path: root/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-functions.h
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authorTed Yin <[email protected]>2015-08-14 17:42:26 +0800
committerTed Yin <[email protected]>2015-08-14 17:42:26 +0800
commitc3cffb58b9921d78753336421b52b9ffdaa5515c (patch)
treebfea20e97c200cf734021e3756d749c892e658a4 /kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-functions.h
parent10cce5f6a5c9e2f8e00d5a2a4d87c9cb7c26bf4c (diff)
parentdfdd17afc2e984ec6c32ea01290f5c76309a456a (diff)
Merge pull request #2 from yimmon/master
remove needless files
Diffstat (limited to 'kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-functions.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 235 deletions
diff --git a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-functions.h b/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-functions.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b70ca56..0000000
--- a/kaldi_io/src/kaldi/matrix/matrix-functions.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-// matrix/matrix-functions.h
-// Copyright 2009-2011 Microsoft Corporation; Go Vivace Inc.; Jan Silovsky;
-// Yanmin Qian; 1991 Henrique (Rico) Malvar (*)
-// See ../../COPYING for clarification regarding multiple authors
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// See the Apache 2 License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// (*) incorporates, with permission, FFT code from his book
-// "Signal Processing with Lapped Transforms", Artech, 1992.
-#include "matrix/kaldi-vector.h"
-#include "matrix/kaldi-matrix.h"
-namespace kaldi {
-/// @addtogroup matrix_funcs_misc
-/// @{
-/** The function ComplexFft does an Fft on the vector argument v.
- v is a vector of even dimension, interpreted for both input
- and output as a vector of complex numbers i.e.
- \f[ v = ( re_0, im_0, re_1, im_1, ... ) \f]
- The dimension of v must be a power of 2.
- If "forward == true" this routine does the Discrete Fourier Transform
- (DFT), i.e.:
- \f[ vout[m] \leftarrow \sum_{n = 0}^{N-1} vin[i] exp( -2pi m n / N ) \f]
- If "backward" it does the Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT)
- i.e.:
- \f[ vout[m] <-- \sum_{n = 0}^{N-1} vin[i] exp( 2pi m n / N ) \f]
- [note the sign difference on the 2 pi for the backward one.]
- Note that this is the definition of the FT given in most texts, but
- it differs from the Numerical Recipes version in which the forward
- and backward algorithms are flipped.
- Note that you would have to multiply by 1/N after the IDFT to get
- back to where you started from. We don't do this because
- in some contexts, the transform is made symmetric by multiplying
- by sqrt(N) in both passes. The user can do this by themselves.
- See also SplitRadixComplexFft, declared in srfft.h, which is more efficient
- but only works if the length of the input is a power of 2.
- */
-template<typename Real> void ComplexFft (VectorBase<Real> *v, bool forward, Vector<Real> *tmp_work = NULL);
-/// ComplexFt is the same as ComplexFft but it implements the Fourier
-/// transform in an inefficient way. It is mainly included for testing purposes.
-/// See comment for ComplexFft to describe the input and outputs and what it does.
-template<typename Real> void ComplexFt (const VectorBase<Real> &in,
- VectorBase<Real> *out, bool forward);
-/// RealFft is a fourier transform of real inputs. Internally it uses
-/// ComplexFft. The input dimension N must be even. If forward == true,
-/// it transforms from a sequence of N real points to its complex fourier
-/// transform; otherwise it goes in the reverse direction. If you call it
-/// in the forward and then reverse direction and multiply by 1.0/N, you
-/// will get back the original data.
-/// The interpretation of the complex-FFT data is as follows: the array
-/// is a sequence of complex numbers C_n of length N/2 with (real, im) format,
-/// i.e. [real0, real_{N/2}, real1, im1, real2, im2, real3, im3, ...].
-/// See also SplitRadixRealFft, declared in srfft.h, which is more efficient
-/// but only works if the length of the input is a power of 2.
-template<typename Real> void RealFft (VectorBase<Real> *v, bool forward);
-/// RealFt has the same input and output format as RealFft above, but it is
-/// an inefficient implementation included for testing purposes.
-template<typename Real> void RealFftInefficient (VectorBase<Real> *v, bool forward);
-/// ComputeDctMatrix computes a matrix corresponding to the DCT, such that
-/// M * v equals the DCT of vector v. M must be square at input.
-/// This is the type = III DCT with normalization, corresponding to the
-/// following equations, where x is the signal and X is the DCT:
-/// X_0 = 1/sqrt(2*N) \sum_{n = 0}^{N-1} x_n
-/// X_k = 1/sqrt(N) \sum_{n = 0}^{N-1} x_n cos( \pi/N (n + 1/2) k )
-/// This matrix's transpose is its own inverse, so transposing this
-/// matrix will give the inverse DCT.
-/// Caution: the type III DCT is generally known as the "inverse DCT" (with the
-/// type II being the actual DCT), so this function is somewhatd mis-named. It
-/// was probably done this way for HTK compatibility. We don't change it
-/// because it was this way from the start and changing it would affect the
-/// feature generation.
-template<typename Real> void ComputeDctMatrix(Matrix<Real> *M);
-/// ComplexMul implements, inline, the complex multiplication b *= a.
