path: root/cibic.y
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cibic.y')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cibic.y b/cibic.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40ea4bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cibic.y
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "ast.h"
+#include "semantics.h"
+%union {
+ int intval;
+ char *strval;
+ struct CNode *cnode;
+%token IDENTIFIER "identifier" INT_CONST "integer constant" CHAR_CONST "character constant" STR_CONST "string constant" USER_TYPE "typedef name"
+%token KW_VOID "void" KW_CHAR "char" KW_INT "int" KW_STRUCT "struct" KW_UNION "union" KW_IF "if" KW_ELSE "else" KW_WHILE "while" KW_TYPEDEF "typedef"
+%token KW_FOR "for" KW_CONT "continue" KW_BREAK "break" KW_RET "ret" KW_SIZEOF "sizeof"
+%token OPT_OR "||" OPT_AND "&&" OPT_EQ "==" OPT_NE "!=" OPT_LE "<=" OPT_GE ">=" OPT_SHL "<<" OPT_SHR ">>" OPT_INC "++" OPT_DEC "--" OPT_PTR "->"
+%token ASS_MUL "*=" ASS_DIV "/=" ASS_MOD "%=" ASS_ADD "+=" ASS_SUB "-=" ASS_SHL "<<=" ASS_SHR ">>=" ASS_AND "&=" ASS_XOR "^=" ASS_OR "|="
+%token UNKNOWN "stray character"
+%token END 0 "end of file"
+%type<intval> INT_CONST
+%type<intval> additive_operator assignment_operator equality_operator multiplicative_operator relational_operator shift_operator struct_or_union unary_operator
+%type<cnode> additive_expression and_expression arguments array_initializer assignment_expression cast_expression comp_decls compound_statement comp_stmts constant_expression declaration declarator declarators equality_expression exclusive_or_expression expression expression_statement function_definition identifier inclusive_or_expression init_declarator init_declarators initializer iteration_statement jump_statement logical_and_expression logical_or_expression multiplicative_expression optional_exp parameters plain_declaration direct_declarator postfix postfix_expression primary_expression prog_list program relational_expression selection_statement shift_expression statement struct_field struct_fields type_name type_specifier unary_expression abstract_declarator direct_abstract_declarator direct_abstract_declarator_opt abstract_declarator_opt user_type
+%start program
+ : prog_list { ast_root = cnode_create_ast(cnode_list_wrap(PROG, $1)); }
+ : declaration
+ | function_definition
+ | prog_list declaration { $$ = cnode_list_append($1, $2); }
+ | prog_list function_definition { $$ = cnode_list_append($1, $2); }
+ : KW_TYPEDEF type_specifier { def_exit(); def_enter(IN_TYPEDEF); } declarators ';' {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_typedef(
+ $2,
+ cnode_add_loc(cnode_list_wrap(DECLRS, $4), @4)), @$);
+ def_exit();
+ }
+ | type_specifier ';' {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_decl(
+ $1,
+ cnode_list_wrap(INIT_DECLRS, cnode_create_nop())), @$);
+ def_exit();
+ }
+ | type_specifier init_declarators ';' {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_decl(
+ $1,
+ cnode_add_loc(cnode_list_wrap(INIT_DECLRS, $2), @2)), @$);
+ def_exit();
+ }
+ : type_specifier declarator { def_exit(); } compound_statement {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_func($1, $2, $4), @$);
+ }
+ : { $$ = NULL; }
+ | plain_declaration
+ | parameters ',' plain_declaration { $$ = cnode_list_append($1, $3); }
+ : declarator
+ | declarators ',' declarator { $$ = cnode_list_append($1, $3); }
+ : init_declarator
+ | init_declarators ',' init_declarator { $$ = cnode_list_append($1, $3); }
+ : declarator { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_init_declr($1, cnode_create_nop()), @$); }
+ | declarator { def_exit(); } '=' initializer {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_init_declr($1, $4), @$);
+ def_enter(FORCE_ID);
+ }
+ : assignment_expression { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_initr(INITR_NORM, $1), @$); }
+ | '{' array_initializer '}' { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_initr(INITR_ARR, $2), @$); }
+ : initializer
+ | array_initializer ',' initializer {
+ $$ = cnode_list_append(cnode_add_loc($1, @1), $3); }
+ : KW_VOID { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_type_spec(KW_VOID, 0), @$); def_enter(FORCE_ID); }
+ | KW_CHAR { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_type_spec(KW_CHAR, 0), @$); def_enter(FORCE_ID); }
+ | KW_INT { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_type_spec(KW_INT, 0), @$); def_enter(FORCE_ID); }
+ | struct_or_union identifier {def_exit(); }'{' struct_fields '}' {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_type_spec($1, 2, $2, cnode_add_loc(cnode_list_wrap(FIELDS, $5), @5)), @$);
+ def_enter(FORCE_ID);
+ }
