#![allow(dead_code)] use memory::VMem; macro_rules! make_optable { ($x:ident, $t: ty) => (pub const $x: [$t; 0x100] = [ /* 0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf */ brk, ora, nil, nil, nil, ora, asl, nil, php, ora, asl, nil, nil, ora, asl, nil, bpl, ora, nil, nil, nil, ora, asl, nil, clc, ora, nil, nil, nil, ora, asl, nil, jsr, and, nil, nil, bit, and, rol, nil, plp, and, rol, nil, bit, and, rol, nil, bmi, and, nil, nil, nil, and, rol, nil, sec, and, nil, nil, nil, and, rol, nil, rti, eor, nil, nil, nil, eor, lsr, nil, pha, eor, lsr, nil, jmp, eor, lsr, nil, bvc, eor, nil, nil, nil, eor, lsr, nil, cli, eor, nil, nil, nil, eor, lsr, nil, rts, adc, nil, nil, nil, adc, ror, nil, pla, adc, ror, nil, jmp, adc, ror, nil, bvs, adc, nil, nil, nil, adc, ror, nil, sei, adc, nil, nil, nil, adc, ror, nil, nil, sta, nil, nil, sty, sta, stx, nil, dey, nil, txa, nil, sty, sta, stx, nil, bcc, sta, nil, nil, sty, sta, stx, nil, tya, sta, txs, nil, nil, sta, nil, nil, ldy, lda, ldx, nil, ldy, lda, ldx, nil, tay, lda, tax, nil, ldy, lda, ldx, nil, bcs, lda, nil, nil, ldy, lda, ldx, nil, clv, lda, tsx, nil, ldy, lda, ldx, nil, cpy, cmp, nil, nil, cpy, cmp, dec, nil, iny, cmp, dex, nil, cpy, cmp, dec, nil, bne, cmp, nil, nil, nil, cmp, dec, nil, cld, cmp, nil, nil, nil, cmp, dec, nil, cpx, sbc, nil, nil, cpx, sbc, inc, nil, inx, sbc, nop, nil, cpx, sbc, inc, nil, beq, sbc, nil, nil, nil, sbc, inc, nil, sed, sbc, nil, nil, nil, sbc, inc, nil ];); } macro_rules! make_addrtable { ($x:ident, $t: ty) => (pub const $x: [$t; 0x100] = [ nil, xin, nil, nil, nil, zpg, zpg, nil, nil, imm, acc, nil, nil, abs, abs, nil, rel, iny, nil, nil, nil, zpx, zpx, nil, nil, aby, nil, nil, nil, abx, abx, nil, abs, xin, nil, nil, zpg, zpg, zpg, nil, nil, imm, acc, nil, abs, abs, abs, nil, rel, iny, nil, nil, nil, zpx, zpx, nil, nil, aby, nil, nil, nil, abx, abx, nil, nil, xin, nil, nil, nil, zpg, zpg, nil, nil, imm, acc, nil, abs, abs, abs, nil, rel, iny, nil, nil, nil, zpx, zpx, nil, nil, aby, nil, nil, nil, abx, abx, nil, nil, xin, nil, nil, nil, zpg, zpg, nil, nil, imm, acc, nil, ind, abs, abs, nil, rel, iny, nil, nil, nil, zpx, zpx, nil, nil, aby, nil, nil, nil, abx, abx, nil, nil, xin, nil, nil, zpg, zpg, zpg, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, abs, abs, abs, nil, rel, iny, nil, nil, zpx, zpx, zpy, nil, nil, aby, nil, nil, nil, abx, nil, nil, imm, xin, imm, nil, zpg, zpg, zpg, nil, nil, imm, nil, nil, abs, abs, abs, nil, rel, iny, nil, nil, zpx, zpx, zpy, nil, nil, aby, nil, nil, abx, abx, aby, nil, imm, xin, nil, nil, zpg, zpg, zpg, nil, nil, imm, nil, nil, abs, abs, abs, nil, rel, iny, nil, nil, nil, zpx, zpx, nil, nil, aby, nil, nil, nil, abx, abx, nil, imm, xin, nil, nil, zpg, zpg, zpg, nil, nil, imm, nil, nil, abs, abs, abs, nil, rel, iny, nil, nil, nil, zpx, zpx, nil, nil, aby, nil, nil, nil, abx, abx, nil ];); } const INST_LENGTH: [u8; 0x100] = [ 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 3, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 3, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 0, ]; const INST_CYCLE: [u8; 