diff options
83 files changed, 4169 insertions, 2124 deletions
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 9f556c5..2b346c4 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
[submodule "luajit-2.0"]
path = luajit-2.0
- url = http://luajit.org/git/luajit-2.0.git
+ url = https://speechlab.sjtu.edu.cn/gitlab/nerv-dev/luajit.git
[submodule "luarocks"]
path = luarocks
- url = https://github.com/keplerproject/luarocks.git
+ url = https://speechlab.sjtu.edu.cn/gitlab/nerv-dev/luarocks.git
+[submodule "Penlight"]
+ path = Penlight
+ url = https://speechlab.sjtu.edu.cn/gitlab/nerv-dev/Penlight.git
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 0982295..28012da 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,19 +1,42 @@
.PHONY: all clean install luajit luarocks speech
+############## EDIT THESE LINES #####################
SHELL := /bin/bash
PREFIX := $(CURDIR)/install/
-all: luajit luarocks install
+#CUDA_BASE := /usr/local/cuda-7.0
+CUDA_BASE := /usr/local/cuda
+BLAS_BASE := /usr/lib/
+BLAS_TYPE := atlas
+KALDI_BASE := /speechlab/tools/KALDI/kaldi-master/
+MKL_LDFLAGS := -lmkl_rt
+ATLAS_LDFLAGS := -lcblas -llapack_atlas
+ifeq ($(BLAS_TYPE), mkl)
+else ifeq ($(BLAS_TYPE), atlas)
+$(error Invalid blas type)
+export CUDA_BASE
+export KALDI_BASE
+.PHONY: nerv speech/speech_utils speech/htk_io speech/kaldi_io speech/kaldi_decode \
+ nerv-clean speech/speech_utils-clean speech/htk_io-clean speech/kaldi_io-clean speech/kaldi_decode-clean \
+ Penlight
+all: luajit luarocks Penlight nerv
PREFIX=$(PREFIX) ./tools/build_luajit.sh
PREFIX=$(PREFIX) ./tools/build_luarocks.sh
- cd nerv; $(PREFIX)/bin/luarocks make CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS)
- cd speech/speech_utils; $(PREFIX)/bin/luarocks make
- cd speech/htk_io; $(PREFIX)/bin/luarocks make
- cd speech/kaldi_io; $(PREFIX)/bin/luarocks make
- cd nerv && make clean
- cd speech/speech_utils && make clean
- cd speech/htk_io && make clean
- cd speech/kaldi_io && make clean
+speech: speech/speech_utils speech/htk_io speech/kaldi_io speech/kaldi_decode
+speech-clean: speech/speech_utils-clean speech/htk_io-clean speech/kaldi_io-clean speech/kaldi_decode-clean
+clean: nerv-clean speech-clean
+nerv Penlight speech/speech_utils speech/htk_io speech/kaldi_io speech/kaldi_decode:
+ cd $@; $(PREFIX)/bin/luarocks make
+nerv-clean speech/speech_utils-clean speech/htk_io-clean speech/kaldi_io-clean speech/kaldi_decode-clean:
+ cd $(subst -clean,,$@); make clean LUA_BINDIR=$(PREFIX)/bin/
diff --git a/Penlight b/Penlight
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 16d149338af9efc910528641c5240c5641aeb8d
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index fe9dfc1..0000000
--- a/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-#The Nerv Toolkit User Manual#
-NOTE: This readme is obsolete and will be rearranged, for further information, please check http://nerv-sjtu.github.io/nerv/
-This user manual will information about how to use __Nerv__ and __Nerv__'s interface.
-##How to make and start using##
-First make sure you have __lua__ and __CUDA__ installed on your computer.
-__Nerv__ is currently developed via github.You can download and make __Nerv__ by doing the following:
-cd ~
-git clone https://github.com/Nerv-SJTU/nerv.git
-cd nerv
-git submodule init && git submodule update
-#To include some new CUDA feature(e.x. atomicCAS), use "make CFLAGS=-D__NERV_FUTURE_CUDA_7"
-#further, if you want the speech modules
-git clone https://github.com/Nerv-SJTU/nerv-speech.git speech
-make speech
-The `git submodule` command is for the __luajit__ repository inside __Nerv__.
-Now, you can try to run some example scripts.
-./install/bin/nerv examples/cumatrix_example.lua
-To get an example of DNN(for ASR) training, run(this requires the speech modules)
-You need to be at or (copy files from) `/slfs1`(SJTU speechlab cluster) to get this running.
-./install/bin/nerv nerv/examples/asr_trainer.lua nerv/examples/swb_baseline.lua
-##How to contribute##
-Fork the original repository, then use the __pull&merge__ function in github to contribute.
-The pull&merge request can be found on your dashboard in github. See this [sync-help] to sync with the original repository.
-##Nerv Packages##
-* __luaT__
-Nerv uses [luaT]\(a [Torch] library\) to define lua class in C.
-* __[The Nerv OOP](nerv/doc/nerv_class.md)__
-Enables object-oriented programming in Nerv.
-* __[The Nerv utility functions](nerv/doc/nerv.md)__
-Inlcudes some utility functions from luaT to implement __Nerv.Class__.
-* __[The Nerv Matrix Package](nerv/doc/nerv_matrix.md)__
-The matrix package is a basic package in __Nerv__ that is used to store and manipulate matrices.
-* __[The Nerv IO Package](nerv/doc/nerv_io.md)__
-The IO package is used to read and write parameters to file.
-* __[The Nerv Parameter Package](nerv/doc/nerv_param.md)__
-The parameter package is used to store, read model parameters from file.
-* __[The Nerv Layer Package](nerv/doc/nerv_layer.md)__
-The layer package is used to define propagation and backpropagation of different type of layers.
-* __[The Nerv NN Package](nerv/doc/nerv_nn.md)__
-The nn package is for organizing a neural network, it contains __nerv.LayerRepo__, __nerv.ParamRepo__, and __nerv.DAGLayer__.
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c00743c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+NERV Toolkit
+NOTE: This readme is in-progress.
+First, make sure you have at least one implementation of BLAS and CUDA installed
+on your computer.
+- Checkout NERV:
+ ::
+ bash
+ git clone https://speechlab.sjtu.edu.cn/gitlab/nerv-dev/nerv.git
+- Checkout submodules (luajit, luarocks, Penlight, etc.):
+ ::
+ cd nerv
+ git submodule init && git submodule update
+- Build NERV: you can specify either ``mkl`` or ``atlas`` to ``BLAS_TYPE``.
+ ``BLAS_BASE`` is the directory containing BLAS ``.so`` files. By default,
+ ``atlas`` is used for ``BLAS_TYPE``, ``/usr/lib/`` is used for ``BLAS_BASE``,
+ and ``/usr/local/cuda`` is used for ``CUDA_BASE``.
+ ::
+ # an example for compiling on SJTU Speechlab major cluster
+ make BLAS_TYPE=mkl BLAS_BASE=/home/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/ CUDA_BASE=/usr/local/cuda
+- To include some new features (e.g. ``atomicCAS`` in CUDA), add corresponding flags to
+ ``NERV_FEAT`` (e.g. ``NERV_FEAT=-D__NERV_FUTURE_CUDA_7``) while making:
+ ::
+ make NERV_FEAT=-D__NERV_FUTURE_CUDA_7 BLAS_TYPE=mkl BLAS_BASE=/home/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/ CUDA_BASE=/usr/local/cuda
+- For speech tasks, you need to install related lua rocks (Lua packages):
+ ::
+ # checkout speech repository to local directory nerv/speech (suppose you're
+ # still at the root directory of NERV repo)
+ git clone https://speechlab.sjtu.edu.cn/gitlab/nerv-dev/nerv-speech.git speech
+ # build and install HTK I/O support, Kaldi I/O support, Kaldi decoding support, etc.
+ make speech BLAS_TYPE=mkl BLAS_BASE=/home/intel/mkl/lib/intel64/
+Example & Tutorial
+For speech tasks, please refer to ``tutorial/`` in ``nerv-speech`` repository.
+The basic rule is simple: just fork the original repository, then create a pull
+request (merge request) to the administrator of the project. If you want to fix
+any bugs in existing code, don't hesitate to create a pull (merge) request to
+the repository with clear and detailed analysis of the problem. If you want to
+add additional task-specific functionalities (modules) for speech to NERV,
+please create a luarocks-compliant package and also a pull (merge) request to
+the ``nerv-speech`` repository instead of ``nerv``.
diff --git a/nerv/Makefile b/nerv/Makefile
index c0db53a..68465a1 100644
--- a/nerv/Makefile
+++ b/nerv/Makefile
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+ifndef LUA_BINDIR
+$(error Please build the package via luarocks: `luarocks make`)
+ifndef CUDA_BASE
+$(error CUDA_BASE is not set)
.PHONY: build install clean
SHELL := /bin/bash
@@ -6,14 +14,15 @@ LIB_PATH := $(LUA_BINDIR)/../lib
INC_PATH := $(LUA_BINDIR)/../include/nerv
OBJ_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/objs
-ISUBDIR := io matrix luaT
+ISUBDIR := lib matrix lib/io lib/matrix lib/luaT
SUBDIR := matrix io layer examples nn tnn lib/io lib/luaT lib/matrix
INC_SUBDIR := $(addprefix $(INC_PATH)/,$(ISUBDIR))
OBJ_SUBDIR := $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(SUBDIR))
LUA_SUBDIR := $(addprefix $(LUA_DIR)/,$(SUBDIR))
-INCS := common.h matrix/matrix.h io/chunk_file.h luaT/luaT.h
+INCS := lib/common.h lib/matrix/matrix.h lib/matrix/mmatrix.h lib/io/chunk_file.h lib/luaT/luaT.h \
+ matrix/matrix.h
CORE_OBJS := lib/common.o lib/io/chunk_file.o \
lib/matrix/mmatrix.o lib/matrix/cumatrix.o lib/matrix/cukernel.o
NERV_OBJS := nerv.o \
@@ -33,17 +42,17 @@ LUA_LIBS := matrix/init.lua io/init.lua init.lua \
layer/init.lua layer/affine.lua layer/sigmoid.lua layer/tanh.lua layer/softmax_ce.lua layer/softmax.lua \
layer/window.lua layer/bias.lua layer/combiner.lua layer/mse.lua \
layer/elem_mul.lua layer/lstm.lua layer/lstm_gate.lua layer/dropout.lua layer/gru.lua \
- nn/init.lua nn/layer_repo.lua nn/param_repo.lua nn/layer_dag.lua \
- io/sgd_buffer.lua \
- tnn/init.lua tnn/sutil.lua tnn/tnn.lua
+ layer/graph.lua layer/rnn.lua layer/duplicate.lua layer/identity.lua \
+ nn/init.lua nn/layer_repo.lua nn/param_repo.lua nn/network.lua \
+ io/sgd_buffer.lua io/seq_buffer.lua
-#CUDA_BASE := /usr/local/cuda-7.0
-CUDA_BASE := /usr/local/cuda
CUDA_INCLUDE := -I $(CUDA_BASE)/include/
-LDFLAGS := -L$(CUDA_BASE)/lib64/ -Wl,-rpath=$(CUDA_BASE)/lib64/ -lcudart -lcublas -lcurand
+CUDA_LDFLAGS := -L$(CUDA_BASE)/lib64/ -Wl,-rpath=$(CUDA_BASE)/lib64/ -lcudart -lcuda -lcublas -lcurand
+override CFLAGS += $(NERV_FEAT)
NVCC := $(CUDA_BASE)/bin/nvcc
@@ -64,11 +73,11 @@ $(LUA_DIR)/%.lua: %.lua
cp $< $@
$(LIB_PATH)/libnervcore.so: $(CORE_OBJS)
- gcc -shared -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) -lcblas
+ gcc -shared -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) $(CUDA_LDFLAGS) $(BLAS_LDFLAGS)
$(LIB_PATH)/libluaT.so: $(LUAT_OBJS)
- gcc -shared -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)
+ gcc -shared -o $@ $^
$(INST_LIBDIR)/libnerv.so: $(NERV_OBJS) $(LIB_PATH)/libnervcore.so $(LIB_PATH)/libluaT.so
- gcc -shared -o $@ $(NERV_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-rpath=$(LIB_PATH) -L$(LIB_PATH) -lnervcore -lluaT
+ gcc -shared -o $@ $(NERV_OBJS) -Wl,-rpath=$(LIB_PATH) -L$(LIB_PATH) -lnervcore -lluaT
$(OBJ_DIR)/matrix/cumatrix.o: matrix/generic/cumatrix.c matrix/generic/matrix.c
$(OBJ_DIR)/matrix/mmatrix.o: matrix/generic/mmatrix.c matrix/generic/matrix.c
@@ -82,5 +91,5 @@ clean:
-$(INC_PATH)/%.h: lib/%.h
+$(INC_PATH)/%.h: %.h
cp $< $@
diff --git a/nerv/doc/nerv.md b/nerv/doc/nerv.md
index 28411f5..125928d 100644
--- a/nerv/doc/nerv.md
+++ b/nerv/doc/nerv.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-#The Nerv utility functions#
+# The Nerv utility functions
Part of the [Nerv](../README.md) toolkit.
+## Methods
* __string = nerv.typename(obj a)__
A registered function, the original function is `luaT_lua_typename`. In some cases if you call `type(a)` for object of some class in __Nerv__(like __Nerv.CuMatrix__) it will only return "userdata"(because it is created in C), in this case you can use this method to get its type.
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ A registered function, the original function is `luaT_newmetatable`, it returns
* __string = nerv.setmetatable(table self, string tname)__
A registered function, the original function is `luaT_lua_setmetatable`. It assigns the metatable registered in __luaT__ by the name *tname* to the table *self*. And return *tname* to user.
* __table = nerv.get_type(string typename)__
-Returns the type(`loadstring("return " .. typename)`). \ No newline at end of file
+Returns the type(`loadstring("return " .. typename)`).
diff --git a/nerv/doc/nerv_class.md b/nerv/doc/nerv_class.md
index 99f63e7..8314b12 100644
--- a/nerv/doc/nerv_class.md
+++ b/nerv/doc/nerv_class.md
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-#The Nerv OOP#
+# The Nerv OOP
Part of the [Nerv](../README.md) toolkit.
+## Methods
* __metatable mt, metatable mpt = nerv.class(string tname, string parenttname)__
This method is used to create a class by the name `tname`, which inherits `parenttname` in __Nerv__, then you create a new instance of this class by calling `obj=tname(...)`. The `tname.__init(...)` method(if defined) will be called in the constructing. The metatable of the class and its parent class will be returned.
+## Examples
* This example implements a simple `nerv.Counter` class which is inherited by `nerv.BetterCounter`.
@@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ c1 = nerv.Counter(1)
bc1 = nerv.BetterCounter(1, 1)
print(bc1.c, bc1.bc)
-``` \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nerv/doc/nerv_io.md b/nerv/doc/nerv_io.md
index 07589df..299362f 100644
--- a/nerv/doc/nerv_io.md
+++ b/nerv/doc/nerv_io.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-#The Nerv IO Package#
+# The Nerv IO Package
Part of the [Nerv](../README.md) toolkit.
+## Description
The main class that the user uses to store and read parameter object to and from files is __nerv.ChunkFile__.
In the file, a parameter object will be saved using a standard format. First is the length(in byte) of this object, then a table which includes some meta information of the object, and a data area. Below is an example text file.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ In the file, a parameter object will be saved using a standard format. First is
3.000000 3.000000 3.000000
+## Methods
* __ChunkFile ChunkFile(string fn, string mode)__
`mode` can be `r` or `w`, for reading or writing a file. The returned __ChunkFile__ will be ready to write or read objects which follows the __nerv.Param__ interface(using `write_chunk` and `read_chunk`).
* __void ChunkFile.write_chunk(ChunkFile self, Param p)__
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Read the __Param__ object by id `id` from the file `self`. It will be constructe
* __void ChunkFile.close(ChunkFile self)__
Close the opened file.
+## Examples
* An example showing how to use __ChunkFile__ to store and read parameter objects.
require 'io'
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ do
-##Developer Notes##
+## Developer Notes
* There are four classes in to deal with chunk data, which are __nerv.ChunkFile__, __nerv.ChunkFileHandle__, __nerv.ChunkInfo__, __nerv.ChunkData__. Below is the underlying C structs.
typedef struct ChunkFileHandle {
@@ -110,4 +110,5 @@ typedef struct ChunkData {
char *data;
} ChunkData;
-* In __Nerv.io__, a returned(by `ChunkFile.__init`) __nerv.ChunkFile__ will have a member `handle`, which is a __nerv.ChunkFileHandle__. \ No newline at end of file
+* In __Nerv.io__, a returned(by `ChunkFile.__init`) __nerv.ChunkFile__ will have a member `handle`, which is a __nerv.ChunkFileHandle__.
diff --git a/nerv/doc/nerv_layer.md b/nerv/doc/nerv_layer.md
index de2fb12..dd7c9bb 100644
--- a/nerv/doc/nerv_layer.md
+++ b/nerv/doc/nerv_layer.md
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-#The Nerv Layer Package#
+# The Nerv Layer Package
Part of the [Nerv](../README.md) toolkit.
+## Description
__nerv.Layer__ is the base class and most of its methods are abstract.
-###Class hierarchy and their members###
+### Class hierarchy and their members
* __nerv.Layer__.
* `table dim_in` It specifies the dimensions of the inputs.
* `table dim_out` It specifies the dimensions of the outputs.
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ __nerv.Layer__ is the base class and most of its methods are abstract.
* `int total_frams` Records how many frames have passed.
* `bool compressed` The reference distribution can be a one-hot format. This feature is enabled by `layer_conf.compressed`.
+## Methods
* __void Layer.\_\_init(Layer self, string id, table global_conf, table layer_conf)__
Abstract method.
The constructing method should assign `id` to `self.id` and `global_conf` to `self.gconf`, `layer_conf.dim_in` to `self.dim_in`, `layer_conf.dim_out` to `self.dim_out`. `dim_in` and `dim_out` are a list specifies the dimensions of the inputs and outputs. Also, `layer_conf` will include the parameters, which should also be properly saved.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Check whether `#self.dim_in == len_in` and `#self.dim_out == len_out`, if violat
Abstract method.
The layer should return a list containing its parameters.
+#### nerv.Layer.get\_dim(self)
* Returns:
`dim_in`: __table__.
`dim_out`: __table__.
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ The layer should return a list containing its parameters.
* Description:
Returns `self.dim_in, self.dim_out`.
+## Examples
* a basic example using __Nerv__ layers to a linear classification.
@@ -178,3 +178,4 @@ for l = 0, 10, 1 do
--[[end training]]--
diff --git a/nerv/doc/nerv_matrix.md b/nerv/doc/nerv_matrix.md
index dfd843d..3782eb3 100644
--- a/nerv/doc/nerv_matrix.md
+++ b/nerv/doc/nerv_matrix.md
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#The Nerv Matrix Package#
+# The Nerv Matrix Package
Part of the [Nerv](../README.md) toolkit.
-###Underlying structure###
+## Description
+### Underlying structure
In the begining is could be useful to know something about the underlying structure of a __Nerv__ matrix. Please keep in mind that matrice in __Nerv__ is row-major.
Every matrix object is a encapsulation of a C struct that describes the attributes of this matrix.
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ typedef struct Matrix {
It is worth mentioning that that `data_ref` is a counter which counts the number of references to its memory space, mind that it will also be increased when a row of the matrix is referenced(`col = m[2]`). A __Nerv__ matrix will deallocate its space when this counter is decreased to zero.
Also note that all assigning operation in __Nerv__ is reference copy, you can use `copy_tod` or `copy_toh` method to copy value. Also, row assigning operations like `m1[2]=m2[3]` is forbidden in __Nerv__.
-###Class hierarchy###
+### Class hierarchy
The class hierarchy of the matrix classes can be clearly observed in `matrix/init.c`.
First there is a abstract base class __Nerv.Matrix__, which is inherited by __Nerv.CuMatrix__ and __Nerv.MMatrix__(also abstract).
Finally, there is __Nerv.CuMatrixFloat__, __Nerv.CuMatrixDouble__, inheriting __Nerv.CuMatrix__, and __Nerv.MMatrixFloat__, __Nerv.MMatrixDouble__, __Nerv.MMatrixInt__ , inheriting __Nerv.MMatrix__.
+## Methods
Mind that usually a matrix object can only do calculation with matrix of its own type(a __Nerv.CuMatrixFloat__ matrix can only do add operation with a __Nerv.CuMatrixFloat__).
In the methods description below, __Matrix__ could be __Nerv.CuMatrixFloat__, __Nerv.CuMatrixDouble__, __Nerv.MMatrixFloat__ or __Nerv.MMatrixDouble__. __Element_type__ could be `float` or `double`, respectively.
* __Matrix = Matrix(int nrow, int ncol)__
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ Return a new __Matrix__ of size (1,`self.ncol`), which stores the sum of all col
Return a new __Matrix__ of size (`self.nrow`,1), which stores the sum of all rows of __Matrix__ `self`.
* __Matrix Matrix.rowmax(Matrix self)__
Return a new __Matrix__ of size (`self.nrow`,1), which stores the max value of all rows of __Matrix__ `self`.
+* __Matrix Matrix.rowmax_idx(Matrix self)__
+Return two new __Matrix__ of size (`self.nrow`,1), which stores the max value of all rows of __Matrix__ `self`, and its corresponding column indices(start from zero).
* __Matrix Matrix.trans(Matrix self)__
Return a new __Matrix__ of size (`self.ncol`,`self.nrow`), which stores the transpose of __Matrix__ `self`.
* __void Matrix.copy_fromh(Matrix self, MMatrix a)__
@@ -81,8 +83,8 @@ Fill the content of __Matrix__ `self` to be `value`.
Set the element of __Matrix__ `self` to be elementwise-sigmoid of `ma`.
* __void Matrix.sigmoid_grad(Matrix self, Matrix err, Matrix output)__
Set the element of __Matrix__ `self`, to be `self[i][j]=err[i][j]*output[i][j]*(1-output[i][j])`. This function is used to propagate sigmoid layer error.
-* __void Matrix.softmax(Matrix self, Matrix a)__
-Calculate a row-by-row softmax of __Matrix__ `a` and save the result in `self`.
+* __Matrix Matrix.softmax(Matrix self, Matrix a)__
+Calculate a row-by-row softmax of __Matrix__ `a` and save the result in `self`. Returns a new `self.nrow*1` index matrix that stores the index of the maximum value of each row.
* __void Matrix.mul_elem(Matrix self, Matrix ma, Matrix mb)__
Calculate element-wise multiplication of __Matrix__ `ma` and `mb`, store the result in `self`.
* __void Matrix.log_elem(Matrix self, Matrix ma)__
@@ -113,7 +115,7 @@ Write `self` to the file position in `chunk`.
* __void MMatrix.copy_from(MMatrix ma, MMatrix mb,[int b_bgein, int b_end, int a_begin])__
Copy a part of `mb`(rows of index `[b_begin..b_end)`) to `ma` beginning at row index `a_begin`. If not specified, `b_begin` will be `0`, `b_end` will be `b.nrow`, `a_begin` will be `0`.
+## Examples
* Use `get_dataref_value` to test __Nerv__'s matrix space allocation.
m = 10
@@ -134,6 +136,7 @@ print("test fm:get_dataref_value:", fm:get_dataref_value())
* Test some __Matrix__ calculations.
m = 4
@@ -167,3 +170,4 @@ print(a)
diff --git a/nerv/doc/nerv_nn.md b/nerv/doc/nerv_nn.md
index c57447d..63537fb 100644
--- a/nerv/doc/nerv_nn.md
+++ b/nerv/doc/nerv_nn.md
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-#The Nerv NN Package#
+# The Nerv NN Package
Part of the [Nerv](../README.md) toolkit.
-###Class hierarchy###
+## Description
+### Class hierarchy
it contains __nerv.LayerRepo__, __nerv.ParamRepo__, and __nerv.DAGLayer__(inherits __nerv.Layer__).
-###Class hierarchy and their members###
+### Class hierarchy and their members
+#### nerv.ParamRepo
Get parameter object by ID.
* `table param_table` Contains the mapping of parameter ID to parameter file(__nerv.ChunkFile__)
* __nerv.LayerRepo__ Get layer object by ID.
* `table layers` Contains the mapping of layer ID to layer object.
+#### __nerv.DAGLayer__
Inherits __nerv.Layer__.
* `layers`: __table__, a mapping from a layer ID to its "ref". A ref is a structure that contains reference to space allocations and other info of the layer.
* `inputs`: __table__, a mapping from the inputs ports of the DAG layer to the input ports of the sublayer, the key is the port number, the value is `{ref, port}`.
@@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ Inherits __nerv.Layer__.
* `parsed_conn`: __table__, a list of parsed connections, each entry is of format `{{ref_from, port_from}, {ref_to, port_to}}`.
* `queue`: __table__, a list of "ref"s, the propagation of the DAGLayer will follow this order, and back-propagation will follow a reverse order.
+## Methods
+### __nerv.ParamRepo__
+#### nerv.ParamRepo:\_\_init(param\_files)
* Parameters:
`param_files`: __table__
* Description:
`param_files` is a list of file names that stores parameters, the newed __ParamRepo__ will read them from file and store the mapping for future fetching.
-####nerv.Param ParamRepo.get_param(ParamRepo self, string pid, table global_conf)####
+#### nerv.Param ParamRepo.get_param(ParamRepo self, string pid, table global_conf)
* Returns:
* Parameters:
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ Inherits __nerv.Layer__.
* Description:
__ParamRepo__ will find the __nerv.ChunkFile__ `pf` that contains parameter of ID `pid` and return `pf:read_chunk(pid, global_conf)`.
-####nerv.LayerRepo:\_\_init(layer\_spec, param\_repo, global\_conf)####
+### __nerv.LayerRepo__
+#### nerv.LayerRepo:\_\_init(layer\_spec, param\_repo, global\_conf)
* Returns:
* Parameters:
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Inherits __nerv.Layer__.
__LayerRepo__ will merge `param_config` into `layer_config` and construct a layer by calling `layer_type(layerid, global_conf, layer_config)`.
-####nerv.LayerRepo.get\_layer(self, lid)####
+#### nerv.LayerRepo.get\_layer(self, lid)
* Returns:
__nerv.LayerRepo__, the layer with ID `lid`.
* Parameters:
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ Inherits __nerv.Layer__.
* Description:
Returns the layer with ID `lid`.
-####nerv.DAGLayer:\_\_init(id, global\_conf, layer\_conf)####
+### nerv.DAGLayer
+#### nerv.DAGLayer:\_\_init(id, global\_conf, layer\_conf)
* Returns:
* Parameters:
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Inherits __nerv.Layer__.
-####nerv.DAGLayer.init(self, batch\_size)####
+#### nerv.DAGLayer.init(self, batch\_size)
* Parameters:
`self`: __nerv.DAGLayer__
`batch_size`: __int__
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Inherits __nerv.Layer__.
This initialization method will allocate space for output and input matrice, and will call `init()` for each of its sub layers.
-####nerv.DAGLayer.propagate(self, input, output)####
+#### nerv.DAGLayer.propagate(self, input, output)
* Parameters:
`self`: __nerv.DAGLayer__
`input`: __table__
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Inherits __nerv.Layer__.
* Description:
The same function as __nerv.Layer.propagate__, do propagation for each layer in the order of `self.queue`.
-####nerv.DAGLayer.back\_propagate(self, next\_bp\_err, bp\_err, input, output)####
+#### nerv.DAGLayer.back\_propagate(self, next\_bp\_err, bp\_err, input, output)
* Parameters:
`self`: __nerv.DAGLayer__
`next_bp_err`: __table__
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ Inherits __nerv.Layer__.
* Description:
The same function as __nerv.Layer.back_propagate__, do back-propagation for each layer in the reverse order of `self.queue`.
-####nerv.DAGLayer.update(self, bp\_err, input, output)####
+#### nerv.DAGLayer.update(self, bp\_err, input, output)
* Parameters:
`self`: __nerv.DAGLayer__
`bp_err`: __table__
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ Inherits __nerv.Layer__.
* Description:
The same function as __nerv.Layer.update__, do update for each layer in the order of `self.queue`.
+## Examples
* aaa
@@ -253,4 +253,5 @@ for l = 0, 10, 1 do
ce_last = softmaxL.total_ce
--[[end training]]--
-``` \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nerv/doc/nerv_param.md b/nerv/doc/nerv_param.md
index 167cb11..98793f0 100644
--- a/nerv/doc/nerv_param.md
+++ b/nerv/doc/nerv_param.md
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
-#The Nerv Parameter Package#
+# The Nerv Parameter Package
Part of the [Nerv](../README.md) toolkit.
-###Class hierarchy###
+## Description
+### Class hierarchy
There is a base class __Nerv.Param__ defined in `layer/init.lua`.
-###Class hierarchy and their members###
+### Class hierarchy and their members
* __nerv.MatrixParam__ inherits __nerv.Param__
* `Matrix trans` stores the parameter matrix.
* __nerv.LinearTransParam__ inherits __Nerv.MatrixParam__.
* __Nerv.BiasParam__ inherits __Nerv.MatrixParam__.
+## Methods
* __void Param.\_\_init(Param self, string id, table global_conf)__
Constructor of a __Param__, it will set `self.id` to be `id` and `self.gconf` to be `global_conf`.
* __void Param.set_info(Param self, table info)__
diff --git a/nerv/examples/asr_trainer.lua b/nerv/examples/asr_trainer.lua
index 3fa2653..6bdf57c 100644
--- a/nerv/examples/asr_trainer.lua
+++ b/nerv/examples/asr_trainer.lua
@@ -1,25 +1,48 @@
-function build_trainer(ifname)
- local param_repo = nerv.ParamRepo()
- param_repo:import(ifname, nil, gconf)
- local layer_repo = make_layer_repo(param_repo)
- local network = get_network(layer_repo)
- local global_transf = get_global_transf(layer_repo)
- local input_order = get_input_order()
+require 'lfs'
+require 'pl'
+local function build_trainer(ifname)
+ local host_param_repo = nerv.ParamRepo()
local mat_type
+ local src_loc_type
+ local train_loc_type
+ host_param_repo:import(ifname, nil, gconf)
if gconf.use_cpu then
mat_type = gconf.mmat_type
+ src_loc_type = nerv.ParamRepo.LOC_TYPES.ON_HOST
+ train_loc_type = nerv.ParamRepo.LOC_TYPES.ON_HOST
mat_type = gconf.cumat_type
+ src_loc_type = nerv.ParamRepo.LOC_TYPES.ON_HOST
+ train_loc_type = nerv.ParamRepo.LOC_TYPES.ON_DEVICE
- local iterative_trainer = function (prefix, scp_file, bp)
+ local param_repo = host_param_repo:copy(train_loc_type)
+ local layer_repo = make_layer_repo(param_repo)
+ local network = get_network(layer_repo)
+ local global_transf = get_global_transf(layer_repo)
+ local input_order = get_input_order()
+ network = nerv.Network("nt", gconf, {network = network})
+ network:init(gconf.batch_size, 1)
+ global_transf = nerv.Network("gt", gconf, {network = global_transf})
+ global_transf:init(gconf.batch_size, 1)
+ local iterative_trainer = function (prefix, scp_file, bp, rebind_param_repo)
+ -- rebind the params if necessary
+ if rebind_param_repo then
+ host_param_repo = rebind_param_repo
+ param_repo = host_param_repo:copy(train_loc_type)
+ layer_repo:rebind(param_repo)
+ rebind_param_repo = nil
+ end
gconf.randomize = bp
-- build buffer
local buffer = make_buffer(make_readers(scp_file, layer_repo))
-- initialize the network
- network:init(gconf.batch_size)
gconf.cnt = 0
err_input = {mat_type(gconf.batch_size, 1)}
+ network:epoch_init()
+ global_transf:epoch_init()
for data in buffer.get_data, buffer do
-- prine stat periodically
gconf.cnt = gconf.cnt + 1
@@ -53,10 +76,17 @@ function build_trainer(ifname)
for i = 1, #input do
table.insert(err_output, input[i]:create())
- network:propagate(input, output)
+ network:mini_batch_init({seq_length = table.vector(gconf.batch_size, 1),
+ new_seq = {},
+ do_train = bp,
+ input = {input},
+ output = {output},
+ err_input = {err_input},
+ err_output = {err_output}})
+ network:propagate()
if bp then
- network:back_propagate(err_input, err_output, input, output)
- network:update(err_input, input, output)
+ network:back_propagate()
+ network:update()
-- collect garbage in-time to save GPU memory
@@ -64,61 +94,193 @@ function build_trainer(ifname)
- if (not bp) and prefix ~= nil then
- nerv.info("writing back...")
- local fname = string.format("%s_cv%.3f.nerv",
- prefix, get_accuracy(layer_repo))
- network:get_params():export(fname, nil)
+ local fname
+ if (not bp) then
+ host_param_repo = param_repo:copy(src_loc_type)
+ if prefix ~= nil then
+ nerv.info("writing back...")
+ fname = string.format("%s_cv%.3f.nerv",
+ prefix, get_accuracy(layer_repo))
+ host_param_repo:export(fname, nil)
+ end
- return get_accuracy(layer_repo)
+ return get_accuracy(layer_repo), host_param_repo, fname
return iterative_trainer
-start_halving_inc = 0.5
-halving_factor = 0.6
-end_halving_inc = 0.1
-min_iter = 1
-max_iter = 20
-min_halving = 5
-gconf.batch_size = 256
-gconf.buffer_size = 81920
+local function check_and_add_defaults(spec, opts)
+ local function get_opt_val(k)
+ return opts[string.gsub(k, '_', '-')].val
+ end
+ local opt_v = get_opt_val("resume_from")
+ if opt_v then
+ gconf = dofile(opt_v)
+ else
+ for k, v in pairs(spec) do
+ local opt_v = get_opt_val(k)
+ if opt_v ~= nil then
+ gconf[k] = opt_v
+ elseif gconf[k] ~= nil then
+ elseif v ~= nil then
+ gconf[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ end
-local pf0 = gconf.initialized_param
-local trainer = build_trainer(pf0)
---local trainer = build_trainer("c3.nerv")
-local accu_best = trainer(nil, gconf.cv_scp, false)
-local do_halving = false
-nerv.info("initial cross validation: %.3f", accu_best)
-for i = 1, max_iter do
- nerv.info("[NN] begin iteration %d with lrate = %.6f", i, gconf.lrate)
- local accu_tr = trainer(nil, gconf.tr_scp, true)
- nerv.info("[TR] training set %d: %.3f", i, accu_tr)
- local accu_new = trainer(
- string.format("%s_%s_iter_%d_lr%f_tr%.3f",
- string.gsub(
- (string.gsub(pf0[1], "(.*/)(.*)", "%2")),
- "(.*)%..*", "%1"),
- os.date("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"),
- i, gconf.lrate,
- accu_tr),
- gconf.cv_scp, false)
- nerv.info("[CV] cross validation %d: %.3f", i, accu_new)
- -- TODO: revert the weights
- local accu_diff = accu_new - accu_best
- if do_halving and accu_diff < end_halving_inc and i > min_iter then
- break
+local function make_options(spec)
+ local options = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(spec) do
+ table.insert(options,
+ {string.gsub(k, '_', '-'), nil, type(v), default = v})
- if accu_diff < start_halving_inc and i >= min_halving then
- do_halving = true
+ return options
+local function print_help(options)
+ nerv.printf("Usage: <asr_trainer.lua> [options] network_config.lua\n")
+ nerv.print_usage(options)
+local function print_gconf()
+ local key_maxlen = 0
+ for k, v in pairs(gconf) do
+ key_maxlen = math.max(key_maxlen, #k or 0)
- if do_halving then
- gconf.lrate = gconf.lrate * halving_factor
+ local function pattern_gen()
+ return string.format("%%-%ds = %%s\n", key_maxlen)
- if accu_new > accu_best then
- accu_best = accu_new
+ nerv.info("ready to train with the following gconf settings:")
+ nerv.printf(pattern_gen(), "Key", "Value")
+ for k, v in pairs(gconf) do
+ nerv.printf(pattern_gen(), k or "", v or "")
+local function dump_gconf(fname)
+ local f = io.open(fname, "w")
+ f:write("return ")
+ f:write(table.tostring(gconf))
+ f:close()
+local trainer_defaults = {
+ lrate = 0.8,
+ batch_size = 256,
+ buffer_size = 81920,
+ wcost = 1e-6,
+ momentum = 0.9,
+ start_halving_inc = 0.5,
+ halving_factor = 0.6,
+ end_halving_inc = 0.1,
+ cur_iter = 1,
+ min_iter = 1,
+ max_iter = 20,
+ min_halving = 5,
+ do_halving = false,
+ cumat_tname = "nerv.CuMatrixFloat",
+ mmat_tname = "nerv.MMatrixFloat",
+ debug = false,
+local options = make_options(trainer_defaults)
+local extra_opt_spec = {
+ {"tr-scp", nil, "string"},
+ {"cv-scp", nil, "string"},
+ {"resume-from", nil, "string"},
+ {"help", "h", "boolean", default = false, desc = "show this help information"},
+ {"dir", nil, "string", desc = "specify the working directory"},
+table.extend(options, extra_opt_spec)
+arg, opts = nerv.parse_args(arg, options)
+if #arg < 1 or opts["help"].val then
+ print_help(options)
+ return
+Rule: command-line option overrides network config overrides trainer default.
