path: root/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/sp-matrix.h
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authorDeterminant <[email protected]>2015-08-14 11:51:42 +0800
committerDeterminant <[email protected]>2015-08-14 11:51:42 +0800
commit96a32415ab43377cf1575bd3f4f2980f58028209 (patch)
tree30a2d92d73e8f40ac87b79f6f56e227bfc4eea6e /kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/sp-matrix.h
parentc177a7549bd90670af4b29fa813ddea32cfe0f78 (diff)
add implementation for kaldi io (by ymz)
Diffstat (limited to 'kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/sp-matrix.h')
1 files changed, 524 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/sp-matrix.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/sp-matrix.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..209d24a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/sp-matrix.h
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+// matrix/sp-matrix.h
+// Copyright 2009-2011 Ondrej Glembek; Microsoft Corporation; Lukas Burget;
+// Saarland University; Ariya Rastrow; Yanmin Qian;
+// Jan Silovsky
+// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+#include "matrix/packed-matrix.h"
+namespace kaldi {
+/// \addtogroup matrix_group
+/// @{
+template<typename Real> class SpMatrix;
+ * @brief Packed symetric matrix class
+template<typename Real>
+class SpMatrix : public PackedMatrix<Real> {
+ friend class CuSpMatrix<Real>;
+ public:
+ // so it can use our assignment operator.
+ friend class std::vector<Matrix<Real> >;
+ SpMatrix(): PackedMatrix<Real>() {}
+ /// Copy constructor from CUDA version of SpMatrix
+ /// This is defined in ../cudamatrix/cu-sp-matrix.h
+ explicit SpMatrix(const CuSpMatrix<Real> &cu);
+ explicit SpMatrix(MatrixIndexT r, MatrixResizeType resize_type = kSetZero)
+ : PackedMatrix<Real>(r, resize_type) {}
+ SpMatrix(const SpMatrix<Real> &orig)
+ : PackedMatrix<Real>(orig) {}
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ explicit SpMatrix(const SpMatrix<OtherReal> &orig)
+ : PackedMatrix<Real>(orig) {}
+ explicit SpMatrix(const MatrixBase<Real> & orig,
+ SpCopyType copy_type = kTakeMeanAndCheck)
+ : PackedMatrix<Real>(orig.NumRows(), kUndefined) {
+ CopyFromMat(orig, copy_type);
+ }
+ explicit SpMatrix(const MatrixBase<Real> & orig,
+ SpCopyType copy_type = kTakeMean)
+ : PackedMatrix<Real>(orig.NumRows(), kUndefined) {
+ CopyFromMat(orig, copy_type);
+ }
+ /// Shallow swap.
+ void Swap(SpMatrix *other);
+ inline void Resize(MatrixIndexT nRows, MatrixResizeType resize_type = kSetZero) {
+ PackedMatrix<Real>::Resize(nRows, resize_type);
+ }
+ void CopyFromSp(const SpMatrix<Real> &other) {
+ PackedMatrix<Real>::CopyFromPacked(other);
+ }
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void CopyFromSp(const SpMatrix<OtherReal> &other) {
+ PackedMatrix<Real>::CopyFromPacked(other);
+ }
+ void CopyFromMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &orig,
+ SpCopyType copy_type = kTakeMeanAndCheck);
+#else // different default arg if non-paranoid mode.
+ void CopyFromMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &orig,
+ SpCopyType copy_type = kTakeMean);
+ inline Real operator() (MatrixIndexT r, MatrixIndexT c) const {
+ // if column is less than row, then swap these as matrix is stored
+ // as upper-triangular... only allowed for const matrix object.
+ if (static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(c) >
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r))
+ std::swap(c, r);
+ // c<=r now so don't have to check c.
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(this->num_rows_));
+ return *(this->data_ + (r*(r+1)) / 2 + c);
+ // Duplicating code from PackedMatrix.h
+ }
+ inline Real &operator() (MatrixIndexT r, MatrixIndexT c) {
+ if (static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(c) >
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r))
+ std::swap(c, r);
+ // c<=r now so don't have to check c.
