path: root/pl
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authorDeterminant <[email protected]>2015-06-22 19:01:29 +0800
committerDeterminant <[email protected]>2015-06-22 19:01:29 +0800
commit2497fd9e7a0fae5ee4887890d7a312e0e08a93b8 (patch)
tree382f97575bd2df9ee6abb1662b11b279fc22d72b /pl
parent196e9b48a3541caccdffc5743001cced70667091 (diff)
major change: use luarocks to manage project
Diffstat (limited to 'pl')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 613 deletions
diff --git a/pl/compat.lua b/pl/compat.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7959ac3..0000000
--- a/pl/compat.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
---- Lua 5.1/5.2 compatibility
--- Ensures that `table.pack` and `package.searchpath` are available
--- for Lua 5.1 and LuaJIT.
--- The exported function `load` is Lua 5.2 compatible.
--- `compat.setfenv` and `compat.getfenv` are available for Lua 5.2, although
--- they are not always guaranteed to work.
--- @module pl.compat
-local compat = {}
-compat.lua51 = _VERSION == 'Lua 5.1'
---- execute a shell command.
--- This is a compatibility function that returns the same for Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.2
--- @param cmd a shell command
--- @return true if successful
--- @return actual return code
-function compat.execute (cmd)
- local res1,res2,res2 = os.execute(cmd)
- if compat.lua51 then
- return res1==0,res1
- else
- return not not res1,res2
- end
--- Load Lua code as a text or binary chunk.
--- @param ld code string or loader
--- @param[opt] source name of chunk for errors
--- @param[opt] mode 'b', 't' or 'bt'
--- @param[opt] env environment to load the chunk in
--- @function compat.load
--- Get environment of a function.
--- With Lua 5.2, may return nil for a function with no global references!
--- Based on code by [Sergey Rozhenko](http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2010-06/msg00313.html)
--- @param f a function or a call stack reference
--- @function compat.setfenv
--- Set environment of a function
--- @param f a function or a call stack reference
--- @param env a table that becomes the new environment of `f`
--- @function compat.setfenv
-if compat.lua51 then -- define Lua 5.2 style load()
- if not tostring(assert):match 'builtin' then -- but LuaJIT's load _is_ compatible
- local lua51_load = load
- function compat.load(str,src,mode,env)
- local chunk,err
- if type(str) == 'string' then
- if str:byte(1) == 27 and not (mode or 'bt'):find 'b' then
- return nil,"attempt to load a binary chunk"
- end
- chunk,err = loadstring(str,src)
- else
- chunk,err = lua51_load(str,src)
- end
- if chunk and env then setfenv(chunk,env) end
- return chunk,err
- end
- else
- compat.load = load
- end
- compat.setfenv, compat.getfenv = setfenv, getfenv
- compat.load = load
- -- setfenv/getfenv replacements for Lua 5.2
- -- by Sergey Rozhenko
- -- http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2010-06/msg00313.html
- -- Roberto Ierusalimschy notes that it is possible for getfenv to return nil
- -- in the case of a function with no globals:
- -- http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2010-06/msg00315.html
- function compat.setfenv(f, t)
- f = (type(f) == 'function' and f or debug.getinfo(f + 1, 'f').func)
- local name
- local up = 0
- repeat
- up = up + 1
- name = debug.getupvalue(f, up)
- until name == '_ENV' or name == nil
- if name then
- debug.upvaluejoin(f, up, function() return name end, 1) -- use unique upvalue
- debug.setupvalue(f, up, t)
- end
- if f ~= 0 then return f end
- end
- function compat.getfenv(f)
- local f = f or 0
- f = (type(f) == 'function' and f or debug.getinfo(f + 1, 'f').func)
- local name, val
- local up = 0
- repeat
- up = up + 1
- name, val = debug.getupvalue(f, up)
- until name == '_ENV' or name == nil
- return val
- end
---- Lua 5.2 Functions Available for 5.1
--- @section lua52
---- pack an argument list into a table.
--- @param ... any arguments
--- @return a table with field n set to the length
--- @return the length
--- @function table.pack
-if not table.pack then
- function table.pack (...)
- return {n=select('#',...); ...}
- end
--- return the full path where a Lua module name would be matched.
--- @param mod module name, possibly dotted
--- @param path a path in the same form as package.path or package.cpath
--- @see path.package_path
--- @function package.searchpath
-if not package.searchpath then
- local sep = package.config:sub(1,1)
- function package.searchpath (mod,path)
- mod = mod:gsub('%.',sep)
- for m in path:gmatch('[^;]+') do
- local nm = m:gsub('?',mod)
- local f = io.open(nm,'r')
- if f then f:close(); return nm end
- end
- end
-return compat
diff --git a/pl/utils.lua b/pl/utils.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f933afb..0000000
--- a/pl/utils.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,476 +0,0 @@
---- Generally useful routines.
