path: root/core/types/block.go
blob: 4096d86b04e1026aaa05983649d111fa2da4ad11 (plain) (tree)
































// Copyright 2014 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// Package types contains data types related to Ethereum consensus.
package types

import (


var (
	EmptyRootHash  = DeriveSha(Transactions{})
	EmptyUncleHash = rlpHash([]*Header(nil))

// A BlockNonce is a 64-bit hash which proves (combined with the
// mix-hash) that a sufficient amount of computation has been carried
// out on a block.
type BlockNonce [8]byte

// EncodeNonce converts the given integer to a block nonce.
func EncodeNonce(i uint64) BlockNonce {
	var n BlockNonce
	binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(n[:], i)
	return n

// Uint64 returns the integer value of a block nonce.
func (n BlockNonce) Uint64() uint64 {
	return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(n[:])

// MarshalText encodes n as a hex string with 0x prefix.
func (n BlockNonce) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
	return hexutil.Bytes(n[:]).MarshalText()

// UnmarshalText implements encoding.TextUnmarshaler.
func (n *BlockNonce) UnmarshalText(input []byte) error {
	return hexutil.UnmarshalFixedText("BlockNonce", input, n[:])

//go:generate gencodec -type Header -field-override headerMarshaling -out gen_header_json.go

// Header represents a block header in the Ethereum blockchain.
type Header struct {
	ParentHash  common.Hash    `json:"parentHash"       gencodec:"required"`
	UncleHash   common.Hash    `json:"sha3Uncles"       gencodec:"required"`
	Coinbase    common.Address `json:"miner"            gencodec:"required"`
	Root        common.Hash    `json:"stateRoot"        gencodec:"required"`
	TxHash      common.Hash    `json:"transactionsRoot" gencodec:"required"`
	ReceiptHash common.Hash    `json:"receiptsRoot"     gencodec:"required"`
	Bloom       Bloom          `json:"logsBloom"        gencodec:"required"`
	Difficulty  *big.Int       `json:"difficulty"       gencodec:"required"`
	Number      *big.Int       `json:"number"           gencodec:"required"`
	GasLimit    uint64         `json:"gasLimit"         gencodec:"required"`
	GasUsed     uint64         `json:"gasUsed"          gencodec:"required"`
	Time        uint64         `json:"timestamp"        gencodec:"required"`
	Extra       []byte         `json:"extraData"        gencodec:"required"`
	MixDigest   common.Hash    `json:"mixHash"`
	Nonce       BlockNonce     `json:"nonce"`
	ExtDataHash common.Hash    `json:"extDataHash"		gencodec:"required"`

// field type overrides for gencodec
type headerMarshaling struct {
	Difficulty *hexutil.Big
	Number     *hexutil.Big
	GasLimit   hexutil.Uint64
	GasUsed    hexutil.Uint64
	Time       hexutil.Uint64
	Extra      hexutil.Bytes
	Hash       common.Hash `json:"hash"` // adds call to Hash() in MarshalJSON

// Hash returns the block hash of the header, which is simply the keccak256 hash of its
// RLP encoding.
func (h *Header) Hash() common.Hash {
	return rlpHash(h)

var headerSize = common.StorageSize(reflect.TypeOf(Header{}).Size())

// Size returns the approximate memory used by all internal contents. It is used
// to approximate and limit the memory consumption of various caches.
func (h *Header) Size() common.StorageSize {
	return headerSize + common.StorageSize(len(h.Extra)+(h.Difficulty.BitLen()+h.Number.BitLen())/8)

// SanityCheck checks a few basic things -- these checks are way beyond what
// any 'sane' production values should hold, and can mainly be used to prevent
// that the unbounded fields are stuffed with junk data to add processing
// overhead
func (h *Header) SanityCheck() error {
	if h.Number != nil && !h.Number.IsUint64() {
		return fmt.Errorf("too large block number: bitlen %d", h.Number.BitLen())
	if h.Difficulty != nil {
		if diffLen := h.Difficulty.BitLen(); diffLen > 80 {
			return fmt.Errorf("too large block difficulty: bitlen %d", diffLen)
	if eLen := len(h.Extra); eLen > 100*1024 {
		return fmt.Errorf("too large block extradata: size %d", eLen)
	return nil

func rlpHash(x interface{}) (h common.Hash) {
	hw := sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()
	rlp.Encode(hw, x)
	return h

// Body is a simple (mutable, non-safe) data container for storing and moving
// a block's data contents (transactions and uncles) together.
type Body struct {
	Transactions []*Transaction
	Uncles       []*Header
	Version      uint32
	ExtData      []byte `rlp:"nil"`

// Block represents an entire block in the Ethereum blockchain.
type Block struct {
	header       *Header
	uncles       []*Header
	transactions Transactions
	version      uint32
	extdata      []byte

	// caches
	hash atomic.Value
	size atomic.Value

	// Td is used by package core to store the total difficulty
	// of the chain up to and including the block.
	td *big.Int

