package = "nerv" version = "scm-1" source = { url = "..." -- We don't have one yet } description = { summary = "An example for the LuaRocks tutorial.", detailed = [[ ]], homepage = "", -- We don't have one yet license = "BSD" -- or whatever you like } dependencies = { "lua >= 5.1" -- If you depend on other rocks, add them here } build = { -- We'll start here. type = "make", build_variables = { CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)", LIBFLAG="$(LIBFLAG)", LUA_LIBDIR="$(LUA_LIBDIR)", LUA_BINDIR="$(LUA_BINDIR)", LUA_INCDIR="$(LUA_INCDIR)", LUA="$(LUA)", }, install_variables = { INST_PREFIX="$(PREFIX)", INST_BINDIR="$(BINDIR)", INST_LIBDIR="$(LIBDIR)", INST_LUADIR="$(LUADIR)", INST_CONFDIR="$(CONFDIR)", }, install = { bin = {"nerv"} } }