local DuplicateLayer = nerv.class('nerv.DuplicateLayer', 'nerv.Layer') function DuplicateLayer:__init(id, global_conf, layer_conf) self.id = id self.dim_in = layer_conf.dim_in self.dim_out = layer_conf.dim_out self.gconf = global_conf self:check_dim_len(1, -1) if #self.dim_out < 1 then nerv.error('no output specified') end for i = 1, #self.dim_out do if self.dim_out[i] ~= self.dim_in[1] then nerv.error('mismatching dimensions of outputs') end end end function DuplicateLayer:init() end function DuplicateLayer:batch_resize() end function DuplicateLayer:propagate(input, output) for i = 1, #self.dim_out do output[i]:copy_from(input[1]) -- FIXME: use reference copy to speed up end end function DuplicateLayer:back_propagate(bp_err, next_bp_err) next_bp_err:copy_from(bp_err[1]) for i = 2, #self.dim_out do next_bp_err:add(next_bp_err, bp_err[i], 1.0, 1.0) end end function DuplicateLayer:update() end