--- See @{01-introduction.md.Generally_useful_functions|the Guide}.
--- @module pl.utils
-local format,gsub,byte = string.format,string.gsub,string.byte
-local compat = require 'pl.compat'
-local clock = os.clock
-local stdout = io.stdout
-local append = table.insert
-local unpack = rawget(_G,'unpack') or rawget(table,'unpack')
-local collisions = {}
-local utils = {
- _VERSION = "1.3.2",
- lua51 = compat.lua51,
- setfenv = compat.setfenv,
- getfenv = compat.getfenv,
- load = compat.load,
- execute = compat.execute,
- dir_separator = _G.package.config:sub(1,1),
- unpack = unpack
---- end this program gracefully.
--- @param code The exit code or a message to be printed
--- @param ... extra arguments for message's format'
--- @see utils.fprintf
-function utils.quit(code,...)
- if type(code) == 'string' then
- utils.fprintf(io.stderr,code,...)
- code = -1
- else
- utils.fprintf(io.stderr,...)
- end
- io.stderr:write('\n')
- os.exit(code)
---- print an arbitrary number of arguments using a format.
--- @param fmt The format (see string.format)
--- @param ... Extra arguments for format
-function utils.printf(fmt,...)
- utils.assert_string(1,fmt)
- utils.fprintf(stdout,fmt,...)
---- write an arbitrary number of arguments to a file using a format.
--- @param f File handle to write to.
--- @param fmt The format (see string.format).
--- @param ... Extra arguments for format
-function utils.fprintf(f,fmt,...)
- utils.assert_string(2,fmt)
- f:write(format(fmt,...))
-local function import_symbol(T,k,v,libname)
- local key = rawget(T,k)
- -- warn about collisions!
- if key and k ~= '_M' and k ~= '_NAME' and k ~= '_PACKAGE' and k ~= '_VERSION' then
- utils.printf("warning: '%s.%s' will not override existing symbol\n",libname,k)
- return
- end
- rawset(T,k,v)
-local function lookup_lib(T,t)
- for k,v in pairs(T) do
- if v == t then return k end
- end
- return '?'
-local already_imported = {}
---- take a table and 'inject' it into the local namespace.
--- @param t The Table
--- @param T An optional destination table (defaults to callers environment)
-function utils.import(t,T)
- T = T or _G
- t = t or utils
- if type(t) == 'string' then
- t = require (t)
- end
- local libname = lookup_lib(T,t)
- if already_imported[t] then return end
- already_imported[t] = libname
- for k,v in pairs(t) do
- import_symbol(T,k,v,libname)
- end
-utils.patterns = {
- FLOAT = '[%+%-%d]%d*%.?%d*[eE]?[%+%-]?%d*',
- INTEGER = '[+%-%d]%d*',
- IDEN = '[%a_][%w_]*',
- FILE = '[%a%.\\][:%][%w%._%-\\]*'
---- escape any 'magic' characters in a string
--- @param s The input string
-function utils.escape(s)
- utils.assert_string(1,s)
- return (s:gsub('[%-%.%+%[%]%(%)%$%^%%%?%*]','%%%1'))
---- return either of two values, depending on a condition.
--- @param cond A condition
--- @param value1 Value returned if cond is true
--- @param value2 Value returned if cond is false (can be optional)
-function utils.choose(cond,value1,value2)
- if cond then return value1
- else return value2
- end
-local raise
---- return the contents of a file as a string
--- @param filename The file path
--- @param is_bin open in binary mode
--- @return file contents
-function utils.readfile(filename,is_bin)
- local mode = is_bin and 'b' or ''
- utils.assert_string(1,filename)
- local f,err = io.open(filename,'r'..mode)
- if not f then return utils.raise (err) end
- local res,err = f:read('*a')
- f:close()
- if not res then return raise (err) end
- return res
---- write a string to a file
--- @param filename The file path
--- @param str The string
--- @return true or nil
--- @return error message
--- @raise error if filename or str aren't strings
-function utils.writefile(filename,str)
- utils.assert_string(1,filename)
- utils.assert_string(2,str)
- local f,err = io.open(filename,'w')
- if not f then return raise(err) end
- f:write(str)
- f:close()
- return true
---- return the contents of a file as a list of lines
--- @param filename The file path
--- @return file contents as a table
--- @raise errror if filename is not a string
-function utils.readlines(filename)
- utils.assert_string(1,filename)
- local f,err = io.open(filename,'r')
- if not f then return raise(err) end
- local res = {}
- for line in f:lines() do
- append(res,line)
- end
- f:close()
- return res
---- split a string into a list of strings separated by a delimiter.
