path: root/htk_io
diff options
authorDeterminant <>2015-06-25 12:56:45 +0800
committerDeterminant <>2015-06-25 12:56:45 +0800
commita74183ddb4ab8383bfe214b3745eb8a0a99ee47a (patch)
treed5e69cf8c4c2db2e3a4722778352fc3c95953bb2 /htk_io
parentb6301089cde20f4c825c7f5deaf179082aad63da (diff)
let HTK I/O implementation be a single package
Diffstat (limited to 'htk_io')
46 files changed, 12074 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/htk_io/Makefile b/htk_io/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d32d17a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htk_io/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+.PHONY: tnet
+SHELL := /bin/bash
+BUILD_DIR := $(CURDIR)/build
+INC_PATH := $(LUA_BINDIR)/../include/
+OBJS := init.o src/cwrapper.o src/init.o
+LIBS :=
+LUA_LIBS := init.lua
+SUBDIR := src
+OBJ_DIR := $(BUILD_DIR)/objs
+LUA_DIR = $(INST_LUADIR)/htk_io
+OBJS := $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(OBJS))
+LIBS := $(addprefix $(INST_LIBDIR)/,$(LIBS))
+OBJ_SUBDIR := $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(SUBDIR))
+LUA_SUBDIR := $(addprefix $(LUA_DIR)/,$(SUBDIR))
+LUA_LIBS := $(addprefix $(LUA_DIR)/,$(LUA_LIBS))
+LIB_PATH := $(LUA_BINDIR)/../lib
+build: $(OBJ_DIR) $(OBJ_SUBDIR) $(OBJS) tnet $(OBJ_DIR)/src/test
+install: $(LUA_DIR) $(LUA_SUBDIR) $(LUA_LIBS) $(LIBS)
+ -mkdir -p $@
+$(LUA_DIR)/%.lua: %.lua
+ cp $< $@
+$(LIBS): $(OBJ_DIR)/src/cwrapper.o $(OBJ_DIR)/init.o $(OBJ_DIR)/src/init.o $(OBJ_DIR)/src/libKaldiLib.a
+ gcc -shared -o $@ $(OBJ_DIR)/src/cwrapper.o $(OBJ_DIR)/init.o $(OBJ_DIR)/src/libKaldiLib.a $(OBJ_DIR)/src/init.o -lstdc++ -Wl,-rpath=$(LIB_PATH) -L$(LIB_PATH) -lnervcore -lluaT
+$(OBJ_DIR)/src/test: $(OBJ_DIR)/src/cwrapper.o $(OBJ_DIR)/src/test.o $(OBJ_DIR)/src/libKaldiLib.a
+ gcc -o $@ $^ -Wl,-rpath=$(LIB_PATH) -L$(LIB_PATH) -lnervcore -Wl,-rpath=$(LUA_LIBDIR) -L$(LUA_LIBDIR) -lluajit-5.1 -lstdc++ -lm
+$(OBJ_DIR)/src/cwrapper.o: src/cwrapper.cpp
+ g++ -o $@ -c $< -DHAVE_ATLAS -I src/KaldiLib/ -g -fPIC $(INCLUDE)
+$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.c
+ gcc -o $@ -c $< -g $(INCLUDE) -fPIC
+ -rm $(OBJ_DIR)/src/*.o
+ $(MAKE) -C src/KaldiLib/ clean
+ $(MAKE) -C src/KaldiLib/ OBJ_DIR=$(OBJ_DIR)/src
diff --git a/htk_io/examples/tnet_io_example.lua b/htk_io/examples/tnet_io_example.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eea73a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htk_io/examples/tnet_io_example.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+require 'libspeech'
+frm_ext = 5
+feat_repo = nerv.TNetFeatureRepo(
+ "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/train_bp.scp",
+ "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/plp_0_d_a.conf",
+ frm_ext)
+lab_repo = nerv.TNetLabelRepo(
+ "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/ref.mlf",
+ "map",
+ "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/dict",
+ "*/",
+ "lab")
+feat_utter = feat_repo:cur_utter()
+lab_utter = lab_repo:get_utter(feat_repo, feat_utter:nrow() - frm_ext * 2)
diff --git a/htk_io/examples/tnet_preprocessing_example.lua b/htk_io/examples/tnet_preprocessing_example.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e1c0ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htk_io/examples/tnet_preprocessing_example.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+require 'libspeech'
+frm_ext = 5
+gconf = {cumat_type = nerv.CuMatrixFloat,
+ batch_size = 158}
+param_repo = nerv.ParamRepo({"global_transf.nerv"})
+sublayer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo(
+ {
+ ["nerv.BiasLayer"] =
+ {
+ blayer1 = {{bias = "bias1"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}},
+ blayer2 = {{bias = "bias2"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}}
+ },
+ ["nerv.WindowLayer"] =
+ {
+ wlayer1 = {{window = "window1"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}},
+ wlayer2 = {{window = "window2"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}}
