path: root/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/cache.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/cache.h')
1 files changed, 861 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/cache.h b/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/cache.h
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index 0000000..7c96fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/cache.h
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+// cache.h
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Copyright 2005-2010 Google, Inc.
+// Author: [email protected] (Michael Riley)
+// \file
+// An Fst implementation that caches FST elements of a delayed
+// computation.
+#ifndef FST_LIB_CACHE_H__
+#define FST_LIB_CACHE_H__
+#include <vector>
+using std::vector;
+#include <list>
+#include <fst/vector-fst.h>
+namespace fst {
+struct CacheOptions {
+ bool gc; // enable GC
+ size_t gc_limit; // # of bytes allowed before GC
+ CacheOptions(bool g, size_t l) : gc(g), gc_limit(l) {}
+ CacheOptions()
+ : gc(FLAGS_fst_default_cache_gc),
+ gc_limit(FLAGS_fst_default_cache_gc_limit) {}
+// A CacheStateAllocator allocates and frees CacheStates
+// template <class S>
+// struct CacheStateAllocator {
+// S *Allocate(StateId s);
+// void Free(S *state, StateId s);
+// };
+// A simple allocator class, can be overridden as needed,
+// maintains a single entry cache.
+template <class S>
+struct DefaultCacheStateAllocator {
+ typedef typename S::Arc::StateId StateId;
+ DefaultCacheStateAllocator() : mru_(NULL) { }
+ ~DefaultCacheStateAllocator() {
+ delete mru_;
+ }
+ S *Allocate(StateId s) {
+ if (mru_) {
+ S *state = mru_;
+ mru_ = NULL;
+ state->Reset();
+ return state;
+ }
+ return new S();
+ }
+ void Free(S *state, StateId s) {
+ if (mru_) {
+ delete mru_;
+ }
+ mru_ = state;
+ }
+ private:
+ S *mru_;
+// VectorState but additionally has a flags data member (see
+// CacheState below). This class is used to cache FST elements with
+// the flags used to indicate what has been cached. Use HasStart()
+// HasFinal(), and HasArcs() to determine if cached and SetStart(),
+// SetFinal(), AddArc(), (or PushArc() and SetArcs()) to cache. Note
+// you must set the final weight even if the state is non-final to
+// mark it as cached. If the 'gc' option is 'false', cached items have
+// the extent of the FST - minimizing computation. If the 'gc' option
+// is 'true', garbage collection of states (not in use in an arc
+// iterator and not 'protected') is performed, in a rough
+// approximation of LRU order, when 'gc_limit' bytes is reached -
+// controlling memory use. When 'gc_limit' is 0, special optimizations
+// apply - minimizing memory use.
+template <class S, class C = DefaultCacheStateAllocator<S> >
+class CacheBaseImpl : public VectorFstBaseImpl<S> {
+ public:
+ typedef S State;
+ typedef C Allocator;
+ typedef typename State::Arc Arc;
+ typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight;
+ typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
+ using FstImpl<Arc>::Type;
+ using FstImpl<Arc>::Properties;
+ using FstImpl<Arc>::SetProperties;
+ using VectorFstBaseImpl<State>::NumStates;
+ using VectorFstBaseImpl<State>::Start;
+ using VectorFstBaseImpl<State>::AddState;
+ using VectorFstBaseImpl<State>::SetState;
+ using VectorFstBaseImpl<State>::ReserveStates;
+ explicit CacheBaseImpl(C *allocator = 0)
+ : cache_start_(false), nknown_states_(0), min_unexpanded_state_id_(0),
+ cache_first_state_id_(kNoStateId), cache_first_state_(0),
+ cache_gc_(FLAGS_fst_default_cache_gc), cache_size_(0),
+ cache_limit_(FLAGS_fst_default_cache_gc_limit > kMinCacheLimit ||
+ FLAGS_fst_default_cache_gc_limit == 0 ?
