-- The following methods must be implemented to let a layer work properly local Param = nerv.class('nerv.Param') function Param:__init(id, global_conf) self.id = id self.gconf = global_conf end function Param:get_info() return self.info end function Param:set_info(info) self.info = info end function Param:read(handle) nerv.error_method_not_implemented() end function Param:write(handle) nerv.error_method_not_implemented() end function Param:update(gradient) nerv.error_method_not_implemented() end local Layer = nerv.class('nerv.Layer') function Layer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf) self.id = id self.gconf = global_conf self.lconf = layer_conf if self.gconf.use_cpu then self.mat_type = self.gconf.mmat_type self.loc_type = nerv.ParamRepo.LOC_TYPES.ON_HOST else self.mat_type = self.gconf.cumat_type self.loc_type = nerv.ParamRepo.LOC_TYPES.ON_DEVICE end self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out end function Layer:init(batch_size) nerv.error_method_not_implemented() end function Layer:update(bp_err, input, output) nerv.error_method_not_implemented() end function Layer:propagate(input, output) nerv.error_method_not_implemented() end function Layer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err, input, output) nerv.error_method_not_implemented() end function Layer:check_dim_len(len_in, len_out) local expected_in = #self.dim_in local expected_out = #self.dim_out if len_in > 0 and expected_in ~= len_in then nerv.error("layer %s expects %d inputs, %d given", self.id, len_in, expected_in) end if len_out > 0 and expected_out ~= len_out then nerv.error("layer %s expects %d outputs, %d given", self.id, len_out, expected_out) end end function Layer:get_params() nerv.error_method_not_implemented() end function Layer:bind_params() nerv.error_method_not_implemented() end function Layer:get_dim() return self.dim_in, self.dim_out end function Layer:find_param(plist, lconf, gconf, p_type, p_dim) if type(plist) == "string" then plist = {plist} end if lconf.params == nil then lconf.params = {} end plist_str = table.tostring(plist) local pid for i, pname in ipairs(plist) do if lconf.params[pname] ~= nil then nerv.info("param id for [%s] of layer [%s] specified in `layer_conf.params`.", pname, self.id) pid = lconf.params[pname] end if lconf.pr:has_param(pid) then return lconf.pr:get_param(pid) end end pid = self.id .. '_' .. plist[1] if lconf.pr:has_param(pid) then nerv.info("param id for [%s] of layer [%s] is generated automatically.", pname, self.id) return lconf.pr:get_param(pid) end nerv.info("param id for [%s] of layer [%s] is not found in the specified param repo, " .. "switch to auto-generate", plist_str, self.id) local p = p_type(pid, gconf) p.trans = self.mat_type(unpack(p_dim)) if type(gconf.param_random) ~= "function" then nerv.error("a param generate function is needed") end p.trans:generate(gconf.param_random) return p end nerv.include('affine.lua') nerv.include('sigmoid.lua') nerv.include('tanh.lua') nerv.include('softmax_ce.lua') nerv.include('bias.lua') nerv.include('window.lua') nerv.include('mse.lua') nerv.include('combiner.lua') nerv.include('softmax.lua') nerv.include('elem_mul.lua') nerv.include('lstm.lua') nerv.include('lstm_gate.lua') nerv.include('dropout.lua') nerv.include('gru.lua') -- The following lines are for backward compatibility, and will be removed in -- the future. The use of these names are deprecated. nerv.DropoutLayerT = nerv.DropoutLayer nerv.GRULayerT = nerv.GRULayer nerv.LSTMLayerT = nerv.LSTMLayer nerv.SoftmaxCELayerT = nerv.SoftmaxCELayer