+ }
+ }, param_repo, gconf)
+layer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo(
+ {
+ ["nerv.DAGLayer"] =
+ {
+ main = {{}, {
+ dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429},
+ sub_layers = sublayer_repo,
+ connections = {
+ ["<input>[1]"] = "blayer1[1]",
+ ["blayer1[1]"] = "wlayer1[1]",
+ ["wlayer1[1]"] = "blayer2[1]",
+ ["blayer2[1]"] = "wlayer2[1]",
+ ["wlayer2[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
+ }
+ }}
+ }
+ }, param_repo, gconf)
+feat_repo = nerv.TNetFeatureRepo(
+ "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/train_bp.scp",
+ "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/plp_0_d_a.conf",
+ frm_ext)
+lab_repo = nerv.TNetLabelRepo(
+ "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/ref.mlf",
+ "map",
+ "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/dict",
+ "*/",
+ "lab")
+feat_utter = feat_repo:cur_utter()
+-- print(feat_utter)
+-- lab_utter = lab_repo:get_utter(feat_repo, feat_utter:nrow() - frm_ext * 2)
+-- print(lab_utter)
+cf2 = nerv.ChunkFile("feat_256", "r")
+input = cf2:read_chunk("input", gconf)
+step = frm_ext * 2 + 1
+expanded = nerv.CuMatrixFloat(feat_utter:nrow(), feat_utter:ncol() * step)
+expanded:expand_frm(nerv.CuMatrixFloat.new_from_host(feat_utter), frm_ext)
+rearranged = expanded:create()
+rearranged:rearrange_frm(expanded, step)
+output = {expanded:create()}
+main = layer_repo:get_layer("main")
+main:propagate({rearranged}, output)
+for i = 0, 157 - 10 do
+ row_diff = input.trans[i] - output[1][i + 5]
+ for j = 0, row_diff:ncol() - 1 do
+ nerv.printf("%.8f ", row_diff[j])
+ end
+ nerv.printf("\n")
diff --git a/htk_io/examples/tnet_preprocessing_example2.lua b/htk_io/examples/tnet_preprocessing_example2.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1215b23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htk_io/examples/tnet_preprocessing_example2.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+require 'speech.init'
+gconf = {cumat_type = nerv.CuMatrixFloat,
+ batch_size = 158}
+param_repo = nerv.ParamRepo({"global_transf.nerv"})
+sublayer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo(
+ {
+ ["nerv.BiasLayer"] =
+ {
+ blayer1 = {{bias = "bias1"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}},
+ blayer2 = {{bias = "bias2"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}}
+ },
+ ["nerv.WindowLayer"] =
+ {
+ wlayer1 = {{window = "window1"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}},
+ wlayer2 = {{window = "window2"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}}
+ }
+ }, param_repo, gconf)
+layer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo(
+ {
+ ["nerv.DAGLayer"] =
+ {
+ main = {{}, {
+ dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429},
+ sub_layers = sublayer_repo,
+ connections = {
+ ["<input>[1]"] = "blayer1[1]",
+ ["blayer1[1]"] = "wlayer1[1]",
+ ["wlayer1[1]"] = "blayer2[1]",
+ ["blayer2[1]"] = "wlayer2[1]",
+ ["wlayer2[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
+ }
+ }}
+ }
+ }, param_repo, gconf)
+reader = nerv.TNetReader({},
+ {
+ id = "main_scp",
+ scp_file = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/train_bp.scp",
+ conf_file = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/plp_0_d_a.conf",
+ frm_ext = 5,
+ mlfs = {
+ ref = {
+ file = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/ref.mlf",
+ format = "map",
+ format_arg = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/dict",
+ dir = "*/",
+ ext = "lab"
+ }
+ },
+ global_transf = layer_repo:get_layer("main")
+ })
+utter = reader:get_data()
+-- print(utter.main_scp)
+-- cf2 = nerv.ChunkFile("feat_256", "r")
+-- input = cf2:read_chunk("input", gconf)
+-- for i = 0, 157 - 10 do
+-- row_diff = input.trans[i] - utter.main_scp[i]
+-- for j = 0, row_diff:ncol() - 1 do
+-- nerv.printf("%.8f ", row_diff[j])
+-- end
+-- nerv.printf("\n")
+-- end