+ FLAGS_fst_default_cache_gc_limit : kMinCacheLimit),
+ protect_(false) {
+ allocator_ = allocator ? allocator : new C();
+ }
+ explicit CacheBaseImpl(const CacheOptions &opts, C *allocator = 0)
+ : cache_start_(false), nknown_states_(0),
+ min_unexpanded_state_id_(0), cache_first_state_id_(kNoStateId),
+ cache_first_state_(0), cache_gc_(opts.gc), cache_size_(0),
+ cache_limit_(opts.gc_limit > kMinCacheLimit || opts.gc_limit == 0 ?
+ opts.gc_limit : kMinCacheLimit),
+ protect_(false) {
+ allocator_ = allocator ? allocator : new C();
+ }
+ // Preserve gc parameters. If preserve_cache true, also preserves
+ // cache data.
+ CacheBaseImpl(const CacheBaseImpl<S, C> &impl, bool preserve_cache = false)
+ : VectorFstBaseImpl<S>(), cache_start_(false), nknown_states_(0),
+ min_unexpanded_state_id_(0), cache_first_state_id_(kNoStateId),
+ cache_first_state_(0), cache_gc_(impl.cache_gc_), cache_size_(0),
+ cache_limit_(impl.cache_limit_),
+ protect_(impl.protect_) {
+ allocator_ = new C();
+ if (preserve_cache) {
+ cache_start_ = impl.cache_start_;
+ nknown_states_ = impl.nknown_states_;
+ expanded_states_ = impl.expanded_states_;
+ min_unexpanded_state_id_ = impl.min_unexpanded_state_id_;
+ if (impl.cache_first_state_id_ != kNoStateId) {
+ cache_first_state_id_ = impl.cache_first_state_id_;
+ cache_first_state_ = allocator_->Allocate(cache_first_state_id_);
+ *cache_first_state_ = *impl.cache_first_state_;
+ }
+ cache_states_ = impl.cache_states_;
+ cache_size_ = impl.cache_size_;
+ ReserveStates(impl.NumStates());
+ for (StateId s = 0; s < impl.NumStates(); ++s) {
+ const S *state =
+ static_cast<const VectorFstBaseImpl<S> &>(impl).GetState(s);
+ if (state) {
+ S *copied_state = allocator_->Allocate(s);
+ *copied_state = *state;
+ AddState(copied_state);
+ } else {
+ AddState(0);
+ }
+ }
+ VectorFstBaseImpl<S>::SetStart(impl.Start());
+ }
+ }
+ ~CacheBaseImpl() {
+ allocator_->Free(cache_first_state_, cache_first_state_id_);
+ delete allocator_;
+ }
+ // Gets a state from its ID; state must exist.
+ const S *GetState(StateId s) const {
+ if (s == cache_first_state_id_)
+ return cache_first_state_;
+ else
+ return VectorFstBaseImpl<S>::GetState(s);
+ }
+ // Gets a state from its ID; state must exist.
+ S *GetState(StateId s) {
+ if (s == cache_first_state_id_)
+ return cache_first_state_;
+ else
+ return VectorFstBaseImpl<S>::GetState(s);
+ }
+ // Gets a state from its ID; return 0 if it doesn't exist.
+ const S *CheckState(StateId s) const {
+ if (s == cache_first_state_id_)
+ return cache_first_state_;
+ else if (s < NumStates())
+ return VectorFstBaseImpl<S>::GetState(s);
+ else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Gets a state from its ID; add it if necessary.
+ S *ExtendState(StateId s);
+ void SetStart(StateId s) {
+ VectorFstBaseImpl<S>::SetStart(s);
+ cache_start_ = true;
+ if (s >= nknown_states_)
+ nknown_states_ = s + 1;
+ }
+ void SetFinal(StateId s, Weight w) {
+ S *state = ExtendState(s);
+ state->final = w;
+ state->flags |= kCacheFinal | kCacheRecent | kCacheModified;
+ }
+ // AddArc adds a single arc to state s and does incremental cache
+ // book-keeping. For efficiency, prefer PushArc and SetArcs below
+ // when possible.
