path: root/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/lookahead-matcher.h
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authorTed Yin <[email protected]>2015-08-14 17:42:26 +0800
committerTed Yin <[email protected]>2015-08-14 17:42:26 +0800
commitc3cffb58b9921d78753336421b52b9ffdaa5515c (patch)
treebfea20e97c200cf734021e3756d749c892e658a4 /kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/lookahead-matcher.h
parent10cce5f6a5c9e2f8e00d5a2a4d87c9cb7c26bf4c (diff)
parentdfdd17afc2e984ec6c32ea01290f5c76309a456a (diff)
Merge pull request #2 from yimmon/master
remove needless files
Diffstat (limited to 'kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/lookahead-matcher.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 812 deletions
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/lookahead-matcher.h b/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/lookahead-matcher.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f927d65..0000000
--- a/kaldi_io/src/tools/openfst/include/fst/lookahead-matcher.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,812 +0,0 @@
-// lookahead-matcher.h
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// Copyright 2005-2010 Google, Inc.
-// Author: [email protected] (Michael Riley)
-// \file
-// Classes to add lookahead to FST matchers, useful e.g. for improving
-// composition efficiency with certain inputs.
-#include <fst/add-on.h>
-#include <fst/const-fst.h>
-#include <fst/fst.h>
-#include <fst/label-reachable.h>
-#include <fst/matcher.h>
-namespace fst {
-// LOOKAHEAD MATCHERS - these have the interface of Matchers (see
-// matcher.h) and these additional methods:
-// template <class F>
-// class LookAheadMatcher {
-// public:
-// typedef F FST;
-// typedef F::Arc Arc;
-// typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
-// typedef typename Arc::Label Label;
-// typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight;
-// // Required constructors.
-// LookAheadMatcher(const F &fst, MatchType match_type);
-// // If safe=true, the copy is thread-safe (except the lookahead Fst is
-// // preserved). See Fst<>::Cop() for further doc.
-// LookAheadMatcher(const LookAheadMatcher &matcher, bool safe = false);
-// Below are methods for looking ahead for a match to a label and
-// more generally, to a rational set. Each returns false if there is
-// definitely not a match and returns true if there possibly is a
-// match.
-// // LABEL LOOKAHEAD: Can 'label' be read from the current matcher state
-// // after possibly following epsilon transitions?
-// bool LookAheadLabel(Label label) const;
-// // RATIONAL LOOKAHEAD: The next methods allow looking ahead for an
-// // arbitrary rational set of strings, specified by an FST and a state
-// // from which to begin the matching. If the lookahead FST is a
-// // transducer, this looks on the side different from the matcher
-// // 'match_type' (cf. composition).
-// // Are there paths P from 's' in the lookahead FST that can be read from
-// // the cur. matcher state?
-// bool LookAheadFst(const Fst<Arc>& fst, StateId s);
-// // Gives an estimate of the combined weight of the paths P in the
-// // lookahead and matcher FSTs for the last call to LookAheadFst.
-// // A trivial implementation returns Weight::One(). Non-trivial
-// // implementations are useful for weight-pushing in composition.
-// Weight LookAheadWeight() const;
-// // Is there is a single non-epsilon arc found in the lookahead FST
-// // that begins P (after possibly following any epsilons) in the last
-// // call LookAheadFst? If so, return true and copy it to '*arc', o.w.
-// // return false. A trivial implementation returns false. Non-trivial
-// // implementations are useful for label-pushing in composition.
-// bool LookAheadPrefix(Arc *arc);
-// // Optionally pre-specifies the lookahead FST that will be passed
-// // to LookAheadFst() for possible precomputation. If copy is true,
-// // then 'fst' is a copy of the FST used in the previous call to
-// // this method (useful to avoid unnecessary updates).
-// void InitLookAheadFst(const Fst<Arc>& fst, bool copy = false);
-// };
-// LOOK-AHEAD FLAGS (see also kMatcherFlags in matcher.h):
-// Matcher is a lookahead matcher when 'match_type' is MATCH_INPUT.
-const uint32 kInputLookAheadMatcher = 0x00000010;
-// Matcher is a lookahead matcher when 'match_type' is MATCH_OUTPUT.
-const uint32 kOutputLookAheadMatcher = 0x00000020;
-// A non-trivial implementation of LookAheadWeight() method defined and
-// should be used?