+Note: config key like aaa_bbbb_cc could be overriden by specifying
+--aaa-bbbb-cc to command-line arguments.
+check_and_add_defaults(trainer_defaults, opts)
+gconf.mmat_type = nerv.get_type(gconf.mmat_tname)
+gconf.cumat_type = nerv.get_type(gconf.cumat_tname)
+gconf.use_cpu = econf.use_cpu or false
+local pf0 = gconf.initialized_param
+local date_pattern = "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"
+local logfile_name = "log"
+local working_dir = opts["dir"].val or string.format("nerv_%s", os.date(date_pattern))
+local rebind_param_repo = nil
+if not lfs.mkdir(working_dir) then
+ nerv.error("[asr_trainer] working directory already exists")
+-- copy the network config
+dir.copyfile(arg[1], working_dir)
+-- set logfile path
+nerv.set_logfile(path.join(working_dir, logfile_name))
+-- start the training
+local trainer = build_trainer(pf0)
+local pr_prev
+gconf.accu_best, pr_prev = trainer(nil, gconf.cv_scp, false)
+nerv.info("initial cross validation: %.3f", gconf.accu_best)
+for i = gconf.cur_iter, gconf.max_iter do
+ local stop = false
+ gconf.cur_iter = i
+ dump_gconf(string.format("iter_%d.meta", i))
+ repeat -- trick to implement `continue` statement
+ nerv.info("[NN] begin iteration %d with lrate = %.6f", i, gconf.lrate)
+ local accu_tr = trainer(nil, gconf.tr_scp, true, rebind_param_repo)
+ nerv.info("[TR] training set %d: %.3f", i, accu_tr)
+ local param_prefix = string.format("%s_%s_iter_%d_lr%f_tr%.3f",
+ string.gsub(
+ (string.gsub(pf0[1], "(.*/)(.*)", "%2")),
+ "(.*)%..*", "%1"),
+ os.date(date_pattern),
+ i, gconf.lrate,
+ accu_tr)
+ local accu_new, pr_new, param_fname = trainer(param_prefix, gconf.cv_scp, false)
+ nerv.info("[CV] cross validation %d: %.3f", i, accu_new)
+ local accu_prev = gconf.accu_best
+ if accu_new < gconf.accu_best then
+ nerv.info("rejecting the trained params, rollback to the previous one")
+ file.move(param_fname, param_fname .. ".rejected")
+ rebind_param_repo = pr_prev
+ break -- `continue` equivalent
+ else
+ nerv.info("accepting the trained params")
+ gconf.accu_best = accu_new
+ pr_prev = pr_new
+ gconf.initialized_param = {path.join(path.currentdir(), param_fname)}
+ end
+ if gconf.do_halving and
+ gconf.accu_best - accu_prev < gconf.end_halving_inc and
+ i > gconf.min_iter then
+ stop = true
+ break
+ end
+ if gconf.accu_best - accu_prev < gconf.start_halving_inc and
+ i >= gconf.min_halving then
+ gconf.do_halving = true
+ end
+ if gconf.do_halving then
+ gconf.lrate = gconf.lrate * gconf.halving_factor
+ end
+ until true
+ if stop then break end
-- nerv.Matrix.print_profile()
diff --git a/nerv/examples/network_debug/config.lua b/nerv/examples/network_debug/config.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e20d5a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/examples/network_debug/config.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+function get_global_conf()
+ local global_conf = {
+ lrate = 0.15,
+ wcost = 1e-5,
+ momentum = 0,
+ clip = 5,
+ cumat_type = nerv.CuMatrixFloat,
+ mmat_type = nerv.MMatrixFloat,
+ vocab_size = 10000,
+ nn_act_default = 0,
+ hidden_size = 300,
+ layer_num = 1,
+ chunk_size = 15,
+ batch_size = 20,
+ max_iter = 35,
+ param_random = function() return (math.random() / 5 - 0.1) end,
+ dropout_rate = 0.5,
+ timer = nerv.Timer(),
+ pr = nerv.ParamRepo(),
+ }
+ return global_conf
+function get_layers(global_conf)
+ local pr = global_conf.pr
+ local layers = {
+ ['nerv.LSTMLayer'] = {},
+ ['nerv.DropoutLayer'] = {},
+ ['nerv.SelectLinearLayer'] = {
+ ['select'] = {dim_in = {1}, dim_out = {global_conf.hidden_size}, vocab = global_conf.vocab_size, pr = pr},
+ },
+ ['nerv.AffineLayer'] = {
+ output = {dim_in = {global_conf.hidden_size}, dim_out = {global_conf.vocab_size}, pr = pr}
+ },
+ ['nerv.SoftmaxCELayer'] = {
+ softmax = {dim_in = {global_conf.vocab_size, global_conf.vocab_size}, dim_out = {1}, compressed = true},
+ },
+ }
+ for i = 1, global_conf.layer_num do
+ layers['nerv.LSTMLayer']['lstm' .. i] = {dim_in = {global_conf.hidden_size}, dim_out = {global_conf.hidden_size}, pr = pr}
+ layers['nerv.DropoutLayer']['dropout' .. i] = {dim_in = {global_conf.hidden_size}, dim_out = {global_conf.hidden_size}}
+ end
+ return layers
+function get_connections(global_conf)
+ local connections = {
+ {'<input>[1]', 'select[1]', 0},
+ {'select[1]', 'lstm1[1]', 0},
+ {'dropout' .. global_conf.layer_num .. '[1]', 'output[1]', 0},
+ {'output[1]', 'softmax[1]', 0},
+ {'<input>[2]', 'softmax[2]', 0},
+ {'softmax[1]', '<output>[1]', 0},
+ }
+ for i = 1, global_conf.layer_num do
+ table.insert(connections, {'lstm' .. i .. '[1]', 'dropout' .. i .. '[1]', 0})
+ if i < 1 then
+ table.insert(connections, {'dropout' .. (i - 1) .. '[1]', 'lstm' .. i .. '[1]', 0})
+ end
+ end
+ return connections
diff --git a/nerv/examples/network_debug/main.lua b/nerv/examples/network_debug/main.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..790c404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/examples/network_debug/main.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+local global_conf = get_global_conf()
+local timer = global_conf.timer
+local data_path = 'examples/lmptb/PTBdata/'
+local train_reader = nerv.Reader(data_path .. 'vocab', data_path .. 'ptb.train.txt.adds')
+local val_reader = nerv.Reader(data_path .. 'vocab', data_path .. 'ptb.valid.txt.adds')
+local train_data = train_reader:get_all_batch(global_conf)
+local val_data = val_reader:get_all_batch(global_conf)
+local layers = get_layers(global_conf)
+local connections = get_connections(global_conf)
+local NN = nerv.NN(global_conf, train_data, val_data, layers, connections)
+local best_cv = 1e10
+for i = 1, global_conf.max_iter do
+ timer:tic('Epoch' .. i)
+ local train_ppl, val_ppl = NN:epoch()
+ if val_ppl < best_cv then
+ best_cv = val_ppl
+ else
+ global_conf.lrate = global_conf.lrate / 2.0
+ end
+ nerv.printf('Epoch %d: %f %f %f\n', i, global_conf.lrate, train_ppl, val_ppl)
+ timer:toc('Epoch' .. i)
+ timer:check('Epoch' .. i)
+ io.flush()
diff --git a/nerv/examples/network_debug/network.lua b/nerv/examples/network_debug/network.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5518e27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/examples/network_debug/network.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+local nn = nerv.class('nerv.NN')
+function nn:__init(global_conf, train_data, val_data, layers, connections)
+ self.gconf = global_conf
+ self.network = self:get_network(layers, connections)
+ self.train_data = self:get_data(train_data)
+ self.val_data = self:get_data(val_data)
+function nn:get_network(layers, connections)
+ local layer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo(layers, self.gconf.pr, self.gconf)
+ local graph = nerv.GraphLayer('graph', self.gconf,
+ {dim_in = {1, self.gconf.vocab_size}, dim_out = {1},
+ layer_repo = layer_repo, connections = connections})
+ local network = nerv.Network('network', self.gconf,
+ {network = graph, clip = self.gconf.clip})
+ network:init(self.gconf.batch_size, self.gconf.chunk_size)
+ return network
+function nn:get_data(data)
+ local err_output = {}
+ local softmax_output = {}
+ local output = {}
+ for i = 1, self.gconf.chunk_size do
+ err_output[i] = self.gconf.cumat_type(self.gconf.batch_size, 1)
+ softmax_output[i] = self.gconf.cumat_type(self.gconf.batch_size, self.gconf.vocab_size)
+ output[i] = self.gconf.cumat_type(self.gconf.batch_size, 1)
+ end
+ local ret = {}
+ for i = 1, #data do
+ ret[i] = {}
+ ret[i].input = {}
+ ret[i].output = {}
+ ret[i].err_input = {}
+ ret[i].err_output = {}
+ for t = 1, self.gconf.chunk_size do
+ ret[i].input[t] = {}
+ ret[i].output[t] = {}
+ ret[i].err_input[t] = {}
+ ret[i].err_output[t] = {}
+ ret[i].input[t][1] = data[i].input[t]
+ ret[i].input[t][2] = data[i].output[t]
+ ret[i].output[t][1] = output[t]
+ local err_input = self.gconf.mmat_type(self.gconf.batch_size, 1)
+ for j = 1, self.gconf.batch_size do
+ if t <= data[i].seq_len[j] then
+ err_input[j - 1][0] = 1
+ else
+ err_input[j - 1][0] = 0
+ end
+ end
+ ret[i].err_input[t][1] = self.gconf.cumat_type.new_from_host(err_input)
+ ret[i].err_output[t][1] = err_output[t]
+ ret[i].err_output[t][2] = softmax_output[t]
+ end
+ ret[i].seq_length = data[i].seq_len
+ ret[i].new_seq = {}
+ for j = 1, self.gconf.batch_size do
+ if data[i].seq_start[j] then
+ table.insert(ret[i].new_seq, j)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return ret
+function nn:process(data, do_train)
+ local timer = self.gconf.timer
+ local total_err = 0
+ local total_frame = 0
+ self.network:epoch_init()
+ for id = 1, #data do
+ data[id].do_train = do_train
+ timer:tic('network')
+ self.network:mini_batch_init(data[id])
+ self.network:propagate()
+ timer:toc('network')
+ for t = 1, self.gconf.chunk_size do
+ local tmp = data[id].output[t][1]:new_to_host()
+ for i = 1, self.gconf.batch_size do
+ if t <= data[id].seq_length[i] then
+ total_err = total_err + math.log10(math.exp(tmp[i - 1][0]))
+ total_frame = total_frame + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if do_train then
+ timer:tic('network')
+ self.network:back_propagate()
+ self.network:update()
+ timer:toc('network')
+ end
+ timer:tic('gc')
+ collectgarbage('collect')
+ timer:toc('gc')
+ end
+ return math.pow(10, - total_err / total_frame)
+function nn:epoch()
+ local train_error = self:process(self.train_data, true)
+ local tmp = self.gconf.dropout_rate
+ self.gconf.dropout_rate = 0
+ local val_error = self:process(self.val_data, false)
+ self.gconf.dropout_rate = tmp
+ return train_error, val_error
diff --git a/nerv/examples/network_debug/reader.lua b/nerv/examples/network_debug/reader.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2624d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/examples/network_debug/reader.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+local Reader = nerv.class('nerv.Reader')
+function Reader:__init(vocab_file, input_file)
+ self:get_vocab(vocab_file)
+ self:get_seq(input_file)
+function Reader:get_vocab(vocab_file)
+ local f = io.open(vocab_file, 'r')
+ local id = 0
+ self.vocab = {}
+ while true do
+ local word = f:read()
+ if word == nil then
+ break
+ end
+ self.vocab[word] = id
+ id = id + 1
+ end
+ self.size = id
+function Reader:split(s, t)
+ local ret = {}
+ for x in (s .. t):gmatch('(.-)' .. t) do
+ table.insert(ret, x)
+ end
+ return ret
+function Reader:get_seq(input_file)
+ local f = io.open(input_file, 'r')
+ self.seq = {}
+ while true do
+ local seq = f:read()
+ if seq == nil then
+ break
+ end
+ seq = self:split(seq, ' ')
+ local tmp = {}
+ for i = 1, #seq do
+ if seq[i] ~= '' then
+ table.insert(tmp, self.vocab[seq[i]])
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(self.seq, tmp)
+ end
+function Reader:get_in_out(id, pos)
+ return self.seq[id][pos], self.seq[id][pos + 1], pos + 1 == #self.seq[id]
+function Reader:get_all_batch(global_conf)
+ local data = {}
+ local pos = {}
+ local offset = 1
+ for i = 1, global_conf.batch_size do
+ pos[i] = nil
+ end
+ while true do
+ --for i = 1, 100 do
+ local input = {}
+ local output = {}
+ for i = 1, global_conf.chunk_size do
+ input[i] = global_conf.mmat_type(global_conf.batch_size, 1)
+ input[i]:fill(global_conf.nn_act_default)
+ output[i] = global_conf.mmat_type(global_conf.batch_size, 1)
+ output[i]:fill(global_conf.nn_act_default)
+ end
+ local seq_start = {}
+ local seq_end = {}
+ local seq_len = {}
+ for i = 1, global_conf.batch_size do
+ seq_start[i] = false
+ seq_end[i] = false
+ seq_len[i] = 0
+ end
+ local has_new = false
+ for i = 1, global_conf.batch_size do
+ if pos[i] == nil then
+ if offset < #self.seq then
+ seq_start[i] = true
+ pos[i] = {offset, 1}
+ offset = offset + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if pos[i] ~= nil then
+ has_new = true
+ for j = 1, global_conf.chunk_size do
+ local final
+ input[j][i-1][0], output[j][i-1][0], final = self:get_in_out(pos[i][1], pos[i][2])
+ seq_len[i] = j
+ if final then
+ seq_end[i] = true
+ pos[i] = nil
+ break
+ end
+ pos[i][2] = pos[i][2] + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not has_new then
+ break
+ end
+ for i = 1, global_conf.chunk_size do
+ input[i] = global_conf.cumat_type.new_from_host(input[i])
+ output[i] = global_conf.cumat_type.new_from_host(output[i])
+ end
+ table.insert(data, {input = input, output = output, seq_start = seq_start, seq_end = seq_end, seq_len = seq_len})
+ end
+ return data
diff --git a/nerv/examples/network_debug/select_linear.lua b/nerv/examples/network_debug/select_linear.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91beedf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/examples/network_debug/select_linear.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+local SL = nerv.class('nerv.SelectLinearLayer', 'nerv.Layer')
+--id: string
+--global_conf: table
+--layer_conf: table
+--Get Parameters
+function SL:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
+ self.vocab = layer_conf.vocab
+ self.ltp = self:find_param("ltp", layer_conf, global_conf, nerv.LinearTransParam, {self.vocab, self.dim_out[1]}) --layer_conf.ltp
+ self:check_dim_len(1, 1)
+--Check parameter
+function SL:init(batch_size)
+ if (self.dim_in[1] ~= 1) then --one word id
+ nerv.error("mismatching dimensions of ltp and input")
+ end
+ if (self.dim_out[1] ~= self.ltp.trans:ncol()) then
+ nerv.error("mismatching dimensions of bp and output")
+ end
+ self.batch_size = bath_size
+ self.ltp:train_init()
+function SL:update(bp_err, input, output)
+ --use this to produce reproducable result, don't forget to set the dropout to zero!
+ --for i = 1, input[1]:nrow(), 1 do
+ -- local word_vec = self.ltp.trans[input[1][i - 1][0]]
+ -- word_vec:add(word_vec, bp_err[1][i - 1], 1, - self.gconf.lrate / self.gconf.batch_size)
+ --end
+ --I tried the update_select_rows kernel which uses atomicAdd, but it generates unreproducable result
+ self.ltp.trans:update_select_rows_by_colidx(bp_err[1], input[1], - self.gconf.lrate / self.gconf.batch_size, 0)
+ self.ltp.trans:add(self.ltp.trans, self.ltp.trans, 1.0, - self.gconf.lrate * self.gconf.wcost)
+function SL:propagate(input, output)
+ --for i = 0, input[1]:ncol() - 1, 1 do
+ -- if (input[1][0][i] > 0) then
+ -- output[1][i]:copy_fromd(self.ltp.trans[input[1][0][i]])
+ -- else
+ -- output[1][i]:fill(0)
+ -- end
+ --end
+ output[1]:copy_rows_fromd_by_colidx(self.ltp.trans, input[1])
+function SL:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output)
+ --input is compressed, do nothing
+function SL:get_params()
+ local paramRepo = nerv.ParamRepo({self.ltp})
+ return paramRepo
diff --git a/nerv/examples/network_debug/timer.lua b/nerv/examples/network_debug/timer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c54ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/examples/network_debug/timer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+local Timer = nerv.class("nerv.Timer")
+function Timer:__init()
+ self.last = {}
+ self.rec = {}
+function Timer:tic(item)
+ self.last[item] = os.clock()
+function Timer:toc(item)
+ if (self.last[item] == nil) then
+ nerv.error("item not there")
+ end
+ if (self.rec[item] == nil) then
+ self.rec[item] = 0
+ end
+ self.rec[item] = self.rec[item] + os.clock() - self.last[item]
+function Timer:check(item)
+ if self.rec[item]==nil then
+ nerv.error('item not there')
+ end
+ nerv.printf('"%s" lasts for %f secs.\n',item,self.rec[item])
+function Timer:flush()
+ for key, value in pairs(self.rec) do
+ self.rec[key] = nil
+ end
diff --git a/nerv/examples/network_debug/tnn.lua b/nerv/examples/network_debug/tnn.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf9f118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/examples/network_debug/tnn.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+local reader = nerv.class('nerv.TNNReader')
+function reader:__init(global_conf, data)
+ self.gconf = global_conf
+ self.offset = 0
+ self.data = data
+function reader:get_batch(feeds)
+ self.offset = self.offset + 1
+ if self.offset > #self.data then
+ return false
+ end
+ for i = 1, self.gconf.chunk_size do
+ feeds.inputs_m[i][1]:copy_from(self.data[self.offset].input[i])
+ feeds.inputs_m[i][2]:copy_from(self.data[self.offset].output[i]:decompress(self.gconf.vocab_size))
+ end
+ feeds.flags_now = self.data[self.offset].flags
+ feeds.flagsPack_now = self.data[self.offset].flagsPack
+ return true
+function reader:has_data(t, i)
+ return t <= self.data[self.offset].seq_len[i]
+function reader:get_err_input()
+ return self.data[self.offset].err_input
+local nn = nerv.class('nerv.NN')
+function nn:__init(global_conf, train_data, val_data, layers, connections)
+ self.gconf = global_conf
+ self.tnn = self:get_tnn(layers, connections)
+ self.train_data = self:get_data(train_data)
+ self.val_data = self:get_data(val_data)
+function nn:get_tnn(layers, connections)
+ self.gconf.dropout_rate = 0
+ local layer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo(layers, self.gconf.pr, self.gconf)
+ local tnn = nerv.TNN('TNN', self.gconf, {dim_in = {1, self.gconf.vocab_size},
+ dim_out = {1}, sub_layers = layer_repo, connections = connections,
+ clip = self.gconf.clip})
+ tnn:init(self.gconf.batch_size, self.gconf.chunk_size)
+ return tnn
+function nn:get_data(data)
+ local ret = {}
+ for i = 1, #data do
+ ret[i] = {}
+ ret[i].input = data[i].input
+ ret[i].output = data[i].output
+ ret[i].flags = {}
+ ret[i].err_input = {}
+ for t = 1, self.gconf.chunk_size do
+ ret[i].flags[t] = {}
+ local err_input = self.gconf.mmat_type(self.gconf.batch_size, 1)
+ for j = 1, self.gconf.batch_size do
+ if t <= data[i].seq_len[j] then
+ ret[i].flags[t][j] = nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_NORM
+ err_input[j - 1][0] = 1
+ else
+ ret[i].flags[t][j] = 0
+ err_input[j - 1][0] = 0
+ end
+ end
+ ret[i].err_input[t] = self.gconf.cumat_type.new_from_host(err_input)
+ end
+ for j = 1, self.gconf.batch_size do
+ if data[i].seq_start[j] then
+ ret[i].flags[1][j] = bit.bor(ret[i].flags[1][j], nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_START)
+ end
+ if data[i].seq_end[j] then
+ local t = data[i].seq_len[j]
+ ret[i].flags[t][j] = bit.bor(ret[i].flags[t][j], nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_END)
+ end
+ end
+ ret[i].flagsPack = {}
+ for t = 1, self.gconf.chunk_size do
+ ret[i].flagsPack[t] = 0
+ for j = 1, self.gconf.batch_size do
+ ret[i].flagsPack[t] = bit.bor(ret[i].flagsPack[t], ret[i].flags[t][j])
+ end
+ end
+ ret[i].seq_len = data[i].seq_len
+ end
+ return ret
+function nn:process(data, do_train)
+ local total_err = 0
+ local total_frame = 0
+ local reader = nerv.TNNReader(self.gconf, data)
+ while true do
+ local r, _ = self.tnn:getfeed_from_reader(reader)
+ if not r then
+ break
+ end
+ if do_train then
+ self.gconf.dropout_rate = self.gconf.dropout
+ else
+ self.gconf.dropout_rate = 0
+ end
+ self.tnn:net_propagate()
+ for t = 1, self.gconf.chunk_size do
+ local tmp = self.tnn.outputs_m[t][1]:new_to_host()
+ for i = 1, self.gconf.batch_size do
+ if reader:has_data(t, i) then
+ total_err = total_err + math.log10(math.exp(tmp[i - 1][0]))
+ total_frame = total_frame + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if do_train then
+ local err_input = reader:get_err_input()
+ for i = 1, self.gconf.chunk_size do
+ self.tnn.err_inputs_m[i][1]:copy_from(err_input[i])
+ end
+ self.tnn:net_backpropagate(false)
+ self.tnn:net_backpropagate(true)
+ end
+ collectgarbage('collect')
+ end
+ return math.pow(10, - total_err / total_frame)
+function nn:epoch()
+ local train_error = self:process(self.train_data, true)
+ local val_error = self:process(self.val_data, false)
+ return train_error, val_error
diff --git a/nerv/examples/swb_baseline.lua b/nerv/examples/swb_baseline.lua
index 51052ba..0ce8468 100644
--- a/nerv/examples/swb_baseline.lua
+++ b/nerv/examples/swb_baseline.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
require 'htk_io'
gconf = {lrate = 0.8, wcost = 1e-6, momentum = 0.9,
- cumat_type = nerv.CuMatrixFloat,
- mmat_type = nerv.MMatrixFloat,
rearrange = true, -- just to make the context order consistent with old results, deprecated
frm_ext = 5,
frm_trim = 5, -- trim the first and last 5 frames, TNet just does this, deprecated
@@ -9,8 +7,7 @@ gconf = {lrate = 0.8, wcost = 1e-6, momentum = 0.9,
cv_scp = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/train_cv.scp",
htk_conf = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/plp_0_d_a.conf",
initialized_param = {"/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_init.nerv",
- "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_global_transf.nerv"},
- debug = false}
+ "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_global_transf.nerv"}}
function make_layer_repo(param_repo)
local layer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo(
@@ -18,51 +15,51 @@ function make_layer_repo(param_repo)
-- global transf
["nerv.BiasLayer"] =
- blayer1 = {{bias = "bias1"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}},
- blayer2 = {{bias = "bias2"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}}
+ blayer1 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}, params = {bias = "bias1"}},
+ blayer2 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}, params = {bias = "bias2"}}
["nerv.WindowLayer"] =
- wlayer1 = {{window = "window1"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}},
- wlayer2 = {{window = "window2"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}}
+ wlayer1 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}, params = {window = "window1"}},
+ wlayer2 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}, params = {window = "window2"}}
-- biased linearity
["nerv.AffineLayer"] =
- affine0 = {{ltp = "affine0_ltp", bp = "affine0_bp"},
- {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine1 = {{ltp = "affine1_ltp", bp = "affine1_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine2 = {{ltp = "affine2_ltp", bp = "affine2_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine3 = {{ltp = "affine3_ltp", bp = "affine3_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine4 = {{ltp = "affine4_ltp", bp = "affine4_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine5 = {{ltp = "affine5_ltp", bp = "affine5_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine6 = {{ltp = "affine6_ltp", bp = "affine6_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine7 = {{ltp = "affine7_ltp", bp = "affine7_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {3001}}}
+ affine0 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {2048},
+ params = {ltp = "affine0_ltp", bp = "affine0_bp"}},
+ affine1 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048},
+ params = {ltp = "affine1_ltp", bp = "affine1_bp"}},
+ affine2 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048},
+ params = {ltp = "affine2_ltp", bp = "affine2_bp"}},
+ affine3 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048},
+ params = {ltp = "affine3_ltp", bp = "affine3_bp"}},
+ affine4 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048},
+ params = {ltp = "affine4_ltp", bp = "affine4_bp"}},
+ affine5 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048},
+ params = {ltp = "affine5_ltp", bp = "affine5_bp"}},
+ affine6 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048},
+ params = {ltp = "affine6_ltp", bp = "affine6_bp"}},
+ affine7 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {3001},
+ params = {ltp = "affine7_ltp", bp = "affine7_bp"}}
["nerv.SigmoidLayer"] =
- sigmoid0 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid1 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid2 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid3 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid4 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid5 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid6 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}}
+ sigmoid0 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}},
+ sigmoid1 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}},
+ sigmoid2 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}},
+ sigmoid3 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}},
+ sigmoid4 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}},
+ sigmoid5 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}},
+ sigmoid6 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}
["nerv.SoftmaxCELayer"] = -- softmax + ce criterion layer for finetune output
- ce_crit = {{}, {dim_in = {3001, 1}, dim_out = {1}, compressed = true}}
+ ce_crit = {dim_in = {3001, 1}, dim_out = {1}, compressed = true}
["nerv.SoftmaxLayer"] = -- softmax for decode output
- softmax = {{}, {dim_in = {3001}, dim_out = {3001}}}
+ softmax = {dim_in = {3001}, dim_out = {3001}}
}, param_repo, gconf)
@@ -70,7 +67,7 @@ function make_layer_repo(param_repo)
["nerv.DAGLayer"] =
- global_transf = {{}, {
+ global_transf = {
dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429},
sub_layers = layer_repo,
connections = {
@@ -80,8 +77,8 @@ function make_layer_repo(param_repo)
["blayer2[1]"] = "wlayer2[1]",
["wlayer2[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
- }},
- main = {{}, {
+ },
+ main = {
dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {3001},
sub_layers = layer_repo,
connections = {
@@ -102,7 +99,7 @@ function make_layer_repo(param_repo)
["sigmoid6[1]"] = "affine7[1]",
["affine7[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
- }}
+ }
}, param_repo, gconf)
@@ -110,7 +107,7 @@ function make_layer_repo(param_repo)
["nerv.DAGLayer"] =
- ce_output = {{}, {
+ ce_output = {
dim_in = {429, 1}, dim_out = {1},
sub_layers = layer_repo,
connections = {
@@ -119,8 +116,8 @@ function make_layer_repo(param_repo)
["<input>[2]"] = "ce_crit[2]",
["ce_crit[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
- }},
- softmax_output = {{}, {
+ },
+ softmax_output = {
dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {3001},
sub_layers = layer_repo,
connections = {
@@ -128,7 +125,7 @@ function make_layer_repo(param_repo)
["main[1]"] = "softmax[1]",
["softmax[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
- }}
+ }
}, param_repo, gconf)
@@ -173,6 +170,7 @@ function make_buffer(readers)
return nerv.SGDBuffer(gconf,
buffer_size = gconf.buffer_size,
+ batch_size = gconf.batch_size,
randomize = gconf.randomize,
readers = readers,
use_gpu = true
@@ -184,6 +182,10 @@ function get_input_order()
{id = "phone_state"}}
+function get_decode_input_order()
+ return {{id = "main_scp", global_transf = true}}
function get_accuracy(layer_repo)
local ce_crit = layer_repo:get_layer("ce_crit")
return ce_crit.total_correct / ce_crit.total_frames * 100
diff --git a/nerv/examples/swb_baseline2.lua b/nerv/examples/swb_baseline2.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b5ebb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/examples/swb_baseline2.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+require 'htk_io'
+gconf = {lrate = 0.8, wcost = 1e-6, momentum = 0.9,
+ rearrange = true, -- just to make the context order consistent with old results, deprecated
+ frm_ext = 5,
+ frm_trim = 5, -- trim the first and last 5 frames, TNet just does this, deprecated
+ tr_scp = "/speechlab/users/mfy43/swb50/train_bp.scp",
+ cv_scp = "/speechlab/users/mfy43/swb50/train_cv.scp",
+ htk_conf = "/speechlab/users/mfy43/swb50/plp_0_d_a.conf",
+ initialized_param = {"/speechlab/users/mfy43/swb50/swb_init.nerv",
+ "/speechlab/users/mfy43/swb50/swb_global_transf.nerv"}}
+function make_layer_repo(param_repo)
+ local layer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo(
+ {
+ -- global transf
+ ["nerv.BiasLayer"] =
+ {
+ blayer1 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}, params = {bias = "bias1"}},
+ blayer2 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}, params = {bias = "bias2"}}
+ },
+ ["nerv.WindowLayer"] =
+ {
+ wlayer1 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}, params = {window = "window1"}},
+ wlayer2 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}, params = {window = "window2"}}
+ },
+ -- biased linearity
+ ["nerv.AffineLayer"] =
+ {
+ affine0 = {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {2048},
+ params = {ltp = "affine0_ltp", bp = "affine0_bp"}},
+ affine1 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048},
+ params = {ltp = "affine1_ltp", bp = "affine1_bp"}},
+ affine2 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048},
+ params = {ltp = "affine2_ltp", bp = "affine2_bp"}},
+ affine3 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048},
+ params = {ltp = "affine3_ltp", bp = "affine3_bp"}},
+ affine4 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048},
+ params = {ltp = "affine4_ltp", bp = "affine4_bp"}},
+ affine5 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048},
+ params = {ltp = "affine5_ltp", bp = "affine5_bp"}},
+ affine6 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048},
+ params = {ltp = "affine6_ltp", bp = "affine6_bp"}},
+ affine7 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {3001},
+ params = {ltp = "affine7_ltp", bp = "affine7_bp"}}
+ },
+ ["nerv.SigmoidLayer"] =
+ {
+ sigmoid0 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}},
+ sigmoid1 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}},
+ sigmoid2 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}},
+ sigmoid3 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}},
+ sigmoid4 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}},
+ sigmoid5 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}},
+ sigmoid6 = {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}
+ },
+ ["nerv.SoftmaxCELayer"] = -- softmax + ce criterion layer for finetune output
+ {
+ ce_crit = {dim_in = {3001, 1}, dim_out = {1}, compressed = true}
+ },
+ ["nerv.SoftmaxLayer"] = -- softmax for decode output
+ {
+ softmax = {dim_in = {3001}, dim_out = {3001}}
+ }
+ }, param_repo, gconf)
+ layer_repo:add_layers(
+ {
+ ["nerv.DAGLayer"] =
+ {
+ global_transf = {
+ dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429},
+ sub_layers = layer_repo,
+ connections = {
+ ["<input>[1]"] = "blayer1[1]",
+ ["blayer1[1]"] = "wlayer1[1]",
+ ["wlayer1[1]"] = "blayer2[1]",
+ ["blayer2[1]"] = "wlayer2[1]",
+ ["wlayer2[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
+ }
+ },
+ main = {
+ dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {3001},
+ sub_layers = layer_repo,
+ connections = {
+ ["<input>[1]"] = "affine0[1]",
+ ["affine0[1]"] = "sigmoid0[1]",
+ ["sigmoid0[1]"] = "affine1[1]",
+ ["affine1[1]"] = "sigmoid1[1]",
+ ["sigmoid1[1]"] = "affine2[1]",
+ ["affine2[1]"] = "sigmoid2[1]",
+ ["sigmoid2[1]"] = "affine3[1]",
+ ["affine3[1]"] = "sigmoid3[1]",
+ ["sigmoid3[1]"] = "affine4[1]",
+ ["affine4[1]"] = "sigmoid4[1]",
+ ["sigmoid4[1]"] = "affine5[1]",
+ ["affine5[1]"] = "sigmoid5[1]",
+ ["sigmoid5[1]"] = "affine6[1]",
+ ["affine6[1]"] = "sigmoid6[1]",
+ ["sigmoid6[1]"] = "affine7[1]",
+ ["affine7[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, param_repo, gconf)
+ layer_repo:add_layers(
+ {
+ ["nerv.DAGLayer"] =
+ {
+ ce_output = {
+ dim_in = {429, 1}, dim_out = {1},
+ sub_layers = layer_repo,
+ connections = {
+ ["<input>[1]"] = "main[1]",
+ ["main[1]"] = "ce_crit[1]",
+ ["<input>[2]"] = "ce_crit[2]",
+ ["ce_crit[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
+ }
+ },
+ softmax_output = {
+ dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {3001},
+ sub_layers = layer_repo,
+ connections = {
+ ["<input>[1]"] = "main[1]",
+ ["main[1]"] = "softmax[1]",
+ ["softmax[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, param_repo, gconf)
+ return layer_repo
+function get_network(layer_repo)
+ return layer_repo:get_layer("ce_output")
+function get_decode_network(layer_repo)
+ return layer_repo:get_layer("softmax_output")
+function get_global_transf(layer_repo)
+ return layer_repo:get_layer("global_transf")
+function make_readers(scp_file, layer_repo)
+ return {
+ {reader = nerv.TNetReader(gconf,
+ {
+ id = "main_scp",
+ scp_file = scp_file,
+ conf_file = gconf.htk_conf,
+ frm_ext = gconf.frm_ext,
+ mlfs = {
+ phone_state = {
+ file = "/speechlab/users/mfy43/swb50/ref.mlf",
+ format = "map",
+ format_arg = "/speechlab/users/mfy43/swb50/dict",
+ dir = "*/",
+ ext = "lab"
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ data = {main_scp = 429, phone_state = 1}}
+ }
+function make_buffer(readers)
+ return nerv.SGDBuffer(gconf,
+ {
+ buffer_size = gconf.buffer_size,
+ batch_size = gconf.batch_size,
+ randomize = gconf.randomize,
+ readers = readers,
+ use_gpu = true
+ })
+function get_input_order()
+ return {{id = "main_scp", global_transf = true},
+ {id = "phone_state"}}
+function get_decode_input_order()
+ return {{id = "main_scp", global_transf = true}}
+function get_accuracy(layer_repo)
+ local ce_crit = layer_repo:get_layer("ce_crit")
+ return ce_crit.total_correct / ce_crit.total_frames * 100
+function print_stat(layer_repo)
+ local ce_crit = layer_repo:get_layer("ce_crit")
+ nerv.info("*** training stat begin ***")
+ nerv.printf("cross entropy:\t\t%.8f\n", ce_crit.total_ce)
+ nerv.printf("correct:\t\t%d\n", ce_crit.total_correct)
+ nerv.printf("frames:\t\t\t%d\n", ce_crit.total_frames)
+ nerv.printf("err/frm:\t\t%.8f\n", ce_crit.total_ce / ce_crit.total_frames)
+ nerv.printf("accuracy:\t\t%.3f%%\n", get_accuracy(layer_repo))
+ nerv.info("*** training stat end ***")
diff --git a/nerv/examples/swb_baseline_basic.lua b/nerv/examples/swb_baseline_basic.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 71f04a3..0000000
--- a/nerv/examples/swb_baseline_basic.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-require 'htk_io'
-gconf = {lrate = 0.8, wcost = 1e-6, momentum = 0.9,
- cumat_type = nerv.CuMatrixFloat,
- mmat_type = nerv.MMatrixFloat,
- frm_ext = 5,
- frm_trim = 5,
- tr_scp = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/train_bp.scp",
- cv_scp = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/train_cv.scp",
- htk_conf = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/plp_0_d_a.conf",
- initialized_param = {"/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_init.nerv",
- "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_global_transf.nerv"},
- debug = false}
-function make_layer_repo(param_repo)
- local layer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo(
- {
- -- global transf
- ["nerv.BiasLayer"] =
- {
- blayer1 = {{bias = "bias1"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}},
- blayer2 = {{bias = "bias2"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}}
- },
- ["nerv.WindowLayer"] =
- {
- wlayer1 = {{window = "window1"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}},
- wlayer2 = {{window = "window2"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}}
- },
- -- biased linearity
- ["nerv.AffineLayer"] =
- {
- affine0 = {{ltp = "affine0_ltp", bp = "affine0_bp"},
- {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine1 = {{ltp = "affine1_ltp", bp = "affine1_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine2 = {{ltp = "affine2_ltp", bp = "affine2_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine3 = {{ltp = "affine3_ltp", bp = "affine3_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine4 = {{ltp = "affine4_ltp", bp = "affine4_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine5 = {{ltp = "affine5_ltp", bp = "affine5_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine6 = {{ltp = "affine6_ltp", bp = "affine6_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine7 = {{ltp = "affine7_ltp", bp = "affine7_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {3001}}}
- },
- ["nerv.SigmoidLayer"] =
- {
- sigmoid0 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid1 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid2 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid3 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid4 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid5 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid6 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}}
- },
- ["nerv.SoftmaxCELayer"] =
- {
- ce_crit = {{}, {dim_in = {3001, 1}, dim_out = {1}, compressed = true}}
- }
- }, param_repo, gconf)
- layer_repo:add_layers(
- {
- ["nerv.DAGLayer"] =
- {
- global_transf = {{}, {
- dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429},
- sub_layers = layer_repo,
- connections = {
- ["<input>[1]"] = "blayer1[1]",
- ["blayer1[1]"] = "wlayer1[1]",
- ["wlayer1[1]"] = "blayer2[1]",
- ["blayer2[1]"] = "wlayer2[1]",
- ["wlayer2[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
- }
- }},
- main = {{}, {
- dim_in = {429, 1}, dim_out = {1},
- sub_layers = layer_repo,
- connections = {
- ["<input>[1]"] = "affine0[1]",
- ["affine0[1]"] = "sigmoid0[1]",
- ["sigmoid0[1]"] = "affine1[1]",
- ["affine1[1]"] = "sigmoid1[1]",
- ["sigmoid1[1]"] = "affine2[1]",
- ["affine2[1]"] = "sigmoid2[1]",
- ["sigmoid2[1]"] = "affine3[1]",
- ["affine3[1]"] = "sigmoid3[1]",
- ["sigmoid3[1]"] = "affine4[1]",
- ["affine4[1]"] = "sigmoid4[1]",
- ["sigmoid4[1]"] = "affine5[1]",
- ["affine5[1]"] = "sigmoid5[1]",
- ["sigmoid5[1]"] = "affine6[1]",
- ["affine6[1]"] = "sigmoid6[1]",
- ["sigmoid6[1]"] = "affine7[1]",
- ["affine7[1]"] = "ce_crit[1]",
- ["<input>[2]"] = "ce_crit[2]",
- ["ce_crit[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
- }
- }}
- }
- }, param_repo, gconf)
- return layer_repo
-function get_network(layer_repo)
- return layer_repo:get_layer("main")
-function make_readers(scp_file, layer_repo)
- return {
- {reader = nerv.TNetReader(gconf,
- {
- id = "main_scp",
- scp_file = scp_file,
- conf_file = gconf.htk_conf,
- frm_ext = gconf.frm_ext,
- mlfs = {
- phone_state = {
- file = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/ref.mlf",
- format = "map",
- format_arg = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/dict",
- dir = "*/",
- ext = "lab"
- }
- }
- }),
- data = {main_scp = 429, phone_state = 1}}
- }
-function make_buffer(readers)
- return nerv.SGDBuffer(gconf,
- {
- buffer_size = gconf.buffer_size,
- randomize = gconf.randomize,
- readers = readers
- })
-function get_input_order()
- return {{id = "main_scp", global_transf = true},
- {id = "phone_state"}}
-function get_accuracy(layer_repo)
- local ce_crit = layer_repo:get_layer("ce_crit")
- return ce_crit.total_correct / ce_crit.total_frames * 100
-function print_stat(layer_repo)
- local ce_crit = layer_repo:get_layer("ce_crit")
- nerv.info("*** training stat begin ***")
- nerv.printf("cross entropy:\t\t%.8f\n", ce_crit.total_ce)
- nerv.printf("correct:\t\t%d\n", ce_crit.total_correct)
- nerv.printf("frames:\t\t\t%d\n", ce_crit.total_frames)
- nerv.printf("err/frm:\t\t%.8f\n", ce_crit.total_ce / ce_crit.total_frames)
- nerv.printf("accuracy:\t\t%.3f%%\n", get_accuracy(layer_repo))
- nerv.info("*** training stat end ***")
diff --git a/nerv/examples/timit_baseline2.lua b/nerv/examples/timit_baseline2.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d783c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/examples/timit_baseline2.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+require 'kaldi_io'
+gconf = {lrate = 0.8, wcost = 1e-6, momentum = 0.9, frm_ext = 5,
+ tr_scp = "ark:/speechlab/tools/KALDI/kaldi-master/src/featbin/copy-feats " ..
