path: root/README.md
blob: 5926f63516136f97e40f24bddf3edcd2998e84aa (plain) (tree)


#The Nerv Toolkit User Manual#
NOTE: This readme is obsolete and will be rearranged, for further information, please check http://determinant.github.io/nerv/

This user manual will information about how to use __Nerv__ and __Nerv__'s interface.

##How to use##
First make sure you have __lua__ and __CUDA__ installed on your computer.  
__Nerv__ is currently developed via github.You can download and make __Nerv__ by doing the following:
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/Nerv-SJTU/nerv.git
cd nerv
git clone https://github.com/Nerv-SJTU/nerv-speech.git speech
git submodule init && git submodule update
make speech
The `git submodule` command is for the __luajit__ repository inside __Nerv__.  
Now, you can try to run some example scripts.  
./nerv examples/cumatrix_example.lua

##How to contribute##
Fork the original repository, then use the __pull&merge__ function in github to contribute.  
The pull&merge request can be found on your dashboard in github. See this [sync-help] to sync with the original repository.

##Nerv Packages##
* __luaT__  
Nerv uses [luaT]\(a [Torch] library\) to define lua class in C.
* __[The Nerv OOP](nerv/doc/nerv_class.md)__  
Enables object-oriented programming in Nerv.
* __[The Nerv utility functions](nerv/doc/nerv.md)__  
Inlcudes some utility functions from luaT to implement __Nerv.Class__.
* __[The Nerv Matrix Package](nerv/doc/nerv_matrix.md)__  
The matrix package is a basic package in __Nerv__ that is used to store and manipulate matrices.
* __[The Nerv IO Package](nerv/doc/nerv_io.md)__  
The IO package is used to read and write parameters to file.
* __[The Nerv Parameter Package](nerv/doc/nerv_param.md)__  
The parameter package is used to store, read model parameters from file.
* __[The Nerv Layer Package](nerv/doc/nerv_layer.md)__  
The layer package is used to define propagation and backpropagation of different type of layers.
* __[The Nerv NN Package](nerv/doc/nerv_nn.md)__  
The nn package is for organizing a neural network, it contains __nerv.LayerRepo__, __nerv.ParamRepo__, and __nerv.DAGLayer__.