extern crate core; use std::fs::File; use std::sync::{Mutex, Condvar}; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use std::mem::transmute; use std::process::exit; use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell}; extern crate sdl2; #[macro_use] extern crate clap; use clap::{Arg, App}; mod utils; mod memory; #[macro_use] mod mos6502; mod ppu; mod apu; mod cartridge; mod mapper; mod controller; mod disasm; use mos6502::CPU; use ppu::PPU; use apu::APU; use memory::{CPUMemory, PPUMemory}; use cartridge::{BankType, MirrorType, Cartridge}; use controller::{InputPoller, stdctl}; const RGB_COLORS: [u32; 64] = [ 0x666666, 0x002a88, 0x1412a7, 0x3b00a4, 0x5c007e, 0x6e0040, 0x6c0600, 0x561d00, 0x333500, 0x0b4800, 0x005200, 0x004f08, 0x00404d, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xadadad, 0x155fd9, 0x4240ff, 0x7527fe, 0xa01acc, 0xb71e7b, 0xb53120, 0x994e00, 0x6b6d00, 0x388700, 0x0c9300, 0x008f32, 0x007c8d, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xfffeff, 0x64b0ff, 0x9290ff, 0xc676ff, 0xf36aff, 0xfe6ecc, 0xfe8170, 0xea9e22, 0xbcbe00, 0x88d800, 0x5ce430, 0x45e082, 0x48cdde, 0x4f4f4f, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0xfffeff, 0xc0dfff, 0xd3d2ff, 0xe8c8ff, 0xfbc2ff, 0xfec4ea, 0xfeccc5, 0xf7d8a5, 0xe4e594, 0xcfef96, 0xbdf4ab, 0xb3f3cc, 0xb5ebf2, 0xb8b8b8, 0x000000, 0x000000, ]; const PIX_WIDTH: u32 = 256; const PIX_HEIGHT: u32 = 240; const FB_PITCH: usize = PIX_WIDTH as usize * 3; const FB_SIZE: usize = PIX_HEIGHT as usize * FB_PITCH; const AUDIO_SAMPLES: u16 = 441; const AUDIO_EXTRA_SAMPLES: u16 = 4410; const AUDIO_ALL_SAMPLES: u16 = AUDIO_SAMPLES + AUDIO_EXTRA_SAMPLES; pub struct SimpleCart { chr_rom: Vec, prg_rom: Vec, sram: Vec, pub mirror_type: MirrorType } impl SimpleCart { pub fn new(chr_rom: Vec, prg_rom: Vec, sram: Vec, mirror_type: MirrorType) -> Self { SimpleCart{chr_rom, prg_rom, sram, mirror_type} } fn load_vec(vec: &mut Vec, reader: &mut utils::Read) -> bool { let len = vec.len(); match reader.read(vec) { Some(x) => x == len, None => false } } fn save_vec(vec: &Vec, writer: &mut utils::Write) -> bool { let len = vec.len(); match writer.write(vec) { Some(x) => x == len, None => false } } } impl Cartridge for SimpleCart { fn get_size(&self, kind: BankType) -> usize { match kind { BankType::PrgRom => self.prg_rom.len(), BankType::ChrRom => self.chr_rom.len(), BankType::Sram => self.sram.len() } } fn get_bank<'a>(&self, base: usize, size: usize, kind: BankType) -> &'a [u8] { unsafe { &*((&(match kind { BankType::PrgRom => &self.prg_rom, BankType::ChrRom => &self.chr_rom, BankType::Sram => &self.sram, })[base..base + size]) as *const [u8]) } } fn get_bank_mut<'a>(&mut self, base: usize, size: usize, kind: BankType) -> &'a mut [u8] { unsafe { &mut *((&mut (match kind { BankType::PrgRom => &mut self.prg_rom, BankType::ChrRom => &mut self.chr_rom, BankType::Sram => &mut self.sram, })[base..base + size]) as *mut [u8]) } } fn get_mirror_type(&self) -> MirrorType {self.mirror_type} fn set_mirror_type(&mut self, mt: MirrorType) {self.mirror_type = mt} fn load(&mut self, reader: &mut utils::Read) -> bool { self.load_sram(reader) && SimpleCart::load_vec(&mut self.chr_rom, reader) && utils::load_prefix(&mut self.mirror_type, 0, reader) } fn save(&self, writer: &mut utils::Write) -> bool { self.save_sram(writer) && SimpleCart::save_vec(&self.chr_rom, writer) && utils::save_prefix(&self.mirror_type, 0, writer) } fn load_sram(&mut self, reader: &mut utils::Read) -> bool { SimpleCart::load_vec(&mut self.sram, reader) } fn save_sram(&self, writer: &mut utils::Write) -> bool { SimpleCart::save_vec(&self.sram, writer) } } struct FileIO(File); impl utils::Read for FileIO { fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Option { match self.0.read(buf) { Ok(x) => Some(x), Err(_) => None } } } impl utils::Write for FileIO { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Option { match self.0.write(buf) { Ok(x) => Some(x), Err(_) => None } } } struct SDLEventPoller { events: RefCell, p1_button_state: Cell, exit_flag: Cell, } fn keyboard_mapping(code: sdl2::keyboard::Keycode) -> u8 { use sdl2::keyboard::Keycode::*; match code { I => stdctl::UP, K => stdctl::DOWN, J => stdctl::LEFT, L => stdctl::RIGHT, Z => stdctl::A, X => stdctl::B, Return => stdctl::START, S => stdctl::SELECT, Up => stdctl::UP, Down => stdctl::DOWN, Left => stdctl::LEFT, Right => stdctl::RIGHT, _ => 0, } } fn joystick_mapping(button: sdl2::controller::Button) -> u8 { use sdl2::controller::Button::*; match button { DPadUp => stdctl::UP, DPadDown => stdctl::DOWN, DPadLeft => stdctl::LEFT, DPadRight => stdctl::RIGHT, A => stdctl::A, B => stdctl::B, X => stdctl::A, Y => stdctl::B, Start => stdctl::START, _ => stdctl::SELECT } } impl SDLEventPoller { fn new(_events: sdl2::EventPump) -> Self { SDLEventPoller { events: RefCell::new(_events), p1_button_state: Cell::new(0), exit_flag: Cell::new(false) } } #[inline] fn is_exiting(&self) -> bool { self.exit_flag.get() } } impl InputPoller for SDLEventPoller { #[inline] fn poll(&self) -> u8 { use sdl2::keyboard::Keycode::Escape; use sdl2::event::Event; let mut ns = self.p1_button_state.get(); for event in self.events.borrow_mut().poll_iter() { match event { Event::Quit {..} | Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(Escape), .. } => { self.exit_flag.set(true) }, Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(c), .. } => ns |= keyboard_mapping(c), Event::KeyUp { keycode: Some(c), .. } => ns &= !keyboard_mapping(c), Event::ControllerButtonDown { button, .. } => ns |= joystick_mapping(button), Event::ControllerButtonUp { button, .. } => ns &= !joystick_mapping(button), /* TODO: support axis motion Event::ControllerAxisMotion { axis: LeftX, value: val, .. } => { let threshold = 10_000; if val > threshold { println!("{}", val); ns |= stdctl::RIGHT; ns &= !stdctl::LEFT; } else if val < -threshold { println!("{}", val); ns |= stdctl::LEFT; ns &= !stdctl::RIGHT; } else { ns &= !(stdctl::RIGHT | stdctl::LEFT); } }, */ _ => () } } self.p1_button_state.set(ns); ns } } struct SDLWindow<'a> { canvas: sdl2::render::WindowCanvas, frame_buffer: [u8; FB_SIZE], texture: sdl2::render::Texture, copy_area: Option, event: &'a SDLEventPoller } impl<'a> SDLWindow<'a> { fn new(video_subsystem: &sdl2::VideoSubsystem, event: &'a SDLEventPoller, pixel_scale: u32, full_screen: bool) -> Self { let mut actual_height = PIX_HEIGHT * pixel_scale; let actual_width = PIX_WIDTH * pixel_scale; let mut copy_area = None; if !full_screen { actual_height -= 16 * pixel_scale; copy_area = Some(sdl2::rect::Rect::new(0, 8, PIX_WIDTH, PIX_HEIGHT - 16)); } let window = video_subsystem.window("RuNES", actual_width, actual_height) .position_centered() .opengl() .build() .unwrap(); let mut canvas = window.into_canvas() .accelerated() .present_vsync() .build().unwrap(); let texture_creator = canvas.texture_creator(); canvas.set_draw_color(sdl2::pixels::Color::RGB(255, 255, 255)); canvas.clear(); canvas.present(); SDLWindow { canvas, frame_buffer: [0; FB_SIZE], texture: texture_creator.create_texture_streaming( sdl2::pixels::PixelFormatEnum::RGB24, PIX_WIDTH, PIX_HEIGHT).unwrap(), event, copy_area } } } #[inline(always)] fn get_rgb(color: u8) -> (u8, u8, u8) { let c = RGB_COLORS[color as usize]; ((c >> 16) as u8, ((c >> 8) & 0xff) as u8, (c & 0xff) as u8) } impl<'a> ppu::Screen for SDLWindow<'a> { #[inline(always)] fn put(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8, color: u8) { let (r, g, b) = get_rgb(color); let base = (y as usize * FB_PITCH) + x as usize * 3; self.frame_buffer[base] = r; self.frame_buffer[base + 1] = g; self.frame_buffer[base + 2] = b; } fn render(&mut self) { self.texture.update(None, &self.frame_buffer, FB_PITCH).unwrap(); } fn frame(&mut self) { self.canvas.clear(); self.canvas.copy(&self.texture, self.copy_area, None).unwrap(); self.canvas.present(); self.event.poll(); } } struct CircularBuffer { buffer: [i16; (AUDIO_ALL_SAMPLES + 1) as usize], head: usize, tail: usize } impl CircularBuffer { fn new() -> Self { CircularBuffer { buffer: [0; (AUDIO_ALL_SAMPLES + 1) as usize], head: 1, tail: 0 } } fn enque(&mut self, sample: i16) { self.buffer[self.tail] = sample; self.tail += 1; if self.tail == self.buffer.len() { self.tail = 0 } } fn deque(&mut self) -> i16 { let res = self.buffer[self.head]; if self.head != self.tail { let mut h = self.head + 1; if h == self.buffer.len() { h = 0 } if h != self.tail { self.head = h } else { self.tail = self.head } } res } } struct AudioSync { time_barrier: Condvar, buffer: Mutex<(CircularBuffer, u16)>, } struct SDLAudio<'a>(&'a AudioSync); struct SDLAudioPlayback<'a>(&'a AudioSync); impl<'a> sdl2::audio::AudioCallback for SDLAudioPlayback<'a> { type Channel = i16; fn callback(&mut self, out: &mut[i16]) { let mut m = self.0.buffer.lock().unwrap(); { let b = &mut m.0; /* let l1 = (b.tail + b.buffer.len() - b.head) % b.buffer.len(); print!("{} ", l1); */ for x in out.iter_mut() { *x = b.deque() } } //println!("{}", m.1); if m.1 >= AUDIO_SAMPLES { m.1 -= AUDIO_SAMPLES; self.0.time_barrier.notify_one(); } else { println!("audio frame skipping {}", m.1); m.1 = 0; } } } impl<'a> apu::Speaker for SDLAudio<'a> { fn queue(&mut self, sample: i16) { let mut m = self.0.buffer.lock().unwrap(); { let b = &mut m.0; b.enque(sample); } m.1 += 1; while m.1 >= AUDIO_ALL_SAMPLES { m = self.0.time_barrier.wait(m).unwrap(); } } } #[repr(C, packed)] struct INesHeader { magic: [u8; 4], prg_rom_nbanks: u8, chr_rom_nbanks: u8, flags6: u8, flags7: u8, prg_ram_nbanks: u8, flags9: u8, flags10: u8, padding: [u8; 5] } fn print_cpu_trace(cpu: &CPU) { use disasm; let pc = cpu.get_pc(); let mem = cpu.get_mem(); let opcode = mem.read_without_tick(pc) as usize; let len = mos6502::INST_LENGTH[opcode]; let mut code = vec![0; len as usize]; for i in 0..len as u16 { code[i as usize] = mem.read_without_tick(pc + i); } println!