+ void AddArc(StateId s, const Arc &arc) {
+ S *state = ExtendState(s);
+ state->arcs.push_back(arc);
+ if (arc.ilabel == 0) {
+ ++state->niepsilons;
+ }
+ if (arc.olabel == 0) {
+ ++state->noepsilons;
+ }
+ const Arc *parc = state->arcs.empty() ? 0 : &(state->arcs.back());
+ SetProperties(AddArcProperties(Properties(), s, arc, parc));
+ state->flags |= kCacheModified;
+ if (cache_gc_ && s != cache_first_state_id_ &&
+ !(state->flags & kCacheProtect)) {
+ cache_size_ += sizeof(Arc);
+ if (cache_size_ > cache_limit_)
+ GC(s, false);
+ }
+ }
+ // Adds a single arc to state s but delays cache book-keeping.
+ // SetArcs must be called when all PushArc calls at a state are
+ // complete. Do not mix with calls to AddArc.
+ void PushArc(StateId s, const Arc &arc) {
+ S *state = ExtendState(s);
+ state->arcs.push_back(arc);
+ }
+ // Marks arcs of state s as cached and does cache book-keeping after all
+ // calls to PushArc have been completed. Do not mix with calls to AddArc.
+ void SetArcs(StateId s) {
+ S *state = ExtendState(s);
+ vector<Arc> &arcs = state->arcs;
+ state->niepsilons = state->noepsilons = 0;
+ for (size_t a = 0; a < arcs.size(); ++a) {
+ const Arc &arc = arcs[a];
+ if (arc.nextstate >= nknown_states_)
+ nknown_states_ = arc.nextstate + 1;
+ if (arc.ilabel == 0)
+ ++state->niepsilons;
+ if (arc.olabel == 0)
+ ++state->noepsilons;
+ }
+ ExpandedState(s);
+ state->flags |= kCacheArcs | kCacheRecent | kCacheModified;
+ if (cache_gc_ && s != cache_first_state_id_ &&
+ !(state->flags & kCacheProtect)) {
+ cache_size_ += arcs.capacity() * sizeof(Arc);
+ if (cache_size_ > cache_limit_)
+ GC(s, false);
+ }
+ };
+ void ReserveArcs(StateId s, size_t n) {
+ S *state = ExtendState(s);
+ state->arcs.reserve(n);
+ }
+ void DeleteArcs(StateId s, size_t n) {
+ S *state = ExtendState(s);
+ const vector<Arc> &arcs = state->arcs;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ size_t j = arcs.size() - i - 1;
+ if (arcs[j].ilabel == 0)
+ --state->niepsilons;
+ if (arcs[j].olabel == 0)
+ --state->noepsilons;
+ }
+ state->arcs.resize(arcs.size() - n);
+ SetProperties(DeleteArcsProperties(Properties()));
+ state->flags |= kCacheModified;
+ if (cache_gc_ && s != cache_first_state_id_ &&
+ !(state->flags & kCacheProtect)) {
+ cache_size_ -= n * sizeof(Arc);
+ }
+ }
+ void DeleteArcs(StateId s) {
+ S *state = ExtendState(s);
+ size_t n = state->arcs.size();
+ state->niepsilons = 0;
+ state->noepsilons = 0;
+ state->arcs.clear();
+ SetProperties(DeleteArcsProperties(Properties()));
+ state->flags |= kCacheModified;
+ if (cache_gc_ && s != cache_first_state_id_ &&
+ !(state->flags & kCacheProtect)) {
+ cache_size_ -= n * sizeof(Arc);
+ }
+ }
+ void DeleteStates(const vector<StateId> &dstates) {
+ size_t old_num_states = NumStates();
+ vector<StateId> newid(old_num_states, 0);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < dstates.size(); ++i)
+ newid[dstates[i]] = kNoStateId;
+ StateId nstates = 0;
+ for (StateId s = 0; s < old_num_states; ++s) {
+ if (newid[s] != kNoStateId) {
+ newid[s] = nstates;
+ ++nstates;
+ }
+ }
+ // just for states_.resize(), does unnecessary walk.
