path: root/tnet_io/KaldiLib/Vector.h
diff options
authorDeterminant <[email protected]>2015-06-25 12:56:45 +0800
committerDeterminant <[email protected]>2015-06-25 12:56:45 +0800
commita74183ddb4ab8383bfe214b3745eb8a0a99ee47a (patch)
treed5e69cf8c4c2db2e3a4722778352fc3c95953bb2 /tnet_io/KaldiLib/Vector.h
parentb6301089cde20f4c825c7f5deaf179082aad63da (diff)
let HTK I/O implementation be a single package
Diffstat (limited to 'tnet_io/KaldiLib/Vector.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 496 deletions
diff --git a/tnet_io/KaldiLib/Vector.h b/tnet_io/KaldiLib/Vector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 384c5d2..0000000
--- a/tnet_io/KaldiLib/Vector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-// C++ Interface: %{MODULE}
-// Description:
-// Author: %{AUTHOR} <%{EMAIL}>, (C) %{YEAR}
-// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
-#ifndef TNet_Vector_h
-#define TNet_Vector_h
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <stdexcept>
-#include <iostream>
-#ifdef HAVE_ATLAS
-extern "C"{
- #include <cblas.h>
- #include <clapack.h>
-#include "Common.h"
-#include "MathAux.h"
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "Error.h"
-namespace TNet
- template<typename _ElemT> class Vector;
- template<typename _ElemT> class SubVector;
- template<typename _ElemT> class Matrix;
- template<typename _ElemT> class SpMatrix;
- // we need to declare the friend functions here
- template<typename _ElemT>
- std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & rOut, const Vector<_ElemT> & rV);
- template<typename _ElemT>
- std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & rIn, Vector<_ElemT> & rV);
- template<typename _ElemT>
- _ElemT
- BlasDot(const Vector<_ElemT>& rA, const Vector<_ElemT>& rB);
- /** **************************************************************************
- ** **************************************************************************
- * @brief Provides a matrix abstraction class
- *
- * This class provides a way to work with matrices in TNet.
- * It encapsulates basic operations and memory optimizations.
- *
- */
- template<typename _ElemT>
- class Vector
- {
- public:
- /// defines a type of this
- typedef Vector<_ElemT> ThisType;
- Vector(): mpData(NULL)
- ,mpFreeData(NULL)
- , mDim(0)
- {}
- /**
- * @brief Copy constructor
- * @param rV
- */
- Vector(const Vector<_ElemT>& rV)
- { mpData=NULL; Init(rV.Dim()); Copy(rV); }
- /* Type conversion constructor. */
- template<typename _ElemU>
- explicit Vector(const Vector<_ElemU>& rV)
- { mpData=NULL; Init(rV.Dim()); Copy(rV); }
- Vector(const _ElemT* ppData, const size_t s)
- { mpData=NULL; Init(s); Copy(ppData); }
- explicit Vector(const size_t s, bool clear=true)
- { mpData=NULL; Init(s,clear); }
- ~Vector()
- { Destroy(); }
- Vector<_ElemT> &operator = (const Vector <_ElemT> &other)
- { Init(other.Dim()); Copy(other); return *this; } // Needed for inclusion in std::vector
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- Init(size_t length, bool clear=true);
- /**
- * @brief Dealocates the window from memory and resets the dimensions to (0)
- */
- void
- Destroy();
- /**
- * @brief Returns @c true if vector is initialized
- */
- bool
- IsInitialized() const
- { return mpData != NULL; }
- /**
- * @brief Sets all elements to 0
- */
- void
- Zero();
- void
- Set(_ElemT f);
- inline size_t
- Dim() const
- { return mDim; }
- /**
- * @brief Returns size of matrix in memory (in bytes)
- */
- inline size_t
- MSize() const
- {
- return (mDim + (((16 / sizeof(_ElemT)) - mDim%(16 / sizeof(_ElemT)))
- % (16 / sizeof(_ElemT)))) * sizeof(_ElemT);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Gives access to the vector memory area
- * @return pointer to the first field
- */
- inline _ElemT*
- pData()
- { return mpData; }
- /**
- * @brief Gives access to the vector memory area
- * @return pointer to the first field (const version)
- */
- inline const _ElemT*
- pData() const
- { return mpData; }
- /**
- * @brief Gives access to a specified vector element (const).