	// These fields are used by package eth to track
	// inter-peer block relay.
	ReceivedAt   time.Time
	ReceivedFrom interface{}

// DeprecatedTd is an old relic for extracting the TD of a block. It is in the
// code solely to facilitate upgrading the database from the old format to the
// new, after which it should be deleted. Do not use!
func (b *Block) DeprecatedTd() *big.Int {
	return b.td

// [deprecated by eth/63]
// StorageBlock defines the RLP encoding of a Block stored in the
// state database. The StorageBlock encoding contains fields that
// would otherwise need to be recomputed.
type StorageBlock Block

// "external" block encoding. used for eth protocol, etc.
type extblock struct {
	Header *Header
	Txs    []*Transaction
	Uncles []*Header

type myextblock struct {
	Header  *Header
	Txs     []*Transaction
	Uncles  []*Header
	Version uint32
	ExtData []byte `rlp:"nil"`

// [deprecated by eth/63]
// "storage" block encoding. used for database.
type storageblock struct {
	Header *Header
	Txs    []*Transaction
	Uncles []*Header
	TD     *big.Int

// NewBlock creates a new block. The input data is copied,
// changes to header and to the field values will not affect the
// block.
// The values of TxHash, UncleHash, ReceiptHash and Bloom in header
// are ignored and set to values derived from the given txs, uncles
// and receipts.
func NewBlock(header *Header, txs []*Transaction, uncles []*Header, receipts []*Receipt, extdata []byte) *Block {
	b := &Block{header: CopyHeader(header), td: new(big.Int)}

	// TODO: panic if len(txs) != len(receipts)
	if len(txs) == 0 {
		b.header.TxHash = EmptyRootHash
	} else {
		b.header.TxHash = DeriveSha(Transactions(txs))
		b.transactions = make(Transactions, len(txs))
		copy(b.transactions, txs)

	if len(receipts) == 0 {
		b.header.ReceiptHash = EmptyRootHash
	} else {
		b.header.ReceiptHash = DeriveSha(Receipts(receipts))
		b.header.Bloom = CreateBloom(receipts)

	if len(uncles) == 0 {
		b.header.UncleHash = EmptyUncleHash
	} else {
		b.header.UncleHash = CalcUncleHash(uncles)
		b.uncles = make([]*Header, len(uncles))
		for i := range uncles {
			b.uncles[i] = CopyHeader(uncles[i])

	b.extdata = make([]byte, len(extdata))
	copy(b.extdata, extdata)

	return b

// NewBlockWithHeader creates a block with the given header data. The
// header data is copied, changes to header and to the field values
// will not affect the block.
func NewBlockWithHeader(header *Header) *Block {
	return &Block{header: CopyHeader(header)}

// CopyHeader creates a deep copy of a block header to prevent side effects from
// modifying a header variable.
func CopyHeader(h *Header) *Header {
	cpy := *h
	if cpy.Difficulty = new(big.Int); h.Difficulty != nil {
	if cpy.Number = new(big.Int); h.Number != nil {
	if len(h.Extra) > 0 {
		cpy.Extra = make([]byte, len(h.Extra))
		copy(cpy.Extra, h.Extra)
	return &cpy

// DecodeRLP decodes the Ethereum
func (b *Block) DecodeRLP(s *rlp.Stream) error {
	bs, _ := s.Raw()
	copied := make([]byte, len(bs))
	copy(copied, bs)
	ss := rlp.NewStream(bytes.NewReader(bs), 0)

	var eb extblock
	_, size, _ := ss.Kind()
	if err := ss.Decode(&eb); err != nil {
		var meb myextblock
		ss = rlp.NewStream(bytes.NewReader(copied), 0)
		if err := ss.Decode(&meb); err != nil {
			return err
		b.header, b.uncles, b.transactions = meb.Header, meb.Uncles, meb.Txs
		b.extdata = meb.ExtData
	} else {
		b.header, b.uncles, b.transactions = eb.Header, eb.Uncles, eb.Txs
		b.extdata = nil
	b.hash = atomic.Value{}
	return nil

func (b *Block) SetExtraData(data []byte) {
	b.extdata = data
	b.header.ExtDataHash = rlpHash(data)
	b.hash = atomic.Value{}

func (b *Block) ExtraData() []byte {
	return b.extdata

func (b *Block) SetVersion(ver uint32) {
	b.version = ver

func (b *Block) Version() uint32 {
	return b.version

// EncodeRLPEth serializes b into the Ethereum RLP block format.
func (b *Block) EncodeRLPEth(w io.Writer) error {
	return rlp.Encode(w, extblock{
		Header: b.header,
		Txs:    b.transactions,
		Uncles: b.uncles,

func (b *Block) EncodeRLPTest(w io.Writer, ver uint32) error {
	return rlp.Encode(w, myextblock{
		Header:  b.header,
		Txs:     b.transactions,
		Uncles:  b.uncles,
		Version: ver,
		ExtData: b.extdata,

