path: root/eth/tracers/internal/tracers/call_tracer.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'eth/tracers/internal/tracers/call_tracer.js')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eth/tracers/internal/tracers/call_tracer.js b/eth/tracers/internal/tracers/call_tracer.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8b383c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eth/tracers/internal/tracers/call_tracer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
+// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
+// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+// callTracer is a full blown transaction tracer that extracts and reports all
+// the internal calls made by a transaction, along with any useful information.
+ // callstack is the current recursive call stack of the EVM execution.
+ callstack: [{}],
+ // descended tracks whether we've just descended from an outer transaction into
+ // an inner call.
+ descended: false,
+ // step is invoked for every opcode that the VM executes.
+ step: function(log, db) {
+ // Capture any errors immediately
+ var error = log.getError();
+ if (error !== undefined) {
+ this.fault(log, db);
+ return;
+ }
+ // We only care about system opcodes, faster if we pre-check once
+ var syscall = (log.op.toNumber() & 0xf0) == 0xf0;
+ if (syscall) {
+ var op = log.op.toString();
+ }
+ // If a new contract is being created, add to the call stack
+ if (syscall && (op == 'CREATE' || op == "CREATE2")) {
+ var inOff = log.stack.peek(1).valueOf();
+ var inEnd = inOff + log.stack.peek(2).valueOf();
+ // Assemble the internal call report and store for completion
+ var call = {
+ type: op,
+ from: toHex(log.contract.getAddress()),
+ input: toHex(log.memory.slice(inOff, inEnd)),
+ gasIn: log.getGas(),
+ gasCost: log.getCost(),
+ value: '0x' + log.stack.peek(0).toString(16)
+ };
+ this.callstack.push(call);
+ this.descended = true
+ return;
+ }
+ // If a contract is being self destructed, gather that as a subcall too
+ if (syscall && op == 'SELFDESTRUCT') {
+ var left = this.callstack.length;
+ if (this.callstack[left-1].calls === undefined) {
+ this.callstack[left-1].calls = [];
+ }
+ this.callstack[left-1].calls.push({type: op});
+ return
+ }
+ // If a new method invocation is being done, add to the call stack
+ if (syscall && (op == 'CALL' || op == 'CALLCODE' || op == 'DELEGATECALL' || op == 'STATICCALL')) {
+ // Skip any pre-compile invocations, those are just fancy opcodes
+ var to = toAddress(log.stack.peek(1).toString(16));
+ if (isPrecompiled(to)) {
+ return
+ }
+ var off = (op == 'DELEGATECALL' || op == 'STATICCALL' ? 0 : 1);
+ var inOff = log.stack.peek(2 + off).valueOf();
+ var inEnd = inOff + log.stack.peek(3 + off).valueOf();
+ // Assemble the internal call report and store for completion
+ var call = {
+ type: op,
+ from: toHex(log.contract.getAddress()),
+ to: toHex(to),
+ input: toHex(log.memory.slice(inOff, inEnd)),
+ gasIn: log.getGas(),
+ gasCost: log.getCost(),
+ outOff: log.stack.peek(4 + off).valueOf(),
+ outLen: log.stack.peek(5 + off).valueOf()
+ };
+ if (op != 'DELEGATECALL' && op != 'STATICCALL') {
+ call.value = '0x' + log.stack.peek(2).toString(16);
+ }
+ this.callstack.push(call);
+ this.descended = true
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we've just descended into an inner call, retrieve it's true allowance. We
+ // need to extract if from within the call as there may be funky gas dynamics
+ // with regard to requested and actually given gas (2300 stipend, 63/64 rule).
+ if (this.descended) {
+ if (log.getDepth() >= this.callstack.length) {
+ this.callstack[this.callstack.length - 1].gas = log.getGas();
+ } else {
+ // TODO(karalabe): The call was made to a plain account. We currently don't
+ // have access to the true gas amount inside the call and so any amount will
+ // mostly be wrong since it depends on a lot of input args. Skip gas for now.