+ "scp:/speechlab/users/mfy43/timit/s5/exp/dnn4_nerv_prepare/train.scp ark:- |",
+ cv_scp = "ark:/speechlab/tools/KALDI/kaldi-master/src/featbin/copy-feats " ..
+ "scp:/speechlab/users/mfy43/timit/s5/exp/dnn4_nerv_prepare/cv.scp ark:- |",
+ initialized_param = {"/speechlab/users/mfy43/timit/s5/exp/dnn4_nerv_prepare/nnet_init.nerv",
+ "/speechlab/users/mfy43/timit/s5/exp/dnn4_nerv_prepare/nnet_output.nerv",
+ "/speechlab/users/mfy43/timit/s5/exp/dnn4_nerv_prepare/nnet_trans.nerv"},
+ decode_param = {"/speechlab/users/mfy43/timit/nnet_init_20160229015745_iter_13_lr0.013437_tr72.434_cv58.729.nerv",
+ "/speechlab/users/mfy43/timit/s5/exp/dnn4_nerv_prepare/nnet_trans.nerv"}}
+function make_layer_repo(param_repo)
+ local layer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo(
+ {
+ -- global transf
+ ["nerv.BiasLayer"] =
+ {
+ blayer1 = {dim_in = {440}, dim_out = {440}, params = {bias = "bias0"}}
+ },
+ ["nerv.WindowLayer"] =
+ {
+ wlayer1 = {dim_in = {440}, dim_out = {440}, params = {window = "window0"}}
+ },
+ -- biased linearity
+ ["nerv.AffineLayer"] =
+ {
+ affine0 = {dim_in = {440}, dim_out = {1024},
+ params = {ltp = "affine0_ltp", bp = "affine0_bp"}},
+ affine1 = {dim_in = {1024}, dim_out = {1024},
+ params = {ltp = "affine1_ltp", bp = "affine1_bp"}},
+ affine2 = {dim_in = {1024}, dim_out = {1024},
+ params = {ltp = "affine2_ltp", bp = "affine2_bp"}},
+ affine3 = {dim_in = {1024}, dim_out = {1024},
+ params = {ltp = "affine3_ltp", bp = "affine3_bp"}},
+ affine4 = {dim_in = {1024}, dim_out = {1024},
+ params = {ltp = "affine4_ltp", bp = "affine4_bp"}},
+ affine5 = {dim_in = {1024}, dim_out = {1024},
+ params = {ltp = "affine5_ltp", bp = "affine5_bp"}},
+ affine6 = {dim_in = {1024}, dim_out = {1959},
+ params = {ltp = "affine6_ltp", bp = "affine6_bp"}}
+ },
+ ["nerv.SigmoidLayer"] =
+ {
+ sigmoid0 = {dim_in = {1024}, dim_out = {1024}},
+ sigmoid1 = {dim_in = {1024}, dim_out = {1024}},
+ sigmoid2 = {dim_in = {1024}, dim_out = {1024}},
+ sigmoid3 = {dim_in = {1024}, dim_out = {1024}},
+ sigmoid4 = {dim_in = {1024}, dim_out = {1024}},
+ sigmoid5 = {dim_in = {1024}, dim_out = {1024}}
+ },
+ ["nerv.SoftmaxCELayer"] = -- softmax + ce criterion layer for finetune output
+ {
+ ce_crit = {dim_in = {1959, 1}, dim_out = {1}, compressed = true}
+ },
+ ["nerv.SoftmaxLayer"] = -- softmax for decode output
+ {
+ softmax = {dim_in = {1959}, dim_out = {1959}}
+ }
+ }, param_repo, gconf)
+ layer_repo:add_layers(
+ {
+ ["nerv.GraphLayer"] =
+ {
+ global_transf = {
+ dim_in = {440}, dim_out = {440},
+ layer_repo = layer_repo,
+ connections = {
+ {"<input>[1]", "blayer1[1]", 0},
+ {"blayer1[1]", "wlayer1[1]", 0},
+ {"wlayer1[1]", "<output>[1]", 0}
+ }
+ },
+ main = {
+ dim_in = {440}, dim_out = {1959},
+ layer_repo = layer_repo,
+ connections = {
+ {"<input>[1]", "affine0[1]", 0},
+ {"affine0[1]", "sigmoid0[1]", 0},
+ {"sigmoid0[1]", "affine1[1]", 0},
+ {"affine1[1]", "sigmoid1[1]", 0},
+ {"sigmoid1[1]", "affine2[1]", 0},
+ {"affine2[1]", "sigmoid2[1]", 0},
+ {"sigmoid2[1]", "affine3[1]", 0},
+ {"affine3[1]", "sigmoid3[1]", 0},
+ {"sigmoid3[1]", "affine4[1]", 0},
+ {"affine4[1]", "sigmoid4[1]", 0},
+ {"sigmoid4[1]", "affine5[1]", 0},
+ {"affine5[1]", "sigmoid5[1]", 0},
+ {"sigmoid5[1]", "affine6[1]", 0},
+ {"affine6[1]", "<output>[1]", 0}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, param_repo, gconf)
+ layer_repo:add_layers(
+ {
+ ["nerv.GraphLayer"] =
+ {
+ ce_output = {
+ dim_in = {440, 1}, dim_out = {1},
+ layer_repo = layer_repo,
+ connections = {
+ {"<input>[1]", "main[1]", 0},
+ {"main[1]", "ce_crit[1]", 0},
+ {"<input>[2]", "ce_crit[2]", 0},
+ {"ce_crit[1]", "<output>[1]", 0}
+ }
+ },
+ softmax_output = {
+ dim_in = {440}, dim_out = {1959},
+ layer_repo = layer_repo,
+ connections = {
+ {"<input>[1]", "main[1]", 0},
+ {"main[1]", "softmax[1]", 0},
+ {"softmax[1]", "<output>[1]", 0}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, param_repo, gconf)
+ return layer_repo
+function get_network(layer_repo)
+ return layer_repo:get_layer("ce_output")
+function get_decode_network(layer_repo)
+ return layer_repo:get_layer("softmax_output")
+function get_global_transf(layer_repo)
+ return layer_repo:get_layer("global_transf")
+function make_readers(scp_file, layer_repo)
+ return {
+ {reader = nerv.KaldiReader(gconf,
+ {
+ id = "main_scp",
+ feature_rspecifier = scp_file,
+ conf_file = gconf.htk_conf,
+ frm_ext = gconf.frm_ext,
+ mlfs = {
+ phone_state = {
+ targets_rspecifier = "ark:/speechlab/tools/KALDI/kaldi-master/src/bin/ali-to-pdf " ..
+ "/speechlab/users/mfy43/timit/s5/exp/tri3_ali/final.mdl " ..
+ "\"ark:gunzip -c /speechlab/users/mfy43/timit/s5/exp/tri3_ali/ali.*.gz |\" " ..
+ "ark:- | " ..
+ "/speechlab/tools/KALDI/kaldi-master/src/bin/ali-to-post " ..
+ "ark:- ark:- |",
+ format = "map"
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ data = {main_scp = 440, phone_state = 1}}
+ }
+function make_decode_readers(scp_file, layer_repo)
+ return {
+ {reader = nerv.KaldiReader(gconf,
+ {
+ id = "main_scp",
+ feature_rspecifier = scp_file,
+ conf_file = gconf.htk_conf,
+ frm_ext = gconf.frm_ext,
+ mlfs = {},
+ need_key = true
+ }),
+ data = {main_scp = 440, phone_state = 1}}
+ }
+function make_buffer(readers)
+ return nerv.SGDBuffer(gconf,
+ {
+ buffer_size = gconf.buffer_size,
+ batch_size = gconf.batch_size,
+ randomize = gconf.randomize,
+ readers = readers,
+ use_gpu = true
+ })
+function get_input_order()
+ return {{id = "main_scp", global_transf = true},
+ {id = "phone_state"}}
+function get_decode_input_order()
+ return {{id = "main_scp", global_transf = true}}
+function get_accuracy(layer_repo)
+ local ce_crit = layer_repo:get_layer("ce_crit")
+ return ce_crit.total_correct / ce_crit.total_frames * 100
+function print_stat(layer_repo)
+ local ce_crit = layer_repo:get_layer("ce_crit")
+ nerv.info("*** training stat begin ***")
+ nerv.printf("cross entropy:\t\t%.8f\n", ce_crit.total_ce)
+ nerv.printf("correct:\t\t%d\n", ce_crit.total_correct)
+ nerv.printf("frames:\t\t\t%d\n", ce_crit.total_frames)
+ nerv.printf("err/frm:\t\t%.8f\n", ce_crit.total_ce / ce_crit.total_frames)
+ nerv.printf("accuracy:\t\t%.3f%%\n", get_accuracy(layer_repo))
+ nerv.info("*** training stat end ***")
diff --git a/nerv/init.lua b/nerv/init.lua
index 6312df1..ff944b8 100644
--- a/nerv/init.lua
+++ b/nerv/init.lua
@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ function nerv.error_method_not_implemented()
nerv.error("method not implemented");
+function nerv.set_logfile(filename)
+ nerv._logfile = io.open(filename, "w")
--- Format a string just like `sprintf` in C.
-- @param fmt the format string
-- @param ... args, the data to be formatted
@@ -25,7 +29,13 @@ end
-- @param fmt the format string
-- @param ... args, the data to be formatted
function nerv.printf(fmt, ...)
- io.write(nerv.sprintf(fmt, ...))
+ local line = nerv.sprintf(fmt, ...)
+ io.stderr:write(line)
+ -- duplicate the all output to the log file, if set
+ if nerv._logfile then
+ nerv._logfile:write(line)
+ nerv._logfile:flush()
+ end
--- Raise an global error with the formatted message.
@@ -88,24 +98,27 @@ function nerv.class(tname, parenttname)
function table.val_to_str(v)
- if "string" == type(v) then
- v = string.gsub(v, "\n", "\\n")
- if string.match(string.gsub(v,"[^'\"]",""), '^"+$') then
- return "'" .. v .. "'"
+ if "string" == type(v) then
+ v = string.gsub(v, "\n", "\\n")
+ if string.match(string.gsub(v,"[^'\"]",""), '^"+$') then
+ return "'" .. v .. "'"
+ end
+ return '"' .. string.gsub(v,'"', '\\"') .. '"'
+ else
+ return "table" == type(v) and table.tostring(v) or
+ (("number" == type(v) or
+ "string" == type(v) or
+ "boolean" == type(v)) and tostring(v)) or
+ nil -- failed to serialize
- return '"' .. string.gsub(v,'"', '\\"') .. '"'
- else
- return "table" == type(v) and table.tostring(v) or
- tostring(v)
- end
function table.key_to_str (k)
- if "string" == type(k) and string.match(k, "^[_%a][_%a%d]*$") then
- return k
- else
- return "[" .. table.val_to_str(k) .. "]"
- end
+ if "string" == type(k) and string.match(k, "^[_%a][_%a%d]*$") then
+ return k
+ else
+ return "[" .. table.val_to_str(k) .. "]"
+ end
--- Get the string representation of a table, which can be executed as a valid
@@ -114,18 +127,18 @@ end
-- @return the string representation which will result in a Lua table entity
-- when evaluated
function table.tostring(tbl)
- local result, done = {}, {}
- for k, v in ipairs(tbl) do
- table.insert(result, table.val_to_str(v))
- done[k] = true
- end
- for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
- if not done[k] then
- table.insert(result,
- table.key_to_str(k) .. "=" .. table.val_to_str(v))
+ local result, done = {}, {}
+ for k, v in ipairs(tbl) do
+ table.insert(result, table.val_to_str(v))
+ done[k] = true
- end
- return "{" .. table.concat(result, ",") .. "}"
+ for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
+ if not done[k] then
+ table.insert(result,
+ table.key_to_str(k) .. "=" .. table.val_to_str(v))
+ end
+ end
+ return "{" .. table.concat(result, ",") .. "}"
--- Get the class by name.
@@ -172,10 +185,180 @@ function nerv.include(filename)
return dofile(nerv.dirname(caller) .. filename)
+--- Parse the command-line options and arguments
+-- @param argv the argrument list to parsed
+-- @param options The specification of options, should be a list of tables,
+-- each one for exactly one available option, say `v`, with `v[1]`, `v[2]`,
+-- `v[3]` indicating the full name of the option, the short form of the option
+-- (when it is a boolean option) and the type of the value controlled by the
+-- option. `default` and `desc` keys can also be specified to set the default
+-- value and description of the option.
+-- An example of specification:
+-- {{"aaa", "a", "boolean", default = false, desc = "an option called aaa"},
+-- {"bbb", "b", "boolean", default = true, desc = "bbb is set to be true if --bbb=no does not present"},
+-- {"ccc", nil, "int", default = 0, desc = "ccc expects an integeral value"}}`
+-- @return args, opts The non-option arguments and parsed options. `opts` is
+-- again a list of tables, each of which corresponds to one table in parameter
+-- `options`. The parsed value could be accessed by `opts["aaa"].val` (which is
+-- `true` if "--aaa" or "-a" is specified).
+function nerv.parse_args(argv, options, unordered)
+ local is_opt_exp = "^[-](.*)$"
+ local sim_opt_exp = "^[-]([a-z]+)$"
+ local opt_exp = "^[-][-]([^=]+)$"
+ local opt_with_val_exp = "^[-][-]([^=]+)=([^=]+)$"
+ local opts = {}
+ local sopts = {}
+ local args = {}
+ local arg_start = false
+ local function err()
+ nerv.error("invalid format of option specification")
+ end
+ for _, v in ipairs(options) do
+ if type(v) ~= "table" or
+ (v[1] == nil and v[2] == nil) or
+ v[3] == nil then
+ err()
+ end
+ local opt_full = v[1]
+ local opt_short = v[2]
+ local opt_type = v[3]
+ local opt_meta = {type = opt_type,
+ desc = v.desc or "",
+ val = v.default}
+ if opt_short ~= nil then
+ if type(opt_short) ~= "string" or #opt_short ~= 1 then err() end
+ if opt_type ~= "boolean" then
+ nerv.error("only boolean option could have short form")
+ end
+ sopts[opt_short] = opt_meta
+ end
+ if opt_full ~= nil then
+ if type(opt_full) ~= "string" then err() end
+ opts[opt_full] = opt_meta
+ end
+ end
+ for _, token in ipairs(argv) do
+ if ((not arg_start) or unordered) and token:match(is_opt_exp) then
+ local k = token:match(sim_opt_exp)
+ if k then
+ for c in k:gmatch"." do
+ if sopts[c] then
+ sopts[c].val = true
+ else
+ nerv.error("invalid option -%s", c)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ local k = token:match(opt_exp)
+ if k then
+ if opts[k] == nil then
+ nerv.error("invalid option %s", token)
+ end
+ if opts[k].type ~= "boolean" then
+ nerv.error("invalid option --%s: " ..
+ "a %s value needs to be specified",
+ k, opts[k].type)
+ else
+ opts[k].val = true
+ end
+ else
+ local k, v = token:match(opt_with_val_exp)
+ if k then
+ if opts[k] == nil then
+ nerv.error("invalid option %s", token)
+ end
+ if opts[k].type == "boolean" then
+ if v == "yes" then
+ opts[k].val = true
+ elseif v == "no" then
+ opts[k].val = false
+ else
+ nerv.error("boolean value should be \"yes\" or \"no\"")
+ end
+ elseif opts[k].type == "int" then
+ local t = tonumber(v)
+ opts[k].val = t
+ if t == nil or math.floor(t) ~= t then
+ nerv.error("int value is expected")
+ end
+ elseif opts[k].type == "number" then
+ local t = tonumber(v)
+ opts[k].val = t
+ if t == nil then
+ nerv.error("numeric value is expected")
+ end
+ elseif opts[k].type == "string" then
+ opts[k].val = v
+ else
+ nerv.error("unrecognized type %s", opts[k].type)
+ end
+ else
+ nerv.error("unrecognized option %s", token)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ table.insert(args, token)
+ arg_start = true
+ end
+ end
+ return args, opts
+--- Print usage information of the command-line options
+-- @param options the list of options used in `parse_args`
+function nerv.print_usage(options)
+ local full_maxlen = 0
+ local type_maxlen = 0
+ local default_maxlen = 0
+ for _, v in ipairs(options) do
+ local opt_full = v[1]
+ local opt_short = v[2]
+ local opt_type = v[3]
+ full_maxlen = math.max(full_maxlen, #opt_full or 0)
+ type_maxlen = math.max(full_maxlen, #opt_type or 0)
+ default_maxlen = math.max(full_maxlen, #tostring(v.default) or 0)
+ end
+ local function pattern_gen()
+ return string.format("\t%%-%ds\t%%-2s\t%%-%ds\t%%-%ds\t%%s\n",
+ full_maxlen, type_maxlen, default_maxlen)
+ end
+ nerv.printf("\n")
+ nerv.printf(pattern_gen(), "Option", "Abbr.", "Type", "Default", "Desc.")
+ for _, v in ipairs(options) do
+ local opt_full = v[1]
+ local opt_short = v[2]
+ local opt_type = v[3]
+ nerv.printf(pattern_gen(),
+ (opt_full and '--' .. opt_full) or "",
+ (opt_short and '-' .. opt_short) or "",
+ opt_type,
+ (v.default ~= nil and tostring(v.default)) or "",
+ v.desc or "")
+ end
+ nerv.printf("\n")
+function table.extend(tbl1, tbl2)
+ for _, v in ipairs(tbl2) do
+ table.insert(tbl1, v)
+ end
+function table.vector(len, fill)
+ local v = {}
+ fill = fill or 0
+ for i = 1, len do
+ table.insert(v, fill)
+ end
+ return v
-- the following lines trigger the initialization of basic modules
diff --git a/nerv/io/init.lua b/nerv/io/init.lua
index eb2e3e5..c36d850 100644
--- a/nerv/io/init.lua
+++ b/nerv/io/init.lua
@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ function DataBuffer:__init(global_conf, buffer_conf)
-function DataBuffer:get_batch()
+function DataBuffer:get_data()
diff --git a/nerv/io/seq_buffer.lua b/nerv/io/seq_buffer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/io/seq_buffer.lua
diff --git a/nerv/io/sgd_buffer.lua b/nerv/io/sgd_buffer.lua
index 3cf4f5a..d78f6d1 100644
--- a/nerv/io/sgd_buffer.lua
+++ b/nerv/io/sgd_buffer.lua
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ local SGDBuffer = nerv.class("nerv.SGDBuffer", "nerv.DataBuffer")
function SGDBuffer:__init(global_conf, buffer_conf)
self.gconf = global_conf
+ self.batch_size = buffer_conf.batch_size
self.buffer_size = math.floor(buffer_conf.buffer_size /
- global_conf.batch_size) * global_conf.batch_size
+ self.batch_size) * self.batch_size
self.randomize = buffer_conf.randomize
self.consume = buffer_conf.consume
local cumat_type = global_conf.cumat_type
@@ -112,11 +113,11 @@ function SGDBuffer:saturate()
self.rand_map = self.perm_gen(self.tail) -- generate shuffled index
- return self.tail >= self.gconf.batch_size
+ return self.tail >= self.batch_size
function SGDBuffer:get_data()
- local batch_size = self.gconf.batch_size
+ local batch_size = self.batch_size
if self.head >= self.tail then -- buffer is empty
local t = os.clock()
if (not self:saturate()) and (not self.consume) then
diff --git a/nerv/layer/affine.lua b/nerv/layer/affine.lua
index 4156dde..38743aa 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/affine.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/affine.lua
@@ -8,21 +8,19 @@ local AffineLayer = nerv.class('nerv.AffineLayer', 'nerv.Layer')
--- A parameter that consists of a single matrix
-- @type nerv.MatrixParam
+function MatrixParam:check(checker)
+ -- check trans matrix type
+ checker(self.trans)
--- Read from a file handle.
-- @param handle the file handle
function MatrixParam:read(handle)
self.trans = self.gconf.mmat_type.load(handle)
- if not self.gconf.use_cpu then
- self.trans = self.gconf.cumat_type.new_from_host(self.trans)
- end
function MatrixParam:write(handle)
- local trans = self.trans
- if not self.gconf.use_cpu then
- trans = self.trans:new_to_host()
- end
- trans:save(handle)
+ self.trans:save(handle)
function MatrixParam:train_init()
@@ -30,6 +28,12 @@ function MatrixParam:train_init()
+function MatrixParam:copy(copier)
+ local target = nerv.MatrixParam(self.id, self.gconf)
+ target.trans = copier(self.trans)
+ return target
function MatrixParam:_update_by_gradient(gradient, alpha, beta)
local gconf = self.gconf
-- momentum gain
@@ -77,25 +81,24 @@ end
--- The constructor.
function AffineLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- self.id = id
- self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
- if layer_conf.ltp ~= nil and layer_conf.ltp1 == nil then
- layer_conf.ltp1 = layer_conf.ltp
- end
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
+ self:check_dim_len(-1, 1) -- exactly one output, allow multiple inputs
+ self:bind_params()
+function AffineLayer:bind_params()
for i = 1, #self.dim_in do
local pid = "ltp" .. i
local pid_list = i == 1 and {pid, "ltp"} or pid
- self["ltp" .. i] = self:find_param(pid_list, layer_conf, global_conf,
+ self["ltp" .. i] = self:find_param(pid_list, self.lconf, self.gconf,
- {self.dim_in[i], self.dim_out[1]})
+ {self.dim_in[i], self.dim_out[1]})
self.ltp = self.ltp1 -- alias of ltp1
- self.bp = self:find_param("bp", layer_conf, global_conf,
+ self.bp = self:find_param("bp", self.lconf, self.gconf,
{1, self.dim_out[1]})
- self.gconf = global_conf
- self:check_dim_len(-1, 1) -- exactly one output, allow multiple inputs
function AffineLayer:init(batch_size)
@@ -142,7 +145,7 @@ function AffineLayer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output)
function AffineLayer:get_params()
- local pr = nerv.ParamRepo({self.ltp1, self.bp})
+ local pr = nerv.ParamRepo({self.ltp1, self.bp}, self.loc_type)
for i = 2, #self.dim_in do
pr:add(self["ltp" .. i].id, self["ltp" .. i])
diff --git a/nerv/layer/bias.lua b/nerv/layer/bias.lua
index 924c3da..191be78 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/bias.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/bias.lua
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
local BiasLayer = nerv.class("nerv.BiasLayer", "nerv.Layer")
function BiasLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- self.id = id
- self.gconf = global_conf
- self.bias = layer_conf.bias
- self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
self:check_dim_len(1, 1)
+ self:bind_params()
+function BiasLayer:bind_params()
+ self.bias = self:find_param("bias", self.lconf, self.gconf,
+ nerv.BiasParam,
+ {1, self.dim_out[1]})
function BiasLayer:init()
@@ -28,5 +31,5 @@ function BiasLayer:propagate(input, output)
function BiasLayer:get_params()
- return nerv.ParamRepo({self.bias})
+ return nerv.ParamRepo({self.bias}, self.loc_type)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/combiner.lua b/nerv/layer/combiner.lua
index 22e89a9..028c970 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/combiner.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/combiner.lua
@@ -1,16 +1,8 @@
local CombinerLayer = nerv.class('nerv.CombinerLayer', 'nerv.Layer')
function CombinerLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- self.id = id
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
self.lambda = layer_conf.lambda
- self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
- self.gconf = global_conf
- if self.gconf.use_cpu then
- self.mat_type = self.gconf.mmat_type
- else
- self.mat_type = self.gconf.cumat_type
- end
self:check_dim_len(#self.lambda, -1)
if #self.dim_in < 1 then
nerv.error("no input specified")
@@ -20,6 +12,10 @@ function CombinerLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
+function CombinerLayer:bind_params()
+ -- do nothing
function CombinerLayer:init(batch_size)
local dim = self.dim_in[1]
for i = 2, #self.dim_in do
@@ -66,5 +62,5 @@ function CombinerLayer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output)
function CombinerLayer:get_params()
- return nerv.ParamRepo({})
+ return nerv.ParamRepo({}, self.loc_type)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/dropout.lua b/nerv/layer/dropout.lua
index 42660cc..39a8963 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/dropout.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/dropout.lua
@@ -1,22 +1,17 @@
local DropoutLayer = nerv.class("nerv.DropoutLayer", "nerv.Layer")
function DropoutLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- self.id = id
- self.gconf = global_conf
- if self.gconf.use_cpu then
- self.mat_type = self.gconf.mmat_type
- else
- self.mat_type = self.gconf.cumat_type
- end
- self.rate = layer_conf.dropout_rate or global_conf.dropout_rate
- if self.rate == nil then
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
+ if self.gconf.dropout_rate == nil then
nerv.warning("[DropoutLayer:propagate] dropout rate is not set")
- self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
self:check_dim_len(1, 1) -- two inputs: nn output and label
+function DropoutLayer:bind_params()
+ -- do nothing
function DropoutLayer:init(batch_size, chunk_size)
if self.dim_in[1] ~= self.dim_out[1] then
nerv.error("mismatching dimensions of input and output")
@@ -45,12 +40,12 @@ function DropoutLayer:propagate(input, output, t)
if t == nil then
t = 1
- if self.rate then
+ if self.gconf.dropout_rate ~= 0 then
-- since we will lose a portion of the actvations, we multiply the
-- activations by 1 / (1 - rate) to compensate
- self.mask[t]:thres_mask(self.mask[t], self.rate,
- 0, 1 / (1.0 - self.rate))
+ self.mask[t]:thres_mask(self.mask[t], self.gconf.dropout_rate,
+ 0, 1 / (1.0 - self.gconf.dropout_rate))
output[1]:mul_elem(input[1], self.mask[t])
@@ -65,7 +60,7 @@ function DropoutLayer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output, t)
if t == nil then
t = 1
- if self.rate then
+ if self.gconf.dropout_rate then
next_bp_err[1]:mul_elem(bp_err[1], self.mask[t])
@@ -73,5 +68,5 @@ function DropoutLayer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output, t)
function DropoutLayer:get_params()
- return nerv.ParamRepo({})
+ return nerv.ParamRepo({}, self.loc_type)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/duplicate.lua b/nerv/layer/duplicate.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..137472b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/layer/duplicate.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+local DuplicateLayer = nerv.class('nerv.DuplicateLayer', 'nerv.Layer')
+function DuplicateLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
+ self:check_dim_len(1, -1)
+ if #self.dim_out < 1 then
+ nerv.error('no output specified')
+ end
+ for i = 1, #self.dim_out do
+ if self.dim_out[i] ~= self.dim_in[1] then
+ nerv.error('mismatching dimensions of outputs')
+ end
+ end
+function DuplicateLayer:init()
+function DuplicateLayer:batch_resize()
+function DuplicateLayer:propagate(input, output)
+ for i = 1, #self.dim_out do
+ output[i]:copy_from(input[1])
+ -- FIXME: use reference copy to speed up
+ end
+function DuplicateLayer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err)
+ next_bp_err[1]:copy_from(bp_err[1])
+ for i = 2, #self.dim_out do
+ next_bp_err[1]:add(next_bp_err[1], bp_err[i], 1.0, 1.0)
+ end
+function DuplicateLayer:update()
+function DuplicateLayer:get_params()
+ return nerv.ParamRepo({}, self.loc_type)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/elem_mul.lua b/nerv/layer/elem_mul.lua
index fe80a3f..f03649b 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/elem_mul.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/elem_mul.lua
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
local ElemMulLayer = nerv.class('nerv.ElemMulLayer', 'nerv.Layer')
function ElemMulLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- self.id = id
- self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
- self.gconf = global_conf
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
-- element-wise multiplication of input[1] and input[2]
self:check_dim_len(2, 1)
+function ElemMulLayer:bind_params()
+ -- do nothing
function ElemMulLayer:init(batch_size)
if self.dim_in[1] ~= self.dim_in[2] or
self.dim_in[1] ~= self.dim_out[1] then
@@ -34,5 +35,5 @@ function ElemMulLayer:update(bp_err, input, output)
function ElemMulLayer:get_params()
- return nerv.ParamRepo({})
+ return nerv.ParamRepo({}, self.loc_type)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/graph.lua b/nerv/layer/graph.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68d5f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/layer/graph.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+local GraphLayer = nerv.class('nerv.GraphLayer', 'nerv.Layer')
+function GraphLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
+ self:graph_init(layer_conf.layer_repo, layer_conf.connections)
+local function parse_id(str)
+ local id, port, _
+ _, _, id, port = string.find(str, "([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)%[([0-9]+)%]")
+ if id == nil or port == nil then
+ _, _, id, port = string.find(str, "(.+)%[([0-9]+)%]")
+ if not (id == "<input>" or id == "<output>") then
+ nerv.error("wrong format of connection id")
+ end
+ end
+ port = tonumber(port)
+ return id, port
+function GraphLayer:add_prefix(layers, connections)
+ local function ap(name)
+ return self.id .. '.' .. name
+ end
+ for layer_type, sublayers in pairs(layers) do
+ local tmp = {}
+ for name, layer_config in pairs(sublayers) do
+ tmp[ap(name)] = layer_config
+ end
+ layers[layer_type] = tmp
+ end
+ for i = 1, #connections do
+ local from, to = connections[i][1], connections[i][2]
+ if parse_id(from) ~= '<input>' then
+ connections[i][1] = ap(from)
+ end
+ if parse_id(to) ~= '<output>' then
+ connections[i][2] = ap(to)
+ end
+ end
+function GraphLayer:discover(id, layer_repo)
+ if id == '<output>' then
+ id = '<input>'
+ end
+ local layers = self.layers
+ local ref = layers[id]
+ if ref == nil then
+ local layer = layer_repo:get_layer(id)
+ local dim_in, dim_out = layer:get_dim()
+ self.layer_num = self.layer_num + 1
+ ref = {
+ layer = layer,
+ inputs = {},
+ outputs = {},
+ dim_in = dim_in,
+ dim_out = dim_out,
+ id = self.layer_num,
+ }
+ layers[id] = ref
+ end
+ return ref
+function GraphLayer:graph_init(layer_repo, connections)
+ local layers = {}
+ layers['<input>'] = {
+ inputs = {},
+ outputs = {},
+ dim_in = self.dim_out,
+ dim_out = self.dim_in,
+ id = 0,
+ }
+ self.layers = layers
+ self.layer_num = 0
+ self.connections = {}
+ -- check data dimension between connected ports
+ for _, edge in pairs(connections) do
+ local from, to, time = edge[1], edge[2], edge[3]
+ local id_from, port_from = parse_id(from)
+ local id_to, port_to = parse_id(to)
+ local ref_from = self:discover(id_from, layer_repo)
+ local ref_to = self:discover(id_to, layer_repo)
+ if ref_from.outputs[port_from] ~= nil then
+ nerv.error('%s has already been attached', from)
+ end
+ if ref_to.inputs[port_to] ~= nil then
+ nerv.error('%s has already been attached', to)
+ end
+ if ref_from.dim_out[port_from] ~= ref_to.dim_in[port_to] then
+ nerv.error('mismatching data dimension between %s and %s', from, to)
+ end
+ if ref_from.id == 0 and ref_to.id == 0 then
+ nerv.error('short-circuit connection between <input> and <output>')
+ end
+ ref_from.outputs[port_from] = true
+ ref_to.inputs[port_to] = true
+ table.insert(self.connections, {ref_from.id, port_from, ref_to.id, port_to, time})
+ end
+ -- check dangling ports
+ for id, ref in pairs(layers) do
+ if id ~= '<input>' then
+ for i = 1, #ref.dim_in do
+ if ref.inputs[i] == nil then
+ nerv.error('dangling input port %d of layer %s', i, id)
+ end
+ end
+ for i = 1, #ref.dim_out do
+ if ref.outputs[i] == nil then
+ nerv.error('dangling output port %d of layer %s', i, id)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for i = 1, #self.dim_in do
+ if layers['<input>'].outputs[i] == nil then
+ nerv.error('dangling port %d of layer <input>', i)
+ end
+ end
+ for i = 1, #self.dim_out do
+ if layers['<input>'].inputs[i] == nil then
+ nerv.error('dangling port %d of layer <output>', i)
+ end
+ end
+function GraphLayer:set_attr(name, value)
+ self[name] = value
+ for id, ref in pairs(self.layers) do
+ if id ~= '<input>' then
+ ref.layer:set_attr(name, value)
+ end
+ end
+function GraphLayer:get_sublayer(id)
+ if self.layers[id] == nil or id == '<input>' then
+ nerv.error('layer with id %s not found', id)
+ end
+ return self.layers[id].layer
+function GraphLayer:get_params()
+ local param_repos = {}
+ for id, ref in pairs(self.layers) do
+ if id ~= '<input>' then
+ table.insert(param_repos, ref.layer:get_params())
+ end
+ end
+ return nerv.ParamRepo.merge(param_repos, self.loc_type)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/gru.lua b/nerv/layer/gru.lua
index e81d21a..71718d7 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/gru.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/gru.lua
@@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ function GRULayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
-- input1:x
-- input2:h
-- input3:c (h^~)
- self.id = id
- self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
- self.gconf = global_conf
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
if self.dim_in[2] ~= self.dim_out[1] then
nerv.error("dim_in[2](%d) mismatch with dim_out[1](%d)",
self.dim_in[2], self.dim_out[1])
@@ -17,7 +13,7 @@ function GRULayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
-- prepare a DAGLayer to hold the lstm structure
local pr = layer_conf.pr
if pr == nil then
- pr = nerv.ParamRepo()
+ pr = nerv.ParamRepo({}, self.loc_type)
local function ap(str)
@@ -63,7 +59,7 @@ function GRULayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- local layerRepo = nerv.LayerRepo(layers, pr, global_conf)
+ self.lrepo = nerv.LayerRepo(layers, pr, global_conf)
local connections = {
["<input>[1]"] = ap("inputXDup[1]"),
@@ -97,12 +93,20 @@ function GRULayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
self.dag = nerv.DAGLayer(self.id, global_conf,
{dim_in = self.dim_in,
dim_out = self.dim_out,
- sub_layers = layerRepo,
+ sub_layers = self.lrepo,
connections = connections})
self:check_dim_len(2, 1) -- x, h and h
+function GRULayer:bind_params()
+ local pr = layer_conf.pr
+ if pr == nil then
+ pr = nerv.ParamRepo({}, self.loc_type)
+ end
+ self.lrepo:rebind(pr)
function GRULayer:init(batch_size, chunk_size)
self.dag:init(batch_size, chunk_size)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/identity.lua b/nerv/layer/identity.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d56337d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/layer/identity.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+local IdentityLayer = nerv.class('nerv.IdentityLayer', 'nerv.Layer')
+function IdentityLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
+ self:check_dim_len(1, 1)
+ if self.dim_in[1] ~= self.dim_out[1] then
+ nerv.error('mismatching dimensions of input and output')
+ end
+function IdentityLayer:init()
+function IdentityLayer:batch_resize()
+function IdentityLayer:propagate(input, output)
+ output[1]:copy_from(input[1])
+function IdentityLayer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err)
+ next_bp_err[1]:copy_from(bp_err[1])
+function IdentityLayer:update()
+function IdentityLayer:get_params()
+ return nerv.ParamRepo({}, self.loc_type)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/init.lua b/nerv/layer/init.lua
index 54f33ae..475ef62 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/init.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/init.lua
@@ -30,7 +30,18 @@ end
local Layer = nerv.class('nerv.Layer')
function Layer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- nerv.error_method_not_implemented()
+ self.id = id
+ self.gconf = global_conf
+ self.lconf = layer_conf
+ if self.gconf.use_cpu then
+ self.mat_type = self.gconf.mmat_type
+ self.loc_type = nerv.ParamRepo.LOC_TYPES.ON_HOST
+ else
+ self.mat_type = self.gconf.cumat_type
+ self.loc_type = nerv.ParamRepo.LOC_TYPES.ON_DEVICE
+ end
+ self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
+ self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
function Layer:init(batch_size)
@@ -66,34 +77,49 @@ function Layer:get_params()
+function Layer:bind_params()
+ nerv.error_method_not_implemented()
function Layer:get_dim()
return self.dim_in, self.dim_out
-function Layer:find_param(pid_list, lconf, gconf, p_type, p_dim)
- if type(pid_list) == "string" then
- pid_list = {pid_list}
+function Layer:set_attr(name, value)
+ self[name] = value
+function Layer:get_sublayer(id)
+ nerv.error('primitive layer does not have sublayers')
+function Layer:find_param(plist, lconf, gconf, p_type, p_dim)
+ if type(plist) == "string" then
+ plist = {plist}
+ end
+ if lconf.params == nil then
+ lconf.params = {}
- pid_list_str = table.tostring(pid_list)
- for i, pid in ipairs(pid_list) do
- if lconf[pid] ~= nil then
- nerv.info("param [%s] of layer [%s] found in `layer_conf`.", pid, self.id)
- return lconf[pid]
+ plist_str = table.tostring(plist)
+ local pid
+ for i, pname in ipairs(plist) do
+ if lconf.params[pname] ~= nil then
+ nerv.info("param id for [%s] of layer [%s] specified in `layer_conf.params`.", pname, self.id)
+ pid = lconf.params[pname]
- local pid_g = self.id .. '_' .. pid --global identifier
- local pr = lconf.pr
- local p
- if pr ~= nil and pr:has_param(pid_g) == true then
- nerv.info("param [%s] of layer [%s] found in `layer_conf.pr`.", pid_list_str, self.id)
- p = pr:get_param(pid_g)
- return p
+ if lconf.pr:has_param(pid) then
+ return lconf.pr:get_param(pid)
- nerv.info("param [%s] of layer [%s] is not found in `layer_conf` or `layer_conf.pr`, " ..
- "switch to auto-generate", pid_list_str, self.id)
- local pid_g = self.id .. '_' .. pid_list[1]
- p = p_type(pid_g, gconf)
- p.trans = gconf.cumat_type(unpack(p_dim))
+ pid = self.id .. '_' .. plist[1]
+ if lconf.pr:has_param(pid) then
+ nerv.info("param id for [%s] of layer [%s] is generated automatically.", pname, self.id)
+ return lconf.pr:get_param(pid)
+ end
+ nerv.info("param id for [%s] of layer [%s] is not found in the specified param repo, " ..
+ "switch to auto-generate", plist_str, self.id)
+ local p = p_type(pid, gconf)
+ p.trans = self.mat_type(unpack(p_dim))
if type(gconf.param_random) ~= "function" then
nerv.error("a param generate function is needed")
@@ -101,6 +127,7 @@ function Layer:find_param(pid_list, lconf, gconf, p_type, p_dim)
return p
@@ -115,6 +142,9 @@ nerv.include('lstm.lua')
-- The following lines are for backward compatibility, and will be removed in
-- the future. The use of these names are deprecated.
diff --git a/nerv/layer/lstm.lua b/nerv/layer/lstm.lua
index d8eee71..56f674a 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/lstm.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/lstm.lua
@@ -1,143 +1,85 @@
-local LSTMLayer = nerv.class('nerv.LSTMLayer', 'nerv.Layer')
+local LSTMLayer = nerv.class('nerv.LSTMLayer', 'nerv.GraphLayer')
function LSTMLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- -- input1:x
- -- input2:h
- -- input3:c
- self.id = id
- self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
- self.gconf = global_conf
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
+ self:check_dim_len(1, 1)
+ local din = layer_conf.dim_in[1]
+ local dout = layer_conf.dim_out[1]
- -- prepare a DAGLayer to hold the lstm structure
local pr = layer_conf.pr
if pr == nil then
- pr = nerv.ParamRepo()
- end
- local function ap(str)
- return self.id .. '.' .. str
+ pr = nerv.ParamRepo({}, self.loc_type)
- local din1, din2, din3 = self.dim_in[1], self.dim_in[2], self.dim_in[3]
- local dout1, dout2 = self.dim_out[1], self.dim_out[2]
- local layers = {
- ["nerv.CombinerLayer"] = {
- [ap("inputXDup")] = {{}, {dim_in = {din1},
- dim_out = {din1, din1, din1, din1},
- lambda = {1}}},
- [ap("inputHDup")] = {{}, {dim_in = {din2},
- dim_out = {din2, din2, din2, din2},
- lambda = {1}}},
- [ap("inputCDup")] = {{}, {dim_in = {din3},
- dim_out = {din3, din3, din3},
- lambda = {1}}},
- [ap("mainCDup")] = {{}, {dim_in = {din3, din3},
- dim_out = {din3, din3, din3},
- lambda = {1, 1}}},
+ local layers = {
+ ['nerv.CombinerLayer'] = {
+ mainCombine = {dim_in = {dout, dout}, dim_out = {dout}, lambda = {1, 1}},
- ["nerv.AffineLayer"] = {
- [ap("mainAffineL")] = {{}, {dim_in = {din1, din2},
- dim_out = {dout1},
- pr = pr}},
+ ['nerv.DuplicateLayer'] = {
+ inputDup = {dim_in = {din}, dim_out = {din, din, din, din}},
+ outputDup = {dim_in = {dout}, dim_out = {dout, dout, dout, dout, dout}},
+ cellDup = {dim_in = {dout}, dim_out = {dout, dout, dout, dout, dout}},
- ["nerv.TanhLayer"] = {
- [ap("mainTanhL")] = {{}, {dim_in = {dout1}, dim_out = {dout1}}},
- [ap("outputTanhL")] = {{}, {dim_in = {dout1}, dim_out = {dout1}}},
+ ['nerv.AffineLayer'] = {
+ mainAffine = {dim_in = {din, dout}, dim_out = {dout}, pr = pr},
- ["nerv.LSTMGateLayer"] = {
- [ap("forgetGateL")] = {{}, {dim_in = {din1, din2, din3},
- dim_out = {din3}, pr = pr,
- param_type = {'N', 'N', 'D'}}},
- [ap("inputGateL")] = {{}, {dim_in = {din1, din2, din3},
- dim_out = {din3}, pr = pr,
- param_type = {'N', 'N', 'D'}}},
- [ap("outputGateL")] = {{}, {dim_in = {din1, din2, din3},
- dim_out = {din3}, pr = pr,
- param_type = {'N', 'N', 'D'}}},
+ ['nerv.TanhLayer'] = {
+ mainTanh = {dim_in = {dout}, dim_out = {dout}},
+ outputTanh = {dim_in = {dout}, dim_out = {dout}},
- ["nerv.ElemMulLayer"] = {
- [ap("inputGMulL")] = {{}, {dim_in = {din3, din3},
- dim_out = {din3}}},
- [ap("forgetGMulL")] = {{}, {dim_in = {din3, din3},
- dim_out = {din3}}},
- [ap("outputGMulL")] = {{}, {dim_in = {din3, din3},
- dim_out = {din3}}},
+ ['nerv.LSTMGateLayer'] = {
+ forgetGate = {dim_in = {din, dout, dout}, dim_out = {dout}, param_type = {'N', 'N', 'D'}, pr = pr},
+ inputGate = {dim_in = {din, dout, dout}, dim_out = {dout}, param_type = {'N', 'N', 'D'}, pr = pr},
+ outputGate = {dim_in = {din, dout, dout}, dim_out = {dout}, param_type = {'N', 'N', 'D'}, pr = pr},
+ },
+ ['nerv.ElemMulLayer'] = {
+ inputGateMul = {dim_in = {dout, dout}, dim_out = {dout}},
+ forgetGateMul = {dim_in = {dout, dout}, dim_out = {dout}},
+ outputGateMul = {dim_in = {dout, dout}, dim_out = {dout}},
- local layerRepo = nerv.LayerRepo(layers, pr, global_conf)
local connections = {
- ["<input>[1]"] = ap("inputXDup[1]"),
- ["<input>[2]"] = ap("inputHDup[1]"),
- ["<input>[3]"] = ap("inputCDup[1]"),
- [ap("inputXDup[1]")] = ap("mainAffineL[1]"),
- [ap("inputHDup[1]")] = ap("mainAffineL[2]"),
- [ap("mainAffineL[1]")] = ap("mainTanhL[1]"),
- [ap("inputXDup[2]")] = ap("inputGateL[1]"),
- [ap("inputHDup[2]")] = ap("inputGateL[2]"),
- [ap("inputCDup[1]")] = ap("inputGateL[3]"),
- [ap("inputXDup[3]")] = ap("forgetGateL[1]"),
- [ap("inputHDup[3]")] = ap("forgetGateL[2]"),
- [ap("inputCDup[2]")] = ap("forgetGateL[3]"),
- [ap("mainTanhL[1]")] = ap("inputGMulL[1]"),
- [ap("inputGateL[1]")] = ap("inputGMulL[2]"),
- [ap("inputCDup[3]")] = ap("forgetGMulL[1]"),
- [ap("forgetGateL[1]")] = ap("forgetGMulL[2]"),
- [ap("inputGMulL[1]")] = ap("mainCDup[1]"),
- [ap("forgetGMulL[1]")] = ap("mainCDup[2]"),
- [ap("inputXDup[4]")] = ap("outputGateL[1]"),
- [ap("inputHDup[4]")] = ap("outputGateL[2]"),
- [ap("mainCDup[3]")] = ap("outputGateL[3]"),
- [ap("mainCDup[2]")] = "<output>[2]",
- [ap("mainCDup[1]")] = ap("outputTanhL[1]"),
- [ap("outputTanhL[1]")] = ap("outputGMulL[1]"),
- [ap("outputGateL[1]")] = ap("outputGMulL[2]"),
- [ap("outputGMulL[1]")] = "<output>[1]",
+ -- lstm input
+ {'<input>[1]', 'inputDup[1]', 0},
+ -- input gate
+ {'inputDup[1]', 'inputGate[1]', 0},
+ {'outputDup[1]', 'inputGate[2]', 1},
+ {'cellDup[1]', 'inputGate[3]', 1},
+ -- forget gate
+ {'inputDup[2]', 'forgetGate[1]', 0},
+ {'outputDup[2]', 'forgetGate[2]', 1},
+ {'cellDup[2]', 'forgetGate[3]', 1},
+ -- lstm cell
+ {'forgetGate[1]', 'forgetGateMul[1]', 0},
+ {'cellDup[3]', 'forgetGateMul[2]', 1},
+ {'inputDup[3]', 'mainAffine[1]', 0},
+ {'outputDup[3]', 'mainAffine[2]', 1},
+ {'mainAffine[1]', 'mainTanh[1]', 0},
+ {'inputGate[1]', 'inputGateMul[1]', 0},
+ {'mainTanh[1]', 'inputGateMul[2]', 0},
+ {'inputGateMul[1]', 'mainCombine[1]', 0},
+ {'forgetGateMul[1]', 'mainCombine[2]', 0},
+ {'mainCombine[1]', 'cellDup[1]', 0},
+ -- forget gate
+ {'inputDup[4]', 'outputGate[1]', 0},
+ {'outputDup[4]', 'outputGate[2]', 1},
+ {'cellDup[4]', 'outputGate[3]', 0},
+ -- lstm output
+ {'cellDup[5]', 'outputTanh[1]', 0},
+ {'outputGate[1]', 'outputGateMul[1]', 0},
+ {'outputTanh[1]', 'outputGateMul[2]', 0},
+ {'outputGateMul[1]', 'outputDup[1]', 0},
+ {'outputDup[5]', '<output>[1]', 0},
- self.dag = nerv.DAGLayer(self.id, global_conf,
- {dim_in = self.dim_in,
- dim_out = self.dim_out,
- sub_layers = layerRepo,
- connections = connections})
- self:check_dim_len(3, 2) -- x, h, c and h, c
-function LSTMLayer:init(batch_size, chunk_size)
- self.dag:init(batch_size, chunk_size)
-function LSTMLayer:batch_resize(batch_size, chunk_size)
- self.dag:batch_resize(batch_size, chunk_size)
-function LSTMLayer:update(bp_err, input, output, t)
- self.dag:update(bp_err, input, output, t)
-function LSTMLayer:propagate(input, output, t)
- self.dag:propagate(input, output, t)
-function LSTMLayer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output, t)
- self.dag:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output, t)
-function LSTMLayer:get_params()
- return self.dag:get_params()
+ self:add_prefix(layers, connections)
+ local layer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo(layers, pr, global_conf)
+ self:graph_init(layer_repo, connections)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/lstm_gate.lua b/nerv/layer/lstm_gate.lua
index 8785b4f..e690721 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/lstm_gate.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/lstm_gate.lua
@@ -2,24 +2,23 @@ local LSTMGateLayer = nerv.class('nerv.LSTMGateLayer', 'nerv.Layer')
-- NOTE: this is a full matrix gate
function LSTMGateLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- self.id = id
- self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
self.param_type = layer_conf.param_type
- self.gconf = global_conf
+ self:check_dim_len(-1, 1) --accept multiple inputs
+ self:bind_params()
+function LSTMGateLayer:bind_params()
for i = 1, #self.dim_in do
- self["ltp" .. i] = self:find_param("ltp" .. i, layer_conf, global_conf,
+ self["ltp" .. i] = self:find_param("ltp" .. i, self.lconf, self.gconf,
{self.dim_in[i], self.dim_out[1]})
if self.param_type[i] == 'D' then
self["ltp" .. i].trans:diagonalize()
- self.bp = self:find_param("bp", layer_conf, global_conf,
+ self.bp = self:find_param("bp", self.lconf, self.gconf,
nerv.BiasParam, {1, self.dim_out[1]})
- self:check_dim_len(-1, 1) --accept multiple inputs
function LSTMGateLayer:init(batch_size)
@@ -76,7 +75,7 @@ function LSTMGateLayer:update(bp_err, input, output)
function LSTMGateLayer:get_params()
- local pr = nerv.ParamRepo({self.bp})
+ local pr = nerv.ParamRepo({self.bp}, self.loc_type)
for i = 1, #self.dim_in do
pr:add(self["ltp" .. i].id, self["ltp" .. i])
diff --git a/nerv/layer/mse.lua b/nerv/layer/mse.lua
index 1c218d0..458d086 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/mse.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/mse.lua
@@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
local MSELayer = nerv.class("nerv.MSELayer", "nerv.Layer")
function MSELayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- self.id = id
- self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
- self.gconf = global_conf
- if self.gconf.use_cpu then
- self.mat_type = self.gconf.mmat_type
- else
- self.mat_type = self.gconf.cumat_type
- end
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
self:check_dim_len(2, -1)
+function MSELayer:bind_params()
+ -- do nothing
function MSELayer:init(batch_size)
if self.dim_in[1] ~= self.dim_in[2] then
nerv.error("mismatching dimensions of previous network output and labels")
@@ -61,5 +57,5 @@ function MSELayer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output)
function MSELayer:get_params()
- return nerv.ParamRepo({})
+ return nerv.ParamRepo({}, self.loc_type)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/rnn.lua b/nerv/layer/rnn.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b5ccaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/layer/rnn.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+local RNNLayer = nerv.class('nerv.RNNLayer', 'nerv.GraphLayer')
+function RNNLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
+ self:check_dim_len(1, 1)
+ if layer_conf.activation == nil then
+ layer_conf.activation = 'nerv.SigmoidLayer'
+ end
+ local din = layer_conf.dim_in[1]
+ local dout = layer_conf.dim_out[1]
+ local pr = layer_conf.pr
+ if pr == nil then
+ pr = nerv.ParamRepo({}, self.loc_type)
+ end
+ local layers = {
+ ['nerv.AffineLayer'] = {
+ main = {dim_in = {din, dout}, dim_out = {dout}, pr = pr},
+ },
+ [layers.activation] = {
+ activation = {dim_in = {dout}, dim_out = {dout}},
+ },
+ ['nerv.DuplicateLayer'] = {
+ duplicate = {dim_in = {dout}, dim_out = {dout, dout}},
+ },
+ }
+ local connections = {
+ {'<input>[1]', 'main[1]', 0},
+ {'main[1]', 'activation[1]', 0},
+ {'activation[1]', 'duplicate[1]', 0},
+ {'duplicate[1]', 'main[2]', 1},
+ {'duplicate[2]', '<output>[1]', 0},
+ }
+ self:add_prefix(layers, connections)
+ local layer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo(layers, pr, global_conf)
+ self:graph_init(layer_repo, connections)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/sigmoid.lua b/nerv/layer/sigmoid.lua
index 0a8bcdc..5974ffc 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/sigmoid.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/sigmoid.lua
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
local SigmoidLayer = nerv.class("nerv.SigmoidLayer", "nerv.Layer")
function SigmoidLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- self.id = id
- self.gconf = global_conf
- self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
self:check_dim_len(1, 1)
-function SigmoidLayer:init()
if self.dim_in[1] ~= self.dim_out[1] then
nerv.error("mismatching dimensions of input and output")
+function SigmoidLayer:bind_params()
+ -- do nothing
+function SigmoidLayer:init()
function SigmoidLayer:batch_resize(batch_size)
-- do nothing
@@ -31,5 +32,5 @@ function SigmoidLayer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output)
function SigmoidLayer:get_params()
- return nerv.ParamRepo({})
+ return nerv.ParamRepo({}, self.loc_type)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/softmax.lua b/nerv/layer/softmax.lua
index 4205b66..f7a5163 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/softmax.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/softmax.lua
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
local SoftmaxLayer = nerv.class("nerv.SoftmaxLayer", "nerv.Layer")
function SoftmaxLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- self.id = id
- self.gconf = global_conf
- self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
self:check_dim_len(1, 1) -- two inputs: nn output and label
+function SoftmaxLayer:bind_params()
+ -- do nothing
function SoftmaxLayer:init(batch_size)
if self.dim_in[1] ~= self.dim_out[1] then
nerv.error("mismatching dimensions of input and output")
@@ -31,5 +32,5 @@ function SoftmaxLayer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output)
function SoftmaxLayer:get_params()
- return nerv.ParamRepo({})
+ return nerv.ParamRepo({}, self.loc_type)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/softmax_ce.lua b/nerv/layer/softmax_ce.lua
index d7d650e..7b4a80c 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/softmax_ce.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/softmax_ce.lua
@@ -1,15 +1,7 @@
local SoftmaxCELayer = nerv.class("nerv.SoftmaxCELayer", "nerv.Layer")
function SoftmaxCELayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- self.id = id
- self.gconf = global_conf
- if self.gconf.use_cpu then
- self.mat_type = self.gconf.mmat_type
- else
- self.mat_type = self.gconf.cumat_type
- end
- self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
self.compressed = layer_conf.compressed
if self.compressed == nil then
self.compressed = false
@@ -17,6 +9,10 @@ function SoftmaxCELayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
self:check_dim_len(2, -1) -- two inputs: nn output and label
+function SoftmaxCELayer:bind_params()
+ -- do nothing
function SoftmaxCELayer:init(batch_size, chunk_size)
if not self.compressed and (self.dim_in[1] ~= self.dim_in[2]) then
nerv.error("mismatching dimensions of previous network output and labels")
@@ -94,5 +90,5 @@ function SoftmaxCELayer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output, t)
function SoftmaxCELayer:get_params()
- return nerv.ParamRepo({})
+ return nerv.ParamRepo({}, self.loc_type)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/tanh.lua b/nerv/layer/tanh.lua
index e1c32f2..7a19fc8 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/tanh.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/tanh.lua
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
local TanhLayer = nerv.class("nerv.TanhLayer", "nerv.Layer")
function TanhLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- self.id = id
- self.gconf = global_conf
- self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
self:check_dim_len(1, 1)
+function TanhLayer:bind_params()
+ -- do nothing
function TanhLayer:init()
if self.dim_in[1] ~= self.dim_out[1] then
nerv.error("mismatching dimensions of input and output")
@@ -31,5 +32,5 @@ function TanhLayer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output)
function TanhLayer:get_params()
- return nerv.ParamRepo({})
+ return nerv.ParamRepo({}, self.loc_type)
diff --git a/nerv/layer/window.lua b/nerv/layer/window.lua
index 4933de0..364929f 100644
--- a/nerv/layer/window.lua
+++ b/nerv/layer/window.lua
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
local WindowLayer = nerv.class("nerv.WindowLayer", "nerv.Layer")
function WindowLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- self.id = id
- self.gconf = global_conf
- self.window = layer_conf.window
- self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
+ nerv.Layer.__init(self, id, global_conf, layer_conf)
self:check_dim_len(1, 1)
+ self:bind_params()
+function WindowLayer:bind_params()
+ self.window = self:find_param("window", self.lconf, self.gconf,
+ nerv.BiasParam,
+ {1, self.dim_out[1]})
function WindowLayer:init()
@@ -28,5 +31,5 @@ function WindowLayer:propagate(input, output)
function WindowLayer:get_params()
- return nerv.ParamRepo({self.window})
+ return nerv.ParamRepo({self.window}, self.loc_type)
diff --git a/nerv/lib/cblas.h b/nerv/lib/cblas.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4087ffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/lib/cblas.h
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+#ifndef CBLAS_H
+ enum CBLAS_ORDER {CblasRowMajor=101, CblasColMajor=102 };
+ enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE {CblasNoTrans=111, CblasTrans=112, CblasConjTrans=113,
+ AtlasConj=114};
+ enum CBLAS_UPLO {CblasUpper=121, CblasLower=122};
+ enum CBLAS_DIAG {CblasNonUnit=131, CblasUnit=132};
+ enum CBLAS_SIDE {CblasLeft=141, CblasRight=142};
+#define CBLAS_H
+#define CBLAS_INDEX int
+int cblas_errprn(int ierr, int info, char *form, ...);
+ * ===========================================================================
+ * Prototypes for level 1 BLAS functions (complex are recast as routines)
+ * ===========================================================================
+ */
+float cblas_sdsdot(const int N, const float alpha, const float *X,
+ const int incX, const float *Y, const int incY);
+double cblas_dsdot(const int N, const float *X, const int incX, const float *Y,
+ const int incY);
+float cblas_sdot(const int N, const float *X, const int incX,
+ const float *Y, const int incY);
+double cblas_ddot(const int N, const double *X, const int incX,
+ const double *Y, const int incY);
+ * Functions having prefixes Z and C only
+ */
+void cblas_cdotu_sub(const int N, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *Y, const int incY, void *dotu);
+void cblas_cdotc_sub(const int N, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *Y, const int incY, void *dotc);
+void cblas_zdotu_sub(const int N, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *Y, const int incY, void *dotu);
+void cblas_zdotc_sub(const int N, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *Y, const int incY, void *dotc);
+ * Functions having prefixes S D SC DZ
+ */
+float cblas_snrm2(const int N, const float *X, const int incX);
+float cblas_sasum(const int N, const float *X, const int incX);
+double cblas_dnrm2(const int N, const double *X, const int incX);
+double cblas_dasum(const int N, const double *X, const int incX);
+float cblas_scnrm2(const int N, const void *X, const int incX);
+float cblas_scasum(const int N, const void *X, const int incX);
+double cblas_dznrm2(const int N, const void *X, const int incX);
+double cblas_dzasum(const int N, const void *X, const int incX);
+ * Functions having standard 4 prefixes (S D C Z)
+ */
+CBLAS_INDEX cblas_isamax(const int N, const float *X, const int incX);
+CBLAS_INDEX cblas_idamax(const int N, const double *X, const int incX);
+CBLAS_INDEX cblas_icamax(const int N, const void *X, const int incX);
+CBLAS_INDEX cblas_izamax(const int N, const void *X, const int incX);
+ * ===========================================================================
+ * Prototypes for level 1 BLAS routines
+ * ===========================================================================
+ */
+ * Routines with standard 4 prefixes (s, d, c, z)
+ */
+void cblas_sswap(const int N, float *X, const int incX,
+ float *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_scopy(const int N, const float *X, const int incX,
+ float *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_saxpy(const int N, const float alpha, const float *X,
+ const int incX, float *Y, const int incY);
+void catlas_saxpby(const int N, const float alpha, const float *X,
+ const int incX, const float beta, float *Y, const int incY);
+void catlas_sset
+ (const int N, const float alpha, float *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_dswap(const int N, double *X, const int incX,
+ double *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_dcopy(const int N, const double *X, const int incX,
+ double *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_daxpy(const int N, const double alpha, const double *X,
+ const int incX, double *Y, const int incY);
+void catlas_daxpby(const int N, const double alpha, const double *X,
+ const int incX, const double beta, double *Y, const int incY);
+void catlas_dset
+ (const int N, const double alpha, double *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_cswap(const int N, void *X, const int incX,
+ void *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_ccopy(const int N, const void *X, const int incX,
+ void *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_caxpy(const int N, const void *alpha, const void *X,
+ const int incX, void *Y, const int incY);
+void catlas_caxpby(const int N, const void *alpha, const void *X,
+ const int incX, const void *beta, void *Y, const int incY);
+void catlas_cset
+ (const int N, const void *alpha, void *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_zswap(const int N, void *X, const int incX,
+ void *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_zcopy(const int N, const void *X, const int incX,
+ void *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_zaxpy(const int N, const void *alpha, const void *X,
+ const int incX, void *Y, const int incY);
+void catlas_zaxpby(const int N, const void *alpha, const void *X,
+ const int incX, const void *beta, void *Y, const int incY);
+void catlas_zset
+ (const int N, const void *alpha, void *X, const int incX);
+ * Routines with S and D prefix only
+ */
+void cblas_srotg(float *a, float *b, float *c, float *s);
+void cblas_srotmg(float *d1, float *d2, float *b1, const float b2, float *P);
+void cblas_srot(const int N, float *X, const int incX,
+ float *Y, const int incY, const float c, const float s);
+void cblas_srotm(const int N, float *X, const int incX,
+ float *Y, const int incY, const float *P);
+void cblas_drotg(double *a, double *b, double *c, double *s);
+void cblas_drotmg(double *d1, double *d2, double *b1, const double b2, double *P);
+void cblas_drot(const int N, double *X, const int incX,
+ double *Y, const int incY, const double c, const double s);
+void cblas_drotm(const int N, double *X, const int incX,
+ double *Y, const int incY, const double *P);
+ * Routines with S D C Z CS and ZD prefixes
+ */
+void cblas_sscal(const int N, const float alpha, float *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_dscal(const int N, const double alpha, double *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_cscal(const int N, const void *alpha, void *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_zscal(const int N, const void *alpha, void *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_csscal(const int N, const float alpha, void *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_zdscal(const int N, const double alpha, void *X, const int incX);
+ * Extra reference routines provided by ATLAS, but not mandated by the standard
+ */
+void cblas_crotg(void *a, void *b, void *c, void *s);
+void cblas_zrotg(void *a, void *b, void *c, void *s);
+void cblas_csrot(const int N, void *X, const int incX, void *Y, const int incY,
+ const float c, const float s);
+void cblas_zdrot(const int N, void *X, const int incX, void *Y, const int incY,
+ const double c, const double s);
+ * ===========================================================================
+ * Prototypes for level 2 BLAS
+ * ===========================================================================
+ */
+ * Routines with standard 4 prefixes (S, D, C, Z)
+ */
+void cblas_sgemv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const int M, const int N,
+ const float alpha, const float *A, const int lda,
+ const float *X, const int incX, const float beta,
+ float *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_sgbmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const int M, const int N,
+ const int KL, const int KU, const float alpha,
+ const float *A, const int lda, const float *X,
+ const int incX, const float beta, float *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_strmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const float *A, const int lda,
+ float *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_stbmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const int K, const float *A, const int lda,
+ float *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_stpmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const float *Ap, float *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_strsv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const float *A, const int lda, float *X,
+ const int incX);
+void cblas_stbsv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const int K, const float *A, const int lda,
+ float *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_stpsv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const float *Ap, float *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_dgemv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const int M, const int N,
+ const double alpha, const double *A, const int lda,
+ const double *X, const int incX, const double beta,
+ double *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_dgbmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const int M, const int N,
+ const int KL, const int KU, const double alpha,
+ const double *A, const int lda, const double *X,
+ const int incX, const double beta, double *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_dtrmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const double *A, const int lda,
+ double *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_dtbmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const int K, const double *A, const int lda,
+ double *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_dtpmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const double *Ap, double *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_dtrsv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const double *A, const int lda, double *X,
+ const int incX);
+void cblas_dtbsv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const int K, const double *A, const int lda,
+ double *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_dtpsv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const double *Ap, double *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_cgemv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const int M, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ const void *X, const int incX, const void *beta,
+ void *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_cgbmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const int M, const int N,
+ const int KL, const int KU, const void *alpha,
+ const void *A, const int lda, const void *X,
+ const int incX, const void *beta, void *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_ctrmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const void *A, const int lda,
+ void *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_ctbmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const int K, const void *A, const int lda,
+ void *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_ctpmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const void *Ap, void *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_ctrsv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const void *A, const int lda, void *X,
+ const int incX);
+void cblas_ctbsv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const int K, const void *A, const int lda,
+ void *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_ctpsv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const void *Ap, void *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_zgemv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const int M, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ const void *X, const int incX, const void *beta,
+ void *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_zgbmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const int M, const int N,
+ const int KL, const int KU, const void *alpha,
+ const void *A, const int lda, const void *X,
+ const int incX, const void *beta, void *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_ztrmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const void *A, const int lda,
+ void *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_ztbmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const int K, const void *A, const int lda,
+ void *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_ztpmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const void *Ap, void *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_ztrsv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const void *A, const int lda, void *X,
+ const int incX);
+void cblas_ztbsv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const int K, const void *A, const int lda,
+ void *X, const int incX);
+void cblas_ztpsv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA, const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag,
+ const int N, const void *Ap, void *X, const int incX);
+ * Routines with S and D prefixes only
+ */
+void cblas_ssymv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const float alpha, const float *A,
+ const int lda, const float *X, const int incX,
+ const float beta, float *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_ssbmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const int K, const float alpha, const float *A,
+ const int lda, const float *X, const int incX,
+ const float beta, float *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_sspmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const float alpha, const float *Ap,
+ const float *X, const int incX,
+ const float beta, float *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_sger(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const int M, const int N,
+ const float alpha, const float *X, const int incX,
+ const float *Y, const int incY, float *A, const int lda);
+void cblas_ssyr(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const float alpha, const float *X,
+ const int incX, float *A, const int lda);
+void cblas_sspr(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const float alpha, const float *X,
+ const int incX, float *Ap);
+void cblas_ssyr2(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const float alpha, const float *X,
+ const int incX, const float *Y, const int incY, float *A,
+ const int lda);
+void cblas_sspr2(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const float alpha, const float *X,
+ const int incX, const float *Y, const int incY, float *A);
+void cblas_dsymv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const double alpha, const double *A,
+ const int lda, const double *X, const int incX,
