path: root/accounts/abi/bind/bind.go
diff options
authorDeterminant <[email protected]>2020-06-28 14:47:41 -0400
committerDeterminant <[email protected]>2020-06-28 14:47:41 -0400
commitd235e2c6a5788ec4a6cff15a16f56b38a3876a0d (patch)
tree5f2727f7a50ee5840f889c82776d3a30a88dd59b /accounts/abi/bind/bind.go
parent13ebd8bd9468e9d769d598b0ca2afb72ba78cb97 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'accounts/abi/bind/bind.go')
1 files changed, 558 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/accounts/abi/bind/bind.go b/accounts/abi/bind/bind.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e869eef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/accounts/abi/bind/bind.go
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
+// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
+// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+// Package bind generates Ethereum contract Go bindings.
+// Detailed usage document and tutorial available on the go-ethereum Wiki page:
+// https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Native-DApps:-Go-bindings-to-Ethereum-contracts
+package bind
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "go/format"
+ "regexp"
+ "strings"
+ "text/template"
+ "unicode"
+ "github.com/ava-labs/coreth/accounts/abi"
+ "github.com/ava-labs/go-ethereum/log"
+// Lang is a target programming language selector to generate bindings for.
+type Lang int
+const (
+ LangGo Lang = iota
+ LangJava
+ LangObjC
+// Bind generates a Go wrapper around a contract ABI. This wrapper isn't meant
+// to be used as is in client code, but rather as an intermediate struct which
+// enforces compile time type safety and naming convention opposed to having to
+// manually maintain hard coded strings that break on runtime.
+func Bind(types []string, abis []string, bytecodes []string, fsigs []map[string]string, pkg string, lang Lang, libs map[string]string) (string, error) {
+ // Process each individual contract requested binding
+ contracts := make(map[string]*tmplContract)
+ // Map used to flag each encountered library as such
+ isLib := make(map[string]struct{})
+ for i := 0; i < len(types); i++ {
+ // Parse the actual ABI to generate the binding for
+ evmABI, err := abi.JSON(strings.NewReader(abis[i]))
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ // Strip any whitespace from the JSON ABI
+ strippedABI := strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
+ if unicode.IsSpace(r) {
+ return -1
+ }
+ return r
+ }, abis[i])
+ // Extract the call and transact methods; events, struct definitions; and sort them alphabetically
+ var (
+ calls = make(map[string]*tmplMethod)
+ transacts = make(map[string]*tmplMethod)
+ events = make(map[string]*tmplEvent)
+ structs = make(map[string]*tmplStruct)
+ )
+ for _, original := range evmABI.Methods {
+ // Normalize the method for capital cases and non-anonymous inputs/outputs
+ normalized := original
+ normalized.Name = methodNormalizer[lang](original.Name)
+ normalized.Inputs = make([]abi.Argument, len(original.Inputs))
+ copy(normalized.Inputs, original.Inputs)
+ for j, input := range normalized.Inputs {
+ if input.Name == "" {
+ normalized.Inputs[j].Name = fmt.Sprintf("arg%d", j)
+ }
+ if _, exist := structs[input.Type.String()]; input.Type.T == abi.TupleTy && !exist {
+ bindStructType[lang](input.Type, structs)
+ }
+ }
+ normalized.Outputs = make([]abi.Argument, len(original.Outputs))
+ copy(normalized.Outputs, original.Outputs)
+ for j, output := range normalized.Outputs {
+ if output.Name != "" {
+ normalized.Outputs[j].Name = capitalise(output.Name)
+ }
+ if _, exist := structs[output.Type.String()]; output.Type.T == abi.TupleTy && !exist {
+ bindStructType[lang](output.Type, structs)
+ }
+ }
+ // Append the methods to the call or transact lists
+ if original.Const {
+ calls[original.Name] = &tmplMethod{Original: original, Normalized: normalized, Structured: structured(original.Outputs)}
+ } else {
+ transacts[original.Name] = &tmplMethod{Original: original, Normalized: normalized, Structured: structured(original.Outputs)}
+ }
+ }
+ for _, original := range evmABI.Events {
+ // Skip anonymous events as they don't support explicit filtering
+ if original.Anonymous {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Normalize the event for capital cases and non-anonymous outputs
+ normalized := original
+ normalized.Name = methodNormalizer[lang](original.Name)
+ normalized.Inputs = make([]abi.Argument, len(original.Inputs))
+ copy(normalized.Inputs, original.Inputs)
+ for j, input := range normalized.Inputs {
+ // Indexed fields are input, non-indexed ones are outputs
+ if input.Indexed {
+ if input.Name == "" {
+ normalized.Inputs[j].Name = fmt.Sprintf("arg%d", j)
+ }
+ if _, exist := structs[input.Type.String()]; input.Type.T == abi.TupleTy && !exist {
+ bindStructType[lang](input.Type, structs)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Append the event to the accumulator list
+ events[original.Name] = &tmplEvent{Original: original, Normalized: normalized}
+ }
+ // There is no easy way to pass arbitrary java objects to the Go side.