diff --git a/htk_io/examples/tnet_sgd_buffer.lua b/htk_io/examples/tnet_sgd_buffer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..152d2f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htk_io/examples/tnet_sgd_buffer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+require 'speech.init'
+gconf = {cumat_type = nerv.CuMatrixFloat,
+ mmat_type = nerv.MMatrixFloat,
+ batch_size = 256}
+param_repo = nerv.ParamRepo({"global_transf.nerv"})
+sublayer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo(
+ {
+ ["nerv.BiasLayer"] =
+ {
+ blayer1 = {{bias = "bias1"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}},
+ blayer2 = {{bias = "bias2"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}}
+ },
+ ["nerv.WindowLayer"] =
+ {
+ wlayer1 = {{window = "window1"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}},
+ wlayer2 = {{window = "window2"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}}
+ }
+ }, param_repo, gconf)
+layer_repo = nerv.LayerRepo(
+ {
+ ["nerv.DAGLayer"] =
+ {
+ main = {{}, {
+ dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429},
+ sub_layers = sublayer_repo,
+ connections = {
+ ["<input>[1]"] = "blayer1[1]",
+ ["blayer1[1]"] = "wlayer1[1]",
+ ["wlayer1[1]"] = "blayer2[1]",
+ ["blayer2[1]"] = "wlayer2[1]",
+ ["wlayer2[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
+ }
+ }}
+ }
+ }, param_repo, gconf)
+tnet_reader = nerv.TNetReader({},
+ {
+ id = "main_scp",
+-- scp_file = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/train_bp.scp",
+ scp_file = "t.scp",
+ conf_file = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/plp_0_d_a.conf",
+ frm_ext = 5,
+ mlfs = {
+ ref = {
+ file = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/ref.mlf",
+ format = "map",
+ format_arg = "/slfs1/users/mfy43/swb_ivec/dict",
+ dir = "*/",
+ ext = "lab"
+ }
+ },
+ global_transf = layer_repo:get_layer("main")
+ })
+buffer = nerv.SGDBuffer(gconf,
+ {
+ buffer_size = 1024,
+ readers = {
+ { reader = tnet_reader,
+ data = {main_scp = 429, ref = 1}}
+ }
+ })
+for data in buffer.get_data, buffer do
+ print(data.main_scp)
+-- print(data.ref)
diff --git a/htk_io/htk_io-scm-1.rockspec b/htk_io/htk_io-scm-1.rockspec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59fa8f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htk_io/htk_io-scm-1.rockspec
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+package = "htk_io"
+version = "scm-1"
+source = {
+ url = ""
+description = {
+ summary = "HTK I/O support for Nerv",
+ detailed = [[
+ ]],
+ homepage = "",
+ license = "BSD"
+dependencies = {
+ "nerv >= scm-1",
+ "lua >= 5.1"
+build = {
+ type = "make",
+ build_variables = {
+ LUA="$(LUA)",
+ },
+ install_variables = {
+ },
diff --git a/htk_io/init.c b/htk_io/init.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edd454f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htk_io/init.c
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#include "../nerv/common.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+extern void tnet_io_init(lua_State *L);
+int luaopen_libhtkio(lua_State *L) {
+ tnet_io_init(L);
+ return 1;
diff --git a/htk_io/init.lua b/htk_io/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27ece6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htk_io/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+require 'libhtkio'
+local TNetReader = nerv.class("nerv.TNetReader", "nerv.DataReader")
+function TNetReader:__init(global_conf, reader_conf)
+ self.feat_id =
+ self.frm_ext = reader_conf.frm_ext
+ self.gconf = global_conf
+ self.global_transf = reader_conf.global_transf
+ self.debug = global_conf.debug
+ if self.debug == nil then
+ self.debug = false
+ end
+ self.feat_repo = nerv.TNetFeatureRepo(reader_conf.scp_file,
+ reader_conf.conf_file,
+ reader_conf.frm_ext)
+ self.lab_repo = {}
+ for id, mlf_spec in pairs(reader_conf.mlfs) do
+ self.lab_repo[id] = nerv.TNetLabelRepo(mlf_spec.file,
+ mlf_spec.format,