-const uint32 kLookAheadWeight = 0x00000040;
-// A non-trivial implementation of LookAheadPrefix() method defined and
-// should be used?
-const uint32 kLookAheadPrefix = 0x00000080;
-// Look-ahead of matcher FST non-epsilon arcs?
-const uint32 kLookAheadNonEpsilons = 0x00000100;
-// Look-ahead of matcher FST epsilon arcs?
-const uint32 kLookAheadEpsilons = 0x00000200;
-// Ignore epsilon paths for the lookahead prefix? Note this gives
-// correct results in composition only with an appropriate composition
-// filter since it depends on the filter blocking the ignored paths.
-const uint32 kLookAheadNonEpsilonPrefix = 0x00000400;
-// For LabelLookAheadMatcher, save relabeling data to file
-const uint32 kLookAheadKeepRelabelData = 0x00000800;
-// Flags used for lookahead matchers.
-const uint32 kLookAheadFlags = 0x00000ff0;
-// LookAhead Matcher interface, templated on the Arc definition; used
-// for lookahead matcher specializations that are returned by the
-// InitMatcher() Fst method.
-template <class A>
-class LookAheadMatcherBase : public MatcherBase<A> {
- public:
- typedef A Arc;
- typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
- typedef typename A::Label Label;
- typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
- LookAheadMatcherBase()
- : weight_(Weight::One()),
- prefix_arc_(kNoLabel, kNoLabel, Weight::One(), kNoStateId) {}
- virtual ~LookAheadMatcherBase() {}
- bool LookAheadLabel(Label label) const { return LookAheadLabel_(label); }
- bool LookAheadFst(const Fst<Arc> &fst, StateId s) {
- return LookAheadFst_(fst, s);
- }
- Weight LookAheadWeight() const { return weight_; }
- bool LookAheadPrefix(Arc *arc) const {
- if (prefix_arc_.nextstate != kNoStateId) {
- *arc = prefix_arc_;
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- virtual void InitLookAheadFst(const Fst<Arc>& fst, bool copy = false) = 0;
- protected:
- void SetLookAheadWeight(const Weight &w) { weight_ = w; }
- void SetLookAheadPrefix(const Arc &arc) { prefix_arc_ = arc; }
- void ClearLookAheadPrefix() { prefix_arc_.nextstate = kNoStateId; }
- private:
- virtual bool LookAheadLabel_(Label label) const = 0;
- virtual bool LookAheadFst_(const Fst<Arc> &fst,
- StateId s) = 0; // This must set l.a. weight and
- // prefix if non-trivial.
- Weight weight_; // Look-ahead weight
- Arc prefix_arc_; // Look-ahead prefix arc
-// Don't really lookahead, just declare future looks good regardless.
-template <class M>
-class TrivialLookAheadMatcher
- : public LookAheadMatcherBase<typename M::FST::Arc> {
- public:
- typedef typename M::FST FST;
- typedef typename M::Arc Arc;
- typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
- typedef typename Arc::Label Label;
- typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight;
- TrivialLookAheadMatcher(const FST &fst, MatchType match_type)
- : matcher_(fst, match_type) {}
- TrivialLookAheadMatcher(const TrivialLookAheadMatcher<M> &lmatcher,
- bool safe = false)
- : matcher_(lmatcher.matcher_, safe) {}
- // General matcher methods
- TrivialLookAheadMatcher<M> *Copy(bool safe = false) const {
- return new TrivialLookAheadMatcher<M>(*this, safe);
- }
- MatchType Type(bool test) const { return matcher_.Type(test); }
- void SetState(StateId s) { return matcher_.SetState(s); }
- bool Find(Label label) { return matcher_.Find(label); }
- bool Done() const { return matcher_.Done(); }
- const Arc& Value() const { return matcher_.Value(); }
- void Next() { matcher_.Next(); }
- virtual const FST &GetFst() const { return matcher_.GetFst(); }
- uint64 Properties(uint64 props) const { return matcher_.Properties(props); }
- uint32 Flags() const {
- return matcher_.Flags() | kInputLookAheadMatcher | kOutputLookAheadMatcher;
- }
- // Look-ahead methods.