+ | struct_or_union {def_exit(); }'{' struct_fields '}' {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_type_spec($1, 2, cnode_create_nop(), cnode_add_loc(cnode_list_wrap(FIELDS, $4), @4)), @$);
+ def_enter(FORCE_ID);
+ }
+ | struct_or_union identifier {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_type_spec($1, 2, $2, cnode_create_nop()), @$);
+ def_exit();
+ def_enter(FORCE_ID);
+ }
+ | user_type { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_type_spec(USER_TYPE, 1, $1), @$); def_enter(FORCE_ID); }
+ : USER_TYPE { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_identifier($1), @$); }
+ : struct_field
+ | struct_fields struct_field { $$ = cnode_list_append($1, $2); }
+ : type_specifier declarators ';' {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(
+ cnode_create_struct_field(
+ $1,
+ cnode_add_loc(cnode_list_wrap(DECLRS, $2), @2)), @$);
+ def_exit();
+ }
+ : KW_STRUCT { $$ = KW_STRUCT; def_enter(FORCE_ID); }
+ | KW_UNION { $$ = KW_UNION; def_enter(FORCE_ID); }
+ : type_specifier declarator {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_plain_decl($1, $2), @$);
+ def_exit();
+ }
+ : identifier { push($1->rec.strval); }
+ | '(' declarator ')' { $$ = $2; }
+ | direct_declarator { def_enter(NONE); } '(' parameters ')' {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_declr(
+ DECLR_FUNC, 2, $1,
+ cnode_add_loc(cnode_list_wrap(PARAMS, $4), @4)), @$);
+ def_exit();
+ }
+ | direct_declarator '[' constant_expression ']' {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_declr(DECLR_ARR, 2, $1, $3), @$);
+ }
+ : direct_declarator
+ | '*' declarator {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_declr('*', 1, $2), @$); }
+ : expression_statement
+ | compound_statement
+ | selection_statement
+ | iteration_statement
+ | jump_statement
+ : ';' { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_stmt(STMT_EXP, 1, cnode_create_nop()), @$); }
+ | expression ';' { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_stmt(STMT_EXP, 1, $1), @$); }
+ : { block_enter(); } '{' comp_decls comp_stmts '}' {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(
+ cnode_create_stmt(STMT_COMP, 2, cnode_add_loc(cnode_list_wrap(COMP_DECLS, $3), @3),
+ cnode_add_loc(cnode_list_wrap(COMP_STMTS, $4), @4)), @$);
+ block_exit();
+ }
+ : { $$ = cnode_create_nop(); }
+ | comp_decls declaration { $$ = cnode_list_append($1, $2); }
+ : { $$ = cnode_create_nop(); }
+ | comp_stmts statement { $$ = cnode_list_append($1, $2); }
+ : KW_IF '(' expression ')' statement {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(
+ cnode_create_stmt(STMT_IF, 3, $3, $5, cnode_create_nop()), @$);
+ }
+ | KW_IF '(' expression ')' statement KW_ELSE statement {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(
+ cnode_create_stmt(STMT_IF, 3, $3, $5, $7), @$);
+ }
+ : KW_WHILE '(' expression ')' statement {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_stmt(STMT_WHILE, 2, $3, $5), @$);
+ }
+ | KW_FOR '(' optional_exp ';' optional_exp ';' optional_exp ')' statement {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_stmt(STMT_FOR, 4, $3, $5, $7, $9), @$);
+ }
+ : { $$ = cnode_create_nop(); }
+ | expression
+ : KW_CONT ';' { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_stmt(STMT_CONT, 0), @$); }
+ | KW_BREAK ';' { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_stmt(STMT_BREAK, 0), @$); }
+ | KW_RET optional_exp ';' { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_stmt(STMT_RET, 1, $2), @$); }
+ : assignment_expression
+ | expression ',' assignment_expression {
+ @$ = @2;
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(',', 2, $1, $3), @2); }
+ : logical_or_expression
+ | unary_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression {
+ @$ = @2;
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp($2, 2, $1, $3), @2); }
+ : '=' { $$ = '='; }
+ | ASS_MUL { $$ = ASS_MUL; }
+ | ASS_DIV { $$ = ASS_DIV; }
+ | ASS_MOD { $$ = ASS_MOD; }
+ | ASS_ADD { $$ = ASS_ADD; }
+ | ASS_SUB { $$ = ASS_SUB; }
+ | ASS_SHL { $$ = ASS_SHL; }
+ | ASS_SHR { $$ = ASS_SHR; }
+ | ASS_AND { $$ = ASS_AND; }
+ | ASS_XOR { $$ = ASS_XOR; }
+ | ASS_OR { $$ = ASS_OR; }
+constant_expression: logical_or_expression
+ : logical_and_expression
+ | logical_or_expression OPT_OR logical_and_expression {
+ @$ = @2;
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(OPT_OR, 2, $1, $3), @2); }
+ : inclusive_or_expression
+ | logical_and_expression OPT_AND inclusive_or_expression {
+ @$ = @2;
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(OPT_AND, 2, $1, $3), @2); }
+ : exclusive_or_expression
+ | inclusive_or_expression '|' exclusive_or_expression {
+ @$ = @2;
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp('|', 2, $1, $3), @2); }
+ : and_expression
+ | exclusive_or_expression '^' and_expression {
