path: root/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/partition.h
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authorTed Yin <[email protected]>2015-08-14 17:42:26 +0800
committerTed Yin <[email protected]>2015-08-14 17:42:26 +0800
commitc3cffb58b9921d78753336421b52b9ffdaa5515c (patch)
treebfea20e97c200cf734021e3756d749c892e658a4 /kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/partition.h
parent10cce5f6a5c9e2f8e00d5a2a4d87c9cb7c26bf4c (diff)
parentdfdd17afc2e984ec6c32ea01290f5c76309a456a (diff)
Merge pull request #2 from yimmon/master
remove needless files
Diffstat (limited to 'kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/partition.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 305 deletions
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/partition.h b/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/partition.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 40b849a..0000000
--- a/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/partition.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-// partition.h
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// Copyright 2005-2010 Google, Inc.
-// Author: [email protected] (Johan Schalkwyk)
-// \file Functions and classes to create a partition of states
-#include <vector>
-using std::vector;
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <fst/queue.h>
-namespace fst {
-template <typename T> class PartitionIterator;
-// \class Partition
-// \brief Defines a partitioning of states. Typically used to represent
-// equivalence classes for Fst operations like minimization.
-template <typename T>
-class Partition {
- friend class PartitionIterator<T>;
- struct Element {
- Element() : value(0), next(0), prev(0) {}
- Element(T v) : value(v), next(0), prev(0) {}
- T value;
- Element* next;
- Element* prev;
- };
- public:
- Partition(bool allow_repeated_split):
- allow_repeated_split_(allow_repeated_split) {}
- Partition(bool allow_repeated_split, T num_states):
- allow_repeated_split_(allow_repeated_split) {
- Initialize(num_states);
- }
- ~Partition() {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < elements_.size(); ++i)
- delete elements_[i];
- }
- // Create an empty partition for num_states. At initialization time
- // all elements are not assigned to a class (i.e class_index = -1).
- // Initialize just creates num_states of elements. All element
- // operations are then done by simply disconnecting the element from
- // it current class and placing it at the head of the next class.
- void Initialize(size_t num_states) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < elements_.size(); ++i)
- delete elements_[i];
- elements_.clear();
- classes_.clear();
- class_index_.clear();
- elements_.resize(num_states);
- class_index_.resize(num_states, -1);
- class_size_.reserve(num_states);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < num_states; ++i)
- elements_[i] = new Element(i);
- num_states_ = num_states;
- }
- // Add a class, resize classes_ and class_size_ resource by 1.
- size_t AddClass() {
- size_t num_classes = classes_.size();
- classes_.resize(num_classes + 1, 0);
- class_size_.resize(num_classes + 1, 0);
- class_split_.resize(num_classes + 1, 0);
- split_size_.resize(num_classes + 1, 0);
- return num_classes;
- }
- void AllocateClasses(T num_classes) {
- size_t n = classes_.size() + num_classes;
- classes_.resize(n, 0);
- class_size_.resize(n, 0);
- class_split_.resize(n, 0);
- split_size_.resize(n, 0);
- }
- // Add element_id to class_id. The Add method is used to initialize
- // partition. Once elements have been added to a class, you need to
- // use the Move() method move an element from once class to another.
- void Add(T element_id, T class_id) {
- Element* element = elements_[element_id];
- if (classes_[class_id])
- classes_[class_id]->prev = element;
- element->next = classes_[class_id];
- element->prev = 0;
- classes_[class_id] = element;
- class_index_[element_id] = class_id;
- class_size_[class_id]++;
- }
- // Move and element_id to class_id. Disconnects (removes) element
- // from it current class and
- void Move(T element_id, T class_id) {
- T old_class_id = class_index_[element_id];
- Element* element = elements_[element_id];
- if (element->next) element->next->prev = element->prev;
- if (element->prev) element->prev->next = element->next;
- else classes_[old_class_id] = element->next;
- Add(element_id, class_id);
- class_size_[old_class_id]--;
- }
- // split class on the element_id
- void SplitOn(T element_id) {
- T class_id = class_index_[element_id];
- if (class_size_[class_id] == 1) return;
- // first time class is split
- if (split_size_[class_id] == 0) {
- visited_classes_.push_back(class_id);
- class_split_[class_id] = classes_[class_id];
- }
- // increment size of split (set of element at head of chain)
- split_size_[class_id]++;
- // update split point
- if (class_split_[class_id] != 0
- && class_split_[class_id] == elements_[element_id])
- class_split_[class_id] = elements_[element_id]->next;
- // move to head of chain in same class
- Move(element_id, class_id);
- }
- // Finalize class_id, split if required, and update class_splits,
- // class indices of the newly created class. Returns the new_class id
- // or -1 if no new class was created.
