path: root/tnet_io/KaldiLib/UserInterface.h
blob: fa189e74a7fde6ac950441839593318dbb20cac7 (plain) (tree)

#ifndef TNet_UserInterface_h
#define TNet_UserInterface_h

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <map>

namespace TNet 
  /** **************************************************************************
   ** **************************************************************************
  class UserInterface 
    struct ValueRecord {
      std::string   mValue;
      char          mOption;
      bool          mRead;

    void InsertConfigParam(
      const char *param_name,
      const char *value,
      int optionChar);

    ReadConfig(const char *pFileName);


     * @brief Retreives the content of a parameter
     * @param pParamName Name of the parameter to look for
     * @return Returns the pointer to the ValueRecord structure if success,
     *         otherwise return NULL
     *  We iteratively try to find the param name in the map. If an attempt 
     *  fails, we strip off all characters until the first occurance of ':' 
     *  and we search again
    GetParam(const char* pParamName);

     * @brief Returns the parameter's value as string
     * @param param_name Parameter name
     * @param default_value Value, which is returned in case the parameter 
     * was not found
     * @return Pointer to the begining of the string if success, default_value
     * otherwise
    const char* 
    GetStr( const char *param_name, const char *default_value);

     * @brief Returns the parameter's value as int
     * @param param_name Parameter name
     * @param default_value Value, which is returned in case the parameter 
     * was not found
     * @return Returns the integer value if success, default_value
     * otherwise
    GetInt( const char *param_name, long default_value);

     * @brief Returns the parameter's value as float
     * @param param_name Parameter name
     * @param default_value Value, which is returned in case the parameter 
     * was not found
     * @return Returns the float value if success, default_value
     * otherwise
    GetFlt( const char *param_name, float default_value);

     * @brief Returns the parameter's value as bool
     * @param param_name Parameter name
     * @param default_value Value, which is returned in case the parameter 
     * was not found
     * @return Returns the bool value if success, default_value
     * otherwise
     * Note that true is returned if the value is 'TRUE' or 'T', false is
     * returned if the value is 'FALSE' or 'F'. Otherwise exception is thrown
    GetBool(const char *param_name, bool default_value);

     * @brief Returns the parameter's value as enum integer
     * @param param_name Parameter name
     * @param default_value Value, which is returned in case the parameter 
     * was not found
     * @return Returns the index value if success, default_value
     * otherwise
     * Variable arguments specify the possible values of this parameter. If the
     * value does not match any of these, exception is thrown.
    GetEnum( const char *param_name, int default_value, ...);

    int GetFeatureParams(
        int *derivOrder,
        int **derivWinLens,
        int *startFrmExt,
        int *endFrmExt,
        char **CMNPath,
        char **CMNFile,
        const char **CMNMask,
        char **CVNPath,
        char **CVNFile,
        const char **CVNMask,
        const char **CVGFile,
        const char *toolName,
        int pseudoModeule);

    int ParseOptions(
        int             argc,
        char*           argv[],
        const char*     optionMapping,
        const char*     toolName);

     * @brief Send the defined paramaters to a stream
     * @param rStream stream to use
    PrintConfig(std::ostream& rStream);

    typedef std::map<std::string, ValueRecord> MapType;
    MapType             mMap;