+ KALDI_ASSERT(static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(r) <
+ static_cast<UnsignedMatrixIndexT>(this->num_rows_));
+ return *(this->data_ + (r * (r + 1)) / 2 + c);
+ // Duplicating code from PackedMatrix.h
+ }
+ using PackedMatrix<Real>::operator =;
+ using PackedMatrix<Real>::Scale;
+ /// matrix inverse.
+ /// if inverse_needed = false, will fill matrix with garbage.
+ /// (only useful if logdet wanted).
+ void Invert(Real *logdet = NULL, Real *det_sign= NULL,
+ bool inverse_needed = true);
+ // Below routine does inversion in double precision,
+ // even for single-precision object.
+ void InvertDouble(Real *logdet = NULL, Real *det_sign = NULL,
+ bool inverse_needed = true);
+ /// Returns maximum ratio of singular values.
+ inline Real Cond() const {
+ Matrix<Real> tmp(*this);
+ return tmp.Cond();
+ }
+ /// Takes matrix to a fraction power via Svd.
+ /// Will throw exception if matrix is not positive semidefinite
+ /// (to within a tolerance)
+ void ApplyPow(Real exponent);
+ /// This is the version of SVD that we implement for symmetric positive
+ /// definite matrices. This exists for historical reasons; right now its
+ /// internal implementation is the same as Eig(). It computes the eigenvalue
+ /// decomposition (*this) = P * diag(s) * P^T with P orthogonal. Will throw
+ /// exception if input is not positive semidefinite to within a tolerance.
+ void SymPosSemiDefEig(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *P,
+ Real tolerance = 0.001) const;
+ /// Solves the symmetric eigenvalue problem: at end we should have (*this) = P
+ /// * diag(s) * P^T. We solve the problem using the symmetric QR method.
+ /// P may be NULL.
+ /// Implemented in
+ /// If you need the eigenvalues sorted, the function SortSvd declared in
+ /// kaldi-matrix is suitable.
+ void Eig(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *P = NULL) const;
+ /// This function gives you, approximately, the largest eigenvalues of the
+ /// symmetric matrix and the corresponding eigenvectors. (largest meaning,
+ /// further from zero). It does this by doing a SVD within the Krylov
+ /// subspace generated by this matrix and a random vector. This is
+ /// a form of the Lanczos method with complete reorthogonalization, followed
+ /// by SVD within a smaller dimension ("lanczos_dim").
+ ///
+ /// If *this is m by m, s should be of dimension n and P should be of
+ /// dimension m by n, with n <= m. The *columns* of P are the approximate
+ /// eigenvectors; P * diag(s) * P^T would be a low-rank reconstruction of
+ /// *this. The columns of P will be orthogonal, and the elements of s will be
+ /// the eigenvalues of *this projected into that subspace, but beyond that
+ /// there are no exact guarantees. (This is because the convergence of this
+ /// method is statistical). Note: it only makes sense to use this
+ /// method if you are in very high dimension and n is substantially smaller
+ /// than m: for example, if you want the 100 top eigenvalues of a 10k by 10k
+ /// matrix. This function calls Rand() to initialize the lanczos
+ /// iterations and also for restarting.
+ /// If lanczos_dim is zero, it will default to the greater of:
+ /// s->Dim() + 50 or s->Dim() + s->Dim()/2, but not more than this->Dim().
+ /// If lanczos_dim == this->Dim(), you might as well just call the function
+ /// Eig() since the result will be the same, and Eig() would be faster; the
+ /// whole point of this function is to reduce the dimension of the SVD
+ /// computation.
+ void TopEigs(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *P,
+ MatrixIndexT lanczos_dim = 0) const;
+ /// Takes log of the matrix (does eigenvalue decomposition then takes
+ /// log of eigenvalues and reconstructs). Will throw of not +ve definite.
+ void Log();
+ // Takes exponential of the matrix (equivalent to doing eigenvalue
+ // decomposition then taking exp of eigenvalues and reconstructing).
+ void Exp();
+ /// Returns the maximum of the absolute values of any of the
+ /// eigenvalues.
+ Real MaxAbsEig() const;
+ void PrintEigs(const char *name) {
+ Vector<Real> s((*this).NumRows());
+ Matrix<Real> P((*this).NumRows(), (*this).NumCols());
+ SymPosSemiDefEig(&s, &P);
+ KALDI_LOG << "PrintEigs: " << name << ": " << s;
+ }
+ bool IsPosDef() const; // returns true if Cholesky succeeds.