0x100] = [ 7, 6, 2, 8, 3, 3, 5, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 5, 2, 8, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 7, 4, 4, 7, 7, 6, 6, 2, 8, 3, 3, 5, 5, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 5, 2, 8, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 7, 4, 4, 7, 7, 6, 6, 2, 8, 3, 3, 5, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 2, 5, 2, 8, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 7, 4, 4, 7, 7, 6, 6, 2, 8, 3, 3, 5, 5, 4, 2, 2, 2, 5, 4, 6, 6, 2, 5, 2, 8, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 7, 4, 4, 7, 7, 2, 6, 2, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 6, 2, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 5, 2, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 6, 2, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 5, 2, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 6, 2, 8, 3, 3, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 5, 2, 8, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 7, 4, 4, 7, 7, 2, 6, 2, 8, 3, 3, 5, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 5, 2, 8, 4, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 2, 7, 4, 4, 7, 7, ]; const NMI_VECTOR: u16 = 0xfffa; const RESET_VECTOR: u16 = 0xfffc; const IRQ_VECTOR: u16 = 0xfffe; const BRK_VECTOR: u16 = 0xfffe; const CARRY_FLAG: u8 = 1 << 0; const ZERO_FLAG: u8 = 1 << 1; const INT_FLAG: u8 = 1 << 2; const DEC_FLAG: u8 = 1 << 3; const BRK_FLAG: u8 = 1 << 4; const OVER_FLAG: u8 = 1 << 6; const NEG_FLAG: u8 = 1 << 7; macro_rules! ids2strs { ($($x:ident), *) => { $(#[allow(non_upper_case_globals)] const $x: &str = stringify!($x);)* }; } pub mod disasm { mod disops { make_optable!(OPS, &str); ids2strs!(adc, and, asl, bcc, bcs, beq, bit, bmi, bne, bpl, brk, bvc, bvs, clc, cld, cli, clv, cmp, cpx, cpy, dec, dex, dey, eor, inc, inx, iny, jmp, jsr, lda, ldx, ldy, lsr, nop, ora, pha, php, pla, plp, rol, ror, rti, rts, sbc, sec, sed, sei, sta, stx, sty, tax, tay, tsx, txa, txs, tya, nil); } mod disaddr { pub type T<'a, 'b> = &'a mut Iterator; make_addrtable!(ADDR_MODES, fn (T) -> String); fn acc(_code: T) -> String { "a".to_string() } fn imm(code: T) -> String { format!("#${:02x}", code.next().unwrap()) } fn zpg(code: T) -> String { format!("${:02x}", code.next().unwrap()) } fn zpx(code: T) -> String { format!("${:02x}, x", code.next().unwrap()) } fn zpy(code: T) -> String { format!("${:02x}, y", code.next().unwrap()) } fn rel(code: T) -> String { let b = *code.next().unwrap() as i8; if b >= 0 { format!("+${:02x}, x", b) } else { format!("-${:02x}, x", -b) } } fn abs(code: T) -> String { let low = *code.next().unwrap() as u16; let high = *code.next().unwrap() as u16; format!("${:04x}", (high << 8) | low) } fn abx(code: T) -> String { let low = *code.next().unwrap() as u16; let high = *code.next().unwrap() as u16; format!("${:04x}, x", (high << 8) | low) } fn aby(code: T) -> String { let low = *code.next().unwrap() as u16; let high = *code.next().unwrap() as u16; format!("${:04x}, y", (high << 8) | low) } fn ind(code: T) -> String { let low = *code.next().unwrap() as u16; let high = *code.next().unwrap() as u16; format!