/** * Copyright (c) 2018 Cornell University. * * Author: Ted Yin * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do * so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _SALTICIDAE_STREAM_H #define _SALTICIDAE_STREAM_H #ifdef __cplusplus #include "salticidae/type.h" #include "salticidae/ref.h" #include "salticidae/crypto.h" namespace salticidae { template class Blob; using uint256_t = Blob<256, uint64_t>; class DataStream { bytearray_t buffer; size_t offset; public: DataStream(): offset(0) {} DataStream(const uint8_t *begin, const uint8_t *end): buffer(begin, end), offset(0) {} DataStream(bytearray_t &&data): buffer(std::move(data)), offset(0) {} DataStream(const bytearray_t &data): buffer(data), offset(0) {} DataStream(const std::string &data): DataStream((uint8_t *)data.data(), (uint8_t *)data.data() + data.size()) {} DataStream(DataStream &&other): buffer(std::move(other.buffer)), offset(other.offset) {} DataStream(const DataStream &other): buffer(other.buffer), offset(other.offset) {} void swap(DataStream &other) { std::swap(buffer, other.buffer); std::swap(offset, other.offset); } DataStream &operator=(const DataStream &other) { if (this != &other) { DataStream tmp(other); tmp.swap(*this); } return *this; } DataStream &operator=(DataStream &&other) { if (this != &other) { DataStream tmp(std::move(other)); tmp.swap(*this); } return *this; } uint8_t *data() { return &buffer[offset]; } void clear() { buffer.clear(); offset = 0; } size_t size() const { return buffer.size() - offset; } template typename std::enable_if::value, DataStream &>::type operator<<(T d) { buffer.resize(buffer.size() + sizeof(T)); *(reinterpret_cast(&*buffer.end() - sizeof(T))) = d; return *this; } template typename std::enable_if::value>::type put_data(const T &d) { buffer.insert(buffer.end(), d.begin(), d.end()); } DataStream &operator<<(const std::string &d) { put_data(d); return *this; } DataStream &operator<<(const bytearray_t &d) { put_data(d); return *this; } void put_data(const uint8_t *begin, const uint8_t *end) { size_t len = end - begin; buffer.resize(buffer.size() + len); memmove(&*buffer.end() - len, begin, len); } const uint8_t *get_data_inplace(size_t len) { auto res = (uint8_t *)&*(buffer.begin() + offset); offset += len; #ifndef SALTICIDAE_NOCHECK if (offset > buffer.size()) throw std::ios_base::failure("insufficient buffer"); #endif return res; } template typename std::enable_if::value, DataStream &>::type operator<<(const T &obj) { obj.serialize(*this); return *this; } DataStream &operator<<(const char *cstr) { put_data((uint8_t *)cstr, (uint8_t *)cstr + strlen(cstr)); return *this; } template typename std::enable_if::value, DataStream &>::type operator>>(T &d) { #ifndef SALTICIDAE_NOCHECK if (offset + sizeof(T) > buffer.size()) throw std::ios_base::failure("insufficient buffer"); #endif d = *(reinterpret_cast(&buffer[offset])); offset += sizeof(T); return *this; } template typename std::enable_if::value, DataStream &>::type operator>>(T &obj) { obj.unserialize(*this); return *this; } std::string get_hex() const { char buf[3]; DataStream s; for (auto it = buffer.begin() + offset; it != buffer.end(); it++) { sprintf(buf, "%02x", *it); s.put_data((uint8_t *)buf, (uint8_t *)buf + 2); } return std::string(s.buffer.begin(), s.buffer.end()); } void load_hex(const std::string &hex_str) { size_t len = hex_str.size(); const char *p; uint8_t *bp; unsigned int tmp; if (len & 1) throw std::invalid_argument("not a valid hex string"); buffer.resize(len >> 1); offset = 0; for (p = hex_str.data(), bp = &*buffer.begin(); p < hex_str.data() + len; p += 2, bp++) { if (sscanf(p, "%02x", &tmp) != 1) throw std::invalid_argument("not a valid hex string"); *bp = tmp; } } operator bytearray_t () const & { return bytearray_t(buffer.begin() + offset, buffer.end()); } operator bytearray_t () && { return std::move(buffer); } operator std::string () const & { return std::string(buffer.begin() + offset, buffer.end()); } inline uint256_t get_hash() const; }; template class Blob { using _impl_type = T; static const size_t bit_per_datum = sizeof(_impl_type) * 8; static_assert(!