+ const double beta, double *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_dsbmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const int K, const double alpha, const double *A,
+ const int lda, const double *X, const int incX,
+ const double beta, double *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_dspmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const double alpha, const double *Ap,
+ const double *X, const int incX,
+ const double beta, double *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_dger(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const int M, const int N,
+ const double alpha, const double *X, const int incX,
+ const double *Y, const int incY, double *A, const int lda);
+void cblas_dsyr(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const double alpha, const double *X,
+ const int incX, double *A, const int lda);
+void cblas_dspr(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const double alpha, const double *X,
+ const int incX, double *Ap);
+void cblas_dsyr2(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const double alpha, const double *X,
+ const int incX, const double *Y, const int incY, double *A,
+ const int lda);
+void cblas_dspr2(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const double alpha, const double *X,
+ const int incX, const double *Y, const int incY, double *A);
+ * Routines with C and Z prefixes only
+ */
+void cblas_chemv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const void *alpha, const void *A,
+ const int lda, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *beta, void *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_chbmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const int K, const void *alpha, const void *A,
+ const int lda, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *beta, void *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_chpmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const void *alpha, const void *Ap,
+ const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *beta, void *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_cgeru(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const int M, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *Y, const int incY, void *A, const int lda);
+void cblas_cgerc(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const int M, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *Y, const int incY, void *A, const int lda);
+void cblas_cher(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const float alpha, const void *X, const int incX,
+ void *A, const int lda);
+void cblas_chpr(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const float alpha, const void *X,
+ const int incX, void *A);
+void cblas_cher2(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *Y, const int incY, void *A, const int lda);
+void cblas_chpr2(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *Y, const int incY, void *Ap);
+void cblas_zhemv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const void *alpha, const void *A,
+ const int lda, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *beta, void *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_zhbmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const int K, const void *alpha, const void *A,
+ const int lda, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *beta, void *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_zhpmv(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const void *alpha, const void *Ap,
+ const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *beta, void *Y, const int incY);
+void cblas_zgeru(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const int M, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *Y, const int incY, void *A, const int lda);
+void cblas_zgerc(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const int M, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *Y, const int incY, void *A, const int lda);
+void cblas_zher(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const double alpha, const void *X, const int incX,
+ void *A, const int lda);
+void cblas_zhpr(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const int N, const double alpha, const void *X,
+ const int incX, void *A);
+void cblas_zher2(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *Y, const int incY, void *A, const int lda);
+void cblas_zhpr2(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *X, const int incX,
+ const void *Y, const int incY, void *Ap);
+ * ===========================================================================
+ * Prototypes for level 3 BLAS
+ * ===========================================================================
+ */
+ * Routines with standard 4 prefixes (S, D, C, Z)
+ */
+void cblas_sgemm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransB, const int M, const int N,
+ const int K, const float alpha, const float *A,
+ const int lda, const float *B, const int ldb,
+ const float beta, float *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_ssymm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE Side,
+ const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const int M, const int N,
+ const float alpha, const float *A, const int lda,
+ const float *B, const int ldb, const float beta,
+ float *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_ssyrk(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE Trans, const int N, const int K,
+ const float alpha, const float *A, const int lda,
+ const float beta, float *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_ssyr2k(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE Trans, const int N, const int K,
+ const float alpha, const float *A, const int lda,
+ const float *B, const int ldb, const float beta,
+ float *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_strmm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE Side,
+ const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
+ const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag, const int M, const int N,
+ const float alpha, const float *A, const int lda,
+ float *B, const int ldb);
+void cblas_strsm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE Side,
+ const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
+ const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag, const int M, const int N,
+ const float alpha, const float *A, const int lda,
+ float *B, const int ldb);
+void cblas_dgemm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransB, const int M, const int N,
+ const int K, const double alpha, const double *A,
+ const int lda, const double *B, const int ldb,
+ const double beta, double *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_dsymm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE Side,
+ const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const int M, const int N,
+ const double alpha, const double *A, const int lda,
+ const double *B, const int ldb, const double beta,
+ double *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_dsyrk(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE Trans, const int N, const int K,
+ const double alpha, const double *A, const int lda,
+ const double beta, double *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_dsyr2k(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE Trans, const int N, const int K,
+ const double alpha, const double *A, const int lda,
+ const double *B, const int ldb, const double beta,
+ double *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_dtrmm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE Side,
+ const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
+ const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag, const int M, const int N,
+ const double alpha, const double *A, const int lda,
+ double *B, const int ldb);
+void cblas_dtrsm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE Side,
+ const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
+ const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag, const int M, const int N,
+ const double alpha, const double *A, const int lda,
+ double *B, const int ldb);
+void cblas_cgemm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransB, const int M, const int N,
+ const int K, const void *alpha, const void *A,
+ const int lda, const void *B, const int ldb,
+ const void *beta, void *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_csymm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE Side,
+ const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const int M, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ const void *B, const int ldb, const void *beta,
+ void *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_csyrk(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE Trans, const int N, const int K,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ const void *beta, void *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_csyr2k(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE Trans, const int N, const int K,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ const void *B, const int ldb, const void *beta,
+ void *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_ctrmm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE Side,
+ const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
+ const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag, const int M, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ void *B, const int ldb);
+void cblas_ctrsm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE Side,
+ const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
+ const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag, const int M, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ void *B, const int ldb);
+void cblas_zgemm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransB, const int M, const int N,
+ const int K, const void *alpha, const void *A,
+ const int lda, const void *B, const int ldb,
+ const void *beta, void *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_zsymm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE Side,
+ const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const int M, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ const void *B, const int ldb, const void *beta,
+ void *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_zsyrk(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE Trans, const int N, const int K,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ const void *beta, void *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_zsyr2k(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE Trans, const int N, const int K,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ const void *B, const int ldb, const void *beta,
+ void *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_ztrmm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE Side,
+ const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
+ const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag, const int M, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ void *B, const int ldb);
+void cblas_ztrsm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE Side,
+ const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE TransA,
+ const enum CBLAS_DIAG Diag, const int M, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ void *B, const int ldb);
+ * Routines with prefixes C and Z only
+ */
+void cblas_chemm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE Side,
+ const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const int M, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ const void *B, const int ldb, const void *beta,
+ void *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_cherk(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE Trans, const int N, const int K,
+ const float alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ const float beta, void *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_cher2k(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE Trans, const int N, const int K,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ const void *B, const int ldb, const float beta,
+ void *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_zhemm(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_SIDE Side,
+ const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo, const int M, const int N,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ const void *B, const int ldb, const void *beta,
+ void *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_zherk(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE Trans, const int N, const int K,
+ const double alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ const double beta, void *C, const int ldc);
+void cblas_zher2k(const enum CBLAS_ORDER Order, const enum CBLAS_UPLO Uplo,
+ const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE Trans, const int N, const int K,
+ const void *alpha, const void *A, const int lda,
+ const void *B, const int ldb, const double beta,
+ void *C, const int ldc);
+int cblas_errprn(int ierr, int info, char *form, ...);
+#endif /* end #ifdef CBLAS_ENUM_ONLY */
diff --git a/nerv/lib/common.c b/nerv/lib/common.c
index d977f8d..7fd2331 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/common.c
+++ b/nerv/lib/common.c
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ int nerv_error(lua_State *L, const char *err_mesg_fmt, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, err_mesg_fmt);
lua_pushstring(L, "[nerv] internal error: ");
- lua_pushvfstring(L, err_mesg_fmt, ap);
+ lua_pushvfstring(L, err_mesg_fmt, ap);
lua_concat(L, 2);
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ void luaN_append_methods(lua_State *L, const luaL_Reg *mlist) {
-HashMap *hashmap_create(size_t size, HashKey_t hfunc, HashMapCmp_t cmp) {
+HashMap *nerv_hashmap_create(size_t size, HashKey_t hfunc, HashMapCmp_t cmp) {
HashMap *res = (HashMap *)malloc(sizeof(HashMap));
res->bucket = calloc(size, sizeof(HashNode));
res->cmp = cmp;
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ HashMap *hashmap_create(size_t size, HashKey_t hfunc, HashMapCmp_t cmp) {
return res;
-void *hashmap_getval(HashMap *h, const char *key) {
+void *nerv_hashmap_getval(HashMap *h, const char *key) {
size_t idx = h->hfunc(key) % h->size;
HashNode *ptr;
for (ptr = h->bucket[idx]; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ void *hashmap_getval(HashMap *h, const char *key) {
return NULL;
-void hashmap_setval(HashMap *h, const char *key, void *val) {
+void nerv_hashmap_setval(HashMap *h, const char *key, void *val) {
size_t idx = h->hfunc(key) % h->size;
HashNode *ptr = malloc(sizeof(HashNode));
ptr->next = h->bucket[idx];
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void hashmap_setval(HashMap *h, const char *key, void *val) {
ptr->val = val;
-void hashmap_clear(HashMap *h) {
+void nerv_hashmap_clear(HashMap *h) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < h->size; i++)
@@ -100,6 +100,11 @@ void hashmap_clear(HashMap *h) {
+void nerv_hashmap_destroy(HashMap *h) {
+ nerv_hashmap_clear(h);
+ free(h);
size_t bkdr_hash(const char *key) {
unsigned int seed = 131;
unsigned int res = 0;
diff --git a/nerv/lib/common.h b/nerv/lib/common.h
index 1c588d1..3d98574 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/common.h
+++ b/nerv/lib/common.h
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
+#define PROFILE_HASHMAP_SIZE 123457
typedef enum ErrCode {
/* matrix err */
@@ -59,6 +61,21 @@ typedef struct Status {
nerv_error_status(L, &status); \
} while (0)
+#define CHECK_SAME_DIMENSION(a, b, status) \
+ do { \
+ if (!(a->nrow == b->nrow && a->ncol == b->ncol)) \
+ } while (0)
+#define CHECK_SAME_DIMENSION_RET(a, b, status) \
+ do { \
+ if (!(a->nrow == b->nrow && a->ncol == b->ncol)) \
+ { \
+ return 0; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
typedef struct HashNode {
const char *key;
void *val;
@@ -75,10 +92,11 @@ typedef struct HashMap {
size_t size;
} HashMap;
-HashMap *hashmap_create(size_t size, HashKey_t hfunc, HashMapCmp_t cmp);
-void *hashmap_getval(HashMap *h, const char *key);
-void hashmap_setval(HashMap *h, const char *key, void *val);
-void hashmap_clear(HashMap *h);
+HashMap *nerv_hashmap_create(size_t size, HashKey_t hfunc, HashMapCmp_t cmp);
+void *nerv_hashmap_getval(HashMap *h, const char *key);
+void nerv_hashmap_setval(HashMap *h, const char *key, void *val);
+void nerv_hashmap_clear(HashMap *h);
+void nerv_hashmap_destroy(HashMap *h);
size_t bkdr_hash(const char *key);
diff --git a/nerv/lib/matrix/cuda_helper.h b/nerv/lib/matrix/cuda_helper.h
index 13d5728..2d18486 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/matrix/cuda_helper.h
+++ b/nerv/lib/matrix/cuda_helper.h
@@ -54,19 +54,26 @@
cudaDeviceSynchronize(); \
} while (0)
-#define CHECK_SAME_DIMENSION(a, b, status) \
+#define CURAND_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(call, status) \
do { \
- if (!(a->nrow == b->nrow && a->ncol == b->ncol)) \
+ curandStatus_t err = (call); \
+ { \
+ NERV_SET_STATUS(status, MAT_CUBLAS_ERR, curandGetErrorString(err)); \
+ return; \
+ } \
+ cudaDeviceSynchronize(); \
} while (0)
-#define CHECK_SAME_DIMENSION_RET(a, b, status) \
+#define CURAND_SAFE_SYNC_CALL_RET(call, status) \
do { \
- if (!(a->nrow == b->nrow && a->ncol == b->ncol)) \
+ curandStatus_t err = (call); \
{ \
+ NERV_SET_STATUS(status, MAT_CUBLAS_ERR, curandGetErrorString(err)); \
return 0; \
} \
+ cudaDeviceSynchronize(); \
} while (0)
static const char *cublasGetErrorString(cublasStatus_t err) {
@@ -96,15 +103,46 @@ static const char *cublasGetErrorString(cublasStatus_t err) {
return "<unknown>";
+static const char *curandGetErrorString(curandStatus_t err) {
+ switch (err)
+ {
+ return "Header file and linked library version do not match";
+ return "Generator not initialized";
+ return "Memory allocation failed";
+ return "Generator is wrong type";
+ return "Argument out of range";
+ return "Length requested is not a multple of dimension";
+ return "GPU does not have double precision required by MRG32k3a";
+ return "Kernel launch failure";
+ return "Preexisting failure on library entry";
+ return "Initialization of CUDA failed";
+ return "Architecture mismatch, GPU does not support requested feature";
+ return "Internal library error";
+ }
+ return "<unknown>";
do { \
- cudaEventRecord(profile_start, 0);
+ cudaEventRecord(context->profile_start, 0);
#define PROFILE_STOP \
- cudaEventRecord(profile_stop, 0); \
- cudaEventSynchronize(profile_stop); \
+ cudaEventRecord(context->profile_stop, 0); \
+ cudaEventSynchronize(context->profile_stop); \
float milliseconds = 0; \
- cudaEventElapsedTime(&milliseconds, profile_start, profile_stop); \
- accu_profile(__func__, milliseconds / 1000); \
+ cudaEventElapsedTime(&milliseconds, context->profile_start, \
+ context->profile_stop); \
+ nerv_cuda_context_accu_profile(context, __func__, milliseconds / 1000); \
} while (0);
diff --git a/nerv/lib/matrix/cukernel.h b/nerv/lib/matrix/cukernel.h
index c84200e..d59a070 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/matrix/cukernel.h
+++ b/nerv/lib/matrix/cukernel.h
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ void cudak_(cuda_mul_elem)(const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, Matrix *c);
void cudak_(cuda_log_elem)(const Matrix *a, Matrix *b);
void cudak_(cuda_sigmoid)(const Matrix *a, Matrix *b);
void cudak_(cuda_sigmoid_grad)(const Matrix *output, const Matrix *err, Matrix *nerr);
-void cudak_(cuda_rand_uniform)(const Matrix *a); /* a's curand_gen may be modified */
+void cudak_(cuda_rand_uniform)(const Matrix *a, CuContext *context); /* a's curand_gen may be modified */
void cudak_(cuda_thres_mask)(const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, double thres, double low, double high);
void cudak_(cuda_tanh)(const Matrix *a, Matrix *b);
void cudak_(cuda_tanh_grad)(const Matrix *output, const Matrix *err, Matrix *nerr);
diff --git a/nerv/lib/matrix/cumatrix.c b/nerv/lib/matrix/cumatrix.c
index d998871..aec4d60 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/matrix/cumatrix.c
+++ b/nerv/lib/matrix/cumatrix.c
@@ -1,23 +1,13 @@
-#include "cumatrix.h"
-#include "cuda_helper.h"
+#define MATRIX_CONTEXT CuContext
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
-#define PROFILE_HASHMAP_SIZE 123457
-static cublasHandle_t cublas_handle;
-static cudaEvent_t profile_start, profile_stop;
-curandGenerator_t curand_gen;
-static HashMap *profile;
-void nerv_cumatrix_select_gpu(int dev, Status *status) {
- fprintf(stderr, "** selecting GPU %d\n", dev);
- CUDA_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(cudaSetDevice(dev), status);
- CUDA_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(cublasDestroy(cublas_handle), status);
- CUDA_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(cublasCreate(&cublas_handle), status);
+#include "../common.h"
+#include "cumatrix.h"
+#include "cuda_helper.h"
-void nerv_cumatrix_print_profile() {
+void nerv_cuda_context_print_profile(CuContext *context) {
+ HashMap *profile = context->profile;
size_t i;
fprintf(stderr, "*** [nerv cumatrix profile] **\n");
for (i = 0; i < profile->size; i++)
@@ -30,28 +20,112 @@ void nerv_cumatrix_print_profile() {
-void nerv_cumatrix_clear_profile() {
- hashmap_clear(profile);
+void nerv_cuda_context_clear_profile(CuContext *context) {
+ nerv_hashmap_clear(context->profile);
-void accu_profile(const char *name, float delta) {
- float *val = hashmap_getval(profile, name);
+void nerv_cuda_context_accu_profile(CuContext *context,
+ const char *name, float delta) {
+ HashMap *profile = context->profile;
+ float *val = nerv_hashmap_getval(profile, name);
if (!val)
val = malloc(sizeof(float));
*val = 0;
- hashmap_setval(profile, name, val);
+ nerv_hashmap_setval(profile, name, val);
*val += delta;
-void nerv_cumatrix_init() {
- cublasCreate(&cublas_handle);
- curandCreateGenerator(&curand_gen, CURAND_RNG_PSEUDO_DEFAULT);
- curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed(curand_gen, time(NULL));
- cudaEventCreate(&profile_start);
- cudaEventCreate(&profile_stop);
- profile = hashmap_create(PROFILE_HASHMAP_SIZE, bkdr_hash, strcmp);
+static void new_cuda_handles(CuContext *context, int dev, Status *status) {
+ if (context->has_handle) return;
+ CUDA_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(cudaSetDevice(dev), status);
+ CUBLAS_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(cublasCreate(&(context->cublas_handle)), status);
+ CURAND_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(curandCreateGenerator(&(context->curand_gen),
+ curandSetPseudoRandomGeneratorSeed(context->curand_gen, time(NULL)),
+ status);
+ CUDA_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(cudaEventCreate(&(context->profile_start)), status);
+ CUDA_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(cudaEventCreate(&(context->profile_stop)), status);
+ context->has_handle = 1;
+static void free_cuda_handles(CuContext *context, Status *status) {
+ if (!context->has_handle) return;
+ context->has_handle = 0;
+ CUBLAS_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(cublasDestroy(context->cublas_handle), status);
+ CURAND_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(curandDestroyGenerator(context->curand_gen), status);
+ CUDA_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(cudaEventDestroy(context->profile_start), status);
+ CUDA_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(cudaEventDestroy(context->profile_stop), status);
+static int choose_best_gpu(Status *status) {
+ int i, n, dev = 0;
+ float best_ratio = 0;
+ fprintf(stderr, "*** select a GPU based on available space\n");
+ CUDA_SAFE_CALL_RET(cudaGetDeviceCount(&n), status);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ {
+ size_t avail, total;
+ float ratio;
+ CUDA_SAFE_SYNC_CALL_RET(cudaSetDevice(i), status);
+ CUDA_SAFE_SYNC_CALL_RET(cuMemGetInfo(&avail, &total), status);
+ ratio = (float)avail/total * 100;
+ fprintf(stderr, "* card %d: %.2f%%\n", i, ratio);
+ if (ratio > best_ratio)
+ {
+ best_ratio = ratio;
+ dev = i;
+ }
+ CUDA_SAFE_SYNC_CALL_RET(cudaDeviceReset(), status);
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "*** final decision: GPU %d\n", dev);
+ return dev;
+CuContext *nerv_cuda_context_create(int dev, Status *status) {
+ CuContext *context = (CuContext *)malloc(sizeof(CuContext));
+ context->has_handle = 0; /* this line must come first */
+ if (dev == -1)
+ {
+ dev = choose_best_gpu(status);
+ if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ new_cuda_handles(context, dev, status);
+ if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
+ return NULL;
+ context->profile = nerv_hashmap_create(PROFILE_HASHMAP_SIZE, bkdr_hash, strcmp);
+ return context;
+void nerv_cuda_context_destroy(CuContext *context, Status *status) {
+ free_cuda_handles(context, status);
+ if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
+ return;
+ nerv_hashmap_destroy(context->profile);
+ free(context);
+void nerv_cuda_context_select_gpu(CuContext *context,
+ int dev, Status *status) {
+ /* free_cuda_handles(context, status);
+ if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
+ return;
+ */
+ /* because of cudaDeviceReset */
+ context->has_handle = 0;
+ CUDA_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(cudaDeviceReset(), status);
+ new_cuda_handles(context, dev, status);
+ if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
+ return;
@@ -59,7 +133,6 @@ void nerv_cumatrix_init() {
#define nerv_matrix_(NAME) nerv_matrix_cuda_float_##NAME
#define cudak_(NAME) cudak_float_ ## NAME
#define NERV_CUBLAS_(NAME) cublasS##NAME
-#define MATRIX_CUMATRIX_HOST_TNAME nerv_matrix_host_float_tname
#include "generic/cumatrix.c"
@@ -72,12 +145,10 @@ void nerv_cumatrix_init() {
#define cuda_matrix_(NAME) cuda_matrix_double_##NAME
#define nerv_matrix_(NAME) nerv_matrix_cuda_double_##NAME
#define cudak_(NAME) cudak_double_ ## NAME
#define NERV_CUBLAS_(NAME) cublasD##NAME
-#define MATRIX_CUMATRIX_HOST_TNAME nerv_matrix_host_double_tname
#include "generic/cumatrix.c"
diff --git a/nerv/lib/matrix/cumatrix.h b/nerv/lib/matrix/cumatrix.h
index b47e14b..fd2a5ce 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/matrix/cumatrix.h
+++ b/nerv/lib/matrix/cumatrix.h
@@ -2,8 +2,20 @@
#include "matrix.h"
#include "../common.h"
-void nerv_cumatrix_print_profile();
-void nerv_cumatrix_clear_profile();
-void nerv_cumatrix_init();
-void nerv_cumatrix_select_gpu(int dev, Status *status);
+#include "cuda_helper.h"
+typedef struct CuContext {
+ int has_handle;
+ cublasHandle_t cublas_handle;
+ cudaEvent_t profile_start, profile_stop;
+ curandGenerator_t curand_gen;
+ HashMap *profile;
+} CuContext;
+void nerv_cuda_context_print_profile(CuContext *context);
+void nerv_cuda_context_clear_profile(CuContext *context);
+void nerv_cuda_context_accu_profile(CuContext *context, const char *name, float delta);
+void nerv_cuda_context_select_gpu(CuContext *context, int dev, Status *status);
+CuContext *nerv_cuda_context_create(int dev, Status *status);
+void nerv_cuda_context_destroy(CuContext *contex, Status *status);
diff --git a/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/cukernel.cu b/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/cukernel.cu
index 311a6ce..93121dc 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/cukernel.cu
+++ b/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/cukernel.cu
@@ -453,13 +453,12 @@ extern "C" {
- extern curandGenerator_t curand_gen;
- void cudak_(cuda_rand_uniform)(const Matrix *a) {
+ void cudak_(cuda_rand_uniform)(const Matrix *a, CuContext *context) {
- curandGenerateUniform(curand_gen, MATRIX_ELEM_PTR(a), a->nrow * a->stride / sizeof(MATRIX_ELEM));
+ curandGenerateUniform(context->curand_gen, MATRIX_ELEM_PTR(a), a->nrow * a->stride / sizeof(MATRIX_ELEM));
- curandGenerateUniformDouble(curand_gen, MATRIX_ELEM_PTR(a), a->nrow * a->stride / sizeof(MATRIX_ELEM));
+ curandGenerateUniformDouble(context->curand_gen, MATRIX_ELEM_PTR(a), a->nrow * a->stride / sizeof(MATRIX_ELEM));
diff --git a/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/cumatrix.c b/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/cumatrix.c
index 1c74866..6d84663 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/cumatrix.c
+++ b/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/cumatrix.c
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
#include "matrix.h"
#include "elem_type.h"
-#define MATRIX_DATA_FREE(ptr, status) cuda_matrix_(free)(ptr, status)
-#define MATRIX_DATA_ALLOC(dptr, stride, width, height, status) \
- cuda_matrix_(alloc)(dptr, stride, width, height, status)
+#define MATRIX_DATA_FREE(ptr, context, status) \
+ cuda_matrix_(free)(ptr, context, status)
+#define MATRIX_DATA_ALLOC(dptr, stride, width, height, context, status) \
+ cuda_matrix_(alloc)(dptr, stride, width, height, \
+ context, status)
#include "../../common.h"
@@ -14,12 +15,13 @@
void nerv_matrix_(add)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
+ CuContext *context,
Status *status) {
- NERV_CUBLAS_(geam)(cublas_handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N,
+ NERV_CUBLAS_(geam)(context->cublas_handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N,
a->ncol, a->nrow,
MATRIX_ELEM_PTR(a), a->stride / sizeof(MATRIX_ELEM),
@@ -33,7 +35,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(add)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
void nerv_matrix_(mul)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- int ta, int tb, Status *status) {
+ int ta, int tb,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
#define SWAP(a, b) \
do { int t = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = t; } while (0)
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ void nerv_matrix_(mul)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
/* Because matrix in Nerv is row-major, here b comes first */
- NERV_CUBLAS_(gemm)(cublas_handle, tb, ta,
+ NERV_CUBLAS_(gemm)(context->cublas_handle, tb, ta,
bn, am, bm,
MATRIX_ELEM_PTR(b), b->stride / sizeof(MATRIX_ELEM),
@@ -58,7 +61,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(mul)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
-void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
cudak_(cuda_sigmoid)(b, a);
@@ -67,7 +71,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, Status *status) {
void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid_grad)(Matrix *nerr, const Matrix *err,
- const Matrix *output, Status *status) {
+ const Matrix *output,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
CHECK_SAME_DIMENSION(nerr, err, status);
CHECK_SAME_DIMENSION(nerr, output, status);
@@ -76,14 +81,16 @@ void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid_grad)(Matrix *nerr, const Matrix *err,
-void nerv_matrix_(rand_uniform)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(rand_uniform)(Matrix *a, CuContext *context, Status *status) {
- cudak_(cuda_rand_uniform)(a);
+ cudak_(cuda_rand_uniform)(a, context);
-void nerv_matrix_(thres_mask)(Matrix *a, Matrix *b, double thres, double low, double high, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(thres_mask)(Matrix *a, Matrix *b, double thres,
+ double low, double high,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
cudak_(cuda_thres_mask)(a, b, thres, low, high);
@@ -91,7 +98,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(thres_mask)(Matrix *a, Matrix *b, double thres, double low, do
-void nerv_matrix_(tanh)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(tanh)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
cudak_(cuda_tanh)(b, a);
@@ -99,8 +107,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(tanh)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, Status *status) {
-void nerv_matrix_(tanh_grad)(Matrix *nerr, const Matrix *err,
- const Matrix *output, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(tanh_grad)(Matrix *nerr, const Matrix *err, const Matrix *output,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
CHECK_SAME_DIMENSION(nerr, err, status);
CHECK_SAME_DIMENSION(nerr, output, status);
@@ -109,24 +117,25 @@ void nerv_matrix_(tanh_grad)(Matrix *nerr, const Matrix *err,
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(softmax)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, Status *status) {
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(softmax)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
Matrix *max, *max_idx;
Matrix *dno;
- max = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, status);
+ max = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
- max_idx = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, status);
+ max_idx = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
- nerv_matrix_(destroy)(max, status);
+ nerv_matrix_(destroy)(max, context, status);
return NULL;
- dno = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, status);
+ dno = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
{ /* FIXME: destroy may also fail? */
- nerv_matrix_(destroy)(max, status);
- nerv_matrix_(destroy)(max_idx, status);
+ nerv_matrix_(destroy)(max, context, status);
+ nerv_matrix_(destroy)(max_idx, context, status);
return NULL;
@@ -134,14 +143,14 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(softmax)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, Status *status) {
cudak_(cuda_softmax_denominator)(a, max, dno);
cudak_(cuda_softmax_final)(a, max, dno, b);
- nerv_matrix_(destroy)(max, status);
- nerv_matrix_(destroy)(dno, status);
+ nerv_matrix_(destroy)(max, context, status);
+ nerv_matrix_(destroy)(dno, context, status);
return max_idx;
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowsum)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowsum)(Matrix *a, CuContext *context, Status *status) {
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
@@ -151,8 +160,8 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowsum)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
return b;
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsum)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(1, a->ncol, status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsum)(Matrix *a, CuContext *context, Status *status) {
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(1, a->ncol, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
@@ -163,8 +172,8 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsum)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsame)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *ref,
- Status *status) {
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(1, a->ncol, status);
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(1, a->ncol, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
@@ -175,8 +184,8 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsame)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *ref,
return b;
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowmax)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowmax)(Matrix *a, CuContext *context, Status *status) {
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
@@ -187,15 +196,15 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowmax)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
void nerv_matrix_(rowmax_idx)(Matrix *a, Matrix **b, Matrix **idx,
- Status *status) {
- *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, status);
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
+ *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
- *idx = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, status);
+ *idx = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
/* FIXME: destroy may also fail? */
- nerv_matrix_(destroy)(*b, status);
+ nerv_matrix_(destroy)(*b, context, status);
@@ -205,7 +214,7 @@ void nerv_matrix_(rowmax_idx)(Matrix *a, Matrix **b, Matrix **idx,
void nerv_matrix_(add_row)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, double beta,
- Status *status) {
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
if (a->ncol != b->ncol)
if (a->nrow != 1)
@@ -216,23 +225,25 @@ void nerv_matrix_(add_row)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, double beta,
-void nerv_matrix_(fill)(Matrix *self, double val, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(fill)(Matrix *self, double val,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
cudak_(cuda_fill)(self, val);
-void nerv_matrix_(clip)(Matrix *self, double val_1, double val_2, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(clip)(Matrix *self, double val1, double val2,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
- cudak_(cuda_clip)(self, val_1, val_2);
+ cudak_(cuda_clip)(self, val1, val2);
void nerv_matrix_(copy_fromd)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
int a_begin, int b_begin, int b_end,
- Status *status) {
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
if (!(0 <= b_begin && b_begin < b_end && b_end <= b->nrow &&
a_begin + b_end - b_begin <= a->nrow))
@@ -251,7 +262,7 @@ void nerv_matrix_(copy_fromd)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
void nerv_matrix_(copy_fromh)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
int a_begin, int b_begin, int b_end,
- Status *status) {
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
if (!(0 <= b_begin && b_begin < b_end && b_end <= b->nrow &&
a_begin + b_end - b_begin <= a->nrow))
@@ -270,7 +281,7 @@ void nerv_matrix_(copy_fromh)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
void nerv_matrix_(copy_toh)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
int a_begin, int a_end, int b_begin,
- Status *status) {
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
if (!(0 <= a_begin && a_begin < a_end && a_end <= a->nrow &&
b_begin + a_end - a_begin <= b->nrow))
@@ -287,15 +298,15 @@ void nerv_matrix_(copy_toh)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(trans)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(trans)(Matrix *a, CuContext *context, Status *status) {
MATRIX_ELEM alpha = 1, beta = 0;
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->ncol, a->nrow, status);
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->ncol, a->nrow, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
/* FIXME: possible memory leak when lua error is raised */
- NERV_CUBLAS_(geam)(cublas_handle, CUBLAS_OP_T, CUBLAS_OP_T,
+ NERV_CUBLAS_(geam)(context->cublas_handle, CUBLAS_OP_T, CUBLAS_OP_T,
a->nrow, a->ncol,
MATRIX_ELEM_PTR(a), a->stride / sizeof(MATRIX_ELEM),
@@ -309,7 +320,7 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(trans)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
void nerv_matrix_(mul_elem)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- Status *status) {
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
@@ -318,7 +329,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(mul_elem)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
-void nerv_matrix_(log_elem)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(log_elem)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
cudak_(cuda_log_elem)(a, b);
@@ -326,14 +338,15 @@ void nerv_matrix_(log_elem)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, Status *status) {
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(decompress)(const Matrix *a, int orig_col, Status *status) {
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(decompress)(const Matrix *a, int orig_col,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
Matrix *b;
if (a->ncol != 1)
return NULL;
- b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, orig_col, status);
+ b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, orig_col, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
@@ -345,7 +358,8 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(decompress)(const Matrix *a, int orig_col, Status *status)
void nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromh_by_idx)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- const Matrix *idx, int b_begin, Status *status) {
+ const Matrix *idx, int b_begin,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
long nrow = a->nrow;
if (!(0 <= b_begin && b_begin + nrow <= idx->ncol))
@@ -379,7 +393,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromh_by_idx)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
void nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromd_by_idx)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- const Matrix *idx, int b_begin, Status *status) {
+ const Matrix *idx, int b_begin,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
long nrow = a->nrow;
if (!(0 <= b_begin && b_begin + nrow <= idx->ncol))
@@ -394,7 +409,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromd_by_idx)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
void nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromd_by_colidx)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- const Matrix *idx, int b_begin, Status *status) {
+ const Matrix *idx, int b_begin,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
long nrow = a->nrow;
if (!(0 <= b_begin && b_begin + nrow <= idx->nrow))
@@ -412,7 +428,9 @@ void nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromd_by_colidx)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
-void nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_rowidx)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *idx, double alpha, double beta, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_rowidx)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a,
+ const Matrix *idx, double alpha, double beta,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
long nrow = a->nrow;
if (idx->nrow != 1 || idx->ncol != a->nrow)
@@ -424,7 +442,9 @@ void nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_rowidx)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, cons
-void nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_colidx)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *idx, double alpha, double beta, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_colidx)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a,
+ const Matrix *idx, double alpha, double beta,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
long nrow = a->nrow;
if (idx->ncol != 1 || idx->nrow != a->nrow)
@@ -438,20 +458,20 @@ void nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_colidx)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, cons
void nerv_matrix_(expand_frm)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- int context, Status *status) {
+ int cont, CuContext *context, Status *status) {
if (a->nrow != b->nrow)
- if (a->ncol != b->ncol * (context * 2 + 1))
+ if (a->ncol != b->ncol * (cont * 2 + 1))
"the width should be 2 * context + 1");
- cudak_(cuda_expand_frm)(b, a, context);
+ cudak_(cuda_expand_frm)(b, a, cont);
void nerv_matrix_(rearrange_frm)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- int step, Status *status) {
+ int step, CuContext *context, Status *status) {
if (b->ncol % step)
@@ -463,7 +483,7 @@ void nerv_matrix_(rearrange_frm)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
void nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_col)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- Status *status) {
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
if (a->nrow != b->nrow)
if (b->ncol != 1)
@@ -475,7 +495,7 @@ void nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_col)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
void nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_row)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- Status *status) {
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
if (a->ncol != b->ncol)
if (b->nrow != 1)
@@ -486,7 +506,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_row)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
-void nerv_matrix_(prefixsum_row)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(prefixsum_row)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
cudak_(cuda_prefixsum_row)(b, a);
@@ -494,7 +515,7 @@ void nerv_matrix_(prefixsum_row)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, Status *status) {
-void nerv_matrix_(diagonalize)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(diagonalize)(Matrix *a, CuContext * context, Status *status) {
if (a->nrow != a->ncol)
@@ -503,14 +524,14 @@ void nerv_matrix_(diagonalize)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
-static void cuda_matrix_(free)(MATRIX_ELEM *ptr, Status *status) {
+static void cuda_matrix_(free)(MATRIX_ELEM *ptr, CuContext *context, Status *status) {
CUDA_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(cudaFree(ptr), status);
static void cuda_matrix_(alloc)(MATRIX_ELEM **dptr,
size_t *stride, long width, long height,
- Status *status) {
+ CuContext *context, Status *status) {
CUDA_SAFE_SYNC_CALL(cudaMallocPitch((void **)dptr, stride, width, height),
diff --git a/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/cumatrix.h b/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/cumatrix.h
index 48d1f13..de3a09e 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/cumatrix.h
+++ b/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/cumatrix.h
@@ -2,77 +2,101 @@
void nerv_matrix_(add)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- Status *status);
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(mul)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- int ta, int tb, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, Status *status);
+ int ta, int tb,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid_grad)(Matrix *nerr, const Matrix *err,
- const Matrix *output, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(tanh)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, Status *status);
+ const Matrix *output,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(tanh)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(tanh_grad)(Matrix *nerr, const Matrix *err,
- const Matrix *output, Status *status);
+ const Matrix *output,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(softmax)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, Status *status);
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowsum)(Matrix *a, Status *status);
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsum)(Matrix *a, Status *status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(softmax)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowsum)(Matrix *a, CuContext *context, Status *status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsum)(Matrix *a, CuContext *context, Status *status);
Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsame)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *ref,
- Status *status);
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowmax)(Matrix *a, Status *status);
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowmax)(Matrix *a, CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(rowmax_idx)(Matrix *a, Matrix **b, Matrix **idx,
- Status *status);
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(add_row)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, double beta,
- Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(clip)(Matrix *self, double val_1, double val_2, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(fill)(Matrix *self, double val, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(diagonalize)(Matrix *self, Status *statut);
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(clip)(Matrix *self, double val1, double val2,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(fill)(Matrix *self, double val,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(diagonalize)(Matrix *self,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(copy_fromd)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
int a_begin, int b_begin, int b_end,
- Status *status);
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(copy_fromh)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
int a_begin, int b_begin, int b_end,
- Status *status);
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(copy_toh)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
int a_begin, int a_end, int b_begin,
- Status *status);
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(trans)(Matrix *a, Status *status);
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(trans)(Matrix *a, CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(mul_elem)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- Status *status);