- */
- inline _ElemT
- operator [] (size_t i) const
- {
-#ifdef PARANOID
- assert(i<mDim);
- return *(mpData + i);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Gives access to a specified vector element (non-const).
- */
- inline _ElemT &
- operator [] (size_t i)
- {
-#ifdef PARANOID
- assert(i<mDim);
- return *(mpData + i);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Gives access to a specified vector element (const).
- */
- inline _ElemT
- operator () (size_t i) const
- {
-#ifdef PARANOID
- assert(i<mDim);
- return *(mpData + i);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Gives access to a specified vector element (non-const).
- */
- inline _ElemT &
- operator () (size_t i)
- {
-#ifdef PARANOID
- assert(i<mDim);
- return *(mpData + i);
- }
- /**
- * @brief Returns a matrix sub-range
- * @param o Origin
- * @param l Length
- * See @c SubVector class for details
- */
- SubVector<_ElemT>
- Range(const size_t o, const size_t l)
- { return SubVector<_ElemT>(*this, o, l); }
- /**
- * @brief Returns a matrix sub-range
- * @param o Origin
- * @param l Length
- * See @c SubVector class for details
- */
- const SubVector<_ElemT>
- Range(const size_t o, const size_t l) const
- { return SubVector<_ElemT>(*this, o, l); }
- //########################################################################
- //########################################################################
- /// Copy data from another vector
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- Copy(const Vector<_ElemT>& rV);
- /// Copy data from another vector of a different type.
- template<typename _ElemU> Vector<_ElemT>&
- Copy(const Vector<_ElemU>& rV);
- /// Load data into the vector
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- Copy(const _ElemT* ppData);
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- CopyVectorizedMatrixRows(const Matrix<_ElemT> &rM);
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- RemoveElement(size_t i);
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- ApplyLog();
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- ApplyLog(const Vector<_ElemT>& rV);//ApplyLog to rV and put the result in (*this)
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- ApplyExp();
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- ApplySoftMax();
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- Invert();
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- DotMul(const Vector<_ElemT>& rV); // Multiplies each element (*this)(i) by rV(i).
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- BlasAxpy(const _ElemT alpha, const Vector<_ElemT>& rV);
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- BlasGemv(const _ElemT alpha, const Matrix<_ElemT>& rM, const MatrixTrasposeType trans, const Vector<_ElemT>& rV, const _ElemT beta = 0.0);
- //########################################################################
- //########################################################################
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- Add(const Vector<_ElemT>& rV)
- { return BlasAxpy(1.0, rV); }
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- Subtract(const Vector<_ElemT>& rV)
- { return BlasAxpy(-1.0, rV); }
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- AddScaled(_ElemT alpha, const Vector<_ElemT>& rV)
- { return BlasAxpy(alpha, rV); }
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- Add(_ElemT c);
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- MultiplyElements(const Vector<_ElemT>& rV);
- // @brief elementwise : rV.*rR+beta*this --> this
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- MultiplyElements(_ElemT alpha, const Vector<_ElemT>& rV, const Vector<_ElemT>& rR,_ElemT beta);
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- DivideElements(const Vector<_ElemT>& rV);
- /// @brief elementwise : rV./rR+beta*this --> this
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- DivideElements(_ElemT alpha, const Vector<_ElemT>& rV, const Vector<_ElemT>& rR,_ElemT beta);
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- Subtract(_ElemT c);
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- Scale(_ElemT c);
- //########################################################################
- //########################################################################
- /// Performs a row stack of the matrix rMa
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- MatrixRowStack(const Matrix<_ElemT>& rMa);
- // Extracts a row of the matrix rMa. .. could also do this with vector.Copy(rMa[row]).
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- Row(const Matrix<_ElemT>& rMa, size_t row);
- // Extracts a column of the matrix rMa.
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- Col(const Matrix<_ElemT>& rMa, size_t col);
- // Takes all elements to a power.