+ }
+ this.descended = false;
+ }
+ // If an existing call is returning, pop off the call stack
+ if (syscall && op == 'REVERT') {
+ this.callstack[this.callstack.length - 1].error = "execution reverted";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (log.getDepth() == this.callstack.length - 1) {
+ // Pop off the last call and get the execution results
+ var call = this.callstack.pop();
+ if (call.type == 'CREATE' || call.type == "CREATE2") {
+ // If the call was a CREATE, retrieve the contract address and output code
+ call.gasUsed = '0x' + bigInt(call.gasIn - call.gasCost - log.getGas()).toString(16);
+ delete call.gasIn; delete call.gasCost;
+ var ret = log.stack.peek(0);
+ if (!ret.equals(0)) {
+ call.to = toHex(toAddress(ret.toString(16)));
+ call.output = toHex(db.getCode(toAddress(ret.toString(16))));
+ } else if (call.error === undefined) {
+ call.error = "internal failure"; // TODO(karalabe): surface these faults somehow
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If the call was a contract call, retrieve the gas usage and output
+ if (call.gas !== undefined) {
+ call.gasUsed = '0x' + bigInt(call.gasIn - call.gasCost + call.gas - log.getGas()).toString(16);
+ var ret = log.stack.peek(0);
+ if (!ret.equals(0)) {
+ call.output = toHex(log.memory.slice(call.outOff, call.outOff + call.outLen));
+ } else if (call.error === undefined) {
+ call.error = "internal failure"; // TODO(karalabe): surface these faults somehow
+ }
+ }
+ delete call.gasIn; delete call.gasCost;
+ delete call.outOff; delete call.outLen;
+ }
+ if (call.gas !== undefined) {
+ call.gas = '0x' + bigInt(call.gas).toString(16);
+ }
+ // Inject the call into the previous one
+ var left = this.callstack.length;
+ if (this.callstack[left-1].calls === undefined) {
+ this.callstack[left-1].calls = [];
+ }
+ this.callstack[left-1].calls.push(call);
+ }
+ },
+ // fault is invoked when the actual execution of an opcode fails.
+ fault: function(log, db) {
+ // If the topmost call already reverted, don't handle the additional fault again
+ if (this.callstack[this.callstack.length - 1].error !== undefined) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Pop off the just failed call
+ var call = this.callstack.pop();
+ call.error = log.getError();
+ // Consume all available gas and clean any leftovers
+ if (call.gas !== undefined) {
+ call.gas = '0x' + bigInt(call.gas).toString(16);
+ call.gasUsed = call.gas
+ }
+ delete call.gasIn; delete call.gasCost;
+ delete call.outOff; delete call.outLen;
+ // Flatten the failed call into its parent
+ var left = this.callstack.length;
+ if (left > 0) {
+ if (this.callstack[left-1].calls === undefined) {
+ this.callstack[left-1].calls = [];
+ }
+ this.callstack[left-1].calls.push(call);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Last call failed too, leave it in the stack
+ this.callstack.push(call);
+ },
+ // result is invoked when all the opcodes have been iterated over and returns
+ // the final result of the tracing.
+ result: function(ctx, db) {
+ var result = {
+ type: ctx.type,
+ from: toHex(ctx.from),
+ to: toHex(ctx.to),
+ value: '0x' + ctx.value.toString(16),
+ gas: '0x' + bigInt(ctx.gas).toString(16),
+ gasUsed: '0x' + bigInt(ctx.gasUsed).toString(16),
+ input: toHex(ctx.input),
+ output: toHex(ctx.output),
+ time: ctx.time,
+ };
+ if (this.callstack[0].calls !== undefined) {
+ result.calls = this.callstack[0].calls;
+ }
+ if (this.callstack[0].error !== undefined) {
+ result.error = this.callstack[0].error;
+ } else if (ctx.error !== undefined) {
+ result.error = ctx.error;
+ }
+ if (result.error !== undefined) {
+ delete result.output;
+ }
+ return this.finalize(result);
+ },
+ // finalize recreates a call object using the final desired field oder for json
+ // serialization. This is a nicety feature to pass meaningfully ordered results
+ // to users who don't interpret it, just display it.
+ finalize: function(call) {
+ var sorted = {
+ type: call.type,
+ from: call.from,
+ to: call.to,
+ value: call.value,
+ gas: call.gas,
+ gasUsed: call.gasUsed,
+ input: call.input,
+ output: call.output,
+ error: call.error,
+ time: call.time,
+ calls: call.calls,
+ }
+ for (var key in sorted) {
+ if (sorted[key] === undefined) {
+ delete sorted[key];
+ }
+ }
+ if (sorted.calls !== undefined) {
+ for (var i=0; i<sorted.calls.length; i++) {
+ sorted.calls[i] = this.finalize(sorted.calls[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return sorted;
+ }