#include <cassert>
#include <random>
#include <signal.h>
#include "salticidae/type.h"
#include "salticidae/netaddr.h"
#include "salticidae/network.h"
#include "salticidae/util.h"
#include "hotstuff/util.h"
#include "hotstuff/type.h"
#include "hotstuff/client.h"
using salticidae::Config;
using salticidae::MsgNetwork;
using hotstuff::ReplicaID;
using hotstuff::NetAddr;
using hotstuff::EventContext;
using hotstuff::MsgReqCmd;
using hotstuff::MsgRespCmd;
using hotstuff::CommandDummy;
using hotstuff::Finality;
using hotstuff::HotStuffError;
using hotstuff::uint256_t;
using hotstuff::opcode_t;
using hotstuff::command_t;
EventContext eb;
ReplicaID proposer;
size_t max_async_num;
int max_iter_num;
uint32_t cid;
uint32_t cnt = 0;
uint32_t nfaulty;
struct Request {
ReplicaID rid;
command_t cmd;
size_t confirmed;
salticidae::ElapsedTime et;
Request(ReplicaID rid, const command_t &cmd):
rid(rid), cmd(cmd), confirmed(0) { et.start(); }
std::unordered_map<ReplicaID, MsgNetwork<opcode_t>::conn_t> conns;
std::unordered_map<const uint256_t, Request> waiting;
std::vector<NetAddr> replicas;
std::vector<std::pair<struct timeval, double>> elapsed;
MsgNetwork<opcode_t> mn(eb, 10, 10, 4096);
void connect_all() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < replicas.size(); i++)
conns.insert(std::make_pair(i, mn.connect(replicas[i])));
void set_proposer(ReplicaID rid) {
proposer = rid;
// auto it = conns.find(rid);
// if (it == conns.end())
// conns.insert(std::make_pair(rid, mn.connect(replicas[rid])));
void try_send() {
while (waiting.size() < max_async_num && max_iter_num)
auto cmd = new CommandDummy(cid, cnt++);
//mn.send_msg(MsgReqCmd(*cmd), *conns.at(proposer));
MsgReqCmd msg(*cmd);
for (auto &p: conns) mn.send_msg(msg, *(p.second));
HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("send new cmd %.10s",
cmd->get_hash(), Request(proposer, cmd)));
if (max_iter_num > 0)
void client_resp_cmd_handler(MsgRespCmd &&msg, MsgNetwork<opcode_t>::Conn &) {
auto &fin = msg.fin;
HOTSTUFF_LOG_DEBUG("got %s", std::string(msg.fin).c_str());
const uint256_t &cmd_hash = fin.cmd_hash;
auto it = waiting.find(cmd_hash);
auto &et = it->second.et;
if (it == waiting.end()) return;
// if (fin.rid != proposer)
// {
// HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("reconnect to the new proposer");
// set_proposer(fin.rid);
// }
// if (fin.rid != it->second.rid)
// {
// mn.send_msg(MsgReqCmd(*(waiting.find(cmd_hash)->second.cmd)),
// *conns.at(proposer));
// HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("resend cmd %.10s",
// get_hex(cmd_hash).c_str());
// et.start();
// it->second.rid = proposer;
// return;
// }
// if (++it->second.confirmed <= nfaulty) return; // wait for f + 1 ack
HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("got %s, wall: %.3f, cpu: %.3f",
et.elapsed_sec, et.cpu_elapsed_sec);
struct timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr);
elapsed.push_back(std::make_pair(tv, et.elapsed_sec));
std::pair<std::string, std::string> split_ip_port_cport(const std::string &s) {
auto ret = salticidae::trim_all(salticidae::split(s, ";"));
return std::make_pair(ret[0], ret[1]);
void signal_handler(int) {
throw HotStuffError("got terminal signal");
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
Config config("hotstuff.conf");
signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler);
signal(SIGINT, signal_handler);
auto opt_idx = Config::OptValInt::create(0);
auto opt_replicas = Config::OptValStrVec::create();
auto opt_max_iter_num = Config::OptValInt::create(100);
auto opt_max_async_num = Config::OptValInt::create(10);
auto opt_cid = Config::OptValInt::create(-1);
try {
config.add_opt("idx", opt_idx, Config::SET_VAL);
config.add_opt("cid", opt_cid, Config::SET_VAL);
config.add_opt("replica", opt_replicas, Config::APPEND);
config.add_opt("iter", opt_max_iter_num, Config::SET_VAL);
config.add_opt("max-async", opt_max_async_num, Config::SET_VAL);
config.parse(argc, argv);
auto idx = opt_idx->get();
max_iter_num = opt_max_iter_num->get();
max_async_num = opt_max_async_num->get();
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> raw;
for (const auto &s: opt_replicas->get())
auto res = salticidae::trim_all(salticidae::split(s, ","));
if (res.size() != 2)
throw HotStuffError("format error");
raw.push_back(std::make_pair(res[0], res[1]));
if (!(0 <= idx && (size_t)idx < raw.size() && raw.size() > 0))
throw std::invalid_argument("out of range");
cid = opt_cid->get() != -1 ? opt_cid->get() : idx;
for (const auto &p: raw)
auto _p = split_ip_port_cport(p.first);
size_t _;
replicas.push_back(NetAddr(NetAddr(_p.first).ip, htons(stoi(_p.second, &_))));
nfaulty = (replicas.size() - 1) / 3;
HOTSTUFF_LOG_INFO("nfaulty = %zu", nfaulty);
} catch (HotStuffError &e) {
HOTSTUFF_LOG_ERROR("exception: %s", std::string(e).c_str());
for (const auto &e: elapsed)
char fmt[64];
struct tm *tmp = localtime(&e.first.tv_sec);
strftime(fmt, sizeof fmt, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%%06u [hotstuff info] %%.6f\n", tmp);
fprintf(stderr, fmt, e.first.tv_usec, e.second);
return 0;