- bool LookAheadLabel(Label label) const { return true; }
- bool LookAheadFst(const Fst<Arc> &fst, StateId s) {return true; }
- Weight LookAheadWeight() const { return Weight::One(); }
- bool LookAheadPrefix(Arc *arc) const { return false; }
- void InitLookAheadFst(const Fst<Arc>& fst, bool copy = false) {}
- private:
- // This allows base class virtual access to non-virtual derived-
- // class members of the same name. It makes the derived class more
- // efficient to use but unsafe to further derive.
- virtual void SetState_(StateId s) { SetState(s); }
- virtual bool Find_(Label label) { return Find(label); }
- virtual bool Done_() const { return Done(); }
- virtual const Arc& Value_() const { return Value(); }
- virtual void Next_() { Next(); }
- bool LookAheadLabel_(Label l) const { return LookAheadLabel(l); }
- bool LookAheadFst_(const Fst<Arc> &fst, StateId s) {
- return LookAheadFst(fst, s);
- }
- Weight LookAheadWeight_() const { return LookAheadWeight(); }
- bool LookAheadPrefix_(Arc *arc) const { return LookAheadPrefix(arc); }
- M matcher_;
-// Look-ahead of one transition. Template argument F accepts flags to
-// control behavior.
-template <class M, uint32 F = kLookAheadNonEpsilons | kLookAheadEpsilons |
- kLookAheadWeight | kLookAheadPrefix>
-class ArcLookAheadMatcher
- : public LookAheadMatcherBase<typename M::FST::Arc> {
- public:
- typedef typename M::FST FST;
- typedef typename M::Arc Arc;
- typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
- typedef typename Arc::Label Label;
- typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight;
- typedef NullAddOn MatcherData;
- using LookAheadMatcherBase<Arc>::LookAheadWeight;
- using LookAheadMatcherBase<Arc>::SetLookAheadPrefix;
- using LookAheadMatcherBase<Arc>::SetLookAheadWeight;
- using LookAheadMatcherBase<Arc>::ClearLookAheadPrefix;
- ArcLookAheadMatcher(const FST &fst, MatchType match_type,
- MatcherData *data = 0)
- : matcher_(fst, match_type),
- fst_(matcher_.GetFst()),
- lfst_(0),
- s_(kNoStateId) {}
- ArcLookAheadMatcher(const ArcLookAheadMatcher<M, F> &lmatcher,
- bool safe = false)
- : matcher_(lmatcher.matcher_, safe),
- fst_(matcher_.GetFst()),
- lfst_(lmatcher.lfst_),
- s_(kNoStateId) {}
- // General matcher methods
- ArcLookAheadMatcher<M, F> *Copy(bool safe = false) const {
- return new ArcLookAheadMatcher<M, F>(*this, safe);
- }
- MatchType Type(bool test) const { return matcher_.Type(test); }
- void SetState(StateId s) {
- s_ = s;
- matcher_.SetState(s);
- }
- bool Find(Label label) { return matcher_.Find(label); }
- bool Done() const { return matcher_.Done(); }
- const Arc& Value() const { return matcher_.Value(); }
- void Next() { matcher_.Next(); }
- const FST &GetFst() const { return fst_; }
- uint64 Properties(uint64 props) const { return matcher_.Properties(props); }
- uint32 Flags() const {
- return matcher_.Flags() | kInputLookAheadMatcher |
- kOutputLookAheadMatcher | F;
- }
- // Writable matcher methods
- MatcherData *GetData() const { return 0; }
- // Look-ahead methods.
- bool LookAheadLabel(Label label) const { return matcher_.Find(label); }
- // Checks if there is a matching (possibly super-final) transition
- // at (s_, s).
- bool LookAheadFst(const Fst<Arc> &fst, StateId s);
- void InitLookAheadFst(const Fst<Arc>& fst, bool copy = false) {
- lfst_ = &fst;
- }
- private:
- // This allows base class virtual access to non-virtual derived-
- // class members of the same name. It makes the derived class more
- // efficient to use but unsafe to further derive.