// EncodeRLP serializes b into an extended format.
func (b *Block) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error {
	return rlp.Encode(w, myextblock{
		Header:  b.header,
		Txs:     b.transactions,
		Uncles:  b.uncles,
		Version: b.version,
		ExtData: b.extdata,

// [deprecated by eth/63]
func (b *StorageBlock) DecodeRLP(s *rlp.Stream) error {
	var sb storageblock
	if err := s.Decode(&sb); err != nil {
		return err
	b.header, b.uncles, b.transactions, b.td = sb.Header, sb.Uncles, sb.Txs, sb.TD
	return nil

// TODO: copies

func (b *Block) Uncles() []*Header          { return b.uncles }
func (b *Block) Transactions() Transactions { return b.transactions }

func (b *Block) Transaction(hash common.Hash) *Transaction {
	for _, transaction := range b.transactions {
		if transaction.Hash() == hash {
			return transaction
	return nil

func (b *Block) Number() *big.Int     { return new(big.Int).Set(b.header.Number) }
func (b *Block) GasLimit() uint64     { return b.header.GasLimit }
func (b *Block) GasUsed() uint64      { return b.header.GasUsed }
func (b *Block) Difficulty() *big.Int { return new(big.Int).Set(b.header.Difficulty) }
func (b *Block) Time() uint64         { return b.header.Time }

func (b *Block) NumberU64() uint64        { return b.header.Number.Uint64() }
func (b *Block) MixDigest() common.Hash   { return b.header.MixDigest }
func (b *Block) Nonce() uint64            { return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b.header.Nonce[:]) }
func (b *Block) Bloom() Bloom             { return b.header.Bloom }
func (b *Block) Coinbase() common.Address { return b.header.Coinbase }
func (b *Block) Root() common.Hash        { return b.header.Root }
func (b *Block) ParentHash() common.Hash  { return b.header.ParentHash }
func (b *Block) TxHash() common.Hash      { return b.header.TxHash }
func (b *Block) ReceiptHash() common.Hash { return b.header.ReceiptHash }
func (b *Block) UncleHash() common.Hash   { return b.header.UncleHash }
func (b *Block) Extra() []byte            { return common.CopyBytes(b.header.Extra) }

func (b *Block) Header() *Header { return CopyHeader(b.header) }

// Body returns the non-header content of the block.
func (b *Block) Body() *Body { return &Body{b.transactions, b.uncles, b.version, b.extdata} }

// Size returns the true RLP encoded storage size of the block, either by encoding
// and returning it, or returning a previsouly cached value.
func (b *Block) Size() common.StorageSize {
	if size := b.size.Load(); size != nil {
		return size.(common.StorageSize)
	c := writeCounter(0)
	rlp.Encode(&c, b)
	return common.StorageSize(c)

// SanityCheck can be used to prevent that unbounded fields are
// stuffed with junk data to add processing overhead
func (b *Block) SanityCheck() error {
	return b.header.SanityCheck()

type writeCounter common.StorageSize

func (c *writeCounter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
	*c += writeCounter(len(b))
	return len(b), nil

func CalcUncleHash(uncles []*Header) common.Hash {
	if len(uncles) == 0 {
		return EmptyUncleHash
	return rlpHash(uncles)

// WithSeal returns a new block with the data from b but the header replaced with
// the sealed one.
func (b *Block) WithSeal(header *Header) *Block {
	cpy := *header

	return &Block{
		header:       &cpy,
		transactions: b.transactions,
		uncles:       b.uncles,

// WithBody returns a new block with the given transaction and uncle contents.
func (b *Block) WithBody(transactions []*Transaction, uncles []*Header, version uint32, extdata []byte) *Block {
	block := &Block{
		header:       CopyHeader(b.header),
		transactions: make([]*Transaction, len(transactions)),
		uncles:       make([]*Header, len(uncles)),
		extdata:      make([]byte, len(extdata)),
		version:      version,
	copy(block.transactions, transactions)
	copy(block.extdata, extdata)
	for i := range uncles {
		block.uncles[i] = CopyHeader(uncles[i])
	return block

// Hash returns the keccak256 hash of b's header.
// The hash is computed on the first call and cached thereafter.
func (b *Block) Hash() common.Hash {
	if hash := b.hash.Load(); hash != nil {
		return hash.(common.Hash)
	v := b.header.Hash()
	return v

type Blocks []*Block

type BlockBy func(b1, b2 *Block) bool

func (self BlockBy) Sort(blocks Blocks) {
	bs := blockSorter{
		blocks: blocks,
		by:     self,

type blockSorter struct {
	blocks Blocks
	by     func(b1, b2 *Block) bool

func (self blockSorter) Len() int { return len(self.blocks) }
func (self blockSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
	self.blocks[i], self.blocks[j] = self.blocks[j], self.blocks[i]
func (self blockSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return self.by(self.blocks[i], self.blocks[j]) }

func Number(b1, b2 *Block) bool { return b1.header.Number.Cmp(b2.header.Number) < 0 }