package com.macaroon.piztor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Vector; import; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.location.LocationManager; import android.os.DropBoxManager.Entry; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class MapMaker { // MapView controlling component MapView mMapView = null; MapController mMapController = null; // Default center private final static GeoPoint sjtuCenter = new GeoPoint( (int) (31.032247 * 1E6), (int) (121.445937 * 1E6)); // Map layers and items MyOverlay mOverlay = null; private OverlayItem curItem = null; private LocationOverlay mLocationOverlay; private ArrayList mItems = null; private MapInfo preMapInfo = null; private MapInfo nowMapInfo = null; private Vector freshManInfo = null; // hash from uid to overlay item private HashMap hash = null; private HashMap markerToInt = null; // marker layer OverlayItem nowMarker = null; static int nowMarkerHour; static int nowMarkerMinute; static long nowMarkerTimestamp; static int newMarkerHour; static int newMarkerMinute; static long newMarkerTimestamp; private int markerIndex; private int nowMarkerLevel; // Popup component PopupOverlay popLay = null; private TextView popupText = null; private TextView leftText = null; private View viewCache = null; private View popupInfo = null; private View popupLeft = null; private View popupRight = null; // misc private Context context; private LocationManager locationManager = null; boolean isGPSEnabled; private int[] myIcons; private Drawable[] myBM; private final int iconNum = 9; myApp app; /** * Constructor */ public MapMaker(MapView mapView, Context cc, myApp app) { = app; mMapView = mapView; mMapController = mMapView.getController(); mMapController.setCenter(sjtuCenter); mMapController.setZoom(16); mMapController.setRotation(-22); mMapController.enableClick(true); context = cc; mLocationOverlay = null; mOverlay = null; } /** * Layer for my location */ public class LocationOverlay extends MyLocationOverlay { public LocationOverlay(MapView mapView) { super(mapView); } } /** * Layer for items(other users) */ public class MyOverlay extends ItemizedOverlay { public MyOverlay(Drawable defaultMaker, MapView mapView) { super(defaultMaker, mapView); } @Override public boolean onTap(int index) { if (nowMarker != null && index == markerIndex) { OverlayItem item = getItem(index); leftText.setText(nowMarkerHour + "点"); popupText.setText(nowMarkerMinute + "分"); Bitmap bitmap[] = { BMapUtil.getBitmapFromView(popupLeft), BMapUtil.getBitmapFromView(popupInfo), BMapUtil.getBitmapFromView(popupRight), }; popLay.showPopup(bitmap, item.getPoint(), 32); } else { OverlayItem item = getItem(index); UserInfo tmpInfo = app.mapInfo.getUserInfo(markerToInt.get(item)); String itemInfo = + "连" + tmpInfo.section + "班 " + tmpInfo.nickname; popupText.setText(itemInfo); Bitmap bitmap = BMapUtil.getBitmapFromView(popupInfo); popLay.showPopup(bitmap, item.getPoint(), 32); } return true; } @Override public boolean onTap(GeoPoint pt, MapView mapView) { if (popLay != null) { popLay.hidePop(); } return false; } } /** * Initialize location layer */ public void InitLocationOverlay() { mLocationOverlay = new LocationOverlay(mMapView); LocationData locationData = new LocationData(); mLocationOverlay.setData(locationData); mMapView.getOverlays().add(mLocationOverlay); mLocationOverlay.enableCompass(); mMapView.refresh(); } /** * Initialize other users layer */ public void InitMyOverLay() { // TODO // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// hash = new HashMap(); markerToInt = new HashMap(); mOverlay = new MyOverlay(context.getResources().getDrawable( R.drawable.circle_red), mMapView); mMapView.getOverlays().add(mOverlay); } /** * Initialize popup */ public void InitPopup() { LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context .getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); viewCache = inflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_text_view, null); popupInfo = (View) viewCache.findViewById(; popupLeft = (View) viewCache.findViewById(; popupRight = (View) viewCache.findViewById(; popupText = (TextView) viewCache.findViewById(; leftText = (TextView) viewCache.findViewById(; PopupClickListener popListener = new PopupClickListener() { @Override public void onClickedPopup(int index) { // when the popup is clicked if (index == 0) { // do nothing } if (index == 2) { // remove current marker if is higher or equal level if (app.mapInfo.myInfo.level >= nowMarkerLevel) { AlertMaker removeAlert = new AlertMaker(context, MapMaker.this); removeAlert.showRemoveMarkerAlert(); } else { Toast.makeText(context, "权限不足", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } } }; popLay = new PopupOverlay(mMapView, popListener); } /** * Initialize touch listener */ // moved to main /** * Initialize map */ public void InitMap() { InitLocationOverlay(); InitMyOverLay(); InitPopup(); myBM = new Drawable[20]; initMyIcons(); preMapInfo = null; // InitTouchListenr(); } public void initMyIcons() { myBM[0] = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.circle_blue); myBM[1] = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.circle_red); myBM[2] = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.circle_glass); myBM[3] = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.circle_yellow); myBM[4] = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.circle_wood); myBM[5] = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.circle_green); myBM[6] = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.circle_metal); myBM[7] = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.circle_paper); myBM[8] = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.circle_tan); } public Drawable getGroupIcon(UserInfo userInfo) { if (Main.colorMode == Main.show_by_team) { if (userInfo.section == app.mapInfo.myInfo.section) return myBM[0]; else return myBM[userInfo.section % iconNum + 1]; } else { if ( == return myBM[0]; else return myBM[1]; } } /** * Update location layer when new location is received */ public void UpdateLocationOverlay(LocationData locationData, boolean hasAnimation) { mLocationOverlay.setData(locationData); mMapView.refresh(); if (hasAnimation) { mMapController.animateTo(new GeoPoint( (int) (locationData.latitude * 1E6), (int) (locationData.longitude * 1E6))); } checkMarkerTime(); } boolean isInvalidLocation(GeoPoint point) { if (point == null) return false; if (point.getLatitudeE6() / 1E6 > 180 || point.getLatitudeE6() / 1E6 < -180 || point.getLongitudeE6() > 180 || point.getLongitudeE6() / 1E6 < -180) return false; return true; } /** * Update to draw other users */ public void UpdateMap(MapInfo mapInfo) { if (mapInfo == null) { if (mOverlay != null && mOverlay.getAllItem().size() != 0) { mOverlay.removeAll(); } return; } freshManInfo = new Vector(); // first remove all old users that are not here now Vector delList = new Vector(); for (java.util.Map.Entry i : hash.entrySet()) { if (mapInfo.getUserInfo(i.getKey()) == null) { delList.add(i.getKey()); } } for (int i : delList) { mOverlay.removeItem(hash.get(i)); markerToInt.remove(hash.get(i)); } for (int i : delList) { hash.remove(i); } mMapView.refresh(); preMapInfo = mapInfo.copy(); // then update and add items for (UserInfo i : mapInfo.getVector()) { if (i.uid == app.mapInfo.myInfo.uid) continue; if (hash.containsKey(i.uid) == false) { if (isInvalidLocation(i.location)) { } else { curItem = new OverlayItem(i.location, "USERNAME_HERE", "USER_SNIPPET_HERE"); // TODO getDrawable // ///////////////////////////// curItem.setMarker(getGroupIcon(i)); mOverlay.addItem(curItem); hash.put(i.uid, curItem); markerToInt.put(curItem, i.uid); } } else { if (isInvalidLocation(i.location)) { mOverlay.removeItem(hash.get(i.uid)); markerToInt.remove(hash.get(i.uid)); hash.remove(i.uid); } else { curItem = hash.get(i.uid); curItem.setGeoPoint(i.location); mOverlay.updateItem(curItem); } } } if (mMapView != null) { mMapView.refresh(); } checkMarkerTime(); } public void receiveMarker(MarkerInfo