path: root/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix
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diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/cblas-wrappers.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/cblas-wrappers.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebec0a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/cblas-wrappers.h
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+// matrix/cblas-wrappers.h
+// Copyright 2012 Johns Hopkins University (author: Daniel Povey);
+// Haihua Xu; Wei Shi
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <limits>
+#include "matrix/sp-matrix.h"
+#include "matrix/kaldi-vector.h"
+#include "matrix/kaldi-matrix.h"
+#include "matrix/matrix-functions.h"
+// Do not include this file directly. It is to be included
+// by .cc files in this directory.
+namespace kaldi {
+inline void cblas_Xcopy(const int N, const float *X, const int incX, float *Y,
+ const int incY) {
+ cblas_scopy(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
+inline void cblas_Xcopy(const int N, const double *X, const int incX, double *Y,
+ const int incY) {
+ cblas_dcopy(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
+inline float cblas_Xasum(const int N, const float *X, const int incX) {
+ return cblas_sasum(N, X, incX);
+inline double cblas_Xasum(const int N, const double *X, const int incX) {
+ return cblas_dasum(N, X, incX);
+inline void cblas_Xrot(const int N, float *X, const int incX, float *Y,
+ const int incY, const float c, const float s) {
+ cblas_srot(N, X, incX, Y, incY, c, s);
+inline void cblas_Xrot(const int N, double *X, const int incX, double *Y,
+ const int incY, const double c, const double s) {
+ cblas_drot(N, X, incX, Y, incY, c, s);
+inline float cblas_Xdot(const int N, const float *const X,
+ const int incX, const float *const Y,
+ const int incY) {
+ return cblas_sdot(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
+inline double cblas_Xdot(const int N, const double *const X,
+ const int incX, const double *const Y,
+ const int incY) {
+ return cblas_ddot(N, X, incX, Y, incY);
+inline void cblas_Xaxpy(const int N, const float alpha, const float *X,
+ const int incX, float *Y, const int incY) {
+ cblas_saxpy(N, alpha, X, incX, Y, incY);
+inline void cblas_Xaxpy(const int N, const double alpha, const double *X,
+ const int incX, double *Y, const int incY) {
+ cblas_daxpy(N, alpha, X, incX, Y, incY);
+inline void cblas_Xscal(const int N, const float alpha, float *data,
+ const int inc) {
+ cblas_sscal(N, alpha, data, inc);
+inline void cblas_Xscal(const int N, const double alpha, double *data,
+ const int inc) {
+ cblas_dscal(N, alpha, data, inc);
+inline void cblas_Xspmv(const float alpha, const int num_rows, const float *Mdata,
+ const float *v, const int v_inc,
+ const float beta, float *y, const int y_inc) {
+ cblas_sspmv(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, num_rows, alpha, Mdata, v, v_inc, beta, y, y_inc);
+inline void cblas_Xspmv(const double alpha, const int num_rows, const double *Mdata,
+ const double *v, const int v_inc,
+ const double beta, double *y, const int y_inc) {
+ cblas_dspmv(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, num_rows, alpha, Mdata, v, v_inc, beta, y, y_inc);
+inline void cblas_Xtpmv(MatrixTransposeType trans, const float *Mdata,
+ const int num_rows, float *y, const int y_inc) {
+ cblas_stpmv(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, static_cast<CBLAS_TRANSPOSE>(trans),
+ CblasNonUnit, num_rows, Mdata, y, y_inc);
+inline void cblas_Xtpmv(MatrixTransposeType trans, const double *Mdata,
+ const int num_rows, double *y, const int y_inc) {
+ cblas_dtpmv(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, static_cast<CBLAS_TRANSPOSE>(trans),
+ CblasNonUnit, num_rows, Mdata, y, y_inc);
+inline void cblas_Xtpsv(MatrixTransposeType trans, const float *Mdata,
+ const int num_rows, float *y, const int y_inc) {
+ cblas_stpsv(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, static_cast<CBLAS_TRANSPOSE>(trans),
+ CblasNonUnit, num_rows, Mdata, y, y_inc);
+inline void cblas_Xtpsv(MatrixTransposeType trans, const double *Mdata,
+ const int num_rows, double *y, const int y_inc) {
+ cblas_dtpsv(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, static_cast<CBLAS_TRANSPOSE>(trans),
+ CblasNonUnit, num_rows, Mdata, y, y_inc);
+// x = alpha * M * y + beta * x
+inline void cblas_Xspmv(MatrixIndexT dim, float alpha, const float *Mdata,
+ const float *ydata, MatrixIndexT ystride,
+ float beta, float *xdata, MatrixIndexT xstride) {
+ cblas_sspmv(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, dim, alpha, Mdata,
+ ydata, ystride, beta, xdata, xstride);
+inline void cblas_Xspmv(MatrixIndexT dim, double alpha, const double *Mdata,
+ const double *ydata, MatrixIndexT ystride,
+ double beta, double *xdata, MatrixIndexT xstride) {
+ cblas_dspmv(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, dim, alpha, Mdata,
+ ydata, ystride, beta, xdata, xstride);
+// Implements A += alpha * (x y' + y x'); A is symmetric matrix.
+inline void cblas_Xspr2(MatrixIndexT dim, float alpha, const float *Xdata,
+ MatrixIndexT incX, const float *Ydata, MatrixIndexT incY,
+ float *Adata) {
+ cblas_sspr2(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, dim, alpha, Xdata,
+ incX, Ydata, incY, Adata);
+inline void cblas_Xspr2(MatrixIndexT dim, double alpha, const double *Xdata,
+ MatrixIndexT incX, const double *Ydata, MatrixIndexT incY,
+ double *Adata) {
+ cblas_dspr2(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, dim, alpha, Xdata,
+ incX, Ydata, incY, Adata);
+// Implements A += alpha * (x x'); A is symmetric matrix.
+inline void cblas_Xspr(MatrixIndexT dim, float alpha, const float *Xdata,
+ MatrixIndexT incX, float *Adata) {
+ cblas_sspr(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, dim, alpha, Xdata, incX, Adata);
+inline void cblas_Xspr(MatrixIndexT dim, double alpha, const double *Xdata,
+ MatrixIndexT incX, double *Adata) {
+ cblas_dspr(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, dim, alpha, Xdata, incX, Adata);
+// sgemv,dgemv: y = alpha M x + beta y.
+inline void cblas_Xgemv(MatrixTransposeType trans, MatrixIndexT num_rows,
+ MatrixIndexT num_cols, float alpha, const float *Mdata,
+ MatrixIndexT stride, const float *xdata,
+ MatrixIndexT incX, float beta, float *ydata, MatrixIndexT incY) {
+ cblas_sgemv(CblasRowMajor, static_cast<CBLAS_TRANSPOSE>(trans), num_rows,
+ num_cols, alpha, Mdata, stride, xdata, incX, beta, ydata, incY);
+inline void cblas_Xgemv(MatrixTransposeType trans, MatrixIndexT num_rows,
+ MatrixIndexT num_cols, double alpha, const double *Mdata,
+ MatrixIndexT stride, const double *xdata,
+ MatrixIndexT incX, double beta, double *ydata, MatrixIndexT incY) {
+ cblas_dgemv(CblasRowMajor, static_cast<CBLAS_TRANSPOSE>(trans), num_rows,
+ num_cols, alpha, Mdata, stride, xdata, incX, beta, ydata, incY);
+// sgbmv, dgmmv: y = alpha M x + + beta * y.
+inline void cblas_Xgbmv(MatrixTransposeType trans, MatrixIndexT num_rows,
+ MatrixIndexT num_cols, MatrixIndexT num_below,
+ MatrixIndexT num_above, float alpha, const float *Mdata,
+ MatrixIndexT stride, const float *xdata,
+ MatrixIndexT incX, float beta, float *ydata, MatrixIndexT incY) {
+ cblas_sgbmv(CblasRowMajor, static_cast<CBLAS_TRANSPOSE>(trans), num_rows,
+ num_cols, num_below, num_above, alpha, Mdata, stride, xdata,
+ incX, beta, ydata, incY);
+inline void cblas_Xgbmv(MatrixTransposeType trans, MatrixIndexT num_rows,
+ MatrixIndexT num_cols, MatrixIndexT num_below,
+ MatrixIndexT num_above, double alpha, const double *Mdata,
+ MatrixIndexT stride, const double *xdata,
+ MatrixIndexT incX, double beta, double *ydata, MatrixIndexT incY) {
+ cblas_dgbmv(CblasRowMajor, static_cast<CBLAS_TRANSPOSE>(trans), num_rows,
+ num_cols, num_below, num_above, alpha, Mdata, stride, xdata,
+ incX, beta, ydata, incY);
+template<typename Real>
+inline void Xgemv_sparsevec(MatrixTransposeType trans, MatrixIndexT num_rows,
+ MatrixIndexT num_cols, Real alpha, const Real *Mdata,
+ MatrixIndexT stride, const Real *xdata,
+ MatrixIndexT incX, Real beta, Real *ydata,
+ MatrixIndexT incY) {
+ if (trans == kNoTrans) {
+ if (beta != 1.0) cblas_Xscal(num_rows, beta, ydata, incY);
+ for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_cols; i++) {
+ Real x_i = xdata[i * incX];
+ if (x_i == 0.0) continue;
+ // Add to ydata, the i'th column of M, times alpha * x_i
+ cblas_Xaxpy(num_rows, x_i * alpha, Mdata + i, stride, ydata, incY);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (beta != 1.0) cblas_Xscal(num_cols, beta, ydata, incY);
+ for (MatrixIndexT i = 0; i < num_rows; i++) {
+ Real x_i = xdata[i * incX];
+ if (x_i == 0.0) continue;
+ // Add to ydata, the i'th row of M, times alpha * x_i
+ cblas_Xaxpy(num_cols, x_i * alpha,
+ Mdata + (i * stride), 1, ydata, incY);
+ }
+ }
+inline void cblas_Xgemm(const float alpha,
+ MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const float *Adata,
+ MatrixIndexT a_num_rows, MatrixIndexT a_num_cols, MatrixIndexT a_stride,
+ MatrixTransposeType transB,
+ const float *Bdata, MatrixIndexT b_stride,
+ const float beta,
+ float *Mdata,
+ MatrixIndexT num_rows, MatrixIndexT num_cols,MatrixIndexT stride) {
+ cblas_sgemm(CblasRowMajor, static_cast<CBLAS_TRANSPOSE>(transA),
+ static_cast<CBLAS_TRANSPOSE>(transB),
+ num_rows, num_cols, transA == kNoTrans ? a_num_cols : a_num_rows,
+ alpha, Adata, a_stride, Bdata, b_stride,
+ beta, Mdata, stride);
+inline void cblas_Xgemm(const double alpha,
+ MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const double *Adata,
+ MatrixIndexT a_num_rows, MatrixIndexT a_num_cols, MatrixIndexT a_stride,
+ MatrixTransposeType transB,
+ const double *Bdata, MatrixIndexT b_stride,
+ const double beta,
+ double *Mdata,
+ MatrixIndexT num_rows, MatrixIndexT num_cols,MatrixIndexT stride) {
+ cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, static_cast<CBLAS_TRANSPOSE>(transA),
+ static_cast<CBLAS_TRANSPOSE>(transB),
+ num_rows, num_cols, transA == kNoTrans ? a_num_cols : a_num_rows,
+ alpha, Adata, a_stride, Bdata, b_stride,
+ beta, Mdata, stride);
+inline void cblas_Xsymm(const float alpha,
+ MatrixIndexT sz,
+ const float *Adata,MatrixIndexT a_stride,
+ const float *Bdata,MatrixIndexT b_stride,
+ const float beta,
+ float *Mdata, MatrixIndexT stride) {
+ cblas_ssymm(CblasRowMajor, CblasLeft, CblasLower, sz, sz, alpha, Adata,
+ a_stride, Bdata, b_stride, beta, Mdata, stride);
+inline void cblas_Xsymm(const double alpha,
+ MatrixIndexT sz,
+ const double *Adata,MatrixIndexT a_stride,
+ const double *Bdata,MatrixIndexT b_stride,
+ const double beta,
+ double *Mdata, MatrixIndexT stride) {
+ cblas_dsymm(CblasRowMajor, CblasLeft, CblasLower, sz, sz, alpha, Adata,
+ a_stride, Bdata, b_stride, beta, Mdata, stride);
+// ger: M += alpha x y^T.
+inline void cblas_Xger(MatrixIndexT num_rows, MatrixIndexT num_cols, float alpha,
+ const float *xdata, MatrixIndexT incX, const float *ydata,
+ MatrixIndexT incY, float *Mdata, MatrixIndexT stride) {
+ cblas_sger(CblasRowMajor, num_rows, num_cols, alpha, xdata, 1, ydata, 1,
+ Mdata, stride);
+inline void cblas_Xger(MatrixIndexT num_rows, MatrixIndexT num_cols, double alpha,
+ const double *xdata, MatrixIndexT incX, const double *ydata,
+ MatrixIndexT incY, double *Mdata, MatrixIndexT stride) {
+ cblas_dger(CblasRowMajor, num_rows, num_cols, alpha, xdata, 1, ydata, 1,
+ Mdata, stride);
+// syrk: symmetric rank-k update.
+// if trans==kNoTrans, then C = alpha A A^T + beta C
+// else C = alpha A^T A + beta C.
+// note: dim_c is dim(C), other_dim_a is the "other" dimension of A, i.e.
+// num-cols(A) if kNoTrans, or num-rows(A) if kTrans.
+// We only need the row-major and lower-triangular option of this, and this
+// is hard-coded.
+inline void cblas_Xsyrk (
+ const MatrixTransposeType trans, const MatrixIndexT dim_c,
+ const MatrixIndexT other_dim_a, const float alpha, const float *A,
+ const MatrixIndexT a_stride, const float beta, float *C,
+ const MatrixIndexT c_stride) {
+ cblas_ssyrk(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, static_cast<CBLAS_TRANSPOSE>(trans),
+ dim_c, other_dim_a, alpha, A, a_stride, beta, C, c_stride);
+inline void cblas_Xsyrk(
+ const MatrixTransposeType trans, const MatrixIndexT dim_c,
+ const MatrixIndexT other_dim_a, const double alpha, const double *A,
+ const MatrixIndexT a_stride, const double beta, double *C,
+ const MatrixIndexT c_stride) {
+ cblas_dsyrk(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, static_cast<CBLAS_TRANSPOSE>(trans),
+ dim_c, other_dim_a, alpha, A, a_stride, beta, C, c_stride);
+/// matrix-vector multiply using a banded matrix; we always call this
+/// with b = 1 meaning we're multiplying by a diagonal matrix. This is used for
+/// elementwise multiplication. We miss some of the arguments out of this
+/// wrapper.
+inline void cblas_Xsbmv1(
+ const MatrixIndexT dim,
+ const double *A,
+ const double alpha,
+ const double *x,
+ const double beta,
+ double *y) {
+ cblas_dsbmv(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, dim, 0, alpha, A,
+ 1, x, 1, beta, y, 1);
+inline void cblas_Xsbmv1(
+ const MatrixIndexT dim,
+ const float *A,
+ const float alpha,
+ const float *x,
+ const float beta,
+ float *y) {
+ cblas_ssbmv(CblasRowMajor, CblasLower, dim, 0, alpha, A,
+ 1, x, 1, beta, y, 1);
+/// This is not really a wrapper for CBLAS as CBLAS does not have this; in future we could
+/// extend this somehow.
+inline void mul_elements(
+ const MatrixIndexT dim,
+ const double *a,
+ double *b) { // does b *= a, elementwise.
+ double c1, c2, c3, c4;
+ MatrixIndexT i;
+ for (i = 0; i + 4 <= dim; i += 4) {
+ c1 = a[i] * b[i];
+ c2 = a[i+1] * b[i+1];
+ c3 = a[i+2] * b[i+2];
+ c4 = a[i+3] * b[i+3];
+ b[i] = c1;
+ b[i+1] = c2;
+ b[i+2] = c3;
+ b[i+3] = c4;
+ }
+ for (; i < dim; i++)
+ b[i] *= a[i];
+inline void mul_elements(
+ const MatrixIndexT dim,
+ const float *a,
+ float *b) { // does b *= a, elementwise.
+ float c1, c2, c3, c4;
+ MatrixIndexT i;
+ for (i = 0; i + 4 <= dim; i += 4) {
+ c1 = a[i] * b[i];
+ c2 = a[i+1] * b[i+1];
+ c3 = a[i+2] * b[i+2];
+ c4 = a[i+3] * b[i+3];
+ b[i] = c1;
+ b[i+1] = c2;
+ b[i+2] = c3;
+ b[i+3] = c4;
+ }
+ for (; i < dim; i++)
+ b[i] *= a[i];
+// add clapack here
+#if !defined(HAVE_ATLAS)
+inline void clapack_Xtptri(KaldiBlasInt *num_rows, float *Mdata, KaldiBlasInt *result) {
+ stptri_(const_cast<char *>("U"), const_cast<char *>("N"), num_rows, Mdata, result);
+inline void clapack_Xtptri(KaldiBlasInt *num_rows, double *Mdata, KaldiBlasInt *result) {
+ dtptri_(const_cast<char *>("U"), const_cast<char *>("N"), num_rows, Mdata, result);
+inline void clapack_Xgetrf2(KaldiBlasInt *num_rows, KaldiBlasInt *num_cols,
+ float *Mdata, KaldiBlasInt *stride, KaldiBlasInt *pivot,
+ KaldiBlasInt *result) {
+ sgetrf_(num_rows, num_cols, Mdata, stride, pivot, result);
+inline void clapack_Xgetrf2(KaldiBlasInt *num_rows, KaldiBlasInt *num_cols,
+ double *Mdata, KaldiBlasInt *stride, KaldiBlasInt *pivot,
+ KaldiBlasInt *result) {
+ dgetrf_(num_rows, num_cols, Mdata, stride, pivot, result);
+inline void clapack_Xgetri2(KaldiBlasInt *num_rows, float *Mdata, KaldiBlasInt *stride,
+ KaldiBlasInt *pivot, float *p_work,
+ KaldiBlasInt *l_work, KaldiBlasInt *result) {
+ sgetri_(num_rows, Mdata, stride, pivot, p_work, l_work, result);
+inline void clapack_Xgetri2(KaldiBlasInt *num_rows, double *Mdata, KaldiBlasInt *stride,
+ KaldiBlasInt *pivot, double *p_work,
+ KaldiBlasInt *l_work, KaldiBlasInt *result) {
+ dgetri_(num_rows, Mdata, stride, pivot, p_work, l_work, result);
+inline void clapack_Xgesvd(char *v, char *u, KaldiBlasInt *num_cols,
+ KaldiBlasInt *num_rows, float *Mdata, KaldiBlasInt *stride,
+ float *sv, float *Vdata, KaldiBlasInt *vstride,
+ float *Udata, KaldiBlasInt *ustride, float *p_work,
+ KaldiBlasInt *l_work, KaldiBlasInt *result) {
+ sgesvd_(v, u,
+ num_cols, num_rows, Mdata, stride,
+ sv, Vdata, vstride, Udata, ustride,
+ p_work, l_work, result);
+inline void clapack_Xgesvd(char *v, char *u, KaldiBlasInt *num_cols,
+ KaldiBlasInt *num_rows, double *Mdata, KaldiBlasInt *stride,
+ double *sv, double *Vdata, KaldiBlasInt *vstride,
+ double *Udata, KaldiBlasInt *ustride, double *p_work,
+ KaldiBlasInt *l_work, KaldiBlasInt *result) {
+ dgesvd_(v, u,
+ num_cols, num_rows, Mdata, stride,
+ sv, Vdata, vstride, Udata, ustride,
+ p_work, l_work, result);
+void inline clapack_Xsptri(KaldiBlasInt *num_rows, float *Mdata,
+ KaldiBlasInt *ipiv, float *work, KaldiBlasInt *result) {
+ ssptri_(const_cast<char *>("U"), num_rows, Mdata, ipiv, work, result);
+void inline clapack_Xsptri(KaldiBlasInt *num_rows, double *Mdata,
+ KaldiBlasInt *ipiv, double *work, KaldiBlasInt *result) {
+ dsptri_(const_cast<char *>("U"), num_rows, Mdata, ipiv, work, result);
+void inline clapack_Xsptrf(KaldiBlasInt *num_rows, float *Mdata,
+ KaldiBlasInt *ipiv, KaldiBlasInt *result) {
+ ssptrf_(const_cast<char *>("U"), num_rows, Mdata, ipiv, result);
+void inline clapack_Xsptrf(KaldiBlasInt *num_rows, double *Mdata,
+ KaldiBlasInt *ipiv, KaldiBlasInt *result) {
+ dsptrf_(const_cast<char *>("U"), num_rows, Mdata, ipiv, result);
+inline void clapack_Xgetrf(MatrixIndexT num_rows, MatrixIndexT num_cols,
+ float *Mdata, MatrixIndexT stride,
+ int *pivot, int *result) {
+ *result = clapack_sgetrf(CblasColMajor, num_rows, num_cols,
+ Mdata, stride, pivot);
+inline void clapack_Xgetrf(MatrixIndexT num_rows, MatrixIndexT num_cols,
+ double *Mdata, MatrixIndexT stride,
+ int *pivot, int *result) {
+ *result = clapack_dgetrf(CblasColMajor, num_rows, num_cols,
+ Mdata, stride, pivot);
+inline int clapack_Xtrtri(int num_rows, float *Mdata, MatrixIndexT stride) {
+ return clapack_strtri(CblasColMajor, CblasUpper, CblasNonUnit, num_rows,
+ Mdata, stride);
+inline int clapack_Xtrtri(int num_rows, double *Mdata, MatrixIndexT stride) {
+ return clapack_dtrtri(CblasColMajor, CblasUpper, CblasNonUnit, num_rows,
+ Mdata, stride);
+inline void clapack_Xgetri(MatrixIndexT num_rows, float *Mdata, MatrixIndexT stride,
+ int *pivot, int *result) {
+ *result = clapack_sgetri(CblasColMajor, num_rows, Mdata, stride, pivot);
+inline void clapack_Xgetri(MatrixIndexT num_rows, double *Mdata, MatrixIndexT stride,
+ int *pivot, int *result) {
+ *result = clapack_dgetri(CblasColMajor, num_rows, Mdata, stride, pivot);
+// namespace kaldi
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/compressed-matrix.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/compressed-matrix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..746cab3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/compressed-matrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+// matrix/compressed-matrix.h
+// Copyright 2012 Johns Hopkins University (author: Daniel Povey)
+// Frantisek Skala, Wei Shi
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "kaldi-matrix.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+/// \addtogroup matrix_group
+/// @{
+/// This class does lossy compression of a matrix. It only
+/// supports copying to-from a KaldiMatrix. For large matrices,
+/// each element is compressed into about one byte, but there
+/// is a little overhead on top of that (globally, and also per
+/// column).
+/// The basic idea is for each column (in the normal configuration)
+/// we work out the values at the 0th, 25th, 50th and 100th percentiles
+/// and store them as 16-bit integers; we then encode each value in
+/// the column as a single byte, in 3 separate ranges with different
+/// linear encodings (0-25th, 25-50th, 50th-100th).
+/// If the matrix has 8 rows or fewer, we simply store all values as
+/// uint16.
+class CompressedMatrix {
+ public:
+ CompressedMatrix(): data_(NULL) { }
+ ~CompressedMatrix() { Destroy(); }
+ template<typename Real>
+ CompressedMatrix(const MatrixBase<Real> &mat): data_(NULL) { CopyFromMat(mat); }
+ /// Initializer that can be used to select part of an existing
+ /// CompressedMatrix without un-compressing and re-compressing (note: unlike
+ /// similar initializers for class Matrix, it doesn't point to the same memory
+ /// location).
+ CompressedMatrix(const CompressedMatrix &mat,
+ const MatrixIndexT row_offset,
+ const MatrixIndexT num_rows,
+ const MatrixIndexT col_offset,
+ const MatrixIndexT num_cols);
+ void *Data() const { return this->data_; }
+ /// This will resize *this and copy the contents of mat to *this.
+ template<typename Real>
+ void CopyFromMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &mat);
+ CompressedMatrix(const CompressedMatrix &mat);
+ CompressedMatrix &operator = (const CompressedMatrix &mat); // assignment operator.
+ template<typename Real>
+ CompressedMatrix &operator = (const MatrixBase<Real> &mat); // assignment operator.
