path: root/consensus/clique/snapshot.go
blob: 6660c0fb715fca118b9e69446354e2d5a29ccba2 (plain) (tree)

// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package clique

import (

	lru "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru"

// Vote represents a single vote that an authorized signer made to modify the
// list of authorizations.
type Vote struct {
	Signer    common.Address `json:"signer"`    // Authorized signer that cast this vote
	Block     uint64         `json:"block"`     // Block number the vote was cast in (expire old votes)
	Address   common.Address `json:"address"`   // Account being voted on to change its authorization
	Authorize bool           `json:"authorize"` // Whether to authorize or deauthorize the voted account

// Tally is a simple vote tally to keep the current score of votes. Votes that
// go against the proposal aren't counted since it's equivalent to not voting.
type Tally struct {
	Authorize bool `json:"authorize"` // Whether the vote is about authorizing or kicking someone
	Votes     int  `json:"votes"`     // Number of votes until now wanting to pass the proposal

// Snapshot is the state of the authorization voting at a given point in time.
type Snapshot struct {
	config   *params.CliqueConfig // Consensus engine parameters to fine tune behavior
	sigcache *lru.ARCCache        // Cache of recent block signatures to speed up ecrecover

	Number  uint64                      `json:"number"`  // Block number where the snapshot was created
	Hash    common.Hash                 `json:"hash"`    // Block hash where the snapshot was created
	Signers map[common.Address]struct{} `json:"signers"` // Set of authorized signers at this moment
	Recents map[uint64]common.Address   `json:"recents"` // Set of recent signers for spam protections
	Votes   []*Vote                     `json:"votes"`   // List of votes cast in chronological order
	Tally   map[common.Address]Tally    `json:"tally"`   // Current vote tally to avoid recalculating

// signersAscending implements the sort interface to allow sorting a list of addresses
type signersAscending []common.Address

func (s signersAscending) Len() int           { return len(s) }
func (s signersAscending) Less(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(s[i][:], s[j][:]) < 0 }
func (s signersAscending) Swap(i, j int)      { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }

// newSnapshot creates a new snapshot with the specified startup parameters. This
// method does not initialize the set of recent signers, so only ever use if for
// the genesis block.
func newSnapshot(config *params.CliqueConfig, sigcache *lru.ARCCache, number uint64, hash common.Hash, signers []common.Address) *Snapshot {
	snap := &Snapshot{
		config:   config,
		sigcache: sigcache,
		Number:   number,
		Hash:     hash,
		Signers:  make(map[common.Address]struct{}),
		Recents:  make(map[uint64]common.Address),
		Tally:    make(map[common.Address]Tally),
	for _, signer := range signers {
		snap.Signers[signer] = struct{}{}
	return snap

// loadSnapshot loads an existing snapshot from the database.
func loadSnapshot(config *params.CliqueConfig, sigcache *lru.ARCCache, db ethdb.Database, hash common.Hash) (*Snapshot, error) {
	blob, err := db.Get(append([]byte("clique-"), hash[:]...))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	snap := new(Snapshot)
	if err := json.Unmarshal(blob, snap); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	snap.config = config
	snap.sigcache = sigcache

	return snap, nil

// store inserts the snapshot into the database.
func (s *Snapshot) store(db ethdb.Database) error {
	blob, err := json.Marshal(s)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return db.Put(append([]byte("clique-"), s.Hash[:]...), blob)

// copy creates a deep copy of the snapshot, though not the individual votes.
func (s *Snapshot) copy() *Snapshot {
	cpy := &Snapshot{
		config:   s.config,
		sigcache: s.sigcache,
		Number:   s.Number,
		Hash:     s.Hash,
		Signers:  make(map[common.Address]struct{}),
		Recents:  make(map[uint64]common.Address),
		Votes:    make([]*Vote, len(s.Votes)),
		Tally:    make(map[common.Address]Tally),
	for signer := range s.Signers {
		cpy.Signers[signer] = struct{}{}
	for block, signer := range s.Recents {
		cpy.Recents[block] = signer
	for address, tally := range s.Tally {
		cpy.Tally[address] = tally
	copy(cpy.Votes, s.Votes)

	return cpy

// validVote returns whether it makes sense to cast the specified vote in the
// given snapshot context (e.g. don't try to add an already authorized signer).
func (s *Snapshot) validVote(address common.Address, authorize bool) bool {
	_, signer := s.Signers[address]
	return (signer && !authorize) || (!signer && authorize)

// cast adds a new vote into the tally.
func (s *Snapshot) cast(address common.Address, authorize bool) bool {
	// Ensure the vote is meaningful
	if !s.validVote(address, authorize) {
		return false
	// Cast the vote into an existing or new tally
	if old, ok := s.Tally[address]; ok {
		s.Tally[address] = old
	} else {
		s.Tally[address] = Tally{Authorize: authorize, Votes: 1}
	return true

// uncast removes a previously cast vote from the tally.
func (s *Snapshot) uncast(address common.Address, authorize bool) bool {
	// If there's no tally, it's a dangling vote, just drop
	tally, ok := s.Tally[address]
	if !ok {
		return false
	// Ensure we only revert counted votes
	if tally.Authorize != authorize {
		return false
	// Otherwise revert the vote
	if tally.Votes > 1 {
		s.Tally[address] = tally
	} else {
		delete(s.Tally, address)
	return true

// apply creates a new authorization snapshot by applying the given headers to
// the original one.
func (s *Snapshot) apply(headers []*types.Header) (*Snapshot, error) {
	// Allow passing in no headers for cleaner code
	if len(headers) == 0 {
		return s, nil
	// Sanity check that the headers can be applied
	for i := 0; i < len(headers)-1; i++ {
		if headers[i+1].Number.Uint64() != headers[i].Number.Uint64()+1 {
			return nil, errInvalidVotingChain
	if headers[0].Number.Uint64() != s.Number+1 {
		return nil, errInvalidVotingChain
	// Iterate through the headers and create a new snapshot
	snap := s.copy()

	var (
		start  = time.Now()
		logged = time.Now()
	for i, header := range headers {
		// Remove any votes on checkpoint blocks
		number := header.Number.Uint64()
		if number%s.config.Epoch == 0 {
			snap.Votes = nil
			snap.Tally = make(map[common.Address]Tally)
		// Delete the oldest signer from the recent list to allow it signing again
		if limit := uint64(len(snap.Signers)/2 + 1); number >= limit {
			delete(snap.Recents, number-limit)
		// Resolve the authorization key and check against signers
		signer, err := ecrecover(header, s.sigcache)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if _, ok := snap.Signers[signer]; !ok {
			return nil, errUnauthorizedSigner
		for _, recent := range snap.Recents {
			if recent == signer {
				return nil, errRecentlySigned
		snap.Recents[number] = signer

		// Header authorized, discard any previous votes from the signer
		for i, </