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(log_elem)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(log_elem)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(decompress)(const Matrix *a, int orig_col, Status *status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(decompress)(const Matrix *a, int orig_col,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromh_by_idx)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- const Matrix *idx, int b_begin, Status *status);
+ const Matrix *idx, int b_begin,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromd_by_idx)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- const Matrix *idx, int b_begin, Status *status);
+ const Matrix *idx, int b_begin,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromd_by_colidx)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- const Matrix *idx, int b_begin, Status *status);
+ const Matrix *idx, int b_begin,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_rowidx)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *idx, double alpha, double beta, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_colidx)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *idx, double alpha, double beta, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_rowidx)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a,
+ const Matrix *idx, double alpha, double beta,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_colidx)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a,
+ const Matrix *idx, double alpha, double beta,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(expand_frm)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- int context, Status *status);
+ int cont, CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(rearrange_frm)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- int step, Status *status);
+ int step, CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_col)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- Status *status);
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_row)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(prefixsum_row)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, Status *status);
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(prefixsum_row)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(thres_mask)(Matrix *a, Matrix *b,
double thres, double low, double high,
- Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(rand_uniform)(Matrix *a, Status *status);
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(rand_uniform)(Matrix *a, CuContext *context, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_rowidx)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *idx,
- double alpha, double beta, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_colidx)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *idx,
- double alpha, double beta, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_rowidx)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a,
+ const Matrix *idx,
+ double alpha, double beta,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_colidx)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a,
+ const Matrix *idx,
+ double alpha, double beta,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(prefixsum_row)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(prefixsum_row)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
+ CuContext *context, Status *status);
diff --git a/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/matrix.c b/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/matrix.c
index 998d107..3bcc251 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/matrix.c
+++ b/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/matrix.c
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
#include "matrix.h"
/* FIXME: malloc failure detection */
-void nerv_matrix_(data_free)(Matrix *self, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(data_free)(Matrix *self, MATRIX_CONTEXT *context, Status *status) {
assert(*self->data_ref > 0);
if (--(*self->data_ref) == 0)
/* free matrix data */
+ MATRIX_DATA_FREE(MATRIX_ELEM_PTR_BASE(self), context, status);
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(data_retain)(Matrix *self) {
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(create)(long nrow, long ncol, Status *status) {
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(create)(long nrow, long ncol,
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context, Status *status) {
Matrix *self = (Matrix *)malloc(sizeof(Matrix));
self->nrow = nrow;
self->ncol = ncol;
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(create)(long nrow, long ncol, Status *status) {
self->dim = 2;
sizeof(MATRIX_ELEM) * self->ncol, self->nrow,
- status);
+ context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
@@ -44,8 +45,8 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(create)(long nrow, long ncol, Status *status) {
return self;
-void nerv_matrix_(destroy)(Matrix *self, Status *status) {
- nerv_matrix_(data_free)(self, status);
+void nerv_matrix_(destroy)(Matrix *self, MATRIX_CONTEXT *context, Status *status) {
+ nerv_matrix_(data_free)(self, context, status);
Matrix *nerv_matrix_(getrow)(Matrix *self, int row) {
diff --git a/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/matrix.h b/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/matrix.h
index 69b4e6d..2770c3e 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/matrix.h
+++ b/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/matrix.h
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
#include "../matrix.h"
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(create)(long nrow, long ncol, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(destroy)(Matrix *self, Status *status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(create)(long nrow, long ncol,
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(destroy)(Matrix *self, MATRIX_CONTEXT *context, Status *status);
Matrix *nerv_matrix_(getrow)(Matrix *self, int row);
-void nerv_matrix_(data_free)(Matrix *self, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(data_free)(Matrix *self, MATRIX_CONTEXT *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(data_retain)(Matrix *self);
diff --git a/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/mmatrix.c b/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/mmatrix.c
index 3dabe0e..6272cbe 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/mmatrix.c
+++ b/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/mmatrix.c
@@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
#include "matrix.h"
#include "elem_type.h"
-#define MATRIX_DATA_FREE(ptr, status) host_matrix_(free)(ptr, status)
-#define MATRIX_DATA_ALLOC(dptr, stride, width, height, status) \
- host_matrix_(alloc)(dptr, stride, width, height, status)
+#define MATRIX_DATA_FREE(ptr, context, status) \
+ host_matrix_(free)(ptr, context, status)
+#define MATRIX_DATA_ALLOC(dptr, stride, width, height, context, status) \
+ host_matrix_(alloc)(dptr, stride, width, height, \
+ context, status)
-#include "../cuda_helper.h"
#include "../../common.h"
+#include "../../cblas.h"
#include "../../io/chunk_file.h"
#include <string.h>
-#include <cblas.h>
+#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsum)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(1, a->ncol, status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsum)(Matrix *a, MContext *context, Status *status) {
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(1, a->ncol, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
@@ -31,8 +33,9 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsum)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
return b;
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsame)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *ref, Status *status) {
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(1, a->ncol, status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsame)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *ref,
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(1, a->ncol, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
@@ -55,8 +58,8 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsame)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *ref, Status *status) {
return b;
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowsum)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowsum)(Matrix *a, MContext *context, Status *status) {
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
@@ -75,8 +78,8 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowsum)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
return b;
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowmax)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowmax)(Matrix *a, MContext *context, Status *status) {
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
@@ -96,15 +99,16 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowmax)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
return b;
-void nerv_matrix_(rowmax_idx)(Matrix *a, Matrix **b, Matrix **idx, Status *status) {
- *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, status);
+void nerv_matrix_(rowmax_idx)(Matrix *a, Matrix **b, Matrix **idx,
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
+ *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
- *idx = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, status);
+ *idx = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
/* FIXME: destroy may also fail! */
- nerv_matrix_(destroy)(*b, status);
+ nerv_matrix_(destroy)(*b, context, status);
@@ -127,8 +131,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(rowmax_idx)(Matrix *a, Matrix **b, Matrix **idx, Status *statu
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(trans)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->ncol, a->nrow, status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(trans)(Matrix *a, MContext *context, Status *status) {
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->ncol, a->nrow, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
@@ -148,14 +152,15 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(trans)(Matrix *a, Status *status) {
return b;
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(decompress)(const Matrix *a, int orig_col, Status *status) {
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(decompress)(const Matrix *a, int orig_col,
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
Matrix *b;
if (a->ncol != 1)
return NULL;
- b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, orig_col, status);
+ b = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, orig_col, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
int i;
@@ -173,7 +178,9 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(decompress)(const Matrix *a, int orig_col, Status *status)
return b;
-void nerv_matrix_(add)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, MATRIX_ELEM alpha, MATRIX_ELEM beta, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(add)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
int i, j;
@@ -197,7 +204,7 @@ void nerv_matrix_(add)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, MATRIX_ELEM
void nerv_matrix_(mul)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- int ta, int tb, Status *status) {
+ int ta, int tb, MContext *context, Status *status) {
#define SWAP(a, b) \
do { int t = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = t; } while (0)
@@ -218,7 +225,7 @@ void nerv_matrix_(mul)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
void nerv_matrix_(add_row)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, double beta,
- Status *status) {
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
if (a->ncol != b->ncol)
if (a->nrow != 1)
@@ -236,23 +243,25 @@ void nerv_matrix_(add_row)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, double beta,
-void nerv_matrix_(clip)(Matrix *self, double val_1, double val_2, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(clip)(Matrix *self, double val1, double val2,
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
int i, j;
size_t astride = self->stride;
for (i = 0; i < self->nrow; i++)
for (j = 0; j < self->ncol; j++)
- if (arow[j] > val_2)
- arow[j] = val_2;
- else if (arow[j] < val_1)
- arow[j] = val_1;
+ if (arow[j] > val2)
+ arow[j] = val2;
+ else if (arow[j] < val1)
+ arow[j] = val1;
arow = MATRIX_NEXT_ROW_PTR(arow, astride);
-void nerv_matrix_(fill)(Matrix *self, double val, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(fill)(Matrix *self, double val,
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
int i, j;
size_t astride = self->stride;
@@ -265,7 +274,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(fill)(Matrix *self, double val, Status *status) {
-void nerv_matrix_(diagonalize)(Matrix *self, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(diagonalize)(Matrix *selfa,
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
if (self->nrow != self->ncol)
int i, j;
@@ -281,7 +291,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(diagonalize)(Matrix *self, Status *status) {
-void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
int i, j;
size_t astride = a->stride, bstride = b->stride;
@@ -298,7 +309,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, Status *status) {
void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid_grad)(Matrix *nerr, const Matrix *err,
- const Matrix *output, Status *status) {
+ const Matrix *output,
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
CHECK_SAME_DIMENSION(nerr, err, status);
CHECK_SAME_DIMENSION(nerr, output, status);
int i, j;
@@ -319,10 +331,11 @@ void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid_grad)(Matrix *nerr, const Matrix *err,
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(softmax)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, Status *status) {
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(softmax)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a,
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
Matrix *max_idx;
- max_idx = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, status);
+ max_idx = nerv_matrix_(create)(a->nrow, 1, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
int i, j;
@@ -353,7 +366,7 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(softmax)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, Status *status) {
void nerv_matrix_(mul_elem)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- Status *status) {
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
int i, j;
@@ -374,7 +387,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(mul_elem)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
-void nerv_matrix_(log_elem)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(log_elem)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a,
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
int i, j;
size_t astride = a->stride, bstride = b->stride;
@@ -399,10 +413,10 @@ void nerv_matrix_(log_elem)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, Status *status) {
void nerv_matrix_(expand_frm)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- int context, Status *status) {
+ int cont, MContext *context, Status *status) {
if (a->nrow != b->nrow)
- if (a->ncol != b->ncol * (context * 2 + 1))
+ if (a->ncol != b->ncol * (cont * 2 + 1))
"the width should be 2 * context + 1");
int i, j, k;
@@ -411,10 +425,10 @@ void nerv_matrix_(expand_frm)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
for (i = 0; i < a->nrow; i++)
MATRIX_ELEM *a_subrow = arow;
- int start = i - context;
+ int start = i - cont;
if (start < 0) start = 0;
const MATRIX_ELEM *brow = MATRIX_ROW_PTR(b, start);
- for (j = i - context; j <= i + context; j++)
+ for (j = i - cont; j <= i + cont; j++)
for (k = 0; k < b->ncol; k++)
a_subrow[k] = brow[k];
@@ -428,7 +442,7 @@ void nerv_matrix_(expand_frm)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
void nerv_matrix_(rearrange_frm)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- int step, Status *status) {
+ int step, MContext *context, Status *status) {
if (b->ncol % step)
@@ -455,7 +469,7 @@ void nerv_matrix_(rearrange_frm)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
void nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_row)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- Status *status) {
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
if (a->ncol != b->ncol)
if (b->nrow != 1)
@@ -474,7 +488,7 @@ void nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_row)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
void nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_col)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- Status *status) {
+ MContext *context,Status *status) {
if (a->nrow != b->nrow)
if (b->ncol != 1)
@@ -493,13 +507,14 @@ void nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_col)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
-static void host_matrix_(free)(MATRIX_ELEM *ptr, Status *status) {
+static void host_matrix_(free)(MATRIX_ELEM *ptr, MContext *context, Status *status) {
static void host_matrix_(alloc)(MATRIX_ELEM **dptr, size_t *stride,
- long width, long height, Status *status) {
+ long width, long height,
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
if ((*dptr = (MATRIX_ELEM *)malloc(width * height)) == NULL)
*stride = width;
@@ -507,7 +522,7 @@ static void host_matrix_(alloc)(MATRIX_ELEM **dptr, size_t *stride,
#include "matrix.c"
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(load)(ChunkData *cdp, Status *status) {
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(load)(ChunkData *cdp, MContext *context, Status *status) {
int i, j;
long nrow, ncol;
FILE *fp = cdp->fp;
@@ -517,7 +532,7 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(load)(ChunkData *cdp, Status *status) {
return 0;
- self = nerv_matrix_(create)(nrow, ncol, status);
+ self = nerv_matrix_(create)(nrow, ncol, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < nrow; i++)
@@ -535,7 +550,7 @@ Matrix *nerv_matrix_(load)(ChunkData *cdp, Status *status) {
return self;
-void nerv_matrix_(save)(Matrix *self, ChunkFile *cfp, Status *status) {
+void nerv_matrix_(save)(Matrix *self, ChunkFile *cfp, MContext *context, Status *status) {
int i, j;
long nrow = self->nrow, ncol = self->ncol;
FILE *fp = cfp->fp;
@@ -556,7 +571,7 @@ void nerv_matrix_(save)(Matrix *self, ChunkFile *cfp, Status *status) {
void nerv_matrix_(copy_fromh)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
int a_begin, int b_begin, int b_end,
- Status *status) {
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
if (!(0 <= b_begin && b_begin < b_end && b_end <= b->nrow &&
a_begin + b_end - b_begin <= a->nrow))
@@ -569,7 +584,8 @@ void nerv_matrix_(copy_fromh)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
void nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromh_by_idx)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- const Matrix *idx, int b_begin, Status *status) {
+ const Matrix *idx, int b_begin,
+ MContext *context, Status *status) {
if (!(0 <= b_begin && b_begin + a->nrow <= idx->ncol))
if (idx->nrow != 1)
diff --git a/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/mmatrix.h b/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/mmatrix.h
index 2cbca47..6d17c99 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/mmatrix.h
+++ b/nerv/lib/matrix/generic/mmatrix.h
@@ -3,46 +3,54 @@
void nerv_matrix_(add)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- Status *status);
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(mul)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- int ta, int tb, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b, Status *status);
+ int ta, int tb,
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(sigmoid_grad)(Matrix *nerr, const Matrix *err,
- const Matrix *output, Status *status);
+ const Matrix *output,
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(softmax)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, Status *status);
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowsum)(Matrix *a, Status *status);
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsum)(Matrix *a, Status *status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(softmax)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a,
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowsum)(Matrix *a, MContext *context, Status *status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsum)(Matrix *a, MContext *context, Status *status);
Matrix *nerv_matrix_(colsame)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *ref,
- Status *status);
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowmax)(Matrix *a, Status *status);
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(rowmax)(Matrix *a, MContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(rowmax_idx)(Matrix *a, Matrix **b, Matrix **idx,
- Status *status);
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(add_row)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, double beta,
- Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(clip)(Matrix *self, double val_1, double val_2, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(fill)(Matrix *self, double val, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(diagonalize)(Matrix *self, Status *status);
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(clip)(Matrix *self, double val1, double val2,
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(diagonalize)(Matrix *self, MContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(fill)(Matrix *self, double val, MContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(copy_fromh)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
int a_begin, int b_begin, int b_end,
- Status *status);
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(trans)(Matrix *a, Status *status);
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(trans)(Matrix *a, MContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(mul_elem)(Matrix *c, const Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- Status *status);
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(log_elem)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(log_elem)(Matrix *b, const Matrix *a,
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(decompress)(const Matrix *a, int orig_col, Status *status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(decompress)(const Matrix *a, int orig_col,
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromh_by_idx)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- const Matrix *idx, int b_begin, Status *status);
+ const Matrix *idx, int b_begin,
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(expand_frm)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- int context, Status *status);
+ int cont, MContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(rearrange_frm)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- int step, Status *status);
+ int step, MContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_col)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- Status *status);
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
void nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_row)(Matrix *a, const Matrix *b,
- Status *status);
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(load)(ChunkData *cdp, Status *status);
-void nerv_matrix_(save)(Matrix *self, ChunkFile *cfp, Status *status);
+ MContext *context, Status *status);
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(load)(ChunkData *cdp, MContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_matrix_(save)(Matrix *self, ChunkFile *cfp, MContext *context, Status *status);
diff --git a/nerv/lib/matrix/mmatrix.c b/nerv/lib/matrix/mmatrix.c
index 3125ab6..e40b160 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/matrix/mmatrix.c
+++ b/nerv/lib/matrix/mmatrix.c
@@ -1,6 +1,40 @@
+#define MATRIX_CONTEXT MContext
+#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../common.h"
+#include "mmatrix.h"
+void nerv_host_context_print_profile(MContext *context) {
+ HashMap *profile = context->profile;
+ size_t i;
+ fprintf(stderr, "*** [nerv mmatrix profile] **\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < profile->size; i++)
+ {
+ HashNode *ptr;
+ for (ptr = profile->bucket[i]; ptr; ptr = ptr->next)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:\t%.6f\n", ptr->key, *(float *)ptr->val);
+ }
+ }
+void nerv_host_context_clear_profile(MContext *context) {
+ nerv_hashmap_clear(context->profile);
+MContext *nerv_host_context_create(Status *status) {
+ MContext *context = (MContext *)malloc(sizeof(MContext));
+ context->profile = nerv_hashmap_create(PROFILE_HASHMAP_SIZE, bkdr_hash, strcmp);
+ return context;
+void nerv_host_context_destroy(MContext *context, Status *status) {
+ nerv_hashmap_destroy(context->profile);
+ free(context);
#define host_matrix_(NAME) host_matrix_float_##NAME
@@ -10,9 +44,9 @@
#include "generic/elem_type.h"
#include "generic/mmatrix.c"
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_(perm_gen)(int ncol, Status *status) {
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_(perm_gen)(int ncol, MContext *context, Status *status) {
int i;
- Matrix *self = nerv_matrix_(create)(1, ncol, status);
+ Matrix *self = nerv_matrix_(create)(1, ncol, context, status);
if (status->err_code != NERV_NORMAL)
return NULL;
float *prow = MATRIX_ELEM_PTR_F(self);
diff --git a/nerv/lib/matrix/mmatrix.h b/nerv/lib/matrix/mmatrix.h
index 31e7984..6061683 100644
--- a/nerv/lib/matrix/mmatrix.h
+++ b/nerv/lib/matrix/mmatrix.h
@@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
#include "matrix.h"
-Matrix *nerv_matrix_host_float_perm_gen(int ncol, Status *status);
+#include "../common.h"
+typedef struct MContext {
+ HashMap *profile;
+} MContext;
+Matrix *nerv_matrix_host_float_perm_gen(int ncol, MContext *context, Status *status);
+void nerv_host_context_print_profile(MContext *context);
+void nerv_host_context_clear_profile(MContext *context);
+MContext *nerv_host_context_create(Status *status);
+void nerv_host_context_destroy(MContext *contex, Status *status);
diff --git a/nerv/matrix/cumatrix.c b/nerv/matrix/cumatrix.c
index 7f22d68..b8eef9c 100644
--- a/nerv/matrix/cumatrix.c
+++ b/nerv/matrix/cumatrix.c
@@ -3,46 +3,75 @@
#include "../lib/matrix/cumatrix.h"
#include "../lib/matrix/cuda_helper.h"
#include <string.h>
-#define PROFILE_HASHMAP_SIZE 123457
-static cublasHandle_t cublas_handle;
-static cudaEvent_t profile_start, profile_stop;
-static HashMap *profile;
-static int select_gpu(lua_State *L) {
+const char *nerv_cuda_context_tname = "nerv.CuContext";
+int nerv_cuda_context_lua_select_gpu(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
- int dev = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
- nerv_cumatrix_select_gpu(dev, &status);
+ nerv_cuda_context_select_gpu(luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_cuda_context_tname),
+ luaL_checkinteger(L, 2), &status);
return 0;
-static int print_profile(lua_State *L) {
- nerv_cumatrix_print_profile();
+int nerv_cuda_context_lua_print_profile(lua_State *L) {
+ nerv_cuda_context_print_profile(luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_cuda_context_tname));
return 0;
-static int clear_profile(lua_State *L) {
- nerv_cumatrix_clear_profile();
+int nerv_cuda_context_lua_clear_profile(lua_State *L) {
+ nerv_cuda_context_clear_profile(luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_cuda_context_tname));
return 0;
-static const luaL_Reg cumatrix_methods[] = {
- {"print_profile", print_profile},
- {"clear_profile", clear_profile},
- {"select_gpu", select_gpu},
+int nerv_cuda_context_lua_new(lua_State *L) {
+ Status status;
+ int dev = lua_gettop(L) > 0 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 1) : -1;
+ CuContext *self = nerv_cuda_context_create(dev, &status);
+ luaT_pushudata(L, self, nerv_cuda_context_tname);
+ return 1;
+int nerv_cuda_context_lua_destroy(lua_State *L) {
+ Status status;
+ CuContext *self = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_cuda_context_tname);
+ nerv_cuda_context_destroy(self, &status);
+ return 1;
+static const luaL_Reg nerv_cuda_context_methods[] = {
+ {"print_profile", nerv_cuda_context_lua_print_profile},
+ {"clear_profile", nerv_cuda_context_lua_clear_profile},
+ {"select_gpu", nerv_cuda_context_lua_select_gpu},
+void nerv_cuda_context_lua_init(lua_State *L) {
+ luaT_newmetatable(L, nerv_cuda_context_tname, NULL,
+ nerv_cuda_context_lua_new,
+ nerv_cuda_context_lua_destroy, NULL);
+ luaL_register(L, NULL, nerv_cuda_context_methods);
extern void nerv_matrix_cuda_float_lua_init(lua_State *L);
extern void nerv_matrix_cuda_double_lua_init(lua_State *L);
+static const luaL_Reg cumatrix_methods[] = {
void nerv_lua_cumatrix_init(lua_State *L) {
luaL_register(L, NULL, cumatrix_methods);
- nerv_cumatrix_init();
+ nerv_cuda_context_lua_init(L);
+#define MATRIX_CONTEXT CuContext
+#define MATRIX_CONTEXT_TNAME nerv_cuda_context_tname
#define cuda_matrix_(NAME) cuda_matrix_float_##NAME
#define nerv_matrix_(NAME) nerv_matrix_cuda_float_##NAME
diff --git a/nerv/matrix/generic/cumatrix.c b/nerv/matrix/generic/cumatrix.c
index f8b8038..0c90d39 100644
--- a/nerv/matrix/generic/cumatrix.c
+++ b/nerv/matrix/generic/cumatrix.c
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+#include "../matrix.h"
+#include "../../lib/matrix/generic/matrix.h"
#include "../../lib/matrix/generic/elem_type.h"
#define MATRIX_DATA_WRITE(L, data, idx, val) cuda_matrix_(write)(L, data, idx, val)
#define MATRIX_DATA_READ(L, data, idx) cuda_matrix_(read)(L, data, idx)
@@ -7,7 +9,6 @@
#include "../../lib/common.h"
-#include "../../lib/matrix/generic/matrix.h"
#include "../../lib/matrix/generic/cumatrix.h"
@@ -17,48 +18,58 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_get_blas_op)(char ch) {
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_prefixsum_row)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- nerv_matrix_(prefixsum_row)(a, b, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(prefixsum_row)(a, b, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_thres_mask)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
MATRIX_ELEM thres = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
MATRIX_ELEM low = luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
MATRIX_ELEM high = luaL_checknumber(L, 5);
- nerv_matrix_(thres_mask)(a, b, thres, low, high, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(thres_mask)(a, b, thres, low, high, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_rand_uniform)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- nerv_matrix_(rand_uniform)(a, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(rand_uniform)(a, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_tanh)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- nerv_matrix_(tanh)(a, b, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(tanh)(a, b, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_tanh_grad)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *nerr = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *err = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *output = luaT_checkudata(L, 3, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- nerv_matrix_(tanh_grad)(nerr, err, output, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(tanh_grad)(nerr, err, output, context, &status);
return 0;
@@ -66,39 +77,45 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_tanh_grad)(lua_State *L) {
extern const char *MATRIX_CUMATRIX_HOST_TNAME;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_copy_fromh)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, MATRIX_CUMATRIX_HOST_TNAME);
int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
int b_begin = nargs > 2 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 3) : 0;
int b_end = nargs > 3 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 4) : b->nrow;
int a_begin = nargs > 4 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 5) : 0;
- nerv_matrix_(copy_fromh)(a, b, a_begin, b_begin, b_end, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(copy_fromh)(a, b, a_begin, b_begin, b_end, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_copy_toh)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, MATRIX_CUMATRIX_HOST_TNAME);
int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
int a_begin = nargs > 2 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 3) : 0;
int a_end = nargs > 3 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 4) : a->nrow;
int b_begin = nargs > 4 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 5) : 0;
- nerv_matrix_(copy_toh)(a, b, a_begin, a_end, b_begin, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(copy_toh)(a, b, a_begin, a_end, b_begin, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_copy_fromd)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
int b_begin = nargs > 2 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 3) : 0;
int b_end = nargs > 3 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 4) : b->nrow;
int a_begin = nargs > 4 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 5) : 0;
- nerv_matrix_(copy_fromd)(a, b, a_begin, b_begin, b_end, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(copy_fromd)(a, b, a_begin, b_begin, b_end, context, &status);
return 0;
@@ -106,36 +123,42 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_copy_fromd)(lua_State *L) {
extern const char *nerv_matrix_host_float_tname;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_copy_rows_fromh_by_idx)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, MATRIX_CUMATRIX_HOST_TNAME);
const Matrix *idx = luaT_checkudata(L, 3, nerv_matrix_host_float_tname);
long nrow = a->nrow;
int b_begin = lua_gettop(L) > 3 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 4) : 0;
- nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromh_by_idx)(a, b, idx, b_begin, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromh_by_idx)(a, b, idx, b_begin, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_copy_rows_fromd_by_idx)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *idx = luaT_checkudata(L, 3, nerv_matrix_(tname));
long nrow = a->nrow;
int idx_begin = lua_gettop(L) > 3 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 4) : 0;
- nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromd_by_idx)(a, b, idx, idx_begin, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromd_by_idx)(a, b, idx, idx_begin, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_copy_rows_fromd_by_colidx)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *idx = luaT_checkudata(L, 3, nerv_matrix_(tname));
long nrow = a->nrow;
int idx_begin = lua_gettop(L) > 3 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 4) : 0;
- nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromd_by_colidx)(a, b, idx, idx_begin, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromd_by_colidx)(a, b, idx, idx_begin, context, &status);
return 0;
@@ -145,12 +168,14 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_update_select_rows_by_rowidx)(lua_State *L) {
/* update c's select rows,
* i.e. c[idx[i]] = c[idx[i]] * (1 - beta * alpha) + a[i] * alpha */
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *c = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *idx = luaT_checkudata(L, 3, nerv_matrix_(tname));
MATRIX_ELEM alpha = luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
MATRIX_ELEM beta = luaL_checknumber(L, 5);
- nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_rowidx)(c, a, idx, alpha, beta, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_rowidx)(c, a, idx, alpha, beta, context, &status);
return 0;
@@ -159,12 +184,14 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_update_select_rows_by_colidx)(lua_State *L) {
/* update c's select rows,
* i.e. c[idx[i]] = c[idx[i]] * (1 - beta * alpha) + a[i] * alpha */
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *c = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *idx = luaT_checkudata(L, 3, nerv_matrix_(tname));
MATRIX_ELEM alpha = luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
MATRIX_ELEM beta = luaL_checknumber(L, 5);
- nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_colidx)(c, a, idx, alpha, beta, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(update_select_rows_by_colidx)(c, a, idx, alpha, beta, context, &status);
return 0;
diff --git a/nerv/matrix/generic/matrix.c b/nerv/matrix/generic/matrix.c
index 3162ffb..b544dd9 100644
--- a/nerv/matrix/generic/matrix.c
+++ b/nerv/matrix/generic/matrix.c
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
-#include "../../lib/common.h"
+#include "../matrix.h"
#include "../../lib/matrix/generic/matrix.h"
+#include "../../lib/common.h"
extern const char *nerv_matrix_(tname);
extern const char *MATRIX_BASE_TNAME;
int nerv_matrix_(lua_new)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *self = nerv_matrix_(create)(luaL_checkinteger(L, 1),
- luaL_checkinteger(L, 2), &status);
+ luaL_checkinteger(L, 2),
+ context, &status);
luaT_pushudata(L, self, nerv_matrix_(tname));
return 1;
@@ -17,8 +20,10 @@ int nerv_matrix_(lua_new)(lua_State *L) {
int nerv_matrix_(lua_destroy)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *self = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- nerv_matrix_(destroy)(self, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(destroy)(self, context, &status);
return 1;
@@ -128,18 +133,22 @@ void nerv_matrix_(lua_init)(lua_State *L) {
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_add)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *c = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 3, nerv_matrix_(tname));
MATRIX_ELEM alpha = luaL_checknumber(L, 4);
MATRIX_ELEM beta = luaL_checknumber(L, 5);
- nerv_matrix_(add)(c, a, b, alpha, beta, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(add)(c, a, b, alpha, beta, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_mul)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *c = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 3, nerv_matrix_(tname));
@@ -150,35 +159,41 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_mul)(lua_State *L) {
int tb = nargs > 6 ? nerv_matrix_(lua_get_blas_op)(*luaL_checkstring(L, 7)) \
- nerv_matrix_(mul)(c, a, b, alpha, beta, ta, tb, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(mul)(c, a, b, alpha, beta, ta, tb, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_sigmoid)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- nerv_matrix_(sigmoid)(a, b, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(sigmoid)(a, b, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_sigmoid_grad)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *nerr = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *err = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *output = luaT_checkudata(L, 3, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- nerv_matrix_(sigmoid_grad)(nerr, err, output, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(sigmoid_grad)(nerr, err, output, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_softmax)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- Matrix *max_idx = nerv_matrix_(softmax)(b, a, &status);
+ Matrix *max_idx = nerv_matrix_(softmax)(b, a, context, &status);
luaT_pushudata(L, max_idx, nerv_matrix_(tname));
return 1;
@@ -186,8 +201,10 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_softmax)(lua_State *L) {
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_rowsum)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(rowsum)(a, &status);
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(rowsum)(a, context, &status);
luaT_pushudata(L, b, nerv_matrix_(tname));
return 1;
@@ -195,8 +212,10 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_rowsum)(lua_State *L) {
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_colsum)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(colsum)(a, &status);
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(colsum)(a, context, &status);
luaT_pushudata(L, b, nerv_matrix_(tname));
return 1;
@@ -204,9 +223,11 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_colsum)(lua_State *L) {
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_colsame)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *ref = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(colsame)(a, ref, &status);
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(colsame)(a, ref, context, &status);
luaT_pushudata(L, b, nerv_matrix_(tname));
return 1;
@@ -214,8 +235,10 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_colsame)(lua_State *L) {
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_rowmax)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(rowmax)(a, &status);
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(rowmax)(a, context, &status);
luaT_pushudata(L, b, nerv_matrix_(tname));
return 1;
@@ -223,10 +246,12 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_rowmax)(lua_State *L) {
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_rowmax_idx)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *b;
Matrix *idx;
- nerv_matrix_(rowmax_idx)(a, &b, &idx, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(rowmax_idx)(a, &b, &idx, context, &status);
luaT_pushudata(L, b, nerv_matrix_(tname));
luaT_pushudata(L, idx, nerv_matrix_(tname));
@@ -235,37 +260,45 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_rowmax_idx)(lua_State *L) {
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_add_row)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
const Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
double beta = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
- nerv_matrix_(add_row)(b, a, beta, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(add_row)(b, a, beta, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_fill)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *self = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
double val = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
- nerv_matrix_(fill)(self, val, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(fill)(self, val, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_clip)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *self = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- double val_1 = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
- double val_2 = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
- nerv_matrix_(clip)(self, val_1, val_2, &status);
+ double val1 = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
+ double val2 = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
+ nerv_matrix_(clip)(self, val1, val2, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_trans)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(trans)(a, &status);
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(trans)(a, context, &status);
luaT_pushudata(L, b, nerv_matrix_(tname));
return 1;
@@ -273,28 +306,34 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_trans)(lua_State *L) {
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_mul_elem)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
const Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 3, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *c = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- nerv_matrix_(mul_elem)(c, a, b, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(mul_elem)(c, a, b, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_log_elem)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
const Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- nerv_matrix_(log_elem)(b, a, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(log_elem)(b, a, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_decompress)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
const Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
int orig_col = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);
- Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(decompress)(a, orig_col, &status);
+ Matrix *b = nerv_matrix_(decompress)(a, orig_col, context, &status);
luaT_pushudata(L, b, nerv_matrix_(tname));
return 1;
@@ -302,38 +341,46 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_decompress)(lua_State *L) {
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_expand_frm)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- int context = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
- nerv_matrix_(expand_frm)(a, b, context, &status);
+ int cont = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
+ nerv_matrix_(expand_frm)(a, b, cont, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_rearrange_frm)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
int step = luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
- nerv_matrix_(rearrange_frm)(a, b, step, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(rearrange_frm)(a, b, step, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_scale_rows_by_col)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_col)(a, b, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_col)(a, b, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_scale_rows_by_row)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_row)(a, b, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(scale_rows_by_row)(a, b, context, &status);
return 0;
diff --git a/nerv/matrix/generic/mmatrix.c b/nerv/matrix/generic/mmatrix.c
index 1665eff..a5e5969 100644
--- a/nerv/matrix/generic/mmatrix.c
+++ b/nerv/matrix/generic/mmatrix.c
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+#include "../matrix.h"
#include "../../lib/matrix/generic/matrix.h"
#include "../../lib/matrix/generic/elem_type.h"
#define MATRIX_DATA_WRITE(L, data, idx, val) (data[idx] = val)
@@ -7,10 +8,10 @@
#define MATRIX_BASE_TNAME nerv_matrix_host_tname
#include "../../lib/common.h"
+#include "../../lib/cblas.h"
#include "../../lib/matrix/generic/mmatrix.h"
#include "../../io/chunk_file.h"
#include <string.h>
-#include <cblas.h>
#define BLAS_OP_N CblasNoTrans
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_get_blas_op)(char ch) {
@@ -48,8 +49,10 @@ static void host_matrix_(init)(lua_State *L) {
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_load)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
ChunkData *cdp = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_chunk_data_tname);
- Matrix *self = nerv_matrix_(load)(cdp, &status);
+ Matrix *self = nerv_matrix_(load)(cdp, context, &status);
luaT_pushudata(L, self, nerv_matrix_(tname));
return 1;
@@ -57,23 +60,27 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_load)(lua_State *L) {
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_save)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
ChunkFile *cfp = luaT_checkudata(L, 2,
Matrix *self = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
- nerv_matrix_(save)(self, cfp, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(save)(self, cfp, context, &status);
return 0;
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_copy_fromh)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
const Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
int nargs = lua_gettop(L);
int b_begin = nargs > 2 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 3) : 0;
int b_end = nargs > 3 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 4) : b->nrow;
int a_begin = nargs > 4 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 5) : 0;
- nerv_matrix_(copy_fromh)(a, b, a_begin, b_begin, b_end, &status);
+ nerv_matrix_(copy_fromh)(a, b, a_begin, b_begin, b_end, context, &status);
return 0;
@@ -81,12 +88,14 @@ static int nerv_matrix_(lua_copy_fromh)(lua_State *L) {
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_copy_rows_fromh_by_idx)(lua_State *L)
Status status;
- Matrix *a=luaT_checkudata(L,1,nerv_matrix_(tname));
- const Matrix *b=luaT_checkudata(L,2,nerv_matrix_(tname));
- const Matrix *idx=luaT_checkudata(L,3,nerv_matrix_(tname));
- int b_begin=lua_gettop(L)>3?luaL_checkinteger(L,4):0;
- nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromh_by_idx)(a,b,idx,b_begin,&status);
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
+ Matrix *a = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_matrix_(tname));
+ const Matrix *b = luaT_checkudata(L, 2, nerv_matrix_(tname));
+ const Matrix *idx = luaT_checkudata(L, 3, nerv_matrix_(tname));
+ int b_begin = lua_gettop(L) > 3 ? luaL_checkinteger(L, 4) : 0;
+ nerv_matrix_(copy_rows_fromh_by_idx)(a, b, idx, b_begin, context, &status);
return 0;
diff --git a/nerv/matrix/init.lua b/nerv/matrix/init.lua
index da76e1b..722c780 100644
--- a/nerv/matrix/init.lua
+++ b/nerv/matrix/init.lua
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ end
--- Assign each element in a matrix using the value returned by a callback `gen`.