+ VectorFstBaseImpl<S>::DeleteStates(dstates);
+ SetProperties(DeleteStatesProperties(Properties()));
+ // Update list of cached states.
+ typename list<StateId>::iterator siter = cache_states_.begin();
+ while (siter != cache_states_.end()) {
+ if (newid[*siter] != kNoStateId) {
+ *siter = newid[*siter];
+ ++siter;
+ } else {
+ cache_states_.erase(siter++);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void DeleteStates() {
+ cache_states_.clear();
+ allocator_->Free(cache_first_state_, cache_first_state_id_);
+ for (int s = 0; s < NumStates(); ++s) {
+ allocator_->Free(VectorFstBaseImpl<S>::GetState(s), s);
+ SetState(s, 0);
+ }
+ nknown_states_ = 0;
+ min_unexpanded_state_id_ = 0;
+ cache_first_state_id_ = kNoStateId;
+ cache_first_state_ = 0;
+ cache_size_ = 0;
+ cache_start_ = false;
+ VectorFstBaseImpl<State>::DeleteStates();
+ SetProperties(DeleteAllStatesProperties(Properties(),
+ kExpanded | kMutable));
+ }
+ // Is the start state cached?
+ bool HasStart() const {
+ if (!cache_start_ && Properties(kError))
+ cache_start_ = true;
+ return cache_start_;
+ }
+ // Is the final weight of state s cached?
+ bool HasFinal(StateId s) const {
+ const S *state = CheckState(s);
+ if (state && state->flags & kCacheFinal) {
+ state->flags |= kCacheRecent;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Are arcs of state s cached?
+ bool HasArcs(StateId s) const {
+ const S *state = CheckState(s);
+ if (state && state->flags & kCacheArcs) {
+ state->flags |= kCacheRecent;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ Weight Final(StateId s) const {
+ const S *state = GetState(s);
+ return state->final;
+ }
+ size_t NumArcs(StateId s) const {
+ const S *state = GetState(s);
+ return state->arcs.size();
+ }
+ size_t NumInputEpsilons(StateId s) const {
+ const S *state = GetState(s);
+ return state->niepsilons;
+ }
+ size_t NumOutputEpsilons(StateId s) const {
+ const S *state = GetState(s);
+ return state->noepsilons;
+ }
+ // Provides information needed for generic arc iterator.
+ void InitArcIterator(StateId s, ArcIteratorData<Arc> *data) const {
+ const S *state = GetState(s);
+ data->base = 0;
+ data->narcs = state->arcs.size();
+ data->arcs = data->narcs > 0 ? &(state->arcs[0]) : 0;
+ data->ref_count = &(state->ref_count);
+ ++(*data->ref_count);
+ }
+ // Number of known states.
+ StateId NumKnownStates() const { return nknown_states_; }
+ // Update number of known states taking in account the existence of state s.
+ void UpdateNumKnownStates(StateId s) {
+ if (s >= nknown_states_)
+ nknown_states_ = s + 1;
+ }
+ // Find the mininum never-expanded state Id
+ StateId MinUnexpandedState() const {
+ while (min_unexpanded_state_id_ < expanded_states_.size() &&
+ expanded_states_[min_unexpanded_state_id_])
+ ++min_unexpanded_state_id_;
+ return min_unexpanded_state_id_;
+ }
+ // Removes from cache_states_ and uncaches (not referenced-counted
+ // or protected) states that have not been accessed since the last
+ // GC until at most cache_fraction * cache_limit_ bytes are cached.
+ // If that fails to free enough, recurs uncaching recently visited
+ // states as well. If still unable to free enough memory, then
+ // widens cache_limit_ to fulfill condition.