+ /// Copies contents to matrix. Note: mat must have the correct size,
+ /// CopyToMat no longer attempts to resize it.
+ template<typename Real>
+ void CopyToMat(MatrixBase<Real> *mat) const;
+ void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary) const;
+ void Read(std::istream &is, bool binary);
+ /// Returns number of rows (or zero for emtpy matrix).
+ inline MatrixIndexT NumRows() const { return (data_ == NULL) ? 0 :
+ (*reinterpret_cast<GlobalHeader*>(data_)).num_rows; }
+ /// Returns number of columns (or zero for emtpy matrix).
+ inline MatrixIndexT NumCols() const { return (data_ == NULL) ? 0 :
+ (*reinterpret_cast<GlobalHeader*>(data_)).num_cols; }
+ /// Copies row #row of the matrix into vector v.
+ /// Note: v must have same size as #cols.
+ template<typename Real>
+ void CopyRowToVec(MatrixIndexT row, VectorBase<Real> *v) const;
+ /// Copies column #col of the matrix into vector v.
+ /// Note: v must have same size as #rows.
+ template<typename Real>
+ void CopyColToVec(MatrixIndexT col, VectorBase<Real> *v) const;
+ /// Copies submatrix of compressed matrix into matrix dest.
+ /// Submatrix starts at row row_offset and column column_offset and its size
+ /// is defined by size of provided matrix dest
+ template<typename Real>
+ void CopyToMat(int32 row_offset,
+ int32 column_offset,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *dest) const;
+ void Swap(CompressedMatrix *other) { std::swap(data_, other->data_); }
+ friend class Matrix<float>;
+ friend class Matrix<double>;
+ private:
+ // allocates data using new [], ensures byte alignment
+ // sufficient for float.
+ static void *AllocateData(int32 num_bytes);
+ // the "format" will be 1 for the original format where each column has a
+ // PerColHeader, and 2 for the format now used for matrices with 8 or fewer
+ // rows, where everything is represented as 16-bit integers.
+ struct GlobalHeader {
+ int32 format;
+ float min_value;
+ float range;
+ int32 num_rows;
+ int32 num_cols;
+ };
+ static MatrixIndexT DataSize(const GlobalHeader &header);
+ struct PerColHeader {
+ uint16 percentile_0;
+ uint16 percentile_25;
+ uint16 percentile_75;
+ uint16 percentile_100;
+ };
+ template<typename Real>
+ static void CompressColumn(const GlobalHeader &global_header,
+ const Real *data, MatrixIndexT stride,
+ int32 num_rows, PerColHeader *header,
+ unsigned char *byte_data);
+ template<typename Real>
+ static void ComputeColHeader(const GlobalHeader &global_header,
+ const Real *data, MatrixIndexT stride,
+ int32 num_rows, PerColHeader *header);
+ static inline uint16 FloatToUint16(const GlobalHeader &global_header,
+ float value);
+ static inline float Uint16ToFloat(const GlobalHeader &global_header,
+ uint16 value);
+ static inline unsigned char FloatToChar(float p0, float p25,
+ float p75, float p100,
+ float value);
+ static inline float CharToFloat(float p0, float p25,
+ float p75, float p100,
+ unsigned char value);
+ void Destroy();
+ void *data_; // first GlobalHeader, then PerColHeader (repeated), then
+ // the byte data for each column (repeated). Note: don't intersperse
+ // the byte data with the PerColHeaders, because of alignment issues.
+/// @} end of \addtogroup matrix_group
+} // namespace kaldi
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/jama-eig.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/jama-eig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7278bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/jama-eig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,924 @@
+// matrix/jama-eig.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Microsoft Corporation
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// This file consists of a port and modification of materials from
+// JAMA: A Java Matrix Package
+// under the following notice: This software is a cooperative product of
+// The MathWorks and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
+// which has been released to the public. This notice and the original code are
+// available at
+#include "matrix/kaldi-matrix.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+// This class is not to be used externally. See the Eig function in the Matrix
+// class in kaldi-matrix.h. This is the external interface.
+template<typename Real> class EigenvalueDecomposition {
+ // This class is based on the EigenvalueDecomposition class from the JAMA
+ // library (version 1.0.2).
+ public:
+ EigenvalueDecomposition(const MatrixBase<Real> &A);
+ ~EigenvalueDecomposition(); // free memory.
+ void GetV(MatrixBase<Real> *V_out) { // V is what we call P externally; it's the matrix of
+ // eigenvectors.
+ KALDI_ASSERT(V_out->NumRows() == static_cast<MatrixIndexT>(n_)
+ && V_out->NumCols() == static_cast<MatrixIndexT>(n_));
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < n_; j++)
+ (*V_out)(i, j) = V(i, j); // V(i, j) is member function.
+ }
+ void GetRealEigenvalues(VectorBase<Real> *r_out) {
+ // returns real part of eigenvalues.
+ KALDI_ASSERT(r_out->Dim() == static_cast<MatrixIndexT>(n_));
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_; i++)
+ (*r_out)(i) = d_[i];
+ }
+ void GetImagEigenvalues(VectorBase<Real> *i_out) {
+ // returns imaginary part of eigenvalues.
+ KALDI_ASSERT(i_out->Dim() == static_cast<MatrixIndexT>(n_));
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_; i++)
+ (*i_out)(i) = e_[i];
+ }
+ private:
+ inline Real &H(int r, int c) { return H_[r*n_ + c]; }
+ inline Real &V(int r, int c) { return V_[r*n_ + c]; }
+ // complex division
+ inline static void cdiv(Real xr, Real xi, Real yr, Real yi, Real *cdivr, Real *cdivi) {
+ Real r, d;
+ if (std::abs(yr) > std::abs(yi)) {
+ r = yi/yr;
+ d = yr + r*yi;
+ *cdivr = (xr + r*xi)/d;
+ *cdivi = (xi - r*xr)/d;
+ } else {
+ r = yr/yi;
+ d = yi + r*yr;
+ *cdivr = (r*xr + xi)/d;
+ *cdivi = (r*xi - xr)/d;
+ }
+ }
+ // Nonsymmetric reduction from Hessenberg to real Schur form.
+ void Hqr2 ();
+ int n_; // matrix dimension.
+ Real *d_, *e_; // real and imaginary parts of eigenvalues.
+ Real *V_; // the eigenvectors (P in our external notation)
+ Real *H_; // the nonsymmetric Hessenberg form.
+ Real *ort_; // working storage for nonsymmetric algorithm.
+ // Symmetric Householder reduction to tridiagonal form.
+ void Tred2 ();
+ // Symmetric tridiagonal QL algorithm.
+ void Tql2 ();
+ // Nonsymmetric reduction to Hessenberg form.
+ void Orthes ();
+template class EigenvalueDecomposition<float>; // force instantiation.
+template class EigenvalueDecomposition<double>; // force instantiation.
+template<typename Real> void EigenvalueDecomposition<Real>::Tred2() {
+ // This is derived from the Algol procedures tred2 by
+ // Bowdler, Martin, Reinsch, and Wilkinson, Handbook for
+ // Auto. Comp., Vol.ii-Linear Algebra, and the corresponding
+ // Fortran subroutine in EISPACK.
+ for (int j = 0; j < n_; j++) {
+ d_[j] = V(n_-1, j);
+ }
+ // Householder reduction to tridiagonal form.
+ for (int i = n_-1; i > 0; i--) {
+ // Scale to avoid under/overflow.
+ Real scale = 0.0;
+ Real h = 0.0;
+ for (int k = 0; k < i; k++) {
+ scale = scale + std::abs(d_[k]);
+ }
+ if (scale == 0.0) {
+ e_[i] = d_[i-1];
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ d_[j] = V(i-1, j);
+ V(i, j) = 0.0;
+ V(j, i) = 0.0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Generate Householder vector.
+ for (int k = 0; k < i; k++) {
+ d_[k] /= scale;
+ h += d_[k] * d_[k];
+ }
+ Real f = d_[i-1];
+ Real g = std::sqrt(h);
+ if (f > 0) {
+ g = -g;
+ }
+ e_[i] = scale * g;
+ h = h - f * g;
+ d_[i-1] = f - g;
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ e_[j] = 0.0;
+ }
+ // Apply similarity transformation to remaining columns.
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ f = d_[j];
+ V(j, i) = f;
+ g =e_[j] + V(j, j) * f;
+ for (int k = j+1; k <= i-1; k++) {
+ g += V(k, j) * d_[k];
+ e_[k] += V(k, j) * f;
+ }
+ e_[j] = g;
+ }
+ f = 0.0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ e_[j] /= h;
+ f += e_[j] * d_[j];
+ }
+ Real hh = f / (h + h);
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ e_[j] -= hh * d_[j];
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ f = d_[j];
+ g = e_[j];
+ for (int k = j; k <= i-1; k++) {
+ V(k, j) -= (f * e_[k] + g * d_[k]);
+ }
+ d_[j] = V(i-1, j);
+ V(i, j) = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ d_[i] = h;
+ }
+ // Accumulate transformations.
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_-1; i++) {
+ V(n_-1, i) = V(i, i);
+ V(i, i) = 1.0;
+ Real h = d_[i+1];
+ if (h != 0.0) {
+ for (int k = 0; k <= i; k++) {
+ d_[k] = V(k, i+1) / h;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
+ Real g = 0.0;
+ for (int k = 0; k <= i; k++) {
+ g += V(k, i+1) * V(k, j);
+ }
+ for (int k = 0; k <= i; k++) {
+ V(k, j) -= g * d_[k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int k = 0; k <= i; k++) {
+ V(k, i+1) = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < n_; j++) {
+ d_[j] = V(n_-1, j);
+ V(n_-1, j) = 0.0;
+ }
+ V(n_-1, n_-1) = 1.0;
+ e_[0] = 0.0;
+template<typename Real> void EigenvalueDecomposition<Real>::Tql2() {
+ // This is derived from the Algol procedures tql2, by
+ // Bowdler, Martin, Reinsch, and Wilkinson, Handbook for
+ // Auto. Comp., Vol.ii-Linear Algebra, and the corresponding
+ // Fortran subroutine in EISPACK.
+ for (int i = 1; i < n_; i++) {
+ e_[i-1] = e_[i];
+ }
+ e_[n_-1] = 0.0;
+ Real f = 0.0;
+ Real tst1 = 0.0;
+ Real eps = std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon();
+ for (int l = 0; l < n_; l++) {
+ // Find small subdiagonal element
+ tst1 = std::max(tst1, std::abs(d_[l]) + std::abs(e_[l]));
+ int m = l;
+ while (m < n_) {
+ if (std::abs(e_[m]) <= eps*tst1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ m++;
+ }
+ // If m == l, d_[l] is an eigenvalue,
+ // otherwise, iterate.
+ if (m > l) {
+ int iter = 0;
+ do {
+ iter = iter + 1; // (Could check iteration count here.)
+ // Compute implicit shift
+ Real g = d_[l];
+ Real p = (d_[l+1] - g) / (2.0 *e_[l]);
+ Real r = Hypot(p, static_cast<Real>(1.0)); // This is a Kaldi version of hypot that works with templates.
+ if (p < 0) {
+ r = -r;
+ }
+ d_[l] =e_[l] / (p + r);
+ d_[l+1] =e_[l] * (p + r);
+ Real dl1 = d_[l+1];
+ Real h = g - d_[l];
+ for (int i = l+2; i < n_; i++) {
+ d_[i] -= h;
+ }
+ f = f + h;
+ // Implicit QL transformation.
+ p = d_[m];
+ Real c = 1.0;
+ Real c2 = c;
+ Real c3 = c;
+ Real el1 =e_[l+1];
+ Real s = 0.0;
+ Real s2 = 0.0;
+ for (int i = m-1; i >= l; i--) {
+ c3 = c2;
+ c2 = c;
+ s2 = s;
+ g = c *e_[i];
+ h = c * p;
+ r = Hypot(p, e_[i]); // This is a Kaldi version of Hypot that works with templates.
+ e_[i+1] = s * r;
+ s =e_[i] / r;
+ c = p / r;
+ p = c * d_[i] - s * g;
+ d_[i+1] = h + s * (c * g + s * d_[i]);
+ // Accumulate transformation.
+ for (int k = 0; k < n_; k++) {
+ h = V(k, i+1);
+ V(k, i+1) = s * V(k, i) + c * h;
+ V(k, i) = c * V(k, i) - s * h;
+ }
+ }
+ p = -s * s2 * c3 * el1 *e_[l] / dl1;
+ e_[l] = s * p;
+ d_[l] = c * p;
+ // Check for convergence.
+ } while (std::abs(e_[l]) > eps*tst1);
+ }
+ d_[l] = d_[l] + f;
+ e_[l] = 0.0;
+ }
+ // Sort eigenvalues and corresponding vectors.
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_-1; i++) {
+ int k = i;
+ Real p = d_[i];
+ for (int j = i+1; j < n_; j++) {
+ if (d_[j] < p) {
+ k = j;
+ p = d_[j];
+ }
+ }
+ if (k != i) {
+ d_[k] = d_[i];
+ d_[i] = p;
+ for (int j = 0; j < n_; j++) {
+ p = V(j, i);
+ V(j, i) = V(j, k);
+ V(j, k) = p;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template<typename Real>
+void EigenvalueDecomposition<Real>::Orthes() {
+ // This is derived from the Algol procedures orthes and ortran,
+ // by Martin and Wilkinson, Handbook for Auto. Comp.,
+ // Vol.ii-Linear Algebra, and the corresponding
+ // Fortran subroutines in EISPACK.
+ int low = 0;
+ int high = n_-1;
+ for (int m = low+1; m <= high-1; m++) {
+ // Scale column.
+ Real scale = 0.0;
+ for (int i = m; i <= high; i++) {
+ scale = scale + std::abs(H(i, m-1));
+ }
+ if (scale != 0.0) {
+ // Compute Householder transformation.
+ Real h = 0.0;
+ for (int i = high; i >= m; i--) {
+ ort_[i] = H(i, m-1)/scale;
+ h += ort_[i] * ort_[i];
+ }
+ Real g = std::sqrt(h);
+ if (ort_[m] > 0) {
+ g = -g;
+ }
+ h = h - ort_[m] * g;
+ ort_[m] = ort_[m] - g;
+ // Apply Householder similarity transformation
+ // H = (I-u*u'/h)*H*(I-u*u')/h)
+ for (int j = m; j < n_; j++) {
+ Real f = 0.0;
+ for (int i = high; i >= m; i--) {
+ f += ort_[i]*H(i, j);
+ }
+ f = f/h;
+ for (int i = m; i <= high; i++) {
+ H(i, j) -= f*ort_[i];
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i <= high; i++) {
+ Real f = 0.0;
+ for (int j = high; j >= m; j--) {
+ f += ort_[j]*H(i, j);
+ }
+ f = f/h;
+ for (int j = m; j <= high; j++) {
+ H(i, j) -= f*ort_[j];
+ }
+ }
+ ort_[m] = scale*ort_[m];
+ H(m, m-1) = scale*g;
+ }
+ }
+ // Accumulate transformations (Algol's ortran).
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < n_; j++) {
+ V(i, j) = (i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int m = high-1; m >= low+1; m--) {
+ if (H(m, m-1) != 0.0) {
+ for (int i = m+1; i <= high; i++) {
+ ort_[i] = H(i, m-1);
+ }
+ for (int j = m; j <= high; j++) {
+ Real g = 0.0;
+ for (int i = m; i <= high; i++) {
+ g += ort_[i] * V(i, j);
+ }
+ // Double division avoids possible underflow
+ g = (g / ort_[m]) / H(m, m-1);
+ for (int i = m; i <= high; i++) {
+ V(i, j) += g * ort_[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template<typename Real> void EigenvalueDecomposition<Real>::Hqr2() {
+ // This is derived from the Algol procedure hqr2,
+ // by Martin and Wilkinson, Handbook for Auto. Comp.,
+ // Vol.ii-Linear Algebra, and the corresponding
+ // Fortran subroutine in EISPACK.
+ int nn = n_;
+ int n = nn-1;
+ int low = 0;
+ int high = nn-1;
+ Real eps = std::numeric_limits<Real>::epsilon();
+ Real exshift = 0.0;
+ Real p = 0, q = 0, r = 0, s = 0, z=0, t, w, x, y;
+ // Store roots isolated by balanc and compute matrix norm
+ Real norm = 0.0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
+ if (i < low || i > high) {
+ d_[i] = H(i, i);
+ e_[i] = 0.0;
+ }
+ for (int j = std::max(i-1, 0); j < nn; j++) {
+ norm = norm + std::abs(H(i, j));
+ }
+ }
+ // Outer loop over eigenvalue index
+ int iter = 0;
+ while (n >= low) {
+ // Look for single small sub-diagonal element
+ int l = n;
+ while (l > low) {
+ s = std::abs(H(l-1, l-1)) + std::abs(H(l, l));
+ if (s == 0.0) {
+ s = norm;
+ }
+ if (std::abs(H(l, l-1)) < eps * s) {
+ break;
+ }
+ l--;
+ }
+ // Check for convergence
+ // One root found
+ if (l == n) {
+ H(n, n) = H(n, n) + exshift;
+ d_[n] = H(n, n);
+ e_[n] = 0.0;
+ n--;
+ iter = 0;
+ // Two roots found
+ } else if (l == n-1) {
+ w = H(n, n-1) * H(n-1, n);
+ p = (H(n-1, n-1) - H(n, n)) / 2.0;
+ q = p * p + w;
+ z = std::sqrt(std::abs(q));
+ H(n, n) = H(n, n) + exshift;
+ H(n-1, n-1) = H(n-1, n-1) + exshift;
+ x = H(n, n);
+ // Real pair
+ if (q >= 0) {
+ if (p >= 0) {
+ z = p + z;
+ } else {
+ z = p - z;
+ }
+ d_[n-1] = x + z;
+ d_[n] = d_[n-1];
+ if (z != 0.0) {
+ d_[n] = x - w / z;
+ }
+ e_[n-1] = 0.0;
+ e_[n] = 0.0;
+ x = H(n, n-1);
+ s = std::abs(x) + std::abs(z);
+ p = x / s;
+ q = z / s;
+ r = std::sqrt(p * p+q * q);
+ p = p / r;
+ q = q / r;
+ // Row modification
+ for (int j = n-1; j < nn; j++) {
+ z = H(n-1, j);
+ H(n-1, j) = q * z + p * H(n, j);
+ H(n, j) = q * H(n, j) - p * z;
+ }
+ // Column modification
+ for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
+ z = H(i, n-1);
+ H(i, n-1) = q * z + p * H(i, n);
+ H(i, n) = q * H(i, n) - p * z;
+ }
+ // Accumulate transformations
+ for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {
+ z = V(i, n-1);
+ V(i, n-1) = q * z + p * V(i, n);
+ V(i, n) = q * V(i, n) - p * z;
+ }
+ // Complex pair
+ } else {
+ d_[n-1] = x + p;
+ d_[n] = x + p;
+ e_[n-1] = z;
+ e_[n] = -z;
+ }
+ n = n - 2;
+ iter = 0;
+ // No convergence yet
+ } else {
+ // Form shift
+ x = H(n, n);
+ y = 0.0;
+ w = 0.0;
+ if (l < n) {
+ y = H(n-1, n-1);
+ w = H(n, n-1) * H(n-1, n);
+ }
+ // Wilkinson's original ad hoc shift
+ if (iter == 10) {
+ exshift += x;
+ for (int i = low; i <= n; i++) {
+ H(i, i) -= x;
+ }
+ s = std::abs(H(n, n-1)) + std::abs(H(n-1, n-2));
+ x = y = 0.75 * s;
+ w = -0.4375 * s * s;
+ }
+ // MATLAB's new ad hoc shift
+ if (iter == 30) {
+ s = (y - x) / 2.0;
+ s = s * s + w;
+ if (s > 0) {
+ s = std::sqrt(s);
+ if (y < x) {
+ s = -s;
+ }
+ s = x - w / ((y - x) / 2.0 + s);
+ for (int i = low; i <= n; i++) {
+ H(i, i) -= s;
+ }
+ exshift += s;
+ x = y = w = 0.964;
+ }
+ }
+ iter = iter + 1; // (Could check iteration count here.)
+ // Look for two consecutive small sub-diagonal elements
+ int m = n-2;
+ while (m >= l) {
+ z = H(m, m);
+ r = x - z;
+ s = y - z;
+ p = (r * s - w) / H(m+1, m) + H(m, m+1);
+ q = H(m+1, m+1) - z - r - s;
+ r = H(m+2, m+1);
+ s = std::abs(p) + std::abs(q) + std::abs(r);
+ p = p / s;
+ q = q / s;
+ r = r / s;
+ if (m == l) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (std::abs(H(m, m-1)) * (std::abs(q) + std::abs(r)) <
+ eps * (std::abs(p) * (std::abs(H(m-1, m-1)) + std::abs(z) +
+ std::abs(H(m+1, m+1))))) {
+ break;
+ }
+ m--;
+ }
+ for (int i = m+2; i <= n; i++) {
+ H(i, i-2) = 0.0;
+ if (i > m+2) {
+ H(i, i-3) = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Double QR step involving rows l:n and columns m:n
+ for (int k = m; k <= n-1; k++) {
+ bool notlast = (k != n-1);
+ if (k != m) {
+ p = H(k, k-1);
+ q = H(k+1, k-1);
+ r = (notlast ? H(k+2, k-1) : 0.0);
+ x = std::abs(p) + std::abs(q) + std::abs(r);
+ if (x != 0.0) {
+ p = p / x;
+ q = q / x;
+ r = r / x;
+ }
+ }
+ if (x == 0.0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ s = std::sqrt(p * p + q * q + r * r);
+ if (p < 0) {
+ s = -s;
+ }
+ if (s != 0) {
+ if (k != m) {
+ H(k, k-1) = -s * x;
+ } else if (l != m) {
+ H(k, k-1) = -H(k, k-1);
+ }
+ p = p + s;
+ x = p / s;
+ y = q / s;
+ z = r / s;
+ q = q / p;
+ r = r / p;
+ // Row modification
+ for (int j = k; j < nn; j++) {
+ p = H(k, j) + q * H(k+1, j);
+ if (notlast) {
+ p = p + r * H(k+2, j);
+ H(k+2, j) = H(k+2, j) - p * z;
+ }
+ H(k, j) = H(k, j) - p * x;
+ H(k+1, j) = H(k+1, j) - p * y;
+ }
+ // Column modification
+ for (int i = 0; i <= std::min(n, k+3); i++) {
+ p = x * H(i, k) + y * H(i, k+1);
+ if (notlast) {
+ p = p + z * H(i, k+2);
+ H(i, k+2) = H(i, k+2) - p * r;
+ }
+ H(i, k) = H(i, k) - p;
+ H(i, k+1) = H(i, k+1) - p * q;
+ }
+ // Accumulate transformations
+ for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {
+ p = x * V(i, k) + y * V(i, k+1);
+ if (notlast) {
+ p = p + z * V(i, k+2);
+ V(i, k+2) = V(i, k+2) - p * r;
+ }
+ V(i, k) = V(i, k) - p;
+ V(i, k+1) = V(i, k+1) - p * q;
+ }
+ } // (s != 0)
+ } // k loop
+ } // check convergence
+ } // while (n >= low)
+ // Backsubstitute to find vectors of upper triangular form
+ if (norm == 0.0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (n = nn-1; n >= 0; n--) {
+ p = d_[n];
+ q = e_[n];
+ // Real vector
+ if (q == 0) {
+ int l = n;
+ H(n, n) = 1.0;
+ for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ w = H(i, i) - p;
+ r = 0.0;
+ for (int j = l; j <= n; j++) {
+ r = r + H(i, j) * H(j, n);
+ }
+ if (e_[i] < 0.0) {
+ z = w;
+ s = r;
+ } else {
+ l = i;
+ if (e_[i] == 0.0) {
+ if (w != 0.0) {
+ H(i, n) = -r / w;
+ } else {
+ H(i, n) = -r / (eps * norm);
+ }
+ // Solve real equations
+ } else {
+ x = H(i, i+1);
+ y = H(i+1, i);
+ q = (d_[i] - p) * (d_[i] - p) +e_[i] *e_[i];
+ t = (x * s - z * r) / q;
+ H(i, n) = t;
+ if (std::abs(x) > std::abs(z)) {
+ H(i+1, n) = (-r - w * t) / x;
+ } else {
+ H(i+1, n) = (-s - y * t) / z;
+ }
+ }
+ // Overflow control
+ t = std::abs(H(i, n));
+ if ((eps * t) * t > 1) {
+ for (int j = i; j <= n; j++) {
+ H(j, n) = H(j, n) / t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Complex vector
+ } else if (q < 0) {
+ int l = n-1;
+ // Last vector component imaginary so matrix is triangular
+ if (std::abs(H(n, n-1)) > std::abs(H(n-1, n))) {
+ H(n-1, n-1) = q / H(n, n-1);
+ H(n-1, n) = -(H(n, n) - p) / H(n, n-1);
+ } else {
+ Real cdivr, cdivi;
+ cdiv(0.0, -H(n-1, n), H(n-1, n-1)-p, q, &cdivr, &cdivi);
+ H(n-1, n-1) = cdivr;
+ H(n-1, n) = cdivi;
+ }
+ H(n, n-1) = 0.0;
+ H(n, n) = 1.0;
+ for (int i = n-2; i >= 0; i--) {
+ Real ra, sa, vr, vi;
+ ra = 0.0;
+ sa = 0.0;
+ for (int j = l; j <= n; j++) {
+ ra = ra + H(i, j) * H(j, n-1);
+ sa = sa + H(i, j) * H(j, n);
+ }
+ w = H(i, i) - p;
+ if (e_[i] < 0.0) {
+ z = w;
+ r = ra;
+ s = sa;
+ } else {
+ l = i;
+ if (e_[i] == 0) {
+ Real cdivr, cdivi;
+ cdiv(-ra, -sa, w, q, &cdivr, &cdivi);
+ H(i, n-1) = cdivr;
+ H(i, n) = cdivi;
+ } else {
+ Real cdivr, cdivi;
+ // Solve complex equations
+ x = H(i, i+1);
+ y = H(i+1, i);
+ vr = (d_[i] - p) * (d_[i] - p) +e_[i] *e_[i] - q * q;
+ vi = (d_[i] - p) * 2.0 * q;
+ if (vr == 0.0 && vi == 0.0) {
+ vr = eps * norm * (std::abs(w) + std::abs(q) +
+ std::abs(x) + std::abs(y) + std::abs(z));
+ }
+ cdiv(x*r-z*ra+q*sa, x*s-z*sa-q*ra, vr, vi, &cdivr, &cdivi);
+ H(i, n-1) = cdivr;
+ H(i, n) = cdivi;
+ if (std::abs(x) > (std::abs(z) + std::abs(q))) {
+ H(i+1, n-1) = (-ra - w * H(i, n-1) + q * H(i, n)) / x;
+ H(i+1, n) = (-sa - w * H(i, n) - q * H(i, n-1)) / x;
+ } else {
+ cdiv(-r-y*H(i, n-1), -s-y*H(i, n), z, q, &cdivr, &cdivi);
+ H(i+1, n-1) = cdivr;
+ H(i+1, n) = cdivi;
+ }
+ }
+ // Overflow control
+ t = std::max(std::abs(H(i, n-1)), std::abs(H(i, n)));
+ if ((eps * t) * t > 1) {
+ for (int j = i; j <= n; j++) {
+ H(j, n-1) = H(j, n-1) / t;
+ H(j, n) = H(j, n) / t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Vectors of isolated roots
+ for (int i = 0; i < nn; i++) {
+ if (i < low || i > high) {
+ for (int j = i; j < nn; j++) {
+ V(i, j) = H(i, j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Back transformation to get eigenvectors of original matrix
+ for (int j = nn-1; j >= low; j--) {
+ for (int i = low; i <= high; i++) {
+ z = 0.0;
+ for (int k = low; k <= std::min(j, high); k++) {
+ z = z + V(i, k) * H(k, j);
+ }
+ V(i, j) = z;
+ }
+ }
+template<typename Real>
+EigenvalueDecomposition<Real>::EigenvalueDecomposition(const MatrixBase<Real> &A) {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(A.NumCols() == A.NumRows() && A.NumCols() >= 1);
+ n_ = A.NumRows();
+ V_ = new Real[n_*n_];
+ d_ = new Real[n_];
+ e_ = new Real[n_];
+ H_ = NULL;
+ ort_ = NULL;
+ if (A.IsSymmetric(0.0)) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < n_; j++)
+ V(i, j) = A(i, j); // Note that V(i, j) is a member function; A(i, j) is an operator
+ // of the matrix A.
