Piztor Transmission Protocol v2.0d for game ------------------------------------------- - Pull - General - Request :: +---4b---+---1b---+-------?b--------+ | LENGTH | OPT_ID | SPECIFIC_DATA | +--int---+-uchar--+-----------------+ - Response :: +---4b---+---1b---+------?b---------+ | LENGTH | OPT_ID | SPECIFIC_DATA | +--int---+-uchar--+-----------------+ Notice: - In following sections, ``LENGTH`` and ``OPT_ID`` are left out for clarity. - ``PADDING``: :: +--1b--+ | 0x00 | +------+ - ``string`` type: :: +-------?b-------+---------+ | STRING_CONTENT | PADDING | +----------------+---------+ - ``AUTH_HEAD`` : :: +----32b-----+----?b----+ | USER_TOKEN | USERNAME | +----raw-----+--string--+ - ``GROUP_ID`` : :: +---1b----+---1b---+ | COMP_ID | SEC_ID | +--uchar--+-uchar--+ - ``USER_ENTRY`` : :: +------?b-----+-----+---------+ | INFO_ENTRY | ... | PADDING | +-------------+-----+---------+ - ``INFO_ENTRY`` : :: +----1b----+-----?b-----+ | INFO_KEY | INFO_VALUE | +--uchar---+------------+ - ``INFO_KEY`` : :``0x01``: uid (value is a 4-byte ``integer``) :``0x02``: username (value is a ``string``) :``0x03``: nickname (value is a ``string``) :``0x04``: sex (value is a 1-byte ``boolean``: ``0x01`` for male, ``0x00`` for female) :``0x05``: gid (value is a 2-byte ``GROUP_ID``) :``0x06``: latitude (value is a 8-byte ``double`` ) :``0x07``: longtitude( value is a 8-byte ``double`` ) :``0x08``: level ( value is a 1-byte ``uchar`` ) - ``SUB_LIST`` : :: +----------+-----+---------+ | GROUP_ID | ... | PADDING | +----------+-----+---------+ - If ``STATUS`` appears to be a failure, the client should ignore the rest part of the datagram - Authentication ``0x00`` - Request :: +-----?b---+----?b----+ | USERNAME | PASSWORD | +--string--+--string--+ - Response :: +---1b---+----32b-----+------------+----------+ | STATUS | USER_TOKEN | USER_ENTRY | SUB_LIST | +--uchar-+----raw-----+------------+----------+ ``STATUS`` : - ``0x00`` for success - ``0x01`` for failure - Location Update ``0x01`` - Request :: +-------------+----8b------+------8b-----+ | AUTH_HEAD | LATITUDE | LONGITUDE | +-------------+---double---+---double----+ - Response :: +--------+ | STATUS | +--uchar-+ ``STATUS`` : - ``0x00`` for success - ``0x01`` for invalid token - User Information (by group) ``0x02`` - Request :: +--------------+-------------+ | AUTH_HEAD | GROUP_ID | +--------------+-----int-----+ - Response :: +--------+------?b-----+-----+ | STATUS | USER_ENTRY | ... | +-uchar--+-------------+-----+ - Update Subscription ``0x03`` - Request :: +-----------+----------+ | AUTH_HEAD | SUB_LIST | +-----------+----------+ - Response :: +--------+ | STATUS | +--------+ - ``0x00`` for success - ``0x01`` for invalid token - ``0x04`` for group not found - User Logout ``0x04`` - Request :: +-----------+ | AUTH_HEAD | +-----------+ - Response :: +--------+ | STATUS | +--------+ - Open Push Tunnel ``0x05`` - Request :: +-----------+ | AUTH_HEAD | +-----------+ - Response :: +--------+ | STATUS | +--------+ - Send Text Message ``0x06`` - Request :: +-----------+----?b----+ | AUTH_HEAD | MESSAGE | +-----------+--string--+ - Response :: +--------+ | STATUS | +--------+ - Set Marker ``0x07`` - Request :: +-------------+----8b------+------8b-----+----4b----+ | AUTH_HEAD | LATITUDE | LONGITUDE | DEADLINE | +-------------+---double---+---double----+---int----+ - Response :: +--------+ | STATUS | +--------+ ``STATUS`` : - ``0x00`` for success - ``0x01`` for invalid token - ``0x02`` for insufficient level - Change Password ``0x08`` - Request :: +-------------+-------?b-------+-------?b-------+ | AUTH_HEAD | OLD_PASSWORD | NEW_PASSWORD | +-------------+-----string-----+-----string-----+ - Response :: +--------+ | STATUS | +--------+ - ``0x00`` for success - ``0x01`` for invalid token - ``0x03`` for wrong password - Check-in ``0x09`` - Request :: +-------------+----1b-----+ | AUTH_HEAD | MARKER_ID | +-------------+---uchar---+ - Response :: +--------+ | STATUS | +--------+ - ``0x00`` for success - ``0x01`` for invalid token - ``0x05`` for check-in failure - Push Notification - General Request :: +---1b---+-------32b--------+-------?b------+ | OPT_ID | PUSH_FINGERPRINT | SPECIFIC_DATA | +--------+------------------+---------------+ - Acknowledgement :: +---1b---+-------32b---------+ | OPT_ID | PUSH_FINGERPRINT | +--------+-------------------+ - Text Message :: ----+----?b----+ ... | MESSAGE | ----+--string--+ - Location Update :: ----+---4b----+----8b----+----8b-----+ ... | USER_ID | LATITUDE | LONGITUDE | ----+---------+----------+-----------+ - Marker Push :: ----+--1b---+----8b----+----8b-----+----4b----+----1b-----+---4b--+ ... | LEVEL | LATITUDE | LONGITUDE | DEADLINE | MARKER_ID | SCORE | ----+-uchar-+----------+-----------+----int---+---uchar---+--int--+ - Marker Removal Push :: ----+----1b-----+ ... | MARKER_ID | ----+-----------+