+ void GC(StateId current, bool free_recent, float cache_fraction = 0.666);
+ // Setc/clears GC protection: if true, new states are protected
+ // from garbage collection.
+ void GCProtect(bool on) { protect_ = on; }
+ void ExpandedState(StateId s) {
+ if (s < min_unexpanded_state_id_)
+ return;
+ while (expanded_states_.size() <= s)
+ expanded_states_.push_back(false);
+ expanded_states_[s] = true;
+ }
+ C *GetAllocator() const {
+ return allocator_;
+ }
+ // Caching on/off switch, limit and size accessors.
+ bool GetCacheGc() const { return cache_gc_; }
+ size_t GetCacheLimit() const { return cache_limit_; }
+ size_t GetCacheSize() const { return cache_size_; }
+ private:
+ static const size_t kMinCacheLimit = 8096; // Minimum (non-zero) cache limit
+ static const uint32 kCacheFinal = 0x0001; // Final weight has been cached
+ static const uint32 kCacheArcs = 0x0002; // Arcs have been cached
+ static const uint32 kCacheRecent = 0x0004; // Mark as visited since GC
+ static const uint32 kCacheProtect = 0x0008; // Mark state as GC protected
+ public:
+ static const uint32 kCacheModified = 0x0010; // Mark state as modified
+ static const uint32 kCacheFlags = kCacheFinal | kCacheArcs | kCacheRecent
+ | kCacheProtect | kCacheModified;
+ private:
+ C *allocator_; // used to allocate new states
+ mutable bool cache_start_; // Is the start state cached?
+ StateId nknown_states_; // # of known states
+ vector<bool> expanded_states_; // states that have been expanded
+ mutable StateId min_unexpanded_state_id_; // minimum never-expanded state Id
+ StateId cache_first_state_id_; // First cached state id
+ S *cache_first_state_; // First cached state
+ list<StateId> cache_states_; // list of currently cached states
+ bool cache_gc_; // enable GC
+ size_t cache_size_; // # of bytes cached
+ size_t cache_limit_; // # of bytes allowed before GC
+ bool protect_; // Protect new states from GC
+ void operator=(const CacheBaseImpl<S, C> &impl); // disallow
+// Gets a state from its ID; add it if necessary.
+template <class S, class C>
+S *CacheBaseImpl<S, C>::ExtendState(typename S::Arc::StateId s) {
+ // If 'protect_' true and a new state, protects from garbage collection.
+ if (s == cache_first_state_id_) {
+ return cache_first_state_; // Return 1st cached state
+ } else if (cache_limit_ == 0 && cache_first_state_id_ == kNoStateId) {
+ cache_first_state_id_ = s; // Remember 1st cached state
+ cache_first_state_ = allocator_->Allocate(s);
+ if (protect_) cache_first_state_->flags |= kCacheProtect;
+ return cache_first_state_;
+ } else if (cache_first_state_id_ != kNoStateId &&
+ cache_first_state_->ref_count == 0 &&
+ !(cache_first_state_->flags & kCacheProtect)) {
+ // With Default allocator, the Free and Allocate will reuse the same S*.