+ if len(structs) > 0 && lang == LangJava {
+ return "", errors.New("java binding for tuple arguments is not supported yet")
+ }
+ contracts[types[i]] = &tmplContract{
+ Type: capitalise(types[i]),
+ InputABI: strings.Replace(strippedABI, "\"", "\\\"", -1),
+ InputBin: strings.TrimPrefix(strings.TrimSpace(bytecodes[i]), "0x"),
+ Constructor: evmABI.Constructor,
+ Calls: calls,
+ Transacts: transacts,
+ Events: events,
+ Libraries: make(map[string]string),
+ Structs: structs,
+ }
+ // Function 4-byte signatures are stored in the same sequence
+ // as types, if available.
+ if len(fsigs) > i {
+ contracts[types[i]].FuncSigs = fsigs[i]
+ }
+ // Parse library references.
+ for pattern, name := range libs {
+ matched, err := regexp.Match("__\\$"+pattern+"\\$__", []byte(contracts[types[i]].InputBin))
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("Could not search for pattern", "pattern", pattern, "contract", contracts[types[i]], "err", err)
+ }
+ if matched {
+ contracts[types[i]].Libraries[pattern] = name
+ // keep track that this type is a library
+ if _, ok := isLib[name]; !ok {
+ isLib[name] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if that type has already been identified as a library
+ for i := 0; i < len(types); i++ {
+ _, ok := isLib[types[i]]
+ contracts[types[i]].Library = ok
+ }
+ // Generate the contract template data content and render it
+ data := &tmplData{
+ Package: pkg,
+ Contracts: contracts,
+ Libraries: libs,
+ }
+ buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
+ funcs := map[string]interface{}{
+ "bindtype": bindType[lang],
+ "bindtopictype": bindTopicType[lang],
+ "namedtype": namedType[lang],
+ "formatmethod": formatMethod,
+ "formatevent": formatEvent,
+ "capitalise": capitalise,
+ "decapitalise": decapitalise,
+ }
+ tmpl := template.Must(template.New("").Funcs(funcs).Parse(tmplSource[lang]))
+ if err := tmpl.Execute(buffer, data); err != nil {
+ return "", err
+ }
+ // For Go bindings pass the code through gofmt to clean it up
+ if lang == LangGo {
+ code, err := format.Source(buffer.Bytes())
+ if err != nil {
+ return "", fmt.Errorf("%v\n%s", err, buffer)
+ }
+ return string(code), nil
+ }
+ // For all others just return as is for now
+ return buffer.String(), nil
+// bindType is a set of type binders that convert Solidity types to some supported
+// programming language types.
+var bindType = map[Lang]func(kind abi.Type, structs map[string]*tmplStruct) string{
+ LangGo: bindTypeGo,
+ LangJava: bindTypeJava,
+// bindBasicTypeGo converts basic solidity types(except array, slice and tuple) to Go one.