- virtual void SetState_(StateId s) { SetState(s); }
- virtual bool Find_(Label label) { return Find(label); }
- virtual bool Done_() const { return Done(); }
- virtual const Arc& Value_() const { return Value(); }
- virtual void Next_() { Next(); }
- bool LookAheadLabel_(Label l) const { return LookAheadLabel(l); }
- bool LookAheadFst_(const Fst<Arc> &fst, StateId s) {
- return LookAheadFst(fst, s);
- }
- mutable M matcher_;
- const FST &fst_; // Matcher FST
- const Fst<Arc> *lfst_; // Look-ahead FST
- StateId s_; // Matcher state
-template <class M, uint32 F>
-bool ArcLookAheadMatcher<M, F>::LookAheadFst(const Fst<Arc> &fst, StateId s) {
- if (&fst != lfst_)
- InitLookAheadFst(fst);
- bool ret = false;
- ssize_t nprefix = 0;
- if (F & kLookAheadWeight)
- SetLookAheadWeight(Weight::Zero());
- if (F & kLookAheadPrefix)
- ClearLookAheadPrefix();
- if (fst_.Final(s_) != Weight::Zero() &&
- lfst_->Final(s) != Weight::Zero()) {
- if (!(F & (kLookAheadWeight | kLookAheadPrefix)))
- return true;
- ++nprefix;
- if (F & kLookAheadWeight)
- SetLookAheadWeight(Plus(LookAheadWeight(),
- Times(fst_.Final(s_), lfst_->Final(s))));
- ret = true;
- }
- if (matcher_.Find(kNoLabel)) {
- if (!(F & (kLookAheadWeight | kLookAheadPrefix)))
- return true;
- ++nprefix;
- if (F & kLookAheadWeight)
- for (; !matcher_.Done(); matcher_.Next())
- SetLookAheadWeight(Plus(LookAheadWeight(), matcher_.Value().weight));
- ret = true;
- }
- for (ArcIterator< Fst<Arc> > aiter(*lfst_, s);
- !aiter.Done();
- aiter.Next()) {
- const Arc &arc = aiter.Value();
- Label label = kNoLabel;
- switch (matcher_.Type(false)) {
- label = arc.olabel;
- break;
- label = arc.ilabel;
- break;
- default:
- FSTERROR() << "ArcLookAheadMatcher::LookAheadFst: bad match type";
- return true;
- }
- if (label == 0) {
- if (!(F & (kLookAheadWeight | kLookAheadPrefix)))
- return true;
- if (!(F & kLookAheadNonEpsilonPrefix))
- ++nprefix;
- if (F & kLookAheadWeight)
- SetLookAheadWeight(Plus(LookAheadWeight(), arc.weight));
- ret = true;
- } else if (matcher_.Find(label)) {
- if (!(F & (kLookAheadWeight | kLookAheadPrefix)))
- return true;
- for (; !matcher_.Done(); matcher_.Next()) {
- ++nprefix;
- if (F & kLookAheadWeight)
- SetLookAheadWeight(Plus(LookAheadWeight(),
- Times(arc.weight,
- matcher_.Value().weight)));
- if ((F & kLookAheadPrefix) && nprefix == 1)
- SetLookAheadPrefix(arc);
- }
- ret = true;
- }
- }
- if (F & kLookAheadPrefix) {
- if (nprefix == 1)
- SetLookAheadWeight(Weight::One()); // Avoids double counting.
- else
- ClearLookAheadPrefix();
- }
- return ret;
-// Template argument F accepts flags to control behavior.
-// It must include precisely one of KInputLookAheadMatcher or
-// KOutputLookAheadMatcher.
