local ParamRepo = nerv.class("nerv.ParamRepo") function ParamRepo:__init(plist) self.params = {} if plist ~= nil then for i, p in ipairs(plist) do self.params[p.id] = p end end end function ParamRepo:add(pid, p) if self.params[pid] ~= nil then nerv.error("duplicate params with the same id: %s", pid) end self.params[pid] = p end function ParamRepo:remove(pid, p) if self.params[pid] == nil then nerv.error("param %s does not exit", pid) end table.remove(self.params, pid) end function ParamRepo.merge(repos) local self = nerv.ParamRepo() for i, repo in ipairs(repos) do if not nerv.is_type(repo, "nerv.ParamRepo") then nerv.error("nerv.ParamRepo objects expected, got %s", repo) end for pid, p in pairs(repo.params) do self:add(pid, p) end end return self end function ParamRepo:import(param_files, pids, gconf) if type(param_files) ~= "table" then nerv.error("param file table is need") end for i = 1, #param_files do local pf = nerv.ChunkFile(param_files[i], "r") for cid, cspec in pairs(pf.metadata) do if pids == nil or pids[cid] ~= nil then local p = pf:read_chunk(cid, gconf) if not nerv.is_type(p, "nerv.Param") then nerv.error("param chunk is expected") end self:add(cid, p) end end end end function ParamRepo:export(param_file, pids) cf = nerv.ChunkFile(param_file, "w") if pids == nil then for id, p in pairs(self.params) do cf:write_chunk(p) end else for i, pid in ipairs(pids) do cf:write_chunk(self:get_param(pid)) end end cf:close() end function ParamRepo:has_param(pid) if self.params[pid] ~= nil then return true else return false end end function ParamRepo:get_param(pid) local p = self.params[pid] if p == nil then nerv.error("param with id %s not found", pid) end return p end