(N % bit_per_datum), "N must be divisible by bit_per_datum"); static const auto _len = N / bit_per_datum; _impl_type data[_len]; bool loaded; public: Blob(): loaded(false) {} Blob(const bytearray_t &arr) { if (arr.size() != N / 8) throw std::invalid_argument("incorrect Blob size"); load(&*arr.begin()); } Blob(const uint8_t *arr) { load(arr); } void load(const uint8_t *arr) { arr += N / 8; for (_impl_type *ptr = data + _len; ptr > data;) { _impl_type x = 0; for (unsigned j = 0; j < sizeof(_impl_type); j++) x = (x << 8) | *(--arr); *(--ptr) = x; } loaded = true; } bool is_null() const { return !loaded; } bool operator==(const Blob &other) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < _len; i++) if (data[i] != other.data[i]) return false; return true; } bool operator!=(const Blob &other) const { return !(*this == other); } size_t cheap_hash() const { return *data; } void serialize(DataStream &s) const { if (loaded) { for (const _impl_type *ptr = data; ptr < data + _len; ptr++) s << htole(*ptr); } else { for (const _impl_type *ptr = data; ptr < data + _len; ptr++) s << htole((_impl_type)0); } } void unserialize(DataStream &s) { for (_impl_type *ptr = data; ptr < data + _len; ptr++) { _impl_type x; s >> x; *ptr = letoh(x); } loaded = true; } operator bytearray_t () const & { DataStream s; s << *this; return std::move(s); } }; template class _Bits { using _impl_type = T; static const uint32_t bit_per_datum = sizeof(_impl_type) * 8; static const uint32_t shift_per_datum = log2::value; static_assert(bit_per_datum == 1 << shift_per_datum, "int type must have 2^n bits"); BoxObj<_impl_type[]> data; uint32_t nbits; uint32_t ndata; public: _Bits(): data(nullptr) {} _Bits(const bytearray_t &arr) { load(&*arr.begin(), arr.size()); } _Bits(const _Bits &other): nbits(other.nbits), ndata(other.ndata) { data = new _impl_type[ndata]; memmove(data.get(), other.data.get(), ndata * sizeof(_impl_type)); } _Bits(const uint8_t *arr, uint32_t len) { load(arr, len); } _Bits(uint32_t nbits): nbits(nbits) { ndata = (nbits + bit_per_datum - 1) / bit_per_datum; data = new _impl_type[ndata]; } ~_Bits() {} void load(const uint8_t *arr, uint32_t len) { nbits = len * 8; ndata = (nbits + bit_per_datum - 1) / bit_per_datum; data = new _impl_type[ndata]; uint8_t *end = arr + len; for (_impl_type *ptr = data.get(); ptr < data.get() + ndata;) { _impl_type x = 0; for (unsigned j = 0, k = 0; j < sizeof(_impl_type); j++, k += 8) if (arr < end) x |= *(arr++) << k; *(ptr++) = x; } } bool is_null() const { return data == nullptr; } size_t cheap_hash() const { return *data; } void serialize(DataStream &s) const { s << htole(nbits); if (data) { for (const _impl_type *ptr = data.get(); ptr < data.get() + ndata; ptr++) s << htole(*ptr); } else { for (const _impl_type *ptr = data.get(); ptr < data.get() + ndata; ptr++) s << htole((_impl_type)0); } } void unserialize(DataStream &s) { s >> nbits; nbits = letoh(nbits); ndata = (nbits + bit_per_datum - 1) / bit_per_datum; data = new _impl_type[ndata]; for (_impl_type *ptr = data.get(); ptr < data.get() + ndata; ptr++) { _impl_type x; s >> x; *ptr = letoh(x); } } operator bytearray_t () const & { DataStream s; s << *this; return std::move(s); } uint8_t get(uint32_t idx) const { return (data[idx >> shift_per_datum] >> (idx & (bit_per_datum - 1))) & 1; } void set(uint32_t idx) { auto i = idx >> shift_per_datum; auto pos = idx & (bit_per_datum - 1); data[i] ^= (((data[i] >> pos) & 1) ^ 1) << pos; } void unset(uint32_t idx) { auto i = idx >> shift_per_datum; auto pos = idx & (bit_per_datum - 1); data[i] ^= ((data[i] >> pos) & 1) << pos; } void flip(uint32_t idx) { auto i = idx >> shift_per_datum; auto pos = idx & (bit_per_datum - 1); data[i] ^= ((_impl_type)1) << pos; } void clear() { memset(data.get(), 0, ndata * sizeof(_impl_type)); } uint8_t operator[](uint32_t idx) const { return get(idx); } uint32_t size() const { return nbits; } }; using Bits = _Bits<>; const size_t ENT_HASH_LENGTH = 256 / 8; uint256_t DataStream::get_hash() const { class SHA256 d; d.update(buffer.begin() + offset, size()); return d.digest(); } template inline uint256_t get_hash(const T &x) { DataStream s; s << x; return s.get_hash(); } template inline std::string get_hex(const T &x) { DataStream s; s << x; return s.get_hex(); } inline bytearray_t from_hex(const std::string &hex_str) { DataStream s; s.load_hex(hex_str); return std::move(s); } class Serializable { public: virtual ~Serializable() = default; virtual void serialize(DataStream &s) const = 0; virtual void unserialize(DataStream &s) = 0; virtual void from_bytes(const bytearray_t &raw_bytes) { DataStream s(raw_bytes); s >> *this; } virtual void from_bytes(bytearray_t &&raw_bytes) { DataStream s(std::move(raw_bytes)); s >> *this; } virtual void from_hex(const std::string &hex_str) { DataStream s; s.load_hex(hex_str); s >> *this; } bytearray_t to_bytes() const { DataStream s; s << *this; return std::move(s); } std::string to_hex() const { return get_hex(*this); } }; } namespace std { template <> struct hash { size_t operator()(const salticidae::uint256_t &k) const { return (size_t)k.cheap_hash(); } }; template <> struct hash { size_t operator()(const salticidae::uint256_t &k) const { return (size_t)k.cheap_hash(); } }; } #ifdef SALTICIDAE_CBINDINGS using uint256_t = salticidae::uint256_t; using datastream_t = salticidae::DataStream; #endif #else #include #include #include "config.h" #include "type.h" #ifdef SALTICIDAE_CBINDINGS typedef struct datastream_t datastream_t; typedef struct uint256_t uint256_t; #endif #endif #ifdef SALTICIDAE_CBINDINGS #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif uint256_t *uint256_new(); uint256_t *uint256_new_from_bytes(const uint8_t *arr); uint256_t *uint256_new_from_bytearray(const bytearray_t *bytes); void uint256_free(const uint256_t *self); bool uint256_is_null(const uint256_t *self); bool uint256_is_eq(const uint256_t *a, const uint256_t *b); void uint256_serialize(const uint256_t *self, datastream_t *s); void uint256_unserialize(uint256_t *self, datastream_t *s); datastream_t *datastream_new(); datastream_t *datastream_new_from_bytes(const uint8_t *base, size_t size); datastream_t *datastream_new_from_bytearray(const bytearray_t *bytes); datastream_t *datastream_new_moved_from_bytearray(bytearray_t *bytes); void datastream_free(const datastream_t *self); datastream_t *datastream_copy(const datastream_t *self); uint8_t *datastream_data(datastream_t *self); void datastream_clear(datastream_t *self); size_t datastream_size(const datastream_t *self); bool datastream_put_u8(datastream_t *self, uint8_t val); bool datastream_put_u16(datastream_t *self, uint16_t val); bool datastream_put_u32(datastream_t *self, uint32_t val); bool datastream_put_u64(datastream_t *self, uint64_t val); bool datastream_put_i8(datastream_t *self, int8_t val); bool datastream_put_i16(datastream_t *self, int16_t val); bool datastream_put_i32(datastream_t *self, int32_t val); bool datastream_put_i64(datastream_t *self, int64_t val); bool datastream_put_data(datastream_t *self, const uint8_t *base, size_t size); uint8_t datastream_get_u8(datastream_t *self, bool *succ); uint16_t datastream_get_u16(datastream_t *self, bool *succ); uint32_t datastream_get_u32(datastream_t *self, bool *succ); uint64_t datastream_get_u64(datastream_t *self, bool *succ); int8_t datastream_get_i8(datastream_t *self, bool *succ); int16_t datastream_get_i16(datastream_t *self, bool *succ); int32_t datastream_get_i32(datastream_t *self, bool *succ); int64_t datastream_get_i64(datastream_t *self, bool *succ); const uint8_t *datastream_get_data_inplace(datastream_t *self, size_t len); uint256_t *datastream_get_hash(const datastream_t *self); bytearray_t *bytearray_new_moved_from_datastream(datastream_t *_moved_self); bytearray_t *bytearray_new_from_hex(const char *hex_str); char *datastream_get_hex(datastream_t *self); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif #endif