- T SplitRefine(T class_id) {
- Element* split_el = class_split_[class_id];
- // only split if necessary
- //if (class_size_[class_id] == split_size_[class_id]) {
- if(split_el == NULL) { // we split on everything...
- split_size_[class_id] = 0;
- return -1;
- } else {
- T new_class = AddClass();
- if(allow_repeated_split_) { // split_size_ is possibly
- // inaccurate, so work it out exactly.
- size_t split_count; Element *e;
- for(split_count=0,e=classes_[class_id];
- e != split_el; split_count++, e=e->next);
- split_size_[class_id] = split_count;
- }
- size_t remainder = class_size_[class_id] - split_size_[class_id];
- if (remainder < split_size_[class_id]) { // add smaller
- classes_[new_class] = split_el;
- split_el->prev->next = 0;
- split_el->prev = 0;
- class_size_[class_id] = split_size_[class_id];
- class_size_[new_class] = remainder;
- } else {
- classes_[new_class] = classes_[class_id];
- class_size_[class_id] = remainder;
- class_size_[new_class] = split_size_[class_id];
- split_el->prev->next = 0;
- split_el->prev = 0;
- classes_[class_id] = split_el;
- }
- // update class index for element in new class
- for (Element* el = classes_[new_class]; el; el = el->next)
- class_index_[el->value] = new_class;
- class_split_[class_id] = 0;
- split_size_[class_id] = 0;
- return new_class;
- }
- }
- // Once all states have been processed for a particular class C, we
- // can finalize the split. FinalizeSplit() will update each block in the
- // partition, create new once and update the queue of active classes
- // that require further refinement.
- template <class Queue>
- void FinalizeSplit(Queue* L) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < visited_classes_.size(); ++i) {
- T new_class = SplitRefine(visited_classes_[i]);
- if (new_class != -1 && L)
- L->Enqueue(new_class);
- }
- visited_classes_.clear();
- }
- const T class_id(T element_id) const {
- return class_index_[element_id];
- }
- const vector<T>& class_sizes() const {
- return class_size_;
- }
- const size_t class_size(T class_id) const {
- return class_size_[class_id];
- }
- const T num_classes() const {
- return classes_.size();
- }
- private:
- int num_states_;
- // container of all elements (owner of ptrs)
- vector<Element*> elements_;
- // linked list of elements belonging to class
- vector<Element*> classes_;
- // pointer to split point for each class
- vector<Element*> class_split_;
- // class index of element
- vector<T> class_index_;
- // class sizes
- vector<T> class_size_;
- // size of split for each class
- // in the nondeterministic case, split_size_ is actually an upper
- // bound on the size of split for each class.
- vector<T> split_size_;
- // set of visited classes to be used in split refine
- vector<T> visited_classes_;
- // true if input fst was deterministic: we can make
- // certain assumptions in this case that speed up the algorithm.
- bool allow_repeated_split_;
-// iterate over members of a class in a partition
-template <typename T>
-class PartitionIterator {
- typedef typename Partition<T>::Element Element;
- public:
- PartitionIterator(const Partition<T>& partition, T class_id)
- : p_(partition),
- element_(p_.classes_[class_id]),
- class_id_(class_id) {}
- bool Done() {
- return (element_ == 0);
- }
- const T Value() {
- return (element_->value);
- }
- void Next() {
- element_ = element_->next;
- }
- void Reset() {
- element_ = p_.classes_[class_id_];
- }
- private:
- const Partition<T>& p_;
- const Element* element_;
- T class_id_;
-} // namespace fst
-#endif // FST_LIB_PARTITION_H__