+ mlf_spec.format_arg,
+ mlf_spec.dir,
+ mlf_spec.ext)
+ end
+function TNetReader:get_data()
+ if self.feat_repo:is_end() then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local res = {}
+ local frm_ext = self.frm_ext
+ local step = frm_ext * 2 + 1
+ -- read HTK feature
+ local feat_utter = self.feat_repo:cur_utter(self.debug)
+ -- expand the feature
+ local expanded = self.gconf.cumat_type(feat_utter:nrow(), feat_utter:ncol() * step)
+ expanded:expand_frm(self.gconf.cumat_type.new_from_host(feat_utter), frm_ext)
+ -- rearrange the feature (``transpose'' operation in TNet)
+ local rearranged = expanded:create()
+ rearranged:rearrange_frm(expanded, step)
+ -- prepare for transf
+ local input = {rearranged}
+ local output = {rearranged:create()}
+ -- do transf
+ self.global_transf:init(input[1]:nrow())
+ self.global_transf:propagate(input, output)
+ -- trim frames
+ expanded = self.gconf.mmat_type(output[1]:nrow() - frm_ext * 2, output[1]:ncol())
+ output[1]:copy_toh(expanded, frm_ext, feat_utter:nrow() - frm_ext)
+ res[self.feat_id] = expanded
+ -- add corresponding labels
+ for id, repo in pairs(self.lab_repo) do
+ local lab_utter = repo:get_utter(self.feat_repo,
+ expanded:nrow(),
+ self.debug)
+ res[id] = lab_utter
+ end
+ -- move the pointer to next
+ self.feat_repo:next()
+ collectgarbage("collect")
+ return res
diff --git a/htk_io/src/KaldiLib/ b/htk_io/src/KaldiLib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40909ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htk_io/src/KaldiLib/
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+#include <string>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cfloat>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include "Common.h"
+#include "MathAux.h"
+/// Defines the white chars for string trimming
+#if !defined(WHITE_CHARS)
+# define WHITE_CHARS " \t"
+namespace TNet {
+#include <ios>
+ // Allocating stream variable used by stream modifier MatrixVectorIostreamControl
+ const int MATRIX_IOS_FORMAT_IWORD = std::ios_base::xalloc();
+ //***************************************************************************
+ //***************************************************************************
+ int getHTKstr(char *str)
+ {
+ char termChar = '\0';
+ char *chrptr = str;
+ while (std::isspace(*chrptr)) ++chrptr;
+ if (*chrptr == '\'' || *chrptr == '"') {
+ termChar = *chrptr;
+ chrptr++;
+ }
+ for (; *chrptr; chrptr++) {
+ if (*chrptr == '\'' || *chrptr == '"') {
+ if (termChar == *chrptr) {
+ termChar = '\0';
+ chrptr++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (std::isspace(*chrptr) && !termChar) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*chrptr == '\\') {
+ ++chrptr;
+ if (*chrptr == '\0' || (*chrptr >= '0' && *chrptr <= '7' &&
+ (*++chrptr < '0' || *chrptr > '7' ||
+ *++chrptr < '0' || *chrptr > '7'))) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (*chrptr >= '0' && *chrptr <= '7') {
+ *chrptr = (char)((*chrptr - '0') + (chrptr[-1] - '0') * 8 + (chrptr[-2] - '0') * 64);
+ }
+ }
+ *str++ = *chrptr;
+ }
+ if (termChar) {
+ return -2;
+ }
+ *str = '\0';
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ //*****************************************************************************
+ void
+ ParseHTKString(const std::string & rIn, std::string & rOut)
+ {
+ int ret_val;
+ // the new string will be at most as long as the original, so we allocate
+ // space
+ char* new_str = new char[rIn.size() + 1];
+ char* p_htk_str = new_str;
+ strcpy(p_htk_str, rIn.c_str());
+ ret_val = getHTKstr(p_htk_str);
+ // call the function
+ if (!ret_val) {
+ rOut = p_htk_str;
+ }
+ delete [] new_str;
+ if (ret_val) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Error parsing HTK string");
+ }
+ }
+ //***************************************************************************
+ //***************************************************************************
+ bool
+ IsBigEndian()
+ {
+ int a = 1;