("(${:04x})", (high << 8) | low) } fn xin(code: T) -> String { format!("(${:02x}, x)", code.next().unwrap()) } fn iny(code: T) -> String { format!("(${:02x}), y", code.next().unwrap()) } fn nil(_code: T) -> String { "".to_string() } } pub struct Disassembler<'a, T> where T: Iterator { raw_code: T } impl<'a, T> Disassembler<'a, T> where T: Iterator { pub fn new(raw_code: T) -> Self { Disassembler{raw_code} } fn parse(opcode: u8, code: &mut T) -> String { format!("{} {}", disops::OPS[opcode as usize], disaddr::ADDR_MODES[opcode as usize](code)) } } impl<'a, T> Iterator for Disassembler<'a, T> where T: Iterator { type Item = String; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { match self.raw_code.next() { Some(opcode) => Some(Disassembler::parse(*opcode, &mut self.raw_code)), None => None } } } pub fn parse(opcode: u8, code: &[u8]) -> String { Disassembler::parse(opcode, &mut code.iter()) } } macro_rules! stack_addr { ($sp: ident, $disp: expr) => (($sp.wrapping_sub($disp) as u16) | 0x0100); } macro_rules! make16 { ($high: expr, $low: expr) => ((($high as u16) << 8) | ($low as u16)); } macro_rules! read16 { ($mem: expr, $laddr: expr) => (make16!($mem.read($laddr.wrapping_add(1)), $mem.read($laddr))); } mod ops { use mos6502::*; make_optable!(OPS, fn (&mut CPU)); macro_rules! check_zero { ($st: ident, $r: expr) => ($st |= (($r as u8 == 0) as u8) << 1); } macro_rules! check_neg { ($st: ident, $r: expr) => ($st |= ($r as u8 & NEG_FLAG) as u8); } /* arithmetic */ fn adc(cpu: &mut CPU) { let opr1 = cpu.a as u16; let opr2 = match cpu.addr_mode { AddrMode::Immediate => cpu.imm_val, AddrMode::Accumulator => cpu.a, AddrMode::EffAddr => cpu.mem.read(cpu.ea) } as u16; let res = opr1 + opr2 + cpu.get_carry() as u16; let mut status = cpu.status & !(CARRY_FLAG | ZERO_FLAG | OVER_FLAG | NEG_FLAG); cpu.a = res as u8; status |= (res > 0xff) as u8; /* carry flag */ check_zero!(status, res); status |= ((((opr1 ^ opr2) as u8 & 0x80) ^ 0x80) & ((opr1 ^ res) as u8 & 0x80)) >> 1; /* over flag */ check_neg!(status, res); cpu.status = status; } fn sbc(cpu: &mut CPU) { let opr1 = cpu.a as u16; let opr2 = match cpu.addr_mode { AddrMode::Immediate => cpu.imm_val, AddrMode::Accumulator => cpu.a, AddrMode::EffAddr => cpu.mem.read(cpu.ea) } as u16; let res = opr1 + (0xff - opr2) + cpu.get_carry() as u16; let mut status = cpu.status & !(CARRY_FLAG | ZERO_FLAG | OVER_FLAG | NEG_FLAG); cpu.a = res as u8; status |= (res > 0xff) as u8; /* carry flag */ check_zero!(status, res); status |= (((opr1 ^ opr2) as u8 & 0x80) & ((opr1 ^ res) as u8 & 0x80)) >> 1; /* over flag */ check_neg!(status, res); cpu.status = status; } macro_rules! make_cmp { ($f: ident, $r: ident) => (fn $f(cpu: &mut CPU) { let opr1 = cpu.$r as u16; let opr2 = match cpu.addr_mode { AddrMode::Immediate => cpu.imm_val, _ => cpu.mem.read(cpu.ea) } as u16; let res = opr1 - opr2; let mut status = cpu.status & !(CARRY_FLAG | ZERO_FLAG | NEG_FLAG); status |= (res < 0x100) as u8; /* carry flag */ check_zero!(status, res); check_neg!