path: root/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/weight.h
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diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/weight.h b/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/weight.h
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+// weight.h
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Copyright 2005-2010 Google, Inc.
+// Author: [email protected] (Michael Riley)
+// \file
+// General weight set and associated semiring operation definitions.
+// A semiring is specified by two binary operations Plus and Times and
+// two designated elements Zero and One with the following properties:
+// Plus: associative, commutative, and has Zero as its identity.
+// Times: associative and has identity One, distributes w.r.t. Plus, and
+// has Zero as an annihilator:
+// Times(Zero(), a) == Times(a, Zero()) = Zero().
+// A left semiring distributes on the left; a right semiring is
+// similarly defined.
+// A Weight class must have binary functions =Plus= and =Times= and
+// static member functions =Zero()= and =One()= and these must form
+// (at least) a left or right semiring.
+// In addition, the following should be defined for a Weight:
+// Member: predicate on set membership.
+// NoWeight: static member function that returns an element that is
+// not a set member; used to signal an error.
+// >>: reads textual representation of a weight.
+// <<: prints textual representation of a weight.
+// Read(istream &strm): reads binary representation of a weight.
+// Write(ostream &strm): writes binary representation of a weight.
+// Hash: maps weight to size_t.
+// ApproxEqual: approximate equality (for inexact weights)
+// Quantize: quantizes wrt delta (for inexact weights)
+// Divide: for all a,b,c s.t. Times(a, b) == c
+// --> b' = Divide(c, a, DIVIDE_LEFT) if a left semiring, b'.Member()
+// and Times(a, b') == c
+// --> a' = Divide(c, b, DIVIDE_RIGHT) if a right semiring, a'.Member()
+// and Times(a', b) == c
+// --> b' = Divide(c, a) = Divide(c, a, DIVIDE_ANY) =
+// Divide(c, a, DIVIDE_LEFT) = Divide(c, a, DIVIDE_RIGHT) if a
+// commutative semiring, b'.Member() and Times(a, b') = Times(b', a) = c
+// ReverseWeight: the type of the corresponding reverse weight.
+// Typically the same type as Weight for a (both left and right) semiring.
+// For the left string semiring, it is the right string semiring.
+// Reverse: a mapping from Weight to ReverseWeight s.t.
+// --> Reverse(Reverse(a)) = a
+// --> Reverse(Plus(a, b)) = Plus(Reverse(a), Reverse(b))
+// --> Reverse(Times(a, b)) = Times(Reverse(b), Reverse(a))
+// Typically the identity mapping in a (both left and right) semiring.
+// In the left string semiring, it maps to the reverse string
+// in the right string semiring.
+// Properties: specifies additional properties that hold:
+// LeftSemiring: indicates weights form a left semiring.
+// RightSemiring: indicates weights form a right semiring.
+// Commutative: for all a,b: Times(a,b) == Times(b,a)
+// Idempotent: for all a: Plus(a, a) == a.
+// Path: for all a, b: Plus(a, b) == a or Plus(a, b) == b.
+#ifndef FST_LIB_WEIGHT_H__
+#define FST_LIB_WEIGHT_H__
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <fst/compat.h>
+#include <fst/util.h>
+namespace fst {
+// A representable float near .001
+const float kDelta = 1.0F/1024.0F;
+// For all a,b,c: Times(c, Plus(a,b)) = Plus(Times(c,a), Times(c, b))
+const uint64 kLeftSemiring = 0x0000000000000001ULL;
+// For all a,b,c: Times(Plus(a,b), c) = Plus(Times(a,c), Times(b, c))
+const uint64 kRightSemiring = 0x0000000000000002ULL;
+const uint64 kSemiring = kLeftSemiring | kRightSemiring;
+// For all a,b: Times(a,b) = Times(b,a)
+const uint64 kCommutative = 0x0000000000000004ULL;
+// For all a: Plus(a, a) = a
+const uint64 kIdempotent = 0x0000000000000008ULL;
+// For all a,b: Plus(a,b) = a or Plus(a,b) = b
+const uint64 kPath = 0x0000000000000010ULL;
+// Determines direction of division.
+enum DivideType { DIVIDE_LEFT, // left division
+ DIVIDE_RIGHT, // right division
+ DIVIDE_ANY }; // division in a commutative semiring
+// By definition:
+// a <= b iff a + b = a
+// The natural order is a negative partial order iff the semiring is
+// idempotent. It is trivially monotonic for plus. It is left
+// (resp. right) monotonic for times iff the semiring is left
+// (resp. right) distributive. It is a total order iff the semiring
+// has the path property. See Mohri, "Semiring Framework and
+// Algorithms for Shortest-Distance Problems", Journal of Automata,
+// Languages and Combinatorics 7(3):321-350, 2002. We define the
+// strict version of this order below.
+template <class W>
+class NaturalLess {
+ public:
+ typedef W Weight;
+ NaturalLess() {
+ if (!(W::Properties() & kIdempotent)) {
+ FSTERROR() << "NaturalLess: Weight type is not idempotent: "
+ << W::Type();
+ }
+ }
+ bool operator()(const W &w1, const W &w2) const {
+ return (Plus(w1, w2) == w1) && w1 != w2;
+ }
+// Power is the iterated product for arbitrary semirings such that
+// Power(w, 0) is One() for the semiring, and
+// Power(w, n) = Times(Power(w, n-1), w)
+template <class W>
+W Power(W w, size_t n) {
+ W result = W::One();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ result = Times(result, w);
+ }
+ return result;
+// General weight converter - raises error.
+template <class W1, class W2>
+struct WeightConvert {
+ W2 operator()(W1 w1) const {
+ FSTERROR() << "WeightConvert: can't convert weight from \""
+ << W1::Type() << "\" to \"" << W2::Type();
+ return W2::NoWeight();
+ }
+// Specialized weight converter to self.
+template <class W>
+struct WeightConvert<W, W> {
+ W operator()(W w) const { return w; }
+} // namespace fst
+#endif // FST_LIB_WEIGHT_H__