+ // Tridiagonalize.
+ Tred2();
+ // Diagonalize.
+ Tql2();
+ } else {
+ H_ = new Real[n_*n_];
+ ort_ = new Real[n_];
+ for (int i = 0; i < n_; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < n_; j++)
+ H(i, j) = A(i, j); // as before: H is member function, A(i, j) is operator of matrix.
+ // Reduce to Hessenberg form.
+ Orthes();
+ // Reduce Hessenberg to real Schur form.
+ Hqr2();
+ }
+template<typename Real>
+EigenvalueDecomposition<Real>::~EigenvalueDecomposition() {
+ delete [] d_;
+ delete [] e_;
+ delete [] V_;
+ if (H_) delete [] H_;
+ if (ort_) delete [] ort_;
+// see function MatrixBase<Real>::Eig in
+} // namespace kaldi
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/jama-svd.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/jama-svd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8304dac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/jama-svd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+// matrix/jama-svd.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Microsoft Corporation
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// This file consists of a port and modification of materials from
+// JAMA: A Java Matrix Package
+// under the following notice: This software is a cooperative product of
+// The MathWorks and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
+// which has been released to the public. This notice and the original code are
+// available at
+#include "matrix/kaldi-matrix.h"
+#include "matrix/sp-matrix.h"
+#include "matrix/cblas-wrappers.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+#if defined(HAVE_ATLAS) || defined(USE_KALDI_SVD)
+// using ATLAS as our math library, which doesn't have SVD -> need
+// to implement it.
+// This routine is a modified form of jama_svd.h which is part of the TNT distribution.
+// (originally comes from JAMA).
+/** Singular Value Decomposition.
+ * <P>
+ * For an m-by-n matrix A with m >= n, the singular value decomposition is
+ * an m-by-n orthogonal matrix U, an n-by-n diagonal matrix S, and
+ * an n-by-n orthogonal matrix V so that A = U*S*V'.
+ * <P>
+ * The singular values, sigma[k] = S(k, k), are ordered so that
+ * sigma[0] >= sigma[1] >= ... >= sigma[n-1].
+ * <P>
+ * The singular value decompostion always exists, so the constructor will
+ * never fail. The matrix condition number and the effective numerical
+ * rank can be computed from this decomposition.
+ * <p>
+ * (Adapted from JAMA, a Java Matrix Library, developed by jointly
+ * by the Mathworks and NIST; see
+ */
+template<typename Real>
+bool MatrixBase<Real>::JamaSvd(VectorBase<Real> *s_in,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *U_in,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *V_in) { // Destructive!
+ KALDI_ASSERT(s_in != NULL && U_in != this && V_in != this);
+ int wantu = (U_in != NULL), wantv = (V_in != NULL);
+ Matrix<Real> Utmp, Vtmp;
+ MatrixBase<Real> &U = (U_in ? *U_in : Utmp), &V = (V_in ? *V_in : Vtmp);
+ VectorBase<Real> &s = *s_in;
+ int m = num_rows_, n = num_cols_;
+ KALDI_ASSERT(m>=n && m != 0 && n != 0);
+ if (wantu) KALDI_ASSERT((int)U.num_rows_ == m && (int)U.num_cols_ == n);
+ if (wantv) KALDI_ASSERT((int)V.num_rows_ == n && (int)V.num_cols_ == n);
+ KALDI_ASSERT((int)s.Dim() == n); // n<=m so n is min.
+ int nu = n;
+ U.SetZero(); // make sure all zero.
+ Vector<Real> e(n);
+ Vector<Real> work(m);
+ MatrixBase<Real> &A(*this);
+ Real *adata = A.Data(), *workdata = work.Data(), *edata = e.Data(),
+ *udata = U.Data(), *vdata = V.Data();
+ int astride = static_cast<int>(A.Stride()),
+ ustride = static_cast<int>(U.Stride()),
+ vstride = static_cast<int>(V.Stride());
+ int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
+ // Reduce A to bidiagonal form, storing the diagonal elements
+ // in s and the super-diagonal elements in e.
+ int nct = std::min(m-1, n);
+ int nrt = std::max(0, std::min(n-2, m));
+ for (k = 0; k < std::max(nct, nrt); k++) {
+ if (k < nct) {
+ // Compute the transformation for the k-th column and
+ // place the k-th diagonal in s(k).
+ // Compute 2-norm of k-th column without under/overflow.
+ s(k) = 0;
+ for (i = k; i < m; i++) {
+ s(k) = hypot(s(k), A(i, k));
+ }
+ if (s(k) != 0.0) {
+ if (A(k, k) < 0.0) {
+ s(k) = -s(k);
+ }
+ for (i = k; i < m; i++) {
+ A(i, k) /= s(k);
+ }
+ A(k, k) += 1.0;
+ }
+ s(k) = -s(k);
+ }
+ for (j = k+1; j < n; j++) {
+ if ((k < nct) && (s(k) != 0.0)) {
+ // Apply the transformation.
+ Real t = cblas_Xdot(m - k, adata + astride*k + k, astride,
+ adata + astride*k + j, astride);
+ /*for (i = k; i < m; i++) {
+ t += adata[i*astride + k]*adata[i*astride + j]; // A(i, k)*A(i, j); // 3
+ }*/
+ t = -t/A(k, k);
+ cblas_Xaxpy(m - k, t, adata + k*astride + k, astride,
+ adata + k*astride + j, astride);
+ /*for (i = k; i < m; i++) {
+ adata[i*astride + j] += t*adata[i*astride + k]; // A(i, j) += t*A(i, k); // 5
+ }*/
+ }
+ // Place the k-th row of A into e for the
+ // subsequent calculation of the row transformation.
+ e(j) = A(k, j);
+ }
+ if (wantu & (k < nct)) {
+ // Place the transformation in U for subsequent back
+ // multiplication.
+ for (i = k; i < m; i++) {
+ U(i, k) = A(i, k);
+ }
+ }
+ if (k < nrt) {
+ // Compute the k-th row transformation and place the
+ // k-th super-diagonal in e(k).
+ // Compute 2-norm without under/overflow.
+ e(k) = 0;
+ for (i = k+1; i < n; i++) {
+ e(k) = hypot(e(k), e(i));
+ }
+ if (e(k) != 0.0) {
+ if (e(k+1) < 0.0) {
+ e(k) = -e(k);
+ }
+ for (i = k+1; i < n; i++) {
+ e(i) /= e(k);
+ }
+ e(k+1) += 1.0;
+ }
+ e(k) = -e(k);
+ if ((k+1 < m) & (e(k) != 0.0)) {
+ // Apply the transformation.
+ for (i = k+1; i < m; i++) {
+ work(i) = 0.0;
+ }
+ for (j = k+1; j < n; j++) {
+ for (i = k+1; i < m; i++) {
+ workdata[i] += edata[j] * adata[i*astride + j]; // work(i) += e(j)*A(i, j); // 5
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = k+1; j < n; j++) {
+ Real t(-e(j)/e(k+1));
+ cblas_Xaxpy(m - (k+1), t, workdata + (k+1), 1,
+ adata + (k+1)*astride + j, astride);
+ /*
+ for (i = k+1; i < m; i++) {
+ adata[i*astride + j] += t*workdata[i]; // A(i, j) += t*work(i); // 5
+ }*/
+ }
+ }
+ if (wantv) {
+ // Place the transformation in V for subsequent
+ // back multiplication.
+ for (i = k+1; i < n; i++) {
+ V(i, k) = e(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Set up the final bidiagonal matrix or order p.
+ int p = std::min(n, m+1);
+ if (nct < n) {
+ s(nct) = A(nct, nct);
+ }
+ if (m < p) {
+ s(p-1) = 0.0;
+ }
+ if (nrt+1 < p) {
+ e(nrt) = A(nrt, p-1);
+ }
+ e(p-1) = 0.0;
+ // If required, generate U.
+ if (wantu) {
+ for (j = nct; j < nu; j++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+ U(i, j) = 0.0;
+ }
+ U(j, j) = 1.0;
+ }
+ for (k = nct-1; k >= 0; k--) {
+ if (s(k) != 0.0) {
+ for (j = k+1; j < nu; j++) {
+ Real t = cblas_Xdot(m - k, udata + k*ustride + k, ustride, udata + k*ustride + j, ustride);
+ //for (i = k; i < m; i++) {
+ // t += udata[i*ustride + k]*udata[i*ustride + j]; // t += U(i, k)*U(i, j); // 8
+ // }
+ t = -t/U(k, k);
+ cblas_Xaxpy(m - k, t, udata + ustride*k + k, ustride,
+ udata + k*ustride + j, ustride);
+ /*for (i = k; i < m; i++) {
+ udata[i*ustride + j] += t*udata[i*ustride + k]; // U(i, j) += t*U(i, k); // 4
+ }*/
+ }
+ for (i = k; i < m; i++ ) {
+ U(i, k) = -U(i, k);
+ }
+ U(k, k) = 1.0 + U(k, k);
+ for (i = 0; i < k-1; i++) {
+ U(i, k) = 0.0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+ U(i, k) = 0.0;
+ }
+ U(k, k) = 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If required, generate V.
+ if (wantv) {
+ for (k = n-1; k >= 0; k--) {
+ if ((k < nrt) & (e(k) != 0.0)) {
+ for (j = k+1; j < nu; j++) {
+ Real t = cblas_Xdot(n - (k+1), vdata + (k+1)*vstride + k, vstride,
+ vdata + (k+1)*vstride + j, vstride);
+ /*Real t (0.0);
+ for (i = k+1; i < n; i++) {
+ t += vdata[i*vstride + k]*vdata[i*vstride + j]; // t += V(i, k)*V(i, j); // 7
+ }*/
+ t = -t/V(k+1, k);
+ cblas_Xaxpy(n - (k+1), t, vdata + (k+1)*vstride + k, vstride,
+ vdata + (k+1)*vstride + j, vstride);
+ /*for (i = k+1; i < n; i++) {
+ vdata[i*vstride + j] += t*vdata[i*vstride + k]; // V(i, j) += t*V(i, k); // 7
+ }*/
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ V(i, k) = 0.0;
+ }
+ V(k, k) = 1.0;
+ }
+ }
+ // Main iteration loop for the singular values.
+ int pp = p-1;
+ int iter = 0;
+ // note: -52.0 is from Jama code; the -23 is the extension
+ // to float, because mantissa length in (double, float)
+ // is (52, 23) bits respectively.
+ Real eps(pow(2.0, sizeof(Real) == 4 ? -23.0 : -52.0));
+ // Note: the -966 was taken from Jama code, but the -120 is a guess
+ // of how to extend this to float... the exponent in double goes
+ // from -1022 .. 1023, and in float from -126..127. I'm not sure
+ // what the significance of 966 is, so -120 just represents a number
+ // that's a bit less negative than -126. If we get convergence
+ // failure in float only, this may mean that we have to make the
+ // -120 value less negative.
+ Real tiny(pow(2.0, sizeof(Real) == 4 ? -120.0: -966.0 ));
+ while (p > 0) {
+ int k = 0;
+ int kase = 0;
+ if (iter == 500 || iter == 750) {
+ KALDI_WARN << "Svd taking a long time: making convergence criterion less exact.";
+ eps = pow(static_cast<Real>(0.8), eps);
+ tiny = pow(static_cast<Real>(0.8), tiny);
+ }
+ if (iter > 1000) {
+ KALDI_WARN << "Svd not converging on matrix of size " << m << " by " <<n;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // This section of the program inspects for
+ // negligible elements in the s and e arrays. On
+ // completion the variables kase and k are set as follows.
+ // kase = 1 if s(p) and e(k-1) are negligible and k < p
+ // kase = 2 if s(k) is negligible and k < p
+ // kase = 3 if e(k-1) is negligible, k < p, and
+ // s(k), ..., s(p) are not negligible (qr step).
+ // kase = 4 if e(p-1) is negligible (convergence).
+ for (k = p-2; k >= -1; k--) {
+ if (k == -1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (std::abs(e(k)) <=
+ tiny + eps*(std::abs(s(k)) + std::abs(s(k+1)))) {
+ e(k) = 0.0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (k == p-2) {
+ kase = 4;
+ } else {
+ int ks;
+ for (ks = p-1; ks >= k; ks--) {
+ if (ks == k) {
+ break;
+ }
+ Real t( (ks != p ? std::abs(e(ks)) : 0.) +
+ (ks != k+1 ? std::abs(e(ks-1)) : 0.));
+ if (std::abs(s(ks)) <= tiny + eps*t) {
+ s(ks) = 0.0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ks == k) {
+ kase = 3;
+ } else if (ks == p-1) {
+ kase = 1;
+ } else {
+ kase = 2;
+ k = ks;
+ }
+ }
+ k++;
+ // Perform the task indicated by kase.
+ switch (kase) {
+ // Deflate negligible s(p).
+ case 1: {
+ Real f(e(p-2));
+ e(p-2) = 0.0;
+ for (j = p-2; j >= k; j--) {
+ Real t( hypot(s(j), f));
+ Real cs(s(j)/t);
+ Real sn(f/t);
+ s(j) = t;
+ if (j != k) {
+ f = -sn*e(j-1);
+ e(j-1) = cs*e(j-1);
+ }
+ if (wantv) {
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ t = cs*V(i, j) + sn*V(i, p-1);
+ V(i, p-1) = -sn*V(i, j) + cs*V(i, p-1);
+ V(i, j) = t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // Split at negligible s(k).
+ case 2: {
+ Real f(e(k-1));
+ e(k-1) = 0.0;
+ for (j = k; j < p; j++) {
+ Real t(hypot(s(j), f));
+ Real cs( s(j)/t);
+ Real sn(f/t);
+ s(j) = t;
+ f = -sn*e(j);
+ e(j) = cs*e(j);
+ if (wantu) {
+ for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+ t = cs*U(i, j) + sn*U(i, k-1);
+ U(i, k-1) = -sn*U(i, j) + cs*U(i, k-1);
+ U(i, j) = t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ // Perform one qr step.
+ case 3: {
+ // Calculate the shift.
+ Real scale = std::max(std::max(std::max(std::max(
+ std::abs(s(p-1)), std::abs(s(p-2))), std::abs(e(p-2))),
+ std::abs(s(k))), std::abs(e(k)));
+ Real sp = s(p-1)/scale;
+ Real spm1 = s(p-2)/scale;
+ Real epm1 = e(p-2)/scale;
+ Real sk = s(k)/scale;
+ Real ek = e(k)/scale;
+ Real b = ((spm1 + sp)*(spm1 - sp) + epm1*epm1)/2.0;
+ Real c = (sp*epm1)*(sp*epm1);
+ Real shift = 0.0;
+ if ((b != 0.0) || (c != 0.0)) {
+ shift = std::sqrt(b*b + c);
+ if (b < 0.0) {
+ shift = -shift;
+ }
+ shift = c/(b + shift);
+ }
+ Real f = (sk + sp)*(sk - sp) + shift;
+ Real g = sk*ek;
+ // Chase zeros.
+ for (j = k; j < p-1; j++) {
+ Real t = hypot(f, g);
+ Real cs = f/t;
+ Real sn = g/t;
+ if (j != k) {
+ e(j-1) = t;
+ }
+ f = cs*s(j) + sn*e(j);
+ e(j) = cs*e(j) - sn*s(j);
+ g = sn*s(j+1);
+ s(j+1) = cs*s(j+1);
+ if (wantv) {
+ cblas_Xrot(n, vdata + j, vstride, vdata + j+1, vstride, cs, sn);
+ /*for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ t = cs*vdata[i*vstride + j] + sn*vdata[i*vstride + j+1]; // t = cs*V(i, j) + sn*V(i, j+1); // 13
+ vdata[i*vstride + j+1] = -sn*vdata[i*vstride + j] + cs*vdata[i*vstride + j+1]; // V(i, j+1) = -sn*V(i, j) + cs*V(i, j+1); // 5
+ vdata[i*vstride + j] = t; // V(i, j) = t; // 4
+ }*/
+ }
+ t = hypot(f, g);
+ cs = f/t;
+ sn = g/t;
+ s(j) = t;
+ f = cs*e(j) + sn*s(j+1);
+ s(j+1) = -sn*e(j) + cs*s(j+1);
+ g = sn*e(j+1);
+ e(j+1) = cs*e(j+1);
+ if (wantu && (j < m-1)) {
+ cblas_Xrot(m, udata + j, ustride, udata + j+1, ustride, cs, sn);
+ /*for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+ t = cs*udata[i*ustride + j] + sn*udata[i*ustride + j+1]; // t = cs*U(i, j) + sn*U(i, j+1); // 7
+ udata[i*ustride + j+1] = -sn*udata[i*ustride + j] +cs*udata[i*ustride + j+1]; // U(i, j+1) = -sn*U(i, j) + cs*U(i, j+1); // 8
+ udata[i*ustride + j] = t; // U(i, j) = t; // 1
+ }*/
+ }
+ }
+ e(p-2) = f;
+ iter = iter + 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ // Convergence.
+ case 4: {
+ // Make the singular values positive.
+ if (s(k) <= 0.0) {
+ s(k) = (s(k) < 0.0 ? -s(k) : 0.0);
+ if (wantv) {
+ for (i = 0; i <= pp; i++) {
+ V(i, k) = -V(i, k);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Order the singular values.
+ while (k < pp) {
+ if (s(k) >= s(k+1)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ Real t = s(k);
+ s(k) = s(k+1);
+ s(k+1) = t;
+ if (wantv && (k < n-1)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ t = V(i, k+1); V(i, k+1) = V(i, k); V(i, k) = t;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wantu && (k < m-1)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
+ t = U(i, k+1); U(i, k+1) = U(i, k); U(i, k) = t;
+ }
+ }
+ k++;
+ }
+ iter = 0;
+ p--;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+#endif // defined(HAVE_ATLAS) || defined(USE_KALDI_SVD)
+} // namespace kaldi
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-blas.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-blas.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d25ab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-blas.h
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// matrix/kaldi-blas.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Ondrej Glembek; Microsoft Corporation
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// This file handles the #includes for BLAS, LAPACK and so on.
+// It manipulates the declarations into a common format that kaldi can handle.
+// However, the kaldi code will check whether HAVE_ATLAS is defined as that
+// code is called a bit differently from CLAPACK that comes from other sources.
+// There are three alternatives:
+// (i) you have ATLAS, which includes the ATLAS implementation of CBLAS
+// plus a subset of CLAPACK (but with clapack_ in the function declarations).
+// In this case, define HAVE_ATLAS and make sure the relevant directories are
+// in the include path.
+// (ii) you have CBLAS (some implementation thereof) plus CLAPACK.
+// In this case, define HAVE_CLAPACK.
+// [Since CLAPACK depends on BLAS, the presence of BLAS is implicit].
+// (iii) you have the MKL library, which includes CLAPACK and CBLAS.
+// Note that if we are using ATLAS, no Svd implementation is supplied,
+// so we define HAVE_Svd to be zero and this directs our implementation to
+// supply its own "by hand" implementation which is based on TNT code.
+#if (defined(HAVE_CLAPACK) && (defined(HAVE_ATLAS) || defined(HAVE_MKL))) \
+ || (defined(HAVE_ATLAS) && defined(HAVE_MKL))
+#error "Do not define more than one of HAVE_CLAPACK, HAVE_ATLAS and HAVE_MKL"
+#ifdef HAVE_ATLAS
+ extern "C" {
+ #include <cblas.h>
+ #include <clapack.h>
+ }
+#elif defined(HAVE_CLAPACK)
+ #ifdef __APPLE__
+ #ifndef __has_extension
+ #define __has_extension(x) 0
+ #endif
+ #define vImage_Utilities_h
+ #define vImage_CVUtilities_h
+ #include <Accelerate/Accelerate.h>
+ typedef __CLPK_integer integer;
+ typedef __CLPK_logical logical;
+ typedef __CLPK_real real;
+ typedef __CLPK_doublereal doublereal;
+ typedef __CLPK_complex complex;
+ typedef __CLPK_doublecomplex doublecomplex;
+ typedef __CLPK_ftnlen ftnlen;
+ #else
+ extern "C" {
+ // May be in /usr/[local]/include if installed; else this uses the one
+ // from the tools/CLAPACK_include directory.
+ #include <cblas.h>
+ #include <f2c.h>
+ #include <clapack.h>
+ // get rid of macros from f2c.h -- these are dangerous.