+func bindBasicTypeGo(kind abi.Type) string {
+ switch kind.T {
+ case abi.AddressTy:
+ return "common.Address"
+ case abi.IntTy, abi.UintTy:
+ parts := regexp.MustCompile(`(u)?int([0-9]*)`).FindStringSubmatch(kind.String())
+ switch parts[2] {
+ case "8", "16", "32", "64":
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%sint%s", parts[1], parts[2])
+ }
+ return "*big.Int"
+ case abi.FixedBytesTy:
+ return fmt.Sprintf("[%d]byte", kind.Size)
+ case abi.BytesTy:
+ return "[]byte"
+ case abi.FunctionTy:
+ return "[24]byte"
+ default:
+ // string, bool types
+ return kind.String()
+ }
+// bindTypeGo converts solidity types to Go ones. Since there is no clear mapping
+// from all Solidity types to Go ones (e.g. uint17), those that cannot be exactly
+// mapped will use an upscaled type (e.g. BigDecimal).
+func bindTypeGo(kind abi.Type, structs map[string]*tmplStruct) string {
+ switch kind.T {
+ case abi.TupleTy:
+ return structs[kind.String()].Name
+ case abi.ArrayTy:
+ return fmt.Sprintf("[%d]", kind.Size) + bindTypeGo(*kind.Elem, structs)
+ case abi.SliceTy:
+ return "[]" + bindTypeGo(*kind.Elem, structs)
+ default:
+ return bindBasicTypeGo(kind)
+ }
+// bindBasicTypeJava converts basic solidity types(except array, slice and tuple) to Java one.
+func bindBasicTypeJava(kind abi.Type) string {
+ switch kind.T {
+ case abi.AddressTy:
+ return "Address"
+ case abi.IntTy, abi.UintTy:
+ // Note that uint and int (without digits) are also matched,
+ // these are size 256, and will translate to BigInt (the default).
+ parts := regexp.MustCompile(`(u)?int([0-9]*)`).FindStringSubmatch(kind.String())
+ if len(parts) != 3 {
+ return kind.String()
+ }
+ // All unsigned integers should be translated to BigInt since gomobile doesn't
+ // support them.
+ if parts[1] == "u" {
+ return "BigInt"
+ }
+ namedSize := map[string]string{
+ "8": "byte",
+ "16": "short",
+ "32": "int",
+ "64": "long",
+ }[parts[2]]
+ // default to BigInt
+ if namedSize == "" {
+ namedSize = "BigInt"
+ }
+ return namedSize
+ case abi.FixedBytesTy, abi.BytesTy:
+ return "byte[]"
+ case abi.BoolTy:
+ return "boolean"
+ case abi.StringTy:
+ return "String"
+ case abi.FunctionTy:
+ return "byte[24]"
+ default:
+ return kind.String()
+ }
+// pluralizeJavaType explicitly converts multidimensional types to predefined
+// type in go side.
+func pluralizeJavaType(typ string) string {
+ switch typ {
+ case "boolean":
+ return "Bools"
+ case "String":
+ return "Strings"
+ case "Address":
+ return "Addresses"
+ case "byte[]":
+ return "Binaries"
+ case "BigInt":
+ return "BigInts"
+ }
+ return typ + "[]"
+// bindTypeJava converts a Solidity type to a Java one. Since there is no clear mapping
+// from all Solidity types to Java ones (e.g. uint17), those that cannot be exactly
+// mapped will use an upscaled type (e.g. BigDecimal).
+func bindTypeJava(kind abi.Type, structs map[string]*tmplStruct) string {
+ switch kind.T {
+ case abi.TupleTy:
+ return structs[kind.String()].Name
+ case abi.ArrayTy, abi.SliceTy:
+ return pluralizeJavaType(bindTypeJava(*kind.Elem, structs))
+ default:
+ return bindBasicTypeJava(kind)
+ }
+// bindTopicType is a set of type binders that convert Solidity types to some
+// supported programming language topic types.