markerInfo) { if (nowMarker != null && markerInfo.level >= nowMarkerLevel) { Log.d("marker", "Old marker replaced by marker with higher level!"); nowMarker.setGeoPoint(markerInfo.markerPoint); final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeInMillis(markerInfo.markerTimestamp * 1000); Date date = (Date) cal.getTime(); nowMarkerHour = date.getHours(); nowMarkerMinute = date.getMinutes(); nowMarkerTimestamp = markerInfo.markerTimestamp; nowMarkerLevel = markerInfo.level; mOverlay.updateItem(nowMarker); mMapView.refresh(); mMapController.animateTo(markerInfo.markerPoint); Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context,"收到新路标,集合时间:" + nowMarkerHour + ":" + nowMarkerMinute, 5000); toast.setGravity(Gravity.TOP, 0, 80);; return; } if (nowMarker == null) { Log.d("marker", "New marker created!"); nowMarker = new OverlayItem(markerInfo.markerPoint, "MARKER_NAME", ""); nowMarker.setMarker(context.getResources().getDrawable( R.drawable.marker_red)); System.out.println(markerInfo.markerPoint.getLatitudeE6() + " " + markerInfo.markerPoint.getLongitudeE6()); final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeInMillis(markerInfo.markerTimestamp * 1000); Date date = (Date) cal.getTime(); nowMarkerHour = date.getHours(); nowMarkerMinute = date.getMinutes(); nowMarkerTimestamp = markerInfo.markerTimestamp; nowMarkerLevel = markerInfo.level; markerIndex = mOverlay.getAllItem().size(); mOverlay.addItem(nowMarker); mMapView.refresh(); mMapController.animateTo(markerInfo.markerPoint); Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context,"收到新路标,集合时间:" + nowMarkerHour + ":" + nowMarkerMinute, 5000); toast.setGravity(Gravity.TOP, 0, 80);; return; } } void sendMarker() { Log.d("marker", "Marker prepare! " + nowMarkerTimestamp); ReqSetMarker req = new ReqSetMarker(app.token, app.username, nowMarker .getPoint().getLatitudeE6() / 1e6, nowMarker.getPoint() .getLongitudeE6() / 1e6, (int)nowMarkerTimestamp, System.currentTimeMillis(), 3000l); Log.d("marker", "Marker sent! " + req.deadline); app.transam.send(req); } /** * Draw a marker */ public void DrawMarker(GeoPoint markerPoint) { if (nowMarker != null && app.mapInfo.myInfo.level >= nowMarkerLevel) { nowMarker.setGeoPoint(markerPoint); nowMarkerHour = newMarkerHour; nowMarkerMinute = newMarkerMinute; nowMarkerTimestamp = newMarkerTimestamp; nowMarkerLevel = app.mapInfo.myInfo.level; sendMarker(); Log.d("marker", "Sent and replace"); mOverlay.updateItem(nowMarker); mMapView.refresh(); mMapController.animateTo(markerPoint); return; } else if (nowMarker == null) { nowMarker = new OverlayItem(markerPoint, "MARKER_NAME", ""); nowMarker.setMarker(context.getResources().getDrawable( R.drawable.marker_red)); nowMarkerHour = newMarkerHour; nowMarkerMinute = newMarkerMinute; nowMarkerTimestamp = newMarkerTimestamp; nowMarkerLevel = app.mapInfo.myInfo.level; sendMarker(); Log.d("marker", "Send and new"); markerIndex = mOverlay.getAllItem().size(); Log.d("marker", "my new marker created"); mOverlay.addItem(nowMarker); mMapView.refresh(); mMapController.animateTo(markerPoint); } Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context,"创建新路标,集合时间:" + nowMarkerHour + ":" + nowMarkerMinute, 5000); toast.setGravity(Gravity.TOP, 0, 80);; } public GeoPoint getMakerLocation() { if (nowMarker == null) return null; else return nowMarker.getPoint(); } public void removeMarker() { if (nowMarker == null) return; mOverlay.removeItem(nowMarker); nowMarker = null; mMapView.refresh(); } public void checkMarkerTime() { if (nowMarker != null && nowMarkerTimestamp <= System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) { AlertMaker lateAlert = new AlertMaker(context, this); lateAlert.showLateAlert(); removeMarker(); } } /** * Remove all other users */ public void clearOverlay(View view) { if (mOverlay != null && mOverlay.getAllItem().size() != 0) { mOverlay.removeAll(); mMapView.refresh(); } } /** * Reset other users over lay */ public void resetOverlay(View view) { clearOverlay(null); mOverlay.addItem(mItems); } }