+ allocator_->Free(cache_first_state_, cache_first_state_id_);
+ cache_first_state_id_ = s;
+ cache_first_state_ = allocator_->Allocate(s);
+ if (protect_) cache_first_state_->flags |= kCacheProtect;
+ return cache_first_state_; // Return 1st cached state
+ } else {
+ while (NumStates() <= s) // Add state to main cache
+ AddState(0);
+ S *state = VectorFstBaseImpl<S>::GetState(s);
+ if (!state) {
+ state = allocator_->Allocate(s);
+ if (protect_) state->flags |= kCacheProtect;
+ SetState(s, state);
+ if (cache_first_state_id_ != kNoStateId) { // Forget 1st cached state
+ while (NumStates() <= cache_first_state_id_)
+ AddState(0);
+ SetState(cache_first_state_id_, cache_first_state_);
+ if (cache_gc_ && !(cache_first_state_->flags & kCacheProtect)) {
+ cache_states_.push_back(cache_first_state_id_);
+ cache_size_ += sizeof(S) +
+ cache_first_state_->arcs.capacity() * sizeof(Arc);
+ }
+ cache_limit_ = kMinCacheLimit;
+ cache_first_state_id_ = kNoStateId;
+ cache_first_state_ = 0;
+ }
+ if (cache_gc_ && !protect_) {
+ cache_states_.push_back(s);
+ cache_size_ += sizeof(S);
+ if (cache_size_ > cache_limit_)
+ GC(s, false);
+ }
+ }
+ return state;
+ }
+// Removes from cache_states_ and uncaches (not referenced-counted or
+// protected) states that have not been accessed since the last GC
+// until at most cache_fraction * cache_limit_ bytes are cached. If
+// that fails to free enough, recurs uncaching recently visited states
+// as well. If still unable to free enough memory, then widens cache_limit_
+// to fulfill condition.
+template <class S, class C>
+void CacheBaseImpl<S, C>::GC(typename S::Arc::StateId current,
+ bool free_recent, float cache_fraction) {
+ if (!cache_gc_)
+ return;
+ VLOG(2) << "CacheImpl: Enter GC: object = " << Type() << "(" << this
+ << "), free recently cached = " << free_recent
+ << ", cache size = " << cache_size_
+ << ", cache frac = " << cache_fraction
+ << ", cache limit = " << cache_limit_ << "\n";
+ typename list<StateId>::iterator siter = cache_states_.begin();
+ size_t cache_target = cache_fraction * cache_limit_;
+ while (siter != cache_states_.end()) {
+ StateId s = *siter;
+ S* state = VectorFstBaseImpl<S>::GetState(s);
+ if (cache_size_ > cache_target && state->ref_count == 0 &&
+ (free_recent || !(state->flags & kCacheRecent)) && s != current) {
+ cache_size_ -= sizeof(S) + state->arcs.capacity() * sizeof(Arc);
+ allocator_->Free(state, s);
+ SetState(s, 0);
+ cache_states_.erase(siter++);
+ } else {
+ state->flags &= ~kCacheRecent;
+ ++siter;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!free_recent && cache_size_ > cache_target) { // recurses on recent
+ GC(current, true);
+ } else if (cache_target > 0) { // widens cache limit
+ while (cache_size_ > cache_target) {
+ cache_limit_ *= 2;
+ cache_target *= 2;
+ }
+ } else if (cache_size_ > 0) {
+ FSTERROR() << "CacheImpl:GC: Unable to free all cached states";
+ }
+ VLOG(2) << "CacheImpl: Exit GC: object = " << Type() << "(" << this
+ << "), free recently cached = " << free_recent
+ << ", cache size = " << cache_size_
+ << ", cache frac = " << cache_fraction
+ << ", cache limit = " << cache_limit_ << "\n";
+template <class S, class C> const uint32 CacheBaseImpl<S, C>::kCacheFinal;
+template <class S, class C> const uint32 CacheBaseImpl<S, C>::kCacheArcs;
+template <class S, class C> const uint32 CacheBaseImpl<S, C>::kCacheRecent;
+template <class S, class C> const uint32 CacheBaseImpl<S, C>::kCacheModified;
+template <class S, class C> const size_t CacheBaseImpl<S, C>::kMinCacheLimit;
+// Arcs implemented by an STL vector per state. Similar to VectorState
+// but adds flags and ref count to keep track of what has been cached.
+template <class A>
+struct CacheState {
+ typedef A Arc;
+ typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
+ typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
+ CacheState() : final(Weight::Zero()), flags(0), ref_count(0) {}
+ void Reset() {
+ flags = 0;
+ ref_count = 0;
+ arcs.resize(0);
+ }
+ Weight final; // Final weight
+ vector<A> arcs; // Arcs represenation
+ size_t niepsilons; // # of input epsilons
+ size_t noepsilons; // # of output epsilons
+ mutable uint32 flags;
+ mutable int ref_count;
+// A CacheBaseImpl with a commonly used CacheState.