-template <class M, uint32 F = kLookAheadEpsilons | kLookAheadWeight |
- kLookAheadPrefix | kLookAheadNonEpsilonPrefix |
- kLookAheadKeepRelabelData,
- class S = DefaultAccumulator<typename M::Arc> >
-class LabelLookAheadMatcher
- : public LookAheadMatcherBase<typename M::FST::Arc> {
- public:
- typedef typename M::FST FST;
- typedef typename M::Arc Arc;
- typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
- typedef typename Arc::Label Label;
- typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight;
- typedef LabelReachableData<Label> MatcherData;
- using LookAheadMatcherBase<Arc>::LookAheadWeight;
- using LookAheadMatcherBase<Arc>::SetLookAheadPrefix;
- using LookAheadMatcherBase<Arc>::SetLookAheadWeight;
- using LookAheadMatcherBase<Arc>::ClearLookAheadPrefix;
- LabelLookAheadMatcher(const FST &fst, MatchType match_type,
- MatcherData *data = 0, S *s = 0)
- : matcher_(fst, match_type),
- lfst_(0),
- label_reachable_(0),
- s_(kNoStateId),
- error_(false) {
- if (!(F & (kInputLookAheadMatcher | kOutputLookAheadMatcher))) {
- FSTERROR() << "LabelLookaheadMatcher: bad matcher flags: " << F;
- error_ = true;
- }
- bool reach_input = match_type == MATCH_INPUT;
- if (data) {
- if (reach_input == data->ReachInput())
- label_reachable_ = new LabelReachable<Arc, S>(data, s);
- } else if ((reach_input && (F & kInputLookAheadMatcher)) ||
- (!reach_input && (F & kOutputLookAheadMatcher))) {
- label_reachable_ = new LabelReachable<Arc, S>(
- fst, reach_input, s, F & kLookAheadKeepRelabelData);
- }
- }
- LabelLookAheadMatcher(const LabelLookAheadMatcher<M, F, S> &lmatcher,
- bool safe = false)
- : matcher_(lmatcher.matcher_, safe),
- lfst_(lmatcher.lfst_),
- label_reachable_(
- lmatcher.label_reachable_ ?
- new LabelReachable<Arc, S>(*lmatcher.label_reachable_) : 0),
- s_(kNoStateId),
- error_(lmatcher.error_) {}
- ~LabelLookAheadMatcher() {
- delete label_reachable_;
- }
- // General matcher methods
- LabelLookAheadMatcher<M, F, S> *Copy(bool safe = false) const {
- return new LabelLookAheadMatcher<M, F, S>(*this, safe);
- }
- MatchType Type(bool test) const { return matcher_.Type(test); }
- void SetState(StateId s) {
- if (s_ == s)
- return;
- s_ = s;
- match_set_state_ = false;
- reach_set_state_ = false;
- }
- bool Find(Label label) {
- if (!match_set_state_) {
- matcher_.SetState(s_);
- match_set_state_ = true;
- }
- return matcher_.Find(label);
- }
- bool Done() const { return matcher_.Done(); }
- const Arc& Value() const { return matcher_.Value(); }
- void Next() { matcher_.Next(); }
- const FST &GetFst() const { return matcher_.GetFst(); }
- uint64 Properties(uint64 inprops) const {
- uint64 outprops = matcher_.Properties(inprops);
- if (error_ || (label_reachable_ && label_reachable_->Error()))
- outprops |= kError;
- return outprops;
- }
- uint32 Flags() const {
- if (label_reachable_ && label_reachable_->GetData()->ReachInput())
- return matcher_.Flags() | F | kInputLookAheadMatcher;
- else if (label_reachable_ && !label_reachable_->GetData()->ReachInput())
- return matcher_.Flags() | F | kOutputLookAheadMatcher;
- else
- return matcher_.Flags();
- }
- // Writable matcher methods
- MatcherData *GetData() const {
- return label_reachable_ ? label_reachable_->GetData() : 0;
- };
- // Look-ahead methods.
- bool LookAheadLabel(Label label) const {
- if (label == 0)
- return true;
- if (label_reachable_) {
- if (!reach_set_state_) {
- label_reachable_->SetState(s_);
- reach_set_state_ = true;
- }
- return label_reachable_->Reach(label);
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Checks if there is a matching (possibly super-final) transition
- // at (s_, s).
- template <class L>
- bool LookAheadFst(const L &fst, StateId s);
- void InitLookAheadFst(const Fst<Arc>& fst, bool copy = false) {
- lfst_ = &fst;
- if (label_reachable_)
- label_reachable_->ReachInit(fst, copy);
- }
- template <class L>
- void InitLookAheadFst(const L& fst, bool copy = false) {
- lfst_ = static_cast<const Fst<Arc> *>(&fst);
- if (label_reachable_)
- label_reachable_->ReachInit(fst, copy);
- }
- private:
- // This allows base class virtual access to non-virtual derived-
- // class members of the same name. It makes the derived class more
- // efficient to use but unsafe to further derive.