+var bindTopicType = map[Lang]func(kind abi.Type, structs map[string]*tmplStruct) string{
+ LangGo: bindTopicTypeGo,
+ LangJava: bindTopicTypeJava,
+// bindTopicTypeGo converts a Solidity topic type to a Go one. It is almost the same
+// funcionality as for simple types, but dynamic types get converted to hashes.
+func bindTopicTypeGo(kind abi.Type, structs map[string]*tmplStruct) string {
+ bound := bindTypeGo(kind, structs)
+ if bound == "string" || bound == "[]byte" {
+ bound = "common.Hash"
+ }
+ return bound
+// bindTopicTypeJava converts a Solidity topic type to a Java one. It is almost the same
+// funcionality as for simple types, but dynamic types get converted to hashes.
+func bindTopicTypeJava(kind abi.Type, structs map[string]*tmplStruct) string {
+ bound := bindTypeJava(kind, structs)
+ if bound == "String" || bound == "byte[]" {
+ bound = "Hash"
+ }
+ return bound
+// bindStructType is a set of type binders that convert Solidity tuple types to some supported
+// programming language struct definition.
+var bindStructType = map[Lang]func(kind abi.Type, structs map[string]*tmplStruct) string{
+ LangGo: bindStructTypeGo,
+ LangJava: bindStructTypeJava,
+// bindStructTypeGo converts a Solidity tuple type to a Go one and records the mapping
+// in the given map.
+// Notably, this function will resolve and record nested struct recursively.
+func bindStructTypeGo(kind abi.Type, structs map[string]*tmplStruct) string {
+ switch kind.T {
+ case abi.TupleTy:
+ if s, exist := structs[kind.String()]; exist {
+ return s.Name
+ }
+ var fields []*tmplField
+ for i, elem := range kind.TupleElems {
+ field := bindStructTypeGo(*elem, structs)
+ fields = append(fields, &tmplField{Type: field, Name: capitalise(kind.TupleRawNames[i]), SolKind: *elem})
+ }
+ name := fmt.Sprintf("Struct%d", len(structs))
+ structs[kind.String()] = &tmplStruct{
+ Name: name,
+ Fields: fields,
+ }
+ return name
+ case abi.ArrayTy:
+ return fmt.Sprintf("[%d]", kind.Size) + bindStructTypeGo(*kind.Elem, structs)
+ case abi.SliceTy:
+ return "[]" + bindStructTypeGo(*kind.Elem, structs)
+ default:
+ return bindBasicTypeGo(kind)
+ }
+// bindStructTypeJava converts a Solidity tuple type to a Java one and records the mapping
+// in the given map.
+// Notably, this function will resolve and record nested struct recursively.
+func bindStructTypeJava(kind abi.Type, structs map[string]*tmplStruct) string {
+ switch kind.T {
+ case abi.TupleTy:
+ if s, exist := structs[kind.String()]; exist {
+ return s.Name
+ }
+ var fields []*tmplField
+ for i, elem := range kind.TupleElems {
+ field := bindStructTypeJava(*elem, structs)
+ fields = append(fields, &tmplField{Type: field, Name: decapitalise(kind.TupleRawNames[i]), SolKind: *elem})
+ }
+ name := fmt.Sprintf("Class%d", len(structs))
+ structs[kind.String()] = &tmplStruct{
+ Name: name,
+ Fields: fields,
+ }
+ return name
+ case abi.ArrayTy, abi.SliceTy:
+ return pluralizeJavaType(bindStructTypeJava(*kind.Elem, structs))
+ default:
+ return bindBasicTypeJava(kind)
+ }
+// namedType is a set of functions that transform language specific types to
+// named versions that my be used inside method names.
+var namedType = map[Lang]func(string, abi.Type) string{
+ LangGo: func(string, abi.Type) string { panic("this shouldn't be needed") },
+ LangJava: namedTypeJava,
+// namedTypeJava converts some primitive data types to named variants that can
+// be used as parts of method names.
