path: root/include/hotstuff/liveness.h
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authorDeterminant <[email protected]>2018-08-24 09:18:54 -0400
committerDeterminant <[email protected]>2018-08-24 09:18:54 -0400
commit75b5b9c9fe6a847510dfad452104fc6987567453 (patch)
treead2ec821ad7a9eba7b55c99667c718c54290fe73 /include/hotstuff/liveness.h
parentd781144f5edd0cacc436d04295ca68cff9f22036 (diff)
WIP: RR pacemaker
Diffstat (limited to 'include/hotstuff/liveness.h')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/include/hotstuff/liveness.h b/include/hotstuff/liveness.h
index 404972d..8c9c9ab 100644
--- a/include/hotstuff/liveness.h
+++ b/include/hotstuff/liveness.h
@@ -206,23 +206,29 @@ class PaceMakerDummyFixed: public PaceMakerDummy {
- * Simple long-standing proposer liveness gadget.
+ * Simple long-standing proposer liveness gadget (with randomization).
* There are three roles for each replica: proposer, candidate and follower.
* For a proposer, it proposes a new block and refrains itself from proposing
* the next block unless it receives the QC for the previous block. It will
- * give up the leadership and turn into a candidate when it hasn't seen such QC
- * for a while.
+ * give up the leadership and turn into a candidate when it sees QC for a
+ * higher block or being impeached.
* For a follower, it never proposes any block, but keeps a timer for the QC
* for the block last proposed by the proposer (the proposer it believes to
- * be). When it times out without seeing such QC, the follower turns into a
- * candidate.
+ * be). When it times out without seeing such QC or the proposer is impeached,
+ * the follower turns into a candidate.
* For a candidate, it periodically proposes empty blocks to synchronize the
* preferred branch, with randomized timeout, and check for any new QC. Once it
* sees such new QC, if the QC is given by itself, it becomes the proposer,
* otherwise yields to the creator of the QC as a follower.
+ *
+ * CAUTIONS: This pace maker does not guarantee liveness when a Byzantine node
+ * tries to contend with correct nodes and always proposes higher blocks to
+ * grab the leadership. If you want to use this for your system, please make
+ * sure you introduce mechanism to detect and ban such behavior, or use the
+ * round-robin style pace maker instead.
class PMStickyProposer: virtual public PaceMaker {
enum {
@@ -471,6 +477,259 @@ struct PaceMakerSticky: public PMAllParents, public PMStickyProposer {
+ * Simple long-standing round-robin style proposer liveness gadget.
+ */
+class PMRoundRobinProposer: virtual public PaceMaker {
+ enum {
+ CANDIDATE /* rotating */
+ } role;
+ double qc_timeout;
+ double candidate_timeout;
+ EventContext ec;
+ /** QC timer or randomized timeout */
+ Event timer;
+ Event ev_imp;
+ block_t last_proposed;
+ /** the proposer it believes */
+ ReplicaID proposer;
+ /* extra state needed for a proposer */
+ std::queue<promise_t> pending_beats;
+ bool locked;
+ /* extra state needed for a candidate */
+ std::unordered_map<ReplicaID, promise_t> last_proposed_by;
+ promise_t pm_wait_receive_proposal;
+ promise_t pm_wait_propose;
+ promise_t pm_qc_finish;
+ void clear_promises() {
+ pm_wait_receive_proposal.reject();
+ pm_wait_propose.reject();
+ pm_qc_finish.reject();
+ for (auto &p: last_proposed_by)
+ p.second.reject();
+ last_proposed_by.clear();
+ }
+ /* helper functions for a follower */
+ void reg_follower_receive_proposal() {
+ pm_wait_receive_proposal.reject();
+ (pm_wait_receive_proposal = hsc->async_wait_receive_proposal())
+ .then(
+ salticidae::generic_bind(
+ &PMRoundRobinProposer::follower_receive_proposal, this, _1));
+ }
+ void follower_receive_proposal(const Proposal &prop) {
+ if (prop.proposer == proposer)
+ {
+ auto &qc_ref = prop.blk->get_qc_ref();
+ if (last_proposed && qc_ref != last_proposed)
+ {
+ HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("proposer misbehave");
+ to_candidate(); /* proposer misbehave */
+ return;
+ }
+ HOTSTUFF_LOG_PROTO("proposer emits new QC");
+ last_proposed = prop.blk;
+ }
+ reg_follower_receive_proposal();
+ }
+ /* helper functions for a proposer */
+ void proposer_schedule_next() {
+ if (!pending_beats.empty() && !locked)
+ {
+ auto pm = pending_beats.front();
+ pending_beats.pop();
+ pm_qc_finish.reject();
+ (pm_qc_finish = hsc->async_qc_finish(last_proposed))
+ .then([this, pm]() {
+ timer.del();
+ pm.resolve(proposer);
+ timer.add_with_timeout(qc_timeout);
+ HOTSTUFF_LOG_PROTO("QC timer reset");
+ });
+ locked = true;
+ }
+ }
+ void reg_proposer_propose() {
