path: root/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/tree/event-map.h
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authorTed Yin <[email protected]>2015-08-14 17:42:26 +0800
committerTed Yin <[email protected]>2015-08-14 17:42:26 +0800
commitc3cffb58b9921d78753336421b52b9ffdaa5515c (patch)
treebfea20e97c200cf734021e3756d749c892e658a4 /kaldi_io/src/kaldi/tree/event-map.h
parent10cce5f6a5c9e2f8e00d5a2a4d87c9cb7c26bf4c (diff)
parentdfdd17afc2e984ec6c32ea01290f5c76309a456a (diff)
Merge pull request #2 from yimmon/master
remove needless files
Diffstat (limited to 'kaldi_io/src/kaldi/tree/event-map.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 365 deletions
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/tree/event-map.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/tree/event-map.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 07fcc2b..0000000
--- a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/tree/event-map.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,365 +0,0 @@
-// tree/event-map.h
-// Copyright 2009-2011 Microsoft Corporation; Haihua Xu
-// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include <vector>
-#include <map>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include "base/kaldi-common.h"
-#include "util/stl-utils.h"
-#include "util/const-integer-set.h"
-namespace kaldi {
-/// \defgroup event_map_group Event maps
-/// \ingroup tree_group
-/// See \ref tree_internals for overview, and specifically \ref treei_event_map.
-// Note RE negative values: some of this code will not work if things of type
-// EventValueType are negative. In particular, TableEventMap can't be used if
-// things of EventValueType are negative, and additionally TableEventMap won't
-// be efficient if things of EventValueType take on extremely large values. The
-// EventKeyType can be negative though.
-/// Things of type EventKeyType can take any value. The code does not assume they are contiguous.
-/// So values like -1, 1000000 and the like are acceptable.
-typedef int32 EventKeyType;
-/// Given current code, things of type EventValueType should generally be nonnegative and in a
-/// reasonably small range (e.g. not one million), as we sometimes construct vectors of the size:
-/// [largest value we saw for this key]. This deficiency may be fixed in future [would require
-/// modifying TableEventMap]
-typedef int32 EventValueType;
-/// As far as the event-map code itself is concerned, things of type EventAnswerType may take
-/// any value except kNoAnswer (== -1). However, some specific uses of EventMap (e.g. in
-/// build-tree-utils.h) assume these quantities are nonnegative.
-typedef int32 EventAnswerType;
-typedef std::vector<std::pair<EventKeyType, EventValueType> > EventType;
-// It is required to be sorted and have unique keys-- i.e. functions assume this when called
-// with this type.
-inline std::pair<EventKeyType, EventValueType> MakeEventPair (EventKeyType k, EventValueType v) {
- return std::pair<EventKeyType, EventValueType>(k, v);
-void WriteEventType(std::ostream &os, bool binary, const EventType &vec);
-void ReadEventType(std::istream &is, bool binary, EventType *vec);
-std::string EventTypeToString(const EventType &evec); // so we can print events out in error messages.
-struct EventMapVectorHash { // Hashing object for EventMapVector. Works for both pointers and references.
- // Not used in event-map.{h, cc}
- size_t operator () (const EventType &vec);
- size_t operator () (const EventType *ptr) { return (*this)(*ptr); }
-struct EventMapVectorEqual { // Equality object for EventType pointers-- test equality of underlying vector.
- // Not used in event-map.{h, cc}
- size_t operator () (const EventType *p1, const EventType *p2) { return (*p1 == *p2); }
-/// A class that is capable of representing a generic mapping from
-/// EventType (which is a vector of (key, value) pairs) to
-/// EventAnswerType which is just an integer. See \ref tree_internals
-/// for overview.
-class EventMap {
- public:
- static void Check(const EventType &event); // will crash if not sorted and unique on key.
- static bool Lookup(const EventType &event, EventKeyType key, EventValueType *ans);
- // Maps events to the answer type. input must be sorted.
- virtual bool Map(const EventType &event, EventAnswerType *ans) const = 0;
- // MultiMap maps a partially specified set of events to the set of answers it might
- // map to. It appends these to "ans". "ans" is
- // **not guaranteed unique at output** if the
- // tree contains duplicate answers at leaves -- you should sort & uniq afterwards.
- // e.g.: SortAndUniq(ans).
- virtual void MultiMap(const EventType &event, std::vector<EventAnswerType> *ans) const = 0;
- // GetChildren() returns the EventMaps that are immediate children of this
- // EventMap (if they exist), by putting them in *out. Useful for
- // determining the structure of the event map.
- virtual void GetChildren(std::vector<EventMap*> *out) const = 0;
- // This Copy() does a deep copy of the event map.
- // If new_leaves is nonempty when it reaches a leaf with value l s.t. new_leaves[l] != NULL,
- // it replaces it with a copy of that EventMap. This makes it possible to extend and modify
- // It's the way we do splits of trees, and clustering of trees. Think about this carefully, because
- // the EventMap structure does not support modification of an existing tree. Do not be tempted
- // to do this differently, because other kinds of mechanisms would get very messy and unextensible.