-- @param gen the callback used to generated the values in the matrix, to which
-- the indices of row and column will be passed (e.g., `gen(i, j)`)
-function nerv.Matrix:generate(gen)
+function nerv.Matrix:_generate(gen)
if (self:dim() == 2) then
for i = 0, self:nrow() - 1 do
local row = self[i]
@@ -55,6 +56,21 @@ function nerv.Matrix:generate(gen)
+function nerv.Matrix:generate(gen)
+ local tmp
+ if nerv.is_type(self, 'nerv.CuMatrixFloat') then
+ tmp = nerv.MMatrixFloat(self:nrow(), self:ncol())
+ elseif nerv.is_type(self, 'nerv.CuMatrixDouble') then
+ tmp = nerv.MMatrixDouble(self:nrow(), self:ncol())
+ else
+ tmp = self
+ end
+ tmp:_generate(gen)
+ if nerv.is_type(self, 'nerv.CuMatrix') then
+ self:copy_fromh(tmp)
+ end
--- Create a fresh new matrix of the same matrix type (as `self`).
-- @param nrow optional, the number of rows in the created matrix if specified,
-- otherwise `self:nrow()` will be used
@@ -87,6 +103,17 @@ function nerv.Matrix:__mul__(b)
return c
+--- A wrapper function for `copy_from`
+function nerv.Matrix:copy_to(b, ...)
+ b:copy_from(self, ...)
+--- The base class for all device (in-GPU) matrices
+-- @type nerv.CuMatrix
+--- A wrapper function for `copy_fromd`
+nerv.CuMatrix.copy_tod = nerv.Matrix.copy_to
--- CUDA float matrices
-- @type nerv.CuMatrixFloat
@@ -127,15 +154,14 @@ end
-- @type nerv.MMatrix
--- A wrapper function for `copy_fromh`
-function nerv.MMatrix:copy_toh(b, ...)
- b:copy_fromh(self, ...)
+nerv.MMatrix.copy_toh = nerv.Matrix.copy_to
---- Print profiling info of host matrices
-function nerv.MMatrix.print_profile()
- nerv.info("mmatrix profile not available")
+--- A wrapper function for `nerv.CuMatrix` copy
+function nerv.MMatrix:copy_fromd(b, ...)
+ b:copy_toh(self, ...)
---- Clear profiling info of host matrices
-function nerv.MMatrix.clear_profile()
+--- A wrapper function for `nerv.CuMatrix` copy
+function nerv.MMatrix:copy_tod(b, ...)
+ b:copy_fromh(self, ...)
diff --git a/nerv/matrix/matrix.h b/nerv/matrix/matrix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..788f596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/matrix/matrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#include "../lib/luaT/luaT.h"
+#define _MATRIX_GET_CONTEXT(L, p, tname, ctname) \
+ do { \
+ if (lua_gettop(L) < p) \
+ { \
+ luaT_pushmetatable(L, tname); \
+ lua_getfield(L, -1, "_default_context"); \
+ context = luaT_checkudata(L, -1, ctname); \
+ lua_pop(L, 2); \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ context = luaT_checkudata(L, p, ctname); \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+extern const char *nerv_cuda_context_tname;
+extern const char *nerv_host_context_tname;
+extern const char *nerv_matrix_host_tname;
+#define MMATRIX_GET_CONTEXT(L, p) _MATRIX_GET_CONTEXT(L, p, nerv_matrix_host_tname, nerv_host_context_tname)
diff --git a/nerv/matrix/mmatrix.c b/nerv/matrix/mmatrix.c
index a68506d..45cb238 100644
--- a/nerv/matrix/mmatrix.c
+++ b/nerv/matrix/mmatrix.c
@@ -1,17 +1,64 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "../lib/matrix/mmatrix.h"
#include "../lib/common.h"
+const char *nerv_host_context_tname = "nerv.MContext";
+int nerv_host_context_lua_print_profile(lua_State *L) {
+ nerv_host_context_print_profile(luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_host_context_tname));
+ return 0;
+int nerv_host_context_lua_clear_profile(lua_State *L) {
+ nerv_host_context_clear_profile(luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_host_context_tname));
+ return 0;
+int nerv_host_context_lua_new(lua_State *L) {
+ Status status;
+ MContext *self = nerv_host_context_create(&status);
+ luaT_pushudata(L, self, nerv_host_context_tname);
+ return 1;
+int nerv_host_context_lua_destroy(lua_State *L) {
+ Status status;
+ MContext *self = luaT_checkudata(L, 1, nerv_host_context_tname);
+ nerv_host_context_destroy(self, &status);
+ return 1;
+static const luaL_Reg nerv_host_context_methods[] = {
+ {"print_profile", nerv_host_context_lua_print_profile},
+ {"clear_profile", nerv_host_context_lua_clear_profile},
+void nerv_host_context_lua_init(lua_State *L) {
+ luaT_newmetatable(L, nerv_host_context_tname, NULL,
+ nerv_host_context_lua_new,
+ nerv_host_context_lua_destroy, NULL);
+ luaL_register(L, NULL, nerv_host_context_methods);
void nerv_matrix_host_float_lua_init(lua_State *L);
void nerv_matrix_host_double_lua_init(lua_State *L);
void nerv_matrix_host_int_lua_init(lua_State *L);
void nerv_lua_mmatrix_init(lua_State *L) {
+ nerv_host_context_lua_init(L);
+#define MATRIX_CONTEXT MContext
+#define MATRIX_CONTEXT_TNAME nerv_host_context_tname
#define host_matrix_(NAME) host_matrix_float_##NAME
#define nerv_matrix_(NAME) nerv_matrix_host_float_##NAME
@@ -29,8 +76,10 @@ static void host_matrix_(init_extra)(lua_State *L) {
static int nerv_matrix_(lua_perm_gen)(lua_State *L) {
Status status;
+ MATRIX_CONTEXT *context;
int i, ncol = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
- Matrix *self = nerv_matrix_(perm_gen)(ncol, &status);
+ Matrix *self = nerv_matrix_(perm_gen)(ncol, context, &status);
luaT_pushudata(L, self, nerv_matrix_(tname));
return 1;
diff --git a/nerv/nerv b/nerv/nerv
index 7571659..4c20ec7 100644
--- a/nerv/nerv
+++ b/nerv/nerv
@@ -1,9 +1,47 @@
#! /usr/bin/env luajit
require 'nerv'
-if #arg < 1 then
+local options = {{"help", "h", "boolean", default = false, desc = "print this help message"},
+ {"use-cpu", "c", "boolean", default = false, desc = "use CPU by default (instead of gpu by default)"},
+ {"select-gpu", nil, "int", default = -1, desc = "select the GPU for computation, fallback to auto mode if not specified"}}
+econf = {} -- environment configuration
+local function print_help()
+ nerv.printf("Usage: <nerv_prog> [options] script.lua\n")
+ nerv.print_usage(options)
+nerv.printf("*** NERV: A Lua-based toolkit for high-performance deep learning (alpha) ***\n")
+arg, opts = nerv.parse_args(arg, options)
+if #arg < 1 or opts["help"].val then
+ print_help()
+-- only for backward compatibilty, will be removed in the future
+local function _add_profile_method(cls)
+ local c = cls._default_context
+ cls.print_profile = function () c:print_profile() end
+ cls.clear_profile = function () c:clear_profile() end
+if not opts["use-cpu"].val then
+ local dev = opts["select-gpu"].val
+ nerv.info("automatically initialize a default CuContext...")
+ nerv.CuMatrix._default_context = nerv.CuContext(dev)
+ nerv.info("the default CuContext is ok")
+ _add_profile_method(nerv.CuMatrix)
+ nerv.CuMatrix.select_gpu =
+ function (dev) nerv.CuMatrix._default_context:select_gpu(dev) end
+ econf.use_cpu = false
+ econf.use_cpu = true
+nerv.info("automatically initialize a default MContext...")
+nerv.MMatrix._default_context = nerv.MContext()
+nerv.info("the default MContext is ok")
local script = arg[1]
local script_arg = {}
for i = 2, #arg do
diff --git a/nerv/nerv-scm-1.rockspec b/nerv/nerv-scm-1.rockspec
index 6949f54..d039e85 100644
--- a/nerv/nerv-scm-1.rockspec
+++ b/nerv/nerv-scm-1.rockspec
@@ -11,12 +11,14 @@ description = {
license = "BSD"
dependencies = {
- "lua >= 5.1"
+ "lua >= 5.1",
+ "penlight >= 1.3.2"
build = {
type = "make",
build_variables = {
CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -Wall -Wextra -g -O2",
+ --CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS) -Wall -Wextra -g",
diff --git a/nerv/nn/init.lua b/nerv/nn/init.lua
index cbaf52b..1037d05 100644
--- a/nerv/nn/init.lua
+++ b/nerv/nn/init.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/nerv/nn/layer_dag.lua b/nerv/nn/layer_dag.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6896878..0000000
--- a/nerv/nn/layer_dag.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-local DAGLayer = nerv.class("nerv.DAGLayer", "nerv.Layer")
-local function parse_id(str)
- local id, port, _
- _, _, id, port = string.find(str, "([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)%[([0-9]+)%]")
- if id == nil or port == nil then
- _, _, id, port = string.find(str, "(.+)%[([0-9]+)%]")
- if not (id == "<input>" or id == "<output>") then
- nerv.error("wrong format of connection id")
- end
- end
- port = tonumber(port)
- return id, port
-local function discover(id, layers, layer_repo)
- local ref = layers[id]
- if id == "<input>" or id == "<output>" then
- return nil
- end
- if ref == nil then
- local layer = layer_repo:get_layer(id)
- local dim_in, dim_out = layer:get_dim()
- ref = {
- layer = layer,
- inputs = {},
- outputs = {},
- err_inputs = {},
- err_outputs = {},
- next_layers = {},
- input_len = #dim_in,
- output_len = #dim_out,
- in_deg = 0,
- visited = false
- }
- layers[id] = ref
- end
- return ref
-local function touch_list_by_idx(list, idx)
- if list[idx] == nil then
- list[idx] = {}
- end
-function DAGLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- local layers = {}
- local inputs = {}
- local outputs = {}
- local dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- local dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
- local parsed_conn = {}
- for from, to in pairs(layer_conf.connections) do
- local id_from, port_from = parse_id(from)
- local id_to, port_to = parse_id(to)
- local ref_from = discover(id_from, layers, layer_conf.sub_layers)
- local ref_to = discover(id_to, layers, layer_conf.sub_layers)
- local input_dim, output_dim, _
- if ref_from then
- touch_list_by_idx(ref_from.outputs, 1)
- if ref_from.outputs[1][port_from] ~= nil then
- nerv.error("%s has already been attached", from)
- end
- end
- if ref_to then
- touch_list_by_idx(ref_to.inputs, 1)
- if ref_to.inputs[1][port_to] ~= nil then
- nerv.error("%s has already been attached", to)
- end
- end
- if id_from == "<input>" then
- input_dim, _ = ref_to.layer:get_dim()
- if dim_in[port_from] ~= input_dim[port_to] then
- nerv.error("mismatching data dimension between %s and %s", from, to)
- end
- inputs[port_from] = {ref_to, port_to}
- ref_to.inputs[1][port_to] = inputs -- just a place holder
- elseif id_to == "<output>" then
- _, output_dim = ref_from.layer:get_dim()
- if output_dim[port_from] ~= dim_out[port_to] then
- nerv.error("mismatching data dimension between %s and %s", from, to)
- end
- outputs[port_to] = {ref_from, port_from}
- ref_from.outputs[1][port_from] = outputs -- just a place holder
- else
- _, output_dim = ref_from.layer:get_dim()
- input_dim, _ = ref_to.layer:get_dim()
- if output_dim[port_from] ~= input_dim[port_to] then
- nerv.error("mismatching data dimension between %s and %s", from, to)
- end
- table.insert(parsed_conn,
- {{ref_from, port_from}, {ref_to, port_to}})
- table.insert(ref_from.next_layers, ref_to) -- add edge
- ref_to.in_deg = ref_to.in_deg + 1 -- increase the in-degree of the target layer
- end
- end
- -- topology sort
- local queue = {}
- local l = 1
- local r = 1
- for id, ref in pairs(layers) do
- if ref.in_deg == 0 then
- table.insert(queue, ref)
- nerv.info("adding source layer: %s", id)
- r = r + 1
- end
- end
- if l == r then
- nerv.error("loop detected")
- end
- while l < r do
- local cur = queue[l]
- cur.visited = true
- l = l + 1
- for _, nl in pairs(cur.next_layers) do
- nl.in_deg = nl.in_deg - 1
- if nl.in_deg == 0 then
- table.insert(queue, nl)
- r = r + 1
- end
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #queue do
- nerv.info("enqueued layer: %s %s", queue[i].layer, queue[i].layer.id)
- end
- for id, ref in pairs(layers) do
- -- check wether the graph is connected
- if ref.visited == false then
- nerv.warning("layer %s is ignored", id)
- end
- end
- self.layers = layers
- self.inputs = inputs
- self.outputs = outputs
- self.id = id
- self.dim_in = dim_in
- self.dim_out = dim_out
- self.parsed_conn = parsed_conn
- self.queue = queue
- self.gconf = global_conf
- if self.gconf.use_cpu then
- self.mat_type = self.gconf.mmat_type
- else
- self.mat_type = self.gconf.cumat_type
- end
-function DAGLayer:init(batch_size, chunk_size)
- if chunk_size == nil then
- chunk_size = 1
- end
- for i, conn in ipairs(self.parsed_conn) do
- local _, output_dim
- local ref_from, port_from, ref_to, port_to
- ref_from, port_from = unpack(conn[1])
- ref_to, port_to = unpack(conn[2])
- _, output_dim = ref_from.layer:get_dim()
- local dim = 1
- if output_dim[port_from] > 0 then
- dim = output_dim[port_from]
- end
- for t = 1, chunk_size do
- local mid = self.mat_type(batch_size, dim)
- local err_mid = mid:create()
- touch_list_by_idx(ref_to.inputs, t)
- touch_list_by_idx(ref_from.outputs, t)
- touch_list_by_idx(ref_from.err_inputs, t)
- touch_list_by_idx(ref_to.err_outputs, t)
- ref_from.outputs[t][port_from] = mid
- ref_to.inputs[t][port_to] = mid
- ref_from.err_inputs[t][port_from] = err_mid
- ref_to.err_outputs[t][port_to] = err_mid
- end
- end
- for id, ref in pairs(self.layers) do
- for i = 1, ref.input_len do
- if ref.inputs[1][i] == nil then
- nerv.error("dangling input port %d of layer %s", i, id)
- end
- end
- for i = 1, ref.output_len do
- if ref.outputs[1][i] == nil then
- nerv.error("dangling output port %d of layer %s", i, id)
- end
- end
- -- initialize sub layers
- ref.layer:init(batch_size, chunk_size)
- end
- for i = 1, #self.dim_in do
- if self.inputs[i] == nil then
- nerv.error("dangling port %d of layer <input>", i)
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #self.dim_out do
- if self.outputs[i] == nil then
- nerv.error("dangling port %d of layer <output>", i)
- end
- end
-function DAGLayer:batch_resize(batch_size, chunk_size)
- if chunk_size == nil then
- chunk_size = 1
- end
- for i, conn in ipairs(self.parsed_conn) do
- local _, output_dim
- local ref_from, port_from, ref_to, port_to
- ref_from, port_from = unpack(conn[1])
- ref_to, port_to = unpack(conn[2])
- _, output_dim = ref_from.layer:get_dim()
- if ref_from.outputs[1][port_from]:nrow() ~= batch_size
- and output_dim[port_from] > 0 then
- for t = 1, chunk_size do
- local mid = self.mat_type(batch_size, output_dim[port_from])
- local err_mid = mid:create()
- ref_from.outputs[t][port_from] = mid
- ref_to.inputs[t][port_to] = mid
- ref_from.err_inputs[t][port_from] = err_mid
- ref_to.err_outputs[t][port_to] = err_mid
- end
- end
- end
- for id, ref in pairs(self.layers) do
- ref.layer:batch_resize(batch_size, chunk_size)
- end
- collectgarbage("collect")
-function DAGLayer:set_inputs(input, t)
- for i = 1, #self.dim_in do
- if input[i] == nil then
- nerv.error("some input is not provided");
- end
- local layer = self.inputs[i][1]
- local port = self.inputs[i][2]
- touch_list_by_idx(layer.inputs, t)
- layer.inputs[t][port] = input[i]
- end
-function DAGLayer:set_outputs(output, t)
- for i = 1, #self.dim_out do
- if output[i] == nil then
- nerv.error("some output is not provided");
- end
- local layer = self.outputs[i][1]
- local port = self.outputs[i][2]
- touch_list_by_idx(layer.outputs, t)
- layer.outputs[t][port] = output[i]
- end
-function DAGLayer:set_err_inputs(bp_err, t)
- for i = 1, #self.dim_out do
- local layer = self.outputs[i][1]
- local port = self.outputs[i][2]
- touch_list_by_idx(layer.err_inputs, t)
- layer.err_inputs[t][port] = bp_err[i]
- end
-function DAGLayer:set_err_outputs(next_bp_err, t)
- for i = 1, #self.dim_in do
- local layer = self.inputs[i][1]
- local port = self.inputs[i][2]
- touch_list_by_idx(layer.err_outputs, t)
- layer.err_outputs[t][port] = next_bp_err[i]
- end
-function DAGLayer:update(bp_err, input, output, t)
- if t == nil then
- t = 1
- end
- self:set_err_inputs(bp_err, t)
- self:set_inputs(input, t)
- self:set_outputs(output, t)
- for id, ref in pairs(self.queue) do
- ref.layer:update(ref.err_inputs[t], ref.inputs[t], ref.outputs[t], t)
- end
-function DAGLayer:propagate(input, output, t)
- if t == nil then
- t = 1
- end
- self:set_inputs(input, t)
- self:set_outputs(output, t)
- local ret = false
- for i = 1, #self.queue do
- local ref = self.queue[i]
- ret = ref.layer:propagate(ref.inputs[t], ref.outputs[t], t)
- end
- return ret
-function DAGLayer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output, t)
- if t == nil then
- t = 1
- end
- self:set_err_outputs(next_bp_err, t)
- self:set_err_inputs(bp_err, t)
- self:set_inputs(input, t)
- self:set_outputs(output, t)
- for i = #self.queue, 1, -1 do
- local ref = self.queue[i]
- ref.layer:back_propagate(ref.err_inputs[t], ref.err_outputs[t], ref.inputs[t], ref.outputs[t], t)
- end
-function DAGLayer:get_params()
- local param_repos = {}
- for id, ref in pairs(self.queue) do
- table.insert(param_repos, ref.layer:get_params())
- end
- return nerv.ParamRepo.merge(param_repos)
- INPUT = {},
- OUTPUT = {},
- ERR_INPUT = {},
-function DAGLayer:get_intermediate(id, port_type)
- if id == "<input>" or id == "<output>" then
- nerv.error("an actual real layer id is expected")
- end
- local layer = self.layers[id]
- if layer == nil then
- nerv.error("layer id %s not found", id)
- end
- if port_type == DAGLayer.PORT_TYPES.INPUT then
- return layer.inputs
- elseif port_type == DAGLayer.PORT_TYPES.OUTPUT then
- return layer.outputs
- elseif port_type == DAGLayer.PORT_TYPES.ERR_INPUT then
- return layer.err_inputs
- elseif port_type == DAGLayer.PORT_TYPES.ERR_OUTPUT then
- return layer.err_outputs
- end
- nerv.error("unrecognized port type")
diff --git a/nerv/nn/layer_repo.lua b/nerv/nn/layer_repo.lua
index 3d3a79f..acef54a 100644
--- a/nerv/nn/layer_repo.lua
+++ b/nerv/nn/layer_repo.lua
@@ -12,29 +12,29 @@ function LayerRepo:add_layers(layer_spec, param_repo, global_conf)
if layer_type == nil then
nerv.error('layer type `%s` not found', ltype)
- for id, spec in pairs(llist) do
- if layers[id] ~= nil then
- nerv.error("a layer with id %s already exists", id)
- end
- nerv.info("create layer: %s", id)
- if type(spec[2]) ~= "table" then
+ for id, lconf in pairs(llist) do
+ if type(lconf) ~= "table" then
nerv.error("layer config table is need")
- layer_config = spec[2]
- if type(spec[1]) ~= "table" then
- nerv.error("parameter description table is needed")
- end
- for pname, pid in pairs(spec[1]) do
- layer_config[pname] = param_repo:get_param(pid)
+ if lconf.pr == nil then
+ lconf.pr = param_repo
- if layer_config.pr == nil then
- layer_config.pr = param_repo
+ if layers[id] ~= nil then
+ nerv.error("a layer with id %s already exists", id)
- layers[id] = layer_type(id, global_conf, layer_config)
+ nerv.info("create layer: %s", id)
+ layers[id] = layer_type(id, global_conf, lconf)
+function LayerRepo:rebind(param_repo)
+ for id, layer in pairs(self.layers) do
+ layer.lconf.pr = param_repo
+ layer:bind_params()
+ end
function LayerRepo:get_layer(lid)
local layer = self.layers[lid]
if layer == nil then
diff --git a/nerv/nn/network.lua b/nerv/nn/network.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cb83ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/nn/network.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+local network = nerv.class('nerv.Network')
+function network:__init(id, global_conf, network_conf)
+ self.id = id
+ self.network = network_conf.network
+ self.dim_in = self.network.dim_in
+ self.dim_out = self.network.dim_out
+ self.gconf = global_conf
+ if self.gconf.use_cpu then
+ self.mat_type = self.gconf.mmat_type
+ else
+ self.mat_type = self.gconf.cumat_type
+ end
+ self.clip = network_conf.clip
+ self.nn_act_default = network_conf.nn_act_default
+ if self.nn_act_default == nil then
+ self.nn_act_default = 0
+ end
+ self.layers = {}
+ self.input_conn = {}
+ self.output_conn = {}
+ self.socket = self:compile(self.network)
+ for i = 1, #self.dim_in do
+ local edge = self.socket.inputs[i]
+ local id, port, time = edge[1], edge[2], edge[3]
+ if self.input_conn[id][port] ~= nil then
+ nerv.error('duplicate edge')
+ end
+ self.input_conn[id][port] = {0, i, time}
+ end
+ for i = 1, #self.dim_out do
+ local edge = self.socket.outputs[i]
+ local id, port, time = edge[1], edge[2], edge[3]
+ if self.output_conn[id][port] ~= nil then
+ nerv.error('duplicate edge')
+ end
+ self.output_conn[id][port] = {0, i, time}
+ end
+ self.delay = 0
+ for i = 1, #self.layers do
+ local dim_in, _ = self.layers[i]:get_dim()
+ for j = 1, #dim_in do
+ local time = self.input_conn[i][j][3]
+ if math.abs(time) > self.delay then
+ self.delay = math.abs(time)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function network:compile(layer)
+ local socket = {inputs = {}, outputs = {}}
+ if not nerv.is_type(layer, 'nerv.GraphLayer') then
+ table.insert(self.layers, layer)
+ local id = #self.layers
+ self.input_conn[id] = {}
+ self.output_conn[id] = {}
+ local dim_in, dim_out = layer:get_dim()
+ for i = 1, #dim_in do
+ socket.inputs[i] = {id, i, 0}
+ end
+ for i = 1, #dim_out do
+ socket.outputs[i] = {id, i, 0}
+ end
+ else
+ local sublayer_socket = {}
+ for id, sublayer in pairs(layer.layers) do
+ if id ~= '<input>' then
+ sublayer_socket[sublayer.id] = self:compile(sublayer.layer)
+ end
+ end
+ for _, edge in pairs(layer.connections) do
+ -- id = 0 means <input> or <output>
+ local id_from, port_from = edge[1], edge[2]
+ local id_to, port_to = edge[3], edge[4]
+ local time = edge[5]
+ if id_from == 0 then
+ if socket.inputs[port_from] ~= nil then
+ nerv.error('duplicate input socket')
+ end
+ local input = sublayer_socket[id_to].inputs[port_to]
+ local id, port, t = input[1], input[2], input[3] + time
+ socket.inputs[port_from] = {id, port, t}
+ else
+ local output = sublayer_socket[id_from].outputs[port_from]
+ local id, port, t = output[1], output[2], output[3] + time
+ if id_to == 0 then
+ if socket.outputs[port_to] ~= nil then
+ nerv.error('duplicate output socket')
+ end
+ socket.outputs[port_to] = {id, port, t}
+ else
+ local input = sublayer_socket[id_to].inputs[port_to]
+ local id1, port1, t1 = input[1], input[2], input[3]
+ if self.input_conn[id1][port1] ~= nil or self.output_conn[id][port] ~= nil then
+ nerv.error('duplicate edge')
+ end
+ self.input_conn[id1][port1] = {id, port, t + t1}
+ self.output_conn[id][port] = {id1, port1, t + t1}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return socket
+function network:init(batch_size, chunk_size)
+ self.batch_size = batch_size
+ self.chunk_size = chunk_size
+ self:topsort()
+ self:make_initial_store()
+ collectgarbage('collect')
+function network:epoch_init()
+ for i = 1, #self.layers do
+ self.layers[i]:init(self.batch_size, self.chunk_size)
+ end
+function network:topsort()
+ nerv.info('network topology sort')
+ local degree = {}
+ for t = 1, self.chunk_size do
+ degree[t] = {}
+ for i = 1, #self.layers do
+ degree[t][i] = 0
+ end
+ end
+ for t = 1, self.chunk_size do
+ for i = 1, #self.layers do
+ local _, dim_out = self.layers[i]:get_dim()
+ for j = 1, #dim_out do
+ if self.output_conn[i][j] ~= nil then
+ local edge = self.output_conn[i][j]
+ local id, time = edge[1], edge[3] + t
+ if time >= 1 and time <= self.chunk_size and id ~= 0 then
+ degree[time][id] = degree[time][id] + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self.queue = {}
+ local l = 1
+ local r = 0
+ for t = 1, self.chunk_size do
+ for i = 1, #self.layers do
+ if degree[t][i] == 0 then
+ r = r + 1
+ self.queue[r] = {chunk = t, id = i}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ while l <= r do
+ local t, i = self.queue[l].chunk, self.queue[l].id
+ l = l + 1
+ local _, dim_out = self.layers[i]:get_dim()
+ for j = 1, #dim_out do
+ if self.output_conn[i][j] ~= nil then
+ local edge = self.output_conn[i][j]
+ local id, time = edge[1], edge[3] + t
+ if time >= 1 and time <= self.chunk_size and id ~= 0 then
+ degree[time][id] = degree[time][id] - 1
+ if degree[time][id] == 0 then
+ r = r + 1
+ self.queue[r] = {chunk = time, id = id}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if r ~= self.chunk_size * #self.layers then
+ nerv.error('loop detected')
+ end
+function network:make_initial_store()
+ nerv.info('network initing storage')
+ -- allocate memory
+ local memory = {}
+ local err_memory = {}
+ for t = 1 - self.delay, self.chunk_size + self.delay do
+ memory[t] = {}
+ err_memory[t] = {}
+ for i = 1, #self.layers do
+ memory[t][i] = {}
+ err_memory[t][i] = {}
+ local dim_in, dim_out = self.layers[i]:get_dim()
+ for j = 1, #dim_in do
+ err_memory[t][i][j] = self.mat_type(self.batch_size, dim_in[j])
+ err_memory[t][i][j]:fill(0)
+ end
+ for j = 1, #dim_out do
+ memory[t][i][j] = self.mat_type(self.batch_size, dim_out[j])
+ memory[t][i][j]:fill(self.nn_act_default)
+ end
+ end
+ -- memory[t][0] stores network input
+ memory[t][0] = {}
+ for j = 1, #self.dim_in do
+ memory[t][0][j] = self.mat_type(self.batch_size, self.dim_in[j])
+ memory[t][0][j]:fill(self.nn_act_default)
+ end
+ -- err_memory[t][0] stores network err_input
+ err_memory[t][0] = {}
+ for j = 1, #self.dim_out do
+ err_memory[t][0][j] = self.mat_type(self.batch_size, self.dim_out[j])
+ err_memory[t][0][j]:fill(0)
+ end
+ end
+ -- connect memory and reference
+ self.input = {}
+ self.output = {}
+ self.err_input = {}
+ self.err_output = {}
+ for t = 1, self.chunk_size do
+ self.input[t] = {}
+ self.output[t] = {}
+ self.err_input[t] = {}
+ self.err_output[t] = {}
+ for i = 1, #self.layers do
+ self.input[t][i] = {}
+ self.output[t][i] = {}
+ self.err_input[t][i] = {}
+ self.err_output[t][i] = {}
+ local dim_in, dim_out = self.layers[i]:get_dim()
+ for j = 1, #dim_in do
+ local edge = self.input_conn[i][j]
+ local id, port, time = edge[1], edge[2], edge[3]
+ if id ~= 0 or t - time < 1 or t - time > self.chunk_size then
+ self.input[t][i][j] = memory[t - time][id][port]
+ end
+ if id ~= 0 then
+ self.err_output[t][i][j] = err_memory[t][i][j]
+ end
+ end
+ for j = 1, #dim_out do
+ local edge = self.output_conn[i][j]
+ local id, port, time = edge[1], edge[2], edge[3]
+ if id ~= 0 then
+ self.output[t][i][j] = memory[t][i][j]
+ end
+ if id ~= 0 or t + time < 1 or t + time > self.chunk_size then
+ self.err_input[t][i][j] = err_memory[t + time][id][port]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- check dangling reference
+ for t = 1, self.chunk_size do
+ for i = 1, #self.dim_in do
+ local edge = self.socket.inputs[i]
+ local id, port, time = edge[1], edge[2], edge[3]
+ if t + time >= 1 and t + time <= self.chunk_size then
+ if self.input[t + time][id][port] ~= nil then
+ nerv.error('input reference not nil')
+ end
+ self.input[t + time][id][port] = true -- just a place holder
+ if self.err_output[t + time][id][port] ~= nil then
+ nerv.error('err_output reference not nil')
+ end
+ self.err_output[t + time][id][port] = true -- just a place holder
+ end
+ end
+ for i = 1, #self.dim_out do
+ local edge = self.socket.outputs[i]
+ local id, port, time = edge[1], edge[2], edge[3]
+ if t - time >= 1 and t - time <= self.chunk_size then
+ if self.output[t - time][id][port] ~= nil then
+ nerv.error('output reference not nil')
+ end
+ self.output[t - time][id][port] = true -- just a place holder
+ if self.err_input[t - time][id][port] ~= nil then
+ nerv.error('err_output reference not nil')
+ end
+ self.err_input[t - time][id][port] = true -- just a place holder
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for t = 1, self.chunk_size do
+ for i = 1, #self.layers do
+ local dim_in, dim_out = self.layers[i]:get_dim()
+ for j = 1, #dim_in do
+ if self.input[t][i][j] == nil then
+ nerv.error('input reference dangling')
+ end
+ if self.err_output[t][i][j] == nil then
+ nerv.error('err_output reference dangling')
+ end
+ end
+ for j = 1, #dim_out do
+ if self.output[t][i][j] == nil then
+ nerv.error('output reference dangling')
+ end
+ if self.err_input[t][i][j] == nil then
+ nerv.error('err_input reference dangling')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- allocate reference for legacy of previous mini-batch
+ self.legacy = {}
+ for t = 1 - self.delay, 0 do
+ self.legacy[t] = {}
+ for i = 1, #self.layers do
+ self.legacy[t][i] = {}
+ local _, dim_out = self.layers[i]:get_dim()
+ for j = 1, #dim_out do
+ self.legacy[t][i][j] = memory[t][i][j]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function network:set_input(input)
+ for t = 1, self.chunk_size do
+ for i = 1, #self.dim_in do
+ local edge = self.socket.inputs[i]
+ local id, port, time = edge[1], edge[2], edge[3]
+ if t + time >= 1 and t + time <= self.chunk_size then
+ self.input[t + time][id][port] = input[t][i]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function network:set_output(output)
+ for t = 1, self.chunk_size do
+ for i = 1, #self.dim_out do
+ local edge = self.socket.outputs[i]
+ local id, port, time = edge[1], edge[2], edge[3]
+ if t - time >= 1 and t - time <= self.chunk_size then
+ self.output[t - time][id][port] = output[t][i]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function network:set_err_input(err_input)
+ for t = 1, self.chunk_size do
+ for i = 1, #self.dim_out do
+ local edge = self.socket.outputs[i]
+ local id, port, time = edge[1], edge[2], edge[3]
+ if t - time >= 1 and t - time <= self.chunk_size then
+ self.err_input[t - time][id][port] = err_input[t][i]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function network:set_err_output(err_output)
+ for t = 1, self.chunk_size do
+ for i = 1, #self.dim_in do
+ local edge = self.socket.inputs[i]
+ local id, port, time = edge[1], edge[2], edge[3]
+ if t + time >= 1 and t + time <= self.chunk_size then
+ self.err_output[t + time][id][port] = err_output[t][i]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ [info] is a table that contains information of current mini-batch. These fields must be contained:
+ [input], [output] : matrix array which stores the network input and output
+ [seq_length] : a table contains the length of every sequences
+ [new_seq]: a table contains the batch number of new sequences
+ [do_train]: a bool value indicates do train or not
+ if [do_train] is true, these fileds also must be contained:
+ [err_input], [err_output] : matrix array which stores the network err_input and err_output
+function network:mini_batch_init(info)
+ self.info = info
+ self:set_input(self.info.input)
+ self:set_output(self.info.output)
+ -- calculate border
+ self.max_length = 0
+ self.border = {}
+ for i = 1, self.chunk_size do
+ self.border[i] = {}
+ end
+ for i = 1, self.batch_size do
