE)
+ {
+ printf("[%s] Connected, sending hello.\n",
+ this->name.c_str());
+ /* send the first message through this connection */
+ send_msg(MsgHello(this->name, "Hello there!"),
+ salticidae::static_pointer_cast<Conn>(conn));
+ }
+ else
+ printf("[%s] Accepted, waiting for greetings.\n",
+ this->name.c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("[%s] Disconnected, retrying.\n", this->name.c_str());
+ /* try to reconnect to the same address */
+ connect(conn->get_addr());
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ void on_receive_hello(MsgHello &&msg, const MyNet::conn_t &conn) {
+ printf("[%s] %s says %s\n",
+ name.c_str(),
+ msg.name.c_str(), msg.text.c_str());
+ /* send acknowledgement */
+ send_msg(MsgAck(), conn);
+ }
+ };
+ void on_receive_ack(MsgAck &&msg, const MyNet::conn_t &conn) {
+ auto net = static_cast<MyNet *>(conn->get_net());
+ printf("[%s] the peer knows\n", net->name.c_str());
+ }
+ int main() {
+ salticidae::EventContext ec;
+ NetAddr alice_addr("");
+ NetAddr bob_addr("");
+ /* test two nodes in the same main loop */
+ MyNet alice(ec, "Alice", bob_addr);
+ MyNet bob(ec, "Bob", alice_addr);
+ /* message handler could be a normal function */
+ alice.reg_handler(on_receive_ack);
+ bob.reg_handler(on_receive_ack);
+ /* start all threads */
+ alice.start();
+ bob.start();
+ /* accept incoming connections */
+ alice.listen(alice_addr);
+ bob.listen(bob_addr);
+ /* try to connect once */
+ alice.connect(bob_addr);
+ bob.connect(alice_addr);
+ /* the main loop can be shutdown by ctrl-c or kill */
+ auto shutdown = [&](int) {ec.stop();};
+ salticidae::SigEvent ev_sigint(ec, shutdown);
+ salticidae::SigEvent ev_sigterm(ec, shutdown);
+ ev_sigint.add(SIGINT);
+ ev_sigterm.add(SIGTERM);
+ /* enter the main loop */
+ ec.dispatch();
+ return 0;
+ }