+ #undef abs
+ #undef dabs
+ #undef min
+ #undef max
+ #undef dmin
+ #undef dmax
+ #undef bit_test
+ #undef bit_clear
+ #undef bit_set
+ }
+ #endif
+#elif defined(HAVE_MKL)
+ extern "C" {
+ #include <mkl.h>
+ }
+#elif defined(HAVE_OPENBLAS)
+ // getting cblas.h and lapacke.h from <openblas-install-dir>/.
+ // putting in "" not <> to search -I before system libraries.
+ #include "cblas.h"
+ #include "lapacke.h"
+ #undef I
+ #undef complex
+ // get rid of macros from f2c.h -- these are dangerous.
+ #undef abs
+ #undef dabs
+ #undef min
+ #undef max
+ #undef dmin
+ #undef dmax
+ #undef bit_test
+ #undef bit_clear
+ #undef bit_set
+ #error "You need to define (using the preprocessor) either HAVE_CLAPACK or HAVE_ATLAS or HAVE_MKL (but not more than one)"
+typedef int KaldiBlasInt; // try int.
+typedef integer KaldiBlasInt;
+#ifdef HAVE_MKL
+typedef MKL_INT KaldiBlasInt;
+#ifdef HAVE_ATLAS
+// in this case there is no need for KaldiBlasInt-- this typedef is only needed
+// for Svd code which is not included in ATLAS (we re-implement it).
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-gpsr.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-gpsr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c294bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-gpsr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+// matrix/kaldi-gpsr.h
+// Copyright 2012 Arnab Ghoshal
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/kaldi-common.h"
+#include "matrix/matrix-lib.h"
+#include "itf/options-itf.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+/// This is an implementation of the GPSR algorithm. See, Figueiredo, Nowak and
+/// Wright, "Gradient Projection for Sparse Reconstruction: Application to
+/// Compressed Sensing and Other Inverse Problems," IEEE Journal of Selected
+/// Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 586-597, 2007.
+/// The GPSR algorithm, described in Figueiredo, et al., 2007, solves:
+/// \f[ \min_x 0.5 * ||y - Ax||_2^2 + \tau ||x||_1, \f]
+/// where \f$ x \in R^n, y \in R^k \f$, and \f$ A \in R^{n \times k} \f$.
+/// In this implementation, we solve:
+/// \f[ \min_x 0.5 * x^T H x - g^T x + \tau ||x||_1, \f]
+/// which is the more natural form in which such problems arise in our case.
+/// Here, \f$ H = A^T A \in R^{n \times n} \f$ and \f$ g = A^T y \in R^n \f$.
+/** \struct GpsrConfig
+ * Configuration variables needed in the GPSR algorithm.
+ */
+struct GpsrConfig {
+ bool use_gpsr_bb; ///< Use the Barzilai-Borwein gradient projection method
+ /// The following options are common to both the basic & Barzilai-Borwein
+ /// versions of GPSR
+ double stop_thresh; ///< Stopping threshold
+ int32 max_iters; ///< Maximum number of iterations
+ double gpsr_tau; ///< Regularization scale
+ double alpha_min; ///< Minimum step size in the feasible direction
+ double alpha_max; ///< Maximum step size in the feasible direction
+ double max_sparsity; ///< Maximum percentage of dimensions set to 0
+ double tau_reduction; ///< Multiply tau by this if max_sparsity reached
+ /// The following options are for the backtracking line search in basic GPSR.
+ /// Step size reduction factor in backtracking line search. 0 < beta < 1
+ double gpsr_beta;
+ /// Improvement factor in backtracking line search, i.e. the new objective
+ /// function must be less than the old one by mu times the gradient in the
+ /// direction of the change in x. 0 < mu < 1
+ double gpsr_mu;
+ int32 max_iters_backtrak; ///< Max iterations for backtracking line search
+ bool debias; ///< Do debiasing, i.e. unconstrained optimization at the end
+ double stop_thresh_debias; ///< Stopping threshold for debiasing stage
+ int32 max_iters_debias; ///< Maximum number of iterations for debiasing stage
+ GpsrConfig() {
+ use_gpsr_bb = true;
+ stop_thresh = 0.005;
+ max_iters = 100;
+ gpsr_tau = 10;
+ alpha_min = 1.0e-10;
+ alpha_max = 1.0e+20;
+ max_sparsity = 0.9;
+ tau_reduction = 0.8;
+ gpsr_beta = 0.5;
+ gpsr_mu = 0.1;
+ max_iters_backtrak = 50;
+ debias = false;
+ stop_thresh_debias = 0.001;
+ max_iters_debias = 50;
+ }
+ void Register(OptionsItf *po);
+inline void GpsrConfig::Register(OptionsItf *po) {
+ std::string module = "GpsrConfig: ";
+ po->Register("use-gpsr-bb", &use_gpsr_bb, module+
+ "Use the Barzilai-Borwein gradient projection method.");
+ po->Register("stop-thresh", &stop_thresh, module+
+ "Stopping threshold for GPSR.");
+ po->Register("max-iters", &max_iters, module+
+ "Maximum number of iterations of GPSR.");
+ po->Register("gpsr-tau", &gpsr_tau, module+
+ "Regularization scale for GPSR.");
+ po->Register("alpha-min", &alpha_min, module+
+ "Minimum step size in feasible direction.");
+ po->Register("alpha-max", &alpha_max, module+
+ "Maximum step size in feasible direction.");
+ po->Register("max-sparsity", &max_sparsity, module+
+ "Maximum percentage of dimensions set to 0.");
+ po->Register("tau-reduction", &tau_reduction, module+
+ "Multiply tau by this if maximum sparsity is reached.");
+ po->Register("gpsr-beta", &gpsr_beta, module+
+ "Step size reduction factor in backtracking line search (0<beta<1).");
+ po->Register("gpsr-mu", &gpsr_mu, module+
+ "Improvement factor in backtracking line search (0<mu<1).");
+ po->Register("max-iters-backtrack", &max_iters_backtrak, module+
+ "Maximum number of iterations of backtracking line search.");
+ po->Register("debias", &debias, module+
+ "Do final debiasing step.");
+ po->Register("stop-thresh-debias", &stop_thresh_debias, module+
+ "Stopping threshold for debiaisng step.");
+ po->Register("max-iters-debias", &max_iters_debias, module+
+ "Maximum number of iterations of debiasing.");
+/// Solves a quadratic program in \f$ x \f$, with L_1 regularization:
+/// \f[ \min_x 0.5 * x^T H x - g^T x + \tau ||x||_1. \f]
+/// This is similar to SolveQuadraticProblem() in sp-matrix.h with an added
+/// L_1 term.
+template<typename Real>
+Real Gpsr(const GpsrConfig &opts, const SpMatrix<Real> &H,
+ const Vector<Real> &g, Vector<Real> *x,
+ const char *debug_str = "[unknown]") {
+ if (opts.use_gpsr_bb)
+ return GpsrBB(opts, H, g, x, debug_str);
+ else
+ return GpsrBasic(opts, H, g, x, debug_str);
+/// This is the basic GPSR algorithm, where the step size is determined by a
+/// backtracking line search. The line search is called "Armijo rule along the
+/// projection arc" in Bertsekas, Nonlinear Programming, 2nd ed. page 230.
+template<typename Real>
+Real GpsrBasic(const GpsrConfig &opts, const SpMatrix<Real> &H,
+ const Vector<Real> &g, Vector<Real> *x,
+ const char *debug_str = "[unknown]");
+/// This is the paper calls the Barzilai-Borwein variant. This is a constrained
+/// Netwon's method where the Hessian is approximated by scaled identity matrix
+template<typename Real>
+Real GpsrBB(const GpsrConfig &opts, const SpMatrix<Real> &H,
+ const Vector<Real> &g, Vector<Real> *x,
+ const char *debug_str = "[unknown]");
+} // namespace kaldi
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-matrix-inl.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-matrix-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bc4749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-matrix-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// matrix/kaldi-matrix-inl.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Microsoft Corporation; Haihua Xu
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "matrix/kaldi-vector.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+/// Empty constructor
+template<typename Real>
+Matrix<Real>::Matrix(): MatrixBase<Real>(NULL, 0, 0, 0) { }
+void MatrixBase<float>::AddVecVec(const float alpha, const VectorBase<float> &ra, const VectorBase<float> &rb);
+void MatrixBase<double>::AddVecVec(const double alpha, const VectorBase<double> &ra, const VectorBase<double> &rb);
+template<typename Real>
+inline std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, const MatrixBase<Real> & M) {
+ M.Write(os, false);
+ return os;
+template<typename Real>
+inline std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & is, Matrix<Real> & M) {
+ M.Read(is, false);
+ return is;
+template<typename Real>
+inline std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & is, MatrixBase<Real> & M) {
+ M.Read(is, false);
+ return is;
+}// namespace kaldi
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-matrix.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-matrix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6829e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-matrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,983 @@
+// matrix/kaldi-matrix.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Ondrej Glembek; Microsoft Corporation; Lukas Burget;
+// Saarland University; Petr Schwarz; Yanmin Qian;
+// Karel Vesely; Go Vivace Inc.; Haihua Xu
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "matrix/matrix-common.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+/// @{ \addtogroup matrix_funcs_scalar
+/// We need to declare this here as it will be a friend function.
+/// tr(A B), or tr(A B^T).
+template<typename Real>
+Real TraceMatMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &A, const MatrixBase<Real> &B,
+ MatrixTransposeType trans = kNoTrans);
+/// @}
+/// \addtogroup matrix_group
+/// @{
+/// Base class which provides matrix operations not involving resizing
+/// or allocation. Classes Matrix and SubMatrix inherit from it and take care
+/// of allocation and resizing.
+template<typename Real>
+class MatrixBase {
+ public:
+ // so this child can access protected members of other instances.
+ friend class Matrix<Real>;
+ // friend declarations for CUDA matrices (see ../cudamatrix/)
+ friend class CuMatrixBase<Real>;
+ friend class CuMatrix<Real>;
+ friend class CuSubMatrix<Real>;
+ friend class CuPackedMatrix<Real>;
+ friend class PackedMatrix<Real>;
+ /// Returns number of rows (or zero for emtpy matrix).
+ inline MatrixIndexT NumRows() const { return num_rows_; }
+ /// Returns number of columns (or zero for emtpy matrix).
+ inline MatrixIndexT NumCols() const { return num_cols_; }
+ /// Stride (distance in memory between each row). Will be >= NumCols.
+ inline MatrixIndexT Stride() const { return stride_; }
+ /// Returns size in bytes of the data held by the matrix.
+ size_t SizeInBytes() const {
+ return static_cast<size_t>(num_rows_) * static_cast<size_t>(stride_) *
+ sizeof(Real);
+ }
+ /// Gives pointer to raw data (const).
+ inline const Real* Data() const {
+ return data_;
+ }
+ /// Gives pointer to raw data (non-const).
+ inline Real* Data() { return data_; }
+ /// Returns pointer to data for one row (non-const)
+ inline Real* RowData(MatrixIndexT i) {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(i) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(num_rows_));
+ return data_ + i * stride_;
+ }
+ /// Returns pointer to data for one row (const)
+ inline const Real* RowData(MatrixIndexT i) const {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(i) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(num_rows_));
+ return data_ + i * stride_;
+ }
+ /// Indexing operator, non-const
+ /// (only checks sizes if compiled with -DKALDI_PARANOID)
+ inline Real& operator() (MatrixIndexT r, MatrixIndexT c) {
+ KALDI_PARANOID_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(num_rows_) &&
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(c) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(num_cols_));
+ return *(data_ + r * stride_ + c);
+ }
+ /// Indexing operator, provided for ease of debugging (gdb doesn't work
+ /// with parenthesis operator).
+ Real &Index (MatrixIndexT r, MatrixIndexT c) { return (*this)(r, c); }
+ /// Indexing operator, const
+ /// (only checks sizes if compiled with -DKALDI_PARANOID)
+ inline const Real operator() (MatrixIndexT r, MatrixIndexT c) const {
+ KALDI_PARANOID_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(num_rows_) &&
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(c) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(num_cols_));
+ return *(data_ + r * stride_ + c);
+ }
+ /* Basic setting-to-special values functions. */
+ /// Sets matrix to zero.
+ void SetZero();
+ /// Sets all elements to a specific value.
+ void Set(Real);
+ /// Sets to zero, except ones along diagonal [for non-square matrices too]
+ void SetUnit();
+ /// Sets to random values of a normal distribution
+ void SetRandn();
+ /// Sets to numbers uniformly distributed on (0, 1)
+ void SetRandUniform();
+ /* Copying functions. These do not resize the matrix! */
+ /// Copy given matrix. (no resize is done).
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyFromMat(const MatrixBase<OtherReal> & M,
+ MatrixTransposeType trans = kNoTrans);
+ /// Copy from compressed matrix.
+ void CopyFromMat(const CompressedMatrix &M);
+ /// Copy given spmatrix. (no resize is done).
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyFromSp(const SpMatrix<OtherReal> &M);
+ /// Copy given tpmatrix. (no resize is done).
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyFromTp(const TpMatrix<OtherReal> &M,
+ MatrixTransposeType trans = kNoTrans);
+ /// Copy from CUDA matrix. Implemented in ../cudamatrix/cu-matrix.h
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyFromMat(const CuMatrixBase<OtherReal> &M,
+ MatrixTransposeType trans = kNoTrans);
+ /// Inverse of vec() operator. Copies vector into matrix, row-by-row.
+ /// Note that rv.Dim() must either equal NumRows()*NumCols() or
+ /// NumCols()-- this has two modes of operation.
+ void CopyRowsFromVec(const VectorBase<Real> &v);
+ /// This version of CopyRowsFromVec is implemented in ../cudamatrix/
+ void CopyRowsFromVec(const CuVectorBase<Real> &v);
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyRowsFromVec(const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v);
+ /// Copies vector into matrix, column-by-column.
+ /// Note that rv.Dim() must either equal NumRows()*NumCols() or NumRows();
+ /// this has two modes of operation.
+ void CopyColsFromVec(const VectorBase<Real> &v);
+ /// Copy vector into specific column of matrix.
+ void CopyColFromVec(const VectorBase<Real> &v, const MatrixIndexT col);
+ /// Copy vector into specific row of matrix.
+ void CopyRowFromVec(const VectorBase<Real> &v, const MatrixIndexT row);
+ /// Copy vector into diagonal of matrix.
+ void CopyDiagFromVec(const VectorBase<Real> &v);
+ /* Accessing of sub-parts of the matrix. */
+ /// Return specific row of matrix [const].
+ inline const SubVector<Real> Row(MatrixIndexT i) const {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(i) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(num_rows_));
+ return SubVector<Real>(data_ + (i * stride_), NumCols());
+ }
+ /// Return specific row of matrix.
+ inline SubVector<Real> Row(MatrixIndexT i) {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(i) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(num_rows_));
+ return SubVector<Real>(data_ + (i * stride_), NumCols());
+ }
+ /// Return a sub-part of matrix.
+ inline SubMatrix<Real> Range(const MatrixIndexT row_offset,
+ const MatrixIndexT num_rows,
+ const MatrixIndexT col_offset,
+ const MatrixIndexT num_cols) const {
+ return SubMatrix<Real>(*this, row_offset, num_rows,
+ col_offset, num_cols);
+ }
+ inline SubMatrix<Real> RowRange(const MatrixIndexT row_offset,
+ const MatrixIndexT num_rows) const {
+ return SubMatrix<Real>(*this, row_offset, num_rows, 0, num_cols_);
+ }
+ inline SubMatrix<Real> ColRange(const MatrixIndexT col_offset,
+ const MatrixIndexT num_cols) const {
+ return SubMatrix<Real>(*this, 0, num_rows_, col_offset, num_cols);
+ }
+ /* Various special functions. */
+ /// Returns sum of all elements in matrix.
+ Real Sum() const;
+ /// Returns trace of matrix.
+ Real Trace(bool check_square = true) const;
+ // If check_square = true, will crash if matrix is not square.
+ /// Returns maximum element of matrix.
+ Real Max() const;
+ /// Returns minimum element of matrix.
+ Real Min() const;
+ /// Element by element multiplication with a given matrix.
+ void MulElements(const MatrixBase<Real> &A);
+ /// Divide each element by the corresponding element of a given matrix.
+ void DivElements(const MatrixBase<Real> &A);
+ /// Multiply each element with a scalar value.
+ void Scale(Real alpha);
+ /// Set, element-by-element, *this = max(*this, A)
+ void Max(const MatrixBase<Real> &A);
+ /// Equivalent to (*this) = (*this) * diag(scale). Scaling
+ /// each column by a scalar taken from that dimension of the vector.
+ void MulColsVec(const VectorBase<Real> &scale);
+ /// Equivalent to (*this) = diag(scale) * (*this). Scaling
+ /// each row by a scalar taken from that dimension of the vector.
+ void MulRowsVec(const VectorBase<Real> &scale);
+ /// Divide each row into src.NumCols() equal groups, and then scale i'th row's
+ /// j'th group of elements by src(i, j). Requires src.NumRows() ==
+ /// this->NumRows() and this->NumCols() % src.NumCols() == 0.
+ void MulRowsGroupMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &src);
+ /// Returns logdet of matrix.
+ Real LogDet(Real *det_sign = NULL) const;
+ /// matrix inverse.
+ /// if inverse_needed = false, will fill matrix with garbage.
+ /// (only useful if logdet wanted).
+ void Invert(Real *log_det = NULL, Real *det_sign = NULL,
+ bool inverse_needed = true);
+ /// matrix inverse [double].
+ /// if inverse_needed = false, will fill matrix with garbage
+ /// (only useful if logdet wanted).
+ /// Does inversion in double precision even if matrix was not double.
+ void InvertDouble(Real *LogDet = NULL, Real *det_sign = NULL,
+ bool inverse_needed = true);
+ /// Inverts all the elements of the matrix
+ void InvertElements();
+ /// Transpose the matrix. This one is only
+ /// applicable to square matrices (the one in the
+ /// Matrix child class works also for non-square.
+ void Transpose();
+ /// Copies column r from column indices[r] of src.
+ /// As a special case, if indexes[i] == -1, sets column i to zero
+ /// indices.size() must equal this->NumCols(),
+ /// all elements of "reorder" must be in [-1, src.NumCols()-1],
+ /// and src.NumRows() must equal this.NumRows()
+ void CopyCols(const MatrixBase<Real> &src,
+ const std::vector<MatrixIndexT> &indices);
+ /// Copies row r from row indices[r] of src.
+ /// As a special case, if indexes[i] == -1, sets row i to zero
+ /// "reorder".size() must equal this->NumRows(),
+ /// all elements of "reorder" must be in [-1, src.NumRows()-1],
+ /// and src.NumCols() must equal this.NumCols()
+ void CopyRows(const MatrixBase<Real> &src,
+ const std::vector<MatrixIndexT> &indices);
+ /// Applies floor to all matrix elements
+ void ApplyFloor(Real floor_val);
+ /// Applies floor to all matrix elements
+ void ApplyCeiling(Real ceiling_val);
+ /// Calculates log of all the matrix elemnts
+ void ApplyLog();
+ /// Exponentiate each of the elements.
+ void ApplyExp();
+ /// Applies power to all matrix elements
+ void ApplyPow(Real power);
+ /// Apply power to the absolute value of each element.
+ /// Include the sign of the input element if include_sign == true.
+ /// If the power is negative and the input to the power is zero,
+ /// The output will be set zero.
+ void ApplyPowAbs(Real power, bool include_sign=false);
+ /// Applies the Heaviside step function (x > 0 ? 1 : 0) to all matrix elements
+ /// Note: in general you can make different choices for x = 0, but for now
+ /// please leave it as it (i.e. returning zero) because it affects the
+ /// RectifiedLinearComponent in the neural net code.
+ void ApplyHeaviside();
+ /// Eigenvalue Decomposition of a square NxN matrix into the form (*this) = P D
+ /// P^{-1}. Be careful: the relationship of D to the eigenvalues we output is
+ /// slightly complicated, due to the need for P to be real. In the symmetric
+ /// case D is diagonal and real, but in
+ /// the non-symmetric case there may be complex-conjugate pairs of eigenvalues.
+ /// In this case, for the equation (*this) = P D P^{-1} to hold, D must actually
+ /// be block diagonal, with 2x2 blocks corresponding to any such pairs. If a
+ /// pair is lambda +- i*mu, D will have a corresponding 2x2 block
+ /// [lambda, mu; -mu, lambda].
+ /// Note that if the input matrix (*this) is non-invertible, P may not be invertible
+ /// so in this case instead of the equation (*this) = P D P^{-1} holding, we have
+ /// instead (*this) P = P D.
+ ///
+ /// The non-member function CreateEigenvalueMatrix creates D from eigs_real and eigs_imag.
+ void Eig(MatrixBase<Real> *P,
+ VectorBase<Real> *eigs_real,
+ VectorBase<Real> *eigs_imag) const;
+ /// The Power method attempts to take the matrix to a power using a method that
+ /// works in general for fractional and negative powers. The input matrix must
+ /// be invertible and have reasonable condition (or we don't guarantee the
+ /// results. The method is based on the eigenvalue decomposition. It will
+ /// return false and leave the matrix unchanged, if at entry the matrix had
+ /// real negative eigenvalues (or if it had zero eigenvalues and the power was
+ /// negative).
+ bool Power(Real pow);
+ /** Singular value decomposition
+ Major limitations:
+ For nonsquare matrices, we assume m>=n (NumRows >= NumCols), and we return
+ the "skinny" Svd, i.e. the matrix in the middle is diagonal, and the
+ one on the left is rectangular.
+ In Svd, *this = U*diag(S)*Vt.
+ Null pointers for U and/or Vt at input mean we do not want that output. We
+ expect that S.Dim() == m, U is either NULL or m by n,
+ and v is either NULL or n by n.
+ The singular values are not sorted (use SortSvd for that). */
+ void DestructiveSvd(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *U,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *Vt); // Destroys calling matrix.
+ /// Compute SVD (*this) = U diag(s) Vt. Note that the V in the call is already
+ /// transposed; the normal formulation is U diag(s) V^T.
+ /// Null pointers for U or V mean we don't want that output (this saves
+ /// compute). The singular values are not sorted (use SortSvd for that).
+ void Svd(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *U,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *Vt) const;
+ /// Compute SVD but only retain the singular values.
+ void Svd(VectorBase<Real> *s) const { Svd(s, NULL, NULL); }
+ /// Returns smallest singular value.
+ Real MinSingularValue() const {
+ Vector<Real> tmp(std::min(NumRows(), NumCols()));
+ Svd(&tmp);
+ return tmp.Min();
+ }
+ void TestUninitialized() const; // This function is designed so that if any element
+ // if the matrix is uninitialized memory, valgrind will complain.
+ /// Returns condition number by computing Svd. Works even if cols > rows.
+ /// Returns infinity if all singular values are zero.
+ Real Cond() const;
+ /// Returns true if matrix is Symmetric.
+ bool IsSymmetric(Real cutoff = 1.0e-05) const; // replace magic number
+ /// Returns true if matrix is Diagonal.
+ bool IsDiagonal(Real cutoff = 1.0e-05) const; // replace magic number
+ /// Returns true if the matrix is all zeros, except for ones on diagonal. (it
+ /// does not have to be square). More specifically, this function returns
+ /// false if for any i, j, (*this)(i, j) differs by more than cutoff from the
+ /// expression (i == j ? 1 : 0).
+ bool IsUnit(Real cutoff = 1.0e-05) const; // replace magic number
+ /// Returns true if matrix is all zeros.
+ bool IsZero(Real cutoff = 1.0e-05) const; // replace magic number
+ /// Frobenius norm, which is the sqrt of sum of square elements. Same as Schatten 2-norm,
+ /// or just "2-norm".
+ Real FrobeniusNorm() const;
+ /// Returns true if ((*this)-other).FrobeniusNorm()
+ /// <= tol * (*this).FrobeniusNorm().
+ bool ApproxEqual(const MatrixBase<Real> &other, float tol = 0.01) const;
+ /// Tests for exact equality. It's usually preferable to use ApproxEqual.
+ bool Equal(const MatrixBase<Real> &other) const;
+ /// largest absolute value.
+ Real LargestAbsElem() const; // largest absolute value.
+ /// Returns log(sum(exp())) without exp overflow
+ /// If prune > 0.0, it uses a pruning beam, discarding
+ /// terms less than (max - prune). Note: in future
+ /// we may change this so that if prune = 0.0, it takes
+ /// the max, so use -1 if you don't want to prune.