(status, res); cpu.status = status; }); } make_cmp!(cmp, a); make_cmp!(cpx, x); make_cmp!(cpy, y); /* increments & decrements */ macro_rules! make_delta { ($f: ident, $d: expr) => ( fn $f(cpu: &mut CPU) { let res = cpu.mem.read(cpu.ea) as u16 + $d; let mut status = cpu.status & !(ZERO_FLAG | NEG_FLAG); cpu.mem.write(cpu.ea, res as u8); check_zero!(status, res); check_neg!(status, res); cpu.status = status; }); ($f: ident, $d: expr, $r: ident) => ( fn $f(cpu: &mut CPU) { let res = cpu.$r as u16 + $d; let mut status = cpu.status & !(ZERO_FLAG | NEG_FLAG); cpu.$r = res as u8; check_zero!(status, res); check_neg!(status, res); cpu.status = status; }); } make_delta!(dec, 0xff); make_delta!(dex, 0xff, x); make_delta!(dey, 0xff, y); make_delta!(inc, 0x01); make_delta!(inx, 0x01, x); make_delta!(iny, 0x01, y); /* logical */ macro_rules! make_logic { ($f: ident, $op: tt) => ( fn $f(cpu: &mut CPU) { let res = cpu.a $op match cpu.addr_mode { AddrMode::Immediate => cpu.imm_val, _ => cpu.mem.read(cpu.ea) }; let mut status = cpu.status & !(ZERO_FLAG | NEG_FLAG); cpu.a = res as u8; check_zero!(status, res); check_neg!(status, res); cpu.status = status; }); } make_logic!(and, &); make_logic!(eor, ^); make_logic!(ora, |); fn bit(cpu: &mut CPU) { let m = cpu.mem.read(cpu.ea); let mut status = cpu.status & !(ZERO_FLAG | OVER_FLAG | NEG_FLAG); check_zero!(status, (m & cpu.a)); status |= ((m >> 6) & 0x3) << 6; /* copy bit 6 & 7 */ cpu.status = status; } /* shifts */ fn asl(cpu: &mut CPU) { let res = match cpu.addr_mode { AddrMode::Accumulator => { let t = (cpu.a as u16) << 1; cpu.a = t as u8; t }, _ => { let t = (cpu.mem.read(cpu.ea) as u16) << 1; cpu.mem.write(cpu.ea, t as u8); t }}; let mut status = cpu.status & !(CARRY_FLAG | ZERO_FLAG | NEG_FLAG); status |= (res >> 8) as u8; /* carry flag */ check_zero!(status, res); check_neg!(status, res); cpu.status = status; } fn lsr(cpu: &mut CPU) { let mut status = cpu.status & !(CARRY_FLAG | ZERO_FLAG | NEG_FLAG); let res = match cpu.addr_mode { AddrMode::Accumulator => { let old = cpu.a; let t = old >> 1; cpu.a = t as u8; status |= (old & 1) as u8; /* carry flag */ t }, _ => { let old = cpu.mem.read(cpu.ea); let t = old >> 1; cpu.mem.write(cpu.ea, t as u8); status |= (old & 1) as u8; /* carry flag */ t }}; check_zero!(status, res); check_neg!(status, res); cpu.status = status; } fn rol(cpu: &mut CPU) { let mut status = cpu.status & !(CARRY_FLAG | ZERO_FLAG | NEG_FLAG); let res = match cpu.addr_mode { AddrMode::Accumulator => { let old = cpu.a; let t = old.rotate_left(1); cpu.a = t as u8; status |= old >> 7 as u8; /* carry flag */ t }, _ => { let old = cpu.mem.read(cpu.ea); let t = old.rotate_left(1); cpu.mem.write(cpu.ea, t as u8); status |= old >> 7 as u8; /* carry flag */ t }}; check_zero!(status, res); check_neg!(status, res); cpu.status = status; } fn ror(cpu: &mut CPU) { let mut status = cpu.status & !(CARRY_FLAG | ZERO_FLAG | NEG_FLAG); let res = match cpu.addr_mode { AddrMode::Accumulator => { let old = cpu.a; let t = old.rotate_right(1); cpu.a = t as u8; status |= old & 1 as u8; /* carry flag */ t }, _ => { let old = cpu.mem.read(cpu.ea); let t = old.rotate_right(1); cpu.mem.write(cpu.ea, t as u8); status |= old & 1 as u8; /* carry flag */ t }}; check_zero!