path: root/accounts/keystore/keystore.go
blob: cb4df04276eb35492c438f112a4a62bc8a15d09a (plain) (tree)














// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// Package keystore implements encrypted storage of secp256k1 private keys.
// Keys are stored as encrypted JSON files according to the Web3 Secret Storage specification.
// See https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition for more information.
package keystore

import (
	crand "crypto/rand"


var (
	ErrLocked  = accounts.NewAuthNeededError("password or unlock")
	ErrNoMatch = errors.New("no key for given address or file")
	ErrDecrypt = errors.New("could not decrypt key with given password")

	// ErrAccountAlreadyExists is returned if an account attempted to import is
	// already present in the keystore.
	ErrAccountAlreadyExists = errors.New("account already exists")

// KeyStoreType is the reflect type of a keystore backend.
var KeyStoreType = reflect.TypeOf(&KeyStore{})

// KeyStoreScheme is the protocol scheme prefixing account and wallet URLs.
const KeyStoreScheme = "keystore"

// Maximum time between wallet refreshes (if filesystem notifications don't work).
const walletRefreshCycle = 3 * time.Second

// KeyStore manages a key storage directory on disk.
type KeyStore struct {
	storage  keyStore                     // Storage backend, might be cleartext or encrypted
	cache    *accountCache                // In-memory account cache over the filesystem storage
	changes  chan struct{}                // Channel receiving change notifications from the cache
	unlocked map[common.Address]*unlocked // Currently unlocked account (decrypted private keys)

	wallets     []accounts.Wallet       // Wallet wrappers around the individual key files
	updateFeed  event.Feed              // Event feed to notify wallet additions/removals
	updateScope event.SubscriptionScope // Subscription scope tracking current live listeners
	updating    bool                    // Whether the event notification loop is running

	mu       sync.RWMutex
	importMu sync.Mutex // Import Mutex locks the import to prevent two insertions from racing

type unlocked struct {
	abort chan struct{}

// NewKeyStore creates a keystore for the given directory.
func NewKeyStore(keydir string, scryptN, scryptP int) *KeyStore {
	keydir, _ = filepath.Abs(keydir)
	ks := &KeyStore{storage: &keyStorePassphrase{keydir, scryptN, scryptP, false}}
	return ks

// NewPlaintextKeyStore creates a keystore for the given directory.
// Deprecated: Use NewKeyStore.
func NewPlaintextKeyStore(keydir string) *KeyStore {
	keydir, _ = filepath.Abs(keydir)
	ks := &KeyStore{storage: &keyStorePlain{keydir}}
	return ks

func (ks *KeyStore) init(keydir string) {
	// Lock the mutex since the account cache might call back with events
	defer ks.mu.Unlock()

	// Initialize the set of unlocked keys and the account cache
	ks.unlocked = make(map[common.Address]*unlocked)
	ks.cache, ks.changes = newAccountCache(keydir)

	// TODO: In order for this finalizer to work, there must be no references
	// to ks. addressCache doesn't keep a reference but unlocked keys do,
	// so the finalizer will not trigger until all timed unlocks have expired.
	runtime.SetFinalizer(ks, func(m *KeyStore) {
	// Create the initial list of wallets from the cache
	accs := ks.cache.accounts()
	ks.wallets = make([]accounts.Wallet, len(accs))
	for i := 0; i < len(accs); i++ {
		ks.wallets[i] = &keystoreWallet{account: accs[i], keystore: ks}

// Wallets implements accounts.Backend, returning all single-key wallets from the
// keystore directory.
func (ks *KeyStore) Wallets() []accounts.Wallet {
	// Make sure the list of wallets is in sync with the account cache

	defer ks.mu.RUnlock()

	cpy := make([]accounts.Wallet, len(ks.wallets))
	copy(cpy, ks.wallets)
	return cpy

// refreshWallets retrieves the current account list and based on that does any
// necessary wallet refreshes.
func (ks *KeyStore) refreshWallets() {
	// Retrieve the current list of accounts
	accs := ks.cache.accounts()

	// Transform the current list of wallets into the new one
	var (
		wallets = make([]accounts.Wallet, 0, len(accs))
		events  []accounts.WalletEvent

	for _, account := range accs {
		// Drop wallets while they were in front of the next account
		for len(ks.wallets) > 0 && ks.wallets[0].URL().Cmp(account.URL) < 0 {
			events = append(events, accounts.WalletEvent{Wallet: ks.wallets[0], Kind: accounts.WalletDropped})
			ks.wallets = ks.wallets[1:]
		// If there are no more wallets or the account is before the next, wrap new wallet
		if len(ks.wallets) == 0 || ks.wallets[0].URL().Cmp(account.URL) > 0 {
			wallet := &keystoreWallet{account: account, keystore: ks}

			events = append(events, accounts.WalletEvent{Wallet: wallet, Kind: accounts.WalletArrived})
			wallets = append(wallets, wallet)
		// If the account is the same as the first wallet, keep it
		if ks.wallets[0].Accounts()[0] == account {
			wallets = append(wallets, ks.wallets[0])
			ks.wallets = ks.wallets[1:]
	// Drop any leftover wallets and set the new batch
	for _, wallet := range ks.wallets {
		events = append(events, accounts.WalletEvent{Wallet: wallet, Kind: accounts.WalletDropped})
	ks.wallets = wallets

	// Fire all wallet events and return
	for _, event := range events {

// Subscribe implements accounts.Backend, creating an async subscription to
// receive notifications on the addition or removal of keystore wallets.
func (ks *KeyStore) Subscribe(sink chan<- accounts.WalletEvent) event.Subscription {
	// We need the mutex to reliably start/stop the update loop
	defer ks.mu.Unlock()

	// Subscribe the caller and track the subscriber count
	sub := ks.updateScope.Track(ks.updateFeed.Subscribe(sink))

	// Subscribers require an active notification loop, start it
	if !ks.updating {
		ks.updating = true
		go ks.updater()