+ void AddSp(const Real alpha, const SpMatrix<Real> &Ma) {
+ this->AddPacked(alpha, Ma);
+ }
+ /// Computes log determinant but only for +ve-def matrices
+ /// (it uses Cholesky).
+ /// If matrix is not +ve-def, it will throw an exception
+ /// was LogPDDeterminant()
+ Real LogPosDefDet() const;
+ Real LogDet(Real *det_sign = NULL) const;
+ /// rank-one update, this <-- this + alpha v v'
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void AddVec2(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v);
+ /// rank-two update, this <-- this + alpha (v w' + w v').
+ void AddVecVec(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<Real> &v,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &w);
+ /// Does *this = beta * *thi + alpha * diag(v) * S * diag(v)
+ void AddVec2Sp(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<Real> &v,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &S, const Real beta);
+ /// diagonal update, this <-- this + diag(v)
+ template<typename OtherReal>
+ void AddDiagVec(const Real alpha, const VectorBase<OtherReal> &v);
+ /// rank-N update:
+ /// if (transM == kNoTrans)
+ /// (*this) = beta*(*this) + alpha * M * M^T,
+ /// or (if transM == kTrans)
+ /// (*this) = beta*(*this) + alpha * M^T * M
+ /// Note: beta used to default to 0.0.
+ void AddMat2(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ MatrixTransposeType transM, const Real beta);
+ /// Extension of rank-N update:
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha * M * A * M^T.
+ /// (*this) and A are allowed to be the same.
+ /// If transM == kTrans, then we do it as M^T * A * M.
+ void AddMat2Sp(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ MatrixTransposeType transM, const SpMatrix<Real> &A,
+ const Real beta = 0.0);
+ /// This is a version of AddMat2Sp specialized for when M is fairly sparse.
+ /// This was required for making the raw-fMLLR code efficient.
+ void AddSmat2Sp(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ MatrixTransposeType transM, const SpMatrix<Real> &A,
+ const Real beta = 0.0);
+ /// The following function does:
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha * T * A * T^T.
+ /// (*this) and A are allowed to be the same.
+ /// If transM == kTrans, then we do it as alpha * T^T * A * T.
+ /// Currently it just calls AddMat2Sp, but if needed we
+ /// can implement it more efficiently.
+ void AddTp2Sp(const Real alpha, const TpMatrix<Real> &T,
+ MatrixTransposeType transM, const SpMatrix<Real> &A,
+ const Real beta = 0.0);
+ /// The following function does:
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha * T * T^T.
+ /// (*this) and A are allowed to be the same.
+ /// If transM == kTrans, then we do it as alpha * T^T * T
+ /// Currently it just calls AddMat2, but if needed we
+ /// can implement it more efficiently.
+ void AddTp2(const Real alpha, const TpMatrix<Real> &T,
+ MatrixTransposeType transM, const Real beta = 0.0);
+ /// Extension of rank-N update:
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha * M * diag(v) * M^T.
+ /// if transM == kTrans, then
+ /// this <-- beta*this + alpha * M^T * diag(v) * M.
+ void AddMat2Vec(const Real alpha, const MatrixBase<Real> &M,
+ MatrixTransposeType transM, const VectorBase<Real> &v,
+ const Real beta = 0.0);
+ /// Floors this symmetric matrix to the matrix
+ /// alpha * Floor, where the matrix Floor is positive
+ /// definite.
+ /// It is floored in the sense that after flooring,
+ /// x^T (*this) x >= x^T (alpha*Floor) x.
+ /// This is accomplished using an Svd. It will crash
+ /// if Floor is not positive definite. Returns the number of
+ /// elements that were floored.
+ int ApplyFloor(const SpMatrix<Real> &Floor, Real alpha = 1.0,
+ bool verbose = false);
+ /// Floor: Given a positive semidefinite matrix, floors the eigenvalues
+ /// to the specified quantity. A previous version of this function had
+ /// a tolerance which is now no longer needed since we have code to
+ /// do the symmetric eigenvalue decomposition and no longer use the SVD
+ /// code for that purose.