+func namedTypeJava(javaKind string, solKind abi.Type) string {
+ switch javaKind {
+ case "byte[]":
+ return "Binary"
+ case "boolean":
+ return "Bool"
+ default:
+ parts := regexp.MustCompile(`(u)?int([0-9]*)(\[[0-9]*\])?`).FindStringSubmatch(solKind.String())
+ if len(parts) != 4 {
+ return javaKind
+ }
+ switch parts[2] {
+ case "8", "16", "32", "64":
+ if parts[3] == "" {
+ return capitalise(fmt.Sprintf("%sint%s", parts[1], parts[2]))
+ }
+ return capitalise(fmt.Sprintf("%sint%ss", parts[1], parts[2]))
+ default:
+ return javaKind
+ }
+ }
+// methodNormalizer is a name transformer that modifies Solidity method names to
+// conform to target language naming concentions.
+var methodNormalizer = map[Lang]func(string) string{
+ LangGo: abi.ToCamelCase,
+ LangJava: decapitalise,
+// capitalise makes a camel-case string which starts with an upper case character.
+func capitalise(input string) string {
+ return abi.ToCamelCase(input)
+// decapitalise makes a camel-case string which starts with a lower case character.
+func decapitalise(input string) string {
+ if len(input) == 0 {
+ return input
+ }
+ goForm := abi.ToCamelCase(input)
+ return strings.ToLower(goForm[:1]) + goForm[1:]
+// structured checks whether a list of ABI data types has enough information to
+// operate through a proper Go struct or if flat returns are needed.
+func structured(args abi.Arguments) bool {
+ if len(args) < 2 {
+ return false
+ }
+ exists := make(map[string]bool)
+ for _, out := range args {
+ // If the name is anonymous, we can't organize into a struct
+ if out.Name == "" {
+ return false
+ }
+ // If the field name is empty when normalized or collides (var, Var, _var, _Var),
+ // we can't organize into a struct
+ field := capitalise(out.Name)
+ if field == "" || exists[field] {
+ return false
+ }
+ exists[field] = true
+ }
+ return true
+// resolveArgName converts a raw argument representation into a user friendly format.
+func resolveArgName(arg abi.Argument, structs map[string]*tmplStruct) string {
+ var (
+ prefix string
+ embedded string
+ typ = &arg.Type
+ )
+ for {
+ switch typ.T {
+ case abi.SliceTy:
+ prefix += "[]"
+ case abi.ArrayTy:
+ prefix += fmt.Sprintf("[%d]", typ.Size)
+ default:
+ embedded = typ.String()
+ break loop
+ }
+ typ = typ.Elem
+ }
+ if s, exist := structs[embedded]; exist {
+ return prefix + s.Name
+ } else {
+ return arg.Type.String()
+ }
+// formatMethod transforms raw method representation into a user friendly one.
+func formatMethod(method abi.Method, structs map[string]*tmplStruct) string {
+ inputs := make([]string, len(method.Inputs))
+ for i, input := range method.Inputs {
+ inputs[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", resolveArgName(input, structs), input.Name)
+ }
+ outputs := make([]string, len(method.Outputs))
+ for i, output := range method.Outputs {
+ outputs[i] = resolveArgName(output, structs)
+ if len(output.Name) > 0 {
+ outputs[i] += fmt.Sprintf(" %v", output.Name)
+ }
+ }
+ constant := ""
+ if method.Const {
+ constant = "constant "
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("function %v(%v) %sreturns(%v)", method.RawName, strings.Join(inputs, ", "), constant, strings.Join(outputs, ", "))
+// formatEvent transforms raw event representation into a user friendly one.
+func formatEvent(event abi.Event, structs map[string]*tmplStruct) string {
+ inputs := make([]string, len(event.Inputs))
+ for i, input := range event.Inputs {
+ if input.Indexed {
+ inputs[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%v indexed %v", resolveArgName(input, structs), input.Name)
+ } else {
+ inputs[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%v %v", resolveArgName(input, structs), input.Name)
+ }
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("event %v(%v)", event.RawName, strings.Join(inputs, ", "))