- virtual void SetState_(StateId s) { SetState(s); }
- virtual bool Find_(Label label) { return Find(label); }
- virtual bool Done_() const { return Done(); }
- virtual const Arc& Value_() const { return Value(); }
- virtual void Next_() { Next(); }
- bool LookAheadLabel_(Label l) const { return LookAheadLabel(l); }
- bool LookAheadFst_(const Fst<Arc> &fst, StateId s) {
- return LookAheadFst(fst, s);
- }
- mutable M matcher_;
- const Fst<Arc> *lfst_; // Look-ahead FST
- LabelReachable<Arc, S> *label_reachable_; // Label reachability info
- StateId s_; // Matcher state
- bool match_set_state_; // matcher_.SetState called?
- mutable bool reach_set_state_; // reachable_.SetState called?
- bool error_;
-template <class M, uint32 F, class S>
-template <class L> inline
-bool LabelLookAheadMatcher<M, F, S>::LookAheadFst(const L &fst, StateId s) {
- if (static_cast<const Fst<Arc> *>(&fst) != lfst_)
- InitLookAheadFst(fst);
- SetLookAheadWeight(Weight::One());
- ClearLookAheadPrefix();
- if (!label_reachable_)
- return true;
- label_reachable_->SetState(s_, s);
- reach_set_state_ = true;
- bool compute_weight = F & kLookAheadWeight;
- bool compute_prefix = F & kLookAheadPrefix;
- bool reach_input = Type(false) == MATCH_OUTPUT;
- ArcIterator<L> aiter(fst, s);
- bool reach_arc = label_reachable_->Reach(&aiter, 0,
- internal::NumArcs(*lfst_, s),
- reach_input, compute_weight);
- Weight lfinal = internal::Final(*lfst_, s);
- bool reach_final = lfinal != Weight::Zero() && label_reachable_->ReachFinal();
- if (reach_arc) {
- ssize_t begin = label_reachable_->ReachBegin();
- ssize_t end = label_reachable_->ReachEnd();
- if (compute_prefix && end - begin == 1 && !reach_final) {
- aiter.Seek(begin);
- SetLookAheadPrefix(aiter.Value());
- compute_weight = false;
- } else if (compute_weight) {
- SetLookAheadWeight(label_reachable_->ReachWeight());
- }
- }
- if (reach_final && compute_weight)
- SetLookAheadWeight(reach_arc ?
- Plus(LookAheadWeight(), lfinal) : lfinal);
- return reach_arc || reach_final;
-// Label-lookahead relabeling class.
-template <class A>
-class LabelLookAheadRelabeler {
- public:
- typedef typename A::Label Label;
- typedef LabelReachableData<Label> MatcherData;
- typedef AddOnPair<MatcherData, MatcherData> D;
- // Relabels matcher Fst - initialization function object.
- template <typename I>
- LabelLookAheadRelabeler(I **impl);
- // Relabels arbitrary Fst. Class L should be a label-lookahead Fst.
- template <class L>
- static void Relabel(MutableFst<A> *fst, const L &mfst,
- bool relabel_input) {
- typename L::Impl *impl = mfst.GetImpl();
- D *data = impl->GetAddOn();
- LabelReachable<A> reachable(data->First() ?
- data->First() : data->Second());
- reachable.Relabel(fst, relabel_input);
- }
- // Returns relabeling pairs (cf. relabel.h::Relabel()).
- // Class L should be a label-lookahead Fst.
- // If 'avoid_collisions' is true, extra pairs are added to
- // ensure no collisions when relabeling automata that have
- // labels unseen here.
- template <class L>
- static void RelabelPairs(const L &mfst, vector<pair<Label, Label> > *pairs,
- bool avoid_collisions = false) {
- typename L::Impl *impl = mfst.GetImpl();
- D *data = impl->GetAddOn();
- LabelReachable<A> reachable(data->First() ?