+ int ApplyFloor(Real floor);
+ bool IsDiagonal(Real cutoff = 1.0e-05) const;
+ bool IsUnit(Real cutoff = 1.0e-05) const;
+ bool IsZero(Real cutoff = 1.0e-05) const;
+ bool IsTridiagonal(Real cutoff = 1.0e-05) const;
+ /// sqrt of sum of square elements.
+ Real FrobeniusNorm() const;
+ /// Returns true if ((*this)-other).FrobeniusNorm() <=
+ /// tol*(*this).FrobeniusNorma()
+ bool ApproxEqual(const SpMatrix<Real> &other, float tol = 0.01) const;
+ // LimitCond:
+ // Limits the condition of symmetric positive semidefinite matrix to
+ // a specified value
+ // by flooring all eigenvalues to a positive number which is some multiple
+ // of the largest one (or zero if there are no positive eigenvalues).
+ // Takes the condition number we are willing to accept, and floors
+ // eigenvalues to the largest eigenvalue divided by this.
+ // Returns #eigs floored or already equal to the floor.
+ // Throws exception if input is not positive definite.
+ // returns #floored.
+ MatrixIndexT LimitCond(Real maxCond = 1.0e+5, bool invert = false);
+ // as LimitCond but all done in double precision. // returns #floored.
+ MatrixIndexT LimitCondDouble(Real maxCond = 1.0e+5, bool invert = false) {
+ SpMatrix<double> dmat(*this);
+ MatrixIndexT ans = dmat.LimitCond(maxCond, invert);
+ (*this).CopyFromSp(dmat);
+ return ans;
+ }
+ Real Trace() const;
+ /// Tridiagonalize the matrix with an orthogonal transformation. If
+ /// *this starts as S, produce T (and Q, if non-NULL) such that
+ /// T = Q A Q^T, i.e. S = Q^T T Q. Caution: this is the other way
+ /// round from most authors (it's more efficient in row-major indexing).
+ void Tridiagonalize(MatrixBase<Real> *Q);
+ /// The symmetric QR algorithm. This will mostly be useful in internal code.
+ /// Typically, you will call this after Tridiagonalize(), on the same object.
+ /// When called, *this (call it A at this point) must be tridiagonal; at exit,
+ /// *this will be a diagonal matrix D that is similar to A via orthogonal
+ /// transformations. This algorithm right-multiplies Q by orthogonal
+ /// transformations. It turns *this from a tridiagonal into a diagonal matrix
+ /// while maintaining that (Q *this Q^T) has the same value at entry and exit.
+ /// At entry Q should probably be either NULL or orthogonal, but we don't check
+ /// this.
+ void Qr(MatrixBase<Real> *Q);
+ private:
+ void EigInternal(VectorBase<Real> *s, MatrixBase<Real> *P,
+ Real tolerance, int recurse) const;
+/// @} end of "addtogroup matrix_group"
+/// \addtogroup matrix_funcs_scalar
+/// @{
+/// Returns tr(A B).
+float TraceSpSp(const SpMatrix<float> &A, const SpMatrix<float> &B);
+double TraceSpSp(const SpMatrix<double> &A, const SpMatrix<double> &B);
+template<typename Real>
+inline bool ApproxEqual(const SpMatrix<Real> &A,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &B, Real tol = 0.01) {
+ return A.ApproxEqual(B, tol);
+template<typename Real>
+inline void AssertEqual(const SpMatrix<Real> &A,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &B, Real tol = 0.01) {
+ KALDI_ASSERT(ApproxEqual(A, B, tol));
+/// Returns tr(A B).
+template<typename Real, typename OtherReal>
+Real TraceSpSp(const SpMatrix<Real> &A, const SpMatrix<OtherReal> &B);
+// TraceSpSpLower is the same as Trace(A B) except the lower-diagonal elements
+// are counted only once not twice as they should be. It is useful in certain
+// optimizations.
+template<typename Real>
+Real TraceSpSpLower(const SpMatrix<Real> &A, const SpMatrix<Real> &B);
+/// Returns tr(A B).
+/// No option to transpose B because would make no difference.
+template<typename Real>
+Real TraceSpMat(const SpMatrix<Real> &A, const MatrixBase<Real> &B);
+/// Returns tr(A B C)
+/// (A and C may be transposed as specified by transA and transC).
