#![allow(dead_code)] extern crate stm32f103xx; use core::cmp::max; use stm32f103xx::{i2c1, rcc, RCC}; pub const EVENT_MASTER_STARTED: u32 = 0x00030001; /* BUSY, MSL and SB flag */ pub const EVENT_MASTER_TRANSMITTER_MODE_SELECTED: u32 = 0x00070082; /* BUSY, MSL, ADDR, TXE and TRA flags */ pub const EVENT_MASTER_RECEIVER_MODE_SELECTED: u32 = 0x00030002; /* BUSY, MSL and ADDR flags */ pub const EVENT_MASTER_BYTE_RECEIVED: u32 = 0x00030040; /* BUSY, MSL and RXNE flags */ pub const EVENT_MASTER_BYTE_TRANSMITTING: u32 = 0x00070080; /* TRA, BUSY, MSL, TXE flags */ pub const EVENT_MASTER_BYTE_TRANSMITTED: u32 = 0x00070084; /* TRA, BUSY, MSL, TXE and BTF flags */ const FLAGS_MASK: u32 = 0x00ffffff; const HSI_VALUE: u32 = 8000000; const HSE_VALUE: u32 = 8000000; pub struct I2C<'a> (pub &'a i2c1::RegisterBlock); pub enum TransDir { TRANSMITTER, RECEIVER } pub enum DutyType { DUTY0, DUTY1 } impl<'a> I2C<'a> { #[inline(always)] fn get_pclk1(rcc: &RCC) -> u32 { use stm32f103xx::rcc::cfgr::{SWSR, PLLSRCR, PLLXTPRER}; let cfgr = rcc.cfgr.read(); let sysclk_freq = match cfgr.sws() { SWSR::HSI => HSI_VALUE, SWSR::HSE => HSE_VALUE, SWSR::PLL => { let pllmull = cfgr.pllmul().bits(); let pllsource = cfgr.pllsrc(); let pllmull = pllmull as u32 + 2; match pllsource { PLLSRCR::INTERNAL => { (HSI_VALUE >> 1) * pllmull }, PLLSRCR::EXTERNAL => { match cfgr.pllxtpre() { PLLXTPRER::DIV2 => (HSE_VALUE >> 1) * pllmull, PLLXTPRER::DIV1 => HSE_VALUE * pllmull } } } } _ => HSI_VALUE }; let div_table: [u8; 16] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9]; let hclk_freq = sysclk_freq >> div_table[cfgr.hpre().bits() as usize]; let pclk1_freq = hclk_freq >> div_table[cfgr.ppre1().bits() as usize]; pclk1_freq } /// TODO: support for standard mode pub fn init(&self, rcc: &RCC, addr: u8, scl_freq: u32, duty_type: DutyType, fast_mode: bool) { let &I2C(ref i2c) = self; unsafe { let pclk1 = I2C::get_pclk1(rcc); let freq_range: u16 = (pclk1 / 1_000_000) as u16; self.pe(false); /* TRISE configuration (in Fm mode, max rise interval is 300) */ i2c.trise.write(|w| w.bits(if fast_mode {(freq_range * 300) / 1000 + 1} else {freq_range + 1} as u32)); /* CCR configuration */ i2c.ccr.write(|w| if fast_mode { match duty_type { DutyType::DUTY0 => w.ccr().bits(max(pclk1 / (scl_freq * (2 + 1)), 0x1) as u16), DutyType::DUTY1 => w.ccr().bits(max(pclk1 / (scl_freq * (16 + 9)), 0x1) as u16) .duty().set_bit(), }.f_s().set_bit() } else { w.ccr().bits(max(pclk1 / (scl_freq * (1 + 1)), 0x4) as u16) .f_s().clear_bit() }); self.pe(true); /* PE = 1, enable I2C */ /* CR1 configuration */ i2c.cr1.modify(|r, w| w.bits(r.bits()) .smbus().clear_bit() .smbtype().clear_bit() .ack().set_bit()); /* CR2 configuration */ i2c.cr2.modify(|r, w| w.bits(r.bits()).freq().bits(freq_range as u8)); /* OAR1 configuration */ i2c.oar1.write(|w| w.addmode().clear_bit().add7().bits(addr)); while i2c.sr2.read().busy().bit() {} /* wait until the bus is free */ } } pub fn pe(&self, enable: bool) { let &I2C(ref i2c) = self; unsafe { match enable { true => i2c.cr1.modify(|r, w| w.bits(r.bits()).pe().set_bit()), false => i2c.cr1.modify(|r, w| w.bits(r.bits()).pe().clear_bit()) } } } pub fn is_ack_fail(&self) -> bool { self.0.sr1.read().af().bit_is_set() } pub fn start(&self, enable: bool, synced: bool) { let &I2C(ref i2c) = self; unsafe { match enable { true => i2c.cr1.modify(|r, w| w.bits(r.bits()).start().set_bit()), false => i2c.cr1.modify(|r, w| w.bits(r.bits()).start().clear_bit()) } } if synced { match enable { true => while !self.check_event(EVENT_MASTER_STARTED) {}, false => while self.check_event(EVENT_MASTER_STARTED) {} } } } pub fn stop(&self, enable: bool) { let &I2C(ref i2c) = self; unsafe { match enable { true => i2c.cr1.modify(|r, w| w.bits(r.bits()).stop().set_bit()), false => i2c.cr1.modify(|r, w| w.bits(r.bits()).stop().clear_bit()) } } } pub fn conf_ack(&self, enable: bool) { let &I2C(ref i2c) = self; unsafe { match enable { true => i2c.cr1.modify(|r, w| w.bits(r.bits()).ack().set_bit()), false => i2c.cr1.modify(|r, w| w.bits(r.bits()).ack().clear_bit()) } } } pub fn send_addr(&self, addr: u8, d: TransDir, synced: bool) -> bool { let addr = (addr << 1) | match d { TransDir::TRANSMITTER => 0, TransDir::RECEIVER => 1 }; unsafe { self.0.sr1.write(|w| w.af().clear_bit()); self.0.dr.write(|w| w.dr().bits(addr)); } if synced { match d { TransDir::TRANSMITTER => while !self.check_event(EVENT_MASTER_TRANSMITTER_MODE_SELECTED) { if self.is_ack_fail() { return false } }, TransDir::RECEIVER => while !self.check_event(EVENT_MASTER_RECEIVER_MODE_SELECTED) { if self.is_ack_fail() { return false } } } } true } pub fn send(&self, data: u8, synced: bool) { unsafe { self.0.dr.write(|w| w.dr().bits(data)); } if synced { while !self.check_event(EVENT_MASTER_BYTE_TRANSMITTED) {} } } pub fn recv(&self, synced: bool) -> u8 { if synced { while !self.check_event(EVENT_MASTER_BYTE_RECEIVED) {} } self.0.dr.read().dr().bits() } pub fn check_event(&self, ev_mask: u32) -> bool { let flags = self.0.sr1.read().bits() & 0xffff | ((self.0.sr2.read().bits() & 0xffff) << 16) & FLAGS_MASK; (flags & ev_mask) == ev_mask } }