+ if self.info.seq_length[i] > self.max_length then
+ self.max_length = self.info.seq_length[i]
+ end
+ for t = 1, self.delay do
+ local chunk = self.info.seq_length[i] + t
+ if chunk > self.chunk_size then
+ break
+ end
+ table.insert(self.border[chunk], i)
+ end
+ end
+ -- copy legacy
+ for t = 1 - self.delay, 0 do
+ for i = 1, #self.layers do
+ local _, dim_out = self.layers[i]:get_dim()
+ for j = 1, #dim_out do
+ if t + self.chunk_size >= 1 and self.output_conn[i][j][1] ~= 0 then
+ self.legacy[t][i][j]:copy_from(self.output[t + self.chunk_size][i][j])
+ end
+ for k = 1, #self.info.new_seq do
+ local batch = self.info.new_seq[k]
+ self.legacy[t][i][j][batch - 1]:fill(self.nn_act_default)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if self.info.do_train then
+ self:set_err_input(self.info.err_input)
+ self:set_err_output(self.info.err_output)
+ -- flush border gradient
+ for t = self.max_length + 1, self.max_length + self.delay do
+ if t > self.chunk_size then
+ break
+ end
+ for i = 1, #self.layers do
+ local dim_in, _ = self.layers[i]:get_dim()
+ for j = 1, #dim_in do
+ self.err_output[t][i][j]:fill(0)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function network:propagate()
+ for i = 1, #self.queue do
+ local t, id = self.queue[i].chunk, self.queue[i].id
+ if t <= self.max_length then
+ self.layers[id]:propagate(self.input[t][id], self.output[t][id], t)
+ end
+ -- flush border activation
+ for j = 1, #self.border[t] do
+ local batch = self.border[t][j]
+ local _, dim_out = self.layers[id]:get_dim()
+ for k = 1, #dim_out do
+ self.output[t][id][k][batch - 1]:fill(self.nn_act_default)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function network:back_propagate()
+ for i = #self.queue, 1, -1 do
+ local t, id = self.queue[i].chunk, self.queue[i].id
+ if t <= self.max_length then
+ -- flush border gradient
+ for j = 1, #self.border[t] do
+ local batch = self.border[t][j]
+ local _, dim_out = self.layers[id]:get_dim()
+ for k = 1, #dim_out do
+ self.err_input[t][id][k][batch - 1]:fill(0)
+ end
+ end
+ self.layers[id]:back_propagate(self.err_input[t][id], self.err_output[t][id], self.input[t][id], self.output[t][id], t)
+ if self.clip ~= nil then
+ local dim_in, _ = self.layers[id]:get_dim()
+ for j = 1, #dim_in do
+ self.err_output[t][id][j]:clip(-self.clip, self.clip)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function network:update()
+ for i = 1, #self.queue do
+ local t, id = self.queue[i].chunk, self.queue[i].id
+ if t <= self.max_length then
+ self.layers[id]:update(self.err_input[t][id], self.input[t][id], self.output[t][id], t)
+ end
+ end
+function network:set_attr(name, value)
+ self.network:set_attr(name, value)
+function network:get_sublayer(id)
+ return self.network:get_sublayer(id)
+function network:get_params()
+ return self.network:get_params()
diff --git a/nerv/nn/param_repo.lua b/nerv/nn/param_repo.lua
index c124e08..aba7765 100644
--- a/nerv/nn/param_repo.lua
+++ b/nerv/nn/param_repo.lua
@@ -1,8 +1,37 @@
local ParamRepo = nerv.class("nerv.ParamRepo")
-function ParamRepo:__init(plist)
+ParamRepo.LOC_TYPES = {
+ ON_DEVICE = {},
+ ON_HOST = {}
+function ParamRepo:__init(plist, loc_type)
self.params = {}
+ self.loc_type = loc_type or ParamRepo.LOC_TYPES.ON_HOST
+ local function make_checker(tname)
+ return function (mat)
+ if not nerv.is_type(mat, tname) then
+ nerv.error("unexpected param type in repo specification")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ self.make_copier = function (mat_type, copy_method)
+ return function (mat)
+ local target = mat_type(mat:nrow(), mat:ncol())
+ mat[copy_method](mat, target)
+ return target
+ end
+ end
+ if self.loc_type == ParamRepo.LOC_TYPES.ON_HOST then
+ self.checker = make_checker("nerv.MMatrix")
+ else
+ self.checker = make_checker("nerv.CuMatrix")
+ end
if plist ~= nil then
for i, p in ipairs(plist) do
+ p:check(self.checker)
self.params[p.id] = p
@@ -12,6 +41,7 @@ function ParamRepo:add(pid, p)
if self.params[pid] ~= nil then
nerv.error("duplicate params with the same id: %s", pid)
+ p:check(self.checker)
self.params[pid] = p
@@ -22,8 +52,8 @@ function ParamRepo:remove(pid, p)
table.remove(self.params, pid)
-function ParamRepo.merge(repos)
- local self = nerv.ParamRepo()
+function ParamRepo.merge(repos, loc_type)
+ local self = nerv.ParamRepo(nil, loc_type)
for i, repo in ipairs(repos) do
if not nerv.is_type(repo, "nerv.ParamRepo") then
nerv.error("nerv.ParamRepo objects expected, got %s", repo)
@@ -78,3 +108,26 @@ function ParamRepo:get_param(pid)
return p
+function ParamRepo:copy(loc_type, pids)
+ local copier
+ local target = nerv.ParamRepo(nil, loc_type)
+ if loc_type == nil then
+ loc_type = self.loc_type
+ end
+ if loc_type == ParamRepo.LOC_TYPES.ON_HOST then
+ copier = self.make_copier(gconf.mmat_type, 'copy_toh')
+ else
+ copier = self.make_copier(gconf.cumat_type, 'copy_tod')
+ end
+ if pids == nil then
+ for id, p in pairs(self.params) do
+ target.params[id] = p:copy(copier)
+ end
+ else
+ for i, pid in ipairs(pids) do
+ target.params[pid] = self:get_param(pid):copy(copier)
+ end
+ end
+ return target
diff --git a/nerv/test/matrix_func.lua b/nerv/test/matrix_func.lua
index 3750ddd..07ddf9c 100644
--- a/nerv/test/matrix_func.lua
+++ b/nerv/test/matrix_func.lua
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ function _test_all_shape(mat_type, m, n, k, fill)
b:copy_rows_from_by_idx(a, idx)
b = mat_type(2, m)
- b:copy_rows_from_by_idx(a, idx, 2, 2)
+ b:copy_rows_from_by_idx(a, idx, 2)
-- test expand_frm
diff --git a/nerv/test/parse_args.lua b/nerv/test/parse_args.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34ad55e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nerv/test/parse_args.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+local options = {{"abandon", "a", "boolean", default = false, desc = "abandon your belief"},
+ {"bullshit", "b", "boolean", default = false, desc = "start to bullshit"},
+ {"cheat", "c", "boolean", default = false, desc = "try to cheat"},
+ {"delete", "d", "boolean", default = false, desc = "remove everything"},
+ {"hehe", "h", "boolean", default = false, desc = "233333"},
+ {"oh", "o", "boolean", default = true, desc = "oh yes!"},
+ {"uid", nil, "int", desc = "user uid"},
+ {"str", nil, "string", desc = "test string"}}
+args, opts = nerv.parse_args({"arg1", "arg2", "-abcd", "arg3",
+ "--hehe", "--oh=no", "--uid=43",
+ "highfive", "--str=hello"}, options)
+print(table.tostring(args), table.tostring(opts))
diff --git a/nerv/tnn/init.lua b/nerv/tnn/init.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 44ce26b..0000000
--- a/nerv/tnn/init.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-local LayerT = nerv.class('nerv.LayerT')
-function LayerT:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- nerv.error_method_not_implemented()
-function LayerT:init(batch_size, chunk_size)
- nerv.error_method_not_implemented()
-function LayerT:update(bp_err, input, output, t)
- nerv.error_method_not_implemented()
-function LayerT:propagate(input, output, t)
- nerv.error_method_not_implemented()
-function LayerT:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output, t)
- nerv.error_method_not_implemented()
-function LayerT:check_dim_len(len_in, len_out)
- local expected_in = #self.dim_in
- local expected_out = #self.dim_out
- if len_in > 0 and expected_in ~= len_in then
- nerv.error("layer %s expects %d inputs, %d given",
- self.id, len_in, expected_in)
- end
- if len_out > 0 and expected_out ~= len_out then
- nerv.error("layer %s expects %d outputs, %d given",
- self.id, len_out, expected_out)
- end
-LayerT.find_param = nerv.Layer.find_param
-function LayerT:get_params()
- nerv.error_method_not_implemented()
-function LayerT:get_dim()
- return self.dim_in, self.dim_out
diff --git a/nerv/tnn/sutil.lua b/nerv/tnn/sutil.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a968b7..0000000
--- a/nerv/tnn/sutil.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-local Util = nerv.class("nerv.SUtil") --Scheduler Utility
-function Util.simple_split(inputstr, sep)
- if sep == nil then
- sep = "%s"
- end
- local t={} ; i=1
- for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
- t[i] = str
- i = i + 1
- end
- return t
-function Util.parse_schedule(str)
- --parse a string like "1.2*10:1.5" to a list of numbers
- local sch = {}
- local s = Util.simple_split(str, ':')
- for i = 1, #s do
- local p = Util.simple_split(s[i], "%*")
- if #p ~= 2 and #p ~= 1 then
- nerv.error("nerv.SUtil:parse_schedule error, unit(%s) not proper, has %d components.", s[i], #p)
- end
- if p[2] == nil then
- p[2] = "1"
- end
- p[1] = tonumber(p[1])
- p[2] = tonumber(p[2])
- for j = 1, p[2] do
- table.insert(sch, p[1])
- end
- end
- --for i = 1, #sch do
- -- print(sch[i])
- --end
- return sch
-function Util.sche_get(s, it)
- --get s[it]
- if s == nil then
- nerv.info("Util.sche_get: warning, scheule is nil, returning zero...")
- return 0
- end
- if #s >= it then
- return s[it]
- else
- nerv.info("Util.sche_get: warning, it(%d) > #schedule(%d), returning the last one of schedule(%f)...", it, #s, s[#s])
- return s[#s]
- end
-function Util.parse_commands_set(str)
- local coms = {}
- local s = Util.simple_split(str, ':,')
- for i = 1 ,#s do
- if coms[s[i]] == 1 then
- nerv.warning("nerv.SUtil.parse_commands_set command(%s) appered more than once in command_set(%s)", s[i], str)
- end
- coms[s[i]] = 1
- end
- return coms
-function Util.log_redirect(fn)
- nerv.log_fh = assert(io.open(fn, "w"))
- nerv.info("CAUTION[LOG_REDIRECT], all nerv.printf/info/warning/error calls will be double-written to %s", fn)
- nerv.printf =
- function (fmt, ...)
- io.write(nerv.sprintf(fmt, ...))
- nerv.log_fh:write(nerv.sprintf(fmt, ...))
- nerv.log_fh:flush()
- end
- nerv.error =
- function (fmt, ...)
- nerv.log_fh:write(nerv.sprintf("[nerv] internal error:" .. fmt .. "\n", ...))
- error(nerv.sprintf("[nerv] internal error: " .. fmt .. "\n", ...))
- end
diff --git a/nerv/tnn/tnn.lua b/nerv/tnn/tnn.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d527fe6..0000000
--- a/nerv/tnn/tnn.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,596 +0,0 @@
-local TNN = nerv.class("nerv.TNN")
-local function parse_id(str)
- --used to parse layerid[portid],time
- local id, port, time, _
- _, _, id, port, time = string.find(str, "([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)%[([0-9]+)%][,]*([0-9]*)")
- if id == nil or port == nil then
- _, _, id, port, time = string.find(str, "(.+)%[([0-9]+)%][,]*([0-9]*)")
- if not (id == "<input>" or id == "<output>") then
- nerv.error("wrong format of connection id")
- end
- end
- --print(str, id, port, time)
- port = tonumber(port)
- if (time == nil) then
- time = 0
- else
- time = tonumber(time)
- end
- --now time don't need to be parsed
- return id, port
-local function discover(id, layers, layer_repo)
- local ref = layers[id]
- if id == "<input>" or id == "<output>" then
- return nil
- end
- if ref == nil then
- local layer = layer_repo:get_layer(id)
- local dim_in, dim_out = layer:get_dim()
- ref = {
- layer = layer,
- id = layer.id,
- inputs_m = {}, --storage for computation, inputs_m[time][port]
- inputs_b = {}, --inputs_g[time][port], whether this input can been computed
- inputs_matbak_p = {}, --which is a back-up space to handle some cross-border computation, inputs_p_matbak[port]
- outputs_m = {},
- outputs_b = {},
- err_inputs_m = {},
- err_inputs_matbak_p = {}, --which is a back-up space to handle some cross-border computation
- err_inputs_b = {},
- err_outputs_m = {},
- err_outputs_b = {},
- i_conns_p = {}, --list of inputing connections
- o_conns_p = {}, --list of outputing connections
- dim_in = dim_in, --list of dimensions of ports
- dim_out = dim_out,
- }
- layers[id] = ref
- end
- return ref
-nerv.TNN.FC = {} --flag const
-nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_START = 4
-nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_END = 8
-nerv.TNN.FC.HAS_INPUT = 1
-nerv.TNN.FC.HAS_LABEL = 2
-nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_NORM = bit.bor(nerv.TNN.FC.HAS_INPUT, nerv.TNN.FC.HAS_LABEL) --This instance have both input and label
-function TNN.make_initial_store(st, p, dim, batch_size, chunk_size, extend_t, global_conf, st_c, p_c, t_c)
- --Return a table of matrix storage from time (1-extend_t)..(chunk_size+extend_t)
- if (type(st) ~= "table") then
- nerv.error("st should be a table")
- end
- for i = 1 - extend_t - 2, chunk_size + extend_t + 2 do --intentionally allocated more time
- if (st[i] == nil) then
- st[i] = {}
- end
- st[i][p] = global_conf.cumat_type(batch_size, dim)
- st[i][p]:fill(0)
- if (st_c ~= nil) then
- if (st_c[i + t_c] == nil) then
- st_c[i + t_c] = {}
- end
- st_c[i + t_c][p_c] = st[i][p]
- end
- end
- collectgarbage("collect") --free the old one to save memory
-function TNN:out_of_feedrange(t) --out of chunk, or no input, for the current feed
- if (t < 1 or t > self.chunk_size) then
- return true
- end
- if (self.feeds_now.flagsPack_now[t] == 0 or self.feeds_now.flagsPack_now[t] == nil) then
- return true
- end
- return false
-function TNN:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf)
- self.clip_t = layer_conf.clip_t
- if self.clip_t == nil then
- self.clip_t = 0
- end
- if self.clip_t > 0 then
- nerv.info("tnn(%s) will clip gradient across time with %f...", id, self.clip_t)
- end
- self.extend_t = layer_conf.extend_t --TNN will allocate storage of time for 1-extend_t .. chunk_size+extend_t
- if self.extend_t == nil then
- self.extend_t = 5
- end
- nerv.info("tnn(%s) will extend storage beyond MB border for time steps %d...", id, self.extend_t)
- local layers = {}
- local inputs_p = {} --map:port of the TNN to layer ref and port
- local outputs_p = {}
- local dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in
- local dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out
- local parsed_conns = {}
- local _
- for id, _ in pairs(layer_conf.sub_layers.layers) do --caution: with this line, some layer not connected will be included
- discover(id, layers, layer_conf.sub_layers)
- end
- for _, ll in pairs(layer_conf.connections) do
- local id_from, port_from = parse_id(ll[1])
- local id_to, port_to = parse_id(ll[2])
- local time_to = ll[3]
- print(id_from, id_to, time_to)
- local ref_from = discover(id_from, layers, layer_conf.sub_layers)
- local ref_to = discover(id_to, layers, layer_conf.sub_layers)
- if (id_from == "<input>") then
- if (dim_in[port_from] ~= ref_to.dim_in[port_to] or time_to ~= 0) then
- nerv.error("mismatch dimension or wrong time %s,%s,%d", ll[1], ll[2], ll[3])
- end
- inputs_p[port_from] = {["ref"] = ref_to, ["port"] = port_to}
- ref_to.inputs_m[port_to] = {} --just a place holder
- elseif (id_to == "<output>") then
- if (dim_out[port_to] ~= ref_from.dim_out[port_from] or time_to ~= 0) then
- nerv.error("mismatch dimension or wrong time %s,%s,%d", ll[1], ll[2], ll[3])
- end
- outputs_p[port_to] = {["ref"] = ref_from, ["port"] = port_from}
- ref_from.outputs_m[port_from] = {} --just a place holder
- else
- local conn_now = {
- ["src"] = {["ref"] = ref_from, ["port"] = port_from},
- ["dst"] = {["ref"] = ref_to, ["port"] = port_to},
- ["time"] = time_to
- }
- if (ref_to.dim_in[port_to] ~= ref_from.dim_out[port_from]) then
- nerv.error("mismatch dimension or wrong time %s,%s,%d", ll[1], ll[2], ll[3])
- end
- table.insert(parsed_conns, conn_now)
- ref_to.i_conns_p[conn_now.dst.port] = conn_now
- ref_from.o_conns_p[conn_now.src.port] = conn_now
- end
- end
- for id, ref in pairs(layers) do
- print(id, "#dim_in:", #ref.dim_in, "#dim_out:", #ref.dim_out, "#i_conns_p:", #ref.i_conns_p, "#o_conns_p", #ref.o_conns_p)
- end
- self.layers = layers
- self.inputs_p = inputs_p
- self.outputs_p = outputs_p
- self.id = id
- self.dim_in = dim_in
- self.dim_out = dim_out
- self.parsed_conns = parsed_conns
- self.gconf = global_conf
-function TNN:init(batch_size, chunk_size)
- self.batch_size = batch_size
- self.chunk_size = chunk_size
- for i, conn in ipairs(self.parsed_conns) do --init storage for connections inside the NN
- local _, output_dim
- local ref_from, port_from, ref_to, port_to, time
- ref_from, port_from = conn.src.ref, conn.src.port
- ref_to, port_to = conn.dst.ref, conn.dst.port
- time = conn.time
- local dim = ref_from.dim_out[port_from]
- if (dim == 0) then
- nerv.error("layer %s has a zero dim port", ref_from.layer.id)
- end
- nerv.info("TNN initing storage %s->%s", ref_from.layer.id, ref_to.layer.id)
- ref_to.inputs_matbak_p[port_to] = self.gconf.cumat_type(batch_size, dim)
- self.make_initial_store(ref_from.outputs_m, port_from, dim, batch_size, chunk_size, self.extend_t, self.gconf, ref_to.inputs_m, port_to, time)
- ref_from.err_inputs_matbak_p[port_from] = self.gconf.cumat_type(batch_size, dim)
- self.make_initial_store(ref_from.err_inputs_m, port_from, dim, batch_size, chunk_size, self.extend_t, self.gconf, ref_to.err_outputs_m, port_to, time)
- end
- self.outputs_m = {}
- self.err_inputs_m = {}
- for i = 1, #self.dim_out do --Init storage for output ports
- local ref = self.outputs_p[i].ref
- local p = self.outputs_p[i].port
- self.make_initial_store(ref.outputs_m, p, self.dim_out[i], batch_size, chunk_size, self.extend_t, self.gconf, self.outputs_m, i, 0)
- self.make_initial_store(ref.err_inputs_m, p, self.dim_out[i], batch_size, chunk_size, self.extend_t, self.gconf, self.err_inputs_m, i, 0)
- end
- self.inputs_m = {}
- self.err_outputs_m = {}
- for i = 1, #self.dim_in do --Init storage for input ports
- local ref = self.inputs_p[i].ref
- local p = self.inputs_p[i].port
- self.make_initial_store(ref.inputs_m, p, self.dim_in[i], batch_size, chunk_size, self.extend_t, self.gconf, self.inputs_m, i, 0)
- self.make_initial_store(ref.err_outputs_m, p, self.dim_in[i], batch_size, chunk_size, self.extend_t, self.gconf, self.err_outputs_m, i, 0)
- end
- for id, ref in pairs(self.layers) do --Calling init for child layers
- for i = 1, #ref.dim_in do
- if (ref.inputs_m[i] == nil or ref.err_outputs_m[i] == nil) then
- nerv.error("dangling input port %d of layer %s", i, id)
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #ref.dim_out do
- if (ref.outputs_m[i] == nil or ref.err_inputs_m[i] == nil) then
- nerv.error("dangling output port %d of layer %s", i, id)
- end
- end
- -- initialize sub layers
- nerv.info("TNN initing sub-layer %s", ref.id)
- ref.layer:init(batch_size, chunk_size)
- collectgarbage("collect")
- end
- local flags_now = {}
- local flagsPack_now = {}
- for i = 1, chunk_size do
- flags_now[i] = {}
- flagsPack_now[i] = 0
- end
- self.feeds_now = {} --feeds is for the reader to fill
- self.feeds_now.inputs_m = self.inputs_m
- self.feeds_now.flags_now = flags_now
- self.feeds_now.flagsPack_now = flagsPack_now
- self:flush_all()
-function DAGLayer:batch_resize(batch_size)
- self.gconf.batch_size = batch_size
- for i, conn in ipairs(self.parsed_conn) do
- local _, output_dim
- local ref_from, port_from, ref_to, port_to
- ref_from, port_from = unpack(conn[1])
- ref_to, port_to = unpack(conn[2])
- _, output_dim = ref_from.layer:get_dim()
- if ref_from.outputs[port_from]:nrow() ~= batch_size and output_dim[port_from] > 0 then
- local mid = self.gconf.cumat_type(batch_size, output_dim[port_from])
- local err_mid = mid:create()
- ref_from.outputs[port_from] = mid
- ref_to.inputs[port_to] = mid
- ref_from.err_inputs[port_from] = err_mid
- ref_to.err_outputs[port_to] = err_mid
- end
- end
- for id, ref in pairs(self.layers) do
- ref.layer:batch_resize(batch_size)
- end
- collectgarbage("collect")
-function TNN:flush_all() --flush all history and activation
- local _, ref
- for _, ref in pairs(self.layers) do
- for i = 1, #ref.dim_in do
- for t = 1 - self.extend_t, self.chunk_size + self.extend_t do
- ref.inputs_m[t][i]:fill(self.gconf.nn_act_default)
- if (ref.inputs_b[t] == nil) then
- ref.inputs_b[t] = {}
- end
- ref.inputs_b[t][i] = false
- ref.err_outputs_m[t][i]:fill(0)
- if (ref.err_outputs_b[t] == nil) then
- ref.err_outputs_b[t] = {}
- end
- ref.err_outputs_b[t][i] = false
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #ref.dim_out do
- for t = 1 - self.extend_t, self.chunk_size + self.extend_t do
- ref.outputs_m[t][i]:fill(self.gconf.nn_act_default)
- if (ref.outputs_b[t] == nil) then
- ref.outputs_b[t] = {}
- end
- ref.outputs_b[t][i] = false
- ref.err_inputs_m[t][i]:fill(0)
- if (ref.err_inputs_b[t] == nil) then
- ref.err_inputs_b[t] = {}
- end
- ref.err_inputs_b[t][i] = false
- end
- end
- end
---reader: some reader
---Returns: bool, whether has new feed
---Returns: feeds, a table that will be filled with the reader's feeds
-function TNN:getfeed_from_reader(reader)
- local feeds_now = self.feeds_now
- local got_new = reader:get_batch(feeds_now)
- return got_new, feeds_now
-function TNN:move_right_to_nextmb(list_t) --move output history activations of 1..chunk_size to 1-chunk_size..0
- if list_t == nil then
- list_t = {}
- for i = self.extend_t, 1, -1 do
- list_t[i] = 1 - i
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #list_t do
- t = list_t[i]
- if t < 1 - self.extend_t or t > 0 then
- nerv.error("MB move range error")
- end
- for id, ref in pairs(self.layers) do
- for p = 1, #ref.dim_out do
- ref.outputs_m[t][p]:copy_fromd(ref.outputs_m[t + self.chunk_size][p])
- end
- end
- end
-function TNN:net_propagate() --propagate according to feeds_now
- for t = 1, self.chunk_size, 1 do
- for id, ref in pairs(self.layers) do
- for p = 1, #ref.dim_out do
- ref.outputs_b[t][p] = false
- end
- for p = 1, #ref.dim_in do
- ref.inputs_b[t][p] = false
- end
- end
- end
- local feeds_now = self.feeds_now
- for t = 1, self.chunk_size do --some layer maybe do not have inputs from time 1..chunk_size
- for id, ref in pairs(self.layers) do
- if #ref.dim_in > 0 then --some layer is just there(only to save some parameter)
- self:propagate_dfs(ref, t)
- end
- end
- end
- for t = 1, self.chunk_size do
- if (bit.band(feeds_now.flagsPack_now[t], nerv.TNN.FC.HAS_INPUT) > 0) then
- for i = 1, #self.dim_in do
- local ref = self.inputs_p[i].ref
- local p = self.inputs_p[i].port
- ref.inputs_b[t][p] = true
- self:propagate_dfs(ref, t)
- end
- end
- end
- local flag_out = true
- for t = 1, self.chunk_size do --check whether every output has been computed
- if (bit.band(feeds_now.flagsPack_now[t], nerv.TNN.FC.HAS_LABEL) > 0) then
- for i = 1, #self.dim_out do
- local ref = self.outputs_p[i].ref
- if (ref.outputs_b[t][1] ~= true) then
- flag_out = false
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if (flag_out == false) then
- nerv.error("some thing wrong, some labeled output is not propagated")
- end
---ref: the TNN_ref of a layer
---t: the current time to propagate
-function TNN:propagate_dfs(ref, t)
- if (self:out_of_feedrange(t)) then
- return
- end
- if (ref.outputs_b[t][1] == true) then --already propagated, 1 is just a random port
- return
- end
- --print("debug dfs", ref.layer.id, t)
- local flag = true --whether have all inputs
- for _, conn in pairs(ref.i_conns_p) do
- local p = conn.dst.port
- if (not (ref.inputs_b[t][p] or self:out_of_feedrange(t - conn.time))) then
- flag = false
- break
- end
- end
- if (flag == false) then
- return
- end
- --ok, do propagate
- --print("debug ok, propagating");
- --The MB moving will cause bordering history to be changed, so it is more wise to flush the input activation
- if (bit.band(self.feeds_now.flagsPack_now[t], bit.bor(nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_START, nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_END)) > 0) then --flush cross-border history
- for i = 1, self.batch_size do
- local seq_start = bit.band(self.feeds_now.flags_now[t][i], nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_START)
- local seq_end = bit.band(self.feeds_now.flags_now[t][i], nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_END)
- if (seq_start > 0 or seq_end > 0) then
- for p, conn in pairs(ref.i_conns_p) do
- if ((ref.i_conns_p[p].time > 0 and seq_start > 0) or (ref.i_conns_p[p].time < 0 and seq_end > 0)) then --cross-border, set to default
- ref.inputs_m[t][p][i - 1]:fill(self.gconf.nn_act_default)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- self.gconf.timer:tic("tnn_actual_layer_propagate")
- ref.layer:propagate(ref.inputs_m[t], ref.outputs_m[t], t) --propagate!
- self.gconf.timer:toc("tnn_actual_layer_propagate")
- --[[
- if (bit.band(self.feeds_now.flagsPack_now[t], bit.bor(nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_START, nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_END)) > 0) then --restore cross-border history
- for i = 1, self.batch_size do
- local seq_start = bit.band(self.feeds_now.flags_now[t][i], nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_START)
- local seq_end = bit.band(self.feeds_now.flags_now[t][i], nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_END)
- if (seq_start > 0 or seq_end > 0) then
- for p, conn in pairs(ref.o_conns_p) do
- if ((ref.o_conns_p[p].time > 0 and seq_end > 0) or (ref.o_conns_p[p].time < 0 and seq_start > 0)) then
- ref.outputs_m[t][p][i - 1]:fill(self.gconf.nn_act_default)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- ]]--
- --set input flag for future layers
- for i = 1, #ref.dim_out do
- if (ref.outputs_b[t][i] == true) then
- nerv.error("this time's outputs_b should be false")
- end
- ref.outputs_b[t][i] = true
- end
- --try dfs for further layers
- for _, conn in pairs(ref.o_conns_p) do
- --print("debug dfs-searching", conn.dst.ref.layer.id)
- conn.dst.ref.inputs_b[t + conn.time][conn.dst.port] = true
- self:propagate_dfs(conn.dst.ref, t + conn.time)
- end
---do_update: bool, whether we are doing back-propagate or updating the parameters
-function TNN:net_backpropagate(do_update) --propagate according to feeds_now
- if do_update == nil then
- nerv.error("do_update should not be nil")
- end
- for t = 1, self.chunk_size, 1 do
- for id, ref in pairs(self.layers) do
- for p = 1, #ref.dim_out do
- ref.err_inputs_b[t][p] = false
- end
- for p = 1, #ref.dim_in do
- ref.err_outputs_b[t][p] = false
- end
- end
- end
- local feeds_now = self.feeds_now
- for t = 1, self.chunk_size do --some layer maybe do not have outputs from time 1..chunk_size
- for id, ref in pairs(self.layers) do
- if #ref.dim_out > 0 then --some layer is just there(only to save some parameter)
- self:backpropagate_dfs(ref, t, do_update)
- end
- end
- end
- for t = 1, self.chunk_size do
- if bit.band(feeds_now.flagsPack_now[t], nerv.TNN.FC.HAS_LABEL) > 0 then
- for i = 1, #self.dim_out do
- local ref = self.outputs_p[i].ref
- local p = self.outputs_p[i].port
- ref.err_inputs_b[t][p] = true
- self:backpropagate_dfs(ref, t, do_update)
- end
- end
- end
- local flag_out = true
- for t = 1, self.chunk_size do --check whether every output has been computed
- if bit.band(feeds_now.flagsPack_now[t], nerv.TNN.FC.HAS_INPUT) > 0 then
- for i = 1, #self.dim_in do
- local ref = self.inputs_p[i].ref
- if ref.err_outputs_b[t][1] ~= true then
- flag_out = false
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if (flag_out == false) then
- nerv.error("some thing wrong, some input is not back_propagated")
- end
---ref: the TNN_ref of a layer
---t: the current time to propagate
-function TNN:backpropagate_dfs(ref, t, do_update)
- if do_update == nil then
- nerv.error("got a nil do_update")
- end
- if self:out_of_feedrange(t) then
- return
- end
- if ref.err_outputs_b[t][1] == true then --already back_propagated, 1 is just a random port
- return
- end
- --print("debug dfs", ref.layer.id, t)
- local flag = true --whether have all inputs
- for _, conn in pairs(ref.o_conns_p) do
- local p = conn.src.port
- if (not (ref.err_inputs_b[t][p] or self:out_of_feedrange(t + conn.time))) then
- flag = false
- break
- end
- end
- if (flag == false) then
- return
- end
- --ok, do back_propagate
- --print("debug ok, back-propagating(or updating)")
- if (do_update == false) then
- self.gconf.timer:tic("tnn_actual_layer_backpropagate")
- ref.layer:back_propagate(ref.err_inputs_m[t], ref.err_outputs_m[t], ref.inputs_m[t], ref.outputs_m[t], t)
- self.gconf.timer:toc("tnn_actual_layer_backpropagate")
- if self.clip_t > 0 then
- for _, conn in pairs(ref.i_conns_p) do
- local p = conn.dst.port --port for ref
- if conn.time ~= 0 then
- --print("debug clip_t tnn", ref.id, "port:", p, "clip:", self.clip_t)
- ref.err_outputs_m[t][p]:clip(-self.clip_t, self.clip_t)
- end
- end
- end
- else
- --print(ref.err_inputs_m[t][1])
- self.gconf.timer:tic("tnn_actual_layer_update")
- ref.layer:update(ref.err_inputs_m[t], ref.inputs_m[t], ref.outputs_m[t], t)
- self.gconf.timer:toc("tnn_actual_layer_update")
- end
- if (do_update == false and bit.band(self.feeds_now.flagsPack_now[t], bit.bor(nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_START, nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_END)) > 0) then --flush cross-border errors
- for i = 1, self.batch_size do
- local seq_start = bit.band(self.feeds_now.flags_now[t][i], nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_START)
- local seq_end = bit.band(self.feeds_now.flags_now[t][i], nerv.TNN.FC.SEQ_END)
- if (seq_start > 0 or seq_end > 0) then
- for p, conn in pairs(ref.i_conns_p) do
- if ((ref.i_conns_p[p].time > 0 and seq_start > 0) or (ref.i_conns_p[p].time < 0 and seq_end > 0)) then --cross-border, set to zero
- ref.err_outputs_m[t][p][i - 1]:fill(0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #ref.dim_in do
- if (ref.err_outputs_b[t][i] == true) then
- nerv.error("this time's outputs_b should be false")
- end
- ref.err_outputs_b[t][i] = true
- end
- --try dfs for further layers
- for _, conn in pairs(ref.i_conns_p) do
- --print("debug dfs-searching", conn.src.ref.layer.id)
- conn.src.ref.err_inputs_b[t - conn.time][conn.src.port] = true
- self:backpropagate_dfs(conn.src.ref, t - conn.time, do_update)
- end
---Return: nerv.ParamRepo
-function TNN:get_params()
- local param_repos = {}
- for id, ref in pairs(self.layers) do
- table.insert(param_repos, ref.layer:get_params())
- end
- return nerv.ParamRepo.merge(param_repos)