+ @$ = @2;
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp('^', 2, $1, $3), @2); }
+ : equality_expression
+ | and_expression '&' equality_expression {
+ @$ = @2;
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp('&', 2, $1, $3), @2); }
+ : relational_expression
+ | equality_expression equality_operator relational_expression {
+ @$ = @2;
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp($2, 2, $1, $3), @2); }
+ : OPT_EQ { $$ = OPT_EQ; }
+ | OPT_NE { $$ = OPT_NE; }
+ : shift_expression
+ | relational_expression relational_operator shift_expression {
+ @$ = @2;
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp($2, 2, $1, $3), @2); }
+ : '<' { $$ = '<'; }
+ | '>' { $$ = '>'; }
+ | OPT_LE { $$ = OPT_LE; }
+ | OPT_GE { $$ = OPT_GE; }
+ : additive_expression
+ | shift_expression shift_operator additive_expression {
+ @$ = @2;
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp($2, 2, $1, $3), @2); }
+ : OPT_SHL { $$ = OPT_SHL; }
+ | OPT_SHR { $$ = OPT_SHR; }
+ : multiplicative_expression
+ | additive_expression additive_operator multiplicative_expression {
+ @$ = @2;
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp($2, 2, $1, $3), @2); }
+ : '+' { $$ = '+'; }
+ | '-' { $$ = '-'; }
+ : cast_expression
+ | multiplicative_expression multiplicative_operator cast_expression {
+ @$ = @2;
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp($2, 2, $1, $3), @2); }
+ : '*' { $$ = '*'; }
+ | '/' { $$ = '/'; }
+ | '%' { $$ = '%'; }
+ : unary_expression
+ | '(' type_name ')' cast_expression {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(EXP_CAST, 2, $2, $4), @$); }
+ : type_specifier abstract_declarator_opt {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_declr(0, 2, $1, $2), @$);
+ def_exit();
+ }
+ : { $$ = cnode_create_nop(); }
+ | abstract_declarator
+ : '*' { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_declr('*', 1, cnode_create_nop()), @$); }
+ | '*' abstract_declarator { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_declr('*', 1, $2), @$); }
+ | direct_abstract_declarator
+ : { $$ = cnode_create_nop(); }
+ | direct_abstract_declarator
+ : '(' abstract_declarator ')' { $$ = $2; }
+ | direct_abstract_declarator '(' parameters ')' {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_declr(
+ DECLR_FUNC, 2, $1,
+ cnode_add_loc(cnode_list_wrap(PARAMS, $3), @3)), @$);
+ }
+ | '(' parameters ')' {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_declr(
+ DECLR_FUNC, 2, cnode_create_nop(),
+ cnode_add_loc(cnode_list_wrap(PARAMS, $2), @2)), @$);
+ }
+ | direct_abstract_declarator_opt '[' constant_expression ']' {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_declr(DECLR_ARR, 2, $1, $3), @$);
+ }
+ : postfix_expression
+ | OPT_INC unary_expression { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(OPT_INC, 1, $2), @$); }
+ | OPT_DEC unary_expression { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(OPT_DEC, 1, $2), @$); }
+ | unary_operator cast_expression { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp($1, 1, $2), @$); }
+ | KW_SIZEOF unary_expression { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(KW_SIZEOF, 1, $2), @$); }
+ | KW_SIZEOF '(' type_name ')' { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(KW_SIZEOF, 1, $3), @$); }
+ : '&' { $$ = '&'; }
+ | '*' { $$ = '*'; }
+ | '+' { $$ = '+'; }
+ | '-' { $$ = '-'; }
+ | '~' { $$ = '~'; }
+ | '!' { $$ = '!'; }
+ : primary_expression
+ | postfix_expression postfix {
+ @$ = @2;
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(EXP_POSTFIX, 2, $1, $2), @2); }
+ : '[' expression ']' { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(POSTFIX_ARR, 1, $2), @$); }
+ | '(' arguments ')' {
+ $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(
+ cnode_add_loc(cnode_list_wrap(ARGS, $2), @2)), @$); }
+ | '.' identifier { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(POSTFIX_DOT, 1, $2), @$); }
+ | OPT_PTR identifier { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(POSTFIX_PTR, 1, $2), @$); }
+ | OPT_INC { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(OPT_INC, 0), @$); }
+ | OPT_DEC { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_exp(OPT_DEC, 0), @$); }
+ : { $$ = NULL; }
+ | assignment_expression
+ | arguments ',' assignment_expression { $$ = cnode_list_append($1, $3); }
+ : identifier
+ | INT_CONST { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_int_const($1), @$); }
+ | CHAR_CONST { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_char_const($1), @$); }
+ | STR_CONST { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_str_const($1), @$); }
+ | '(' expression ')' { $$ = cnode_add_loc($2, @$); }
+ : IDENTIFIER { $$ = cnode_add_loc(cnode_create_identifier($1), @$); }