import React from 'react'; import MGrid from '@material-ui/core/Grid'; import { Theme, withStyles, StyleRules } from '@material-ui/core/styles'; import TextField from '@material-ui/core/TextField'; import Table from '@material-ui/core/Table'; import TableBody from '@material-ui/core/TableBody'; import TableRow from '@material-ui/core/TableRow'; import TableCell from '@material-ui/core/TableCell'; import Button from '@material-ui/core/Button'; import Slider from '@material-ui/lab/Slider'; import FormGroup from '@material-ui/core/FormGroup'; import Grid, {getNodeColor} from './Grid'; import { Line } from 'react-chartjs-2'; import Color from 'color'; const styles = (theme: Theme): StyleRules => ({ inputLabel: { fontSize: 16, paddingRight: 0, textAlign: 'right', width: '30%' }, inputValue: { textAlign: 'left' }, buttonSpacer: { marginBottom: theme.spacing.unit * 4, }, bottomButtons: { marginTop: 10, textAlign: 'center', }, slider: { padding: '22px 0px', }, errorHint: { fontSize: 16, paddingLeft: 16, lineHeight: '32px', color: theme.palette.secondary.main }, grid: { textAlign: 'center' } }); interface SnowProps { classes: { inputLabel: string, inputValue: string, buttonSpacer: string, bottomButtons: string, slider: string, errorHint: string, grid: string } } function getRandomInt(max: number) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(max)); } function getRandomSubarray(arr: number[], size: number) { let shuffled = arr.slice(0), i = arr.length, min = i - size, temp, index; while (i-- > min) { index = Math.floor((i + 1) * Math.random()); temp = shuffled[index]; shuffled[index] = shuffled[i]; shuffled[i] = temp; } return shuffled.slice(min); } const watchedD = [15, 10, 5, 1]; class Snow extends React.Component { static genMatrix(n: number) { let d = []; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { let r = []; for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) r.push({d: [0, 0], col: getRandomInt(2)}); d.push(r); } return d; } state = { colorMatrix: Snow.genMatrix(20), n: '20', k: '10', alpha: '8', nodesPerTick: '20', maxInactiveTicks: '200', loaded: true, ticking: false, simulationSpeed: 100, dialogOpen: false, dialogMsg: {title: '', message: ''}, nError: false, kError: false, alphaError: false, nodesPerTickError: false, maxInactiveTicksError: false, dcnts: [ => [] as number[]), => [] as number[])] as number[][][], ticks: [] as number[], N: 400 }; config = { iter: 0, n: 20, k: 10, alpha: 8, nodesPerTick: 10, maxInactiveTicks: 200, inactiveTicks: 0 }; getNodeState(n: number, u: number) { let r = Math.floor(u / n); let c = u % n; return this.state.colorMatrix[r][c]; } setNodeState(n: number, u: number, s: {d: number[], col: number}) { let r = Math.floor(u / n); let c = u % n; let m = [...this.state.colorMatrix]; m[r][c] = s; this.setState({colorMatrix: m}); } tick(n: number, m: number) { let N = n * n; let active = false; let nodes = []; for (let j = 0; j < N; j++) nodes.push(j); getRandomSubarray(nodes, m).forEach(v => { let u = getRandomInt(N); let peers = []; for (let j = 0; j < N; j++) if (j != u) peers.push(j); let sample = getRandomSubarray(peers, this.config.k); let cnt = [0, 0]; sample.forEach((v) => { let ss = this.getNodeState(n, v); cnt[ss.col]++; }); let s = this.getNodeState(n, u); for (let c = 0; c < 2; c++) { if (cnt[c] > this.config.alpha) { s.d[c]++; if (s.d[c] > s.d[s.col]) { if (s.col != c) active = true; s.col = c; this.setNodeState(n, u, s); } } } }); if (this.config.iter % 10 == 0) { let dcnts = []; for (let c = 0; c < 2; c++) { dcnts.push(, i) => { let dcnt = 0; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) for (let j = 0; j < n; j++) { const s = this.state.colorMatrix[i][j]; if (s.d[c] >= d) dcnt++; } if (c == 0) dcnt = -dcnt; return [...this.state.dcnts[c][i], dcnt].splice(-50); })); } this.setState({ dcnts: dcnts, ticks: [...this.state.ticks, this.config.iter].splice(-50) }); } return active; } pauseTick() { this.setState({ticking: false}); } startTick() { const n = Number(this.state.n); const N = n * n; const k = Number(this.state.k); const alpha = Number(this.state.alpha); const nodesPerTick = Number(this.state.nodesPerTick); const maxInactiveTicks = Number(this.state.maxInactiveTicks); if (!Number.isInteger(n) || n < 2 || n > 40) { this.setState({ nError: true }); return; } if (!Number.isInteger(k) || k < 1 || k > N) { this.setState({ kError: true }); return; } if (!Number.isInteger(alpha) || !(k / 2 < alpha && alpha <= k)) { this.setState({ alphaError: true }); return; } if (!Number.isInteger(nodesPerTick) || nodesPerTick < 1 || nodesPerTick > N) { this.setState({ nodesPerTickError: true }); return; } if (!Number.isInteger(maxInactiveTicks) || maxInactiveTicks < 1 || maxInactiveTicks > 1e6) { this.setState({ maxInactiveTicksError: true }); return; } if (!this.state.loaded) { this.config.iter = 0; this.config.n = n; this.setState({ loaded: true, colorMatrix: Snow.genMatrix(this.config.n), dcnts: [ => [] as number[]), => [] as number[])], ticks: [], N: n * n }); } this.config.alpha = alpha; this.config.k = k; this.config.nodesPerTick = nodesPerTick; this.config.inactiveTicks = 0; this.config.maxInactiveTicks = maxInactiveTicks; this.autoTick(); } autoTick() { this.setState({ticking: true}); setTimeout(() => { let active = this.tick(this.config.n, this.config.nodesPerTick); this.config.iter++; if (!active) { if (++this.config.inactiveTicks > this.config.maxInactiveTicks) { this.pauseTick(); return; } } else this.config.inactiveTicks = 0; if (this.state.ticking) this.autoTick(); }, 1000 / this.state.simulationSpeed); } reset() { this.setState({ ticking: false, loaded: false }); } flipNode(i: number, j: number) { let s = this.state.colorMatrix[i][j]; const n = this.config.n; s.col = 1 - s.col; this.setNodeState(n, i * n + j, s); } render() { const { classes } = this.props; return ( this.flipNode(i, j)} onHoverNode={(i: number, j: number) => this.flipNode(i, j)} /> { let datasets =, c) =>, i) => { const base = getNodeColor(watchedD[i], c); return { data: line, label: `${c == 0 ? 'A' : 'B'}(d-${watchedD[i]})`, borderColor: base, backgroundColor: Color(base).fade(0.5).rgb().string(), borderWidth: 2 }; })).flat(); return { datasets, labels: this.state.ticks } }} options={{ scales: { yAxes: [{ ticks: {min: -this.state.N, max: this.state.N}}]}}}/>

Try to click or move the mouse when clicked to flip the color of squares. Are you able to prevent them from going to a single color?

n = this.setState({n:, nError: false})}/> 2 {this.state.nError && n must be in 2..40} k = this.setState({k:, kError: false})}/> {this.state.kError && k must be in 1..n} alpha = this.setState({alpha:, alphaError: false})}/> {this.state.alphaError && alpha must be in (k/2, k]} nodesPerTick = this.setState({nodesPerTick:, nodesPerTickError: false})}/> {this.state.nodesPerTickError && nodesPerTick must be in 1..n} maxInactiveTicks = this.setState({maxInactiveTicks:, maxInactiveTicksError: false})}/> {this.state.maxInactiveTicksError && maxInactiveTicks must be in 1..1000000} simulationSpeed this.setState({simulationSpeed: value})} />
); } } export default withStyles(styles)(Snow);