from struct import * import socket, logging from select import select from time import sleep FORMAT = "%(asctime)-15s %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(format = FORMAT) logger = logging.getLogger('piztor_server') logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) def get_hex(data): return "".join([hex(ord(c))[2:].zfill(2) for c in data]) class _SectionSize: LENGTH = 4 OPT_ID = 1 STATUS = 1 USER_ID = 4 USER_TOKEN = 32 GROUP_ID = 2 ENTRY_CNT = 4 LATITUDE = 8 LONGITUDE = 8 LOCATION_ENTRY = USER_ID + LATITUDE + LONGITUDE PADDING = 1 host = "localhost" #"localhost" port = 2223 def pack_data(optcode, data): return pack("!LB", _SectionSize.LENGTH + \ _SectionSize.OPT_ID + \ len(data), optcode) + data def gen_auth(username, password): return pack_data(0x00, username + chr(0) + \ password + chr(0)) def gen_update_location(token, username, lat, lng): data = pack("!32s", token) data += username data += chr(0) data += pack("!dd", lat, lng) return pack_data(0x01, data) def gen_user_info(token, username, gid): data = pack("!32s", token) data += username data += chr(0) data += pack("!H", gid) return pack_data(0x02, data) def gen_update_sub(token, username, sub): data = pack("!32s", token) data += username data += chr(0) for gid in sub: data += pack("!H", gid) data += chr(0) return pack_data(0x03, data) def gen_logout(token, username): data = pack("!32s", token) data += username data += chr(0) return pack_data(0x04, data) def gen_open_push_tunnel(token, username): data = pack("!32s", token) data += username data += chr(0) return pack_data(0x05, data) def gen_send_text_mesg(token, username, mesg): data = pack("!32s", token) data += username data += chr(0) data += mesg data += chr(0) return pack_data(0x06, data) def gen_set_marker(token, username, lat, lng, deadline): data = pack("!32s", token) data += username data += chr(0) data += pack("!ddL", lat, lng, deadline) return pack_data(0x07, data) def send(data): received = bytes() try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((host, port)) sock.sendall(data) while True: rd, wr, err = select([sock], [], [], 10) if rd: buff = sock.recv(4096) if len(buff) == 0: break received += buff else: break finally: sock.close() return received def user_auth(username, password): resp = send(gen_auth(username, password)) try: pl, optcode, status, token = unpack("!LBB32s", resp[:38]) if pl != len(resp): logger.error("User authentication: incorrect packet length") print "status: " + str(status) print "token: " + get_hex(token) print get_hex(resp[38:]) except error: logger.error("User authentication: can not parse the response") return token def update_location(token, username, lat, lng): resp = send(gen_update_location(token, username, lat, lng)) print get_hex(resp) try: pl, optcode, status = unpack("!LBB", resp[:6]) if pl != len(resp): logger.error("Request location: incorrect packet length") print "status: " + str(status) except error: logger.error("Request location: can not parse the response") def user_info(token, username, comp_no, sec_no): resp = send(gen_user_info(token, username, comp_no * 256 + sec_no)) try: pl, optcode, status = unpack("!LBB", resp[:6]) if pl != len(resp): logger.error("Request location: incorrect packet length") print get_hex(resp[6:]) except error: logger.error("Request location: can not parse the response") def update_sub(token, username, sub): sub = map(lambda t: t[0] * 256 + t[1], sub) resp = send(gen_update_sub(token, username, sub)) try: pl, optcode, status = unpack("!LBB", resp[:6]) if pl != len(resp): logger.error("Request user info: incorrect packet length") print "status: " + str(status) except error: logger.error("Request user info: can not parse the response") def logout(token, username): resp = send(gen_logout(token, username)) try: pl, optcode, status = unpack("!LBB", resp) if pl != len(resp): logger.error("Logout: incorrect packet length") print "status: " + str(status) except error: logger.error("Logout: can not parse the response") def send_text_mesg(token, username, mesg): resp = send(gen_send_text_mesg(token, username, mesg)) try: pl, optcode, status = unpack("!LBB", resp) if pl != len(resp): logger.error("Send text mesg: incorrect packet length") print "status: " + str(status) except error: logger.error("Send text mesg: can not parse the response") def set_marker(token, username, lat, lng, deadline): resp = send(gen_set_marker(token, username, lat, lng, deadline)) try: pl, optcode, status = unpack("!LBB", resp) if pl != len(resp): logger.error("Set marker: incorrect packet length") print "status: " + str(status) except error: logger.error("Set marker: can not parse the response") def open_push_tunnel(token, username): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((host, port)) sock.sendall(gen_open_push_tunnel(token, username)) print get_hex(sock.recv(6)) while True: received = bytes() length = -1 while True: if len(received) > 4: length, optcode = unpack("!LB", received[:5]) if len(received) == length: break rd, wr, err = select([sock], [], []) if rd: buff = sock.recv(1) if len(buff) == 0: break received += buff else: break print "received: " + str(len(received)) pl, optcode, fingerprint = unpack("!LB32s", received[:37]) mesg = received[37:]"Received a push: %s", get_hex(mesg)) sock.sendall(pack("!LB32s", 37, optcode, fingerprint))