(status, res); check_neg!(status, res); cpu.status = status; } /* branches */ macro_rules! make_branch_clear { ($f: ident, $e: ident) => (fn $f(cpu: &mut CPU) { match cpu.$e() { 0 => { cpu.pc = cpu.ea; cpu.cycle += 1; }, _ => () }}); } macro_rules! make_branch_set { ($f: ident, $e: ident) => (fn $f(cpu: &mut CPU) { match cpu.$e() { 0 => (), _ => { cpu.pc = cpu.ea; cpu.cycle += 1; } }}); } make_branch_clear!(bcc, get_carry); make_branch_set!(bcs, get_carry); make_branch_clear!(bne, get_zero); make_branch_set!(beq, get_zero); make_branch_clear!(bpl, get_neg); make_branch_set!(bmi, get_neg); make_branch_clear!(bvc, get_over); make_branch_set!(bvs, get_over); fn brk(cpu: &mut CPU) { let pc = cpu.pc; let sp = cpu.sp; cpu.mem.write(stack_addr!(sp, 0), (pc >> 8) as u8); /* push high pc */ cpu.mem.write(stack_addr!(sp, 1), pc as u8); /* push low pc */ cpu.status |= BRK_FLAG; cpu.mem.write(stack_addr!(sp, 2), cpu.status); /* push status */ cpu.status |= INT_FLAG; cpu.sp = sp.wrapping_sub(3); cpu.pc = read16!(cpu.mem, BRK_VECTOR); /* load the interrupt vector */ } /* status flag changes */ fn clc(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.status &= !CARRY_FLAG; } fn cld(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.status &= !DEC_FLAG; } fn cli(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.status &= !INT_FLAG; } fn clv(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.status &= !OVER_FLAG; } fn sec(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.status |= CARRY_FLAG; } fn sed(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.status |= DEC_FLAG; } fn sei(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.status |= INT_FLAG; } /* jumps & calls */ fn jmp(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.pc = cpu.ea; } fn jsr(cpu: &mut CPU) { let sp = cpu.sp; let pc = cpu.pc.wrapping_sub(1); cpu.mem.write(stack_addr!(sp, 0), (pc >> 8) as u8); cpu.mem.write(stack_addr!(sp, 1), pc as u8); cpu.sp = sp.wrapping_sub(2); cpu.pc = cpu.ea; } fn rts(cpu: &mut CPU) { let sp = cpu.sp.wrapping_add(2); cpu.pc = make16!(cpu.mem.read(stack_addr!(sp, 0)), cpu.mem.read(stack_addr!(sp, 1))).wrapping_add(1); cpu.sp = sp; } /* system functions */ fn rti(cpu: &mut CPU) { let sp = cpu.sp.wrapping_add(3); cpu.status = cpu.mem.read(stack_addr!(sp, 2)); cpu.pc = make16!(cpu.mem.read(stack_addr!(sp, 0)), cpu.mem.read(stack_addr!(sp, 1))); cpu.sp = sp; } fn nop(_cpu: &mut CPU) {} /* load/store operations */ macro_rules! make_ld { ($f: ident, $r: ident) => (fn $f(cpu: &mut CPU) { let mut status = cpu.status & !(ZERO_FLAG | NEG_FLAG); let res = cpu.mem.read(cpu.ea); cpu.a = res; check_zero!(status, res); check_neg!(status, res); cpu.status = status; }); } make_ld!(lda, a); make_ld!(ldx, x); make_ld!(ldy, y); macro_rules! make_st { ($f: ident, $r: ident) => (fn $f(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.mem.write(cpu.ea, cpu.$r); }); } make_st!(sta, a); make_st!(stx, x); make_st!