+template <class A>
+class CacheImpl : public CacheBaseImpl< CacheState<A> > {
+ public:
+ typedef CacheState<A> State;
+ CacheImpl() {}
+ explicit CacheImpl(const CacheOptions &opts)
+ : CacheBaseImpl< CacheState<A> >(opts) {}
+ CacheImpl(const CacheImpl<A> &impl, bool preserve_cache = false)
+ : CacheBaseImpl<State>(impl, preserve_cache) {}
+ private:
+ void operator=(const CacheImpl<State> &impl); // disallow
+// Use this to make a state iterator for a CacheBaseImpl-derived Fst,
+// which must have type 'State' defined. Note this iterator only
+// returns those states reachable from the initial state, so consider
+// implementing a class-specific one.
+template <class F>
+class CacheStateIterator : public StateIteratorBase<typename F::Arc> {
+ public:
+ typedef typename F::Arc Arc;
+ typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
+ typedef typename F::State State;
+ typedef CacheBaseImpl<State> Impl;
+ CacheStateIterator(const F &fst, Impl *impl)
+ : fst_(fst), impl_(impl), s_(0) {
+ fst_.Start(); // force start state
+ }
+ bool Done() const {
+ if (s_ < impl_->NumKnownStates())
+ return false;
+ if (s_ < impl_->NumKnownStates())
+ return false;
+ for (StateId u = impl_->MinUnexpandedState();
+ u < impl_->NumKnownStates();
+ u = impl_->MinUnexpandedState()) {
+ // force state expansion
+ ArcIterator<F> aiter(fst_, u);
+ aiter.SetFlags(kArcValueFlags, kArcValueFlags | kArcNoCache);
+ for (; !aiter.Done(); aiter.Next())
+ impl_->UpdateNumKnownStates(aiter.Value().nextstate);
+ impl_->ExpandedState(u);
+ if (s_ < impl_->NumKnownStates())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ StateId Value() const { return s_; }
+ void Next() { ++s_; }
+ void Reset() { s_ = 0; }
+ private:
+ // This allows base class virtual access to non-virtual derived-
+ // class members of the same name. It makes the derived class more
+ // efficient to use but unsafe to further derive.
+ virtual bool Done_() const { return Done(); }
+ virtual StateId Value_() const { return Value(); }
+ virtual void Next_() { Next(); }
+ virtual void Reset_() { Reset(); }
+ const F &fst_;
+ Impl *impl_;
+ StateId s_;
+// Use this to make an arc iterator for a CacheBaseImpl-derived Fst,
+// which must have types 'Arc' and 'State' defined.
+template <class F,
+ class C = DefaultCacheStateAllocator<CacheState<typename F::Arc> > >
+class CacheArcIterator {
+ public:
+ typedef typename F::Arc Arc;
+ typedef typename F::State State;
+ typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
+ typedef CacheBaseImpl<State, C> Impl;
+ CacheArcIterator(Impl *impl, StateId s) : i_(0) {
+ state_ = impl->ExtendState(s);
+ ++state_->ref_count;
+ }
+ ~CacheArcIterator() { --state_->ref_count; }
+ bool Done() const { return i_ >= state_->arcs.size(); }
+ const Arc& Value() const { return state_->arcs[i_]; }
+ void Next() { ++i_; }
+ size_t Position() const { return i_; }
+ void Reset() { i_ = 0; }
+ void Seek(size_t a) { i_ = a; }
+ uint32 Flags() const {
+ return kArcValueFlags;
+ }
+ void SetFlags(uint32 flags, uint32 mask) {}
+ private:
+ const State *state_;
+ size_t i_;
+// Use this to make a mutable arc iterator for a CacheBaseImpl-derived Fst,
+// which must have types 'Arc' and 'State' defined.
