diff options
authorYimmon Zhuang <[email protected]>2015-08-14 17:47:48 +0800
committerYimmon Zhuang <[email protected]>2015-08-14 17:47:48 +0800
commit5c90a652862c464b5bfe2e5777ff20ae25beb4a0 (patch)
parentdfdd17afc2e984ec6c32ea01290f5c76309a456a (diff)
remove useless files
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 227 deletions
diff --git a/kaldi_io/example/swb_baseline_basic.lua b/kaldi_io/example/swb_baseline_basic.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e6c8145..0000000
--- a/kaldi_io/example/swb_baseline_basic.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-require 'kaldi_io'
-gconf = {lrate = 0.8, wcost = 1e-6, momentum = 0.9,
- cumat_type = nerv.CuMatrixFloat,
- mmat_type = nerv.MMatrixFloat,
- frm_ext = 5,
- tr_rspecifier = "ark:/slfs6/users/ymz09/kaldi/src/featbin/copy-feats scp:/slfs6/users/ymz09/swb_ivec/train_bp.scp ark:- |",
- cv_rspecifier = "ark:/slfs6/users/ymz09/kaldi/src/featbin/copy-feats scp:/slfs6/users/ymz09/swb_ivec/train_cv.scp ark:- |",
- initialized_param = {"/slfs6/users/ymz09/swb_ivec/swb_init.nerv",
- "/slfs6/users/ymz09/swb_ivec/swb_global_transf.nerv"},
- debug = false}
-function make_sublayer_repo(param_repo)
- return nerv.LayerRepo(
- {
- -- global transf
- ["nerv.BiasLayer"] =
- {
- blayer1 = {{bias = "bias1"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}},
- blayer2 = {{bias = "bias2"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}}
- },
- ["nerv.WindowLayer"] =
- {
- wlayer1 = {{window = "window1"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}},
- wlayer2 = {{window = "window2"}, {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429}}}
- },
- -- biased linearity
- ["nerv.AffineLayer"] =
- {
- affine0 = {{ltp = "affine0_ltp", bp = "affine0_bp"},
- {dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine1 = {{ltp = "affine1_ltp", bp = "affine1_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine2 = {{ltp = "affine2_ltp", bp = "affine2_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine3 = {{ltp = "affine3_ltp", bp = "affine3_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine4 = {{ltp = "affine4_ltp", bp = "affine4_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine5 = {{ltp = "affine5_ltp", bp = "affine5_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine6 = {{ltp = "affine6_ltp", bp = "affine6_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- affine7 = {{ltp = "affine7_ltp", bp = "affine7_bp"},
- {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {3001}}}
- },
- ["nerv.SigmoidLayer"] =
- {
- sigmoid0 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid1 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid2 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid3 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid4 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid5 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}},
- sigmoid6 = {{}, {dim_in = {2048}, dim_out = {2048}}}
- },
- ["nerv.SoftmaxCELayer"] =
- {
- ce_crit = {{}, {dim_in = {3001, 1}, dim_out = {1}, compressed = true}}
- }
- }, param_repo, gconf)
-function make_layer_repo(sublayer_repo, param_repo)
- return nerv.LayerRepo(
- {
- ["nerv.DAGLayer"] =
- {
- global_transf = {{}, {
- dim_in = {429}, dim_out = {429},
- sub_layers = sublayer_repo,
- connections = {
- ["<input>[1]"] = "blayer1[1]",
- ["blayer1[1]"] = "wlayer1[1]",
- ["wlayer1[1]"] = "blayer2[1]",
- ["blayer2[1]"] = "wlayer2[1]",
- ["wlayer2[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
- }
- }},
- main = {{}, {
- dim_in = {429, 1}, dim_out = {1},
- sub_layers = sublayer_repo,
- connections = {
- ["<input>[1]"] = "affine0[1]",
- ["affine0[1]"] = "sigmoid0[1]",
- ["sigmoid0[1]"] = "affine1[1]",
