function nerv.Matrix:__tostring__() local ncol = self:ncol() local nrow = self:nrow() local dim = self:dim() local strt = {} local fmt if self.fmt then fmt = self.fmt else fmt = "%.8f " end if (dim == 2) then for row = 0, nrow - 1 do local rp = self[row] for col = 0, ncol - 1 do table.insert(strt, string.format(fmt, rp[col])) end table.insert(strt, "\n") end else for col = 0, ncol - 1 do table.insert(strt, string.format(fmt, self[col])) end table.insert(strt, "\n") end table.insert(strt, string.format( "[%s %d x %d]", self.__typename, nrow, ncol)) return table.concat(strt) end -- gen: a function takes take indices of the matrix and return the generated -- all entrys in the matrix will be assigned by calling gen(i, j), for a vector, gen(j) will be called. function nerv.Matrix:generate(gen) if (self:dim() == 2) then for i = 0, self:nrow() - 1 do local row = self[i] for j = 0, self:ncol() - 1 do row[j] = gen(i, j) end end else for j = 0, self:ncol() - 1 do self[j] = gen(j) end end end function nerv.Matrix:create(nrow, ncol) return self.__constructor(nrow or self:nrow(), ncol or self:ncol()) end nerv.MMatrixInt.fmt = "%d " function nerv.CuMatrix:__add__(b) c = self:create() c:add(self, b, 1.0, 1.0) return c end function nerv.CuMatrix:__sub__(b) c = self:create() c:add(self, b, 1.0, -1.0) return c end function nerv.CuMatrix:__mul__(b) c = nerv.get_type(self.__typename)(self:nrow(), b:ncol()) c:mul(self, b, 1.0, 0.0, 'N', 'N') return c end function nerv.CuMatrixFloat.new_from_host(mat) local res = nerv.CuMatrixFloat(mat:nrow(), mat:ncol()) res:copy_fromh(mat) return res end function nerv.CuMatrixFloat:new_to_host() local res = nerv.MMatrixFloat(self:nrow(), self:ncol()) self:copy_toh(res) return res end function nerv.CuMatrixDouble.new_from_host(mat) local res = nerv.CuMatrixDouble(mat:nrow(), mat:ncol()) res:copy_fromh(mat) return res end function nerv.CuMatrixDouble:new_to_host() local res = nerv.MMatrixDouble(self:nrow(), self:ncol()) self:copy_toh(res) return res end