+ Real LogSumExp(Real prune = -1.0) const;
+ /// Apply soft-max to the collection of all elements of the
+ /// matrix and return normalizer (log sum of exponentials).
+ Real ApplySoftMax();
+ /// Set each element to the sigmoid of the corresponding element of "src".
+ void Sigmoid(const MatrixBase<Real> &src);
+ /// Set each element to y = log(1 + exp(x))
+ void SoftHinge(const MatrixBase<Real> &src);
+ /// Apply the function y(i) = (sum_{j = i*G}^{(i+1)*G-1} x_j^(power))^(1 / p).
+ /// Requires src.NumRows() == this->NumRows() and src.NumCols() % this->NumCols() == 0.
+ void GroupPnorm(const MatrixBase<Real> &src, Real power);
+ /// Calculate derivatives for the GroupPnorm function above...
+ /// if "input" is the input to the GroupPnorm function above (i.e. the "src" variable),
+ /// and "output" is the result of the computation (i.e. the "this" of that function
+ /// call), and *this has the same dimension as "input", then it sets each element
+ /// of *this to the derivative d(output-elem)/d(input-elem) for each element of "input", where
+ /// "output-elem" is whichever element of output depends on that input element.
+ void GroupPnormDeriv(const MatrixBase<Real> &input, const MatrixBase<Real> &output,
+ Real power);
+ /// Set each element to the tanh of the corresponding element of "src".
+ void Tanh(const MatrixBase<Real> &src);
+ // Function used in backpropagating derivatives of the sigmoid function:
+ // element-by-element, set *this = diff * value * (1.0 - value).
+ void DiffSigmoid(const MatrixBase<Real> &value,
+ const MatrixBase<Real> &diff);
+ // Function used in backpropagating derivatives of the tanh function:
+ // element-by-element, set *this = diff * (1.0 - value^2).
+ void DiffTanh(const MatrixBase<Real> &value,
+ const MatrixBase<Real> &diff);
+ /** Uses Svd to compute the eigenvalue decomposition of a symmetric positive
+ * semi-definite matrix: (*this) = rP * diag(rS) * rP^T, with rP an
+ * orthogonal matrix so rP^{-1} = rP^T. Throws exception if input was not
+ * positive semi-definite (check_thresh controls how stringent the check is;
+ * set it to 2 to ensure it won't ever complain, but it will zero out negative
+ * dimensions in your matrix.
+ */
+ void SymPosSemiDefEig(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *P,
+ Real check_thresh = 0.001);
+ friend Real kaldi::TraceMatMat<Real>(const MatrixBase<Real> &A,
+ const MatrixBase<Real> &B, MatrixTransposeType trans); // tr (A B)
+ // so it can get around const restrictions on the pointer to data_.
+ friend class SubMatrix<Real>;
+ /// Add a scalar to each element
+ void Add(const Real alpha);
+ /// Add a scalar to each diagonal element.
+ void AddToDiag(const Real alpha);
+ /// *this += alpha * a * b^T
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void AddVecVec(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<OtherReal> &a,
+ const VectorBase<OtherReal> &b);
+ /// [each row of *this] += alpha * v
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void AddVecToRows(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v);
+ /// [each col of *this] += alpha * v
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void AddVecToCols(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v);
+ /// *this += alpha * M [or M^T]
+ void AddMat(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ MatrixTransposeType transA = kNoTrans);
+ /// *this = beta * *this + alpha * M M^T, for symmetric matrices. It only
+ /// updates the lower triangle of *this. It will leave the matrix asymmetric;
+ /// if you need it symmetric as a regular matrix, do CopyLowerToUpper().
+ void SymAddMat2(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ MatrixTransposeType transA, Real beta);
+ /// *this = beta * *this + alpha * diag(v) * M [or M^T].
+ /// The same as adding M but scaling each row M_i by v(i).
+ void AddDiagVecMat(const Real alpha, VectorBase<Real> &v,
+ const MatrixBase<Real> &M, MatrixTransposeType transM,
+ Real beta = 1.0);
+ /// *this = beta * *this + alpha * M [or M^T] * diag(v)
+ /// The same as adding M but scaling each column M_j by v(j).
+ void AddMatDiagVec(const Real alpha,
+ const MatrixBase<Real> &M, MatrixTransposeType transM,
+ VectorBase<Real> &v,
+ Real beta = 1.0);
+ /// *this = beta * *this + alpha * A .* B (.* element by element multiplication)
+ void AddMatMatElements(const Real alpha,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& A,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& B,
+ const Real beta);
+ /// *this += alpha * S
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void AddSp(const Real alpha, const SpMatrix<OtherReal> &S);
+ void AddMatMat(const Real alpha,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& A, MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& B, MatrixTransposeType transB,
+ const Real beta);
+ /// *this = a * b / c (by element; when c = 0, *this = a)
+ void AddMatMatDivMat(const MatrixBase<Real>& A,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& B,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& C);
+ /// A version of AddMatMat specialized for when the second argument
+ /// contains a lot of zeroes.
+ void AddMatSmat(const Real alpha,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& A, MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& B, MatrixTransposeType transB,
+ const Real beta);
+ /// A version of AddMatMat specialized for when the first argument
+ /// contains a lot of zeroes.
+ void AddSmatMat(const Real alpha,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& A, MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& B, MatrixTransposeType transB,
+ const Real beta);
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha*A*B*C.
+ void AddMatMatMat(const Real alpha,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& A, MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& B, MatrixTransposeType transB,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& C, MatrixTransposeType transC,
+ const Real beta);
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha*SpA*B.
+ // This and the routines below are really
+ // stubs that need to be made more efficient.
+ void AddSpMat(const Real alpha,
+ const SpMatrix<Real>& A,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& B, MatrixTransposeType transB,
+ const Real beta) {
+ Matrix<Real> M(A);
+ return AddMatMat(alpha, M, kNoTrans, B, transB, beta);
+ }
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha*A*B.
+ void AddTpMat(const Real alpha,
+ const TpMatrix<Real>& A, MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& B, MatrixTransposeType transB,
+ const Real beta) {
+ Matrix<Real> M(A);
+ return AddMatMat(alpha, M, transA, B, transB, beta);
+ }
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha*A*B.
+ void AddMatSp(const Real alpha,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& A, MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const SpMatrix<Real>& B,
+ const Real beta) {
+ Matrix<Real> M(B);
+ return AddMatMat(alpha, A, transA, M, kNoTrans, beta);
+ }
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha*A*B*C.
+ void AddSpMatSp(const Real alpha,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &A,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& B, MatrixTransposeType transB,
+ const SpMatrix<Real>& C,
+ const Real beta) {
+ Matrix<Real> M(A), N(C);
+ return AddMatMatMat(alpha, M, kNoTrans, B, transB, N, kNoTrans, beta);
+ }
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha*A*B.
+ void AddMatTp(const Real alpha,
+ const MatrixBase<Real>& A, MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const TpMatrix<Real>& B, MatrixTransposeType transB,
+ const Real beta) {
+ Matrix<Real> M(B);
+ return AddMatMat(alpha, A, transA, M, transB, beta);
+ }
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha*A*B.
+ void AddTpTp(const Real alpha,
+ const TpMatrix<Real>& A, MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const TpMatrix<Real>& B, MatrixTransposeType transB,
+ const Real beta) {
+ Matrix<Real> M(A), N(B);
+ return AddMatMat(alpha, M, transA, N, transB, beta);
+ }
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha*A*B.
+ // This one is more efficient, not like the others above.
+ void AddSpSp(const Real alpha,
+ const SpMatrix<Real>& A, const SpMatrix<Real>& B,
+ const Real beta);
+ /// Copy lower triangle to upper triangle (symmetrize)
+ void CopyLowerToUpper();
+ /// Copy upper triangle to lower triangle (symmetrize)
+ void CopyUpperToLower();
+ /// This function orthogonalizes the rows of a matrix using the Gram-Schmidt
+ /// process. It is only applicable if NumRows() <= NumCols(). It will use
+ /// random number generation to fill in rows with something nonzero, in cases
+ /// where the original matrix was of deficient row rank.
+ void OrthogonalizeRows();
+ /// stream read.
+ /// Use instead of stream<<*this, if you want to add to existing contents.
+ // Will throw exception on failure.
+ void Read(std::istream & in, bool binary, bool add = false);
+ /// write to stream.
+ void Write(std::ostream & out, bool binary) const;
+ // Below is internal methods for Svd, user does not have to know about this.
+#if !defined(HAVE_ATLAS) && !defined(USE_KALDI_SVD)
+ // protected:
+ // Should be protected but used directly in testing routine.
+ // destroys *this!
+ void LapackGesvd(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *U,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *Vt);
+ protected:
+ // destroys *this!
+ bool JamaSvd(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *U,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *V);
+ protected:
+ /// Initializer, callable only from child.
+ explicit MatrixBase(Real *data, MatrixIndexT cols, MatrixIndexT rows, MatrixIndexT stride) :
+ data_(data), num_cols_(cols), num_rows_(rows), stride_(stride) {
+ }
+ /// Initializer, callable only from child.
+ /// Empty initializer, for un-initialized matrix.
+ explicit MatrixBase(): data_(NULL) {
+ }
+ // Make sure pointers to MatrixBase cannot be deleted.
+ ~MatrixBase() { }
+ /// A workaround that allows SubMatrix to get a pointer to non-const data
+ /// for const Matrix. Unfortunately C++ does not allow us to declare a
+ /// "public const" inheritance or anything like that, so it would require
+ /// a lot of work to make the SubMatrix class totally const-correct--
+ /// we would have to override many of the Matrix functions.
+ inline Real* Data_workaround() const {
+ return data_;
+ }
+ /// data memory area
+ Real* data_;
+ /// these atributes store the real matrix size as it is stored in memory
+ /// including memalignment
+ MatrixIndexT num_cols_; /// < Number of columns
+ MatrixIndexT num_rows_; /// < Number of rows
+ /** True number of columns for the internal matrix. This number may differ
+ * from num_cols_ as memory alignment might be used. */
+ MatrixIndexT stride_;
+ private:
+/// A class for storing matrices.
+template<typename Real>
+class Matrix : public MatrixBase<Real> {
+ public:
+ /// Empty constructor.
+ Matrix();
+ /// Basic constructor. Sets to zero by default.
+ /// if set_zero == false, memory contents are undefined.
+ Matrix(const MatrixIndexT r, const MatrixIndexT c,
+ MatrixResizeType resize_type = kSetZero):
+ MatrixBase<Real>() { Resize(r, c, resize_type); }
+ /// Copy constructor from CUDA matrix
+ /// This is defined in ../cudamatrix/cu-matrix.h
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ explicit Matrix(const CuMatrixBase<OtherReal> &cu,
+ MatrixTransposeType trans = kNoTrans);
+ /// Swaps the contents of *this and *other. Shallow swap.
+ void Swap(Matrix<Real> *other);
+ /// Defined in ../cudamatrix/
+ void Swap(CuMatrix<Real> *mat);
+ /// Constructor from any MatrixBase. Can also copy with transpose.
+ /// Allocates new memory.
+ explicit Matrix(const MatrixBase<Real> & M,
+ MatrixTransposeType trans = kNoTrans);
+ /// Same as above, but need to avoid default copy constructor.
+ Matrix(const Matrix<Real> & M); // (cannot make explicit)
+ /// Copy constructor: as above, but from another type.
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ explicit Matrix(const MatrixBase<OtherReal> & M,
+ MatrixTransposeType trans = kNoTrans);
+ /// Copy constructor taking SpMatrix...
+ /// It is symmetric, so no option for transpose, and NumRows == Cols
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ explicit Matrix(const SpMatrix<OtherReal> & M) : MatrixBase<Real>() {
+ Resize(M.NumRows(), M.NumRows(), kUndefined);
+ this->CopyFromSp(M);
+ }
+ /// Constructor from CompressedMatrix
+ explicit Matrix(const CompressedMatrix &C);
+ /// Copy constructor taking TpMatrix...
+ template <typename OtherReal>
+ explicit Matrix(const TpMatrix<OtherReal> & M,
+ MatrixTransposeType trans = kNoTrans) : MatrixBase<Real>() {
+ if (trans == kNoTrans) {
+ Resize(M.NumRows(), M.NumCols(), kUndefined);
+ this->CopyFromTp(M);
+ } else {
+ Resize(M.NumCols(), M.NumRows(), kUndefined);
+ this->CopyFromTp(M, kTrans);
+ }
+ }
+ /// read from stream.
+ // Unlike one in base, allows resizing.
+ void Read(std::istream & in, bool binary, bool add = false);
+ /// Remove a specified row.
+ void RemoveRow(MatrixIndexT i);
+ /// Transpose the matrix. Works for non-square
+ /// matrices as well as square ones.
+ void Transpose();
+ /// Distructor to free matrices.
+ ~Matrix() { Destroy(); }
+ /// Sets matrix to a specified size (zero is OK as long as both r and c are
+ /// zero). The value of the new data depends on resize_type:
+ /// -if kSetZero, the new data will be zero
+ /// -if kUndefined, the new data will be undefined
+ /// -if kCopyData, the new data will be the same as the old data in any
+ /// shared positions, and zero elsewhere.
+ /// This function takes time proportional to the number of data elements.
+ void Resize(const MatrixIndexT r,
+ const MatrixIndexT c,
+ MatrixResizeType resize_type = kSetZero);
+ /// Assignment operator that takes MatrixBase.
+ Matrix<Real> &operator = (const MatrixBase<Real> &other) {
+ if (MatrixBase<Real>::NumRows() != other.NumRows() ||
+ MatrixBase<Real>::NumCols() != other.NumCols())
+ Resize(other.NumRows(), other.NumCols(), kUndefined);
+ MatrixBase<Real>::CopyFromMat(other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Assignment operator. Needed for inclusion in std::vector.
+ Matrix<Real> &operator = (const Matrix<Real> &other) {
+ if (MatrixBase<Real>::NumRows() != other.NumRows() ||
+ MatrixBase<Real>::NumCols() != other.NumCols())
+ Resize(other.NumRows(), other.NumCols(), kUndefined);
+ MatrixBase<Real>::CopyFromMat(other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ private:
+ /// Deallocates memory and sets to empty matrix (dimension 0, 0).
+ void Destroy();
+ /// Init assumes the current class contents are invalid (i.e. junk or have
+ /// already been freed), and it sets the matrix to newly allocated memory with
+ /// the specified number of rows and columns. r == c == 0 is acceptable. The data
+ /// memory contents will be undefined.
+ void Init(const MatrixIndexT r,
+ const MatrixIndexT c);
+/// @} end "addtogroup matrix_group"
+/// \addtogroup matrix_funcs_io
+/// @{
+/// A structure containing the HTK header.
+/// [TODO: change the style of the variables to Kaldi-compliant]
+struct HtkHeader {
+ /// Number of samples.
+ int32 mNSamples;
+ /// Sample period.
+ int32 mSamplePeriod;
+ /// Sample size
+ int16 mSampleSize;
+ /// Sample kind.
+ uint16 mSampleKind;
+// Read HTK formatted features from file into matrix.
+template<typename Real>
+bool ReadHtk(std::istream &is, Matrix<Real> *M, HtkHeader *header_ptr);
+// Write (HTK format) features to file from matrix.
+template<typename Real>
+bool WriteHtk(std::ostream &os, const MatrixBase<Real> &M, HtkHeader htk_hdr);
+// Write (CMUSphinx format) features to file from matrix.
+template<typename Real>
+bool WriteSphinx(std::ostream &os, const MatrixBase<Real> &M);
+/// @} end of "addtogroup matrix_funcs_io"
+ Sub-matrix representation.
+ Can work with sub-parts of a matrix using this class.
+ Note that SubMatrix is not very const-correct-- it allows you to
+ change the contents of a const Matrix. Be careful!
+template<typename Real>
+class SubMatrix : public MatrixBase<Real> {
+ public:
+ // Initialize a SubMatrix from part of a matrix; this is
+ // a bit like A(b:c, d:e) in Matlab.
+ // This initializer is against the proper semantics of "const", since
+ // SubMatrix can change its contents. It would be hard to implement
+ // a "const-safe" version of this class.
+ SubMatrix(const MatrixBase<Real>& T,
+ const MatrixIndexT ro, // row offset, 0 < ro < NumRows()
+ const MatrixIndexT r, // number of rows, r > 0
+ const MatrixIndexT co, // column offset, 0 < co < NumCols()
+ const MatrixIndexT c); // number of columns, c > 0
+ // This initializer is mostly intended for use in CuMatrix and related
+ // classes. Be careful!
+ SubMatrix(Real *data,
+ MatrixIndexT num_rows,
+ MatrixIndexT num_cols,
+ MatrixIndexT stride);
+ ~SubMatrix<Real>() {}
+ /// This type of constructor is needed for Range() to work [in Matrix base
+ /// class]. Cannot make it explicit.
+ SubMatrix<Real> (const SubMatrix &other):
+ MatrixBase<Real> (other.data_, other.num_cols_, other.num_rows_,
+ other.stride_) {}
+ private:
+ /// Disallow assignment.
+ SubMatrix<Real> &operator = (const SubMatrix<Real> &other);
+/// @} End of "addtogroup matrix_funcs_io".
+/// \addtogroup matrix_funcs_scalar
+/// @{
+// Some declarations. These are traces of products.
+template<typename Real>
+bool ApproxEqual(const MatrixBase<Real> &A,
+ const MatrixBase<Real> &B, Real tol = 0.01) {
+ return A.ApproxEqual(B, tol);
+template<typename Real>
+inline void AssertEqual(const MatrixBase<Real> &A, const MatrixBase<Real> &B,
+ float tol = 0.01) {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(A.ApproxEqual(B, tol));
+/// Returns trace of matrix.
+template <typename Real>
+double TraceMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &A) { return A.Trace(); }
+/// Returns tr(A B C)
+template <typename Real>
+Real TraceMatMatMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const MatrixBase<Real> &B, MatrixTransposeType transB,
+ const MatrixBase<Real> &C, MatrixTransposeType transC);
+/// Returns tr(A B C D)
+template <typename Real>
+Real TraceMatMatMatMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const MatrixBase<Real> &B, MatrixTransposeType transB,
+ const MatrixBase<Real> &C, MatrixTransposeType transC,
+ const MatrixBase<Real> &D, MatrixTransposeType transD);
+/// @} end "addtogroup matrix_funcs_scalar"
+/// \addtogroup matrix_funcs_misc
+/// @{
+/// Function to ensure that SVD is sorted. This function is made as generic as
+/// possible, to be applicable to other types of problems. s->Dim() should be
+/// the same as U->NumCols(), and we sort s from greatest to least absolute
+/// value (if sort_on_absolute_value == true) or greatest to least value
+/// otherwise, moving the columns of U, if it exists, and the rows of Vt, if it
+/// exists, around in the same way. Note: the "absolute value" part won't matter
+/// if this is an actual SVD, since singular values are non-negative.
+template<typename Real> void SortSvd(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *U,
+ MatrixBase<Real>* Vt = NULL,
+ bool sort_on_absolute_value = true);
+/// Creates the eigenvalue matrix D that is part of the decomposition used Matrix::Eig.
+/// D will be block-diagonal with blocks of size 1 (for real eigenvalues) or 2x2
+/// for complex pairs. If a complex pair is lambda +- i*mu, D will have a corresponding
+/// 2x2 block [lambda, mu; -mu, lambda].
+/// This function will throw if any complex eigenvalues are not in complex conjugate
+/// pairs (or the members of such pairs are not consecutively numbered).
+template<typename Real>
+void CreateEigenvalueMatrix(const VectorBase<Real> &real, const VectorBase<Real> &imag,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *D);
+/// The following function is used in Matrix::Power, and separately tested, so we
+/// declare it here mainly for the testing code to see. It takes a complex value to
+/// a power using a method that will work for noninteger powers (but will fail if the
+/// complex value is real and negative).
+template<typename Real>
+bool AttemptComplexPower(Real *x_re, Real *x_im, Real power);
+/// @} end of addtogroup matrix_funcs_misc
+/// \addtogroup matrix_funcs_io
+/// @{
+template<typename Real>
+std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & Out, const MatrixBase<Real> & M);
+template<typename Real>
+std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & In, MatrixBase<Real> & M);
+// The Matrix read allows resizing, so we override the MatrixBase one.
+template<typename Real>
+std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & In, Matrix<Real> & M);
+template<typename Real>
+bool SameDim(const MatrixBase<Real> &M, const MatrixBase<Real> &N) {
+ return (M.NumRows() == N.NumRows() && M.NumCols() == N.NumCols());
+/// @} end of \addtogroup matrix_funcs_io
+} // namespace kaldi
+// we need to include the implementation and some
+// template specializations.
+#include "matrix/kaldi-matrix-inl.h"
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-vector-inl.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-vector-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3a4f52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-vector-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// matrix/kaldi-vector-inl.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Ondrej Glembek; Microsoft Corporation;
+// Haihua Xu
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// This is an internal header file, included by other library headers.
+// You should not attempt to use it directly.
+namespace kaldi {
+template<typename Real>
+std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream &os, const VectorBase<Real> &rv) {
+ rv.Write(os, false);
+ return os;
+template<typename Real>
+std::istream &operator >> (std::istream &is, VectorBase<Real> &rv) {
+ rv.Read(is, false);
+ return is;
+template<typename Real>
+std::istream &operator >> (std::istream &is, Vector<Real> &rv) {
+ rv.Read(is, false);
+ return is;
+void VectorBase<float>::AddVec(const float alpha, const VectorBase<float> &rv);
+void VectorBase<double>::AddVec<double>(const double alpha,
+ const VectorBase<double> &rv);
+} // namespace kaldi
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-vector.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-vector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b3395b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/kaldi-vector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+// matrix/kaldi-vector.h
+// Copyright 2009-2012 Ondrej Glembek; Microsoft Corporation; Lukas Burget;
+// Saarland University (Author: Arnab Ghoshal);
+// Ariya Rastrow; Petr Schwarz; Yanmin Qian;
+// Karel Vesely; Go Vivace Inc.; Arnab Ghoshal
+// Wei Shi;
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "matrix/matrix-common.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+/// \addtogroup matrix_group
+/// @{
+/// Provides a vector abstraction class.
+/// This class provides a way to work with vectors in kaldi.
+/// It encapsulates basic operations and memory optimizations.
+template<typename Real>
+class VectorBase {
+ public:
+ /// Set vector to all zeros.
+ void SetZero();
+ /// Returns true if matrix is all zeros.
+ bool IsZero(Real cutoff = 1.0e-06) const; // replace magic number
+ /// Set all members of a vector to a specified value.
+ void Set(Real f);
+ /// Set vector to random normally-distributed noise.
+ void SetRandn();
+ /// This function returns a random index into this vector,
+ /// chosen with probability proportional to the corresponding
+ /// element. Requires that this->Min() >= 0 and this->Sum() > 0.
+ MatrixIndexT RandCategorical() const;
+ /// Returns the dimension of the vector.
+ inline MatrixIndexT Dim() const { return dim_; }
+ /// Returns the size in memory of the vector, in bytes.
+ inline MatrixIndexT SizeInBytes() const { return (dim_*sizeof(Real)); }
+ /// Returns a pointer to the start of the vector's data.
+ inline Real* Data() { return data_; }
+ /// Returns a pointer to the start of the vector's data (const).
+ inline const Real* Data() const { return data_; }
+ /// Indexing operator (const).
+ inline Real operator() (MatrixIndexT i) const {
+ KALDI_PARANOID_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(i) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(dim_));
+ return *(data_ + i);
+ }
+ /// Indexing operator (non-const).
+ inline Real & operator() (MatrixIndexT i) {
+ KALDI_PARANOID_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(i) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(dim_));
+ return *(data_ + i);
+ }
+ /** @brief Returns a sub-vector of a vector (a range of elements).
+ * @param o [in] Origin, 0 < o < Dim()
+ * @param l [in] Length 0 < l < Dim()-o
+ * @return A SubVector object that aliases the data of the Vector object.
+ * See @c SubVector class for details */
+ SubVector<Real> Range(const MatrixIndexT o, const MatrixIndexT l) {
+ return SubVector<Real>(*this, o, l);
+ }
+ /** @brief Returns a const sub-vector of a vector (a range of elements).
+ * @param o [in] Origin, 0 < o < Dim()
+ * @param l [in] Length 0 < l < Dim()-o
+ * @return A SubVector object that aliases the data of the Vector object.