+template<typename Real>
+Real TraceMatSpMat(const MatrixBase<Real> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &B, const MatrixBase<Real> &C,
+ MatrixTransposeType transC);
+/// Returns tr (A B C D)
+/// (A and C may be transposed as specified by transA and transB).
+template<typename Real>
+Real TraceMatSpMatSp(const MatrixBase<Real> &A, MatrixTransposeType transA,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &B, const MatrixBase<Real> &C,
+ MatrixTransposeType transC, const SpMatrix<Real> &D);
+/** Computes v1^T * M * v2. Not as efficient as it could be where v1 == v2
+ * (but no suitable blas routines available).
+ */
+/// Returns \f$ v_1^T M v_2 \f$
+/// Not as efficient as it could be where v1 == v2.
+template<typename Real>
+Real VecSpVec(const VectorBase<Real> &v1, const SpMatrix<Real> &M,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &v2);
+/// @} \addtogroup matrix_funcs_scalar
+/// \addtogroup matrix_funcs_misc
+/// @{
+/// This class describes the options for maximizing various quadratic objective
+/// functions. It's mostly as described in the SGMM paper "the subspace
+/// Gaussian mixture model -- a structured model for speech recognition", but
+/// the diagonal_precondition option is newly added, to handle problems where
+/// different dimensions have very different scaling (we recommend to use the
+/// option but it's set false for back compatibility).
+struct SolverOptions {
+ BaseFloat K; // maximum condition number
+ BaseFloat eps;
+ std::string name;
+ bool optimize_delta;
+ bool diagonal_precondition;
+ bool print_debug_output;
+ explicit SolverOptions(const std::string &name):
+ K(1.0e+4), eps(1.0e-40), name(name),
+ optimize_delta(true), diagonal_precondition(false),
+ print_debug_output(true) { }
+ SolverOptions(): K(1.0e+4), eps(1.0e-40), name("[unknown]"),
+ optimize_delta(true), diagonal_precondition(false),
+ print_debug_output(true) { }
+ void Check() const;
+/// Maximizes the auxiliary function
+/// \f[ Q(x) = x.g - 0.5 x^T H x \f]
+/// using a numerically stable method. Like a numerically stable version of
+/// \f$ x := Q^{-1} g. \f$
+/// Assumes H positive semidefinite.
+/// Returns the objective-function change.
+template<typename Real>
+Real SolveQuadraticProblem(const SpMatrix<Real> &H,
+ const VectorBase<Real> &g,
+ const SolverOptions &opts,
+ VectorBase<Real> *x);
+/// Maximizes the auxiliary function :
+/// \f[ Q(x) = tr(M^T P Y) - 0.5 tr(P M Q M^T) \f]
+/// Like a numerically stable version of \f$ M := Y Q^{-1} \f$.
+/// Assumes Q and P positive semidefinite, and matrix dimensions match
+/// enough to make expressions meaningful.
+/// This is mostly as described in the SGMM paper "the subspace Gaussian mixture
+/// model -- a structured model for speech recognition", but the
+/// diagonal_precondition option is newly added, to handle problems
+/// where different dimensions have very different scaling (we recommend to use
+/// the option but it's set false for back compatibility).
+template<typename Real>
+Real SolveQuadraticMatrixProblem(const SpMatrix<Real> &Q,
+ const MatrixBase<Real> &Y,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &P,
+ const SolverOptions &opts,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *M);
+/// Maximizes the auxiliary function :
+/// \f[ Q(M) = tr(M^T G) -0.5 tr(P_1 M Q_1 M^T) -0.5 tr(P_2 M Q_2 M^T). \f]
+/// Encountered in matrix update with a prior. We also apply a limit on the
+/// condition but it should be less frequently necessary, and can be set larger.
+template<typename Real>
+Real SolveDoubleQuadraticMatrixProblem(const MatrixBase<Real> &G,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &P1,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &P2,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &Q1,
+ const SpMatrix<Real> &Q2,
+ const SolverOptions &opts,
+ MatrixBase<Real> *M);
+/// @} End of "addtogroup matrix_funcs_misc"
+} // namespace kaldi
+// Including the implementation (now actually just includes some
+// template specializations).
+#include "matrix/sp-matrix-inl.h"