+template <class F,
+ class C = DefaultCacheStateAllocator<CacheState<typename F::Arc> > >
+class CacheMutableArcIterator
+ : public MutableArcIteratorBase<typename F::Arc> {
+ public:
+ typedef typename F::State State;
+ typedef typename F::Arc Arc;
+ typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
+ typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight;
+ typedef CacheBaseImpl<State, C> Impl;
+ // You will need to call MutateCheck() in the constructor.
+ CacheMutableArcIterator(Impl *impl, StateId s) : i_(0), s_(s), impl_(impl) {
+ state_ = impl_->ExtendState(s_);
+ ++state_->ref_count;
+ };
+ ~CacheMutableArcIterator() {
+ --state_->ref_count;
+ }
+ bool Done() const { return i_ >= state_->arcs.size(); }
+ const Arc& Value() const { return state_->arcs[i_]; }
+ void Next() { ++i_; }
+ size_t Position() const { return i_; }
+ void Reset() { i_ = 0; }
+ void Seek(size_t a) { i_ = a; }
+ void SetValue(const Arc& arc) {
+ state_->flags |= CacheBaseImpl<State, C>::kCacheModified;
+ uint64 properties = impl_->Properties();
+ Arc& oarc = state_->arcs[i_];
+ if (oarc.ilabel != oarc.olabel)
+ properties &= ~kNotAcceptor;
+ if (oarc.ilabel == 0) {
+ --state_->niepsilons;
+ properties &= ~kIEpsilons;
+ if (oarc.olabel == 0)
+ properties &= ~kEpsilons;
+ }
+ if (oarc.olabel == 0) {
+ --state_->noepsilons;
+ properties &= ~kOEpsilons;
+ }
+ if (oarc.weight != Weight::Zero() && oarc.weight != Weight::One())
+ properties &= ~kWeighted;
+ oarc = arc;
+ if (arc.ilabel != arc.olabel) {
+ properties |= kNotAcceptor;
+ properties &= ~kAcceptor;
+ }
+ if (arc.ilabel == 0) {
+ ++state_->niepsilons;
+ properties |= kIEpsilons;
+ properties &= ~kNoIEpsilons;
+ if (arc.olabel == 0) {
+ properties |= kEpsilons;
+ properties &= ~kNoEpsilons;
+ }
+ }
+ if (arc.olabel == 0) {
+ ++state_->noepsilons;
+ properties |= kOEpsilons;
+ properties &= ~kNoOEpsilons;
+ }
+ if (arc.weight != Weight::Zero() && arc.weight != Weight::One()) {
+ properties |= kWeighted;
+ properties &= ~kUnweighted;
+ }
+ properties &= kSetArcProperties | kAcceptor | kNotAcceptor |
+ kEpsilons | kNoEpsilons | kIEpsilons | kNoIEpsilons |
+ kOEpsilons | kNoOEpsilons | kWeighted | kUnweighted;
+ impl_->SetProperties(properties);
+ }
+ uint32 Flags() const {
+ return kArcValueFlags;
+ }
+ void SetFlags(uint32 f, uint32 m) {}
+ private:
+ virtual bool Done_() const { return Done(); }
+ virtual const Arc& Value_() const { return Value(); }
+ virtual void Next_() { Next(); }
+ virtual size_t Position_() const { return Position(); }
+ virtual void Reset_() { Reset(); }
+ virtual void Seek_(size_t a) { Seek(a); }
+ virtual void SetValue_(const Arc &a) { SetValue(a); }
+ uint32 Flags_() const { return Flags(); }
+ void SetFlags_(uint32 f, uint32 m) { SetFlags(f, m); }
+ size_t i_;
+ StateId s_;
+ Impl *impl_;
+ State *state_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CacheMutableArcIterator);
+} // namespace fst
+#endif // FST_LIB_CACHE_H__