#! /usr/bin/env luajit require 'nerv' nerv.printf("*** NERV: A Lua-based toolkit for high-performance deep learning (alpha) ***\n") nerv.info("automatically initialize a default CuContext...") nerv.CuMatrix._default_context = nerv.CuContext() nerv.info("the default CuContext is ok") nerv.info("automatically initialize a default MContext...") nerv.MMatrix._default_context = nerv.MContext() nerv.info("the default MContext is ok") -- only for backward compatibilty, will be removed in the future local function _add_profile_method(cls) local c = cls._default_context cls.print_profile = function () c:print_profile() end cls.clear_profile = function () c:clear_profile() end end _add_profile_method(nerv.CuMatrix) _add_profile_method(nerv.MMatrix) if #arg < 1 then return end local script = arg[1] local script_arg = {} for i = 2, #arg do table.insert(script_arg, arg[i]) end arg = script_arg dofile(script) nerv.CuMatrix.print_profile() nerv.MMatrix.print_profile()