("0x{:04x} {} a:{:02x} x:{:02x} y:{:02x} s: {:02x} sp: {:02x}", pc, disasm::parse(opcode as u8, &code[1..]), cpu.get_a(), cpu.get_x(), cpu.get_y(), cpu.get_status(), cpu.get_sp()); } fn main() { let matches = App::new("RuNES") .version("0.1") .author("Ted Yin ") .about("A Rust NES emulator") .arg(Arg::with_name("scale") .short("x") .long("scale") .help("Set pixel scaling factor (3 by default)") .required(false) .takes_value(true)) .arg(Arg::with_name("full") .help("Enable the entire PPU rendering area") .short("f") .long("full") .required(false) .takes_value(false)) .arg(Arg::with_name("INPUT") .help("iNES ROM file") .required(true) .index(1)) .arg(Arg::with_name("load") .help("Load from specified machine state file") .short("l") .long("load") .required(false) .takes_value(true)) .arg(Arg::with_name("save") .help("Save to specified machine state file when exit") .short("s") .long("save") .required(false) .takes_value(true)) .arg(Arg::with_name("load-sram") .help("Load from specified sram file") .short("L") .long("load-sram") .required(false) .takes_value(true)) .arg(Arg::with_name("save-sram") .help("Save to specified sram file when exit") .short("S") .long("save-sram") .required(false) .takes_value(true)) .arg(Arg::with_name("no-state") .help("Power up the emulator with initial state") .short("n") .long("no-state") .required(false) .takes_value(false)) .get_matches(); let scale = std::cmp::min(8, std::cmp::max(1, value_t!(matches, "scale", u32).unwrap_or(3))); let full = matches.is_present("full"); let fname = matches.value_of("INPUT").unwrap(); let load_state_name = matches.value_of("load"); let save_state_name = matches.value_of("save"); let save_sram_name = matches.value_of("save-sram"); let load_sram_name = matches.value_of("load-sram"); let default_state_name = fname.to_string() + ".runes"; let default_sram_name = fname.to_string() + ".runes_sram"; let no_state = matches.is_present("no-state"); /* load and parse iNES file */ let mut file = File::open(fname).unwrap(); let mut rheader = [0; 16]; file.read(&mut rheader[..]).unwrap(); let header = unsafe{transmute::<[u8; 16], INesHeader>(rheader)}; let mirror = match ((header.flags6 >> 2) & 2) | (header.flags6 & 1) { 0 => MirrorType::Horizontal, 1 => MirrorType::Vertical, 2 => MirrorType::Single0, 3 => MirrorType::Single1, _ => MirrorType::Four, }; let mapper_id = (header.flags7 & 0xf0) | (header.flags6 >> 4); if std::str::from_utf8(&header.magic).unwrap() != "NES\x1a" { println!("not an iNES file"); exit(1); } println!("prg size:{}, chr size:{}, mirror type:{}, mapper:{}", header.prg_rom_nbanks, header.chr_rom_nbanks, mirror as u8, mapper_id); if header.flags6 & 0x04 == 0x04 { let mut trainer: [u8; 512] = [0; 512]; file.read(&mut trainer[..]).unwrap(); println!("skipping trainer"); } let prg_len = header.prg_rom_nbanks as usize * 0x4000; let mut chr_len = header.chr_rom_nbanks as usize * 0x2000; if chr_len == 0 { chr_len = 0x2000; } let mut prg_rom = vec![0; prg_len]; let mut chr_rom = vec![0; chr_len]; let sram = vec![0; 0x2000]; println!("read prg {}", file.read(&mut prg_rom[..]).unwrap()); println!