path: root/plugin/evm/export_tx.go
blob: d099eb2644ced3836d80fba711069c3b0d623d65 (plain) (tree)































// (c) 2019-2020, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
// See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.

package evm

import (


	safemath "github.com/ava-labs/avalanchego/utils/math"

// UnsignedExportTx is an unsigned ExportTx
type UnsignedExportTx struct {
	// true iff this transaction has already passed syntactic verification
	syntacticallyVerified bool
	// ID of the network on which this tx was issued
	NetworkID uint32 `serialize:"true" json:"networkID"`
	// ID of this blockchain.
	BlockchainID ids.ID `serialize:"true" json:"blockchainID"`
	// Which chain to send the funds to
	DestinationChain ids.ID `serialize:"true" json:"destinationChain"`
	// Inputs
	Ins []EVMInput `serialize:"true" json:"inputs"`
	// Outputs that are exported to the chain
	ExportedOutputs []*avax.TransferableOutput `serialize:"true" json:"exportedOutputs"`

// InputUTXOs returns an empty set
func (tx *UnsignedExportTx) InputUTXOs() ids.Set { return ids.Set{} }

// Verify this transaction is well-formed
func (tx *UnsignedExportTx) Verify(
	avmID ids.ID,
	ctx *snow.Context,
	feeAmount uint64,
	feeAssetID ids.ID,
) error {
	switch {
	case tx == nil:
		return errNilTx
	case tx.syntacticallyVerified: // already passed syntactic verification
		return nil
	case tx.DestinationChain.IsZero():
		return errWrongChainID
	case !tx.DestinationChain.Equals(avmID):
		return errWrongChainID
	case len(tx.ExportedOutputs) == 0:
		return errNoExportOutputs
	case tx.NetworkID != ctx.NetworkID:
		return errWrongNetworkID
	case !ctx.ChainID.Equals(tx.BlockchainID):
		return errWrongBlockchainID

	for _, in := range tx.Ins {
		if err := in.Verify(); err != nil {
			return err

	for _, out := range tx.ExportedOutputs {
		if err := out.Verify(); err != nil {
			return err
	if !avax.IsSortedTransferableOutputs(tx.ExportedOutputs, Codec) {
		return errOutputsNotSorted

	tx.syntacticallyVerified = true
	return nil

// SemanticVerify this transaction is valid.
func (tx *UnsignedExportTx) SemanticVerify(
	vm *VM,
	stx *Tx,
) TxError {
	if err := tx.Verify(vm.ctx.XChainID, vm.ctx, vm.txFee, vm.ctx.AVAXAssetID); err != nil {
		return permError{err}

	if len(tx.Ins) != len(stx.Creds) {
		return permError{errSignatureInputsMismatch}

	f := crypto.FactorySECP256K1R{}
	for i, input := range tx.Ins {
		cred := stx.Creds[i].(*secp256k1fx.Credential)
		if err := cred.Verify(); err != nil {
			return permError{err}

		if len(cred.Sigs) != 1 {
			return permError{fmt.Errorf("expected one signature for EVM Input Credential, but found: %d", len(cred.Sigs))}
		pubKey, err := f.RecoverPublicKey(tx.UnsignedBytes(), cred.Sigs[0][:])
		if err != nil {
			return permError{err}
		if input.Address != PublicKeyToEthAddress(