- ["affine1[1]"] = "sigmoid1[1]",
- ["sigmoid1[1]"] = "affine2[1]",
- ["affine2[1]"] = "sigmoid2[1]",
- ["sigmoid2[1]"] = "affine3[1]",
- ["affine3[1]"] = "sigmoid3[1]",
- ["sigmoid3[1]"] = "affine4[1]",
- ["affine4[1]"] = "sigmoid4[1]",
- ["sigmoid4[1]"] = "affine5[1]",
- ["affine5[1]"] = "sigmoid5[1]",
- ["sigmoid5[1]"] = "affine6[1]",
- ["affine6[1]"] = "sigmoid6[1]",
- ["sigmoid6[1]"] = "affine7[1]",
- ["affine7[1]"] = "ce_crit[1]",
- ["<input>[2]"] = "ce_crit[2]",
- ["ce_crit[1]"] = "<output>[1]"
- }
- }}
- }
- }, param_repo, gconf)
-function get_network(layer_repo)
- return layer_repo:get_layer("main")
-function make_readers(feature_rspecifier, layer_repo)
- return {
- {reader = nerv.KaldiReader(gconf,
- {
- id = "main_scp",
- feature_rspecifier = feature_rspecifier,
- frm_ext = gconf.frm_ext,
- mlfs = {
- phone_state = {
- targets_rspecifier = "ark:/slfs6/users/ymz09/kaldi/src/bin/ali-to-pdf /slfs6/users/ymz09/swb_ivec/final.mdl \"ark:gunzip -c /slfs6/users/ymz09/swb_ivec/ali.*.gz |\" ark:- | /slfs6/users/ymz09/kaldi/src/bin/ali-to-post ark:- ark:- |",
- format = "map"
- }
- },
- global_transf = layer_repo:get_layer("global_transf")
- }),
- data = {main_scp = 429, phone_state = 1}}
- }
-function make_buffer(readers)
- return nerv.SGDBuffer(gconf,
- {
- buffer_size = gconf.buffer_size,
- randomize = gconf.randomize,
- readers = readers
- })
-function get_input_order()
- return {"main_scp", "phone_state"}
-function get_accuracy(sublayer_repo)
- local ce_crit = sublayer_repo:get_layer("ce_crit")
- return ce_crit.total_correct / ce_crit.total_frames * 100
-function print_stat(sublayer_repo)
- local ce_crit = sublayer_repo:get_layer("ce_crit")
-"*** training stat begin ***")
- nerv.printf("cross entropy:\t\t%.8f\n", ce_crit.total_ce)
- nerv.printf("correct:\t\t%d\n", ce_crit.total_correct)
- nerv.printf("frames:\t\t\t%d\n", ce_crit.total_frames)
- nerv.printf("err/frm:\t\t%.8f\n", ce_crit.total_ce / ce_crit.total_frames)
- nerv.printf("accuracy:\t\t%.3f%%\n", get_accuracy(sublayer_repo))
-"*** training stat end ***")
diff --git a/kaldi_io/ b/kaldi_io/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a397f0..0000000
--- a/kaldi_io/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# This file was generated using the following command:
-# ./configure
-# Rules that enable valgrind debugging ("make valgrind")
-valgrind: .valgrind
- echo -n > valgrind.out
- for x in $(TESTFILES); do echo $$x>>valgrind.out; valgrind ./$$x >/dev/null 2>> valgrind.out; done
- ! ( grep 'ERROR SUMMARY' valgrind.out | grep -v '0 errors' )
- ! ( grep 'definitely lost' valgrind.out | grep -v -w 0 )
- rm valgrind.out
- touch .valgrind
-OPENFSTLIBS = -L/slwork/users/wd007/src/kaldi/tools/openfst/lib -lfst
-OPENFSTLDFLAGS = -Wl,-rpath=/slwork/users/wd007/src/kaldi/tools/openfst/lib
-FSTROOT = /slwork/users/wd007/src/kaldi/tools/openfst
-ATLASINC = /slwork/users/wd007/src/kaldi/tools/ATLAS/include
-ATLASLIBS = -L/usr/lib -llapack -lcblas -latlas -lf77blas
-# You have to make sure ATLASLIBS is set...
-ifndef FSTROOT
-$(error FSTROOT not defined.)
-ifndef ATLASINC
-$(error ATLASINC not defined.)
-$(error ATLASLIBS not defined.)
-CXXFLAGS = -msse -msse2 -Wall -I.. \
- -fPIC \
- -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-local-typedefs -Winit-self \
- -I$(FSTROOT)/include \
-ifeq ($(KALDI_FLAVOR), dynamic)
-CC = g++
-CXX = g++
-AR = ar
-AS = as
-RANLIB = ranlib
-#Next section enables CUDA for compilation
-CUDA = true
-CUDATKDIR = /usr/local/cuda
-CUDA_FLAGS = -g -Xcompiler -fPIC --verbose --machine 64 -DHAVE_CUDA
-CUDA_LDFLAGS += -L$(CUDATKDIR)/lib64 -Wl,-rpath,$(CUDATKDIR)/lib64
-CUDA_LDLIBS += -lcublas -lcudart #LDLIBS : The libs are loaded later than static libs in implicit rule