("read chr {}", file.read(&mut chr_rom[..]).unwrap()); /* setup SDL */ let sdl_context = sdl2::init().unwrap(); let controller_subsystem = sdl_context.game_controller().unwrap(); let video_subsystem = sdl_context.video().unwrap(); let audio_subsystem = sdl_context.audio().unwrap(); /* audio */ let audio_sync = AudioSync { time_barrier: Condvar::new(), buffer: Mutex::new((CircularBuffer::new(), AUDIO_ALL_SAMPLES))}; let mut spkr = SDLAudio(&audio_sync); let desired_spec = sdl2::audio::AudioSpecDesired { freq: Some(apu::AUDIO_SAMPLE_FREQ as i32), channels: Some(1), samples: Some(AUDIO_SAMPLES) }; let device = audio_subsystem.open_playback(None, &desired_spec, |_| { SDLAudioPlayback(&audio_sync) }).unwrap(); /* joysticks */ let njoysticks = match controller_subsystem.num_joysticks() { Ok(n) => n, Err(e) => { println!("can't enumerate joysticks: {}", e); 0 }, }; println!("detected {} joysticks", njoysticks); let mut _sdl_joystick = None; for id in 0..njoysticks { if controller_subsystem.is_game_controller(id) { match controller_subsystem.open(id) { Ok(ctl) => { println!("opened controller {}", ctl.name()); println!("controller mapping: {}", ctl.mapping()); _sdl_joystick = Some(ctl); break; }, Err(e) => println!("failed to open {}: {}", id, e) } } } let event = SDLEventPoller::new(sdl_context.event_pump().unwrap()); let mut win = SDLWindow::new(&video_subsystem, &event, scale, full); /* construct mapper from cartridge data */ let cart = SimpleCart::new(chr_rom, prg_rom, sram, mirror); let mut m: Box = match mapper_id { 0 | 2 => Box::new(mapper::Mapper2::new(cart)), 1 => Box::new(mapper::Mapper1::new(cart)), 4 => Box::new(mapper::Mapper4::new(cart)), _ => panic!("unsupported mapper {}", mapper_id) }; /* controller for player 1 */ let p1ctl = stdctl::Joystick::new(&event); /* setup the emulated machine */ let mapper = mapper::RefMapper::new(&mut (*m) as &mut mapper::Mapper); let mut cpu = CPU::new(CPUMemory::new(&mapper, Some(&p1ctl), None)); let mut ppu = PPU::new(PPUMemory::new(&mapper), &mut win); let mut apu = APU::new(&mut spkr); let cpu_ptr = &mut cpu as *mut CPU; cpu.mem.bus.attach(cpu_ptr, &mut ppu, &mut apu); let load_state = !no_state && match match load_state_name { Some(s) => Some(File::open(s).unwrap()), None => match File::open(&default_state_name) { Ok(file) => Some(file), Err(_) => None } } { Some(f) => { let mut file = FileIO(f); cpu.load(&mut file); ppu.load(&mut file); apu.load(&mut file); mapper.get_mut().load(&mut file); true }, None => false }; if !load_state { if let Some(f) = match load_sram_name { Some(s) => Some(File::open(s).unwrap()), None => match File::open(&default_sram_name) { Ok(file) => Some(file), Err(_) => None } } { let mut file = FileIO(f); mapper.get_mut().get_cart_mut().load_sram(&mut file); } cpu.powerup() } device.resume(); loop { /* consume the leftover cycles from the last instruction */ while cpu.cycle > 0 { cpu.mem.bus.tick() } if event.is_exiting() { { let mut file = FileIO(File::create(match save_state_name { Some(s) => s.to_string(), None => default_state_name }).unwrap()); cpu.save(&mut file); ppu.save(&mut file); apu.save(&mut file); mapper.save(&mut file); } { let mut file = FileIO(File::create(match save_sram_name { Some(s) => s.to_string(), None => default_sram_name }).unwrap()); mapper.get_cart().save_sram(&mut file); } exit(0); } //print_cpu_trace(&cpu); cpu.step(); } }