+ pm_wait_propose.reject();
+ (pm_wait_propose = hsc->async_wait_proposal()).then(
+ salticidae::generic_bind(
+ &PMRoundRobinProposer::proposer_propose, this, _1));
+ }
+ void proposer_propose(const Proposal &prop) {
+ last_proposed = prop.blk;
+ locked = false;
+ proposer_schedule_next();
+ reg_proposer_propose();
+ }
+ void propose_elect_block() {
+ DataStream s;
+ /* FIXME: should extra data be the voter's id? */
+ s << hsc->get_id();
+ /* propose a block for leader election */
+ hsc->on_propose(std::vector<command_t>{},
+ get_parents(), std::move(s));
+ }
+ /* helper functions for a candidate */
+ void reg_cp_receive_proposal() {
+ pm_wait_receive_proposal.reject();
+ (pm_wait_receive_proposal = hsc->async_wait_receive_proposal())
+ .then(
+ salticidae::generic_bind(
+ &PMRoundRobinProposer::cp_receive_proposal, this, _1));
+ }
+ void cp_receive_proposal(const Proposal &prop) {
+ auto _proposer = prop.proposer;
+ auto &p = last_proposed_by[_proposer];
+ HOTSTUFF_LOG_PROTO("got block %s from %d", std::string(*prop.blk).c_str(), _proposer);
+ p.reject();
+ (p = hsc->async_qc_finish(prop.blk)).then([this, blk=prop.blk, _proposer]() {
+ if (_proposer == proposer)
+ to_follower();
+ });
+ reg_cp_receive_proposal();
+ }
+ void candidate_qc_timeout() {
+ timer.del();
+ timer.add_with_timeout(candidate_timeout);
+ candidate_timeout *= 1.01;
+ proposer = (proposer + 1) % hsc->get_config().nreplicas;
+ if (proposer == hsc->get_id())
+ {
+ pm_qc_finish.reject();
+ pm_wait_propose.reject();
+ (pm_wait_propose = hsc->async_wait_proposal()).then([this](const Proposal &prop) {
+ const auto &blk = prop.blk;
+ (pm_qc_finish = hsc->async_qc_finish(blk)).then([this, blk]() {
+ HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("collected QC for %s", std::string(*blk).c_str());
+ /* managed to collect a QC */
+ to_proposer();
+ propose_elect_block();
+ });
+ });
+ propose_elect_block();
+ }
+ HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("candidate rotates to %d, next try in %.2fs",
+ proposer, candidate_timeout);
+ }
+ /* role transitions */
+ void to_follower() {
+ HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("new role: follower");
+ clear_promises();
+ role = FOLLOWER;
+ last_proposed = nullptr;
+ hsc->set_neg_vote(false);
+ timer.clear();
+ /* redirect all pending cmds to the new proposer */
+ while (!pending_beats.empty())
+ {
+ pending_beats.front().resolve(proposer);
+ pending_beats.pop();
+ }
+ reg_follower_receive_proposal();
+ }
+ void to_proposer() {
+ HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("new role: proposer");
+ clear_promises();
+ role = PROPOSER;
+ last_proposed = nullptr;
+ hsc->set_neg_vote(true);
+ timer = Event(ec, -1, 0, [this](int, short) {
+ /* proposer unable to get a QC in time */
+ to_candidate();
+ });
+ proposer_propose(Proposal(-1, uint256_t(), hsc->get_genesis(), nullptr));
+ }
+ void to_candidate() {
+ HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("new role: candidate");
+ clear_promises();
+ role = CANDIDATE;
+ last_proposed = nullptr;
+ hsc->set_neg_vote(false);
+ timer = Event(ec, -1, 0, [this](int, short) {
+ candidate_qc_timeout();
+ });
+ candidate_timeout = qc_timeout * 0.1;
+ reg_cp_receive_proposal();
+ candidate_qc_timeout();
+ }
+ protected:
+ void impeach() override {
+ if (role == CANDIDATE) return;
+ ev_imp = Event(ec, -1, 0, [this](int, short) {
+ to_candidate();
+ });
+ ev_imp.add_with_timeout(0);
+ HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("schedule to impeach the proposer");
+ }
+ public:
+ PMRoundRobinProposer(double qc_timeout, const EventContext &ec):
+ qc_timeout(qc_timeout), ec(ec), proposer(0) {}
+ void init() {
+ to_candidate();
+ }
+ ReplicaID get_proposer() override {
+ return proposer;
+ }
+ promise_t beat() override {
+ if (role != FOLLOWER)
+ {
+ promise_t pm;
+ pending_beats.push(pm);
+ if (role == PROPOSER)
+ proposer_schedule_next();
+ return std::move(pm);
+ }
+ else
+ return promise_t([proposer=proposer](promise_t &pm) {
+ pm.resolve(proposer);
+ });
+ }
+ promise_t beat_resp(ReplicaID last_proposer) override {
+ return promise_t([this, last_proposer](promise_t &pm) {
+ pm.resolve(last_proposer);
+ });
+ }
+struct PaceMakerRR: public PMAllParents, public PMRoundRobinProposer {
+ PaceMakerRR(int32_t parent_limit, double qc_timeout, EventContext eb):
+ PMAllParents(parent_limit), PMRoundRobinProposer(qc_timeout, eb) {}
+ void init(HotStuffCore *hsc) override {
+ PaceMaker::init(hsc);
+ PMAllParents::init();
+ PMRoundRobinProposer::init();
+ }