Tmux ColorTag Plugin/Theme -------------------------- .. raw:: html
Also works for powerline haters with default setting. .. raw:: html
What's This? ============ This is a very succinct plugin that colors the window tags according to their names. The color can even automatically change when your shell runs different programs! It also serves as a minimal theme that is friendly to any people who just want something simple and works. Features ======== - Automically color the window tabs by their name hash - Manual control of coloring in tmux (also saved) - Support Powerline symbols TLDR; I just want it ==================== - Execute the following line in your shell: :: curl -sS | bash - Run ``tmux``, and then hit ``Ctrl+b``, release, then ``I`` so everything should be ready. Installation ============ - Make sure you have tmux plugin manager installed: - Add it to the list of TPM plugins in ``.tmux.conf``: :: set -g @plugin 'Determinant/tmux-colortag' - Hit ``prefix`` + ``I`` to fetch the plugin and source it. - Optional: - To immediately play with the main feature, try ``prefix`` (``Ctrl+b`` by default) + ``,`` and change the window name. - NOTE: tmux won't change the window name automatically once you set it manually. To test the auto-changing color, just run any command in your new window. Help ==== Press ``prefix``, then ``C``, type ``help`` and press enter. Customization ============= - To manually set the color of the active window tag, press ``prefix`` + ``C`` and: - ``color-idx <0-255 color code>`` to manually set the color for the window index - ``color-name <0-255 color code>`` to manually set the color for the name - ``clear-idx`` clears the preivous color of the index - ``clear-name`` clears the preivous color of the name - ``clear-all`` use auto-coloring for all window tags .. raw:: html
- If you would like to use Powerline symbols like shown in the demo, add the following line to the top of your ``.tmux.conf`` to enable them: :: TMUX_COLORTAG_USE_POWERLINE=yes - To change the prompt key (``prefix`` + ``C``), specify your key in ``TMUX_COLORTAG_KEY``. - TIP: If you love the status bar on the top (instead of at the bottom by default in tmux), add ``set-option -g status-position top`` to your config file - Other tweakable variables: - ``TMUX_ARROW_SYMBOL_L1`` - ``TMUX_ARROW_SYMBOL_L2`` - ``TMUX_ARROW_SYMBOL_R1`` - ``TMUX_ARROW_SYMBOL_R2`` - ``TMUX_COLORTAG_SET_INTERVAL``: for the best experience, this plugin assumes a short status update interval. To change it back, make it ``no`` or directly override the setting in your tmux config file. - ``TMUX_COLORTAG_TAG_ONLY``: if you only want to color the tags (without changing other styles such as borders), make it ``yes``. - ``TMUX_COLORTAG_IDX_SEP``: controls the separator between the window index and name. - Theme colors (value example: "colour123") - ``colortag_bg0`` - ``colortag_bg1`` - ``colortag_white0``: font color of the active tag - ``colortag_white1``: color of the active pane border - ``colortag_lightgray`` - ``colortag_darkgray`` Update to the Latest Version ============================ - Hit ``prefix`` + ``U`` and choose this plugin.