-template<typename Real> inline void ComplexMul(const Real &a_re, const Real &a_im,
- Real *b_re, Real *b_im);
-/// ComplexMul implements, inline, the complex operation c += (a * b).
-template<typename Real> inline void ComplexAddProduct(const Real &a_re, const Real &a_im,
- const Real &b_re, const Real &b_im,
- Real *c_re, Real *c_im);
-/// ComplexImExp implements a <-- exp(i x), inline.
-template<typename Real> inline void ComplexImExp(Real x, Real *a_re, Real *a_im);
-// This class allows you to compute the matrix exponential function
-// B = I + A + 1/2! A^2 + 1/3! A^3 + ...
-// This method is most accurate where the result is of the same order of
-// magnitude as the unit matrix (it will typically not work well when
-// the answer has almost-zero eigenvalues or is close to zero).
-// It also provides a function that allows you do back-propagate the
-// derivative of a scalar function through this calculation.
-// The
-template<typename Real>
-class MatrixExponential {
- public:
- MatrixExponential() { }
- void Compute(const MatrixBase<Real> &M, MatrixBase<Real> *X); // does *X = exp(M)
- // Version for symmetric matrices (it just copies to full matrix).
- void Compute(const SpMatrix<Real> &M, SpMatrix<Real> *X); // does *X = exp(M)
- void Backprop(const MatrixBase<Real> &hX, MatrixBase<Real> *hM) const; // Propagates
- // the gradient of a scalar function f backwards through this operation, i.e.:
- // if the parameter dX represents df/dX (with no transpose, so element i, j of dX
- // is the derivative of f w.r.t. E(i, j)), it sets dM to df/dM, again with no
- // transpose (of course, only the part thereof that comes through the effect of
- // A on B). This applies to the values of A and E that were called most recently
- // with Compute().
- // Version for symmetric matrices (it just copies to full matrix).
- void Backprop(const SpMatrix<Real> &hX, SpMatrix<Real> *hM) const;
- private:
- void Clear();
- static MatrixIndexT ComputeN(const MatrixBase<Real> &M);
- // This is intended for matrices P with small norms: compute B_0 = exp(P) - I.
- // Keeps adding terms in the Taylor series till there is no further
- // change in the result. Stores some of the powers of A in powers_,
- // and the number of terms K as K_.
- void ComputeTaylor(const MatrixBase<Real> &P, MatrixBase<Real> *B0);
- // Backprop through the Taylor-series computation above.
- // note: hX is \hat{X} in the math; hM is \hat{M} in the math.
- void BackpropTaylor(const MatrixBase<Real> &hX,
- MatrixBase<Real> *hM) const;
- Matrix<Real> P_; // Equals M * 2^(-N_)
- std::vector<Matrix<Real> > B_; // B_[0] = exp(P_) - I,
- // B_[k] = 2 B_[k-1] + B_[k-1]^2 [k > 0],
- // ( = exp(P_)^k - I )
- // goes from 0..N_ [size N_+1].
- std::vector<Matrix<Real> > powers_; // powers (>1) of P_ stored here,
- // up to all but the last one used in the Taylor expansion (this is the
- // last one we need in the backprop). The index is the power minus 2.
- MatrixIndexT N_; // Power N_ >=0 such that P_ = A * 2^(-N_),
- // we choose it so that P_ has a sufficiently small norm
- // that the Taylor series will converge fast.
- ComputePCA does a PCA computation, using either outer products
- or inner products, whichever is more efficient. Let D be
- the dimension of the data points, N be the number of data
- points, and G be the PCA dimension we want to retain. We assume
- G <= N and G <= D.
- @param X [in] An N x D matrix. Each row of X is a point x_i.
- @param U [out] A G x D matrix. Each row of U is a basis element u_i.
- @param A [out] An N x D matrix, or NULL. Each row of A is a set of coefficients
- in the basis for a point x_i, so A(i, g) is the coefficient of u_i
- in x_i.
- @param print_eigs [in] If true, prints out diagnostic information about the
- eigenvalues.
- @param exact [in] If true, does the exact computation; if false, does
- a much faster (but almost exact) computation based on the Lanczos
- method.
-template<typename Real>
-void ComputePca(const MatrixBase<Real> &X,
- MatrixBase<Real> *U,
- MatrixBase<Real> *A,
- bool print_eigs = false,
- bool exact = true);
-// This function does: *plus += max(0, a b^T),
-// *minus += max(0, -(a b^T)).
-template<typename Real>
-void AddOuterProductPlusMinus(Real alpha,
- const VectorBase<Real> &a,
- const VectorBase<Real> &b,
- MatrixBase<Real> *plus,
- MatrixBase<Real> *minus);
-template<typename Real1, typename Real2>
-inline void AssertSameDim(const MatrixBase<Real1> &mat1, const MatrixBase<Real2> &mat2) {
- KALDI_ASSERT(mat1.NumRows() == mat2.NumRows()
- && mat1.NumCols() == mat2.NumCols());
-/// @} end of "addtogroup matrix_funcs_misc"
-} // end namespace kaldi
-#include "matrix/matrix-functions-inl.h"