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- Power(_ElemT power);
- _ElemT
- Max() const;
- _ElemT
- Min() const;
- /// Returns sum of the elements
- _ElemT
- Sum() const;
- /// Returns sum of the elements
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- AddRowSum(const Matrix<_ElemT>& rM);
- /// Returns sum of the elements
- Vector<_ElemT>&
- AddColSum(const Matrix<_ElemT>& rM);
- /// Returns log(sum(exp())) without exp overflow
- _ElemT
- LogSumExp() const;
- //########################################################################
- //########################################################################
- friend std::ostream &
- operator << <> (std::ostream& rOut, const Vector<_ElemT>& rV);
- friend _ElemT
- BlasDot<>(const Vector<_ElemT>& rA, const Vector<_ElemT>& rB);
- /**
- * Computes v1^T * M * v2.
- * Not as efficient as it could be where v1==v2 (but no suitable blas
- * routines available).
- */
- _ElemT
- InnerProduct(const Vector<_ElemT> &v1, const Matrix<_ElemT> &M, const Vector<_ElemT> &v2) const;
- //##########################################################################
- //##########################################################################
- //protected:
- public:
- /// data memory area
- _ElemT* mpData;
- /// data to be freed (in case of manual memalignment use, see common.h)
- _ElemT* mpFreeData;
- size_t mDim; ///< Number of elements
- }; // class Vector
- /**
- * @brief Represents a non-allocating general vector which can be defined
- * as a sub-vector of higher-level vector
- */
- template<typename _ElemT>
- class SubVector : public Vector<_ElemT>
- {
- protected:
- /// Constructor
- SubVector(const Vector<_ElemT>& rT,
- const size_t origin,
- const size_t length)
- {
- assert(origin+length <= rT.mDim);
- Vector<_ElemT>::mpData = rT.mpData+origin;
- Vector<_ElemT>::mDim = length;
- }
- //only Vector class can call this protected constructor
- friend class Vector<_ElemT>;
- public:
- /// Constructor
- SubVector(Vector<_ElemT>& rT,
- const size_t origin,
- const size_t length)
- {
- assert(origin+length <= rT.mDim);
- Vector<_ElemT>::mpData = rT.mpData+origin;
- Vector<_ElemT>::mDim = length;
- }
- /**
- * @brief Constructs a vector representation out of a standard array
- *
- * @param pData pointer to data array to associate with this vector
- * @param length length of this vector
- */
- inline
- SubVector(_ElemT *ppData,
- size_t length)
- {
- Vector<_ElemT>::mpData = ppData;
- Vector<_ElemT>::mDim = length;
- }
- /**
- * @brief Destructor
- */
- ~SubVector()
- {
- Vector<_ElemT>::mpData = NULL;
- }
- };
- // Useful shortcuts
- typedef Vector<BaseFloat> BfVector;
- typedef SubVector<BaseFloat> BfSubVector;
- //Adding two vectors of different types
- template <typename _ElemT, typename _ElemU>
- void Add(Vector<_ElemT>& rDst, const Vector<_ElemU>& rSrc)
- {
- assert(rDst.Dim() == rSrc.Dim());
- const _ElemU* p_src = rSrc.pData();
- _ElemT* p_dst = rDst.pData();
- for(size_t i=0; i<rSrc.Dim(); i++) {
- *p_dst++ += (_ElemT)*p_src++;
- }
- }
- //Scales adding two vectors of different types
- template <typename _ElemT, typename _ElemU>
- void AddScaled(Vector<_ElemT>& rDst, const Vector<_ElemU>& rSrc, _ElemT scale)
- {
- assert(rDst.Dim() == rSrc.Dim());
- Vector<_ElemT> tmp(rSrc);
- rDst.BlasAxpy(scale, tmp);
- const _ElemU* p_src = rSrc.pData();
- _ElemT* p_dst = rDst.pData();
- for(size_t i=0; i<rDst.Dim(); i++) {
- *p_dst++ += *p_src++ * scale;
- }
- }
-} // namespace TNet
-// we need to include the implementation
-#include "Vector.tcc"
- ******************************************************************************
- * The following section contains specialized template definitions
- * whose implementation is in
- */
-#endif // #ifndef TNet_Vector_h