local LayerRepo = nerv.class("nerv.LayerRepo") function LayerRepo:__init(layer_spec, param_repo, global_conf) self.layers = {} self:add_layers(layer_spec, param_repo, global_conf) end function LayerRepo:add_layers(layer_spec, param_repo, global_conf) local layers = self.layers for ltype, llist in pairs(layer_spec) do local layer_type = nerv.get_type(ltype) if layer_type == nil then nerv.error('layer type `%s` not found', ltype) end for id, layer_config in pairs(llist) do if layers[id] ~= nil then nerv.error("a layer with id %s already exists", id) end nerv.info("create layer: %s", id) if type(layer_config) ~= "table" then nerv.error("layer config table is need") end if type(layer_config.params) == "table" then for pname, pid in pairs(layer_config.params) do layer_config[pname] = param_repo:get_param(pid) end end if layer_config.pr == nil then layer_config.pr = param_repo end layers[id] = layer_type(id, global_conf, layer_config) end end end function LayerRepo:get_layer(lid) local layer = self.layers[lid] if layer == nil then nerv.error("layer with id %s not found", lid) end return layer end