+ return (bool) ((char *) &a)[0] != 1;
+ }
+ //***************************************************************************
+ //***************************************************************************
+ void
+ MakeHtkFileName(char* pOutFileName, const char* inFileName,
+ const char* out_dir, const char* out_ext)
+ {
+ const char* base_name;
+ const char* bname_end = NULL;
+ const char* chrptr;
+ // if (*inFileName == '*' && *++inFileName == '/') ++inFileName;
+ // we don't do anything if file is stdin/out
+ if (!strcmp(inFileName, "-"))
+ {
+ pOutFileName[0] = '-';
+ pOutFileName[1] = '\0';
+ return;
+ }
+ base_name = strrchr(inFileName, '/');
+ base_name = base_name != NULL ? base_name + 1 : inFileName;
+ if (out_ext) bname_end = strrchr(base_name, '.');
+ if (!bname_end) bname_end = base_name + strlen(base_name);
+ if ((chrptr = strstr(inFileName, "/./")) != NULL)
+ {
+ // what is in path after /./ serve as base name
+ base_name = chrptr + 3;
+ }
+ /* else if (*inFileName != '/')
+ {
+ // if inFileName isn't absolut path, don't forget directory structure
+ base_name = inFileName;
+ }*/
+ *pOutFileName = '\0';
+ if (out_dir)
+ {
+ if (*out_dir)
+ {
+ strcat(pOutFileName, out_dir);
+ strcat(pOutFileName, "/");
+ }
+ strncat(pOutFileName, base_name, bname_end-base_name);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ strncat(pOutFileName, inFileName, bname_end-inFileName);
+ }
+ if (out_ext && *out_ext)
+ {
+ strcat(pOutFileName, ".");
+ strcat(pOutFileName, out_ext);
+ }
+ }
+ //****************************************************************************
+ //****************************************************************************
+ bool
+ CloseEnough(const float f1, const float f2, const float nRounds)
+ {
+ bool ret_val = (_ABS((f1 - f2) / (f2 == 0.0f ? 1.0f : f2))
+ < (nRounds * FLT_EPSILON));
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ //****************************************************************************
+ //****************************************************************************
+ bool
+ CloseEnough(const double f1, const double f2, const double nRounds)
+ {
+ bool ret_val = (_ABS((f1 - f2) / (f2 == 0.0 ? 1.0 : f2))
+ < (nRounds * DBL_EPSILON));
+ return ret_val;
+ }
+ //****************************************************************************
+ //****************************************************************************
+ char*
+ ExpandHtkFilterCmd(const char *command, const char *filename, const char* pFilter)
+ {
+ char *out, *outend;
+ const char *chrptr = command;
+ int ndollars = 0;
+ int fnlen = strlen(filename);
+ while (*chrptr++) ndollars += (*chrptr == *pFilter);
+ out = (char*) malloc(strlen(command) - ndollars + ndollars * fnlen + 1);
+ outend = out;
+ for (chrptr = command; *chrptr; chrptr++) {
+ if (*chrptr == *pFilter) {
+ strcpy(outend, filename);
+ outend += fnlen;
+ } else {
+ *outend++ = *chrptr;
+ }
+ }
+ *outend = '\0';
+ return out;
+ }
+ //***************************************************************************
+ //***************************************************************************
+ char *
+ StrToUpper(char *str)
+ {
+ char *chptr;
+ for (chptr = str; *chptr; chptr++) {
+ *chptr = (char)toupper(*chptr);
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+ //****************************************************************************
+ //****************************************************************************
+ std::string&
+ Trim(std::string& rStr)
+ {
+ // WHITE_CHARS is defined in common.h
+ std::string::size_type pos = rStr.find_last_not_of(WHITE_CHARS);
+ if(pos != std::string::npos)
+ {
+ rStr.erase(pos + 1);
+ pos = rStr.find_first_not_of(WHITE_CHARS);
+ if(pos != std::string::npos) rStr.erase(0, pos);
+ }
+ else
+ rStr.erase(rStr.begin(), rStr.end());
+ return rStr;
+ }
+} // namespace TNet
+//#ifdef CYGWIN
+void assertf(const char *c, int i, const char *msg){
+ printf(