+ * See @c SubVector class for details */
+ const SubVector<Real> Range(const MatrixIndexT o,
+ const MatrixIndexT l) const {
+ return SubVector<Real>(*this, o, l);
+ }
+ /// Copy data from another vector (must match own size).
+ void CopyFromVec(const VectorBase<Real> &v);
+ /// Copy data from a SpMatrix or TpMatrix (must match own size).
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyFromPacked(const PackedMatrix<OtherReal> &M);
+ /// Copy data from another vector of different type (double vs. float)
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyFromVec(const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v);
+ /// Copy from CuVector. This is defined in ../cudamatrix/cu-vector.h
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyFromVec(const CuVectorBase<OtherReal> &v);
+ /// Apply natural log to all elements. Throw if any element of
+ /// the vector is negative (but doesn't complain about zero; the
+ /// log will be -infinity
+ void ApplyLog();
+ /// Apply natural log to another vector and put result in *this.
+ void ApplyLogAndCopy(const VectorBase<Real> &v);
+ /// Apply exponential to each value in vector.
+ void ApplyExp();
+ /// Take absolute value of each of the elements
+ void ApplyAbs();
+ /// Applies floor to all elements. Returns number of elements floored.
+ MatrixIndexT ApplyFloor(Real floor_val);
+ /// Applies ceiling to all elements. Returns number of elements changed.
+ MatrixIndexT ApplyCeiling(Real ceil_val);
+ /// Applies floor to all elements. Returns number of elements floored.
+ MatrixIndexT ApplyFloor(const VectorBase<Real> &floor_vec);
+ /// Apply soft-max to vector and return normalizer (log sum of exponentials).
+ /// This is the same as: \f$ x(i) = exp(x(i)) / \sum_i exp(x(i)) \f$
+ Real ApplySoftMax();
+ /// Sets each element of *this to the tanh of the corresponding element of "src".
+ void Tanh(const VectorBase<Real> &src);
+ /// Sets each element of *this to the sigmoid function of the corresponding
+ /// element of "src".
+ void Sigmoid(const VectorBase<Real> &src);
+ /// Take all elements of vector to a power.
+ void ApplyPow(Real power);
+ /// Take the absolute value of all elements of a vector to a power.
+ /// Include the sign of the input element if include_sign == true.
+ /// If power is negative and the input value is zero, the output is set zero.
+ void ApplyPowAbs(Real power, bool include_sign=false);
+ /// Compute the p-th norm of the vector.
+ Real Norm(Real p) const;
+ /// Returns true if ((*this)-other).Norm(2.0) <= tol * (*this).Norm(2.0).
+ bool ApproxEqual(const VectorBase<Real> &other, float tol = 0.01) const;
+ /// Invert all elements.
+ void InvertElements();
+ /// Add vector : *this = *this + alpha * rv (with casting between floats and
+ /// doubles)
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void AddVec(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v);
+ /// Add vector : *this = *this + alpha * rv^2 [element-wise squaring].
+ void AddVec2(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<Real> &v);
+ /// Add vector : *this = *this + alpha * rv^2 [element-wise squaring],
+ /// with casting between floats and doubles.
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void AddVec2(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v);
+ /// Add matrix times vector : this <-- beta*this + alpha*M*v.
+ /// Calls BLAS GEMV.
+ void AddMatVec(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ const MatrixTransposeType trans, const VectorBase<Real> &v,
+ const Real beta); // **beta previously defaulted to 0.0**
+ /// This is as AddMatVec, except optimized for where v contains a lot
+ /// of zeros.
+ void AddMatSvec(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ const MatrixTransposeType trans, const VectorBase<Real> &v,
+ const Real beta); // **beta previously defaulted to 0.0**
+ /// Add symmetric positive definite matrix times vector:
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha*M*v. Calls BLAS SPMV.
+ void AddSpVec(const Real alpha, const SpMatrix<Real> &M,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &v, const Real beta); // **beta previously defaulted to 0.0**
+ /// Add triangular matrix times vector: this <-- beta*this + alpha*M*v.
+ /// Works even if rv == *this.
+ void AddTpVec(const Real alpha, const TpMatrix<Real> &M,
+ const MatrixTransposeType trans, const VectorBase<Real> &v,
+ const Real beta); // **beta previously defaulted to 0.0**
+ /// Set each element to y = (x == orig ? changed : x).
+ void ReplaceValue(Real orig, Real changed);
+ /// Multipy element-by-element by another vector.
+ void MulElements(const VectorBase<Real> &v);
+ /// Multipy element-by-element by another vector of different type.
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void MulElements(const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v);
+ /// Divide element-by-element by a vector.
+ void DivElements(const VectorBase<Real> &v);
+ /// Divide element-by-element by a vector of different type.
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void DivElements(const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v);
+ /// Add a constant to each element of a vector.
+ void Add(Real c);
+ /// Add element-by-element product of vectlrs:
+ // this <-- alpha * v .* r + beta*this .
+ void AddVecVec(Real alpha, const VectorBase<Real> &v,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &r, Real beta);
+ /// Add element-by-element quotient of two vectors.
+ /// this <---- alpha*v/r + beta*this
+ void AddVecDivVec(Real alpha, const VectorBase<Real> &v,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &r, Real beta);
+ /// Multiplies all elements by this constant.
+ void Scale(Real alpha);
+ /// Multiplies this vector by lower-triangular marix: *this <-- *this *M
+ void MulTp(const TpMatrix<Real> &M, const MatrixTransposeType trans);
+ /// If trans == kNoTrans, solves M x = b, where b is the value of *this at input
+ /// and x is the value of *this at output.
+ /// If trans == kTrans, solves M' x = b.
+ /// Does not test for M being singular or near-singular, so test it before
+ /// calling this routine.
+ void Solve(const TpMatrix<Real> &M, const MatrixTransposeType trans);
+ /// Performs a row stack of the matrix M
+ void CopyRowsFromMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &M);
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyRowsFromMat(const MatrixBase<OtherReal> &M);
+ /// The following is implemented in ../cudamatrix/
+ void CopyRowsFromMat(const CuMatrixBase<Real> &M);
+ /// Performs a column stack of the matrix M
+ void CopyColsFromMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &M);
+ /// Extracts a row of the matrix M. Could also do this with
+ /// this->Copy(M[row]).
+ void CopyRowFromMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &M, MatrixIndexT row);
+ /// Extracts a row of the matrix M with type conversion.
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyRowFromMat(const MatrixBase<OtherReal> &M, MatrixIndexT row);
+ /// Extracts a row of the symmetric matrix S.
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyRowFromSp(const SpMatrix<OtherReal> &S, MatrixIndexT row);
+ /// Extracts a column of the matrix M.
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyColFromMat(const MatrixBase<OtherReal> &M , MatrixIndexT col);
+ /// Extracts the diagonal of the matrix M.
+ void CopyDiagFromMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &M);
+ /// Extracts the diagonal of a packed matrix M; works for Sp or Tp.
+ void CopyDiagFromPacked(const PackedMatrix<Real> &M);
+ /// Extracts the diagonal of a symmetric matrix.
+ inline void CopyDiagFromSp(const SpMatrix<Real> &M) { CopyDiagFromPacked(M); }
+ /// Extracts the diagonal of a triangular matrix.
+ inline void CopyDiagFromTp(const TpMatrix<Real> &M) { CopyDiagFromPacked(M); }
+ /// Returns the maximum value of any element, or -infinity for the empty vector.
+ Real Max() const;
+ /// Returns the maximum value of any element, and the associated index.
+ /// Error if vector is empty.
+ Real Max(MatrixIndexT *index) const;
+ /// Returns the minimum value of any element, or +infinity for the empty vector.
+ Real Min() const;
+ /// Returns the minimum value of any element, and the associated index.
+ /// Error if vector is empty.
+ Real Min(MatrixIndexT *index) const;
+ /// Returns sum of the elements
+ Real Sum() const;
+ /// Returns sum of the logs of the elements. More efficient than
+ /// just taking log of each. Will return NaN if any elements are
+ /// negative.
+ Real SumLog() const;
+ /// Does *this = alpha * (sum of rows of M) + beta * *this.
+ void AddRowSumMat(Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M, Real beta = 1.0);
+ /// Does *this = alpha * (sum of columns of M) + beta * *this.
+ void AddColSumMat(Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M, Real beta = 1.0);
+ /// Add the diagonal of a matrix times itself:
+ /// *this = diag(M M^T) + beta * *this (if trans == kNoTrans), or
+ /// *this = diag(M^T M) + beta * *this (if trans == kTrans).
+ void AddDiagMat2(Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ MatrixTransposeType trans = kNoTrans, Real beta = 1.0);
+ /// Add the diagonal of a matrix product: *this = diag(M N), assuming the
+ /// "trans" arguments are both kNoTrans; for transpose arguments, it behaves
+ /// as you would expect.
+ void AddDiagMatMat(Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M, MatrixTransposeType transM,
+ const MatrixBase<Real> &N, MatrixTransposeType transN,
+ Real beta = 1.0);
+ /// Returns log(sum(exp())) without exp overflow
+ /// If prune > 0.0, ignores terms less than the max - prune.
+ /// [Note: in future, if prune = 0.0, it will take the max.
+ /// For now, use -1 if you don't want it to prune.]
+ Real LogSumExp(Real prune = -1.0) const;
+ /// Reads from C++ stream (option to add to existing contents).
+ /// Throws exception on failure
+ void Read(std::istream & in, bool binary, bool add = false);
+ /// Writes to C++ stream (option to write in binary).
+ void Write(std::ostream &Out, bool binary) const;
+ friend class VectorBase<double>;
+ friend class VectorBase<float>;
+ friend class CuVectorBase<Real>;
+ friend class CuVector<Real>;
+ protected:
+ /// Destructor; does not deallocate memory, this is handled by child classes.
+ /// This destructor is protected so this object so this object can only be
+ /// deleted via a child.
+ ~VectorBase() {}
+ /// Empty initializer, corresponds to vector of zero size.
+ explicit VectorBase(): data_(NULL), dim_(0) {
+ }
+// Took this out since it is not currently used, and it is possible to create
+// objects where the allocated memory is not the same size as dim_ : Arnab
+// /// Initializer from a pointer and a size; keeps the pointer internally
+// /// (ownership or non-ownership depends on the child class).
+// explicit VectorBase(Real* data, MatrixIndexT dim)
+// : data_(data), dim_(dim) {}
+ // Arnab : made this protected since it is unsafe too.
+ /// Load data into the vector: sz must match own size.
+ void CopyFromPtr(const Real* Data, MatrixIndexT sz);
+ /// data memory area
+ Real* data_;
+ /// dimension of vector
+ MatrixIndexT dim_;
+}; // class VectorBase
+/** @brief A class representing a vector.
+ *
+ * This class provides a way to work with vectors in kaldi.
+ * It encapsulates basic operations and memory optimizations. */
+template<typename Real>
+class Vector: public VectorBase<Real> {
+ public:
+ /// Constructor that takes no arguments. Initializes to empty.
+ Vector(): VectorBase<Real>() {}
+ /// Constructor with specific size. Sets to all-zero by default
+ /// if set_zero == false, memory contents are undefined.
+ explicit Vector(const MatrixIndexT s,
+ MatrixResizeType resize_type = kSetZero)
+ : VectorBase<Real>() { Resize(s, resize_type); }
+ /// Copy constructor from CUDA vector
+ /// This is defined in ../cudamatrix/cu-vector.h
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ explicit Vector(const CuVectorBase<OtherReal> &cu);
+ /// Copy constructor. The need for this is controversial.
+ Vector(const Vector<Real> &v) : VectorBase<Real>() { // (cannot be explicit)
+ Resize(v.Dim(), kUndefined);
+ this->CopyFromVec(v);
+ }
+ /// Copy-constructor from base-class, needed to copy from SubVector.
+ explicit Vector(const VectorBase<Real> &v) : VectorBase<Real>() {
+ Resize(v.Dim(), kUndefined);
+ this->CopyFromVec(v);
+ }
+ /// Type conversion constructor.
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ explicit Vector(const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v): VectorBase<Real>() {
+ Resize(v.Dim(), kUndefined);
+ this->CopyFromVec(v);
+ }
+// Took this out since it is unsafe : Arnab
+// /// Constructor from a pointer and a size; copies the data to a location
+// /// it owns.
+// Vector(const Real* Data, const MatrixIndexT s): VectorBase<Real>() {
+// Resize(s);
+ // CopyFromPtr(Data, s);
+// }
+ /// Swaps the contents of *this and *other. Shallow swap.
+ void Swap(Vector<Real> *other);
+ /// Destructor. Deallocates memory.
+ ~Vector() { Destroy(); }
+ /// Read function using C++ streams. Can also add to existing contents
+ /// of matrix.
+ void Read(std::istream & in, bool binary, bool add = false);
+ /// Set vector to a specified size (can be zero).
+ /// The value of the new data depends on resize_type:
+ /// -if kSetZero, the new data will be zero
+ /// -if kUndefined, the new data will be undefined
+ /// -if kCopyData, the new data will be the same as the old data in any
+ /// shared positions, and zero elsewhere.
+ /// This function takes time proportional to the number of data elements.
+ void Resize(MatrixIndexT length, MatrixResizeType resize_type = kSetZero);
+ /// Remove one element and shifts later elements down.
+ void RemoveElement(MatrixIndexT i);
+ /// Assignment operator, protected so it can only be used by std::vector
+ Vector<Real> &operator = (const Vector<Real> &other) {
+ Resize(other.Dim(), kUndefined);
+ this->CopyFromVec(other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Assignment operator that takes VectorBase.
+ Vector<Real> &operator = (const VectorBase<Real> &other) {
+ Resize(other.Dim(), kUndefined);
+ this->CopyFromVec(other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ private:
+ /// Init assumes the current contents of the class are invalid (i.e. junk or
+ /// has already been freed), and it sets the vector to newly allocated memory
+ /// with the specified dimension. dim == 0 is acceptable. The memory contents
+ /// pointed to by data_ will be undefined.
+ void Init(const MatrixIndexT dim);
+ /// Destroy function, called internally.
+ void Destroy();
+/// Represents a non-allocating general vector which can be defined
+/// as a sub-vector of higher-level vector [or as the row of a matrix].
+template<typename Real>
+class SubVector : public VectorBase<Real> {
+ public:
+ /// Constructor from a Vector or SubVector.
+ /// SubVectors are not const-safe and it's very hard to make them
+ /// so for now we just give up. This function contains const_cast.
+ SubVector(const VectorBase<Real> &t, const MatrixIndexT origin,
+ const MatrixIndexT length) : VectorBase<Real>() {
+ // following assert equiv to origin>=0 && length>=0 &&
+ // origin+length <= rt.dim_
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(origin)+
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(length) <=
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(t.Dim()));
+ VectorBase<Real>::data_ = const_cast<Real*> (t.Data()+origin);
+ VectorBase<Real>::dim_ = length;
+ }
+ /// This constructor initializes the vector to point at the contents
+ /// of this packed matrix (SpMatrix or TpMatrix).
+ SubVector(const PackedMatrix<Real> &M) {
+ VectorBase<Real>::data_ = const_cast<Real*> (M.Data());
+ VectorBase<Real>::dim_ = (M.NumRows()*(M.NumRows()+1))/2;
+ }
+ /// Copy constructor
+ SubVector(const SubVector &other) : VectorBase<Real> () {
+ // this copy constructor needed for Range() to work in base class.
+ VectorBase<Real>::data_ = other.data_;
+ VectorBase<Real>::dim_ = other.dim_;
+ }
+ /// Constructor from a pointer to memory and a length. Keeps a pointer
+ /// to the data but does not take ownership (will never delete).
+ SubVector(Real *data, MatrixIndexT length) : VectorBase<Real> () {
+ VectorBase<Real>::data_ = data;
+ VectorBase<Real>::dim_ = length;
+ }
+ /// This operation does not preserve const-ness, so be careful.
+ SubVector(const MatrixBase<Real> &matrix, MatrixIndexT row) {
+ VectorBase<Real>::data_ = const_cast<Real*>(matrix.RowData(row));
+ VectorBase<Real>::dim_ = matrix.NumCols();
+ }
+ ~SubVector() {} ///< Destructor (does nothing; no pointers are owned here).
+ private:
+ /// Disallow assignment operator.
+ SubVector & operator = (const SubVector &other) {}
+/// @} end of "addtogroup matrix_group"
+/// \addtogroup matrix_funcs_io
+/// @{
+/// Output to a C++ stream. Non-binary by default (use Write for
+/// binary output).
+template<typename Real>
+std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & out, const VectorBase<Real> & v);
+/// Input from a C++ stream. Will automatically read text or
+/// binary data from the stream.
+template<typename Real>
+std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & in, VectorBase<Real> & v);
+/// Input from a C++ stream. Will automatically read text or
+/// binary data from the stream.
+template<typename Real>
+std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & in, Vector<Real> & v);
+/// @} end of \addtogroup matrix_funcs_io
+/// \addtogroup matrix_funcs_scalar
+/// @{
+template<typename Real>
+bool ApproxEqual(const VectorBase<Real> &a,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &b, Real tol = 0.01) {
+ return a.ApproxEqual(b, tol);
+template<typename Real>
+inline void AssertEqual(VectorBase<Real> &a, VectorBase<Real> &b,
+ float tol = 0.01) {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(a.ApproxEqual(b, tol));
+/// Returns dot product between v1 and v2.
+template<typename Real>
+Real VecVec(const VectorBase<Real> &v1, const VectorBase<Real> &v2);
+template<typename Real, typename OtherReal>
+Real VecVec(const VectorBase<Real> &v1, const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v2);
+/// Returns \f$ v_1^T M v_2 \f$ .
+/// Not as efficient as it could be where v1 == v2.
+template<typename Real>
+Real VecMatVec(const VectorBase<Real> &v1, const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &v2);
+/// @} End of "addtogroup matrix_funcs_scalar"
+} // namespace kaldi
+// we need to include the implementation
+#include "matrix/kaldi-vector-inl.h"
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-common.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-common.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d202b2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-common.h
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+// matrix/matrix-common.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Microsoft Corporation
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// This file contains some #includes, forward declarations
+// and typedefs that are needed by all the main header
+// files in this directory.
+#include "base/kaldi-common.h"
+#include "matrix/kaldi-blas.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+typedef enum {
+ kTrans = CblasTrans,
+ kNoTrans = CblasNoTrans
+} MatrixTransposeType;
+typedef enum {
+ kSetZero,
+ kUndefined,
+ kCopyData
+} MatrixResizeType;
+typedef enum {
+ kTakeLower,
+ kTakeUpper,
+ kTakeMean,
+ kTakeMeanAndCheck
+} SpCopyType;
+template<typename Real> class VectorBase;
+template<typename Real> class Vector;
+template<typename Real> class SubVector;
+template<typename Real> class MatrixBase;
+template<typename Real> class SubMatrix;
+template<typename Real> class Matrix;
+template<typename Real> class SpMatrix;
+template<typename Real> class TpMatrix;
+template<typename Real> class PackedMatrix;
+// these are classes that won't be defined in this
+// directory; they're mostly needed for friend declarations.
+template<typename Real> class CuMatrixBase;
+template<typename Real> class CuSubMatrix;
+template<typename Real> class CuMatrix;
+template<typename Real> class CuVectorBase;
+template<typename Real> class CuSubVector;
+template<typename Real> class CuVector;
+template<typename Real> class CuPackedMatrix;
+template<typename Real> class CuSpMatrix;
+template<typename Real> class CuTpMatrix;
+class CompressedMatrix;
+/// This class provides a way for switching between double and float types.
+template<typename T> class OtherReal { }; // useful in reading+writing routines
+ // to switch double and float.
+/// A specialized class for switching from float to double.
+template<> class OtherReal<float> {
+ public:
+ typedef double Real;
+/// A specialized class for switching from double to float.
+template<> class OtherReal<double> {
+ public:
+ typedef float Real;
+typedef int32 MatrixIndexT;
+typedef int32 SignedMatrixIndexT;
+typedef uint32 UnsignedMatrixIndexT;
+// If you want to use size_t for the index type, do as follows instead:
+//typedef size_t MatrixIndexT;
+//typedef ssize_t SignedMatrixIndexT;
+//typedef size_t UnsignedMatrixIndexT;
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-functions-inl.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-functions-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fac851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-functions-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+// matrix/matrix-functions-inl.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Microsoft Corporation
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// (*) incorporates, with permission, FFT code from his book
+// "Signal Processing with Lapped Transforms", Artech, 1992.
+namespace kaldi {
+//! ComplexMul implements, inline, the complex multiplication b *= a.
+template<typename Real> inline void ComplexMul(const Real &a_re, const Real &a_im,
+ Real *b_re, Real *b_im) {
+ Real tmp_re = (*b_re * a_re) - (*b_im * a_im);
+ *b_im = *b_re * a_im + *b_im * a_re;
+ *b_re = tmp_re;
+template<typename Real> inline void ComplexAddProduct(const Real &a_re, const Real &a_im,
+ const Real &b_re, const Real &b_im,
+ Real *c_re, Real *c_im) {
+ *c_re += b_re*a_re - b_im*a_im;
+ *c_im += b_re*a_im + b_im*a_re;
+template<typename Real> inline void ComplexImExp(Real x, Real *a_re, Real *a_im) {
+ *a_re = std::cos(x);
+ *a_im = std::sin(x);
+} // end namespace kaldi
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-functions.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-functions.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b70ca56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-functions.h
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+// matrix/matrix-functions.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Microsoft Corporation; Go Vivace Inc.; Jan Silovsky;
+// Yanmin Qian; 1991 Henrique (Rico) Malvar (*)
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// (*) incorporates, with permission, FFT code from his book
+// "Signal Processing with Lapped Transforms", Artech, 1992.
+#include "matrix/kaldi-vector.h"
+#include "matrix/kaldi-matrix.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+/// @addtogroup matrix_funcs_misc
+/// @{
+/** The function ComplexFft does an Fft on the vector argument v.
+ v is a vector of even dimension, interpreted for both input
+ and output as a vector of complex numbers i.e.
+ \f[ v = ( re_0, im_0, re_1, im_1, ... ) \f]
+ The dimension of v must be a power of 2.
+ If "forward == true" this routine does the Discrete Fourier Transform
+ (DFT), i.e.:
+ \f[ vout[m] \leftarrow \sum_{n = 0}^{N-1} vin[i] exp( -2pi m n / N ) \f]
+ If "backward" it does the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT)
+ i.e.:
+ \f[ vout[m] <-- \sum_{n = 0}^{N-1} vin[i] exp( 2pi m n / N ) \f]
+ [note the sign difference on the 2 pi for the backward one.]
+ Note that this is the definition of the FT given in most texts, but
+ it differs from the Numerical Recipes version in which the forward
+ and backward algorithms are flipped.
+ Note that you would have to multiply by 1/N after the IDFT to get
+ back to where you started from. We don't do this because
+ in some contexts, the transform is made symmetric by multiplying
+ by sqrt(N) in both passes. The user can do this by themselves.
+ See also SplitRadixComplexFft, declared in srfft.h, which is more efficient
+ but only works if the length of the input is a power of 2.
+ */
+template<typename Real> void ComplexFft (VectorBase<Real> *v, bool forward, Vector<Real> *tmp_work = NULL);
+/// ComplexFt is the same as ComplexFft but it implements the Fourier
+/// transform in an inefficient way. It is mainly included for testing purposes.
+/// See comment for ComplexFft to describe the input and outputs and what it does.
+template<typename Real> void ComplexFt (const VectorBase<Real> &in,
+ VectorBase<Real> *out, bool forward);
+/// RealFft is a fourier transform of real inputs. Internally it uses
+/// ComplexFft. The input dimension N must be even. If forward == true,
+/// it transforms from a sequence of N real points to its complex fourier
+/// transform; otherwise it goes in the reverse direction. If you call it
+/// in the forward and then reverse direction and multiply by 1.0/N, you
+/// will get back the original data.
+/// The interpretation of the complex-FFT data is as follows: the array
+/// is a sequence of complex numbers C_n of length N/2 with (real, im) format,
+/// i.e. [real0, real_{N/2}, real1, im1, real2, im2, real3, im3, ...].
+/// See also SplitRadixRealFft, declared in srfft.h, which is more efficient
+/// but only works if the length of the input is a power of 2.
+template<typename Real> void RealFft (VectorBase<Real> *v, bool forward);
+/// RealFt has the same input and output format as RealFft above, but it is
+/// an inefficient implementation included for testing purposes.