(sty, y); /* register transfers */ macro_rules! make_trans { ($f: ident, $from: ident, $to: ident) => (fn $f(cpu: &mut CPU) { let mut status = cpu.status & !(ZERO_FLAG | NEG_FLAG); let res = cpu.$from; cpu.$to = res; check_zero!(status, res); check_neg!(status, res); cpu.status = status; }); } make_trans!(tax, a, x); make_trans!(tay, a, y); make_trans!(txa, x, a); make_trans!(tya, y, a); /* stack operations */ make_trans!(tsx, sp, x); fn txs(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.sp = cpu.x; } fn pha(cpu: &mut CPU) { let sp = cpu.sp; cpu.mem.write(stack_addr!(sp, 0), cpu.a); cpu.sp = sp.wrapping_sub(1); } fn php(cpu: &mut CPU) { let sp = cpu.sp; cpu.mem.write(stack_addr!(sp, 0), cpu.status); cpu.sp = sp.wrapping_sub(1); } fn pla(cpu: &mut CPU) { let mut status = cpu.status & !(ZERO_FLAG | NEG_FLAG); let sp = cpu.sp.wrapping_add(1); let res = cpu.mem.read(stack_addr!(sp, 0)); cpu.a = res; cpu.sp = sp; check_zero!(status, res); check_neg!(status, res); cpu.status = status; } fn plp(cpu: &mut CPU) { let sp = cpu.sp.wrapping_add(1); cpu.status = cpu.mem.read(stack_addr!(sp, 0)); cpu.sp = sp; } fn nil(cpu: &mut CPU) { panic!("invalid instruction: 0x{:02x}", cpu.mem.read(cpu.pc)); } } mod addr { use mos6502::{CPU, AddrMode}; make_addrtable!(ADDR_MODES, fn (&mut CPU)); fn acc(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.addr_mode = AddrMode::Accumulator; } fn imm(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.addr_mode = AddrMode::Immediate; cpu.imm_val = cpu.mem.read(cpu.opr); } fn zpg(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.addr_mode = AddrMode::EffAddr; cpu.ea = cpu.mem.read(cpu.opr) as u16; } fn zpx(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.addr_mode = AddrMode::EffAddr; cpu.ea = (cpu.mem.read(cpu.opr) .wrapping_add(cpu.x)) as u16; } fn zpy(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.addr_mode = AddrMode::EffAddr; cpu.ea = (cpu.mem.read(cpu.opr) .wrapping_add(cpu.y)) as u16; } fn rel(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.addr_mode = AddrMode::EffAddr; let base = cpu.pc; let offset = cpu.mem.read(cpu.opr) as i8 as i16; let sum = (base & 0xff) + offset as u16; cpu.ea = (base & 0xff00).wrapping_add(sum); cpu.cycle += (sum >> 8) as u32; } fn abs(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.addr_mode = AddrMode::EffAddr; cpu.ea = read16!(cpu.mem, cpu.opr); } fn abx(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.addr_mode = AddrMode::EffAddr; let base = read16!(cpu.mem, cpu.opr); let sum = (base & 0xff) + cpu.x as u16; cpu.ea = (base & 0xff00).wrapping_add(sum); cpu.cycle += (sum >> 8) as u32; /* boundary cross if carry */ } fn aby(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.addr_mode = AddrMode::EffAddr; let base = read16!(cpu.mem, cpu.opr); let sum = (base & 0xff) + cpu.y as u16; cpu.ea = (base & 0xff00).wrapping_add(sum); cpu.cycle += (sum >> 8) as u32; /* boundary cross if carry */ } fn ind(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.addr_mode = AddrMode::EffAddr; let addr = read16!(cpu.mem, cpu.opr); cpu.ea = read16!