- // Copy() is the only mechanism to modify a tree. It's similar to a kind of function composition.
- // Copy() does not take ownership of the pointers in new_leaves (it uses the Copy() function of those
- // EventMaps).
- virtual EventMap *Copy(const std::vector<EventMap*> &new_leaves) const = 0;
- EventMap *Copy() const { std::vector<EventMap*> new_leaves; return Copy(new_leaves); }
- // The function MapValues() is intended to be used to map phone-sets between
- // different integer representations. For all the keys in the set
- // "keys_to_map", it will map the corresponding values using the map
- // "value_map". Note: these values are the values in the key->value pairs of
- // the EventMap, which really correspond to phones in the usual case; they are
- // not the "answers" of the EventMap which correspond to clustered states. In
- // case multiple values are mapped to the same value, it will try to deal with
- // it gracefully where it can, but will crash if, for example, this would
- // cause problems with the TableEventMap. It will also crash if any values
- // used for keys in "keys_to_map" are not mapped by "value_map". This
- // function is not currently used.
- virtual EventMap *MapValues(
- const unordered_set<EventKeyType> &keys_to_map,
- const unordered_map<EventValueType,EventValueType> &value_map) const = 0;
- // The function Prune() is like Copy(), except it removes parts of the tree
- // that return only -1 (it will return NULL if this EventMap returns only -1).
- // This is a mechanism to remove parts of the tree-- you would first use the
- // Copy() function with a vector of EventMap*, and for the parts you don't
- // want, you'd put a ConstantEventMap with -1; you'd then call
- // Prune() on the result. This function is not currently used.
- virtual EventMap *Prune() const = 0;
- virtual EventAnswerType MaxResult() const { // child classes may override this for efficiency; here is basic version.
- // returns -1 if nothing found.
- std::vector<EventAnswerType> tmp; EventType empty_event;
- MultiMap(empty_event, &tmp);
- if (tmp.empty()) {
- KALDI_WARN << "EventMap::MaxResult(), empty result";
- return std::numeric_limits<EventAnswerType>::min();
- }
- else { return * std::max_element(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); }
- }
- /// Write to stream.
- virtual void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary) = 0;
- virtual ~EventMap() {}
- /// a Write function that takes care of NULL pointers.
- static void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary, EventMap *emap);
- /// a Read function that reads an arbitrary EventMap; also
- /// works for NULL pointers.
- static EventMap *Read(std::istream &is, bool binary);
-class ConstantEventMap: public EventMap {
- public:
- virtual bool Map(const EventType &event, EventAnswerType *ans) const {
- *ans = answer_;
- return true;
- }
- virtual void MultiMap(const EventType &,
- std::vector<EventAnswerType> *ans) const {
- ans->push_back(answer_);
- }
- virtual void GetChildren(std::vector<EventMap*> *out) const { out->clear(); }
- virtual EventMap *Copy(const std::vector<EventMap*> &new_leaves) const {
- if (answer_ < 0 || answer_ >= (EventAnswerType)new_leaves.size() ||
- new_leaves[answer_] == NULL)
- return new ConstantEventMap(answer_);
- else return new_leaves[answer_]->Copy();
- }
- virtual EventMap *MapValues(
- const unordered_set<EventKeyType> &keys_to_map,
- const unordered_map<EventValueType,EventValueType> &value_map) const {
- return new ConstantEventMap(answer_);
- }
- virtual EventMap *Prune() const {
- return (answer_ == -1 ? NULL : new ConstantEventMap(answer_));
- }
- explicit ConstantEventMap(EventAnswerType answer): answer_(answer) { }
- virtual void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary);
- static ConstantEventMap *Read(std::istream &is, bool binary);
- private:
- EventAnswerType answer_;
-class TableEventMap: public EventMap {
- public:
- virtual bool Map(const EventType &event, EventAnswerType *ans) const {
- EventValueType tmp; *ans = -1; // means no answer
- if (Lookup(event, key_, &tmp) && tmp >= 0
- && tmp < (EventValueType)table_.size() && table_[tmp] != NULL) {
- return table_[tmp]->Map(event, ans);
- }
- return false;
- }
- virtual void GetChildren(std::vector<EventMap*> *out) const {
- out->clear();
- for (size_t i = 0; i<table_.size(); i++)
- if (table_[i] != NULL) out->push_back(table_[i]);
- }
- virtual void MultiMap(const EventType &event, std::vector<EventAnswerType> *ans) const {
- EventValueType tmp;
- if (Lookup(event, key_, &tmp)) {
- if (tmp >= 0 && tmp < (EventValueType)table_.size() && table_[tmp] != NULL)
- return table_[tmp]->MultiMap(event, ans);
- // else no answers.
- } else { // all answers are possible if no such key.
- for (size_t i = 0;i < table_.size();i++)
- if (table_[i] != NULL) table_[i]->MultiMap(event, ans); // append.