+template<typename Real> void RealFftInefficient (VectorBase<Real> *v, bool forward);
+/// ComputeDctMatrix computes a matrix corresponding to the DCT, such that
+/// M * v equals the DCT of vector v. M must be square at input.
+/// This is the type = III DCT with normalization, corresponding to the
+/// following equations, where x is the signal and X is the DCT:
+/// X_0 = 1/sqrt(2*N) \sum_{n = 0}^{N-1} x_n
+/// X_k = 1/sqrt(N) \sum_{n = 0}^{N-1} x_n cos( \pi/N (n + 1/2) k )
+/// This matrix's transpose is its own inverse, so transposing this
+/// matrix will give the inverse DCT.
+/// Caution: the type III DCT is generally known as the "inverse DCT" (with the
+/// type II being the actual DCT), so this function is somewhatd mis-named. It
+/// was probably done this way for HTK compatibility. We don't change it
+/// because it was this way from the start and changing it would affect the
+/// feature generation.
+template<typename Real> void ComputeDctMatrix(Matrix<Real> *M);
+/// ComplexMul implements, inline, the complex multiplication b *= a.
+template<typename Real> inline void ComplexMul(const Real &a_re, const Real &a_im,
+ Real *b_re, Real *b_im);
+/// ComplexMul implements, inline, the complex operation c += (a * b).
+template<typename Real> inline void ComplexAddProduct(const Real &a_re, const Real &a_im,
+ const Real &b_re, const Real &b_im,
+ Real *c_re, Real *c_im);
+/// ComplexImExp implements a <-- exp(i x), inline.
+template<typename Real> inline void ComplexImExp(Real x, Real *a_re, Real *a_im);
+// This class allows you to compute the matrix exponential function
+// B = I + A + 1/2! A^2 + 1/3! A^3 + ...
+// This method is most accurate where the result is of the same order of
+// magnitude as the unit matrix (it will typically not work well when
+// the answer has almost-zero eigenvalues or is close to zero).
+// It also provides a function that allows you do back-propagate the
+// derivative of a scalar function through this calculation.
+// The
+template<typename Real>
+class MatrixExponential {
+ public:
+ MatrixExponential() { }
+ void Compute(const MatrixBase<Real> &M, MatrixBase<Real> *X); // does *X = exp(M)
+ // Version for symmetric matrices (it just copies to full matrix).
+ void Compute(const SpMatrix<Real> &M, SpMatrix<Real> *X); // does *X = exp(M)
+ void Backprop(const MatrixBase<Real> &hX, MatrixBase<Real> *hM) const; // Propagates
+ // the gradient of a scalar function f backwards through this operation, i.e.:
+ // if the parameter dX represents df/dX (with no transpose, so element i, j of dX
+ // is the derivative of f w.r.t. E(i, j)), it sets dM to df/dM, again with no
+ // transpose (of course, only the part thereof that comes through the effect of
+ // A on B). This applies to the values of A and E that were called most recently
+ // with Compute().
+ // Version for symmetric matrices (it just copies to full matrix).
+ void Backprop(const SpMatrix<Real> &hX, SpMatrix<Real> *hM) const;
+ private:
+ void Clear();
+ static MatrixIndexT ComputeN(const MatrixBase<Real> &M);
+ // This is intended for matrices P with small norms: compute B_0 = exp(P) - I.
+ // Keeps adding terms in the Taylor series till there is no further
+ // change in the result. Stores some of the powers of A in powers_,
+ // and the number of terms K as K_.
+ void ComputeTaylor(const MatrixBase<Real> &P, MatrixBase<Real> *B0);
+ // Backprop through the Taylor-series computation above.
+ // note: hX is \hat{X} in the math; hM is \hat{M} in the math.
+ void BackpropTaylor(const MatrixBase<Real> &hX,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *hM) const;
+ Matrix<Real> P_; // Equals M * 2^(-N_)
+ std::vector<Matrix<Real> > B_; // B_[0] = exp(P_) - I,
+ // B_[k] = 2 B_[k-1] + B_[k-1]^2 [k > 0],
+ // ( = exp(P_)^k - I )
+ // goes from 0..N_ [size N_+1].
+ std::vector<Matrix<Real> > powers_; // powers (>1) of P_ stored here,
+ // up to all but the last one used in the Taylor expansion (this is the
+ // last one we need in the backprop). The index is the power minus 2.
+ MatrixIndexT N_; // Power N_ >=0 such that P_ = A * 2^(-N_),
+ // we choose it so that P_ has a sufficiently small norm
+ // that the Taylor series will converge fast.
+ ComputePCA does a PCA computation, using either outer products
+ or inner products, whichever is more efficient. Let D be
+ the dimension of the data points, N be the number of data
+ points, and G be the PCA dimension we want to retain. We assume
+ G <= N and G <= D.
+ @param X [in] An N x D matrix. Each row of X is a point x_i.
+ @param U [out] A G x D matrix. Each row of U is a basis element u_i.
+ @param A [out] An N x D matrix, or NULL. Each row of A is a set of coefficients
+ in the basis for a point x_i, so A(i, g) is the coefficient of u_i
+ in x_i.
+ @param print_eigs [in] If true, prints out diagnostic information about the
+ eigenvalues.
+ @param exact [in] If true, does the exact computation; if false, does
+ a much faster (but almost exact) computation based on the Lanczos
+ method.
+template<typename Real>
+void ComputePca(const MatrixBase<Real> &X,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *U,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *A,
+ bool print_eigs = false,
+ bool exact = true);
+// This function does: *plus += max(0, a b^T),
+// *minus += max(0, -(a b^T)).
+template<typename Real>
+void AddOuterProductPlusMinus(Real alpha,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &a,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &b,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *plus,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *minus);
+template<typename Real1, typename Real2>
+inline void AssertSameDim(const MatrixBase<Real1> &mat1, const MatrixBase<Real2> &mat2) {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(mat1.NumRows() == mat2.NumRows()
+ && mat1.NumCols() == mat2.NumCols());
+/// @} end of "addtogroup matrix_funcs_misc"
+} // end namespace kaldi
+#include "matrix/matrix-functions-inl.h"
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-lib.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-lib.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39acec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-lib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// matrix/matrix-lib.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Ondrej Glembek; Microsoft Corporation; Haihua Xu
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Include everything from this directory.
+// These files include other stuff that we need.
+#include "matrix/cblas-wrappers.h"
+#include "base/kaldi-common.h"
+#include "matrix/kaldi-vector.h"
+#include "matrix/kaldi-matrix.h"
+#include "matrix/sp-matrix.h"
+#include "matrix/tp-matrix.h"
+#include "matrix/matrix-functions.h"
+#include "matrix/srfft.h"
+#include "matrix/compressed-matrix.h"
+#include "matrix/optimization.h"
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/optimization.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/optimization.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66309ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/optimization.h
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+// matrix/optimization.h
+// Copyright 2012 Johns Hopkins University (author: Daniel Povey)
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// (*) incorporates, with permission, FFT code from his book
+// "Signal Processing with Lapped Transforms", Artech, 1992.
+#include "matrix/kaldi-vector.h"
+#include "matrix/kaldi-matrix.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+/// @addtogroup matrix_optimization
+/// @{
+struct LinearCgdOptions {
+ int32 max_iters; // Maximum number of iters (if >= 0).
+ BaseFloat max_error; // Maximum 2-norm of the residual A x - b (convergence
+ // test)
+ // Every time the residual 2-norm decreases by this recompute_residual_factor
+ // since the last time it was computed from scratch, recompute it from
+ // scratch. This helps to keep the computed residual accurate even in the
+ // presence of roundoff.
+ BaseFloat recompute_residual_factor;
+ LinearCgdOptions(): max_iters(-1),
+ max_error(0.0),
+ recompute_residual_factor(0.01) { }
+ This function uses linear conjugate gradient descent to approximately solve
+ the system A x = b. The value of x at entry corresponds to the initial guess
+ of x. The algorithm continues until the number of iterations equals b.Dim(),
+ or until the 2-norm of (A x - b) is <= max_error, or until the number of
+ iterations equals max_iter, whichever happens sooner. It is a requirement
+ that A be positive definite.
+ It returns the number of iterations that were actually executed (this is
+ useful for testing purposes).
+template<typename Real>
+int32 LinearCgd(const LinearCgdOptions &opts,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &A, const VectorBase<Real> &b,
+ VectorBase<Real> *x);
+ This is an implementation of L-BFGS. It pushes responsibility for
+ determining when to stop, onto the user. There is no call-back here:
+ everything is done via calls to the class itself (see the example in
+ This does not implement constrained L-BFGS, but it will
+ handle constrained problems correctly as long as the function approaches
+ +infinity (or -infinity for maximization problems) when it gets close to the
+ bound of the constraint. In these types of problems, you just let the
+ function value be +infinity for minimization problems, or -infinity for
+ maximization problems, outside these bounds).
+struct LbfgsOptions {
+ bool minimize; // if true, we're minimizing, else maximizing.
+ int m; // m is the number of stored vectors L-BFGS keeps.
+ float first_step_learning_rate; // The very first step of L-BFGS is
+ // like gradient descent. If you want to configure the size of that step,
+ // you can do it using this variable.
+ float first_step_length; // If this variable is >0.0, it overrides
+ // first_step_learning_rate; on the first step we choose an approximate
+ // Hessian that is the multiple of the identity that would generate this
+ // step-length, or 1.0 if the gradient is zero.
+ float first_step_impr; // If this variable is >0.0, it overrides
+ // first_step_learning_rate; on the first step we choose an approximate
+ // Hessian that is the multiple of the identity that would generate this
+ // amount of objective function improvement (assuming the "real" objf
+ // was linear).
+ float c1; // A constant in Armijo rule = Wolfe condition i)
+ float c2; // A constant in Wolfe condition ii)
+ float d; // An amount > 1.0 (default 2.0) that we initially multiply or
+ // divide the step length by, in the line search.
+ int max_line_search_iters; // after this many iters we restart L-BFGS.
+ int avg_step_length; // number of iters to avg step length over, in
+ // RecentStepLength().
+ LbfgsOptions (bool minimize = true):
+ minimize(minimize),
+ m(10),
+ first_step_learning_rate(1.0),
+ first_step_length(0.0),
+ first_step_impr(0.0),
+ c1(1.0e-04),
+ c2(0.9),
+ d(2.0),
+ max_line_search_iters(50),
+ avg_step_length(4) { }
+template<typename Real>
+class OptimizeLbfgs {
+ public:
+ /// Initializer takes the starting value of x.
+ OptimizeLbfgs(const VectorBase<Real> &x,
+ const LbfgsOptions &opts);
+ /// This returns the value of the variable x that has the best objective
+ /// function so far, and the corresponding objective function value if
+ /// requested. This would typically be called only at the end.
+ const VectorBase<Real>& GetValue(Real *objf_value = NULL) const;
+ /// This returns the value at which the function wants us
+ /// to compute the objective function and gradient.
+ const VectorBase<Real>& GetProposedValue() const { return new_x_; }
+ /// Returns the average magnitude of the last n steps (but not
+ /// more than the number we have stored). Before we have taken
+ /// any steps, returns +infinity. Note: if the most recent
+ /// step length was 0, it returns 0, regardless of the other
+ /// step lengths. This makes it suitable as a convergence test
+ /// (else we'd generate NaN's).
+ Real RecentStepLength() const;
+ /// The user calls this function to provide the class with the
+ /// function and gradient info at the point GetProposedValue().
+ /// If this point is outside the constraints you can set function_value
+ /// to {+infinity,-infinity} for {minimization,maximization} problems.
+ /// In this case the gradient, and also the second derivative (if you call
+ /// the second overloaded version of this function) will be ignored.
+ void DoStep(Real function_value,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &gradient);
+ /// The user can call this version of DoStep() if it is desired to set some
+ /// kind of approximate Hessian on this iteration. Note: it is a prerequisite
+ /// that diag_approx_2nd_deriv must be strictly positive (minimizing), or
+ /// negative (maximizing).
+ void DoStep(Real function_value,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &gradient,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &diag_approx_2nd_deriv);
+ private:
+ // The following variable says what stage of the computation we're at.
+ // Refer to Algorithm 7.5 (L-BFGS) of Nodecdal & Wright, "Numerical
+ // Optimization", 2nd edition.
+ // kBeforeStep means we're about to do
+ /// "compute p_k <-- - H_k \delta f_k" (i.e. Algorithm 7.4).
+ // kWithinStep means we're at some point within line search; note
+ // that line search is iterative so we can stay in this state more
+ // than one time on each iteration.
+ enum ComputationState {
+ kBeforeStep,
+ kWithinStep, // This means we're within the step-size computation, and
+ // have not yet done the 1st function evaluation.
+ };
+ inline MatrixIndexT Dim() { return x_.Dim(); }
+ inline MatrixIndexT M() { return opts_.m; }
+ SubVector<Real> Y(MatrixIndexT i) {
+ return SubVector<Real>(data_, (i % M()) * 2); // vector y_i
+ }
+ SubVector<Real> S(MatrixIndexT i) {
+ return SubVector<Real>(data_, (i % M()) * 2 + 1); // vector s_i
+ }
+ // The following are subroutines within DoStep():
+ bool AcceptStep(Real function_value,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &gradient);
+ void Restart(const VectorBase<Real> &x,
+ Real function_value,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &gradient);
+ void ComputeNewDirection(Real function_value,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &gradient);
+ void ComputeHifNeeded(const VectorBase<Real> &gradient);
+ void StepSizeIteration(Real function_value,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &gradient);
+ void RecordStepLength(Real s);
+ LbfgsOptions opts_;
+ SignedMatrixIndexT k_; // Iteration number, starts from zero. Gets set back to zero
+ // when we restart.
+ ComputationState computation_state_;
+ bool H_was_set_; // True if the user specified H_; if false,
+ // we'll use a heuristic to estimate it.
+ Vector<Real> x_; // current x.
+ Vector<Real> new_x_; // the x proposed in the line search.
+ Vector<Real> best_x_; // the x with the best objective function so far
+ // (either the same as x_ or something in the current line search.)
+ Vector<Real> deriv_; // The most recently evaluated derivative-- at x_k.
+ Vector<Real> temp_;
+ Real f_; // The function evaluated at x_k.
+ Real best_f_; // the best objective function so far.
+ Real d_; // a number d > 1.0, but during an iteration we may decrease this, when
+ // we switch between armijo and wolfe failures.
+ int num_wolfe_i_failures_; // the num times we decreased step size.
+ int num_wolfe_ii_failures_; // the num times we increased step size.
+ enum { kWolfeI, kWolfeII, kNone } last_failure_type_; // last type of step-search
+ // failure on this iter.
+ Vector<Real> H_; // Current inverse-Hessian estimate. May be computed by this class itself,
+ // or provided by user using 2nd form of SetGradientInfo().
+ Matrix<Real> data_; // dimension (m*2) x dim. Even rows store
+ // gradients y_i, odd rows store steps s_i.
+ Vector<Real> rho_; // dimension m; rho_(m) = 1/(y_m^T s_m), Eq. 7.17.
+ std::vector<Real> step_lengths_; // The step sizes we took on the last
+ // (up to m) iterations; these are not stored in a rotating buffer but
+ // are shifted by one each time (this is more convenient when we
+ // restart, as we keep this info past restarting).
+/// @}
+} // end namespace kaldi
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/packed-matrix.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/packed-matrix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..722d932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/packed-matrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// matrix/packed-matrix.h
+// Copyright 2009-2013 Ondrej Glembek; Lukas Burget; Microsoft Corporation;
+// Saarland University; Yanmin Qian;
+// Johns Hopkins University (Author: Daniel Povey)
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "matrix/matrix-common.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace kaldi {
+/// \addtogroup matrix_funcs_io
+// we need to declare the friend << operator here
+template<typename Real>
+std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & out, const PackedMatrix<Real>& M);
+/// \addtogroup matrix_group
+/// @{
+/// @brief Packed matrix: base class for triangular and symmetric matrices.
+template<typename Real> class PackedMatrix {
+ friend class CuPackedMatrix<Real>;
+ public:
+ //friend class CuPackedMatrix<Real>;
+ PackedMatrix() : data_(NULL), num_rows_(0) {}
+ explicit PackedMatrix(MatrixIndexT r, MatrixResizeType resize_type = kSetZero):
+ data_(NULL) { Resize(r, resize_type); }
+ explicit PackedMatrix(const PackedMatrix<Real> &orig) : data_(NULL) {
+ Resize(orig.num_rows_, kUndefined);
+ CopyFromPacked(orig);
+ }
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ explicit PackedMatrix(const PackedMatrix<OtherReal> &orig) : data_(NULL) {
+ Resize(orig.NumRows(), kUndefined);
+ CopyFromPacked(orig);
+ }
+ void SetZero(); /// < Set to zero
+ void SetUnit(); /// < Set to unit matrix.
+ void SetRandn(); /// < Set to random values of a normal distribution
+ Real Trace() const;
+ // Needed for inclusion in std::vector
+ PackedMatrix<Real> & operator =(const PackedMatrix<Real> &other) {
+ Resize(other.NumRows());
+ CopyFromPacked(other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ ~PackedMatrix() {
+ Destroy();
+ }
+ /// Set packed matrix to a specified size (can be zero).
+ /// The value of the new data depends on resize_type:
+ /// -if kSetZero, the new data will be zero
+ /// -if kUndefined, the new data will be undefined
+ /// -if kCopyData, the new data will be the same as the old data in any
+ /// shared positions, and zero elsewhere.
+ /// This function takes time proportional to the number of data elements.
+ void Resize(MatrixIndexT nRows, MatrixResizeType resize_type = kSetZero);
+ void AddToDiag(const Real r); // Adds r to diaginal
+ void ScaleDiag(const Real alpha); // Scales diagonal by alpha.
+ void SetDiag(const Real alpha); // Sets diagonal to this value.
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyFromPacked(const PackedMatrix<OtherReal> &orig);
+ /// CopyFromVec just interprets the vector as having the same layout
+ /// as the packed matrix. Must have the same dimension, i.e.
+ /// orig.Dim() == (NumRows()*(NumRows()+1)) / 2;
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyFromVec(const SubVector<OtherReal> &orig);
+ Real* Data() { return data_; }
+ const Real* Data() const { return data_; }
+ inline MatrixIndexT NumRows() const { return num_rows_; }
+ inline MatrixIndexT NumCols() const { return num_rows_; }
+ size_t SizeInBytes() const {
+ size_t nr = static_cast<size_t>(num_rows_);
+ return ((nr * (nr+1)) / 2) * sizeof(Real);
+ }
+ //MatrixIndexT Stride() const { return stride_; }
+ // This code is duplicated in child classes to avoid extra levels of calls.
+ Real operator() (MatrixIndexT r, MatrixIndexT c) const {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(num_rows_) &&
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(c) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(num_rows_)
+ && c <= r);
+ return *(data_ + (r * (r + 1)) / 2 + c);
+ }
+ // This code is duplicated in child classes to avoid extra levels of calls.
+ Real &operator() (MatrixIndexT r, MatrixIndexT c) {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(num_rows_) &&
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(c) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(num_rows_)
+ && c <= r);
+ return *(data_ + (r * (r + 1)) / 2 + c);
+ }
+ Real Max() const {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ > 0);
+ return * (std::max_element(data_, data_ + ((num_rows_*(num_rows_+1))/2) ));
+ }
+ Real Min() const {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(num_rows_ > 0);
+ return * (std::min_element(data_, data_ + ((num_rows_*(num_rows_+1))/2) ));
+ }
+ void Scale(Real c);
+ friend std::ostream & operator << <> (std::ostream & out,
+ const PackedMatrix<Real> &m);
+ // Use instead of stream<<*this, if you want to add to existing contents.
+ // Will throw exception on failure.
+ void Read(std::istream &in, bool binary, bool add = false);
+ void Write(std::ostream &out, bool binary) const;
+ void Destroy();
+ /// Swaps the contents of *this and *other. Shallow swap.
+ void Swap(PackedMatrix<Real> *other);
+ void Swap(Matrix<Real> *other);
+ protected:
+ // Will only be called from this class or derived classes.
+ void AddPacked(const Real alpha, const PackedMatrix<Real>& M);
+ Real *data_;
+ MatrixIndexT num_rows_;
+ //MatrixIndexT stride_;
+ private:
+ /// Init assumes the current contents of the class are is invalid (i.e. junk or
+ /// has already been freed), and it sets the matrixd to newly allocated memory
+ /// with the specified dimension. dim == 0 is acceptable. The memory contents
+ /// pointed to by data_ will be undefined.
+ void Init(MatrixIndexT dim);
+/// @} end "addtogroup matrix_group"
+/// \addtogroup matrix_funcs_io
+/// @{
+template<typename Real>
+std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & os, const PackedMatrix<Real>& M) {
+ M.Write(os, false);
+ return os;
+template<typename Real>
+std::istream & operator >> (std::istream &is, PackedMatrix<Real> &M) {
+ M.Read(is, false);
+ return is;
+/// @}
+} // namespace kaldi
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/sp-matrix-inl.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/sp-matrix-inl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1579592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/sp-matrix-inl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// matrix/sp-matrix-inl.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Ondrej Glembek; Microsoft Corporation; Haihua Xu
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "matrix/tp-matrix.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+// All the lines in this file seem to be declaring template specializations.
+// These tell the compiler that we'll implement the templated function
+// separately for the different template arguments (float, double).
+double SolveQuadraticProblem(const SpMatrix<double> &H, const VectorBase<double> &g,
+ const SolverOptions &opts, VectorBase<double> *x);
+float SolveQuadraticProblem(const SpMatrix<float> &H, const VectorBase<float> &g,
+ const SolverOptions &opts, VectorBase<float> *x);
+} // namespace kaldi
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/sp-matrix.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/sp-matrix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..209d24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/sp-matrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+// matrix/sp-matrix.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Ondrej Glembek; Microsoft Corporation; Lukas Burget;
+// Saarland University; Ariya Rastrow; Yanmin Qian;
+// Jan Silovsky
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include "matrix/packed-matrix.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+/// \addtogroup matrix_group
+/// @{
+template<typename Real> class SpMatrix;
+ * @brief Packed symetric matrix class
+template<typename Real>
+class SpMatrix : public PackedMatrix<Real> {
+ friend class CuSpMatrix<Real>;
+ public:
+ // so it can use our assignment operator.
+ friend class std::vector<Matrix<Real> >;
+ SpMatrix(): PackedMatrix<Real>() {}
+ /// Copy constructor from CUDA version of SpMatrix
+ /// This is defined in ../cudamatrix/cu-sp-matrix.h
+ explicit SpMatrix(const CuSpMatrix<Real> &cu);
+ explicit SpMatrix(MatrixIndexT r, MatrixResizeType resize_type = kSetZero)
+ : PackedMatrix<Real>(r, resize_type) {}
+ SpMatrix(const SpMatrix<Real> &orig)
+ : PackedMatrix<Real>(orig) {}
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ explicit SpMatrix(const SpMatrix<OtherReal> &orig)
+ : PackedMatrix<Real>(orig) {}
+ explicit SpMatrix(const MatrixBase<Real> & orig,
+ SpCopyType copy_type = kTakeMeanAndCheck)
+ : PackedMatrix<Real>(orig.NumRows(), kUndefined) {
+ CopyFromMat(orig, copy_type);
+ }
+ explicit SpMatrix(const MatrixBase<Real> & orig,
+ SpCopyType copy_type = kTakeMean)
+ : PackedMatrix<Real>(orig.NumRows(), kUndefined) {
+ CopyFromMat(orig, copy_type);
+ }
+ /// Shallow swap.
+ void Swap(SpMatrix *other);
+ inline void Resize(MatrixIndexT nRows, MatrixResizeType resize_type = kSetZero) {
+ PackedMatrix<Real>::Resize(nRows, resize_type);
+ }
+ void CopyFromSp(const SpMatrix<Real> &other) {
+ PackedMatrix<Real>::CopyFromPacked(other);
+ }
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyFromSp(const SpMatrix<OtherReal> &other) {
+ PackedMatrix<Real>::CopyFromPacked(other);
+ }
+ void CopyFromMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &orig,
+ SpCopyType copy_type = kTakeMeanAndCheck);
+#else // different default arg if non-paranoid mode.
+ void CopyFromMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &orig,
+ SpCopyType copy_type = kTakeMean);
+ inline Real operator() (MatrixIndexT r, MatrixIndexT c) const {
+ // if column is less than row, then swap these as matrix is stored
+ // as upper-triangular... only allowed for const matrix object.