--- @param s The input string
--- @param re A Lua string pattern; defaults to '%s+'
--- @param plain don't use Lua patterns
--- @param n optional maximum number of splits
--- @return a list-like table
--- @raise error if s is not a string
-function utils.split(s,re,plain,n)
- utils.assert_string(1,s)
- local find,sub,append = string.find, string.sub, table.insert
- local i1,ls = 1,{}
- if not re then re = '%s+' end
- if re == '' then return {s} end
- while true do
- local i2,i3 = find(s,re,i1,plain)
- if not i2 then
- local last = sub(s,i1)
- if last ~= '' then append(ls,last) end
- if #ls == 1 and ls[1] == '' then
- return {}
- else
- return ls
- end
- end
- append(ls,sub(s,i1,i2-1))
- if n and #ls == n then
- ls[#ls] = sub(s,i1)
- return ls
- end
- i1 = i3+1
- end
---- split a string into a number of values.
--- @param s the string
--- @param re the delimiter, default space
--- @return n values
--- @usage first,next = splitv('jane:doe',':')
--- @see split
-function utils.splitv (s,re)
- return unpack(utils.split(s,re))
---- convert an array of values to strings.
--- @param t a list-like table
--- @param temp buffer to use, otherwise allocate
--- @param tostr custom tostring function, called with (value,index).
--- Otherwise use `tostring`
--- @return the converted buffer
-function utils.array_tostring (t,temp,tostr)
- temp, tostr = temp or {}, tostr or tostring
- for i = 1,#t do
- temp[i] = tostr(t[i],i)
- end
- return temp
---- execute a shell command and return the output.
--- This function redirects the output to tempfiles and returns the content of those files.
--- @param cmd a shell command
--- @param bin boolean, if true, read output as binary file
--- @return true if successful
--- @return actual return code
--- @return stdout output (string)
--- @return errout output (string)
-function utils.executeex(cmd, bin)
- local mode
- local outfile = os.tmpname()
- local errfile = os.tmpname()
- if utils.dir_separator == '\\' then
- outfile = os.getenv('TEMP')..outfile
- errfile = os.getenv('TEMP')..errfile
- end
- cmd = cmd .. [[ >"]]..outfile..[[" 2>"]]..errfile..[["]]
- local success, retcode = utils.execute(cmd)
- local outcontent = utils.readfile(outfile, bin)
- local errcontent = utils.readfile(errfile, bin)
- os.remove(outfile)
- os.remove(errfile)
- return success, retcode, (outcontent or ""), (errcontent or "")
---- 'memoize' a function (cache returned value for next call).
--- This is useful if you have a function which is relatively expensive,
--- but you don't know in advance what values will be required, so
--- building a table upfront is wasteful/impossible.
--- @param func a function of at least one argument
--- @return a function with at least one argument, which is used as the key.
-function utils.memoize(func)
- return setmetatable({}, {
- __index = function(self, k, ...)
- local v = func(k,...)
- self[k] = v
- return v
- end,
- __call = function(self, k) return self[k] end
- })
-utils.stdmt = {
- List = {_name='List'}, Map = {_name='Map'},
- Set = {_name='Set'}, MultiMap = {_name='MultiMap'}
-local _function_factories = {}
---- associate a function factory with a type.
--- A function factory takes an object of the given type and
--- returns a function for evaluating it
--- @tab mt metatable
--- @func fun a callable that returns a function
-function utils.add_function_factory (mt,fun)
- _function_factories[mt] = fun
-local function _string_lambda(f)
- local raise = utils.raise
- if f:find '^|' or f:find '_' then
- local args,body = f:match '|([^|]*)|(.+)'
- if f:find '_' then
- args = '_'
- body = f
- else
- if not args then return raise 'bad string lambda' end
- end
- local fstr = 'return function('..args..') return '..body..' end'
- local fn,err = utils.load(fstr)
- if not fn then return raise(err) end
- fn = fn()
- return fn
- else return raise 'not a string lambda'
- end
---- an anonymous function as a string. This string is either of the form
--- '|args| expression' or is a function of one argument, '_'
--- @param lf function as a string
--- @return a function
--- @usage string_lambda '|x|x+1' (2) == 3
--- @usage string_lambda '_+1 (2) == 3
--- @function utils.string_lambda
-utils.string_lambda = utils.memoize(_string_lambda)
-local ops
---- process a function argument.
--- This is used throughout Penlight and defines what is meant by a function:
--- Something that is callable, or an operator string as defined by <code>pl.operator</code>,
--- such as '>' or '#'. If a function factory has been registered for the type, it will
--- be called to get the function.
--- @param idx argument index
--- @param f a function, operator string, or callable object
--- @param msg optional error message
--- @return a callable
--- @raise if idx is not a number or if f is not callable
-function utils.function_arg (idx,f,msg)
- utils.assert_arg(1,idx,'number')
- local tp = type(f)
- if tp == 'function' then return f end -- no worries!