- }
- }
- virtual EventMap *Prune() const;
- virtual EventMap *MapValues(
- const unordered_set<EventKeyType> &keys_to_map,
- const unordered_map<EventValueType,EventValueType> &value_map) const;
- /// Takes ownership of pointers.
- explicit TableEventMap(EventKeyType key, const std::vector<EventMap*> &table): key_(key), table_(table) {}
- /// Takes ownership of pointers.
- explicit TableEventMap(EventKeyType key, const std::map<EventValueType, EventMap*> &map_in);
- /// This initializer creates a ConstantEventMap for each value in the map.
- explicit TableEventMap(EventKeyType key, const std::map<EventValueType, EventAnswerType> &map_in);
- virtual void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary);
- static TableEventMap *Read(std::istream &is, bool binary);
- virtual EventMap *Copy(const std::vector<EventMap*> &new_leaves) const {
- std::vector<EventMap*> new_table_(table_.size(), NULL);
- for (size_t i = 0;i<table_.size();i++) if (table_[i]) new_table_[i]=table_[i]->Copy(new_leaves);
- return new TableEventMap(key_, new_table_);
- }
- virtual ~TableEventMap() {
- DeletePointers(&table_);
- }
- private:
- EventKeyType key_;
- std::vector<EventMap*> table_;
-class SplitEventMap: public EventMap { // A decision tree [non-leaf] node.
- public:
- virtual bool Map(const EventType &event, EventAnswerType *ans) const {
- EventValueType value;
- if (Lookup(event, key_, &value)) {
- // if (std::binary_search(yes_set_.begin(), yes_set_.end(), value)) {
- if (yes_set_.count(value)) {
- return yes_->Map(event, ans);
- }
- return no_->Map(event, ans);
- }
- return false;
- }
- virtual void MultiMap(const EventType &event, std::vector<EventAnswerType> *ans) const {
- EventValueType tmp;
- if (Lookup(event, key_, &tmp)) {
- if (std::binary_search(yes_set_.begin(), yes_set_.end(), tmp))
- yes_->MultiMap(event, ans);
- else
- no_->MultiMap(event, ans);
- } else { // both yes and no contribute.
- yes_->MultiMap(event, ans);
- no_->MultiMap(event, ans);
- }
- }
- virtual void GetChildren(std::vector<EventMap*> *out) const {
- out->clear();
- out->push_back(yes_);
- out->push_back(no_);
- }
- virtual EventMap *Copy(const std::vector<EventMap*> &new_leaves) const {
- return new SplitEventMap(key_, yes_set_, yes_->Copy(new_leaves), no_->Copy(new_leaves));
- }
- virtual void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary);
- static SplitEventMap *Read(std::istream &is, bool binary);
- virtual EventMap *Prune() const;
- virtual EventMap *MapValues(
- const unordered_set<EventKeyType> &keys_to_map,
- const unordered_map<EventValueType,EventValueType> &value_map) const;
- virtual ~SplitEventMap() { Destroy(); }
- /// This constructor takes ownership of the "yes" and "no" arguments.
- SplitEventMap(EventKeyType key, const std::vector<EventValueType> &yes_set,
- EventMap *yes, EventMap *no): key_(key), yes_set_(yes_set), yes_(yes), no_(no) {
- KALDI_PARANOID_ASSERT(IsSorted(yes_set));
- KALDI_ASSERT(yes_ != NULL && no_ != NULL);
- }
- private:
- /// This constructor used in the Copy() function.
- SplitEventMap(EventKeyType key, const ConstIntegerSet<EventValueType> &yes_set,
- EventMap *yes, EventMap *no): key_(key), yes_set_(yes_set), yes_(yes), no_(no) {
- KALDI_ASSERT(yes_ != NULL && no_ != NULL);
- }
- void Destroy() {
- delete yes_; delete no_;
- }
- EventKeyType key_;
- // std::vector<EventValueType> yes_set_;
- ConstIntegerSet<EventValueType> yes_set_; // more efficient Map function.
- EventMap *yes_; // owned here.
- EventMap *no_; // owned here.
- SplitEventMap &operator = (const SplitEventMap &other); // Disallow.
- This function gets the tree structure of the EventMap "map" in a convenient form.
- If "map" corresponds to a tree structure (not necessarily binary) with leaves
- uniquely numbered from 0 to num_leaves-1, then the function will return true,
- output "num_leaves", and set "parent" to a vector of size equal to the number of
- nodes in the tree (nonleaf and leaf), where each index corresponds to a node
- and the leaf indices correspond to the values returned by the EventMap from
- that leaf; for an index i, parent[i] equals the parent of that node in the tree
- structure, where parent[i] > i, except for the last (root) node where parent[i] == i.
- If the EventMap does not have this structure (e.g. if multiple different leaf nodes share
- the same number), then it will return false.
-bool GetTreeStructure(const EventMap &map,
- int32 *num_leaves,
- std::vector<int32> *parents);
-/// @} end "addtogroup event_map_group"