+ if (static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(c) >
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r))
+ std::swap(c, r);
+ // c<=r now so don't have to check c.
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(this->num_rows_));
+ return *(this->data_ + (r*(r+1)) / 2 + c);
+ // Duplicating code from PackedMatrix.h
+ }
+ inline Real &operator() (MatrixIndexT r, MatrixIndexT c) {
+ if (static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(c) >
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r))
+ std::swap(c, r);
+ // c<=r now so don't have to check c.
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(this->num_rows_));
+ return *(this->data_ + (r * (r + 1)) / 2 + c);
+ // Duplicating code from PackedMatrix.h
+ }
+ using PackedMatrix<Real>::operator =;
+ using PackedMatrix<Real>::Scale;
+ /// matrix inverse.
+ /// if inverse_needed = false, will fill matrix with garbage.
+ /// (only useful if logdet wanted).
+ void Invert(Real *logdet = NULL, Real *det_sign= NULL,
+ bool inverse_needed = true);
+ // Below routine does inversion in double precision,
+ // even for single-precision object.
+ void InvertDouble(Real *logdet = NULL, Real *det_sign = NULL,
+ bool inverse_needed = true);
+ /// Returns maximum ratio of singular values.
+ inline Real Cond() const {
+ Matrix<Real> tmp(*this);
+ return tmp.Cond();
+ }
+ /// Takes matrix to a fraction power via Svd.
+ /// Will throw exception if matrix is not positive semidefinite
+ /// (to within a tolerance)
+ void ApplyPow(Real exponent);
+ /// This is the version of SVD that we implement for symmetric positive
+ /// definite matrices. This exists for historical reasons; right now its
+ /// internal implementation is the same as Eig(). It computes the eigenvalue
+ /// decomposition (*this) = P * diag(s) * P^T with P orthogonal. Will throw
+ /// exception if input is not positive semidefinite to within a tolerance.
+ void SymPosSemiDefEig(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *P,
+ Real tolerance = 0.001) const;
+ /// Solves the symmetric eigenvalue problem: at end we should have (*this) = P
+ /// * diag(s) * P^T. We solve the problem using the symmetric QR method.
+ /// P may be NULL.
+ /// Implemented in
+ /// If you need the eigenvalues sorted, the function SortSvd declared in
+ /// kaldi-matrix is suitable.
+ void Eig(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *P = NULL) const;
+ /// This function gives you, approximately, the largest eigenvalues of the
+ /// symmetric matrix and the corresponding eigenvectors. (largest meaning,
+ /// further from zero). It does this by doing a SVD within the Krylov
+ /// subspace generated by this matrix and a random vector. This is
+ /// a form of the Lanczos method with complete reorthogonalization, followed
+ /// by SVD within a smaller dimension ("lanczos_dim").
+ ///
+ /// If *this is m by m, s should be of dimension n and P should be of
+ /// dimension m by n, with n <= m. The *columns* of P are the approximate
+ /// eigenvectors; P * diag(s) * P^T would be a low-rank reconstruction of
+ /// *this. The columns of P will be orthogonal, and the elements of s will be
+ /// the eigenvalues of *this projected into that subspace, but beyond that
+ /// there are no exact guarantees. (This is because the convergence of this
+ /// method is statistical). Note: it only makes sense to use this
+ /// method if you are in very high dimension and n is substantially smaller
+ /// than m: for example, if you want the 100 top eigenvalues of a 10k by 10k
+ /// matrix. This function calls Rand() to initialize the lanczos
+ /// iterations and also for restarting.
+ /// If lanczos_dim is zero, it will default to the greater of:
+ /// s->Dim() + 50 or s->Dim() + s->Dim()/2, but not more than this->Dim().
+ /// If lanczos_dim == this->Dim(), you might as well just call the function
+ /// Eig() since the result will be the same, and Eig() would be faster; the
+ /// whole point of this function is to reduce the dimension of the SVD
+ /// computation.
+ void TopEigs(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *P,
+ MatrixIndexT lanczos_dim = 0) const;
+ /// Takes log of the matrix (does eigenvalue decomposition then takes
+ /// log of eigenvalues and reconstructs). Will throw of not +ve definite.
+ void Log();
+ // Takes exponential of the matrix (equivalent to doing eigenvalue
+ // decomposition then taking exp of eigenvalues and reconstructing).
+ void Exp();
+ /// Returns the maximum of the absolute values of any of the
+ /// eigenvalues.
+ Real MaxAbsEig() const;
+ void PrintEigs(const char *name) {
+ Vector<Real> s((*this).NumRows());
+ Matrix<Real> P((*this).NumRows(), (*this).NumCols());
+ SymPosSemiDefEig(&s, &P);
+ KALDI_LOG << "PrintEigs: " << name << ": " << s;
+ }
+ bool IsPosDef() const; // returns true if Cholesky succeeds.
+ void AddSp(const Real alpha, const SpMatrix<Real> &Ma) {
+ this->AddPacked(alpha, Ma);
+ }
+ /// Computes log determinant but only for +ve-def matrices
+ /// (it uses Cholesky).
+ /// If matrix is not +ve-def, it will throw an exception
+ /// was LogPDDeterminant()
+ Real LogPosDefDet() const;
+ Real LogDet(Real *det_sign = NULL) const;
+ /// rank-one update, this <-- this + alpha v v'
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void AddVec2(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v);
+ /// rank-two update, this <-- this + alpha (v w' + w v').
+ void AddVecVec(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<Real> &v,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &w);
+ /// Does *this = beta * *thi + alpha * diag(v) * S * diag(v)
+ void AddVec2Sp(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<Real> &v,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &S, const Real beta);
+ /// diagonal update, this <-- this + diag(v)
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void AddDiagVec(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v);
+ /// rank-N update:
+ /// if (transM == kNoTrans)
+ /// (*this) = beta*(*this) + alpha * M * M^T,
+ /// or (if transM == kTrans)
+ /// (*this) = beta*(*this) + alpha * M^T * M
+ /// Note: beta used to default to 0.0.
+ void AddMat2(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ MatrixTransposeType transM, const Real beta);
+ /// Extension of rank-N update:
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha * M * A * M^T.
+ /// (*this) and A are allowed to be the same.
+ /// If transM == kTrans, then we do it as M^T * A * M.
+ void AddMat2Sp(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ MatrixTransposeType transM, const SpMatrix<Real> &A,
+ const Real beta = 0.0);
+ /// This is a version of AddMat2Sp specialized for when M is fairly sparse.
+ /// This was required for making the raw-fMLLR code efficient.
+ void AddSmat2Sp(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ MatrixTransposeType transM, const SpMatrix<Real> &A,
+ const Real beta = 0.0);
+ /// The following function does:
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha * T * A * T^T.
+ /// (*this) and A are allowed to be the same.
+ /// If transM == kTrans, then we do it as alpha * T^T * A * T.
+ /// Currently it just calls AddMat2Sp, but if needed we
+ /// can implement it more efficiently.
+ void AddTp2Sp(const Real alpha, const TpMatrix<Real> &T,
+ MatrixTransposeType transM, const SpMatrix<Real> &A,
+ const Real beta = 0.0);
+ /// The following function does:
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha * T * T^T.
+ /// (*this) and A are allowed to be the same.
+ /// If transM == kTrans, then we do it as alpha * T^T * T
+ /// Currently it just calls AddMat2, but if needed we
+ /// can implement it more efficiently.
+ void AddTp2(const Real alpha, const TpMatrix<Real> &T,
+ MatrixTransposeType transM, const Real beta = 0.0);
+ /// Extension of rank-N update:
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha * M * diag(v) * M^T.
+ /// if transM == kTrans, then
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha * M^T * diag(v) * M.
+ void AddMat2Vec(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ MatrixTransposeType transM, const VectorBase<Real> &v,
+ const Real beta = 0.0);
+ /// Floors this symmetric matrix to the matrix
+ /// alpha * Floor, where the matrix Floor is positive
+ /// definite.
+ /// It is floored in the sense that after flooring,
+ /// x^T (*this) x >= x^T (alpha*Floor) x.
+ /// This is accomplished using an Svd. It will crash
+ /// if Floor is not positive definite. Returns the number of
+ /// elements that were floored.
+ int ApplyFloor(const SpMatrix<Real> &Floor, Real alpha = 1.0,
+ bool verbose = false);
+ /// Floor: Given a positive semidefinite matrix, floors the eigenvalues
+ /// to the specified quantity. A previous version of this function had
+ /// a tolerance which is now no longer needed since we have code to
+ /// do the symmetric eigenvalue decomposition and no longer use the SVD
+ /// code for that purose.
+ int ApplyFloor(Real floor);
+ bool IsDiagonal(Real cutoff = 1.0e-05) const;
+ bool IsUnit(Real cutoff = 1.0e-05) const;
+ bool IsZero(Real cutoff = 1.0e-05) const;
+ bool IsTridiagonal(Real cutoff = 1.0e-05) const;
+ /// sqrt of sum of square elements.
+ Real FrobeniusNorm() const;
+ /// Returns true if ((*this)-other).FrobeniusNorm() <=
+ /// tol*(*this).FrobeniusNorma()
+ bool ApproxEqual(const SpMatrix<Real> &other, float tol = 0.01) const;
+ // LimitCond:
+ // Limits the condition of symmetric positive semidefinite matrix to
+ // a specified value
+ // by flooring all eigenvalues to a positive number which is some multiple
+ // of the largest one (or zero if there are no positive eigenvalues).
+ // Takes the condition number we are willing to accept, and floors
+ // eigenvalues to the largest eigenvalue divided by this.
+ // Returns #eigs floored or already equal to the floor.
+ // Throws exception if input is not positive definite.
+ // returns #floored.
+ MatrixIndexT LimitCond(Real maxCond = 1.0e+5, bool invert = false);
+ // as LimitCond but all done in double precision. // returns #floored.
+ MatrixIndexT LimitCondDouble(Real maxCond = 1.0e+5, bool invert = false) {
+ SpMatrix<double> dmat(*this);
+ MatrixIndexT ans = dmat.LimitCond(maxCond, invert);
+ (*this).CopyFromSp(dmat);
+ return ans;
+ }
+ Real Trace() const;
+ /// Tridiagonalize the matrix with an orthogonal transformation. If
+ /// *this starts as S, produce T (and Q, if non-NULL) such that
+ /// T = Q A Q^T, i.e. S = Q^T T Q. Caution: this is the other way
+ /// round from most authors (it's more efficient in row-major indexing).
+ void Tridiagonalize(MatrixBase<Real> *Q);
+ /// The symmetric QR algorithm. This will mostly be useful in internal code.
+ /// Typically, you will call this after Tridiagonalize(), on the same object.
+ /// When called, *this (call it A at this point) must be tridiagonal; at exit,
+ /// *this will be a diagonal matrix D that is similar to A via orthogonal
+ /// transformations. This algorithm right-multiplies Q by orthogonal
+ /// transformations. It turns *this from a tridiagonal into a diagonal matrix
+ /// while maintaining that (Q *this Q^T) has the same value at entry and exit.
+ /// At entry Q should probably be either NULL or orthogonal, but we don't check
+ /// this.
+ void Qr(MatrixBase<Real> *Q);
+ private:
+ void EigInternal(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *P,
+ Real tolerance, int recurse) const;
+/// @} end of "addtogroup matrix_group"
+/// \addtogroup matrix_funcs_scalar
+/// @{
+/// Returns tr(A B).
+float TraceSpSp(const SpMatrix<float> &A, const SpMatrix<float> &B);
+double TraceSpSp(const SpMatrix<double> &A, const SpMatrix<double> &B);
+template<typename Real>
+inline bool ApproxEqual(const SpMatrix<Real> &A,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &B, Real tol = 0.01) {
+ return A.ApproxEqual(B, tol);
+template<typename Real>
+inline void AssertEqual(const SpMatrix<Real> &A,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &B, Real tol = 0.01) {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(ApproxEqual(A, B, tol));
+/// Returns tr(A B).
+template<typename Real, typename OtherReal>
+Real TraceSpSp(const SpMatrix<Real> &A, const SpMatrix<OtherReal> &B);
+// TraceSpSpLower is the same as Trace(A B) except the lower-diagonal elements
+// are counted only once not twice as they should be. It is useful in certain
+// optimizations.
+template<typename Real>
+Real TraceSpSpLower(const SpMatrix<Real> &A, const SpMatrix<Real> &B);
+/// Returns tr(A B).
+/// No option to transpose B because would make no difference.
+template<typename Real>
+Real TraceSpMat(const SpMatrix<Real> &A, const MatrixBase<Real> &B);
+/// Returns tr(A B C)
+/// (A and C may be transposed as specified by transA and transC).
+template<typename Real>
+Real TraceMatSpMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &B, const MatrixBase<Real> &C,
+ MatrixTransposeType transC);
+/// Returns tr (A B C D)
+/// (A and C may be transposed as specified by transA and transB).
+template<typename Real>
+Real TraceMatSpMatSp(const MatrixBase<Real> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &B, const MatrixBase<Real> &C,
+ MatrixTransposeType transC, const SpMatrix<Real> &D);
+/** Computes v1^T * M * v2. Not as efficient as it could be where v1 == v2
+ * (but no suitable blas routines available).
+ */
+/// Returns \f$ v_1^T M v_2 \f$
+/// Not as efficient as it could be where v1 == v2.
+template<typename Real>
+Real VecSpVec(const VectorBase<Real> &v1, const SpMatrix<Real> &M,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &v2);
+/// @} \addtogroup matrix_funcs_scalar
+/// \addtogroup matrix_funcs_misc
+/// @{
+/// This class describes the options for maximizing various quadratic objective
+/// functions. It's mostly as described in the SGMM paper "the subspace
+/// Gaussian mixture model -- a structured model for speech recognition", but
+/// the diagonal_precondition option is newly added, to handle problems where
+/// different dimensions have very different scaling (we recommend to use the
+/// option but it's set false for back compatibility).
+struct SolverOptions {
+ BaseFloat K; // maximum condition number
+ BaseFloat eps;
+ std::string name;
+ bool optimize_delta;
+ bool diagonal_precondition;
+ bool print_debug_output;
+ explicit SolverOptions(const std::string &name):
+ K(1.0e+4), eps(1.0e-40), name(name),
+ optimize_delta(true), diagonal_precondition(false),
+ print_debug_output(true) { }
+ SolverOptions(): K(1.0e+4), eps(1.0e-40), name("[unknown]"),
+ optimize_delta(true), diagonal_precondition(false),
+ print_debug_output(true) { }
+ void Check() const;
+/// Maximizes the auxiliary function
+/// \f[ Q(x) = x.g - 0.5 x^T H x \f]
+/// using a numerically stable method. Like a numerically stable version of
+/// \f$ x := Q^{-1} g. \f$
+/// Assumes H positive semidefinite.
+/// Returns the objective-function change.
+template<typename Real>
+Real SolveQuadraticProblem(const SpMatrix<Real> &H,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &g,
+ const SolverOptions &opts,
+ VectorBase<Real> *x);
+/// Maximizes the auxiliary function :
+/// \f[ Q(x) = tr(M^T P Y) - 0.5 tr(P M Q M^T) \f]
+/// Like a numerically stable version of \f$ M := Y Q^{-1} \f$.
+/// Assumes Q and P positive semidefinite, and matrix dimensions match
+/// enough to make expressions meaningful.
+/// This is mostly as described in the SGMM paper "the subspace Gaussian mixture
+/// model -- a structured model for speech recognition", but the
+/// diagonal_precondition option is newly added, to handle problems
+/// where different dimensions have very different scaling (we recommend to use
+/// the option but it's set false for back compatibility).
+template<typename Real>
+Real SolveQuadraticMatrixProblem(const SpMatrix<Real> &Q,
+ const MatrixBase<Real> &Y,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &P,
+ const SolverOptions &opts,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *M);
+/// Maximizes the auxiliary function :
+/// \f[ Q(M) = tr(M^T G) -0.5 tr(P_1 M Q_1 M^T) -0.5 tr(P_2 M Q_2 M^T). \f]
+/// Encountered in matrix update with a prior. We also apply a limit on the
+/// condition but it should be less frequently necessary, and can be set larger.
+template<typename Real>
+Real SolveDoubleQuadraticMatrixProblem(const MatrixBase<Real> &G,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &P1,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &P2,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &Q1,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &Q2,
+ const SolverOptions &opts,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *M);
+/// @} End of "addtogroup matrix_funcs_misc"
+} // namespace kaldi
+// Including the implementation (now actually just includes some
+// template specializations).
+#include "matrix/sp-matrix-inl.h"
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/srfft.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/srfft.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0d36af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/srfft.h
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// matrix/srfft.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Microsoft Corporation; Go Vivace Inc.
+// 2014 Daniel Povey
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// This file includes a modified version of code originally published in Malvar,
+// H., "Signal processing with lapped transforms, " Artech House, Inc., 1992. The
+// current copyright holder of the original code, Henrique S. Malvar, has given
+// his permission for the release of this modified version under the Apache
+// License v2.0.
+#include "matrix/kaldi-vector.h"
+#include "matrix/kaldi-matrix.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+/// @addtogroup matrix_funcs_misc
+/// @{
+// This class is based on code by Henrique (Rico) Malvar, from his book
+// "Signal Processing with Lapped Transforms" (1992). Copied with
+// permission, optimized by Go Vivace Inc., and converted into C++ by
+// Microsoft Corporation
+// This is a more efficient way of doing the complex FFT than ComplexFft
+// (declared in matrix-functios.h), but it only works for powers of 2.
+// Note: in multi-threaded code, you would need to have one of these objects per
+// thread, because multiple calls to Compute in parallel would not work.
+template<typename Real>
+class SplitRadixComplexFft {
+ public:
+ typedef MatrixIndexT Integer;
+ // N is the number of complex points (must be a power of two, or this
+ // will crash). Note that the constructor does some work so it's best to
+ // initialize the object once and do the computation many times.
+ SplitRadixComplexFft(Integer N);
+ // Does the FFT computation, given pointers to the real and
+ // imaginary parts. If "forward", do the forward FFT; else
+ // do the inverse FFT (without the 1/N factor).
+ // xr and xi are pointers to zero-based arrays of size N,
+ // containing the real and imaginary parts
+ // respectively.
+ void Compute(Real *xr, Real *xi, bool forward) const;
+ // This version of Compute takes a single array of size N*2,
+ // containing [ r0 im0 r1 im1 ... ]. Otherwise its behavior is the
+ // same as the version above.
+ void Compute(Real *x, bool forward);
+ // This version of Compute is const; it operates on an array of size N*2
+ // containing [ r0 im0 r1 im1 ... ], but it uses the argument "temp_buffer" as
+ // temporary storage instead of a class-member variable. It will allocate it if
+ // needed.
+ void Compute(Real *x, bool forward, std::vector<Real> *temp_buffer) const;
+ ~SplitRadixComplexFft();
+ protected:
+ // temp_buffer_ is allocated only if someone calls Compute with only one Real*
+ // argument and we need a temporary buffer while creating interleaved data.
+ std::vector<Real> temp_buffer_;
+ private:
+ void ComputeTables();
+ void ComputeRecursive(Real *xr, Real *xi, Integer logn) const;
+ void BitReversePermute(Real *x, Integer logn) const;
+ Integer N_;
+ Integer logn_; // log(N)
+ Integer *brseed_;
+ // brseed is Evans' seed table, ref: (Ref: D. M. W.
+ // Evans, "An improved digit-reversal permutation algorithm ...",
+ // IEEE Trans. ASSP, Aug. 1987, pp. 1120-1125).
+ Real **tab_; // Tables of butterfly coefficients.
+template<typename Real>
+class SplitRadixRealFft: private SplitRadixComplexFft<Real> {
+ public:
+ SplitRadixRealFft(MatrixIndexT N): // will fail unless N>=4 and N is a power of 2.
+ SplitRadixComplexFft<Real> (N/2), N_(N) { }
+ /// If forward == true, this function transforms from a sequence of N real points to its complex fourier
+ /// transform; otherwise it goes in the reverse direction. If you call it
+ /// in the forward and then reverse direction and multiply by 1.0/N, you
+ /// will get back the original data.
+ /// The interpretation of the complex-FFT data is as follows: the array
+ /// is a sequence of complex numbers C_n of length N/2 with (real, im) format,
+ /// i.e. [real0, real_{N/2}, real1, im1, real2, im2, real3, im3, ...].
+ void Compute(Real *x, bool forward);
+ /// This is as the other Compute() function, but it is a const version that
+ /// uses a user-supplied buffer.
+ void Compute(Real *x, bool forward, std::vector<Real> *temp_buffer) const;
+ private:
+ int N_;
+/// @} end of "addtogroup matrix_funcs_misc"
+} // end namespace kaldi
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/tp-matrix.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/tp-matrix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f43e86c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/tp-matrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+// matrix/tp-matrix.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Ondrej Glembek; Lukas Burget; Microsoft Corporation;
+// Saarland University; Yanmin Qian; Haihua Xu
+// 2013 Johns Hopkins Universith (author: Daniel Povey)
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "matrix/packed-matrix.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+/// \addtogroup matrix_group
+/// @{
+template<typename Real> class TpMatrix;
+/// @brief Packed symetric matrix class
+template<typename Real>
+class TpMatrix : public PackedMatrix<Real> {
+ friend class CuTpMatrix<float>;
+ friend class CuTpMatrix<double>;
+ public:
+ TpMatrix() : PackedMatrix<Real>() {}
+ explicit TpMatrix(MatrixIndexT r, MatrixResizeType resize_type = kSetZero)
+ : PackedMatrix<Real>(r, resize_type) {}
+ TpMatrix(const TpMatrix<Real>& orig) : PackedMatrix<Real>(orig) {}
+ /// Copy constructor from CUDA TpMatrix
+ /// This is defined in ../cudamatrix/
+ explicit TpMatrix(const CuTpMatrix<Real> &cu);
+ template<typename OtherReal> explicit TpMatrix(const TpMatrix<OtherReal>& orig)
+ : PackedMatrix<Real>(orig) {}
+ Real operator() (MatrixIndexT r, MatrixIndexT c) const {
+ if (static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(c) >
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r)) {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(c) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(this->num_rows_));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(this->num_rows_));
+ // c<=r now so don't have to check c.
+ return *(this->data_ + (r*(r+1)) / 2 + c);
+ // Duplicating code from PackedMatrix.h
+ }
+ Real &operator() (MatrixIndexT r, MatrixIndexT c) {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(this->num_rows_));
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(c) <=
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r) &&
+ "you cannot access the upper triangle of TpMatrix using "
+ "a non-const matrix object.");
+ return *(this->data_ + (r*(r+1)) / 2 + c);
+ // Duplicating code from PackedMatrix.h
+ }
+ // Note: Cholesky may throw std::runtime_error
+ void Cholesky(const SpMatrix<Real>& orig);
+ void Invert();
+ // Inverts in double precision.
+ void InvertDouble() {
+ TpMatrix<double> dmat(*this);
+ dmat.Invert();
+ (*this).CopyFromTp(dmat);
+ }
+ /// Shallow swap
+ void Swap(TpMatrix<Real> *other);
+ /// Returns the determinant of the matrix (product of diagonals)
+ Real Determinant();
+ /// CopyFromMat copies the lower triangle of M into *this
+ /// (or the upper triangle, if Trans == kTrans).
+ void CopyFromMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ MatrixTransposeType Trans = kNoTrans);
+ /// This is implemented in ../cudamatrix/
+ void CopyFromMat(const CuTpMatrix<Real> &other);
+ /// CopyFromTp copies another triangular matrix into this one.
+ void CopyFromTp(const TpMatrix<Real> &other) {
+ PackedMatrix<Real>::CopyFromPacked(other);
+ }
+ template<typename OtherReal> void CopyFromTp(const TpMatrix<OtherReal> &other) {
+ PackedMatrix<Real>::CopyFromPacked(other);
+ }
+ /// AddTp does *this += alpha * M.
+ void AddTp(const Real alpha, const TpMatrix<Real> &M) {
+ this->AddPacked(alpha, M);
+ }
+ using PackedMatrix<Real>::operator =;
+ using PackedMatrix<Real>::Scale;
+ void Resize(MatrixIndexT nRows, MatrixResizeType resize_type = kSetZero) {
+ PackedMatrix<Real>::Resize(nRows, resize_type);
+ }
+/// @} end of "addtogroup matrix_group".
+} // namespace kaldi