- -- ok, a string can correspond to an operator (like '==')
- if tp == 'string' then
- if not ops then ops = require 'pl.operator'.optable end
- local fn = ops[f]
- if fn then return fn end
- local fn, err = utils.string_lambda(f)
- if not fn then error(err..': '..f) end
- return fn
- elseif tp == 'table' or tp == 'userdata' then
- local mt = getmetatable(f)
- if not mt then error('not a callable object',2) end
- local ff = _function_factories[mt]
- if not ff then
- if not mt.__call then error('not a callable object',2) end
- return f
- else
- return ff(f) -- we have a function factory for this type!
- end
- end
- if not msg then msg = " must be callable" end
- if idx > 0 then
- error("argument "..idx..": "..msg,2)
- else
- error(msg,2)
- end
---- bind the first argument of the function to a value.
--- @param fn a function of at least two values (may be an operator string)
--- @param p a value
--- @return a function such that f(x) is fn(p,x)
--- @raise same as @{function_arg}
--- @see func.bind1
-function utils.bind1 (fn,p)
- fn = utils.function_arg(1,fn)
- return function(...) return fn(p,...) end
---- bind the second argument of the function to a value.
--- @param fn a function of at least two values (may be an operator string)
--- @param p a value
--- @return a function such that f(x) is fn(x,p)
--- @raise same as @{function_arg}
-function utils.bind2 (fn,p)
- fn = utils.function_arg(1,fn)
- return function(x,...) return fn(x,p,...) end
---- assert that the given argument is in fact of the correct type.
--- @param n argument index
--- @param val the value
--- @param tp the type
--- @param verify an optional verfication function
--- @param msg an optional custom message
--- @param lev optional stack position for trace, default 2
--- @raise if the argument n is not the correct type
--- @usage assert_arg(1,t,'table')
--- @usage assert_arg(n,val,'string',path.isdir,'not a directory')
-function utils.assert_arg (n,val,tp,verify,msg,lev)
- if type(val) ~= tp then
- error(("argument %d expected a '%s', got a '%s'"):format(n,tp,type(val)),lev or 2)
- end
- if verify and not verify(val) then
- error(("argument %d: '%s' %s"):format(n,val,msg),lev or 2)
- end
---- assert the common case that the argument is a string.
--- @param n argument index
--- @param val a value that must be a string
--- @raise val must be a string
-function utils.assert_string (n,val)
- utils.assert_arg(n,val,'string',nil,nil,3)
-local err_mode = 'default'
---- control the error strategy used by Penlight.
--- Controls how <code>utils.raise</code> works; the default is for it
--- to return nil and the error string, but if the mode is 'error' then
--- it will throw an error. If mode is 'quit' it will immediately terminate
--- the program.
--- @param mode - either 'default', 'quit' or 'error'
--- @see utils.raise
-function utils.on_error (mode)
- if ({['default'] = 1, ['quit'] = 2, ['error'] = 3})[mode] then
- err_mode = mode
- else
- -- fail loudly
- if err_mode == 'default' then err_mode = 'error' end
- utils.raise("Bad argument expected string; 'default', 'quit', or 'error'. Got '"..tostring(mode).."'")
- end
---- used by Penlight functions to return errors. Its global behaviour is controlled
--- by <code>utils.on_error</code>
--- @param err the error string.
--- @see utils.on_error
-function utils.raise (err)
- if err_mode == 'default' then return nil,err
- elseif err_mode == 'quit' then utils.quit(err)
- else error(err,2)
- end
---- is the object of the specified type?.
--- If the type is a string, then use type, otherwise compare with metatable
--- @param obj An object to check
--- @param tp String of what type it should be
-function utils.is_type (obj,tp)
- if type(tp) == 'string' then return type(obj) == tp end
- local mt = getmetatable(obj)
- return tp == mt
-raise = utils.raise
---- load a code string or bytecode chunk.
--- @param code Lua code as a string or bytecode
--- @param name for source errors
--- @param mode kind of chunk, 't' for text, 'b' for bytecode, 'bt' for all (default)
--- @param env the environment for the new chunk (default nil)
--- @return compiled chunk
--- @return error message (chunk is nil)
--- @function utils.load
--- Get environment of a function.
--- With Lua 5.2, may return nil for a function with no global references!
--- Based on code by [Sergey Rozhenko](http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/2010-06/msg00313.html)
--- @param f a function or a call stack reference
--- @function utils.getfenv
--- Set environment of a function
--- @param f a function or a call stack reference
--- @param env a table that becomes the new environment of `f`
--- @function utils.setfenv
---- execute a shell command.
--- This is a compatibility function that returns the same for Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.2
--- @param cmd a shell command
--- @return true if successful
--- @return actual return code
--- @function utils.execute
-return utils