- data->First() : data->Second());
- reachable.RelabelPairs(pairs, avoid_collisions);
- }
-template <class A>
-template <typename I> inline
-LabelLookAheadRelabeler<A>::LabelLookAheadRelabeler(I **impl) {
- Fst<A> &fst = (*impl)->GetFst();
- D *data = (*impl)->GetAddOn();
- const string name = (*impl)->Type();
- bool is_mutable = fst.Properties(kMutable, false);
- MutableFst<A> *mfst = 0;
- if (is_mutable) {
- mfst = static_cast<MutableFst<A> *>(&fst);
- } else {
- mfst = new VectorFst<A>(fst);
- data->IncrRefCount();
- delete *impl;
- }
- if (data->First()) { // reach_input
- LabelReachable<A> reachable(data->First());
- reachable.Relabel(mfst, true);
- if (!FLAGS_save_relabel_ipairs.empty()) {
- vector<pair<Label, Label> > pairs;
- reachable.RelabelPairs(&pairs, true);
- WriteLabelPairs(FLAGS_save_relabel_ipairs, pairs);
- }
- } else {
- LabelReachable<A> reachable(data->Second());
- reachable.Relabel(mfst, false);
- if (!FLAGS_save_relabel_opairs.empty()) {
- vector<pair<Label, Label> > pairs;
- reachable.RelabelPairs(&pairs, true);
- WriteLabelPairs(FLAGS_save_relabel_opairs, pairs);
- }
- }
- if (!is_mutable) {
- *impl = new I(*mfst, name);
- (*impl)->SetAddOn(data);
- delete mfst;
- data->DecrRefCount();
- }
-// Generic lookahead matcher, templated on the FST definition
-// - a wrapper around pointer to specific one.
-template <class F>
-class LookAheadMatcher {
- public:
- typedef F FST;
- typedef typename F::Arc Arc;
- typedef typename Arc::StateId StateId;
- typedef typename Arc::Label Label;
- typedef typename Arc::Weight Weight;
- typedef LookAheadMatcherBase<Arc> LBase;
- LookAheadMatcher(const F &fst, MatchType match_type) {
- base_ = fst.InitMatcher(match_type);
- if (!base_)
- base_ = new SortedMatcher<F>(fst, match_type);
- lookahead_ = false;
- }
- LookAheadMatcher(const LookAheadMatcher<F> &matcher, bool safe = false) {
- base_ = matcher.base_->Copy(safe);
- lookahead_ = matcher.lookahead_;
- }
- ~LookAheadMatcher() { delete base_; }
- // General matcher methods
- LookAheadMatcher<F> *Copy(bool safe = false) const {
- return new LookAheadMatcher<F>(*this, safe);
- }
- MatchType Type(bool test) const { return base_->Type(test); }
- void SetState(StateId s) { base_->SetState(s); }
- bool Find(Label label) { return base_->Find(label); }
- bool Done() const { return base_->Done(); }
- const Arc& Value() const { return base_->Value(); }
- void Next() { base_->Next(); }
- const F &GetFst() const { return static_cast<const F &>(base_->GetFst()); }
- uint64 Properties(uint64 props) const { return base_->Properties(props); }
- uint32 Flags() const { return base_->Flags(); }
- // Look-ahead methods
- bool LookAheadLabel(Label label) const {
- if (LookAheadCheck()) {
- LBase *lbase = static_cast<LBase *>(base_);
- return lbase->LookAheadLabel(label);
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- bool LookAheadFst(const Fst<Arc> &fst, StateId s) {
- if (LookAheadCheck()) {
- LBase *lbase = static_cast<LBase *>(base_);
- return lbase->LookAheadFst(fst, s);
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- Weight LookAheadWeight() const {
- if (LookAheadCheck()) {
- LBase *lbase = static_cast<LBase *>(base_);
- return lbase->LookAheadWeight();
- } else {
- return Weight::One();
- }
- }
- bool LookAheadPrefix(Arc *arc) const {
- if (LookAheadCheck()) {
- LBase *lbase = static_cast<LBase *>(base_);
- return lbase->LookAheadPrefix(arc);
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- void InitLookAheadFst(const Fst<Arc>& fst, bool copy = false) {
- if (LookAheadCheck()) {
- LBase *lbase = static_cast<LBase *>(base_);
- lbase->InitLookAheadFst(fst, copy);
- }
- }
- private:
- bool LookAheadCheck() const {
- if (!lookahead_) {
- lookahead_ = base_->Flags() &
- (kInputLookAheadMatcher | kOutputLookAheadMatcher);
- if (!lookahead_) {
- FSTERROR() << "LookAheadMatcher: No look-ahead matcher defined";
- }
- }
- return lookahead_;
- }
- MatcherBase<Arc> *base_;
- mutable bool lookahead_;
- void operator=(const LookAheadMatcher<Arc> &); // disallow
-} // namespace fst