(cpu.mem, addr); } fn xin(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.addr_mode = AddrMode::EffAddr; let addr = cpu.mem.read( cpu.mem.read(cpu.opr) .wrapping_add(cpu.x) as u16) as u16; cpu.ea = read16!(cpu.mem, addr); } fn iny(cpu: &mut CPU) { cpu.addr_mode = AddrMode::EffAddr; let addr = cpu.mem.read(cpu.mem.read(cpu.opr) as u16) as u16; let base = read16!(cpu.mem, addr); let sum = (base & 0xff) + cpu.y as u16; cpu.ea = (base & 0xff00).wrapping_add(sum); cpu.cycle += (sum >> 8) as u32; /* boundary cross if carry */ } fn nil(_cpu: &mut CPU) {} } enum AddrMode { Immediate, Accumulator, EffAddr } enum IntType { NMI, IRQ } pub struct CPU<'a> { /* registers */ a: u8, x: u8, y: u8, status: u8, pc: u16, sp: u8, /* internal state */ addr_mode: AddrMode, opr: u16, ea: u16, /* effective address */ imm_val: u8, pub cycle: u32, int: Option, pub mem: &'a mut VMem } macro_rules! make_int { ($f:ident, $v: expr) => ( fn $f(&mut self) { let pc = self.pc; let sp = self.sp; self.mem.write(stack_addr!(sp, 0), (pc >> 8) as u8); self.mem.write(stack_addr!(sp, 1), pc as u8); self.mem.write(stack_addr!(sp, 2), self.status); self.sp = sp.wrapping_sub(3); self.pc = read16!(self.mem, $v as u16); self.status |= INT_FLAG; self.cycle += 7; }); } impl<'a> CPU<'a> { #[inline(always)] pub fn get_carry(&self) -> u8 { (self.status >> 0) & 1 } #[inline(always)] pub fn get_zero(&self) -> u8 { (self.status >> 1) & 1 } #[inline(always)] pub fn get_int(&self) -> u8 { (self.status >> 2) & 1 } #[inline(always)] pub fn get_over(&self) -> u8 { (self.status >> 6) & 1 } #[inline(always)] pub fn get_neg(&self) -> u8 { (self.status >> 7) & 1 } pub fn new(mem: &'a mut VMem) -> Self { let pc = read16!(mem, RESET_VECTOR as u16); /* nes power up state */ let a = 0; let x = 0; let y = 0; let sp = 0xfd; let status = 0x34; let cycle = 0; CPU{a, x, y, pc, sp, status, cycle, opr: 0, ea: 0, imm_val: 0, int: None, addr_mode: AddrMode::EffAddr, mem} } make_int!(nmi, NMI_VECTOR); make_int!(irq, IRQ_VECTOR); pub fn step(&mut self) { let pc = self.pc; match self.int { Some(IntType::NMI) => self.nmi(), Some(IntType::IRQ) => self.irq(), _ => () } self.int = None; let opcode = self.mem.read(pc) as usize; /* update opr pointing to operands of current inst */ self.opr = pc.wrapping_add(1); /* update program counter pointing to next inst */ self.pc = pc.wrapping_add(INST_LENGTH[opcode] as u16); /* get effective address based on addressing mode */ addr::ADDR_MODES[opcode](self); /* execute the inst */ ops::OPS[opcode](self); self.cycle += INST_CYCLE[opcode] as u32; } pub fn powerup(&mut self) { self.pc = read16!(self.mem, RESET_VECTOR as u16); /* nes power up state */ self.a = 0; self.x = 0; self.y = 0; self.sp = 0xfd; self.status = 0x34; self.cycle = 0; } pub fn reset(&mut self) { self.pc = read16!(self.mem, RESET_VECTOR as u16); self.sp = self.sp.wrapping_sub(3); self.status |= INT_FLAG; self.cycle = 0; self.int = None; } pub fn trigger_nmi(&mut self) { self.int = Some(IntType::NMI); } pub fn trigger_irq(&mut self) { if self.get_int() == 0 { self.int = Some(match self.int { Some(IntType::NMI) => IntType::NMI, _ => IntType::IRQ }); } } }